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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ein Beitrag zur spurtreuen Führung n-gliedriger mehrachsgelenkter Fahrzeuge

Wagner, Sebastian 02 February 2010 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung automatischer Lenkungen, die die von Schienenfahrzeugen bekannte Spurtreue auf n-gliedrige, mehrachsgelenkte Straßenfahrzeuge übertragen. Spurtreu bedeutet folglich, dass die Lenkachsmittelpunkte keinen seitlichen Versatz zueinander aufweisen. Dafür wird ein modellbasiertes automatisches Lenkverfahren systematisch konzipiert, entworfen und erprobt, das sowohl eine vollautomatische Spurführung als auch eine halbautomatische Nachführung erlaubt. Die modellbasierten automatischen Lenkungen unterliegen keinen praktisch relevanten Einschränkungen. Das wird durch die Verwendung einer Steuerungsstruktur mit zwei Freiheitsgraden erreicht, die aus einer modellbasierten Vorsteuerung und einem Rückführregler besteht. In der Vorsteuerung werden die Lenkwinkel aller Achsen berechnet, mit denen der Sollweg theoretisch spurtreu befahren wird. Durch den Einsatz eines speziell angepassten, modularen Mehrkörpermodells gelingt diese Berechnung allgemein für eine Klasse n-gliedriger Fahrzeuge. Zum Ausgleich von nicht vermeidbaren Modellunbestimmtheiten und nicht gemessenen Störungen werden ein nichtlinearer Mehrgrößenregler sowie achs-individuelle lineare Eingrößenregler entworfen und miteinander verglichen. Simulationen und Fahrversuche zeigen, dass das entwickelte Verfahren in einem weiten Geschwindigkeitsbereich robust gegenüber typischen Einflussgrößen wie Fahrbahn- und Beladungszustand ist.

Path follower for reversing off-axle single-joint semitrailer trucks

Cerna Herrera, Fernando Javier January 2021 (has links)
Semitrailer trucks are widely used for transportation of goods in Sweden and around the world. Given their usefulness, and since they require specialized drivers, there is an increased need to automate the operation of these vehicles. In particular, reversing these vehicles is considered a challenging maneuver, mainly because of the jackknifing effect. To tackle this challenge, this thesis investigates path following for reversing single-joint semitrailer trucks, by comparing two path-following controllers, corresponding to a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and a Model Predictive Control (MPC), respectively. Both controllers receive kinematically feasible reference trajectories from a path planner (which is part of another thesis work), which makes it possible to avoid jackknifing as long as the reference joint angle between the trailer and the truck is closely followed. Moreover, they use a linearized and discretized 1-trailer kinematic model, defined in terms of the reference tracking errors for the truck as states. To evaluate the performance of the controllers, a Python simulation is implemented using the 1-trailer kinematic model. Using this simulation, the controllers are compared using metrics related to the reference tracking errors along the generated path and the controller execution time. The results show that the LQR and the MPC controllers perform similarly for most cases. Even though there are certain cases where the MPC outperforms the LQR, the execution time of the MPC is at least one order of magnitude slower, which makes the LQR an attractive solution for practical implementations, as long as certain assumptions (small initial deviations, reliable measurements) are ensured. As such, an LQR controller might be preferred by the industry because, while the performance from both controllers is similar, it can be considered a more efficient controller. / Lastbilar med olika släpvagnskombinationer används ofta för godstransporter i Sverige och runt om i världen. Med tanke på deras användbarhet och eftersom de kräver specialiserade förare finns det ett ökat behov av att automatisera driften av dessa fordon. I synnerhet anses backning av dessa fordon vara en utmanande manöver, främst på grund av jackknifseffekten. För att lösa detta problem undersöker denna rapport vägföljande för backande lastbilar med släp genom att jämföra två olika vägföljande styrenheter: Linear Quadtratic Regulator (LQR) och Model Predictive Control (MPC). Båda styrenheterna får kinematiskt genomförbara referensbanor från en vägplanerare (som är en del av en annan uppsats), vilket gör det möjligt att undvika jackknipning så länge referensvinkeln mellan släpet och lastbilen följs noggrant. Dessutom använder de en linjäriserad och diskretiserad kinematisk modell med en lastbil, definierad i termer av lastbilens referensspårningsfel som tillstånd. För att utvärdera kontrollernas prestanda implementeras en Python-simulering med den kinematisk modell med en lastbil. Med denna simulering jämförs de två styrenheterna med mått relaterade till referensspårningsfelen längs den generarade vägen och styrenheternas exekveringstid. Resultaten visar att LQR och MPCpresterar likadant i de flesta fallen. Även om det finns vissa fall där MPC överträffar LQR, är exekveringstiden för MPC åtminstone en storleksordning långsammare, vilket gör LQR till en attraktiv lösning för praktiska implementeringar, så länge som vissa antaganden (små initiala avvikelser, pålitliga mått) säkerställs. Som sådan kan en LQR-styrenhet föredras av industrin, för även om prestandan från båda styrenheterna är lika, kan den betraktas som en enklare styrenhet.

