Spelling suggestions: "subject:"appraisal"" "subject:"ppraisal""
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Transportation and Homeric EpicPower, Michael O'Neill, mopower@ozemail.com.au January 2006 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of transportation the phenomenon of being miles away while receiving a narrative on audience response. The poetics of narrative reception within the Homeric epics are described and the correspondences with the psychological concept of transportation are used to suggest the appropriateness and utility of this theory to understanding audience
responses in and to the Iliad and Odyssey. The ways in which transportation complements and extends some concepts of narrative reception familiar to Homeric studies (the Epic Illusion, Vividness, and Enchantment) are considered, as are the ways in which the psychological theories might be adjusted to accommodate Homeric epic. A major claim is drawn from these theories that
transportation fundamentally affects the audiences interpretation of and responses to the narrative; this claim is tested both theoretically and empirically in terms of ambiguous characterization of Odysseus and the Kyklōps Polyphēmos in
the ninth book of the Odyssey. Last, some consideration is given to the ways in which the theory (and its underlying empirical research) might be extended.
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"Plötsligt har det blivit som en jävla utbildningsplats" : Fem chefers erfarenhet av och syn på utvecklingssamtalLindqvist, Carolina, Sjögren, Mirja January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Forskning inom området efterlyser nya sätt att möta anställdas behov av kompetensutveckling på en mer föränderlig arbetsmarknad. Rapporten syftar till att undersöka chefers erfarenhet av och syn på utvecklingssamtal som de håller med anställda. Detta för att studera utvecklingssamtalets koppling till kompetensutveckling av personal. I studien har fem chefer med ansvar för utvecklingssamtal intervjuats. Studien är genomförd med kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studien framkommer att syftet med utvecklingssamtal i första hand är att få en effektivare verksamhet. Utvecklingssamtalet antas leda till det genom att medarbetarna får en chans att samtala med chefen i lugn och ro. Kompetensutveckling uppfattas som viktigt och något som skall diskuteras i utvecklingssamtalet men svårt att verkligen genomföra i det dagliga arbetet. Utvecklingssamtalet ses inte som rätt arena för att tillgodose individens behov av samtal kring sin egen karriärutveckling.</p> / <p> </p><p>Research in this area calls for new ways to meet employees' needs in competence development in a more changeable labour market. The report aims to examine manager's experiences with, and view on the performance appraisal dialogues held with employees. This is done to study the performance appraisal in connection to competence development of employees. Five managers with performance appraisal responsibilities have been interviewed. The study is done with a qualitative method by semi-structured interviews. The study shows that the main purpose with performance appraisals is to achieve a more efficient work place. It is assumed to lead to this by giving the employee a chance to talk to the manager under calm and private circumstances. The competence development is seen as important and as something that should be discussed in the performance appraisal, though difficult to accomplish in the daily work. The performance appraisal is not perceived as the right arena to meet the individuals need for dialogue regarding their own career developments.</p>
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Ratings and eye movements of emotion regulationGelow, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
<p>People have different strategies to regulate and control their own emotions. For short-term emotion regulation of visual stimuli, cognitive reappraisal and attentional deployment are of relevance. The present study used self-ratings and eye-tracking data to replicate previous findings that eye movements are effective in emotion regulation. 25 participants (6 males) watched positive and negative pictures in an attend condition and a decrease emotion condition. They rated their emotional experience and their eye movements were followed with an eye-tracker. Ratings showed that they perceived pictures as less emotional in the decrease condition as compared to the attend condition both for positive and negative pictures. This decrease in ratings of emotional response was larger for positive than for negative pictures. Eye-tracking data showed no significant effect of emotion regulation condition. Further research is proposed to include self-ratings in studies of physiological changes due to emotion regulation, to differentiate between strategies of emotion regulation potentially used by participants.</p>
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Attityd och dialogicitet i äldreomsorgens texter : Evaluerande språk i dokumentationen på ett vårdboendeJonasson, Emilia January 2010 (has links)
