Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anthropological"" "subject:"unthropological""
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Transgressing Sexuality: An Interdisciplinary Study of Economic History, Anthropology, and Queer TheoryDamron, Jason Gary 30 November 2012 (has links)
This interdisciplinary thesis examines the concept of sexuality through lenses provided by economic history, anthropology, and queer theory. A close reading reveals historical parallels from the late 1800s between concepts of a desiring, utility-maximizing economic subject on the one hand, and a desiring, carnally decisive sexological subject on the other. Social constructionists have persuasively argued that social and economic elites deploy the discourse of sexuality as a technique of discipline and social control in class- and gender-based struggles. Although prior scholarship discusses how contemporary ideas of sexuality reflect this origin, many anthropologists and queer theorists continue to use "sexuality" uncritically when crafting local, material accounts of sex, pleasure, affection, intimacy, and human agency. In this thesis, I show that other economic, political, and intellectual pathways emerge when sexuality is deliberately dis-ordered. I argued that contemporary research aspires to formulate new ideas about bodies and pleasures. It fails to do so adequately when relying on sexuality as a master narrative.
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Being Human, Being Church: The Significance of Theological Anthropology for EcclesiologyFranklin, Patrick S. 14 April 2011 (has links)
<p>One's conception of human personhood deeply impacts one's understanding and practice of community. Contemporary culture lacks precision and agreement in defining the human person. Such ·anthropological agnosticism· also affects the church. leading to devastating consequences concerning its inner sociality. cultural engagement, and pursuit of justice. This dissertation argues that a significant step forward is to gain a better understanding of theological anthropology and apply it consistently to ecclesiology. Specifically. a theological understanding of the human person as a relational. rational. and eschatological creature leads to a conception of the church as relational. rational, and eschatological communities of the new humanity. This approach overcomes problematic dualisms and false dichotomies presently plaguing the church's inner life and outward mission, in part by accentuating the ethical dimension that pervades its whole existence. Primary conversation partners include Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Miroslav Volf. and Stanley Grenz. Alasdair Macintyre and Wolthart Pannenberg are also influential.</p> <p>Part I consists of two chapters. Chapter one explores the difficulties of defining the human person in contemporary culture and the resulting consequences for community and ethics. Chapter two analyzes six typological ways of construing community based IV upon conflicting views of the human person. It evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each, concluding that none is fully satisfying theologically. Part II (chapters 3-5) constructs a theological anthropology in trinitarian perspective. It presents a threedimensional view of the human person as: a relational creature whose telos is to love God and fellow human beings; a rational creature whose telos is to know God and understand God"s world; and an eschatological creature whose telos is to serve God as a stewardpriest of (new) creation. Part III (chapters 6-8) constructs an ecclesiology corresponding to the themes developed in Part II. depicting the church as relational, rational, and eschatological communities of the new humanity defined and oriented by love. faith. and hope. The concluding chapter summarizes the arguments developed and their implications for Christian community and ethics. It then explores some preliminary implications of viewing the church as God"s new humanity. called to promote and embody the welfare and flourishing of all human beings.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Comparison of the Conservation Genetics of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in the Eastern Great Lakes & Northeast RegionsBrianna Nycole Bassett (19195471) 23 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The Blanding’s Turtle (<i>Emydoidea blandingii</i>) is a species of conservation needs that ranges across the U.S Midwest and Northeast, and Ontario/Nova Scotia, Canada. The species has experienced several range expansions and contractions due to glacial dynamics and industrial landscape changes, which have led to population isolation and bottlenecks. Understanding genetic variation and population structure across the species’ geographic range is essential for conservation efforts to maintain and restore populations. While several regional studies have evaluated genetic