3D animace postavy v počítačové grafice / Animation of 3D Character in Computer Graphics

Pečenka, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this project was to familiarize readers with the techniques used in real-time animation of 3D characters. This work is focused on two types of animation: keyframe animation and skeletal animation. There are described algorithms for software and hardware accelerated model deformations, keyframe interpolations, animation blending, inverse kinematics and ragdoll. The result of this project is a framework, which consists of an animation library, examples demonstrating library functions and tools for export animations from 3D Studio Max and MilkShape 3D.


[pt] Ainda hoje a animação de caracteres tridimensionais é um processo manual. Aplicações como jogos de computadores, ou capturas de movimentos para efeitos especiais em filmes requerem incessante intervenções do artista, que praticamente guia os movimentos a cada passo. Nesses exemplos as ferramentas disponíveis oferecem geralmente edição de detalhes, ou no espaço ou no tempo. Essa tese utiliza duas abordagens analíticas ao processo de animação: harmônica e modal, permitindo descrever movimentos com poucos controles. O resultado destas animações é mostrado em tempo real para o usuário graças às suas implementações na GPU. Em particular, permite escolher os parâmetros de controle através de galerias animadas em tempo real ou ainda usar as freqüências da música para guiar a animação. / [en] Animation of three-dimensional characters is still a mostly manual process. Applications such as computer games and motion capture for special effects in movies require continuous intervention from the artist, who needs to guide the movement almost step by step. In such examples the available tools provide controls mainly over local details, either in space or in time. This thesis uses two analytical frameworks to deal with the process of animation: harmonic and modal analyses, allowing the description of movements with a reduced set of controls. A GPU implementation of the resulting animations allows for real-time rendering of those. In particular, it allows applications such as interactive control tuning through design galleries animated in real-time or three-dimensional music visualization. Particularly, it allows the choice of control parameters through the use of animated galleries in realtime and the use of music frequencies to guide the animation.

Modélisation et optimisation énergétique des organes d'un semoir pneumatique / Modeling and energy optimization of the operative parts of an air assisted drill