<p>Undersökningen handlar om den skriftliga dokumentationen vid ett vårdboende. Den typ av dokumentation som studeras består av journalanteckningar, skrivna av personalen på vårdboendet. Dokumentationen handlar om de personer som bor på vårdboendet, så kallade brukare. Syftet är att undersöka hur skribenterna använder sig av evaluerande resurser i dokumentationen, beskriva och kategorisera användningen av evalueringarna och jämföra dem med de riktlinjer för dokumentation som finns i Socialtjänstlagen. Evalueringar är språkliga resurser som används för att uttrycka exempelvis värderingar, bedömningar, attityder och förhållningssätt.</p><p>Den teoretiska utgångspunkt som uppsatsen grundar sig på kan beskrivas som en kombination av dialogism och systemisk-funktionell grammatik. Metoden som används för att undersöka evalueringarna är textanalys som utgår ifrån analysmodellen Appraisal.</p><p>Analysen visar att texterna innehåller en stor mängd evalueringar. Särskilt vanliga är de evalueringar som uttrycker attityd, och majoriteten av dem uttrycker positiv attityd. Evalueringar som ger uttryck för olika röster och förhållningssätt används också, men inte i lika stor utsträckning. En stor del yttranden innehåller endast en auktoritär röst. Analysen visar också att jämfört med riktlinjerna i Socialtjänstlagen kan evalueringarna beskrivas som både problematiska och oproblematiska. De evalueringar som ger uttryck för en mångfald av röster är önskvärda och skulle kunna användas mer. De evalueringar som däremot ger uttryck för attityder som skulle kunna tolkas som mer subjektiva, och som är irrelevanta för verksamhetens art, skulle kunna användas mer sparsamt, om man vill leva upp till Socialtjänstlagens riktlinjer.</p>
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Design and Implemention of an ePortfolio Management System Using Web2.0 ServicesLiang, Shan-bo 19 July 2012 (has links)
Although along with the technical progress, the environment provides the information science and technology the teacher equipment, the purchase art appreciation exploration game disc software, but has not planned the design, the development by the school course, the school standard curriculum's teaching material by the school art teaching research team, the attempt establishes the ¡§E¡¨ study platform, provides the learner and the teaching comments the quantity and the examination to the artistic curriculum and the teaching material content, student's study situation infinite space and time expansion.
Simultaneously also provides the teacher the teaching curriculum project self-inspection and the improvement appraisal, by with the National Art Culture Foundation, the mighty army company cooperates, lets our teacher team the curriculum platform, transforms from the school entity space to the information science and technology hypothesized world, this platform will establish will take to the infinite possibility which the student will study, also will let student's study be unable ¡§again¡¨ the study in the classroom and in the drive study wish teaching space and time, had drew close to the student to study the wish promoted of a utilization strategies.
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Peritraumatic Appraisal and Self-Efficacy: Examination of an Expanded Lazarus and Folkman Stress Appraisal Model Following Traumatic Physical InjurySalinas Farmer, Lorie R. 18 December 2008 (has links)
Objectives: Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) stress appraisal model, widely applied in the depression literature, was uniquely applied in an expanded peritraumatic model to predict post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The presented Transactional Vulnerability Model of Psychological Distress utilizes two of the most proximal determinants of PTSD symptoms identified in the stress and coping literature, peritraumatic appraisal and self-efficacy, as variables implicitly and explicitly identified in Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) primary and secondary appraisal processes. Study Design: Correlational. Participants: Participants were multiple trauma, burn and orthopedic hand injured English-speaking adults who participated in Victorson's (2003) original psychometric validation study of the Traumatic Physical Injury and Psychosocial Stress Inventory (TIPSI; N = 169). Setting: Level 1 trauma center. Measures: Selected TIPSI subscales; General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale; Abbreviated Injury Scale; Stressful Life Experiences Screening - Short. Results: The following variables were each significantly positively related to PTSD symptoms: prior trauma (r = .272); abuse-related prior trauma (r = .187); injury severity (r = .220); and each peritraumatic primary appraisal variable: threat potential (r = .431), controllability (r = .360), predictability (r = .238), meaningfulness (r = .397), stability of impact (r = .522) and globality of impact (r = .443). Each peritraumatic secondary appraisal variable was significantly inversely related to PTSD symptoms: general self-efficacy (r = -.501) and specific self-efficacy (r = -.272). Peritraumatic primary appraisal variables together explained 40.1% of variance in PTSD symptoms (F (2, 164) = 56.503, p < .001). The Transactional Vulnerability Model of Psychological Distress examined each aforementioned construct using mostly Victorson's (2003) measures in linear regression procedures in Model A (N = 161), explaining 45.1% variance in PTSD symptoms (F (11, 149) = 12.965, p < .001); Model B (N = 66) utilized two alternate measures and explained 52.9% variance (F (10, 55) = 8.289, p < .001). These results support prior trauma and threat potential as predictors of PTSD symptoms and bespeak the importance of attributions of stability of impact and self-efficacy as proximal predictors of PTSD symptoms within an expanded Lazarus and Folkman stress appraisal model. Implications for early intervention among targeted individuals are discussed.
