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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání filosofických a etických motivů v literárním díle Alberta Camuse a Jean-Paul Sartra / Comparison of philosophic and ethic motives in the literary work of A.Camus and J.P.Sartre

Bečvářová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
RESUME My diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of opinions of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus concerning existential and philosophical motifs in their literary work. I tried to compare the occurrence of individual existential categories, based on selected philosophical and literary works of both authors, who rank among the French branch of atheist existentialism. The first chapter deals with basic characteristics of existential philosophy and its changes between the two wars; and the consequential spreading of this philosophy thinking in the post-war Europe, in which it achieved a great success in a few branches. Majority of this chapter is devoted to French existentialism, whose goal was to explore and describe concrete existence, while human being (existence) is identified as freedom there. It was due to Jean- Paul Sartre that French existentialism has become the most significant way of thinking. The two following chapters briefly describe the lives of Sartre and Camus; because the lives of authors who write philosophical and literary works are always interconnected with their work. The second and third chapter contain the analysis of selected works of both authors, while I didn't forget the dramatic work which is a part of philosophical ad literary work and by means of that I presented mainly...

Naděje a smysl člověka: srovnání pojetí lidské existence u Gabriela Marcela a Alberta Camuse / Hope and Meaning of Human Existence: Comparing the Approach to Human Existence of Gabriel Marcel and Albert Camus

Klimešová, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
73 Abstract The first part of my dissertation deals with the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. It begins with the basic information about the philosopher as well as with his thinking placed within the context of the philosophy's history. Next step is Mr. Marcel's ideas about the feeling of the essence of life which is significant to experience in one man's life in order to set off the journey of englightenment. The feeling of the essence of life is unfortunately being silenced in nowadays people. After that I introduce the philosopher's conception of the imprisonment of a human being. This imprisonment is the cornerstone of his explanation of the metaphysics of hope. At the end of the first part I submit the power and the importance of hope in a human's state of mind which can be so stable that even the death of the beloved doesn't mean the end of hope. As mentioned before, the second part begins with the information about Mr. Albert Camus and I also put his philosophy in the context of the history. The most important step is to introduce his feeling of the futility without which the philosophy of Mr. Camus cannot be understood. The next vital part is his understanding and asking of one man's life relevance and also the philosopher's perception of a suicide. The cost of human life is the focal point of...


Liu, Yingmei No 02 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Albert Camus et l'art de philosopher

Massé, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif poursuivi dans ce mémoire de maîtrise est de proposer une réflexion sur la problématique trop souvent ignorée de la « nature » de la philosophie. Défendant une position historiciste et non essentialiste, la philosophie ne pouvant être comprise, définie et expliquée qu’à partir de ses formes historiques, j’ai décidé d’étudier la présence de la philosophie dans la vie et dans l’oeuvre d’Albert Camus, surtout reconnu pour être un homme de lettres. La pensée de Camus se positionnant contre la philosophie abstraite et théorique de ses contemporains, il sera question de l’examiner à la lumière des travaux de Pierre Hadot sur la philosophie antique. La comparaison avec les Anciens sera précieuse sur plus d’un plan. Elle prouvera que Camus réactualise l’idéal de la philosophie comme mode de vie, dont les thèses directrices seront explicitées dans les prolégomènes. J’espère ainsi faire voir la possibilité d’une conception « moderne » de la philosophie ancrée dans la pratique. Le présent travail se divisera en trois parties : la première visera à clarifier le sens des concepts et des différentes parties du Mythe de Sisyphe; la deuxième tâchera de rapprocher sa philosophie de l’absurde des thèses directrices de la philosophie comme mode de vie, offrant une interprétation novatrice de son Sisyphe; la troisième exposera succinctement sa philosophie de la révolte à partir d’une analyse de L’Homme révolté, de façon à démontrer que sa morale s’inscrit aussi dans le sillage de cet idéal philosophique. / The purpose of this master’s thesis is to propose a reflection on the all-too-often ignored issue of philosophy’s “nature”. Defending a historicist and non-essentialist position since philosophy cannot be understood, defined and explained without studying its historical forms, I decided to examine the presence of philosophy in the life and in the work of Albert Camus, who is essentially known as a man of letters. The thinking of Camus, which is positioned against the abstract and theoretical philosophy of his contemporaries, will be studied in light of the works of Pierre Hadot on ancient philosophy. The comparison with the classical Greeks will be precious in many ways. It will prove that Camus extends the ancient ideal of philosophy as a way of life, which guiding theses will be presented in the prolegomena. I therefore wish to bring forward the possibility of a “modern” conception of philosophy that is anchored in practicality. This research will be divided into three parts : the first will aim to clarify the meaning of the concepts and various parts of the Myth of Sisyphus; the second will seek to liken his philosophy of the absurd to the guiding theses of philosophy as a way of life, offering an innovative interpretation of his Sisyphus; the third will briefly present its philosophy of revolt from an analysis of The Rebel in order to demonstrate that its moral can also be likened to philosophy as a way of life.

