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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stavrogins lockelse : Om orientering och desorientering i Dostojevskijs Onda andar / The attractive Stavrogin : On orientation and disorientation in Dostoevsky's The Possessed

Egermo, Anna-Corinne January 2015 (has links)
This essay aims to explain the attraction toward the main character Stavrogin that the other characters experience in Dostoevsky's The Possessed, his great novel from 1871. I will mainly employ the terms “orientation” and “disorientation” in my analysis of Stavrogin's power of attraction. The theory used for this reading is principally inspired by Sara Ahmed's Queer Phenomenology – Orientation, Objects, Others (2006), and the meaning I attach to the terms “orientation” and “disorientation” is derived from Ahmed's use of them. Ahmed's queer phenomenology helps us to reflect upon how Stavrogin functions as a point of orientation in the novel. This makes him a demonic influence on the other characters, in the sense that he disorientates them. The Possessed asks us what happens when we “lose our way”, and confusion as well as disorientation is a general theme of the novel. This topic has been raised before, but few have connected the demonic disorientation with the underlying unconventional desires, such as Peter Verchovensky's desire for Stavrogin. In this essay I attempt to show how Stavrogin can be thought of as a “new” orientation for the other characters, and how their following him causes them to follow lines that lead to destruction.

Le conflit idéologique entre le wahhabisme et la confrérie soufie Tijāniyya au sud du Sahara : le Sénégal en exemple / The sub-saharan ideological conflict between Wahhabism and the Tijāniyyah brotherhood : the case of Senegal

Niane, Seydi Diamil 21 September 2017 (has links)
Pendant des décennies, le Sénégal a gardé dans l’imaginaire académique et international sa vielle image d’un pays exclusivement confrérique où le marabout exercerait un pouvoir de taille sur le disciple. Depuis quelques années, toutefois, les observateurs ont pu constater une évolution de la pratique religieuse au Sénégal due à l’arrivée de nouveaux courants réformistes tels que le wahhabisme. La rencontre entre ce dernier et les confréries soufies a fait naitre un débat doctrinal et un choc des idéologies. Dans ce choc, la Tijāniyya est la confrérie qui a été la plus attaquée. L’objet de notre thèse est d’analyser ce conflit idéologique entre le wahhabisme et la Tijāniyya au sud du Sahara, le Sénégal étant notre terrain de complexification. Notre analyse tente de répondre aux questions suivantes : quels sont les points de divergence entre les deux courants ? Comment les savants wahhabites et tijānīs abordent-ils ces points de divergence ? Comment les désaccords idéologiques se manifestent-ils dans la littérature que nous étudions ? Quelles sont les stratégies des protagonistes des deux mouvements pour avoir une plus grande influence au sud du Sahara de manière générale et plus précisément au Sénégal ? / During decades, the international academic sphere has portrayed Senegal as a country exclusively sectarian in which the marabou would have some authority on his disciples. However, over the past few years researchers noticed an evolution of the religious practices in Senegal due to the arrival of new reformist currents such as Wahhabism. As a matter of fact the encounter between Wahhabism and the sufi brotherhoods triggered a doctrinal debate and an ideological shock. In this clash, the Tijāniyya is the first target of the criticisms. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse this ideological conflict between Wahabism and the Tijāniyya in the South of the Sahara, focussing on Senegal. This work will answer the following questions: what are the main sticking points between the two ideological trends? How do the wahhabist and tijānī scholars tackle those issues? To what extent do those ideological disagreements appear in the literature under study? What are the strategies used by the figures of those two groups to expand their power in the sub-Saharan areas, and more specifically in Senegal?

Pour un nouveau regard : gestes documentaires de résistance au Maroc : des années 1960 à nos jours / Towards a new gaze : resistance documentary gestures in Morocco since the 1960's

