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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DEMOKRATISERINGEN I BOSNIEN & HERCEGOVINA OCH KROATIEN -Bosnien & Hercegovinas och Kroatiens väg mot demokrati

Karadza, Adna January 2019 (has links)
Josip Broz, so called Tito, was the leader of the Communist Yugoslavia, after his death in 1980, economic problems began to arise as Tito had major debts that the country's population did not know about. Yugoslavia was split in 1992 as the war broke out and the countries became six different sub-republics and federations. One of the major reasons that the war broke out was the economic problem, as none of the Republics would take on the debt and instead chose to blame each other. In the post war period an agreement was reached, the 1995 Dayton Agreement, which was established in the purpose of rebuilding Bosnia, which has a multicultural population that includes Bosnians, Bosnian born Serbians and Bosnian born Croatians. The purpose of this essay was to study how Bosnia and Herzegovina’s and Croatia's road to democracy has developed after the Dayton agreement. The method of this essay has for the most part been a qualitative content analysis and descriptive analysis as the essay consists of critically reviewed texts. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia's road to democracy have developed differently in terms of approaches as well as the period of time. Bosnia and Herzegovina have been and still are cooperating with Sweden and other international organisations in seeking a sustainable state that strives for human rights and a sustainable economy. Croatia had an agreement with the European Union(EU) to meet the criteria required to become members. Croatia succeeded in joining the EU, today Bosnia is still cooperating with Sweden in developing the country in a slow ongoing progress.

A facultatividade da concordância: português formal real versus gramática escolar / The concordance suppying option: portuguese royal formal vs grammar school

Marcos Antônio Gonçalves 31 March 2010 (has links)
No ensino de língua nacional, concordância é um dos tópicos em cujo aprendizado observa dificuldade por parte dos discentes, principalmente pelo grande número de regras facultativas das gramáticas, que muitas vezes não levam em conta o uso formal real da língua. Este trabalho visa a descrever esse uso, a partir da observação de um corpus do caderno opinião de jornais de grande circulação, confrontando os resultados com as prescrições da norma gramatical escolar, a fim de separar, em tais prescrições, a parte aproveitável da não coincidente com a realidade do corpus, se for o caso. Pretende-se, dessa forma, contribuir para a boa qualidade do ensino da língua portuguesa nos níveis fundamental e médio, especificamente no que se refere à concordância / In first language teaching, topics related to verbal agreement present a high degree of difficulty for students to master, mainly because of optional rules that only emphasize a strictly grammatical teaching and disregards reality in the stantard use of language.Through the analysis of a language corpus extracted from O Globo and Folha de São Paulo, the two most notorious newspapers in Brazil, this work aims at verifying trends in the standard use of language as to verbal agreement, comparing the corpus data with rules prescribed by traditional grammarians. The final goal is to demonstrate that it is possible to minimize the overwhelming number of optional rules whose main application is to establish paradigms that hinders the performance of students proficient in their language.In short, the research was conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively, and is based on prescriptive and descriptive approaches to language teaching and also on the author's experience in educational institutions. The conclusion is that, with the help of this comparative study, the construction of a quality teaching can be achieved through more interaction

Licenční smlouva v autorském právu / License Agreement in Copyright Law

Kadlečková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
License Agreement in copyright - abstract Copyright according to Czech laws is based on dualistic conception that means we distinguish moral rights from property rights of authorship. In the Czech Republic only the property rights are transferable and can be a subject of license agreement. The thesis is dedicated to description of license agreement according to current legislation with regards to modern trends related to internet network. First chapter describes briefly current legislation related to copyright and license agreements concerning domestic laws, international treaties and rules of European law. Second chapter is focused on division of licenses in general and afterwards deals with attributes of the license agreement. The short notice is made about protection of the author as a weaker contracting party. The most important part of the thesis is contained in the third chapter of the thesis. It explains requirements of the license agreement demanded by Act. No. 121/2000 Sb., the copyright act, and focus on the other arrangements which may the license agreement contain, i.e. security, option right. Last but not least the space is dedicated to reward for author and to description of public offer of the license agreement and its unaddressed acceptation. Chapters 4 and 5 focus briefly on publishers...

The 2011 NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement: Intentions vs. Incentives

Friedlander, Andrew 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the impacts of four major negotiating elements in the 2011 NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement. This first entails considering the financial impacts of the Collective Bargaining Agreement through adjustments to the salary cap and changes in the rookie pay scale in conjunction with the increase of the veteran minimum salary. Veteran players sought to improve their earnings potential through the creation of the rookie pay scale and increases in the veteran minimum salary, but research has shown that these policies may not have actually accomplished the goal. Next, I inspect the changes in preseason training rules, which were intended to keep players safer and fresher during the offseason. This also may not have had the anticipated result, since the incidences of players with conditioning related injuries has increased since the implementation of the new rules. Finally, the impact of increased punitive powers for Commissioner Goodell on the NFL presents one of the most interesting debates for the upcoming negotiations. While players strongly dislike Goodell’s level of influence over league discipline, they must be willing to sacrifice something significant in the next round of negotiations to initiate change. After careful consideration, it is evident that the players were the worst off from the 2011 Collective Bargaining negotiations because they were unable to accurately anticipate the impacts of their new policies.


