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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt / Business Performance Management from a quality perspective

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid. Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut. Det är därför av väsentlig betydelse att kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att undanröja risken att managers inte tar otillfredsställande beslut som sedan innebär onödiga kostnader för företaget. Dessutom möjliggör en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos informationen som beslutsunderlagen baseras på att företagets managers kan ta beslut som leder till att de kan agera mot förändringar som sker i den omgivande företagskontexten. Att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som ligger till grund för beslutsunderlagen behöver därmed vara något som företag prioriterar så att informationen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet. Kvalitetsledningsfilosofin total quality management (TQM) har i denna studie används för att ta reda på hur informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen som tas fram via business performance management kan förbättras. Total quality management tar ett verksamhetsövergripande grepp om hur kvaliteten kan förbättras inom företag. Företag prioriterar ofta inte att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som de har till sitt förfogande för att ta beslut utan utgår ofta från att informationen är korrekt och om den inte är det så har något fundamentalt fel inträffat. Det leder till att företag ofta i de projekt som de utför förbiser vilken kvalitet informationen har utan använder sina resurser till andra arbetsuppgifter. För att kunna förbättra informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen behöver kvalitetsförbättringar bli ett prioriterat område inom företag. Företag har större möjlighet att uppnå en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos beslutsunderlagen om företagsledningen tillsätter en kvalitetsansvarig. Den person som blir kvalitetsansvarig tar tag i de stridigheter som behövs för att få tillgång till de nödvändiga resurserna. Denna person stödjer även de projektgrupper som arbetar med att förbättra informationskvaliteten. Det förutsätter att den kvalitetsansvarige har mandat att ta de nödvändiga besluten för att kunna förbättra kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen. / During the century of 1990 come Kaplan and Norton with the balance scorecard philosophy. The purpose of this philosophy is to encourage managers to not only take consideration in financial measurements, but also to use both financial and non-financial measurement to manage companies. This concept with balanced scorecard have developed since it's beginning and in the beginning of the 21st century the third version of balanced scorecard developed with advanced technology which established the concept business performance management. This means that the information that the reports builds on have both financial and non-financial measurement which are collected from a central database in the company´s overall business performance management system. One reason to why business performance management ties balanced scorecard with advanced technology is to give managers possibilities to get a common version of reality, this means a common mental picture of how the company performs. Besides the advanced technology render possibilities that give managers, regardless if the decision has been taken at strategic, tactic or operative level, access to information that basic data for decision-making is based on in right time. The information that basic data for decision-making is based on must have a satisfied good quality to enable managers to take correct and optimal decision. It is therefore important that the quality of basic data for decision-making holds a satisfied good quality to remove the risk that managers is taking non-satisfactory decisions that means unnecessary costs for the company. Besides enable a satisfied good quality of the information, which basic data for decision-making is based on, so that managers at companies can take decision that leads them to take action against changes around the company's context. To improve the information quality that basic data for decision-making is based on should be something that companies prioritize so that information holds a satisfied good quality. The quality management philosophy total quality management (TQM) has in this study been used to investigate how information quality in basic data for decision-making can be improved. Total quality management gives a company an overall view of how the quality can be improved in the company. The companies not often prioritize improvement of the information quality that they have to their disposal for taking decision, instead they often assume that information is correct and if it is not there it has occurred a fundamental mistake. This leads to that the companies often in their projects overlook witch quality the information has and use their resources to others working tasks.  Too improve the information quality at basic data for decision-making needs quality improvement be a prioritized area within the companies. Companies have more possibilities to reach a satisfied good quality at the basic data for decision-making if the company management adds a person that is responsible for the quality. The person that will be responsible for the quality takes the necessary fights to get access to the necessary resources. This person even supports the project groups that work with improvement of information quality. To have responsibility for the quality this person has mandate to take the necessary decisions to improve the quality of the basic data for decision-making.

Las tecnologías de la información como fuente de ventajas competitivas. Una aproximación empírica.