Pierre-Bouthier, Marie 27 June 2018 (has links)
Au début des années 1960, les ambitions des cinéastes marocains pour un art décolonisé et réinventé se heurtent à un régime politique autoritaire, à un système productif rigide et contrôlé, et à une censure souvent non dite, ambiguë et contradictoire. Cette thèse explore les stratégies développées par les documentaristes des années 1960 à nos jours pour résister à ce contexte contraint et s'y tailler une part de liberté: du détournement de commandes aux tournages clandestins, en passant par les coproductions étrangères. Pour évaluer plus précisément les capacités de nuisance de ce système, mais aussi les possibilités de le contourner, cette thèse s'appuie sur l'étude du cas d' Ahmed Bouanani (1938-2011 ), avec l'analyse génétique rapprochée de deux de ses documentaires, 6 et 12 (1968) et Mémoire 14 ( 1971 ). Entravés de deux manières différentes par le Centre cinématographique marocain, ces courts-métrages gardent cependant des traces accusatrices de la censure subie, elles véhiculent toujours un message politique subtil. Leur auteur y met surtout en œuvre une part de son projet esthétique : «affronter» la réalité marocaine passée et présente via une forme documentaire ancrée dans un patrimoine ancestral. A cet égard, l'œuvre de Bouanani est une clef: la plupart des gestes résistants étudiés dans cette thèse peuvent en effet être interprétés comme la recherche des formes et dispositifs à même de rendre compte de la réalité, de l'histoire ou du patrimoine marocains. Contre les silences du discours officiel, s'ébauche ainsi la constitution d' « un nouveau regard » cinématographique pour le Maroc indépendant. / At the beginning of the 1960s, Moroccan filmmakers, and their ambitions for a decolonized reinvented ait, are confronted to an authoritarian political regime, to a tightly-controlled productive system, and to an ambiguous contradictory censorship, kept seldom unsaid. This thesis studies the strategies that were developed by documentary-filmmakers from the 1960s to nowadays to resist this constraining context and find their own free path, ranging from commission diverting to clandestine shootings, passing by co-productions with foreign countries. The case of Ahmed Bouanani (1938-2011 ), through the genetic analysis of two of his documentaries, 6 et 12 ( 1968) and Mémoire 14 ( 1971 ), enables us to evaluate more precisely the harmful ways of this system, but also the possibilities to bypass its impediments. Indeed, these films were hindered in two very different ways by the Centre cinématographique marocain. And yet, they kept accusatory marks of the censorship undergone, and still convey a subtle political message. But their author makes mostly use of them to carry out part of his aesthetical project: tackling Moroccan past and present reality through a documentary form anchored in an ancestral cultural heritage. ln this respect, Bouanani is a key figure: indeed, most of the documentary gestures studied in this thesis can be construed as a search for forms and devices suitable for rendering closely Moroccan reality, history or heritage. Against official silence, the constitution of a “new” film “gaze” is thus sketched for independent Morocco.