Taghipour, Sahar 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis mainly examines inflectional morphology of verbal paradigms in Laki, which is considered as one of the Southern varieties of Kurdish language. The association of form and content of morphological markings are viewed from a realizational angle, in which exponents (morphological forms) are associated with the morphosyntactic properties via the application of rules of exponence, appealed by paradigm functions (Stump 2001) and ordered into rule blocks (Anderson 1992). In particular, I applied the paradigm linkage theory proposed and fully developed by Stump (2002 and 2016) to account for Laki verbal paradigms. In this study, it is claimed that alignment pattern and the syntagmatic combination of some of the inflectional exponents such as agreement markers are sensitive to preterite property. Hence, I argue in favor of considering two distinct morphotactic patternings in Laki. As the result of this assumption, depending on whether the inflectional markers attach to a preterite or a non-preterite stem, we should define two separate sets of affix position in this language. Moreover, I examine Laki polyfunctional agreement markers through the consideration of the morphotactics of this language. Applying Stump's analysis (to appear) of Swahili verbal concords, I consider two distinct types of content for these agreement markers: intrinsic content, and positional content. Their positional content is what the morphotactics of the language determines.

Ramavtalets möjligheter och begränsningar : Distinktionen mellan ramavtal och kontrakt / The possibilities and limitations of a framework agreement : – The distinction between a framework agreement and acontract

Widén, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige är ramavtal ett effektivt och populärt upphandlingsinstrument. Ramavtalets syfte är att fastställda de villkor som ska gälla för framtida tilldelning av kontrakt och kan användas när en upphandlande myndighet med viss rimlighet kan förutse ett behov och vill planera inför framtida inköp. Ett ramavtal är flexibelt för en upphandlande myndighet eftersom ramavtalet inte måste fastställa en viss volym utan ska ange uppskattad volym om möjligt. Ett kontrakt i upphandlingsrättslig mening avser ett avtal som fastställer de ekonomiska villkoren för en fak-tisk anskaffning av upphandlingsföremålet. Enligt svensk rätt utgör ett kontrakt viss prestation mot viss ersättning. Vid upphandling av vissa avtal kan det vara svårt att utläsa huruvida avtalet utgör ett kontrakt eller ramavtal. Enligt kammarrättspraxis sker bedömningen av vilken typ av avtal som förelig-ger i två steg. Det första steget är att undersöka om avtalet utgör viss prestation mot viss ersätt-ning, det vill säga om den upphandlande myndigheten åtar sig att köpa viss kvantitet. I det andra steget görs bedömningen om åtagandet utgör det övervägande värdet i avtalet. Om åta-gandet utgör övervägande del föreligger ett kontrakt, annars föreligger ett ramavtal. Med an-ledning av att ramavtal i regel bara får löpa under fyra år kan upphandlingen behöva göras om ifall avtalet anger en längre löptid än tillåtet. Ett avtal där den upphandlande myndigheten inte fastställer hela volymen riskerar således att utgöra ett ramavtal enligt svensk rätt, trots att den upphandlande myndighetens syfte varit att upphandla ett kontrakt. Bedömningen av huruvida ett kontrakt föreligger kan kritiseras på grund av den svenska rättens snäva distinktion av vad som utgör ett ramavtal respektive kontrakt. Med anledning av att ramavtal finns i olika former finns det anledning till att kontraktbegreppet torde kunna vara vidare än vad svensk rätt ger uttryck för. Den svenska rättens uttryck för skillnaden mellan kontrakt och ramavtal behöver numer även ses i ljuset av nytt prejudikat från EU-domstolen. Domstolen fastställde att ett ramavtal måste ange vilken kvantitet som kan komma att bli aktuell beträffande de efterkommande tilldelning-arna av kontrakt. På grund av att volymen ska vara väl underbyggd inskränks ramavtalets flex-ibilitet och distinktionen mot ett kontrakt stramas åt. Domstolens avgörande ger snarare upphov till frågor än svar eftersom domen är oklar i flera avseenden. Domens tillämplighet i praktiken kan därför få konsekvenser för både ramavtalets möjligheter och begränsningar.

