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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Развој адаптибилног дистрибуираног информационог система за подршку управљању реализацијом софтверских пројеката / Razvoj adaptibilnog distribuiranog informacionog sistema za podršku upravljanju realizacijom softverskih projekata / Development of an Adaptable Distributed Information System for Software Project Management Support

Kazi LJubica 05 February 2016 (has links)
<p>У овом раду приказанa je анализа резултата истраживања,<br />постојећих техничких решења и искустава из IT индустрије у<br />појединачним и комбинованим областима: дистрибуирани<br />развој софтвера и управљање софтверским пројектима у<br />дистрибуираном окружењу, метричка заснованост управљања<br />софтверским пројектима, адатибилност у управљању агилним<br />софтверским пројектима, адаптибилни дистрибуираних<br />информациони системи.<br />Предложен је функционално-технолошки теоријски модел<br />софтверске подршке адаптибилног дистрибуираног<br />информационог система за подршку управљању реализацијом<br />софтверских пројеката. Предложени су приступи у процесу<br />развоја система у оквиру креирања модела софтверских<br />функција и концептуалног модела података. Предложени су<br />метрички модели за евалуацију артефакта у развоју софтвера у<br />области развоја информационих система, као и метрички<br />модели за процену трајања пројекта и мониторинг успеха<br />процеса у дистрибуираном развоју софтвера.<br />Описана је имплементација почетног прототипа система<br />(реализованог као web апликација www.it-project.rs), у оквиру<br />ког су реализоване основне функције система. Извршена су<br />емпиријска истраживања могућности коришћења прототипа<br />система у настави и професионалном усавршавању студената и<br />анализа резултата пробног коришћења прототипа од стране ИТ<br />кадрова уз пратеће анкетирање. Извршена је бенчмаркинг<br />анализа најчешће коришћених расположивих алата издвојених<br />анкетирањем. Извршена је анализа резултата емпиријских<br />истраживања у односу на ефикасност примене прототипа.<br />Извршена је анализа резултата примене метричких модела за<br />евалуацију артефакта развоја софтвера, мониторинг успеха<br />процеса и процену трајања пројекта у делу процеса<br />имплементације софтвера. Реализовано је унапређење<br />прототипа у односу на претходно дефинисане захтеве<br />функционално-технолошког теоријског модела система.</p> / <p>U ovom radu prikazana je analiza rezultata istraživanja,<br />postojećih tehničkih rešenja i iskustava iz IT industrije u<br />pojedinačnim i kombinovanim oblastima: distribuirani<br />razvoj softvera i upravljanje softverskim projektima u<br />distribuiranom okruženju, metrička zasnovanost upravljanja<br />softverskim projektima, adatibilnost u upravljanju agilnim<br />softverskim projektima, adaptibilni distribuiranih<br />informacioni sistemi.<br />Predložen je funkcionalno-tehnološki teorijski model<br />softverske podrške adaptibilnog distribuiranog<br />informacionog sistema za podršku upravljanju realizacijom<br />softverskih projekata. Predloženi su pristupi u procesu<br />razvoja sistema u okviru kreiranja modela softverskih<br />funkcija i konceptualnog modela podataka. Predloženi su<br />metrički modeli za evaluaciju artefakta u razvoju softvera u<br />oblasti razvoja informacionih sistema, kao i metrički<br />modeli za procenu trajanja projekta i monitoring uspeha<br />procesa u distribuiranom razvoju softvera.<br />Opisana je implementacija početnog prototipa sistema<br />(realizovanog kao web aplikacija www.it-project.rs), u okviru<br />kog su realizovane osnovne funkcije sistema. Izvršena su<br />empirijska istraživanja mogućnosti korišćenja prototipa<br />sistema u nastavi i profesionalnom usavršavanju studenata i<br />analiza rezultata probnog korišćenja prototipa od strane IT<br />kadrova uz prateće anketiranje. Izvršena je benčmarking<br />analiza najčešće korišćenih raspoloživih alata izdvojenih<br />anketiranjem. Izvršena je analiza rezultata empirijskih<br />istraživanja u odnosu na efikasnost primene prototipa.<br />Izvršena je analiza rezultata primene metričkih modela za<br />evaluaciju artefakta razvoja softvera, monitoring uspeha<br />procesa i procenu trajanja projekta u delu procesa<br />implementacije softvera. Realizovano je unapređenje<br />prototipa u odnosu na prethodno definisane zahteve<br />funkcionalno-tehnološkog teorijskog modela sistema.</p> / <p>Тhis work presents analysis of research results, existing<br />technical solutions and experiences from IT industry in<br />separate and combined fields of: distributed software<br />development, software project management in distributed<br />environment, metric-based software project management,<br />adaptability in management of agile software projects, as<br />well in the field of adaptable distributed information<br />systems.<br />Functional-technological theoretical model of software<br />support to adaptable distributed information system for<br />software projects realization has been proposed. Approaches<br />to creating software functions model and conceptual data<br />model within the process of the system development were<br />proposed. Metric models for evaluation of artefacts created<br />in software development within information system<br />development, as well as metric models for project duration<br />estimation and monitoring of process success in distributed<br />software development were proposed.<br />Implementation of initial prototype of the system<br />(developed as web application www.it-project.rs), that<br />includes basic functions, was described. Empirical research<br />on possibilities for using prototype in educational<br />environment and professional improvement of students, as<br />well as analysis of results from using the prototype by IT<br />professionals, with additional questionnaire, has been<br />conducted. Benchmarking analysis of most frequently used<br />available tools, extracted from questionnaire results, has<br />been performed. Analysis of empirical research results has<br />been performed in the context of prototype using efficiency.<br />Analysis of results in metric models application in evaluation<br />of software development artefacts, process success<br />monitoring and project duration estimation, in software<br />implementation process part, has been conducted.<br />Improvement of prototype has been implemented according<br />to requirements defined in previously proposed functionaltechnological<br />theoretical model of the system.</p>

