Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anthropological"" "subject:"unthropological""
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Meat and Meanings: Adult-Onset Hunters’ Cultural Discourses of the HuntCerulli, Tovar 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study is a description and interpretation of talk about hunting. The study is based on data gathered from in-depth interviews with twenty-four hunters in the United States who did not become hunters until adulthood. A single overarching research question guides the study: How do people create and use discourses of hunting? The study is situated within the ethnography of communication research program and, more specifically, within the framework of cultural discourse analysis. The study employs cultural discourse analysis methods and concepts to describe and develop interpretations of how participants render hunting symbolically meaningful, and of what beliefs and values underlie such meanings. The major descriptive findings include recurrent patterns of talk concerning: connecting with land and nature, spirit, other people, human ancestry, and human nature; taking responsibility in ecological, ethical, and health-related ways, both through hunting and through other practices such as gardening; being engaged, present, alert, excited, and challenged; killing for appropriate reasons, in appropriate ways, and with appropriate feeling; and living and acting in response to a modern world that diminishes human experience, brutalizes animals, and harms the natural world. The major interpretive findings include hunting being linked to other practices such as gardening, and being spoken of as a deeply meaningful pursuit practiced for the feelings of connection, engagement, and right relationship that it fosters, and as a physically and spiritually healthful remedy for the negative effects of modern living and of industrial food systems. This research demonstrates that hunting and talk about hunting can be underpinned by common beliefs and values shared by hunters, non-hunters, and anti-hunters. This research also suggests that adult-onset hunters and their discursive practices may be of unique value to wildlife agencies and conservation organizations, to other adult onset-hunters, and to both scholarly and public understandings of—and dialogues about—the practice of hunting.
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Orkestrering för ett matematiskt lärande : Praxeologier i matematikundervisning / Orchestration for mathematical learning : Praxeologies in mathematics educationHerbut, Sebastian, Sandström, Nicklas January 2023 (has links)
I den här studien åskådliggörs tre skilda perspektiv på hur undervisning kan planeras ochorganiseras i relation till matematikinnehåll, struktur och yttre resurser. Tidigare forskningbelyser hur lärarens arbete kring planering i stor utsträckning kan vara avgörande förelevernas lärande i matematik. Vidare belyser studien vikten av reflektioner och planering föratt medvetet uppmärksamma eleverna på de kritiska momentana inom matematiken.Skolinspektionens (2020) rapport benämner hur allt färre lärare reflekterar kring sin egenundervisning i syfte att utveckla lärandet. Resultaten pekar på ett liknande fenomen närdeltagarna talar om reflektionens roll för undervisningen. Vidare synliggör studienläromedlets roll för både planeringsarbetet, genomförandet av undervisningen samtreflektionen.
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Constraining Interpretation: Sentence Final Particles in JapaneseDavis, Christopher M 13 May 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with how pragmatic particles interact with sentential force and with general pragmatic constraints to derive optimal dynamic interpretations. The primary empirical focus of the dissertation is the Japanese sentence final particle yo and its intonational associates. These right-peripheral elements are argued to interact semantically with sentential force in specifying the set of contextual transitions compatible with an utterance. In this way, they semantically constrain the pragmatic interpretation of the utterances in which they occur. These conventional constraints on interpretation are wedded with general pragmatic constraints which provide a further filter on the road to optimal interpretation.
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Hebrew And Computer-Mediated Communication: The Effects Of A Language Manipulation On Perception, Identity, And PreservationNir, Tamar 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study aimed to explore the ways in which Hebrew is currently being manipulated online through a linguistic deviation called Fakatsa. In this study, participants were asked to rate random statements of frivolous or serious topics in either standard grammatical Hebrew or Fakatsa Hebrew conditions on specific judgment values. It was hypothesized that participants would rate the Fakatsa writer negatively on certain characteristics, such as intelligence, education, religiosity, and nationalism and positively on other characteristics, such as femininity and creativity. Twenty-four participants completed this experiment. Results showed that participants responded as expected for certain negative attributes typical of Fakatsa and deviations to computer-mediated communication and did not respond as expected for any the positive attributes typical of Fakatsa. The results showed that fluent Hebrew speakers viewed users of the Fakatsa manipulation differently than users of standard Hebrew and may suggest personal biases and perceptions when encountering computer-mediated communication.
