Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crv"" "subject:"rrv""
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L'influence du genre sur la notification de la séropositivité VIH au partenaire chez des patients sous traitement antirétroviral au Mali et au Burkina FasoNdiaye, Cathy January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Den sociala omgivningens påverkan på ungdomars inställning till skolan : En studie om grannskapseffekterNilsson, Maria, Sahlström, Charlotta January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilken betydelse den sociala omgivningen har för ungdomars inställning till skolan. Målet är att studera eventuella grannskapseffekter samt undersöka vilken påverkan det sociala arvet har på ungdomars inställning till skolan. I uppsatsen studeras ungdomar i de högre årskurserna i grundskolan i Uppsala. Syftet besvaras med hjälp av kvantitativ metod. Datainsamlingen består av en enkätundersökning samt inhämtning av statistik från Uppsala kommun. Resultaten visar att bland ungdomarna som bodde i områden med låg andel vuxna med eftergymnasial utbildning, hade de med lågutbildade vårdnadshavare signifikant lägre inställning till skolan än de med högutbildade vårdnadshavare. Bland de ungdomar som bodde i områden med högre andel vuxna med eftergymnasial utbildning, visar resultaten inte någon skillnad i deras inställning till skolan mellan ungdomar med lågutbildade respektive högutbildade vårdnadshavare. Slutsatserna är att det genom denna undersökning inte går att visa att ungdomar påverkas av sitt bostadsområde. Därmed kan inte grannskapseffekter påvisas. Vidare kan undersökningen inte visa att ungdomar påverkas av sitt sociala arv, i form av vårdnadshavarnas utbildningsnivå. Slutligen dras slutsatsen att det i denna undersökning inte går att skilja på kontextuella och kompositionella effekter.
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Beroende, med en känsla av stigmatisering - En systematisk litteraturstudie om upplevelsen av ett beroendeDewens, Emma, Olsson, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Dewens, E & Olsson S.Beroende, med en känsla av stigmatisering. En systematisk litteraturstudie om upplevelsen av ett beroende. Examensarbete i Socialpsykiatri 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institutionen för Socialt arbete, 2020.Bakgrund: Enligt WHO lever ca. 35 miljoner människor världen över med ett drogberoende. Samhällets generella syn på individer med beroende som en homogen grupp vilka bemöts utifrån sin beroendeproblematik väcker tankar kring hur individernas subjektiva upplevelse av sitt beroende ser ut och hur upplevelsen av stigmatisering upplevs av dessa individer.Syfte: Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie belysa några av de subjektiva berättelser som finns om drogberoende utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv, och om beroendet innefattar en känsla av stigmatisering eller inte och huruvida sammanhang har haft betydelse eller ej.Frågeställningar: Hur upplever en människa sitt beroende av droger?Hur påverkas människor med ett drogberoende av stigmatisering?Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med sökningar genomförda i databaserna Google Scholar, PsycInfo och Cinahl. Elva stycken studier med kvalitativ ansats valdes utifrån inklusionskriterier ut. Studierna kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av en granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier publicerad av Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering.Resultat: Den systematiska litteraturstudien resulterade i fyra huvudteman, att bryta kontexten, att ha ett socialt arv, att uppleva stigma och att leva med ett beroende. Utifrån dessa huvudteman beskrivs även åtta underteman.Slutsats: Studien resulterade i en större förståelse kring hur individer upplever sitt beroende och hur påverkan av stigmatisering till följd av sitt beroende har sett ut, detta kan vara av vikt för både berörd profession och den politik som råder. / Dewens, E & Olsson, S. Addiction, with a sense of stigmatization. A systematic literature study on the experience of addiction. Degree project in Social psychiatry 15 Credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2020.Background: According to the WHO approximately 35 million people in the world are living with drug addiction. The societal view on individuals with addiction is described as a homogenous group that is treated according to the problems springing from their addiction. This raises thoughts concerning the individuals subjective experiences of their addiction and the experiences of stigmatization that these individuals endure.Purpose: Through a systematic literature study shed light on some of the subjective stories on drug addiction out of a phenomenological approach, and if addiction in and of itself comes with a feeling of stigmatization or not and whether context has been of importance or not.Issues: How does an individual experience his/her addiction to drugs?How are individuals with a drug addiction affected by stigmatization?Method: A systematic literature study done through the databases Google Scholar, PsycInfo and Cinahl. Eleven studies with a qualitative approach were chosen with the help of inclusion-criteria. The studies were quality-controlled with a review template created by ”Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering.” which is a governmental institution for medicinal and social evaluation.Result: The systematic literature study resulted in four themes, to break the context, to have a social heritage, to experience stigma and to live with an addiction. From these main themes, eight sub-themes are also described. Conclusion: The study resulted in a greater understanding of how individuals with addiction experiences their addiction and the stigmatization that comes with it, this can be important for both the concerned professions and the current political climate.
