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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cluster Initiatives as Intermediaries : A Study of their Management and Stakeholders

Laur, Inessa January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation offers a platform to understand the nature of cluster initiatives as a socio-economic phenomenon combining cluster, entrepreneurship and intermediary features. They are particular types of ventures facilitating networks and dialog platforms adjusted to local contexts and offering a way to enhance regional development. The success of clusters and regions is shaped by the degree they are based on and involve entrepreneurial activity, which is viewed here under the prism of cluster initiatives. This dissertation uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches to study various organizational aspects of cluster initiatives and their intermediary role as well as providing recommendations for the management and support of these organizations. It is based on five papers written by the author of the dissertation solely and in collaboration with other scholars where the level of analysis is focused on cluster initiatives. Based on empirical material from the papers this dissertation brings together both the structural and organizational content of cluster initiatives by providing evidence in the areas of actors and relationships, mode of organization and intermediary specific, assessment and management as well as policy. This work has generated the following conclusions: firstly, cluster initiatives represent organizations bringing together a four-faceted constellation of interrelated actors (i.e. the initiative itself, key player, support and target group), through organization of intermediary activities. Secondly, these organizations are organized as temporary projects, but being able to attract many members and to satisfy their needs through diversified and innovative activities can help them to achieve longevity. The longevity of initiatives can also be supported by policy, which in order to become effective, should include a long-term perspective and bottom-up approach. And finally, the study proposes a model of five central qualitative success factors to be used for the assessment and management of the initiatives, which together depict a holistic picture of their functioning. This model contains elements such as idea, driving forces, activities, organization and critical mass. The two models of interrelated actors and of success factors form the main contribution of this work. Extending the stream of studies this dissertation raises awareness and calls for recognition of cluster initiatives as important actors working in-between the boundaries of other organizations and institutions. / PIE/HELIX

Three is a Crowd : A Critical Analysis of Third Party Actor Influence Regarding the Nuclear Negotiations Between P5+1 and Iran

Pucher, Isabelle, Dahlbeck, Kim January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines third-party actor influence on the domestic level in the ongoing diplomatic negotiations between P5+1 and Iran, with the research question being; What demands, arguments and strategies does the Congress and AIPAC use to influence the negotiation process between the U.S. and Iran? Secondly, what are their goals for doing so? Furthermore, the combined theoretical framework has been applied onto the material using a critical method in order to answer the questions. Legislative bills from the Congress, regarding congressional insight to the agreement, have been approved. In this pressured negotiation process with high stakes it is astounding that these actions are allowed. Due to this behavior from Congress, amongst others, it becomes interesting to study the negotiation process and its salient third-party actor influence. The results suggests that legislative actions combined with various demands and arguments, focused on mistrust of Iran, history and the security of Israel, are their main strategies to gain influence. An additional new, third, level has also been discovered by the authors of this thesis in regards to these complicated negotiations.

NGO:s för hivpositiva i Tanzania och Uganda- Politiska aktörer? / Associations for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) in Tanzania and Uganda - Political Actors?

Lugongo, Ida January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uganda and Tanzania are two countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS. Hence, there are a numbers of associations for PLHA there. In "Global transformations. Politics, economics and culture", Held, Mc Greew, Goldblatt and Perrton focuses None Governmental Organizations as important actors in the globalized world of today, with increased opportunities to influence and affect the politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opportunities for associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda to affect in the national level of politics. The study wants to elucidate the relation between the state/government/authorities and the civil society/associations/NGO:s.This has been done threw investigations of associations of PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda, their characters, objectives and opportunities to affect the HIV/AIDS politics in each country. I have been trying a hypothesis which have claimed that these organizations has not played a political role, meaning that they have affected the politically decision makings concerning HIV/AIDS. The empirical material has mainly been collected threw questionnaires to the selected organizations. It has not been possible to appoint the hypothesis, neither to reject it. There are some indications pointing on its validity. In an summarized assessment, the Ugandan organizations are more politically than the Tanzanian organizations, but probably not in a way that have affected the parlamentarically decision processes concerning HIV/AIDS, as the hypothesis intended. A opposite dependence has not been possible to eliminate: That the character and focus of the associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda is a result of the countries differences in dealing with the problem of HIV/AIDS.</p>