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Mining experience : the ageing self, narrative, and social memory in Dodworth, EnglandDegnen, Cathrine January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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"Saba and Savta"Davis, Shelley Ilyssa 07 1900 (has links)
Focusing on the search for family history and identity, Saba and Savta is a personal and participatory documentary film about a Jewish-Italian couple, married for 50 plus years, searching for their lost family history while preserving what culture they know, before their memory dissipates. Sheldon and Joan Treibitz, residents of Lake County, FL for 20 years, travel back to Brooklyn, New York to visit the places of their birth, where they raised their children and where their family members are laid to rest. Joan and Sheldon take viewers and their granddaughter, Shelley, the director of the film, on a journey of acceptance and the chronicling of a family's history as they revisit their past lives in Brooklyn, and their family's first documented history in the United States, Ellis Island; Rewriting and sharing their past with the future generation of their family.
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Additive bilingualism or "straight-to-English"? The linguistic and cultural impact of different approaches to the teaching of English on children in two Chinese schools.Chunyan, Ma January 2005 (has links)
This study examines the impact of two different models of teaching English to Chinese children, to see whether it meets learners&rsquo / needs. These two different approaches appear to lead to different result for children. The results of the analysis appear to show that this teaching programme is failing the children at Z&rsquo / SL. Therefore, the course needs to be reviewed and improved. Four research tools were used in this study: interviews, questionnaires, classroom observation, and document analysis. Interviews and questionnaires were distributed to coordinators and teachers at both schools. Questionnaires were also distributed to the parents of students. Classroom observation was done during normal class time by the researcher. The document analysis dealt with the analysis of the textbooks.<br />
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The results of the study appear to show that the teaching programme in English at Z&rsquo / SL has failed to meet the children&rsquo / s needs. The materials are not designed for young learner&rsquo / s needs. They just emphasize the four skills of English in an English environment, but neglect the relatively unstable language situation of the children. The teaching methodology emphasized the direct method, but neglected children&rsquo / s needs. Children should be taught to know how to use a language in the society they live in and to learn a second language effectively for actual use. This study concludes that two-way bilingual education and the cognitive developmental approach are most effective to develop dual language proficiency for Chinese children in their native language and English in order to bring up the children as members of Chinese society. Additive bilingualism education is also appropriate for Chinese children when the home language is a majority language and the school is adding a second minority or majority language. Another consideration is that collaboration between parents and teachers is more effective to provide opportunities for children to maintain their own language and culture while children acquire a second language.