variation in <i>E. blandingii</i>, there has been little population sampling across Michigan and limited attempts to directly compare genetic variation across extensively sampled populations within both its main range and disjunct segments in the Northeast U.S. In this study, I utilized 12 microsatellite loci to directly compare the genetic diversity of <i>E. blandingii</i> across 153 localities in a portion of the Great Lakes and the Northeast of the range. Additionally, 13 microsatellite loci were used to assess genetic diversity across 92 localities in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, including further sampling within Michigan. My findings confirmed higher genetic diversity within the Great Lakes compared to the Northeast and revealed greater genetic differentiation in the Northeast than in the Great Lakes. Population structure in both regions was influenced by distance (IBD) and watersheds, with a more pronounced effect in the Northeast. Using four different genetic clustering approaches (PCA, sPCA, STRUCTURE, and TESS3r), I identified three range-wide clusters, three within the Northeast, and three within the Great Lakes. Within the Great Lakes, estimates of effective population size (<i>N</i>e) were high at both the population and watershed level, although influenced by sample size. The long lifespans of <i>E. blandingii</i> likely contribute to high levels of genetic diversity, while post-glacial gene flow across the landscape has resulted in low to moderate levels of differentiation within the regions. This study highlights poorly understood population structure and differences in genetic diversity between regions. Although Great Lakes populations are less isolated and more genetically diverse than those in the Northeast, this does not suggest that they are secure. Both regions face potential genetic loss over the next century, requiring further management implications to mitigate any further decline.</p>
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Хришћанско и паганско у делу Растка Петровића / Hrišćansko i pagansko u delu Rastka PetrovićaKnežević Ivana 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste identifikacija i osvetljavanje dominantnih obrazaca avangardnog i hrišćanskog identiteta u delu Rastka Petrovića. Rastko uvek nastupa sa pozicije nekog ko je blisko upoznat sa umetnošću, istorijom i njenim nepredvidivim i nepravednim političkim projektima. Pokušavajući da rastumači njihove uzroke i posledice, stalno ističe potrebu za integralnim čovekom, kulturom i društvom uopšte, kako po pripadnike sopstvenog naroda, tako i na regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Rastkovo opredeljenje da je svet u nastajanju povezan s ideologijom dečaštva (mladića), znači da je čovek po njemu u događaju Bogomladenca doživeo vrhunac, tj. u potpunosti ispunio cilj ka kome oduvek teži. Suštinsko, a ne tek sporedno, akcidentalno određenje čoveka jeste da nadiđe sebe i stremi ka Bogu. Centralnu ulogu u okviru ove transcedencije trebalo bi da ima analiza apriorne strukture čovekovog bića i u njima prepozna otvorenost i sposobnost da se avangardna/hrišćanska poruka čuje i adekvatno razume. Rastko u tradiciji vidi istinsko uporište transcendencije i afirmacije verodostojnog bića i odgovarajuće slobode gde apsolutna sloboda i apsolutni autoritet nisu suprotstavljena svojstva, već izraz istog bića. Rastkove ideološke evropske pretenzije mogu se okvalifikovati kao veliki intelektualni napor i pregnuće da se stvori, usvoji i inkorporira jedan novi (obnovljeni) kulturni i religiozni mit koji se kao takav projektuje u praistoriju, a potom samoreguliše mnoge savremene fenomene.</p> / <p>The main subject of this PhD thesis was to identify and shed the light on the dominant form of avant-garde and the Christian identity in the work of Rastko Petrovic. Rastko always acted from the perspective of someone who was closely familiar with the art, with history and its unpredictable and unjust political projects. Trying to understand its causes and consequences, Rastko Petrovic has repeatedly stressed the need for the integral and comprehensive man, culture and society in general, both in terms of his own people, and at the regional and global levels. Rastko’s commitment to the idea that the emerging World is connected with the ideology of boyhood, means that the man as an individual has culminated in Divine Child event, and only through that event has fully met the purpose towards which it has always aspired. The essential and not only secondary and accidental determination of man is to transcend himself and strive towards God. An a priori analysis should have the central role within this transcendence of the structure of human beings with its ability to recognize in them the openness and the ability to properly hear and understand the avant-garde / Christian message. Tradition is in the eyes of Rastko Petrovic the only true stronghold of such transcendence and affirmation of one true and credible human being and adequate freedom where absolute freedom and absolute authority are not contradictory properties, but an expression of the one same being. Rastko’s ideological European claims may be characterized as a great intellectual effort and endeavor to create, adopt and incorporate a new (renewed) cultural and religious myth which, as such, projects in prehistory, and then self-regulates many contemporary phenomena.</p>