Strider om mening : En dynamisk frameanalys av den svenska sexköpslagen

Erikson, Josefina January 2011 (has links)
A constructivist understanding of policy production as a struggle of meaning in which ideas and actors interact is the point of departure of this thesis. Prostitution policy is a salient example of such a struggle and is thus a suitable case for exploring the role of ideas in politics. The purpose of the thesis is threefold: to explain the process preceding the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1998, to understand the dynamics in gendered policy and to develop a framework for policy analysis. In the first part of the thesis a dynamic model of frame analysis is developed consisting of three dimensions to analyze: the politically relevant ideas in terms of policy frames (in this case related to gender and power); ideas as restricting and facilitating for actors; actors’ framing strategies and the consequences of strategic framing in terms of risks and limitations. This comprehensive and dynamic model of frame analysis fills a gap in previous policy research. In the second part of the thesis the dynamic frame analysis is applied to explain Swedish prostitution policy. The empirical analysis contains a study of the policy process preceding the ban of 1998, a micro study of the actors’ involvement at a critical juncture and an analysis of the actors’ strategic framing. The thesis concludes that the process was path dependent in the sense that the institutionalization of different ideas, at different points of time, was important for the final outcome. However, the thesis also concludes that the involvement of the actors’, mostly women, was a decisive factor. In relation to previous research the analysis provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the policy process both with regard to the ideas from which the client criminalization claim emanated and also with regard to the actors’ role.

Contribution à l'étude du contrôle organisationnel dans les organisations professionnelles : discours croisés des acteurs face à la mise en oeuvre du nouveau management public à l'hôpital / Contribution to the organizational control within professional organizations : discourses of actors facing the implementation of new public management

Gangloff, Florence 07 December 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre des systèmes de santé, la réalité de la crise est très largement admise. Les solutions proposées prennent alors forme au travers d’initiatives spécifiques des pouvoirs publics. L’ensemble des réformes véhiculées par les différents gouvernements ont une influence sur les acteurs de santé. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mettre en évidence les discours des différents acteurs des centres hospitaliers. La question centrale est ainsi formulée : quelles sont les représentations des différents acteurs face à la mise en oeuvre du nouveau management public à l’hôpital ? Le cadre théorique proposé pour cette analyse prend appui sur le lien entre contrôle et discours dans les organisations, d’une part. Et, d’autre part, il fait appel au nouveau management public et au développement de l’obligation de rendre compte pour les acteurs. Cette étude se base sur une démarche méthodologique qualitative centrée sur des données textuelles issues d’entretiens réalisés en France et en Italie. Pour cela, elle mobilise des outils d’analyse de discours. Les résultats de l’étude montre que de représentations communes existent entre les acteurs de la même catégorie professionnelle (médical, infirmière et administrative). Ces représentations sont toutefois divergentes lorsque celles-ci sont mises en parallèle. Deux catégories d’acteurs, les responsables de pôle et les cadres de santé, émergent de l’étude pour leur capacité à gérer deux dimensions fondamentales : le management et le soin. / Within the framework of the health care systems, the reality of the crisis is widely admitted. The solutions are shaped through specific initiatives of public authorities. The health care reforms conveyed by the various governments have an influence upon the actors of the health care sector. The goal of this thesis is to bring to light the discourses of the various actors of medium hospitals. The central question is : what are the representations of the various actors during theimplementation of the new public management in the hospital ? The theoretical framework for this analysis lies on the link between control and discourses in organizations, on one hand. And, on the other hand, it highlights the new public management and to the development of the accountability for the actors. This study is based on a qualitative methodological approach focused on textual data stemming from interviews in France and in Italy. For that purpose, we choose tools for the analysis of discourse. The results of the study show that common representations remain between the actors of the same professional category (medical, nursing and administrative). These representations are however different from one category to another. Two categories of actors, responsible of pole and nursing managers, are revealed by the study for their ability to manage two fundamental dimensions : management and care.