Paños Álvarez, Antonio 13 December 1999 (has links)
El trabajo se centra en el estudio de la influencia de las tecnologías de la información (TI) en los resultados de las empresas desde la enfoque de recursos y capacidades. A partir del análisis controvertido de la bibliografía existente hasta la década de los 90, se propone un modelo de medida de las TI, de las ventajas competitivas internas y externas que dichas tecnologías son susceptibles de generar y su repercusión sobre el rendimiento de las empresas. El análisis empírico realizado sobre una muestra de 186 empresas, determina relaciones significativas entre el esfuerzo inversor en TI y las ventajas competitivas generadas, que junto con la existencia complementaria de factores organizativos contingentes influyen de forma positiva sobre el rendimiento de las empresas. / The work concentrates on the study of the information technologies (IT) influences on the results of the companies from the Resource-based Approach. From the controversial analysis of the existing bibliography until the decade of the 90, we propose a measurement model of IT, its internal and external competitive advantages that these technologies are susceptible to generate and its repercussion on the companies performance. The empirical analysis made on a sample of 186 companies, determines significant relations between the investing effort in IT and the generated competitive advantages, that along with the complementary existence of contingent organizational factors, influence in a positive way on the firms performance.

An Investigation of the Relationship between the Form of the Management Control System , Financial Performance and Business Performance on Non-life Insurance Industry under Financial and Non-financial Holding Company

Weng, Chi-Jung 08 September 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on what impact the Management Control System of Non-life Insurance Industry under Financial and Non-financial Holding Company has on a company¡¦s financial and business performance. (Management Control System, hereinafter referred to as MCS) . The scope of the MCS is not conclusive, it consists of management accounting and other control methods. This study adopts Simons¡¦s Diagnostic Control Systems and Interactive Control Systems as a yardstick, and the indicators of the financial and business performance are collected from Taiwan Insurance Institute. This study is based on the exploratory study --- in-depth interviews in case studies. In order to understand what types of the MCS a Non-life Insurance Industry company choices , and each respondent¡¦s feedback on the MCS , the study is followed by semi-structured interviews. By the comparison of multiple-case designs and a more in-depth discussion , this study has found that: (1) There is no special relationship of the MCS selection between Non-life Insurance Industry under Financial and Non-financial Holding Company . (2) Both Non-life Insurance Industry under Financial and Non-financial Holding Company have Strategic Alliances in marketing . (3) Only Non-life Insurance Industry under Financial Holding Company could take the advantage of the joint-marketing in the distribution channel of a bank. (4) Non-life Insurance Industry under Non-financial Holding Company tends to have better business performance when using Interactive Control Systems . Therefore, the study suggests that when Non-life Insurance Industry under Non-financial Holding Company tries to design the control system of an organization, it is better to use the Interactive Control System to help the performance of a company.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt / Business Performance Management from a quality perspective