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Chicha, Guaman Poma y el tejido : Om visuellt arv och motståndNordling Blanco, Sissela January 2023 (has links)
I en tid där den politiska retoriken alltmer öppet polariserar och stöter ut det som inte anses vara svenskt nog, utgår jag från min egen mixade bakgrund och viljan att omfamna det oönskade. Med avstamp i Guaman Pomas bokstavsformer, Chicha-affischens gradienter och väven som format utforskar jag visuella referenser som arv och nutida motstånd. / In a political time that incressingly polarizes and rejects what is not considered Swedish enough, I dive into my own mixed background, embracing the unwanted. Trough a visual mixture inspired by Guaman Poma's lettershapes, the Chicha posters' gradients, and the weave as a grid, I explore visual references as heritage and resistance.
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Att ärva, eller att bli arvlös : En analys av efterlevande makes arv med fri förfoganderätt / To inherit, or to be disinherited : An analysis of the surviving spouse's inheritance with free dispositionSund, Maja January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessment of adverse drug reactions caused by HAART at antiretroviral clinics in the Maseru district, Lesotho / Lineo Joyce MajaMaja, Lineo Joyce January 2014 (has links)
Antiretroviral drugs are successful in controlling HIV/AIDS and reducing disease progression. Antiretroviral regimens are stopped in up to 25% of all patients during their initial treatment therapy as a result of adverse drug effects, failing treatment and nonadherence within the initial eight months of treatment (Sharma et al., 2007: 235). A pharmacovigilance surveillance system makes it possible for physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare providers to report suspected ADRs. The purpose of this system is to operate as a guide in identification of new ADRs and predisposing risk factors to known ADRs.
The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and documentation of adverse drug reactions (ADR) in the private and public antiretroviral clinics in Maseru district, with special reference to zidovudine (AZT) and tenofovir (TDF) - based regimens. The empirical investigation was divided into two phases. The first phase was a cross-sectional quantitative retrospective drug utilisation review study which focused on the occurrence of adverse drug reactions in patients taking zidovudine (AZT) and tenofovir (TDF). The second phase, a survey in a form of questionnaires for the health professionals.
Drug utilisation review: The sample size of patients was 300. Of the 44 patients who experience ADRs, 72.73% (n = 32) were female and 27.27% (n = 12) were male. A greater number of patients who experienced ADRs were females with 43.18% (n = 19) presenting with skin rash, 27.27% (n = 12) with nausea/vomiting, and 2.27% (n = 1) with diarrhoea. In male patients, 2.27% (n = 1) had peripheral neuropathy, 18.18% (n = 8) skin rash, 2.27% (n = 1) Fanconi syndrome, 2.27% (n = 1) nausea/vomiting, and 2.27% (n = 1) diarrhoea. Patients whose ART regimen changed due to ADRs were five. 60% (n = 3) of the patients were females and 40% (n = 2) were males. There was an estimated increase of 0.0025 cell/mm³, 0.0026 cell/mm³, 0.0024 cell/mm³, 0.0025 cell/mm³, and of 0.0019 cell/mm³ in CD4 cell count per day according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. An estimated increase of 0.00021 g/dL, 0.00022 g/dL, 0.00018 g/dL, 0.00022 g/dL, and of 0.00020 g/dL in Hb profile per day occurred according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. There was an estimated increase of 0.000062%, 0.000046%, 0.000068%, 0.000062%, and of 0.00017% in neutrophil count according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs per day, respectively. There was an estimated increase of 0.000044 IU/L, 0.000043 IU/L, 0.000046 IU/L, and of 0.000028 IU/L in ALT according to sex, age group, weight group, and initial ART regimen per day, respectively. An estimated decrease of 0.000013 IU/L in ALT according to ADRs per day also occurred. There was an estimated decrease of 0.00038 μmol/L, 0.00039 μmol/L, 0.00040 μmol/L, 0.00040 μmol/L, and of 0.00028 μmol/L in serum creatinine per day according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. There was an estimated decline of 0.00023 mmol/L, 0.00022 mmol/L, 0.00023 mmol/L, 0.00024 mmol/L, and of 0.00015 mmol/L per day in urea according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively.
Health professional’s questionnaire: 49 health professionals responded to the questionnaire. 100% (n= 49) of the participants showed that they did not use the yellow card scheme to report ADRs. 34.65% (n = 17) use the individual case safety reports. 57.14% (n = 28) used the structured databases to report ADRs. 85.71% (n = 42) documented in the patient bukana, and 6.12% (n = 3) used the HIV/AIDS ART card to document ADRs occurrence. 91.84% (n = 45) of the health professionals never filled the ADR reporting form in their working environment.