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The Risk of Responding to Acquaintance Sexual Assault: How Perceived Social Costs Affect Risk Appraisals and Behavioral Responses in College WomenNathanson, Alison Megan 01 May 2010 (has links)
Evidence suggests that female victims of sexual abuse are revictimized more often than non-victimized females, placing them at risk for the negative consequences, including increased psychopathology, medical issues and interpersonal difficulties. Research is needed to protect childhood sexual abuse survivors from the risk of further sexual assault. The present study examines if victim status and perception of social costs inhibit heterosexual females’ perception of risk and behavioral response. Results indicate that victim status affects the perception of risk and that sexually abused women in a high social cost condition use less assertive behavioral responses. Implications of these findings for sexual assault prevention and interventions are discussed.
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Real Estate Appraisal : A Study of Real Estate Appraisers in SwedenAndersson, Fredrik, Landberg, Robert January 2005 (has links)
Problem: Problemet som legat till grund för intresset och inriktningen med denna magisteruppsats är då tidigare kontorsfastigheten Skatteskrapan skulle byta ägare och användningsområde. En planerad ombyggnad ställde till problem med avseende på uppskattningen av ombyggnadskostnader. I slutändan handlar problemet om ett värderingsproblem. Detta problem tillsammans med andra ex-empel där fastigheter bytt användningsområden har väckt ett intresse att göra en ingående undersökning av det svenska fastighetsvärderingsområdet. Denna uppsats är indelad i fem olika delundersökningar. Initialt sker en presentation av svenska metoder för fastighetsvärdering. Vidare under-söks olika faktorer som har olika värdepåverkande effekter på fastighetsvärdet. Därefter genomförs en undersökning av hur nya användningssituationer kan vålla värderingsproblem samt hur ett värde fastställs i en sådan situation. Nästa steg består utav en undersökning av internationella värderingsmetoder. Studien avslutas sedan med en undersökning av nya trender som utvecklats inom fastighetsvärderingen. Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera fenomenet fastighetsvärdering via svenska fastighetsvärderare för att erhålla en förståelse för hur de resonerar vid valet av värderingsmetod och bestämmer det slutliga värdet. Dessutom är syftet också att belysa relationen mellan svenska och internationella värderingsmetoder för att utröna likheter och skillnader. Metod: Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod i form av åtta intervjuer. En förstudie, i form av en intervju, görs med professor Stellan Lundström, vilken ämnar till att ge en uppdaterad bild av forskningen inom området. Därefter hålls sju intervjuer med auktoriserade fastighetsvärderare. Värderarnas synpunkter analyseras sedan tillsammans med resultat från förstudien, teoretiskt ramverk samt tidigare studier. Analysen är baserad på en modifierad tankemodell som är skapad av forskaren Jan Matts-son. Genom denna modell har sedan fem viktiga nivåer, knutna till uppsatsens problemområde, analyserats. Slutsats: Vi fann att de svenska värderingsmetoderna i stort sett utgörs av tre olika metoder. Dessa är avkastningsmetod, ortsprismetod samt produktionskostnadsmetod. De viktigaste värdepåverkande faktorerna var fastighetens läge samt dess skick och standard. Även hyreskontrakten och vakanser påverker till stor del. Beslut om ny användningssituation kan tas av olika anledningar. Det största problemet relaterat till denna förändring är uppskattningen av framtida kostnader, där ombyggnadskostnader utgör den största svårigheten. De internationella värderingsmetoderna är överlag de samma som de svenska. Kulturella skillnader föreligger i vilka metoder som används i olika situationer. De viktigaste nya trenderna är effekten av de internationella redovisningsstandarderna. En annan trend är det ökade användandet av automatiska analysverktyg. / Problem: The underlying problem within this Master of Science thesis is the emanating issues from the changed owner and usage situation of the former Tax Department. A planned reconstruction led to difficulties in estimating the reconstruction costs. In the end this problem is an appraisal issue. This problem led to an interest to make a thorough investigation of the area of Swedish real estate appraisal. The thesis is constituted by five different subinvestigations. Initially an exploration is made concerning Swedish real estate appraisal methods. Further, factors affecting the real estate value are examined. This is followed by an investigation of what appraisal issues that might occur in a new usage situation and how the value is estimated in such a situation. The relation between Swedish and International appraisal methods is then illuminated. The final investigation is concerning what new trends that have occurred on the Swedish real estate appraisal market. Purpose: The purpose of this Master of Science thesis is