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid.</p><p>Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut. Det är därför av väsentlig betydelse att kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att undanröja risken att managers inte tar otillfredsställande beslut som sedan innebär onödiga kostnader för företaget. Dessutom möjliggör en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos informationen som beslutsunderlagen baseras på att företagets managers kan ta beslut som leder till att de kan agera mot förändringar som sker i den omgivande företagskontexten. Att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som ligger till grund för beslutsunderlagen behöver därmed vara något som företag prioriterar så att informationen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet. Kvalitetsledningsfilosofin total quality management (TQM) har i denna studie används för att ta reda på hur informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen som tas fram via business performance management kan förbättras. Total quality management tar ett verksamhetsövergripande grepp om hur kvaliteten kan förbättras inom företag.</p><p>Företag prioriterar ofta inte att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som de har till sitt förfogande för att ta beslut utan utgår ofta från att informationen är korrekt och om den inte är det så har något fundamentalt fel inträffat. Det leder till att företag ofta i de projekt som de utför förbiser vilken kvalitet informationen har utan använder sina resurser till andra arbetsuppgifter. För att kunna förbättra informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen behöver kvalitetsförbättringar bli ett prioriterat område inom företag. Företag har större möjlighet att uppnå en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos beslutsunderlagen om företagsledningen tillsätter en kvalitetsansvarig. Den person som blir kvalitetsansvarig tar tag i de stridigheter som behövs för att få tillgång till de nödvändiga resurserna. Denna person stödjer även de projektgrupper som arbetar med att förbättra informationskvaliteten. Det förutsätter att den kvalitetsansvarige har mandat att ta de nödvändiga besluten för att kunna förbättra kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen.</p> / <p>During the century of 1990 come Kaplan and Norton with the balance scorecard philosophy. The purpose of this philosophy is to encourage managers to not only take consideration in financial measurements, but also to use both financial and non-financial measurement to manage companies. This concept with balanced scorecard have developed since it's beginning and in the beginning of the 21st century the third version of balanced scorecard developed with advanced technology which established the concept business performance management. This means that the information that the reports builds on have both financial and non-financial measurement which are collected from a central database in the company´s overall business performance management system. One reason to why business performance management ties balanced scorecard with advanced technology is to give managers possibilities to get a common version of reality, this means a common mental picture of how the company performs. Besides the advanced technology render possibilities that give managers, regardless if the decision has been taken at strategic, tactic or operative level, access to information that basic data for decision-making is based on in right time.</p><p>The information that basic data for decision-making is based on must have a satisfied good quality to enable managers to take correct and optimal decision. It is therefore important that the quality of basic data for decision-making holds a satisfied good quality to remove the risk that managers is taking non-satisfactory decisions that means unnecessary costs for the company. Besides enable a satisfied good quality of the information, which basic data for decision-making is based on, so that managers at companies can take decision that leads them to take action against changes around the company's context. To improve the information quality that basic data for decision-making is based on should be something that companies prioritize so that information holds a satisfied good quality. The quality management philosophy total quality management (TQM) has in this study been used to investigate how information quality in basic data for decision-making can be improved. Total quality management gives a company an overall view of how the quality can be improved in the company.</p><p>The companies not often prioritize improvement of the information quality that they have to their disposal for taking decision, instead they often assume that information is correct and if it is not there it has occurred a fundamental mistake. This leads to that the companies often in their projects overlook witch quality the information has and use their resources to others working tasks.  Too improve the information quality at basic data for decision-making needs quality improvement be a prioritized area within the companies. Companies have more possibilities to reach a satisfied good quality at the basic data for decision-making if the company management adds a person that is responsible for the quality. The person that will be responsible for the quality takes the necessary fights to get access to the necessary resources. This person even supports the project groups that work with improvement of information quality. To have responsibility for the quality this person has mandate to take the necessary decisions to improve the quality of the basic data for decision-making.</p>

Evaluation of influence of information systems on business performance / Informacinių sistemų poveikio įmonių veiklai vertinimas

Lipaj, Dmitrij 27 January 2014 (has links)
Information systems are used to increase business performance to gain competitive advantage. Information systems affect both financial measures and internal processes, thus providing different benefits to organisation. The main objective of the thesis is to create a model for evaluation of business performance through implementation of information systems. The thesis consists of three parts. In the theoretical part definition on what are information systems, enterprise resource planning systems and how do they correspond to each other were given. Explanation on how information systems can increase business performance and what business processes and indicators might be affected were analyzed. Integrated information system that refers to enterprise resource planning systems group is presented in the more detailed way. In the second part description was provided on how model was created for evaluation of influence of information systems on business performance. Information how the hierarchical organizational structure and selected performance indicators might be used for evaluation the general business performance index. In the practical model approbation part the results on the evaluation of information Systems, implemented in different branch offices in different countries of company providing engineering consultancy services , was made. Research results analysis has revealed that information systems have a great effect on business performance and can enhance performance... [to full text] / Informacinės sistemos naudojamos siekiant pagerinti įmonės veiklos rodiklius ir įgyti konkurencinį pranašumą. Informacinės sistemos turi poveikį tiek finansiniams, tiek ir vidaus procesų rodikliams, taip suteikdamos naudą įmonei. Baigiamojo darbo pagrindinis tikslas yra sukurti informacinių sistemų poveikio įmonių veiklai vertinimo modelį. Baigiamąjį magistro darbą sudaro trys dalys. Teorinėje studijoje pateikiami informacinės sistemos, įmonių vidinių išteklių planavimo sistemų apibrėžimai ir aiškinama sąsaja tarp šių dviejų reikšmių. Analizuojama, kaip diegiamos informacinės sistemos didina verslo efektyvumą, gerina rodiklius, paveikia verslo procesus. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjamas informacinių sistemų poveikio įmonių veiklai vertinimo modelis. Išanalizuota, kaip esama hierarchinė organizacijos struktūra ir pasirinkti veiklos rodikliai gali būti panaudoti bendro verslo veiklos rodikliui paskaičiuoti. Praktinėje dalyje buvo atliktas modelio aprobavimas inžinierines konsultacines paslaugas teikiančioje įmonės filialuose, įsteigtuose skirtingose šalyse. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad informacinės sistemos turi didelį poveikį verslo rodikliams ir gali padidinti įmonės efektyvumą. Baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Baigiamojo darbo apimtis – 79 p. teksto be priedų, 24 pav., 22 lent., 82 bibliografiniai šaltiniai.