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Budova 18, rue Bonaparte: Místo paměti a jeho význam pro Čechy žijící v Paříži / The building at 18, rue Bonaparte: The place of memory and its meaning for the Czechs living in ParisOkénková, Věra January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The building at 18, rue Bonaparte: The place of memory and its meaning for the Czechs living in Paris" deals with the theme of everyday life of the Czechs in Paris which is connected with a place that presents a piece of Czech country inside of the historical Paris. This work tries to show the perception of this place on the basis of material, functional and symbolic meaning of this building. As well it treats the overhangs to the migration studies, memory studies and problems of identity. Constituent of the text is also theoretical embodiment of the concept of a place not only in the ethnology but also in others social and humanity sciences - mainly with the regard to the Pierre Nora's theory "places of memory" and Marc Augé's theory "anthropological places". Apart from the symbolical capital of the building at 18, rue Bonaparte which is important place of memory there is presented in the text also history of another places in France which is a part of collective memory of the compatriots up to now. The main goal of this work is to present how important role can play one concrete physical place with strong functional and symbolic meaning for the Czechs living outside of their homeland and how this place can contribute to the process of integration to the hosting society.
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Způsoby transcendence básnického bytí Pokus o hermeneutickou interpretaci (Mácha, Březina, Zahradníček) / Modes of Transcendence of the Poet's Existence: Towards a Hermeneutic Interpretation (Mácha, Březina, Zahradníček)Vrbková, Julie Lien January 2011 (has links)
The study Modes of Transcendence of the Poet's Existence: Towards a Hermeneutic Interpretation (Mácha, Březina, Zahradníček) follows the aim: interpretation of the distinctive form of existence in the medium of poetic words of the chosen poets (K. H. Mácha, O. Březina, J. Zahradníček) in the continuity of modern hermeneutic conceptions of poem's language (M. Heidegger, H. G. Gadamer, et al.) and of the philosophy of Romano Guardini and Søren Kierkegaard (especially in the interpretation of Zahradníček's poems). The first chapter deals with poet's existence as "different existence" from the point of view of his unique individual existence who transcends himself in the process of artistic creation. The second chapter copes with the effect of existential anxiety on poet's existence on the basis of Březina's essay Work of death and Heidegger's work Being and Time. The third chapter is dedicated to specific mode of poet's existence, melancholia, which is experienced in consequences of the threat of his existence. This modus of poet's existence is interpreted in the medium of poet's words in bases of Kierkegaard's notes, diaries and Guardini's studies. The final chapter of this study reflects the development of Zahradníček's early work's from the point of view of Kierkegaard's three modes of life. Lyric...
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Análise do planejamento de uma atividade educativa sobre a controvérsia da vacina contra o HPV a luz da Teoria Antropológica do Didático / Analysis of the planning of an educational activity on the controversy of the HPV vaccine in the light of the Anthropological Theory of the DidacticOliveira, Adriano Dias de 03 June 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar, com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), como educadores de um museu de ciência planejaram uma atividade educativa cujo tema central é uma controvérsia científica. O estudo aconteceu no Museu de Microbiologia do Instituto Butantan (MMB) em um contexto em que o educativo do museu participou de um curso de extensão intitulado Temas controversos e museus de ciências, a partir de uma parceria entre o Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação Não Formal e Divulgação Científica/GEENF da Faculdade de Educação da USP, e o referido museu. O objetivo do curso foi estimular o debate nos educadores do museu acerca das potencialidades e dos desafios de se trabalhar com controvérsias em museus e exposições. A avaliação final do curso consistiu na produção de roteiros educativos que versassem sobre uma controvérsia científica. Dentre