Rundbrief / Lehrstuhl für Religionsphilosophie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft

19 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Minulý čas v díle Alberta Camuse z hlediska překladu / Past tense in the works of Albert Camus in terms of translation

Geierová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis examines the meaning of the past tenses used by Albert Camus in his novels The Stranger and The Fall and the possibility of their transfer to Czech. The present thesis takes a theoretical and empirical approach. The theoretical part provides an overview of the French past tenses and their meanings and deals with their functions within the narrative text. It also attempts to express the specific use of French past tenses in Camus's works analysed. The thesis does not omit describe the possibilities that the Czech language has to express the past. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of the existing Czech translations of the novels The Stranger and The Fall with an emphasis on capturing the meanings of the past tenses defined in the theoretical part. Using the Czech translations, it seeks ways of creating equivalent effects in Czech and compares the translators' approaches. Key words: the role of the past tenses in the narrative text, passé composé, passé simple, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, Albert Camus, The Stranger, The Fall

Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud et L’Étranger de Camus : réappropriation et détournements dans le récit littéraire contemporain

Rezig, Sofia 05 1900 (has links)
Résumé Véritable récit de filiation, Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud, chroniqueur et écrivain algérien d’expression française, prolonge et transgresse l’univers fictionnel de L’Étranger de Camus selon le point de vue de l’Arabe. Publié aux éditions Barzakh en Algérie, le roman reçoit le prix Goncourt du premier roman en 2015. Dans le roman de Camus, Meursault abat un Arabe sur une plage d’Alger, la victime n’a pas d’identité, elle demeure anonyme, le texte de Camus ne lui attribuant aucune agentivité. Le roman de Daoud nait de ce qui est interprété comme une injustice par Haroun, frère de l’Arabe assassiné et narrateur du récit qui va, dès lors, revendiquer un devoir de mémoire et de réhabilitation tout en s’inscrivant dans une réflexion sur l’Algérie contemporaine. Dans ce mémoire, nous examinons dans le premier chapitre les différents procédés théoriques soit l’intertextualité, la transtextualité et la transfictionnalité qui permettent de comprendre comment Kamel Daoud met en scène le chemin que Haroun parcourt, sur le modèle du palimpseste, pour dire l’Histoire/l’histoire de sa famille, ses états d’âme et pour exposer la problématique de l’identité algérienne et sa relation tumultueuse avec le passé colonial. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous voyons par quels moyens Daoud prolonge le roman de Camus par l’invention de personnage et la restructuration des lieux et des évènements. Enfin, le dernier chapitre s’intéresse à la portée idéologique et politique de l’œuvre de Daoud et ce qu’elle implique comme lecture et réécriture postcoloniale de l’œuvre camusienne. / Abstract A true story of parentage, Meursault, a counter-investigation is by Kamel Daoud, an Algerian columnist and writer of French expression. He prolongs and transgresses the fictional universe of Camus’s The Stranger from the point of view of the Arab. Published by Barzakh editions in Algeria, the novel receives the Goncourt Prize for the first novel in 2015. In Camus’s novel, Meursault shoots an Arab on a beach in Alger. The victim has no identity and remains anonymous; Camus’s text does not attribute any agency to it. Daoud’s novel is born from what is interpreted as an injustice by Haroun, brother of the murdered Arab and narrator of the story which will, from then on, avow a duty of commemoration and rehabilitation while being part of a reflection of contemporary Algeria. In this thesis, we examine in the first chapter the different theoretical processes, namely intertextuality, transtextuality and transfictionality which allow us to understand how Kamel Daoud stages the path that Haroun follows, on the model of the palimpsest, to say the History/the history of his family, his moods and to expose the problem of Algerian identity and its tumultuous relationship with the colonial past. In the second chapter, we see by what means Daoud extends Camus’s novel through the invention of a character and the restructuring of places and events. Finally, the last chapter looks at the ideological and political significance of Daoud’s work and what it implies as postcolonial reading and rewriting of the camusian work.