Yatskul, Andrii 04 May 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte du développement d’une agriculture durable, il est nécessaire d’optimiser le coût énergétique des opérations agricoles tout en garantissant des temps de travaux courts ainsi que la qualité des opérations réalisées. Cette question concerne en particulier l’opération du semis qui est déterminante pour la qualité de la future récolte. Les semoirs de grande capacité et à haute productivité conçus aujourd’hui se doivent d’être compatibles avec cet ensemble de contraintes. L’enjeu essentiel de cette thèse est donc d’élaborer une méthodologie innovante et utilisant des outils de modélisation dans le but de réduire la consommation énergétique des matériels de semis. En suivant cette logique, nous avons étudié quatre aspects clef de la conception des semoirs pneumatiques : la manœuvrabilité des semoirs poly-articulés, l’établissement des conditions du transport pneumatique des semences et des engrais, l’optimisation des systèmes de répartition des semences ou des engrais, et enfin les aspects énergétiques du mode d’introduction des semences dans le circuit pneumatique. Chaque modélisation a été précédée par une phase expérimentale de détermination des phénomènes majoritaires influençant le processus étudié. Ensuite une modélisation du processus étudié, basée sur la simulation des effets du phénomène majoritaire identifié a pu être mise en œuvre et des conclusions, appuyées par des essais expérimentaux, proposées quant à la conception des semoirs pneumatiques. L’étude de la manœuvrabilité des ensembles poly articulés a démontré qu’il était possible de proposer et de tester un modèle explicatif de prédiction de trajectoires adapté aux engins agricoles. Cette approche ouvre la voie à l’optimisation et à de nouvelles méthodes d’automatisation de manœuvres complexes, notamment des demi-tours en bout de champ. Il est par ailleurs possible de démontrer qu’une trémie en position arrière permet de réaligner plus rapidement la barre de semis après une manœuvre. L’étude des conditions du transport pneumatique a montré notamment que l’établissement de conditions de transport correctes au niveau des sorties de la tête de distribution conditionne l’ensemble de la conception du circuit de distribution de la matière. L’étude des systèmes de répartition des semences a permis d’expliquer l’origine des principaux défauts de répartition observés et notamment l’importance de l’adéquation entre le coude et la conduite verticale qui précède la tête de répartition des semences. Ces résultats ont ouvert la voie à l’étude de la mise en place de systèmes d’anticipation et de correction de ces défauts. Enfin l’étude comparée de deux systèmes d’introduction de la matière dans un circuit pneumatique a montré que du point de vue énergétique les systèmes pressurisés sont plus intéressants que les systèmes injecteurs. / In the context of sustainable farming, the optimization of the energy costs of agricultural operations allows shorter working times and high quality of the agricultural operations. This question relates particularly to the seeding. This operation one is decisive for the quality of the future harvest. The modern high capacity seed drills must be compatible with all the constraints. The main goal of this PhD thesis is thus to develop an innovative methodology, integrating the modeling tools, in order to reduce the energy consumption of the heavy seeding equipment. Thus, we explored four key aspects concerning air seed drill design: maneuverability of poly-articulated seed drills; establishment of the pneumatic conveying conditions of seeds and fertilizers; seed distribution accuracy optimization, and finally the energy aspects of the air stream loading systems. Each modeling was preceded by a preliminary experimental phase, defying the majority phenomena influencing the studied process. The modeling of the studied process and the conclusions (supported by experimental trials) have been proposed for the design of air seed drills. The study of maneuverability of poly-articulated agricultural machines showed that it was possible to get and test an explanatory model of trajectory prediction adapted for agricultural machines. This approach opens the way for optimization and automation of complex operations, including U-turns on headlands. We showed that a towed behind storage hopper (air-cart) allows faster realignment of the coulter bar after maneuvers. The study of pneumatic conveying conditions showed that the establishment of the correct conveying conditions in the outlets after the dispensing head defines the entire design of the distribution system. The study of seed distribution systems explains that the origin of the low distribution accuracy is caused in particular by the elbow and the vertical pipe before the dispensing head. These results open the way for the development of anticipation systems and correction of these defects. Finally the comparative study of two air-stream loading systems has showed that from the energy point of view the pressurized systems are more interesting than the injectors systems. / В рамках концепции устойчивого развития, необходимо учитывать энергетический аспект, сохраняя при этом эффективность использования рабочего времени и качества выполнения сельскохозяйственных операций. Особенно, это касается операции посева, определяющей в наибольшей степени будущий урожай. Современные широкозахватные зерновые сеялки и посевные комплексы вписываются в рамки устойчивого сельского хозяйства. Главной целью данной диссертации является разработка действенной методики проектирования пневматических сеялок, применяя методы моделирования и оптимизации, с целью уменьшения энергопотребления. Таким образом, мы использовали причинно-следственный подход для энергетической оптимизации четырех определяющих параметров: маневренность многозвеньевых посевных машин, обоснования необходимых условий пневмотранспорта, оптимизация распределения посевного материала, и ввода материала в магистральный трубопровод. В дополнение, снижение энергопотребления не должно сказываться на качестве выполнения технологического процесса посева. Моделирование каждого процесса, является следствием длительной экспериментальной фазы, посвященной определению наиболее значимых факторов, для каждого отдельного явления. В результате моделирований, симуляций и анализа, были составлены практические рекомендации, для конструкторов пневматических сеялок. Изучение маневренных характеристик многозвеньевых агрегатов позволило предложить и испытать физическую модель, позволяющую предопределить траекторию движение каждого звена машинно-тракторного агрегата. Такой подход позволяет автоматизировать выполнение наиболее сложных маневров (например, разворотов в конце гона). Кроме всего было показано, что заднеприцепные бункера позволяют более быстрое выравнивание агрегата после разворота. Изучение условий пневмотранспорта, позволило установить оптимальные, с точки зрения энергосбережения, параметры пневмотранспорта на выходе из распределительной головки, что послужило исходными данными для расчета характеристик пневмотранспорта в целом. Исследование процесса распределения семян в распределительной головке вертикального типа, позволило определить причины неравномерного распределения семян между выходными трубопроводами, в частности влияние отвода и вертикального трубопровода. На основании полученных данных, было предложена система устройств, позволяющих избежать возникновения завалов в системе, при минимальных энергопотерях. Сравнительные исследования двух систем ввода материала в магистральный трубопровод, позволили заключить, что питатели с наддувом являются менее энергоемкими по сравнению с питателями эжекторного типа.