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Uma educação da alma: literatura e imagem arquetípica / An education of the soul: Literature and archetypal imageAtihé, Eliana Braga Aloia 03 April 2006 (has links)
Esta tese procura registrar uma história de vida articulada por imagens da literatura apropriadas pela subjetividade no sentido de uma educação do cultivo da alma. Para isso, lanço-me, a partir de alguns trajetos de leitura, a um percurso teórico-analítico de cunho antropoliterário, no qual o texto é compreendido como mito e incorporado à história de vida do leitor como mediador simbólico inter e intrasubjetivo, cuja abertura semântica deve-se justamente à presença da imagem arquetípica segundo noção de James Hillman (1995:10). Os potenciais pedagógicos da literatura são veiculados pelas imagens portadoras do arquétipo como \"janelas de aprendizagem\" (Paula Carvalho) que permitem que o leitor transite do texto à existência e de volta, num circuito que o auxilia a promover a equilibração de polaridades e a elaboração criativa da alteridade representada, em última instância, pelo inconsciente, no sentido da construção da identidade do ego e em direção à individuação. São eixos organizadores: (1) a Arquetipologia Geral no contexto da Teoria Geral do Imaginário, de Gilbert Durand; (2) a noção de imagem no contexto da Psicologia Arquetípica, segundo James Hillman e (3) a noção de Educação Fática em José Carlos de Paula Carvalho. A partir de uma perspectiva hermenêutica que procura a abertura do discursivo rumo ao existencial (Paula Carvalho, 1998:59), recolho imagens de três obras clássicas da literatura, lidas por mim aos treze anos de idade, e que me conduziram na direção da descoberta da imagem essencial - a da educadora -, processo no qual enxergo a finalidade última da educação. As referidas obras lidas à margem da escola tornaram-se especialmente significativas devido à dinâmica proposta pela dimensão escolar oficial, também ela imprescindível para que a experiência com o significado se construísse. Retorno assim a Madame Bovary, de Gustave Flaubert, como exemplo de uma literatura para a formação da sensibilidade heróica; ao Decamerão, de Giovanni Boccaccio, como exemplo de uma literatura para a formação da sensibilidade mística e a O morro dos ventos uivantes, de Emily Brontë, como exemplo de uma literatura para a formação da sensibilidade dramática. / This present study tries to register images of a life history articulated by images of the literature - these latter ones appropriated by the subjectivity towards an education of the soul. Being so, I launch myself, starting from my experiences as a reader, into a theoretical-analytical path based on an anthropo-literary view in which literature is understood as myth and life history, i.e., as inter and intra-subjective symbolic mediator whose semantic openness is due mostly to the presence of the archetypal image - according to James Hillman\'s denomination ( 1995, 10). The pedagogical potentials of the literature are, in this way, transmitted by the images bearing an archetypal meaning that circulates from the text towards the life of the reader, to promote the equilibrium of the polarities, through the creative elaboration of alterity represented by the unconscious, in the construction of the ego´s identity. The thematic axe\'s that organize this study are: 1) The General Archetypology, of Gilbert Durand (1997); 2) the notion of image according to the Archetypal Psychology, of James Hillman (1997b). From an hermeneutic perspective, which looks for an openness that goes from the discourse towards the existential (Paula Carvalho, 1998, 59), I get images from three classical novels, in order to understand themselves in the convergence of life with reading, even guiding me to the direction of the discovery of my own essential image or daimon - in which I recognize the objective of education. The mentioned novels were read apart from school. Nevertheless, they became specially significant in my educational process due to the dynamism proposed by the official schooling dimension - also completely necessary so that this experience with meaning could be built. So, I come back to Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert, as an example of a literature that forms the heroic sensibility; to Decameron, by Giovanni Bocaccio, as an example of a literature that forms the mystic sensibility; to O morro dos ventos uivantes, by Emily Brontë, as an example of a literature that forms the dramatic sensibility.