La chaîne de responsabilité de la sécurité maritime

Nassios, Dimitrios 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit (LL.M.)". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline. / Bien qu'en apparente amélioration, l'état de la sécurité maritime n'est pas aussi reluisant que ne le laissent croire les statistiques en la matière. Une série d'accidents ayant culminé avec le naufrage de l'Erika le long des côtes françaises en décembre 1999 témoignent que des failles persistent, notamment dans son système juridique. Ces failles renvoient essentiellement à l'application et au contrôle déficients des règles juridiques existantes en la matière, voire leur évitement par les acteurs y associés. Or, le susdit naufrage démontra que cette déficience n'est pas le propre de certains intervenants isolés, traditionnellement identifiés comme responsables de tous les maux dans le transport maritime, qu'il s'agisse d'armateurs « laxistes » ou d'États de pavillons « de complaisance », mais bel et bien d'un réseau entier d'acteurs. Cette « chaîne » d'acteurs responsables de l'application des règles de la sécurité maritime se révéla, en fait, particulièrement compromise dans le cas de l'Erika et des failles furent décelées dans chacune de ses composantes; allant des chantiers navals ayant construit ou réparé le navire, jusqu'aux autorités portuaires l'ayant inspecté/détenu, en passant par les propriétaires du navire, ses gestionnaires, financiers, assureurs, sociétés de classification, son État de pavillon, affréteur, capitaine et son équipage, pour ne nommer qu'eux. Ainsi, l'affaire de l'Erika révéla l'existence - et l'étendue véritable - de ce qu'il fut convenu de désigner comme une « chaîne de responsabilité » dans le domaine de la sécurité maritime. C'est, donc, cette chaîne d'acteurs et, le cas échéant, les mesures (légales et autres) élaborées en vue de sa responsabilisation accrue et de l'amélioration de sa fiabilité et, par extension, de celle du régime juridique de la sécurité maritime tout entier (en vue d'une mise en oeuvre plus efficiente des règles y afférentes), que l'on se propose d'étudier. Pour ce faire, l'on procède à partir de ce que l'on peut convenir de considérer comme étant la dualité fondamentale du concept de sécurité maritime (« maritime safety »), renvoyant, d'une part, à la sécurité des navires (« ship safety ») et, d'autre part, à la sécurité de leur exploitation et des opérations de transport (« shipping safety »). Dans l'étude de la sécurité des navires, il sera d'abord question des règles portant sur la conception, la construction, l'entretien et la répélration de ces derniers. Après un bref aperçu du cadre d'élaboration de ces règles -lui-même sans assises sûres - et de leur contenu, une analyse des acteurs chargés de leur application lors de chacune desdites opérations fera ressortir les nombreuses failles en la matière. L'on s'attardera, en second lieu, aux divers contrôles conditionnant cette sécurité, et en l'occurrence au régime de certification, d'inspections et de sanctions présent dans le domaine. L'imperfection de ce régime transparaîtra notamment de la prolifération de ces contrôles. Traditionnellement réservés aux sociétés de classification et aux États du pavillon (à la lumière du droit international), ceux-ci, jugés défaillants, en sont venus à être également exercés par les États du port et une demi-dizaine d'acteurs individuels. Il sera, donc, question de la nature et l'étendue de ces contrôles et des initiatives et développements propres à chacun. S'agissant, cette fois, de l'exploitation des navires, il sera question de la sécurité autant dans la gestion corporative maritime qu'en matière d'équipage des navires. S'agissant de gestion corporative, après une analyse de l'organisation du métier et des fonctions d'armateur, l'on s'attardera sur les pratiques mêmes de gestion au sein de l'industrie et les tentatives de régulation et d'assainissement de ces dernières (au niveau international). La sécurité en matière d'équipage, renverra, quant à elle, à la compétence de celui-ci et à ses conditions de travail - qu'elles aient trait aux rapports individuels ou collectifs - ainsi qu'aux initiatives d'amélioration de ces dernières présentes, ici aussi, au niveau international. Un bref aperçu de la controverse entourant la responsabilité du capitaine du navire suite à des accidents en mer s'ensuivra. Il sera, enfin, question des (principales) opérations de transport maritime, en l'occurrence les opérations portuaires et de navigation, mais aussi la 'fin' de ces opérations et la pratique dite du recyclage des navires. Pour ce qui est des opérations portuaires, des failles dans la sécurité transparaîtront autant au niveau des infrastructures, des services que du personnel des ports. Pour ce qui est des opérations de navigation, l'on traitera d'abord des développements affectant la sécurité dans la navigation en eaux intérieures, s'agissant des diverses aides à la navigation et services de trafic maritimes offerts par les autorités côtières, ainsi que des carences du système international de