The load carrying unit of articulated haulers : Analysis of the welded connections

Lindholm, Martin, Uçar, Metin, Dzanic, Nermin January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om finita element analys av svetsade förband i korgen på Volvo dumpern A40E. Det genomfördes i samarbete med Volvo CE i Braås. Uppgiften var att ge företaget en lämplig lösning för att minska mängden svetsskarvar på den främre delen av lastenheten. För att uppnå detta har en rad analyser genomförts med hjälp av CATIA och ANSYS på både de befintliga och de justerade (potentiella ersättare) svetsade förbanden. Analyserna visar att utmatningshållfastheten av svetsade förband huvudsakligen beror på inbränningsdjupet. Med andra ord, förstärka svetsförband genom större inbränning är mer fördelaktigt än att använda mer svets på utsidan. Slutsatsen blev att både produktionstid och kostnad kan minskas genom justering av de svetsade förbanden. Eftersom svetsförband på lastenheten är sammankopplade bör mer omfattande studier som inkluderar alla svetsar genomföras för att uppskatta effekterna av liknande justeringar. / The work presented in this master thesis is about the finite element analysis of the welded connections in load carrying unit of the articulated hauler, Volvo A40E. It was performed in cooperation with Volvo CE in Braås. The task was to provide the company with an appropriate solution to reduce the amount of weld used on the front part of the load carrying unit. To accomplish this, a series of analyses utilising CATIA and ANSYS was performed on both existing and adjusted (potential replacement) welded connections. The analyses brought to light the fact that the fatigue resistance of welded connections significantly depends on the penetration depth. In other words, reinforcing the welded connections by deeper penetration is more beneficial than providing support from outside through thicker weld. It was concluded that applying adjusted welds lessens both the production time and cost. Nevertheless, since the welds on the load carrying unit are correlated; more extensive studies covering all welds should be carried out to estimate the impacts of similar replacements.