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Objetos que ensinam em museus: análise do diorama do Museu de Zoologia da USP na perspectiva da praxeologia / Objects that teach in museums: the analysis of the diorama of USP Zoology Museum in the perspective of the praxeologyBueno, Juliana Pavani de Paula 17 November 2015 (has links)
Mudanças na economia, na sociedade e no mundo do trabalho deram grande destaque à educação não formal ao longo da segunda metade do século XX, gerando maior valorização dos processos de aprendizagem que se preocupam em aproximar a ciência, a tecnologia, a sociedade e o ambiente. Nesse cenário, uma das questões e desafios que se revelam está em torno do como realizar a socialização do conhecimento científico. De acordo com Marandino (2004), a transformação do conhecimento científico, com fins de ensino e divulgação, pode ser analisada no intuito de compreender a produção de novos saberes nesses processos. Nesse sentido, encontramos na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), proposta por Chevallard (1991), o referencial teórico que permitiu identificar quais saberes são produzidos pelo museu, por meio de suas ações educativas, e que podem ou não ser observados pelo visitante, por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP). Atualmente, vários meios museográficos são usados na preparação de exposições de museus de ciências e, entre eles, destacam-se os dioramas. O entendimento dos dioramas como objetos didáticos, produzidos com a finalidade de ensino e aprendizagem, implica estudá-los numa perspectiva praxeológica, pois permite visualizar a articulação entre a dimensão prática e a teórica do objeto que está sendo analisado. O estudo da praxeologia em museus foi recentemente desenvolvido e busca, entre outros aspectos, analisar como revelar determinados conhecimentos e objetivos em um espaço, de forma inteligível para diferentes tipos de público. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar como os museus ensinam por meio de exposições, em especial, pelo diorama \"Floresta Amazônica\", presente na exposição do Museu de Zoologia da USP. A metodologia desenvolvida incluiu a elaboração de um quadro praxeológico a partir dos dados obtidos por três instrumentos de coleta: documentos sobre a exposição e sobre o diorama; entrevistas com os designers e/ou os responsáveis pela exposição; e por meio da descrição e da observação do diorama. A análise qualitativa dos dados permitiu identificar a teoria e a tecnologia do diorama no contexto de sua exposição e, também, as tarefas e as técnicas propostas. Os resultados obtidos ajudaram a identificar o potencial educativo do diorama e serviram como proposta para desenvolver processos de produção de exposições em museus de ciências. / Changes in the economy, in the society and in the world of work gave great prominence to non-formal education, during the second half of the twentieth century, generating greater appreciation of learning processes, which are concerned to approach the relationship among science, technology, society and environment. In this scenario, one of the issues and challenges that unfold, is around how to perform the socialization of scientific knowledge. According to Marandino (2004), the transformation of scientific knowledge for purposes of education and dissemination, can be analyzed in order to understand the production of new knowledge in these processes. Accordingly, we find in Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (TAD), proposed by Chevallard (1991), the theoretical framework that will identify which knowledge is produced by the museum, through its educational activities, and that they can or can not be observed by the visitor, through a praxeological Organization (OP). Nowadays, several museographic means are used in the preparation of exhibitions, in science museum, and among these, we highlight the dioramas. The understanding of dioramas as didactic objects produced for the purpose of teaching and learning, involves studying them in a praxeological perspective, because it allows to visualize the relationship between the theoretical and the practical dimension of the object being analyzed. The study of praxeology in Museums has been recently developed and it seeks, among other things, to examine how to expose certain knowledge and objectives in a space, in intelligible form for different types of public.The objective of this work was to investigate how museums teach through exhibitions, especially the diorama \"Amazon Forest\" present at the exhibition of the USP Zoology Museum. The methodology included the development of a praxeological framework from the data obtained by three collection tools: documents about the exhibitions and the diorama; interviews with the designers and/or responsible for the exhibition; description and observation of the diorama.The qualitative analysis identified the theory and technology in the context of his exhibition and also the tasks and technical proposed for the diorama.The results allowed us to identify the educational potential of the diorama and they served as a proposal to the development of processes for producing exhibitions in science museums.