Intern Marknadsföring : Teori VS Praktik

Festin, Sandra, Ljung, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
<p>Konceptet Intern marknadsföring (IM) har utvecklats mycket och ses inom forskningen som tillämpbart inom alla organisationer. En stor blandning av idéer, modeller och teorier har blivit samlade under detta begrepp men trots det är det enligt teoretiker få organisationer som använder sig av och arbetar utifrån konceptet i praktiken. Det finns enligt flera forskare i nuläget ingen riktigt klar och överenskommen definition av IM, vilket har gjort att det även finns en stor variation på hur detta bör tillämpas praktiskt i organisationer. Många olika definitioner och modeller som beskriver IM har jobbats fram och utvecklats av flertalet forskare, men det finns fortfarande inget enatkoncept. Forskare hävdar att en klarhet av konceptet är av vikt för att underlätta tillämpningen i praktiken. En precis specificering av vilka aktiviteter som kan användas för att etablera IM krävs då definition och klassificering är en viktig del av marknadsföringsanalyser.Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda den forskning som gjorts inom vårt avgränsningsområde och jämföra detta med de praktiska fall vi undersökt för att se i vilken utsträckning IM som teori används. För att få den praktiska synen på IM och kunna genomföra denna jämförande studie har vi undersökttre företag med olika egenskaper. Utifrån jämförelsen av teori och praktik har vi sedan fått fram en slutsats.Poängen med denna uppsats var därmed att jämföra teori och praktik för att se likheter och skillnader, om och i sådana fall hur och i vilken utsträckning teorin tillämpas och om företagets egenskaper påverkar denna tillämpning. Detta gjorde vi genom att i första hand göra en omfattande litteraturgranskning inom ämnet. Därefter valde vi att avgränsa oss till fem forskare som har varit betydande då de har stått för både grundandet av teorin som den främsta utvecklingen av den fram till idag. För att få fram den pratiska aspekten gjorde vi tre fallstudier där vi intervjuade ledningen i tre företag i Västerås. Företagen var av olika storlek och befann sig i olika branscher, ett mikroföretag i transportbranschen, ett litet företag i färgbranschen och ett medelstort företag inom bostadsbranschen. Det vi kom fram till av vår undersökning var att IM i motsats till vad forskningen säger tillämpas i företag idag, hur och i vilken omfattning beror dock på företagets egenskaper. Motivation och kommunikation anses som viktigt av alla tre fallföretagen, men tillämpningen inom dessa faktorer ser olika ut i de tre företagen. Att företagen inte använder sig av allt som forskarna anser som viktigt för IM behöver enligt vår undersökning inte betyda något negativt och kanske behövs det ingen generell gemensam definition för IM utan istället kan teorin utvidgas och anpassas efter företags olika egenskaper för att ytterligare underlätta tillämpningen i framtiden.</p> / <p>The concept of internal Marketing (IM) has developed a lot and is in research seen as applicable in allorganizations. A big mixture of ideas, models and theories have been gathered in this concept butdespite that there are few organizations that use the concept in practice. Today there is according to several researchers no clear and unified definition of IM, which has resulted in a great variety of howthe concept should be applicable in organizations. A number of different definitions and models thatdescribe IM have been developed but there is still no unified definition. Researchers claim that clarityof the concept is of great importance to facilitate the application. A precise specification of whichactivities that can be used to establish IM is needed when definition and classification is an importantpart of marketing analyses.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to study the research that has been done within our chosen area and tocompare this with case studies to examine in what extent the theory of IM is used in organizations.This is a thesis where we aim to compare theory and practice to examine if, and then in what extentthe theory is applicable in organizations.</p><p>We started our work by doing an extensive literature research within IM. Our second step was todelimit our theory to five researchers that have meant a lot in the way that they have both foundedthe theory as well as developed it the most until today. To get the practical aspect we did three caseswhere we interviewed the management of three companies in Västerås. The three companies wereof different sizes and worked in different branches, one micro company in the transport business,one small company in retailing and one middle-sized company that mediate accommodations.</p><p>The conclusion of our research was that IM in the opposite of what the researchers say actually isutilized in companies today, but how and to what extent is depending on the companies'characteristics. Motivation and communication are considered important by all three companies, butthe application of IM within these factors looks different in the three companies. That the companiesdo not use everything that is considered important by the researchers for IM, does not have to benegative and might instead show that a general definition of IM not is required. Our suggestion isthat the theory instead might be expanded and adjusted for the different characteristics oforganizations to facilitate the application further in the future.</p>