Study on Supramolecular Gel Lubricants

Shetty, Pramod January 2019 (has links)
Most of the rolling element bearings are lubricated with Grease lubricant. Generally, the grease is expected to serve for life. The major causes of the bearing failure are due to the failure of the lubrication. The grease will experience creeping, oil permeation, oil separation etc. The separated oil will be lost permanently from the bearing. The widely used grease for general application is the lithium grease. The thickener of the grease consists covalent bond. When the grease is sheared, the breakage of the covalent bond will be permanent, resulting in the permanent loss of the rheological properties. The gels have unique properties such as thermal reversibility, viscoelasticity and thixotropy. They become mobile under shear stress and solidify again when the shear stress is removed. This property can be harnessed to avoid the base oil creeping, oil permeation, leakage in gears and bearings. Due to the presence of the polar group in the gels, they form a good tribo film and prevent the wear.  Under the shear stress, weak supramolecular interactions will be distorted, and this leads to the release of the oil and they re-form the structure after a certain period of rest. When the gel is in the solid-state, it will avoid creeping and evaporation. Many classes of gels are either derived from natural sources or from environmentally friendly materials. Thus, the lubricant formed out of gel would effectively solve both environmental as well as lubrication problems. In this work, supramolecular gel lubricants were prepared out of fully green, cellulose derivatives and starch hydrolysates. The non-ionic hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and anionic sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC) were chosen to understand the effect of ionic and non-ionic gelators on the rheological and the tribological parameters. Traditionally fat was used as a lubricant, now, in food industry various fat replacers are being used. To study whether the fat replacers can act as a thickener, Dextrin and maltodextrins were chosen.  Dextrin and maltodextrin with the different DE values were selected to understand the influence of molecular weight on gelation and tribological performance.  Inspired by the recent developments and advantages of aqueous lubrication, mixer of water and poly(ethylene glycol) 200 (PEG 200) is chosen as the base fluid. It was found that a very small amount of gelator can increase the viscosity of the PEG/water to several orders. The thermal stability of the gels was studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and found that gels can increase the thermal stability of the base fluid. FTIR results showed the formation of a non-covalent bond between the PEG molecules and water. It is shown that anionic gelator will result in producing low friction and wear in comparison to non-ionic gelator. The possible tribo-film formation due to the negative charge in the NaCMC molecules is attributed to these results. The very low friction and low wear was exhibited by the dextrin and maltodextrin gels. It is proposed that this could be due to the microspherical particles of gels which can act as nano bearings. It was found that choosing the optimum concentration of the gelator is important to reduce friction and wear. The higher gelator concentration will form the hard gel, which cannot flow and replenish the sliding contact, resulting in the starved lubrication. This will cause high wear and friction. These gel lubricants can be used in food, pharmaceutical and biomedical industries.