navigation en haute mer. Il sera, enfin, question de la pratique du recyclage des navires où des initiatives de la part de l'industrie ont récemment vu le jour en matière de sécurité suite à une conscientisation accrue des implications que cette pratique pouvait comporter en la matière (particulièrement du point de vue environnemental). Cette recherche est à jour en date du 30 août 2002. / Although supposedly improving, the present state of maritime safety is not as enviable as the statistics on the subject might show. A series of accidents culminating in the sinking of the Erika near the french coast on december 1999 prove that many failings persist, particularly in its legal regime. These failings essentiaIly have to do with the deficient application of the existing rules and even their avoidance by the actors involved in this field. The above-mentioned sinking showed that this deficiency and avoidance is not to be associated with a few isolated actors, traditionaIly identified as being responsible for all the problems in maritime transportation, be it 'irresponsible' shipowners or Flag States 'of convenience', but that it is to be found throughout the entire chain of actors involved in the application of the nonns relating to maritime safety. In fact, all of these actors were found to bear sorne degree of responsibility or blame for the events leading up to the Erika tragedy; from the shipbuidmg or shiprepair yards all the way up to the various port State administrations which inspected and/or detained the ship, including the ship's owners, managers, bankers, insurers, classification societies, Flag State, charterer, captain and crew, to name a few. Therefore, the Erika matter revealed the existence - and true extent - of what has come to be known as the "chain ofresponsibility" in maritime safety. It is this chain of actors and the various measures (legal and other) that have been taken to ensure its improvement and, by definition, the improvement of the legal regime of maritime safety as a whole - in view of a better application of nonns - that we attempt to analyze. In this respect, we proceed from what can be identified as the fundamental duality of the concept of maritime safety, namely ship safety and shipping safety. In analyzing ship safety we first refer to the rules having to do with the design construction, maintenance and repair of ships. Following a brief overview of the context in which these rules are drafted - itself fraught with uncertainties - and their content, a study of the actors involved in their application during each of these operations reveals the failings in this field. We then analyze the various types of controls existing in view of ensuring that this safety is maintained and in particular the certification, inspection and sanctions regime. The defects in this regime emanate from the proliferation of these diverse controls. Traditionally reserved to classification societies and flag states (as prescribed by international law), these controls are now as weIl being exercised by various port states and about half a dozen individual actors. The nature and extent of these controls is therefore analyzed as well as the various initiatives and developments relating to each. As for shipping safety, this has to do as much with the various conditions of operation of a ship as with the transport operations themselves. The conditions of operation of a ship essentially refer to the safety of its management as well as that relating to the crew. Regarding safety of management, following an overview of the nature and present-day functions of the shipowner, we study the various management practices through the industry as weIl as the recent attempts (at the international level) to regulate and improve these. As for safety matters relating to crew, these refer as much to the crew' s competence as to their working conditions aboard the ship - that they refer to their individual or collective rights - including the efforts - in the international scene as well - to regulate and improve these. A brief overview of the responsibility of the ship' s captain in the event of an accident at sea follows. The (main) transportation operations, name1y port and navigational operations as well as the regime prevailing when these 'end', namely the practice of ship recyc1ing, are, finally, analyzed. Regarrding port operations, deficiencies in safety emanate as much through port infrastructures, services as well as personnel. As for navigational operations, we first analyze the various developments relating to safety in national waters, namely navigational aids as well as vessel traffic services offered by coastal States, and then explore the failings of the international navigational system in the high seas. We finaIly, refer to the practice of ship recyc1ing where initiatives have recently been taken by the industry to improve safety matters foIlowing a better awareness of the potential implications of the practice as relates to safety (and in particular environmental) matters. This research is current as of August 30th, 2002.