os temas propostos, o planejamento do roteiro As diferentes abordagens sobre a vacina contra o HPV foi selecionado como objeto de estudo dessa pesquisa, uma vez que o mesmo serviu de modelo experimental para esse tipo de ação educativa no museu. Os dados foram coletados durante os encontros de planejamento do grupo e foram constituídos pelas falas dos integrantes. Para análise nos apoiamos nos conceitos de praxeologia, de Percurso de Estudo e Pesquisa (PEP) e de níveis de co-determinação propostos por Yves Chevallard e colaboradores no contexto da Teoria Antropológica do Didático/TAD. Esta teoria auxilia a descrever como determinadas tarefas destinadas ao ensino de diferentes áreas de conhecimento são organizadas pelo didático e, desse modo, realizamos a análise praxeológica do planejamento explicitando os elementos que compõem o bloco logos e o bloco práxis. Na discussão, utilizamos o conceito de Percurso de Estudo e Pesquisa (PEP) e níveis de co-determinação em que a ação do didático é sistematizada em momentos de estudo. Foram identificados os momentos de estudo do planejamento dos educadores, possibilitando a compreensão sobre a forma com que os saberes do bloco logos praxeológico são acessados por eles. Foi possível também verificar quais foram as condições e as restrições que permitiram ou não que os educadores acessassem o bloco lógico da praxeologia. Os resultados da investigação revelaram a importância de promover ações de formação na rotina dos educadores de museus, uma vez que verificamos que nos quatro momentos de estudo vivenciados por eles durante o PEP, as situações relacionadas diretamente ao curso de extensão foram as que mais permitiram que os educadores acessassem o bloco lógico sobre a controvérsia do HPV. Além disso, ficou evidente que também houve um ganho institucional para o MMB, pois ao possibilitar que os educadores trabalhassem com novas teorias e metodologias, o museu ampliou seu escopo de atividades oferecidas, assim como em novas maneiras de abordar a relação entre ciência e sociedade para o seu público. / This research meant to investigate, based on Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), how educators in a science museum planned an educational activity whose central theme is a scientific controversy. The study occurred at the Museum of Microbiology of Butantan Institute (MMB) in a context in which the educational part of the museum participated in an extension course called Controversial Themes and the science museum, together with Group of Study and Research in Non-Formal Education and Scientific Dissemination/GEENF of the School of Education USP and the museum mentioned previously. The goal of the course was to encourage the debate among the educators of the museum concerning the potentialities and challenges of working with controversies in museums and exhibitions. The final assessment of the course consisted in the production of educational scripts about a scientific controversy. Among the proposed themes, the planning of the script \"The different approaches to the HPV vaccine\" was selected as the object of study of this research, since it served as an experimental model for this type of educational action in the museum. The data were collected during the planning meetings and they were formed by the speeches of the participants. The analysis was supported by concepts of praxeology of Research and Study Courses (RSC) and the levels of co-determination proposed by Yves Chevallard and collaborators in the context of Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD). This theory helps to describe how certain tasks aimed at different areas of knowledge are organized by the didactics. This way, we do a praxeology analysis and planning explain the elements which form the block logos and the block praxis. In the discussion the concept Research and Study Courses (RSC) and the levels of co-determination are used in which the didactic action is systematized during periods of study. The periods of study and planning by the educators were identified, enabling the understanding about the way in which the knowledge of the praxeological block logos are accessed by them. It was also possible to verify which conditions and restrictions allowed or not the educators to access the logical block of praxeology. The results of the research revealed the importance of promoting training actions in the routine of museum educators, since we found that in the four moments of study experienced by them during the RSC, the situations directly related to the course of extension were the ones that most allowed educators to access the logical block on the HPV controversy. Moreover, it was evident that there was also an institutional gain for the MMB, because by enabling educators to work with new theories and methodologies, the museum expanded its scope of activities offered, as well as in new ways of addressing the relationship between science and society for your public.