Résolution de l'hétérogénéité des intergiciels d'un environnement ubiquitaire

Bromberg, David 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
nombre croissant de dispositifs informatiques par le biais de technologies réseaux sans fil basées ou non sur des infrastructures (WLAN, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, UMTS). Une des problématiques majeures de l'informatique diffuse est de faire communiquer de façon dynamique, spontanée et transparente ces différents dispositifs entre eux indépendamment de leurs hétérogénéités matérielle et logicielle. Les intergiciels ont été introduits dans cet objectif, cependant étant donné leur diversité, une nouvelle source d'hétérogénéité de plus haut niveau apparaît, notamment au niveau de leur protocole d'interaction. Actuellement, deux méthodes permettent de résoudre ces incompatibilités : la substitution et la traduction de protocoles. La première requiert la conception de nouveaux intergiciels capables de s'adapter en fonction de leur environnement d'exécution afin de résoudre dynamiquement l'hétérogénéité des intergiciels existants. L'avantage de cette méthode est de fournir une interopérabilité dynamique. En revanche, son inconvénient est d'être non transparente : elle crée une nouvelle source d'hétérogénéité entre ces nouveaux intergiciels, et nécessite de développer des applications qui leur sont spécifiques. La seconde méthode, quant à elle, est transparente : elle ne requiert ni la conception de nouveaux intergiciels, ni le développement de nouvelles applications. Cependant, elle reste statique et planifiée contrairement à la précédente méthode. Dans le contexte de l'informatique diffuse, ces deux méthodes sont complémentaires. Notre contribution consiste à combiner ces deux approches. A l'aide des langages de processus, nous proposons, dans un premier temps, une spécification formelle de notre solution qui permet de résoudre l'hétérogénéité des intergiciels quels que soient la spécificité de leurs caractéristiques, de leurs protocoles et de leurs technologies. Dans un second temps, nous présentons deux systèmes, basés sur cette spécification, conçus pour résoudre : (i) les incompatibilités des protocoles de découverte de services, (ii) les incompatibilités des protocoles de communication. Leur particularité est d'assurer une interopérabilité dynamique et transparente sans requérir de modifications des applications et des intergiciels existants. A partir de nos différentes expérimentations, il apparaît que le surcoût de cette solution pour résoudre les incompatibilités de protocoles est raisonnable.

Self-adaptable catalysts : Importance of flexibility and applications in asymmetric catalysis

Fjellander, Ester January 2010 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the design and synthesis of biaryl-based self adaptableligands for asymmetric metal catalysis. The results discussed in papers I-III are covered, together with some unpublished results concerning substrate-adaptable catalysts. A general survey of self-adaptable catalysts is presented first. The second chapter of this thesis starts with a survey of inversion barriers in biphenyl-based ligands and catalysts. Thereafter, the determination of barriers to conformational adaptation in dibenzoazepines and dibenzophosphepines is described. Palladium complexes with a diphosphine ligand or a diamine ligand, as well as the free diamine ligand, were studied. Entropies and enthalpies of activation were determined with variable temperature NMR spectroscopy. The mechanism of conformational change in the metal complexes was elucidated. The third chapter describes the synthesis of semiflexible and rigid phosphinite ligands, as well as their application in rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation. Modest enantioselectivities (up to 63% ee) were obtained. The semiflexible ligand was found to behave like the most active rigid diastereomer. The fourth chapter describes the behaviour of amine and phosphoramidite ligands in model complexes relevant to the palladium-catalysed asymmetricallylic alkylation of benchmark substrates. Diphosphoramidite and aminephosphoramiditeligands were designed and synthesised. Pd(olefin) complexesof diamine and diphosphoramidite ligands were studied, and their symmetry determined. It was found that both types of ligands are able to adapt their conformation to the substrate. / QC20100630