Intern Marknadsföring : Teori VS Praktik

Festin, Sandra, Ljung, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
Konceptet Intern marknadsföring (IM) har utvecklats mycket och ses inom forskningen som tillämpbart inom alla organisationer. En stor blandning av idéer, modeller och teorier har blivit samlade under detta begrepp men trots det är det enligt teoretiker få organisationer som använder sig av och arbetar utifrån konceptet i praktiken. Det finns enligt flera forskare i nuläget ingen riktigt klar och överenskommen definition av IM, vilket har gjort att det även finns en stor variation på hur detta bör tillämpas praktiskt i organisationer. Många olika definitioner och modeller som beskriver IM har jobbats fram och utvecklats av flertalet forskare, men det finns fortfarande inget enatkoncept. Forskare hävdar att en klarhet av konceptet är av vikt för att underlätta tillämpningen i praktiken. En precis specificering av vilka aktiviteter som kan användas för att etablera IM krävs då definition och klassificering är en viktig del av marknadsföringsanalyser.Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda den forskning som gjorts inom vårt avgränsningsområde och jämföra detta med de praktiska fall vi undersökt för att se i vilken utsträckning IM som teori används. För att få den praktiska synen på IM och kunna genomföra denna jämförande studie har vi undersökttre företag med olika egenskaper. Utifrån jämförelsen av teori och praktik har vi sedan fått fram en slutsats.Poängen med denna uppsats var därmed att jämföra teori och praktik för att se likheter och skillnader, om och i sådana fall hur och i vilken utsträckning teorin tillämpas och om företagets egenskaper påverkar denna tillämpning. Detta gjorde vi genom att i första hand göra en omfattande litteraturgranskning inom ämnet. Därefter valde vi att avgränsa oss till fem forskare som har varit betydande då de har stått för både grundandet av teorin som den främsta utvecklingen av den fram till idag. För att få fram den pratiska aspekten gjorde vi tre fallstudier där vi intervjuade ledningen i tre företag i Västerås. Företagen var av olika storlek och befann sig i olika branscher, ett mikroföretag i transportbranschen, ett litet företag i färgbranschen och ett medelstort företag inom bostadsbranschen. Det vi kom fram till av vår undersökning var att IM i motsats till vad forskningen säger tillämpas i företag idag, hur och i vilken omfattning beror dock på företagets egenskaper. Motivation och kommunikation anses som viktigt av alla tre fallföretagen, men tillämpningen inom dessa faktorer ser olika ut i de tre företagen. Att företagen inte använder sig av allt som forskarna anser som viktigt för IM behöver enligt vår undersökning inte betyda något negativt och kanske behövs det ingen generell gemensam definition för IM utan istället kan teorin utvidgas och anpassas efter företags olika egenskaper för att ytterligare underlätta tillämpningen i framtiden. / The concept of internal Marketing (IM) has developed a lot and is in research seen as applicable in allorganizations. A big mixture of ideas, models and theories have been gathered in this concept butdespite that there are few organizations that use the concept in practice. Today there is according to several researchers no clear and unified definition of IM, which has resulted in a great variety of howthe concept should be applicable in organizations. A number of different definitions and models thatdescribe IM have been developed but there is still no unified definition. Researchers claim that clarityof the concept is of great importance to facilitate the application. A precise specification of whichactivities that can be used to establish IM is needed when definition and classification is an importantpart of marketing analyses. The purpose of this thesis is to study the research that has been done within our chosen area and tocompare this with case studies to examine in what extent the theory of IM is used in organizations.This is a thesis where we aim to compare theory and practice to examine if, and then in what extentthe theory is applicable in organizations. We started our work by doing an extensive literature research within IM. Our second step was todelimit our theory to five researchers that have meant a lot in the way that they have both foundedthe theory as well as developed it the most until today. To get the practical aspect we did three caseswhere we interviewed the management of three companies in Västerås. The three companies wereof different sizes and worked in different branches, one micro company in the transport business,one small company in retailing and one middle-sized company that mediate accommodations. The conclusion of our research was that IM in the opposite of what the researchers say actually isutilized in companies today, but how and to what extent is depending on the companies'characteristics. Motivation and communication are considered important by all three companies, butthe application of IM within these factors looks different in the three companies. That the companiesdo not use everything that is considered important by the researchers for IM, does not have to benegative and might instead show that a general definition of IM not is required. Our suggestion isthat the theory instead might be expanded and adjusted for the different characteristics oforganizations to facilitate the application further in the future.

The "renovated" poetry of Theobald Mvungi and Said Ahmed Mohamed: on mechanisms of transformation of traditional Swahili verse

Frolova, Natalya S. 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Contemporary Swahili poetry is developing according to three main trends. The followers of the first trend - the so called "traditionalists" - stick to classic forms of old Swahili poetry. Following the Swahili canon of versification, traditionalists continue to be within the limits of two main genres of old Swahili literature - tendi (long poems) and mashairi (moderate lyrics and philosophical verses). In Swahili poetry foregoing sudden changes were marked by the appearance of a group of young authors on the poetic stage in the 1970s, who gave a dare to tradition. Their venture radically changed the character of Swahili literature, marking the appearance of the second trend of Swahili poetry, the \\\"new\\\" or \\\"modernistic\\\" poetry. But along with traditional and \\\"modernistic\\\" schools there exists a third trend of Swahili poetry - it is that sort of versification, which one may call \\\"transitional\\\". In general it looks lile pure \\\"modernism\\\", where at first sight one cannot see even the faintest resemblance with the traditional canon, but the more careful search makes it obvious that there is a true continuity between traditional and contemporary art. The best examples of such transformation are the poems of two prominent figures of contemporary Swahili poetry, the Tanzanians Theobald Mvungi and Said Ahmed Mohamed.

An interpretation of Said Ahmed Mohamed`s novel Kiza katika Nuru and some aspects of translation

Nocera, Pompea 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This article presents an interpretation of Said Ahmed Mohamed`s forth novel Kiza katika Nuru (1988). My aim is to show that this novel is an engaging model of modern Swahili fiction, in which the author provides a very acute perception of the contemporary social and political realities in Tanzania. The article focuses on the plot and characters, and will wouch some aspects of language usage and problems of translation. The latter aspect is derived from my work experience in translation Kiza katika Nuru into Italian: Il buio nella luce (Nocera 2004).