The Characterization of Sheng and Dan Roles in Chinese Opera

Wang, Hsiao-Mei, 1959- 08 1900 (has links)
This study sought to discover the principles of characterization governing the Sheng and the Dan roles in the Chinese opera. Seven Dan role divisions and three Sheng role divisions were studied. It was discovered that throughout its long history the Chinese opera had adhered to its original singing and dancing styles; that the creative activities involved in the opera's staging were subordinated to singing and dancing styles; that the actors in the Chinese opera perform only one role category in their career; that years of rigid training were required before the actors were allowed to perform on stage; that each role division had its peculiar method of characterization that was shown through their performances, their costumes, and their acting techniques.


Hardcastle, Terry 01 May 2013 (has links)
Student of Richard Boleslavsky and Maria Ouspenskaya, co-founder of the Group Theatre, Artistic Director of the Actors Studio, founder of the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, and developer of The Method, Lee Strasberg is one of the most famous acting teachers of the twentieth century. In the same way a concert pianist must practice her scales daily to maintain expertise, Strasberg believed an actor must regularly practice the use of sense memory to be emotionally authentic. Using Strasberg’s Method, this is achieved through a combination of relaxation and concentration, which leads to a sense of truth in performance. The Method, a praxis built on Stanislavski’s own approach to actor training, since the death of its founder has slacked off in popularity. This is noteworthy for the gold standard status the Method once held in the United States. More easily accessible, less process oriented, more demonstrably obvious and observable techniques such as the work of Michael Chekhov have taken stronger hold in some academic circles. Empirical evidence seems to suggest that a mixture of prejudice for the Method and possible personal dislike for Strasberg the man has made this so. Curious to discover if the Method still held value for the next generation, I committed to teaching a Method class to Virginia Commonwealth University undergraduates. Drawing on my experience at the Strasberg Institute studying under Anna Strasberg, Geoffrey Horne, my practical experiences on stage, and research available after Strasberg’s death, I created my own approach to The Method. Through analysis of my students’ Method acting work and my own teaching, I intended to learn the efficacy and practicality of Strasberg’s Method as we begin the twenty-first century: what we can keep, what we must let go, and what we can change for the better.

Lokální politici jako aktéři regionálního rozvoje na Karlovarsku po roce 1989 / Local politics as the actors of regional development in Carlsbad region after 1989

Vítek, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a function of local political leaders as the actors of regional development in model areas. The primary aim is to select the appropriate model areas in Carlsbad region. The main aim of this thesis is on example of three appropriate selected model areas to analyze role and attitude of local politician in development of model areas. The theoretical part deals with analyze of attitudes in local development and analyze of selected ideas key for needs of thesis. The results of the thesis correspond to the stated aims and assumptions. Local political leaders are important actors of local development, but their role is evident only to a limited extent. The biggest differences in the approach to local development can be found between opposition and coalition politics. Keywords: Borders, local politicians, actors of local development, social capital

Les familles face au choix du collège : logiques d’action, régulation administrative et critique sociale / Families and the choice of secondary school : action logics, administrative regulation and social criticism