Designing Affordable Housing for Adaptability: Principles, Practices, & Application

Danko, Micaela R. 01 April 2013 (has links)
While environmental and economic sustainability have been driving factors in the movement towards a more resilient built environment, social sustainability is a factor that has received significantly less attention over the years. Federal support for low-income housing has fallen drastically, and the deficit of available, adequate, affordable homes continues to grow. In this thesis, I explore one way that architects can design affordable housing that is intrinsically sustainable. In the past, subsidized low-income housing has been built as if to provide a short-term solution—as if poverty and lack of affordable housing is a short-term problem. However, I argue that adaptable architecture is essential for the design of affordable housing that is environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable. Further, architects must balance affordability, durability, and adaptability to design sustainable solutions that are resistant to obsolescence. I conclude by applying principles and processes of adaptability in the design of Apto Ontario, an adaptable affordable housing development in the low-income historic downtown of Ontario, California (Greater Los Angeles). Along a new Bus Rapid Transit corridor, Apto Ontario would create a diverse, resilient, socially sustainable community in an area threatened by the rise of housing costs.

The North House as Component Based Architecture

Doesburg, Chloe 17 February 2010 (has links)
The North House is a proof-of-concept prefabricated solar powered home designed for northern climates, and intended for the research and promotion of high-performance sustainable architecture. Led by faculty at the University of Waterloo, the development and design of the project involved a broad collaboration between faculty and students at the University of Waterloo, with Ryerson University and Simon Fraser University. The North House prototype competed in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon in October of 2009. This thesis identifies the North House as a component-based building. It illustrates in detail the components of which the house is composed, the sequence by which they are assembled, and the details that allow for the building’s rapid assembly and disassembly. Finally, the thesis explores the possibilities afforded by componentbased architecture including adaptability, off-site fabrication and demountability. Drawing on this, the thesis projects future ways of designing buildings sustainable to both manufacture and operate.

The North House as Component Based Architecture

Doesburg, Chloe 17 February 2010 (has links)
The North House is a proof-of-concept prefabricated solar powered home designed for northern climates, and intended for the research and promotion of high-performance sustainable architecture. Led by faculty at the University of Waterloo, the development and design of the project involved a broad collaboration between faculty and students at the University of Waterloo, with Ryerson University and Simon Fraser University. The North House prototype competed in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon in October of 2009. This thesis identifies the North House as a component-based building. It illustrates in detail the components of which the house is composed, the sequence by which they are assembled, and the details that allow for the building’s rapid assembly and disassembly. Finally, the thesis explores the possibilities afforded by componentbased architecture including adaptability, off-site fabrication and demountability. Drawing on this, the thesis projects future ways of designing buildings sustainable to both manufacture and operate.

Hardware and software architecture facilitating the operation by the industry of dynamically adaptable heterogeneous embedded systems.

Gantel, Laurent 14 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to define software and hardware mechanisms helping in the management the Heterogeneous and dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (HRSoC). The heterogeneity is due to the presence of general processing units and reconfigurable IPs. Our objective is to provide to an application developer an abstracted view of this heterogeneity, regarding the task mapping on the available processing elements. First, we homogenize the user interface defining a hardware thread model. Then, we pursue with the homogenization of the hardware threads management. We implemented OS services permitting to save and restore a hardware thread context. Conception tools have also been developed in order to overcome the relocation issue. The last step consisted in extending the access to the distributed OS services to every thread running on the platform. This access is provided independently from the thread location and is is realized implementing the MRAPI API. With these three steps, we build a solid basis to, in future work, provide to the developer, a conception flow dedicated to HRSoC allowing to perform precise architectural space explorations. Finally, to validate these mechanisms, we realize a demonstration platform on a Virtex 5 FPGA running a dynamic tracking application.