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Etude du phénomène didactique : le dédoublement des milieux dans l'enseignement ordinaire et dans des ingénieries / Studying the didactic phenomenon : The "duplication of milieu" in ordinary classes and engineeringKazan, Elie 10 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'appuie sur un recueil de données empiriques portant sur l'observation de bifurcations au sein des milieux dans trois situations didactiques : au cycle primaire et au collège, dans des classes ordinaires et dans des ingénieries en France (CE1) et au Liban (EB6/Sixième et EB7/Cinquième). Le cadre théorique mobilisé est celui de la théorie anthropologique du didactique (TAD). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux origines des dédoublements de milieux en observant, d'une part, les rapports du professeur et des élèves à un même milieu, et d'autre part, le rapport de chacun à des milieux différents. Nous avons analysé les praxéologies mobilisées par les professeurs et leurs élèves. Nous avons repéré sur l'échelle des niveaux de codétermination didactique la distance mésogénétique entre le milieu institutionnel du savoir et les milieux personnels activés. La thèse définit quelques-unes des caractéristiques du phénomène didactique « dédoublement des milieux » et étudie certains facteurs génériques qui agissent sur son apparition au sein d'une institution. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives sur la recherche d'autres facteurs à l'origine du phénomène et sur la possibilité de réaliser un critère d'évaluation de la distance entre le milieu institutionnel et les milieux personnels évoqués. / This thesis focus on a report of empirical data talking about the observation of bifurcates within the milieu in three didactic situations: at the primary cycle and the college, in ordinary classes and engineering in France (CE1) and in Lebanon (EB6/ 6th grade and EB7/ 7th grade). The theoric mobilized setting in the one of the anthropological theory of didactics (TAD) of the observer, from one hand, the relationships between the teacher and the students in the same milieu, and in another hand, the relationships of each one on the different milieu. We analyzed the mobilized praxeologies by the teacher and their students. We reported on the levels scab of the didactic codetermination the mesogenetic distance between the institutional milieu of knowing and the personal activated milieu. The thesis define some of the characteristics of the didactic phenomenon « duplication of milieu » and study some generic factors that act on its appearance within an institution.This work opens perspectives on the research of other factors at the origin of the phenomenon and on the possibility of realizing an evaluation criteria of the distance between the institutional milieu and the evocated personal milieu.
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Animês e mangás: o mito vivo e vivido no imaginário infantil / Animes and mangas: the living and lived myth in childhood imaginationNoronha, Fernanda Silva 31 October 2013 (has links)
Animês e mangás: o mito vivo e vivido no imaginário infantil é uma análise hermenêutico-figurativa do mangá Naruto. O trabalho procura lançar questões sobre a importância da figura do herói do mangá shonen nos processos iniciáticos de crianças e adolescentes estudantes da rede pública paulistana. Para tanto, apoia-se, sobretudo, na teoria do imaginário de Gilbert Durand e da jornada do herói de Joseph Campbell. A pesquisa que teve como corpus de análise a primeira temporada do mangá Naruto e o animê de mesmo título, as produções imagéticas dos estudantes e as diferentes versões de narrativas tradicionais japonesas extraídas de sites otakus e de livros infanto-juvenis sustenta a ideia de que mangás são derivações, por empobrecimento, de mitos japoneses, que enformam as produções imagéticas dos apreciadores desse gênero literário. Com efeito, e por meio do método de convergência simbólica, a análise destaca o simbolismo ambíguo das figuras da raposa e dos meninos-heróis, recorrentes nas narrativas tradicionais e na iconografia japonesa. Importante ressalva é indicar não se tratar de uma abordagem comparativa entre a cultura japonesa e as culturas ocidentais que convivem com este gênero literário. A conclusão a que se chega ao final deste estudo é que o mangá Naruto constitui uma literatura iniciática que presentifica o arquétipo do herói no imaginário infantil e apresenta valor heurístico para pensarmos a construção de uma pedagogia do psiquismo imaginante proposta por Bruno Duborgel, assim como a dinâmica do imaginário de nossa própria época. / Animes and mangas: the living and lived myth in childhood imagination is an hermeneutic-figurative analysis of the Naruto manga, that launches questions about the importance of the shonen manga hero figure in the initiatory processes of children and adolescents students of São Paulo public schools network. For that, it relies, mainly, in the imaginary theory of Gilbert Durand and in the hero journey of Joseph Campbell. The research which had as its analysis corpus the first season of Naruto manga and the anime with the same title, the imagistic productions of students and the different versions of traditional Japanese narratives extracted from otakus sites and books for children and teenagers supports the idea that mangas are derivations by impoverishment of Japanese myths that shape the imagistic productions of enthusiasts of this literary genre. In effect, and by means of the symbolic convergence method, the analysis highlights the ambiguous symbolism of the fox and boy-heroes figures, recurrent in traditional narratives and in the Japanese iconography, although it is not to be confused with an eminently comparative approach between the Japanese culture and occidental cultures that coexist with this literary genre. The conclusion reached at the end of this study is that the Naruto manga constitutes an initiatory literature that makes present the hero archetype in the childhood imagination and that has an heuristic value to make us think about the construction of a pedagogy of imaginative psyche proposed by Bruno Duborgel, as well as the dynamics of our own epochs imaginary.