Managerial characteristics and business strategy as determinants of business performance as moderated by business environment of Chinese SMEs in the State of Sarawak, East Malaysia

Sung, Ching Ing January 2006 (has links)
This exploratory study investigates the combined effects on firm performance of Chinese SMEs in Sarawak due to the managerial characteristics of owners / managers and business strategy as moderated by business environment. A review of the existing literature reveals that each of these constructs has been examined either alone or in some combinations and has contributed to the firm performance. Prior studies have raised concern on underspecified models or methodological problems that may have prevented a fuller understanding of potential multivariate relationships among these constructs as relate to one another and to performance.

Eficácia da estratégia de marketing de uma operadora de planos de saúde

Wilasco, Julio Cesar Cavalcante January 2012 (has links)
Os desafios e dificuldades que executivos de empresas encontram para desenvolver e aplicar modelos de avaliação eficientes de suas estratégias de marketing, em função da complexidade da tarefa e da quantidade de fatores que podem interferir nos resultados, além da distância existente entre a prática da gestão empresarial e os modelos científicos apresentados e reconhecidos pela academia são o porto de partida desta pesquisa. A partir deste entendimento, a intenção do estudo foi estabelecer alguns links que possibilitem desenvolver uma proposta de avaliação da eficácia da estratégia de marketing. Assim, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, sendo escolhido o método de estudo de caso, no qual se avalia a eficácia da estratégia de marketing da Unimed Porto Alegre, a partir de indicadores de desempenho mercadológico e empresarial. A estratégia de marketing foi elaborada em 2008 e executada a partir de 2009, sendo que o acompanhamento dos indicadores de desempenho mercadológico e empresarial para análise dos resultados foi feita entre 2009 e 2011. A estratégia de marketing analisada neste trabalho teve como principais objetivos: impactar o mercado, provocar uma percepção de admiração sustentada na proposição de valor da Cooperativa, multiplicar sua base de clientes, conquistar novos clientes e evitar a evasão, converter relacionamento em fidelidade e capturar valor, promovendo a causa do bem-estar e fazendo da Unimed Porto Alegre uma empresa admirável e desejada. O produto conceitual da estratégia de marketing é o IBE (índice de bem-estar Unimed Porto Alegre) que direciona as ações de comunicação e relacionamento da Cooperativa tanto para seus clientes quanto para seus médicos. A estratégia de marketing da Cooperativa transcendeu a sua função primária de divulgação e comercialização e passou a promover uma causa, a causa do bem-estar, buscando consolidar sua imagem e liderança no mercado e assim atingir seus objetivos estratégicos de médio e longo prazo. No estudo, foram considerados indicadores de desempenho mercadológico e empresarial já amplamente utilizados e validados em diversas pesquisas sobre o tema. A análise de vínculo entre a eficácia da estratégia de marketing e o reconhecimento público foi feita considerando o escopo, a importância e a relevância dos prêmios recebidos. Nesta dissertação buscou-se também estabelecer a ligação entre a pesquisa e a prática no campo da gestão. Os resultados indicam a possibilidade de vinculação da eficácia da estratégia de marketing da empresa pesquisada com seus indicadores de resultados mercadológicos e empresariais, bem como com as premiações recebidas ao analisar como isto aconteceu. O conjunto de evidências é muito consistente. O estudo se justifica pelo interesse em modelos de avaliação de estratégias de marketing baseados no acompanhamento de indicadores de desempenho mercadológico e empresarial e pela possibilidade de verificar, na prática, a validade de algumas construções teóricas. / The challenges and difficulties faced by corporate executives to develop and apply efficient marketing strategy performance measurement systems, whether the task complexity and multiplicity of factors that may affect the results, besides the gap between management business practice and scientific models presented and recognized by the academy are the point of departure of this research. From this understanding, the objective of this study was to establish some links that enable to develop a proposal to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategy. Thus, an