The load carrying unit of articulated haulers : Analysis of the welded connections

Lindholm, Martin, Uçar, Metin, Dzanic, Nermin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete handlar om finita element analys av svetsade förband i korgen på Volvo dumpern A40E. Det genomfördes i samarbete med Volvo CE i Braås. Uppgiften var att ge företaget en lämplig lösning för att minska mängden svetsskarvar på den främre delen av lastenheten. För att uppnå detta har en rad analyser genomförts med hjälp av CATIA och ANSYS på både de befintliga och de justerade (potentiella ersättare) svetsade förbanden. Analyserna visar att utmatningshållfastheten av svetsade förband huvudsakligen beror på inbränningsdjupet. Med andra ord, förstärka svetsförband genom större inbränning är mer fördelaktigt än att använda mer svets på utsidan. Slutsatsen blev att både produktionstid och kostnad kan minskas genom justering av de svetsade förbanden. Eftersom svetsförband på lastenheten är sammankopplade bör mer omfattande studier som inkluderar alla svetsar genomföras för att uppskatta effekterna av liknande justeringar.</p> / <p>The work presented in this master thesis is about the finite element analysis of the welded connections in load carrying unit of the articulated hauler, Volvo A40E. It was performed in cooperation with Volvo CE in Braås. The task was to provide the company with an appropriate solution to reduce the amount of weld used on the front part of the load carrying unit. To accomplish this, a series of analyses utilising CATIA and ANSYS was performed on both existing and adjusted (potential replacement) welded connections. The analyses brought to light the fact that the fatigue resistance of welded connections significantly depends on the penetration depth. In other words, reinforcing the welded connections by deeper penetration is more beneficial than providing support from outside through thicker weld. It was concluded that applying adjusted welds lessens both the production time and cost. Nevertheless, since the welds on the load carrying unit are correlated; more extensive studies covering all welds should be carried out to estimate the impacts of similar replacements.</p>

A política de educação profissional articulada ao ensino médio na forma integrada no Paraná: uma análise da implementação no Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone no município de Medianeira – Paraná (2003-2010)