The hierarchical structure of emotional expressivity: scale development and nomological implications

Humrichouse, John Jeffrey 01 May 2010 (has links)
Integrating existing models of emotional expressivity, the 3-level hierarchical model contains a general factor of emotional expressivity vs. inexpressivity at the highest level; relatively independent factors of positive and negative expressivity at the second-order level; and discrete expressivity factors of sadness, hostility, guilt/shame, fear, joviality, confidence and amusement at the lowest level. The bottom-up analytic strategy consisted of identifying first the structure of the discrete affects; subsequent second-order factor analyses supported the existence of the higher order factors. The Iowa Scales of Emotional Expressivity (ISEE)--a hierarchical set of scales--systematically incorporate the level of abstraction of the items to assess each level of the hierarchy. Structural analyses replicated across college student (N = 387) and young adult (N = 344) samples with strong comparability coefficients. Striking differences existed in comparisons of the nomological relations of the general factor level vs. second-order level--Positive and Negative Expressivity demonstrated differential relations with Extraversion and Neuroticism and incremental predictive validity beyond Positive and Negative Affect, respectively. The ISEE demonstrated convergent and discriminant validity with existing scales and through multi-trait multi-method analyses of self-other agreement and test-retest data. Although test-retest correlations were less than optimal, the ISEE improve upon existing measures of emotional expressivity by extending the assessment to the discrete affect level and by creating Positive and Negative Expressivity scales with improved discriminant validity and clearer differential relations.

Hard and soft conditions on the faculty of language : constituting parametric variation

Zeijlstra, Hedde January 2009 (has links)
In this paper I argue that both parametric variation and the alleged differences between languages in terms of their internal complexity straightforwardly follow from the Strongest Minimalist Thesis that takes the Faculty of Language (FL) to be an optimal solution to conditions that neighboring mental modules impose on it. In this paper I argue that hard conditions like legibility at the linguistic interfaces invoke simplicity metrices that, given that they stem from different mental modules, are not harmonious. I argue that widely attested expression strategies, such as agreement or movement, are a direct result of conflicting simplicity metrices, and that UG, perceived as a toolbox that shapes natural language, can be taken to consist of a limited number of markings strategies, all resulting from conflicting simplicity metrices. As such, the contents of UG follow from simplicity requirements, and therefore no longer necessitate linguistic principles, valued or unvalued, to be innately present. Finally, I show that the SMT does not require that languages themselves have to be optimal in connecting sound to meaning.

Key establishment --- security models, protocols and usage

Ustaoglu, Berkant January 2008 (has links)
Key establishment is the process whereby two or more parties derive a shared secret, typically used for subsequent confidential communication. However, identifying the exact security requirements for key establishment protocols is a non-trivial task. This thesis compares, extends and merges existing security definitions and models for key establishment protocols. The primary focus is on two-party key agreement schemes in the public-key setting. On one hand new protocols are proposed and analyzed in the existing Canetti-Krawzcyk model. On the other hand the thesis develops a security model and novel definition that capture the essential security attributes of the standardized Unified Model key agreement protocol. These analyses lead to the development of a new security model and related definitions that combine and extend the Canetti-Krawzcyk pre- and post- specified peer models in terms of provided security assurances. The thesis also provides a complete analysis of a one-pass key establishment scheme. There are security goals that no one-pass key establishment scheme can achieve, and hence the two-pass security models and definitions need to be adapted for one-pass protocols. The analysis provided here includes the description of the required modification to the underlying security model. Finally, a complete security argument meeting these altered conditions is presented as evidence supporting the security of the one-pass scheme. Lastly, validation and reusing short lived key pairs are related to efficiency, which is a major objective in practice. The thesis considers the formal implication of omitting validation steps and reusing short lived key pairs. The conclusions reached support the generally accepted cryptographic conventions that incoming messages should not be blindly trusted and extra care should be taken when key pairs are reused.

Security in Key Agreement: Two-Party Certificateless Schemes

Swanson, Colleen Marie January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of cryptography is to enable secure communication over a public channel; often a secret shared among the communicating parties is used to achieve this. The process by which these parties agree on such a shared secret is called key agreement. In this thesis, we focus on two-party key agreement protocols in the public-key setting and study the various methods used to establish and validate public keys. We pay particular attention to certificateless key agreement schemes and attempt to formalize a relevant notion of security. To that end, we give a possible extension of the existing extended Canetti-Krawzcyk security model applicable to the certificateless setting. We observe that none of the certificateless protocols we have seen in the literature are secure in this model; it is an open question whether such schemes exist. We analyze several published certificateless key agreement protocols, demonstrating the existence of key compromise impersonation attacks and even a man-in-the-middle attack in one case, contrary to the claims of the authors. We also briefly describe weaknesses exhibited by these protocols in the context of our suggested security model.

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