Adler, Yoann 15 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un contexte de préoccupation internationale sur le choix de l’école par les familles et plus particulièrement, dans le contexte national français de réflexions nouvelles concernant la politique de la sectorisation : assouplissement de la carte scolaire de 2007 et depuis 2012, recherche d’une nouvelle forme de sectorisation stricte-ment applicable. En France, après deux décennies d’expériences d’assouplissement de la carte scolaire, effectuées par les gouvernements de droite comme de gauche, la mesure du 4 juin 2007 représente, même si la mesure en est finalement restée au stade de l’assouplissement, une liberté nouvelle dans l’esprit des familles sur laquelle il sera difficile de revenir. Le but de notre travail est donc double. Il s’agit d’abord de montrer, à travers l’épreuve que constitue le choix du collège pour les familles, les évolutions du rapport entre des usagers – les élèves et leurs parents - et leur service public d’éducation. Si la revendication du choix de l’école remonte au début des années 1980, lorsqu’un certain nombre de parents se sont rendu compte que tous les établissements scolaires ne se valaient pas, force est d’observer que les logiques à l’origine de cette dernière ont évolué. Si la logique marchande persiste, on note surtout l’émergence de nouvelles formes de la logique civique relatives aux droits des usagers : le droit à l’information, le droit à un établissement efficace, le bien-être de son enfant, sa sécurité etc. Nous cherchons à montrer qu’aux différents niveaux de régulation administrative – central, intermédiaire et local -, les acteurs de l’Education nationale tentent de répondre, comme les acteurs des collectivités territoriales, à ces nouvelles attentes des familles même si c’est parfois également dans le but de servir leurs propres intérêts : logiques électoralistes, éviter les défections d’un collège en peine d’attractivité etc. Le deuxième objectif de notre étude est d’identifier, dans un contexte d’assouplissement généralisé inédit, l’évolution des rapports de concurrence et de coopération entre les collèges d’un même territoire et les logiques des différents acteurs qui en sont à l’origine. Parmi les principaux résultats, nous avons pu observer que la mixité sociale et ethnique ainsi que les régulations locales et intermédiaires en matière d’offre de formation étaient des éléments prépondérants dans les rapports de concurrence et de coopérativité entre les établissements. / The present thesis, relevant of a broader concern about families' choice of school, more specifically tackles issues raisedby recent approaches on the sectorisation policies implemented in France: the 2007 relaxation of the school map and, mostly since 2012, the efforts to shape a new sectorisation model on a strict compliance basis. As the latest update of two decades of experiments with the relaxation of the school map carried out by both right-wing and left-wing governments, the Education Act of June, 4th 2007, though not venturing beyond the relaxation stage, has deeply impacted families' ways of thinking and availed them with a new sense of liberty which cannot be ignored nor brushed aside effortlessly. Consequently, the purpose of this study is twofold.First and foremost, we will consider how the relation between users – pupils and their parents – and public service education has been affected by the families' choice of secondary school – which all too often amounts to a trying experience. Demands for choice of school originated in the early 80's with a growing awareness on the parents' side that ed cational facilities were not on par, yet the logical determinants behind these demands have significantly shifted in focus. While a market-based logic remains a key factor, new forms of civic logic have surfaced which are mostly concerned with the rights of users, laying a strong emphasis on the right to information, the access to an efficient school, the well-being and safety of one's child, etc. On every level of administrative regulation, whether central, intermediate or local, the educational community as well as the local authorities have been trying to meet the families' new expectations, sometimes if only to serve special interests : garner electoral votes, contain defections from school institutions plagued by a lack of attractivity, etc. This is properly the core of our demonstration. The second – and far from secondary – purpose of our study is to delineate the evolution of the relations of competition and cooperation between secondary schools located in a same area, highlighting in the process the various actors' logics at work within this broader – and unprecedented – relaxed framework. In the course of this study, we have been able to assess, among various factors, how social and ethnic mixity, along with effective regulation of training provision on local and intermediate levels, play a preponderant and substantial part in the relations of competition and cooperation between school institutions.

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