Griebeler , Janice Rosangela Cardoso 18 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-10T16:54:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Janice Rosangela Cardoso Griebeler.pdf: 1498648 bytes, checksum: ac61de743e290498d7a65cbaef2a3656 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-10T16:54:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Janice Rosangela Cardoso Griebeler.pdf: 1498648 bytes, checksum: ac61de743e290498d7a65cbaef2a3656 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-18 / In this study, we did an analysis of Professional Education policy articulated to high school in its integrated form in the state of Paraná and its implementation at Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone, in Medianeira (PR), from 2003 to 2010. In this way, our analysis had by objective to investigate the process of implementation of Professional Education courses articulated to high school in its integrated form, with emphasis on propositions of politics and its possibility of effectiveness. The methodological course had qualitative and quantitative characteristics, contemplating the contextualization and the analysis of legal documents from Professional Education politics. We collected data at Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Medianeira (PR), Núcleo Reginal de Educação of Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone and INEP and IPARDES websites. In the chapter A Reforma da Educação Básica e da Educação Profissional na Década de 1990, we sought to insert Professional Education in the dynamics of Brazilian educational policy, considering its historical determinants, in the sense of comprehending the context of Basic and Professional Education reformation from 1990, starting with Decree 2.208/1997 and 5.154/2004. In the chapter O Processo de Implantação da Educação Profissional na forma Integrada no Estado do Paraná, we did a study on polysemy existent around the terms about the relation between Professional Education and high school. We also presented the legal grounds which sustain the Professional Education reformation articulated to high school in its integrated form, as well as its application in the state of Paraná, at the time chosen for this study. In the chapter A implementação da Educação Profissional na forma Integrada no Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone no Município de Medianeira - Paraná, we did the economic, social and educational characterization of Medianeira (PR) and the analisys of the implementation process of Professional Education articulated to high school in its integrated form to at Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone. Among the results of this study, we highlight the significant advance of Professional Education policy articulated to high school in its integrated form in Paraná, from 2003 to 2010. / Realizamos, neste trabalho, um estudo da política de Educação Profissional articulada ao Ensino Médio na forma Integrada no estado do Paraná e sua implementação no Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone do município de Medianeira – Pr, de 2003 a 2010. Desse modo, nossa análise teve por objetivo investigar o processo de implementação dos cursos de Educação Profissional articulado ao Ensino Médio na forma integrada, com ênfase nas proposições da política e sua possibilidade de efetivação. O percurso metodológico foi de caráter qualitativo e quantitativo, contemplando a contextualização e a análise de documentos legais da política de Educação Profissional. Realizou-se coleta de dados junto a Secretaria Municipal de Educação do município de Medianeira - Pr, Núcleo Regional de Educação de Foz do Iguaçu - Pr, Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone e sites do INEP e IPARDES. No capítulo A Reforma da Educação Básica e da Educação Profissional na Década de 1990, procuramos inserir a Educação Profissional na dinâmica da política educacional brasileira considerando os seus determinantes históricos, no sentido de compreender o contexto da reforma da Educação Básica e Profissional na década de 1990, a partir dos Decretos Nº 2.208/1997 e o Nº 5.154/2004. No capítulo O Processo de Implantação da Educação Profissional na forma Integrada no Estado do Paraná realizamos um estudo da polissemia existente em torno dos termos que tratam da relação da Educação Profissional com o Ensino Médio. Apresentamos, também, as bases legais que sustentam a reforma da Educação Profissional articulada ao Ensino Médio na forma Integrada, bem como a sua ampliação no estado do Paraná, no período delimitado para o estudo. No capítulo A implementação da Educação Profissional na forma Integrada no Colégio Estadual João Manoel Mondrone no Município de Medianeira - Paraná, realizamos a caracterização econômica, social e educacional do município de Medianeira – PR e a análise do processo de implementação da Educação Profissional articulada ao Ensino Médio na forma Integrada no Colégio João Manoel Mondrone. Dentre os resultados do estudo, destacamos os avanços, lacunas e fragilidades da política de Educação Profissional articulada ao Ensino Médio na forma Integrada no Paraná no período de 2003 a 2010.

Intenzivní dům v Brně / Intenzive Urban Housing Brno

Giacintová, Sylva January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the architectural study of revitalization of a city block and its spatial structure. Selected part of city was solved already in previous project that preceded own thesis. Merger proposal will allow a larger number of different functions within the complex, which will ensure the residents to various forms of housing, services and employment and leisure activities. The studied area is located in the city of Brno-Veveří. Plan shape of the object based on the area in which the three parties connected to the access road. Mass and spatial design respects the surrounding buildings and uses the sidewalks along the whole of the area. The matrix of the object is divided by two axes passing through the object into three blocks linked by a courtyard. This creates a square with a water surface with the possibility of recreation and sitting under the trees. The shape of these three blocks is further formed in several height terraced layers. Do terraces are placed in the atrium and individual residential and office units have large windows and balcony available. This solution brings natural light into the interior while allowing illumination of the courtyard and surrounding objects within the chosen area. This spatial structure is horizontally divided by function. There are proposed underground public garage, arcade with shops, services, administration and housing. The exterior of the building is designed by combining brick facades and white plaster, which works like optically lighter impression of the building.

Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey building

Jetonický, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is the design and assessment of the static load-bearing steel structure office building. It is an eight-storey building with a floor plan and dimensions 54x15m. The proposal has three variants. In one of them a steel frame with a hinge attached elements. These are the pillars, beams, trusses, joists and purlins, which are coupled with trapeze plate and thereby secure the stability of the position in the horizontal direction. The steel structure is placed between the reinforced concrete towers.

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