Living lens: exploring interdependencies between performing bodies, visual and sonic media in immersive installation

Verdaasdonk, Maria Adriana January 2007 (has links)
Living Lens is a practice-led study that explores interdependencies between performing bodies, visual images and sonic elements through two main areas of investigation: the propensity for the visual mode to be dominant in an interdisciplinary performance environment; and, a compositional structure to integrate performing bodies, visual and sonic elements. To address these concerns, the study necessitated a collaborative team comprising performers, visual artists, sound designers and computer programmers. The poetic title, Living Lens, became an important interpretative device and organising principle in this study, which is weighted 70% for the creative work and 30% for the written component. Working from an experiential and emergent methodology, the research employed two iterative cycles of development. Drawing on a previous work, Patchwork in Motion (2005), the extraction of one fragment entitled Living Lens (2005-6) was selected for further development, specifically to balance the relationship between performers and visual media with a deeper focus on the sonic component. The initial creative development (June-July 2005) addressed the area of interdependencies through the concepts of "poetic felt space" and "living painting", whilst the final stage of the study (June-July 2006) adopted the concept of "worlds within worlds" to facilitate greater contrast and connectivity in the piece. The final performance made partial progress towards shifting visual dominance and the development of an integrative structure, the digital media serving to enhance tangible connections between aural, visual and kinesthetic senses. As an immersive performance installation, the study thus adapts and extends painterly and sculptural sensibilities into a contemporary and interactive arts setting. Presenting a case for the personalised position of the practitioner voice, the study also offers practical and conceptual insights and solutions, to be adopted, adapted or applied tangentially, by other practitioners and researchers working in the domains of body movement practices, visual and sonic arts and human communication technologies.


FLAVIA CESAR TEIXEIRA MENDES 21 July 2004 (has links)
[pt] Os gráficos de controle de processo criados por Shewhart na década de 20 e em uso até hoje são eficientes para sinalizar alterações de grande magnitude na característica de qualidade de um processo (por exemplo, desvios da ordem de mais de 2 desvios-padrão, no caso do gráfico de médias); já para alterações de menos magnitude, ele são mais lentos. Para estas últimas, são sabidamente mais eficientes os esquemas CUSUM e EWMA, bem como os gráficos adaptativos, de desenvolvimento bem mais recente, também chamados de gráficos de parâmentros variáveis, porque alguns ou todos os seus parâmetros (tamanho de amostra, intervalo de tempo entre amostras, e limites de controle) passam a variar durante a operação, em função da informação fornecida pela última amostra. Nesta pesquisa, é prposta a incorporação da estratégia de gráficos adaptativos (usando um intervalo de tempo entre amostras variável) ao esquema EWMA na busca de melhorias no desempenho de gráficos de controle por atributos. O esquema proposto é aplicado a gráficos de c para detecção de alterações de pequena magnitude no número médio de não-conformidades em um processo de produção. É desenvolvido o modelo matemático para cálculo das medidas de desempenho do gráfico, e é realizada a análise de desempenho do esquema para diversos valores de c0 e c1 (número médio em controle e fora de controle de não- conformidades), com comparação com outros gráficos de controle por atributos. Resultados mostram, na maioria das situações analisadas, a vantagem do esquema proposto, em termos de uma maior rapidez de detecção de alterações de diversas magnitudes. / [en] The process control charts created by Shewhart in the 20 s and still in use today are efficient in signaling large shifts in the quality characteristics of a process (e.g. shifts greater than two standard deviations, in the case of the chart for means); they are however slower in the case of small and moderate shifts, in which case CUSUM and EWMA schemes are known to be more efficient, as are the recently developed adaptive charts, also called variable parameter charts because some or all of their design parameters (sample size, sampling interval and control limits) are allowed to vary during the operation, according to the information of the latest sample. In this thesis, looking for an enhancement in the performance of control charts for attributes, the strategy of adaptive charts (using a variable sampling interval) is incorporated to the EWMA scheme. The proposed scheme is applied to c charts for detecting small shifts in the number of nonconformities in a production process. A mathematical model is developed for calculation of the performance measures of the chart, and a performance analysis is carried out for several values of c0 and c1 (in- and out-of-control number of nonconformities), together with a comparison with other control charts for nonconformities. The results show the advantage of the proposed scheme in the majority of the analyzed situations, through faster detection of a range of shifts.

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