Rundbrief / Lehrstuhl für Religionsphilosophie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft

19 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

L’absurde dans le cinéma de Sono Shion et Ishii Katsuhito : portrait extrême de la « génération perdue » japonaise

Guilbert, Alice 12 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche propose de déceler les manifestations formelles et narratives du « sentiment d'absurdité » camusien dans Suicide Club (2001) de Sono Shion et The Taste of Tea (2004) réalisé par Ishii Katsuhito. En vue de déterminer la part de responsabilité détenue par la crise économique japonaise des années 1990 dans le traitement absurde de ces œuvres, le caractère inconséquent de la violence représenté chez Sono et le traitement de la solitude chez Ishii sont analysés. Abordant tous deux le concept de rupture générationnelle, la présence d’absurde au sein de ces films illustre la réalité préoccupante de la « génération perdue » japonaise, de jeunes gens confrontés à l’absence d’offre d’emplois et à un isolement sociétal forcé. / This project aims to identify the formal and narrative manifestations of the Camusian “sense of absurdity” in Sono Shion’s Suicide Club (2001) and The Taste of Tea (2004) directed by Ishii Katsuhito. In order to determine the extent to which the Japanese economic crisis of the 1990s contributed to the absurd treatment in these works, the project analyzes the inconsistent nature of the violence represented in Sono’s film and the treatment of solitude in Ishii’s. Both films address the concept of generational rupture. In doing so, the presence of the absurd within these films illustrates the worrying reality experienced by young people faced with the absence of job offers and forced societal isolation, known as the Japanese "lost generation".

L'enseignement du français dans le Sud de l'Algérie. Du jeu théâtral à la production écrite dans une classe de 2e année de lycée à partir de Caligula d'Albert Camus / Teaching French in the southern Algeria. Of theatrical play to the production written in 2nd year of high school from Caligula of Albert Camus

Oubah, Narimane 10 March 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse envisage la production écrite en classe de français comme une pratique scolaire novatrice lorsqu’elle est accomplie au sein d’un espace-atelier et réalisée par l’entremise du jeu, de la mise en scène et du montage d’un spectacle. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en œuvre une pièce de théâtre, Caligula d’Albert Camus, comme moyen d’enseignement-apprentissage, en l’accompagnant d’une gamme d’outils –dispositif ou unité didactique, vidéo de la pièce, carnet de bord, etc., – favorisant en parallèle une recherche-action sur terrain. Notre travail questionne en outre la possibilité d’une telle expérience menée dans un lieu peu commun, le Sud de l’Algérie, dans l’oasis de Bou-Saâda, et auprès d’un groupe d’apprenants d’une classe de 2e année Langues Étrangères au lycée. Nos objectifs sont de cultiver la compétence écrite chez l’apprenant oasien via l’écriture théâtrale, de lui donner goût à l’apprentissage de la langue et de conférer une certaine dynamique à cet apprentissage en lui permettant de créer et de voir représenté ce qu’il écrit sur le plateau. Au-delà d’une simple acquisition de compétences rédactionnelles, nous avons pu constater des mutations dans les représentations scolaires et sociales de la langue française chez le groupe-apprenant, issu d’une société sudiste conservatrice, chez qui la langue-cible a un statut différent de celui dont elle bénéficie au Nord, ce qui renvoie, par là même, à l’histoire, à la géographie et au plurilinguisme du pays. / Our thesis considers the written production, in a French class, as an innovative school practice when it is accomplished in a workshop space, and realized through the play, staging, and editing of a show. In order to do this, we have implemented a play, Caligula by Albert Camus, as a way of teaching and learning, accompanied by a range of tools - a teaching device or unit, a video of the play, Logbook, etc., - promoting, at the same time, an action research on the ground. Our work also questions the possibility of such an experiment conducted in an unusual place, the South of Algeria, in the oasis of Bou-Saâda, and with a group of learners 2nd Year, Foreign Languages in high school. Our aims are to improve the written skills of the oasis learner through theatrical scripture, to give him a taste to learn the language; and to give a certain dynamic to this learning by allowing him to create and see represented what 'He writes on the set’. Beyond a simple acquisition of editorial skills, we have seen changes in the academic and social representations of the French language in the learner group, from a conservative Southern society, in which the target language has a different status has the respect to the North, evoking the history, geography and multi-linguals of the country.

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