In conclusion, adverse drug reactions occurring in a hospital or healthcare facility should be recorded and reported by the medical practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, and the pharmacy technicians. Therefore, it is important to assess the continuous evaluation of the benefits and harm of medicines which will help in achieving the ultimate goal of making safer and more effective treatment available for patients. As well as to help the health professionals to participate in the very important process of continuous surveillance of safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products used in clinical practice. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Assessment of adverse drug reactions caused by HAART at antiretroviral clinics in the Maseru district, Lesotho / Lineo Joyce MajaMaja, Lineo Joyce January 2014 (has links)
Antiretroviral drugs are successful in controlling HIV/AIDS and reducing disease progression. Antiretroviral regimens are stopped in up to 25% of all patients during their initial treatment therapy as a result of adverse drug effects, failing treatment and nonadherence within the initial eight months of treatment (Sharma et al., 2007: 235). A pharmacovigilance surveillance system makes it possible for physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare providers to report suspected ADRs. The purpose of this system is to operate as a guide in identification of new ADRs and predisposing risk factors to known ADRs.
The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and documentation of adverse drug reactions (ADR) in the private and public antiretroviral clinics in Maseru district, with special reference to zidovudine (AZT) and tenofovir (TDF) - based regimens. The empirical investigation was divided into two phases. The first phase was a cross-sectional quantitative retrospective drug utilisation review study which focused on the occurrence of adverse drug reactions in patients taking zidovudine (AZT) and tenofovir (TDF). The second phase, a survey in a form of questionnaires for the health professionals.
Drug utilisation review: The sample size of patients was 300. Of the 44 patients who experience ADRs, 72.73% (n = 32) were female and 27.27% (n = 12) were male. A greater number of patients who experienced ADRs were females with 43.18% (n = 19) presenting with skin rash, 27.27% (n = 12) with nausea/vomiting, and 2.27% (n = 1) with diarrhoea. In male patients, 2.27% (n = 1) had peripheral neuropathy, 18.18% (n = 8) skin rash, 2.27% (n = 1) Fanconi syndrome, 2.27% (n = 1) nausea/vomiting, and 2.27% (n = 1) diarrhoea. Patients whose ART regimen changed due to ADRs were five. 60% (n = 3) of the patients were females and 40% (n = 2) were males. There was an estimated increase of 0.0025 cell/mm³, 0.0026 cell/mm³, 0.0024 cell/mm³, 0.0025 cell/mm³, and of 0.0019 cell/mm³ in CD4 cell count per day according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. An estimated increase of 0.00021 g/dL, 0.00022 g/dL, 0.00018 g/dL, 0.00022 g/dL, and of 0.00020 g/dL in Hb profile per day occurred according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. There was an estimated increase of 0.000062%, 0.000046%, 0.000068%, 0.000062%, and of 0.00017% in neutrophil count according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs per day, respectively. There was an estimated increase of 0.000044 IU/L, 0.000043 IU/L, 0.000046 IU/L, and of 0.000028 IU/L in ALT according to sex, age group, weight group, and initial ART regimen per day, respectively. An estimated decrease of 0.000013 IU/L in ALT according to ADRs per day also occurred. There was an estimated decrease of 0.00038 μmol/L, 0.00039 μmol/L, 0.00040 μmol/L, 0.00040 μmol/L, and of 0.00028 μmol/L in serum creatinine per day according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively. There was an estimated decline of 0.00023 mmol/L, 0.00022 mmol/L, 0.00023 mmol/L, 0.00024 mmol/L, and of 0.00015 mmol/L per day in urea according to sex, age group, weight group, initial ART regimen, and ADRs, respectively.
Health professional’s questionnaire: 49 health professionals responded to the questionnaire. 100% (n= 49) of the participants showed that they did not use the yellow card scheme to report ADRs. 34.65% (n = 17) use the individual case safety reports. 57.14% (n = 28) used the structured databases to report ADRs. 85.71% (n = 42) documented in the patient bukana, and 6.12% (n = 3) used the HIV/AIDS ART card to document ADRs occurrence. 91.84% (n = 45) of the health professionals never filled the ADR reporting form in their working environment.