Family and society in Said Ahmed Mohamed's novels

Aiello Traoré, Flavia 15 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The depiction of family ties is one of the core elements of Swahili novels in Tanzania, especially in the post-Independence, socialist period, conveying all the contradictions of that social and cultural context. On one hand the representation of family relationships in terms of tense and aggressive behaviour (Mlacha 1987: 82) reflects the clashes of those years, between town and countryside, between genders and between different generations. On the other hand, the image of a new family - like for instance Chonya, Masika and her baby in Ndyanao Balisidya’s novel Shida (1975) - stands as a commitment to an alternative society, a dream of a better life inspired by Ujamaa which marked the Swahili prose of the 1970’s (Mbughuni 1980: 92). Said A. Mohamed, after his first novels which dealt with the colonial and pre-revolutionary past, turned his attention to contemporary society, but has continued to develop the idea of the family as a symbolic space where relationships between the characters articulate the inequalities and the conflicts within Zanzibari society. His literary discourse, as will become clear in the following pages, brilliantly investigates the deep roots and the countless facets of authoritarianism in contemporary Zanzibari society, depicting a gallery of fathers - in a biological and in a metaphorical sense – who are despotic, immoral, hypocritical, and increasingly cynical.

"Verkligheten, som obarmhärtigt bröt ned hans konstruktioner” : En studie av Henry Parlands roman Sönder. / "The Reality, which Relentlessly Destroyed His Constructions" : A Study of Henry Parland's Sönder

Olsson Nyhammar, Carlo January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis the aim is to examine how objects matter with regards to orientation in the work To Pieces written by the Finnish author Henry Parland. The question posed by Sara Ahmed in Queer Phenomenology becomes the starting point of this work. The aim of returning to this question is to accentuate the role of objects in the process of orientation. More specifically how the things themselves make up the life-world, which can be described as a “coherency of things”. When the lifeworld and the subject is aligned the world is familiar and open. It becomes a world that lets the subject in question extend itself and act as it intends. When the orientation fails, the subject becomes disorientated, the world falls apart. The things are used as tools to extend the subject in its world. But things are not mere tools for the subject to extend itself with. The things can be seen as having agency, something that is examined through the theory of agential realism by Karen Barad. Here the agency of matter is examined in such a way that the binary opposition of subject-object is questioned. Instead Barad suggest that we return to the matter itself and examine how it intra-acts in such a way that the boundaries and entities are formed within the so-called phenomena. Together these two theories are put to work in the novel To Pieces which becomes a place for them to join together by showing how orientation is formed reciprocally in the subject-object discourse. The novel is full of human intra-action with things, be it mirrors, photografies, cigarettes, hats, or other humans who are reduced to objects. From here the things themselves set in motion a kind of revolution, which questions the anthropocentric order.

L’image et le rôle de Zahra dans La Nuit sacrée de Tahar Ben Jelloun : The image and the role of Zahra in Tahar Ben Jelloun’s The Sacred Night

Kadi Bouchakour, Sadek January 2017 (has links)
Ce travail vise initialement le rôle et l’image de Zahra/Ahmed qui représente la femme marocaine bucolique dans le roman La Nuit sacrée de Tahar Ben Jelloun qui lutte pour chercher son identité féminine perdue. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé au début de notre analyse le schéma de Greimas car il nous a aidé à montrer le rôle de Zahra/Ahmed dans le récit. Nous avons également approfondi notre travail en analysant l’environnement familial de Zahra et ses relations, la libération du corps, l’aspect religieux, l’obéissance dans le but de confirmer la tragédie de Zahra qui reflète la femme rurale au Maroc. Enfin, notre travail s’est achevé avec une étude sur le statut de la femme dans la société traditionnelle, à travers le personnage principal du récit, dans les sociétés traditionnelles patriarcales dans lesquelles l’homme instaure son pouvoir sur la femme. / This work initially aims at the role and image of Zahra / Ahmed, who represents the bucolic Moroccan woman in the novel The Sacred Night by Tahar Ben Jelloun who struggles to find her lost female identity. For this, we used Greimas’s scheme at the beginning of our analysis because it helped us to show the role and the dramatic situation of Zahra / Ahmed in the story. We also deepened our work by analysing the family environment of Zahra and its relations, the liberation of the body, the religious aspect, obedience in order to confirm the tragedy of rural women in Morocco. Finally, our work ends with a study of the status of women in a traditional society in which man establishes his power over woman.

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