exploratory survey was developed, it was selected the case study method, that presents the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Unimed Porto Alegre marketing strategy, based on marketing and financial performance outcomes. The marketing strategy was developed in 2008 and the execution started in 2009. The performance indicators monitoring and analysis were made between 2009 and 2011. The main objectives of the marketing strategy analyzed in this research were to: impact the market, cause a sense of wonder sustained in the Cooperative’s value proposition, multiply its customer base, gain new customers and avoid evasion, convert relationship in fidelity and capture value by promoting the cause of well-being and make Unimed Porto Alegre being admirable and desirable. The conceptual product of the marketing strategy is the IBE (Unimed Porto Alegre well-being index), that drives the communication and relationship actions of the Cooperative for both customers and doctors. The Cooperative marketing strategy transcended its primary function of marketing and sales and had begun to promote the cause of welfare, seeking to consolidate its image and market leadership, achieving its strategic objectives into medium and long-term. In this study, it was considered market and financial performance indicators widely used and validated in several studies about this topic. The analysis of the link between the marketing strategy effectiveness and public recognition was made considering the scope, importance and relevance of awards won by Unimed Porto Alegre. This dissertation also sought to establish the relationship between research and practice in the management field. The results indicate the possibility of linking the marketing strategy effectiveness of the researched company with their market and financial performance outcomes, as well the awards received, when analyzing how it happened. The body of evidence is very consistent. The study has being justified by the interest in marketing strategy performance measurement models based on monitoring market and financial performance outcomes and by the possibility to check the validity of some theoretical constructions in practice.

The importance of firms' strategic resources and capabilities in crisis situations

Krzeminska, Anna M. 10 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Anna Krzeminska (anna.m.krzeminska@gmail.com) on 2015-12-03T22:31:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Anna Krzeminska - FGV EBAPE Thesis.pdf: 782414 bytes, checksum: d1eaade223b9b8d735b684cca595090e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-12-17T11:19:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Anna Krzeminska - FGV EBAPE Thesis.pdf: 782414 bytes, checksum: d1eaade223b9b8d735b684cca595090e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-12-21T18:36:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Anna Krzeminska - FGV EBAPE Thesis.pdf: 782414 bytes, checksum: d1eaade223b9b8d735b684cca595090e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-21T18:36:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anna Krzeminska - FGV EBAPE Thesis.pdf: 782414 bytes, checksum: d1eaade223b9b8d735b684cca595090e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-10 / The general idea of this research is to analyze overall firm performance before and after the global financial crisis of 2008. The main question is: What kind of strategies did companies adopt that led to positive business performance after the crisis? Are there any particular competitive advantages that bring better performance in the case of an economic downturn? This research focuses on competitive advantage gained by resource-based view attributes of a product (quality, durability and prestige) and dynamic capabilities (strategic flexibility in product development and technological innovation ability). The economic crisis setting provides a proper background to analyze the competitive advantage strategies in a dynamic, low-probability environment to determine which are most worth adopting in the business world. I employ an OLS regression analysis in order to measure the business performance of 136 Brazilian firms across four years – 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2012. The findings indicate that even though all of the strategic resources and capabilities positively influence firm performance in expansionary periods, only the superior product characteristics are pertinent in surviving an economic downturn.