to study the phenomenon real estate appraisal via Swedish real estate appraisers to gain an understanding of how they reason when choosing appraisal method and determine the real estate value. Additionally, the aim is also to highlight the relation between Swedish and International real estate methods to reveal differences and similarities. Method: We have chosen a qualitative method taking the form of eight interviews. A total of eight interviews are performed. The study is offset by a pre-study with a professor at RIT, Stellan Lundström. The aim with this interview is to get an updated view of the latest research within real estate appraisal. This is followed by seven interviews with certified real estate appraisers. The results from the interviews with the appraisers are analysed together with the pre-study, theoretical framework and previous studies. The analysing process is based upon a modified thought model, originally developed by the researcher Jan Mattsson. The analysing process is presented in five steps that all are connected to the modified thought model and related to the problem area of this Master of Science thesis. Conclusion: We found that the Swedish appraisal methods generally are constituted by three methods. These are the avkastnings method, the ortspris method and production cost method. The most influent factors on the real estate value are the location as well as the condition and standard. Also the rent contracts and vacancies to some extent affect the value. A rather large problem originates in the estimation of future costs, where the estimation of reconstruction costs is referred to as the largest issue. The international appraisal methods are equivalent to the Swedish methods. The largest differences are of cultural kind mostly caused by differences in legislation. New trends that are presented are the impact of the international accounting standards (IAS). Another significant trend is the increased use of automatic real estate analysis tools.
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Performance appraisal management in QidiLi, Liya January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the performance appraisal practice in Qidi, and suggest in what way Qidi should go in performance appraisal in the future. The result shows that there are some problems in Qidi’s performance appraisal, management. Thereby, the suggestions are that Qidi should establish a standard performance appraisal system, create a formal control system, and keep the process transparent in appraisal.
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Correlation Among Performance System Cognition, Compensation System Cognition and Organizational Commitment ¡V with Organizational Justice as Mediating EffectCHANG, CHIA-LING 03 September 2007 (has links)
In this age of variation and renovation, enterprise internationalization dominates the competition of enterprises. Confronted by keen competition, pursuing of sustainable management and development and promoting competitive superiority, the enterprises often adopt human resource management to inspire employees with hope to achieve and exceed the expectation of the organization. However, performance appraisal and compensation system are highly valued by the employees in human resource management. As for compensation system, the employees would measure the difference between what they actually acquire and what they expect to acquire and react on how much they identify with the organization and on their performance as well. This research aims at understanding how the below factors, performance appraisal cognition, compensation system cognition and personality traits influence the organizational commitment under the mediating effect of organizational justice.
A questionnaire investigation was adopted in this research. Accessible population targeted on companies defined as honorary trainers of SMEs by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration in Ministry of Economic Affairs. Totally there are 500 questionnaires sent out of which 236 samples are retrieved. Weeding out 6 shares of ineffective ones without complete filling-in, there are 230 effective samples. Exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis methods are applied in the analysis and the result is as the following:
1¡BAmong performance appraisal cognition, compensation system cognition and organizational justice presents positive influence.
2¡BBetween organizational justice and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
3¡BBetween performance appraisal cognition and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
4¡BBetween compensation system cognition and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
5¡BIn addition to direct positive influence on organizational commitment, performance appraisal cognition also affects it via mediating effect of organizational justice.
6¡BIn addition to direct positive influence on organizational commitment, compensation system cognition also affects it via mediating effect of organizational justice.
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