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A teoria da transposição didática e a teoria antropológica do didático aplicadas em um estudo de caso no ensino da física moderna e contemporânea. / The Theory of Didactic Transposition and Anthropological Theory of the Didactic applied to a case study in the Modern and Contemporary Physics Education.Sousa, Wellington Batista de 16 June 2015 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas encontramos nos documentos oficiais (PCNEM e PCN+) orientações quanto à necessidade da inserção da Física Moderna e Contemporânea (FMC) nas aulas de física no Ensino Médio. Nesse mesmo período, professores e pesquisadores já sinalizavam quanto a esses aspectos e percebe-se que existem pontos em comum em suas pesquisas quanto às dificuldades de implementação dessa inserção. Nessa perspectiva, alguns conteúdos já foram inseridos a partir de projetos de inovação curricular nas escolas públicas e por meio de cursos de formação continuada, atendendo às necessidades dos professores de física, mostrando, por exemplo, que é possível levar tais conteúdos para a sala de aula. Contudo, quando procuramos analisar as pesquisas referentes ao professor nesse contexto, percebe-se uma escassez de trabalhos que se ocupam da formação e da prática docente no contexto da inovação curricular e, mais especificamente, da inserção da FMC. Dessa forma, este trabalho procura analisar a formação e a prática do professor nesse contexto, apresentando uma articulação possível entre a Teoria da Transposição Didática (TTD) e a Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), ambas de Chevallard, na identificação das praxeologias adotadas pelo professor durante o processo de didatização dos saberes, na perspectiva de que ele desempenha um papel central e, ao mesmo tempo, sensível no momento de transformar o saber até que este chegue à sala de aula. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, centrada em um estudo de caso, no qual é analisada a prática docente de um professor de física da rede pública que participou de um curso de formação continuada no contexto da inovação curricular, e que, posteriormente, trabalhou com uma sequência didática sobre a temática da dualidade onda-partícula no Ensino Médio. Assim, busca-se identificar as praxeologias transpostas do curso de formação continuada para a sala de aula, bem como o exercício da vigilância epistemológica ao longo desse processo. / In the official documents (PCNEM and PCN+) of recent decades an orientation on the need to insert Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) in high school physics classes was published. In the same period, teachers and researchers already signaled on these matters and it is noticed that there are common difficulties to implement this insertion, as related in their research about this subject. From this perspective, some contents on curriculum innovation projects in public schools have been suggested giving pedagogical updating courses focusing on the physics teachers needs, showing, for example, that it is possible to take such contents in a the classroom. However, when we analyzed the research on the teacher in this context, there is a perceived lack of studies dealing with training and teaching practice in the context of curriculum innovation and, more specifically, the insertion of the MCP. Thus, this paper analyzes the formation and practice of teacher in this context, indicating a possible link between the Didactic Transposition Theory (DTT) and the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), both of Chevallard, in the identification of the praxeologies adopted by the teacher during a didactization process of knowledge, from the standpoint that it plays a central role. At the same time, it is analyzed how the teacher shows to be sensitive until the knowledge turns to reach the classroom. For this, a qualitative research was conducted, focusing on a case study, where the teaching practice of a physics professor at the public school who participated in a continual education course in the context of curriculum innovation, and subsequently worked with a teaching sequence on the topic of wave-particle duality in high school. Thus, we seek to identify the transposed praxeologies the continuing education course for the classroom, and how is the exercise of epistemological vigilance throughout this process.
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