O comportamento inadimplente merece outra chance? Um estudo sobre a reincidência do default em empresas de varejo brasileiras

Monteiro, Bárbara Demétrio Salgado 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Bárbara Monteiro (bah.demetrio@gmail.com) on 2017-03-06T02:59:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20170301_Barbara_Dissertacao_final.pdf: 1123437 bytes, checksum: 1b1416ec225c16354da92f764573e580 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Barbara, boa noite Para que possamos aceitar seu trabalho, deverá realizar alterações de acordo com as normas da ABNT: Verificar a formatação e tamanho da fonte em todas as páginas do inicio, que consta o título. (tamanho 12) Na contra capa e folha de assinaturas, o campo de conhecimento é sua área: Finanças Aguardar a Ficha catalográfica. Só podemos aceitar após a inclusão da ficha completa. Em seguida, submeter novamente. Att on 2017-03-07T00:22:37Z (GMT) / Submitted by Bárbara Monteiro (bah.demetrio@gmail.com) on 2017-03-12T17:54:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20170312_Barbara_Dissertacao_final.pdf: 1354665 bytes, checksum: e6441f0a0acc0b8d23d0b4be15040bad (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2017-03-13T17:04:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20170312_Barbara_Dissertacao_final.pdf: 1354665 bytes, checksum: e6441f0a0acc0b8d23d0b4be15040bad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-13T17:05:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 20170312_Barbara_Dissertacao_final.pdf: 1354665 bytes, checksum: e6441f0a0acc0b8d23d0b4be15040bad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / The main objective of this study is to evaluate the propensity for the recurrence of default in the Brazilian retail companies’ credit market and to understand the main reasons that affect this propensity. For this purpose, we used a sample of 6,047 companies and, through the logit regression method, we evaluated the associations between the repeated default rate in companies that had observed past delinquency and variables related to company characteristics, previous financial difficulties and information of the owners. The conclusion was that companies that return to dishonor their financial compromises are those that have greater commitment of their revenues in debts and that present worse ratings. Variables related to the past delay also help to explain the recurrence, so more severe difficulties in the past tend to lead companies to higher default levels in the future. This model was applied comparatively to companies that did not present delay in the past and the results show that, for this second public, the explanatory power of the model is compromised. / O principal objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a propensão à reincidência do default de crédito em empresas de varejo brasileiras e entender os principais motivos que afetam essa propensão. Com essa finalidade, foi utilizada uma amostra de 6.047 empresas e, por meio do método de regressão logit, foram avaliadas as associações entre a taxa de reincidência do default em empresas que observaram inadimplência no passado e variáveis relacionadas às características da empresa, às dificuldades financeiras vividas pela empresa no passado e às informações dos sócios. A conclusão apresentada foi de que empresas que voltam a desonrar seus compromissos financeiros são aquelas que possuem maior comprometimento do faturamento em dívidas e piores ratings. Variáveis relacionadas ao atraso anterior também ajudam na explicação da reincidência, de modo que dificuldades mais severas no passado tendem a levar as empresas a um maior nível de reincidência do default no futuro. Este modelo foi aplicado de forma comparativa a empresas que não apresentaram atraso no passado e os resultados mostram que, para este segundo público, o poder explicativo do modelo é comprometido.

Výkonnost a hodnotové řízení podniku / Performance and value management of the company

KALCŮ, Renáta January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with business performance and various approaches to its measurement with the emphasis on value management. The aim is to analyze the value creation and the performance of the company Kronomech, spol. s r.o. Then identify strategic factors affecting the value of the company, including the proposal of measures for its growth. The theoretical part focuses on indicators and models to allow assessment of business performance. These indicators are then applied in the practical part on the selected company. Attention is focused on the indicator of economic value added and the models investigating the financial position of the company. The overall economic performance of the company is evaluated, including consideration of nonfinancial indicators. The final part contains formulated measures that will lead to the consolidation of the financial health and to improve the performance of the selected company.

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