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Análise combinatória: organizações matemáticas e didáticas nos livros escolares brasileiros no período entre 1895-2009Pinheiro, Carlos Alberto de Miranda 17 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-17 / This paper presents the development of a research, which proposed to investigate the knowledge of Combinatorial Analysis studied in the Brazilian schools during 1895 and 2009. This research articulates inside a project called Educação Estatística e Educação Financeira na Escola Básica (Statistical Education and Financial Education in Basic School), linked to the research group PEA-MAT. We analysed some didactic aspects and mathematicians present in seven textbooks used in Brazilian schools during that time, we also had a bibliographical and documental study in presuppositions of content analysis. We wanted to answer the following investigation question:what characteristics of knowledge insertion of Combinatorial Analysis are identified in textbooks during 1895 and 2009? The first phase of content analysis consisted in collecting and studying texts that would inform us what textbooks presented the knowledge of Combinatorial Analysis and some aspects of historical moments of these books, since the foundation of the Pedro II School. With this, we identified that the program of 1895 was the one with more insertion of textbooks and new school contents, before the main educational reforms occurred in the first decades of the XX century. We also tried to identify on the website of the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD-Ensino Médio) (National Program of Textbooks-High School) the Mathematic book more used in Belémdo Pará schools, in the first phase of the program, 2004-2009. The second phase of content analysis was the material exploration. In this phase we analysed based on the Anthropological Theory of Didactic, specifically about the praxeological organizations not only mathematical but also didactic, together with the notion of didactic models proposed by Josep Gáscon. Among the results observed, we highlight that while in the first books the focus was only on presentation of formulas deduction, some years later, the task of calculating the values from those formulas was introduced, modifying the approach from theoretical to technical or classic. We can also observe the change in the techniques to calculate the Arrange and the Permutation in the book produced based on the Movement of Modern Mathematics and in a more recent book, approved by the PNLD-Ensino Médio. The tasks and the techniques related to the calculation of numbers of simple combinations will not undergo transformations as time goes by. That is, the praxeological organization identified in the block task/technique/technology/theory changed from a theoretical to a technical approach during the whole period studied / Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa que se propôs a investigar os saberes da Análise Combinatória estudada nas escolas brasileiras, no período entre 1895 e 2009. Esta pesquisa articula-se no interior do projeto Educação Estatística e Educação Financeira na Escola Básica , vinculado ao grupo de pesquisa PEA-MAT. Analisamos alguns aspectos didáticos e matemáticos presentes em sete livros didáticos que circularam nas escolas brasileiras, no período em questão, realizando um estudo bibliográfico e documental fundamentado em pressupostos da análise de conteúdo. Buscamos responder à seguinte questão de investigação: que características de inserção dos saberes da Análise Combinatória nos livros didáticos podem ser identificadas no período 1895-2009? A primeira fase da análise de conteúdo consistiu em reunir e estudar textos que nos informassem quais livros escolares apresentavam os saberes da Análise Combinatória e alguns aspectos do momento histórico desses livros, desde a fundação do Colégio Pedro II. Com isso, identificamos que o programa de 1895 foi o que teve a maior inserção de livros didáticos e de novos conteúdos escolares, antes das principais reformas educacionais ocorridas nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Também procuramos identificar no site do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD-Ensino Médio) o livro de Matemática mais utilizado nas escolas de Belém do Pará, na primeira fase de implantação desse programa, 2004-2009. A segunda fase da análise de conteúdo foi a exploração do material. Nesta fase foi realizada uma análise à luz da Teoria Antropológica do Didático, especificamente sobre as organizações praxeológica tanto matemáticas como didáticas, juntamente com a noção de modelos didáticos, proposta por JosepGáscon. Entre os resultados observados, destacamos que, enquanto nos primeiros livros o enfoque era apenas a apresentação da dedução das fórmulas, ao longo do tempo foi inserida a tarefa de calcular os valores a partir dessas fórmulas, passando, assim, de uma abordagem puramente teoricista para uma abordagem tecnicista ou clássica. Observa-se, também, uma mudança nas técnicas para calcular o Arranjo e a Permutação no livro produzido à luz das ideias do Movimento de Matemática Moderna e no livro mais recente, aprovado no PNLD-Ensino Médio. As tarefas e as técnicas, relativas ao cálculo do número de combinações simples, não sofreram transformações, ao longo do tempo. Ou seja, a organização praxeológica identificada no bloco tarefa/técnica/tecnologia/teoria passou de uma abordagem teoricista para uma abordagem tecnicista ou clássica ao longo de todo o período estudado
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