In conclusion, adverse drug reactions occurring in a hospital or healthcare facility should be recorded and reported by the medical practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, and the pharmacy technicians. Therefore, it is important to assess the continuous evaluation of the benefits and harm of medicines which will help in achieving the ultimate goal of making safer and more effective treatment available for patients. As well as to help the health professionals to participate in the very important process of continuous surveillance of safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products used in clinical practice. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Aplicação dos modelos paramétricos ARMAV e ARV na identificação modal de sistemas mecânicos / Application of ARMAV and ARV parametric models in the modal identification of mechanical systemsNeves, Alessandra Teodoro 21 December 2006 (has links)
A análise modal experimental tem contribuído de forma decisiva para caracterização e solução de problemas de engenharia, relacionados à vibração estrutural. Uma das áreas fundamentais da análise modal experimental é a identificação de sistemas, cujo objetivo é determinar as propriedades dinâmicas de uma estrutura, descritas através das freqüências naturais, fatores de amortecimento e modos de vibrar do sistema em análise. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo sobre as técnicas paramétricas de identificação de sistemas no domínio do tempo utilizando o modelo auto-regressivo de média móvel vetorial (ARMAV) e o modelo auto-regressivo vetorial (ARV). Em ambos os modelos, os procedimentos de identificação dos parâmetros auto-regressivos, responsáveis pela dinâmica do sistema, são estimados utilizando a aproximação dos mínimos quadrados. A partir desses coeficientes um modelo em espaço de estado do sistema é construído, a fim de estimar os parâmetros modais do sistema dinâmico. A ordem do modelo ARMAV, necessária para determinar as características dinâmicas do sistema, é estimada através do critério de informação Bayesiana (BIC). Para o caso do procedimento baseado no modelo ARV, onde apenas as respostas do sistema são consideradas no processo de identificação, uma nova técnica é proposta para solucionar o problema da identificação da ordem do modelo dinâmico. Essa técnica, baseada na estabilidade das freqüências naturais estimadas em várias identificações, contribuiu também para automação do procedimento de identificação. O desempenho dos algoritmos de identificação utilizando o modelo ARMAV, e o modelo ARV juntamente com a nova metodologia desenvolvida, é verificado através de aplicações a dados provenientes de simulações numéricas e de um ensaio experimental realizado em uma placa de alumínio. / The experimental modal analysis has contribued in a decisive way to characterization and solution of engineering problems, related to structural vibration. One of the fundamental areas of the experimental modal analysis is the mechanical systems identification, whose objective is to identify the dynamic properties of a structure, described through the natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes of the system in analysis. In this work a study is accomplished on the parametric techniques of systems identification in time domain using the Auto-Regressive Moving Average Vector (ARMAV) and the Auto-Regressive Vector (ARV) models. In these models, the procedures of the auto-regressive parameters identification that describes the dynamics of the system are estimated using the least square approach. Trough these coefficients a model in state space is built, in order to identify the modal parameters of the dynamic system. The order of the ARMAV model, necessary to determine the dynamic characteristics of the system, is estimated through Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). For the procedure based on the model ARV, where only the system responses are considered in the identification process, a new technique is proposed to solve the identification problem of the order of the dynamic model. This technique, based on the stability of the natural frequencies in several identifications, also contributed to automation of the identification procedure. The performance of these identification algorithms using the ARMAV model, and the ARV model together with the new developed methodology, is verified using data from numerical simulations and from an experimental test accomplished in an aluminum plate.
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Aplicação dos modelos paramétricos ARMAV e ARV na identificação modal de sistemas mecânicos / Application of ARMAV and ARV parametric models in the modal identification of mechanical systemsAlessandra Teodoro Neves 21 December 2006 (has links)
A análise modal experimental tem contribuído de forma decisiva para caracterização e solução de problemas de engenharia, relacionados à vibração estrutural. Uma das áreas fundamentais da análise modal experimental é a identificação de sistemas, cujo objetivo é determinar as propriedades dinâmicas de uma estrutura, descritas através das freqüências naturais, fatores de amortecimento e modos de vibrar do sistema em análise. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo sobre as técnicas paramétricas de identificação de sistemas no domínio do tempo utilizando o modelo auto-regressivo de média móvel vetorial (ARMAV) e o modelo auto-regressivo vetorial (ARV). Em ambos os modelos, os procedimentos de identificação dos parâmetros auto-regressivos, responsáveis pela dinâmica do sistema, são estimados utilizando a aproximação dos mínimos quadrados. A partir desses coeficientes um modelo em espaço de estado do sistema é construído, a fim de estimar os parâmetros modais do sistema dinâmico. A ordem do modelo ARMAV, necessária para determinar as características dinâmicas do sistema, é estimada através do critério de informação Bayesiana (BIC). Para o caso do procedimento baseado no modelo ARV, onde apenas as respostas do sistema são consideradas no processo de identificação, uma nova técnica é proposta para solucionar o problema da identificação da ordem do modelo dinâmico. Essa técnica, baseada na estabilidade das freqüências naturais estimadas em várias identificações, contribuiu também para automação do procedimento de identificação. O desempenho dos algoritmos de identificação utilizando o modelo ARMAV, e o modelo ARV juntamente com a nova metodologia desenvolvida, é verificado através de aplicações a dados provenientes de simulações numéricas e de um ensaio experimental realizado em uma placa de alumínio. / The experimental modal analysis has contribued in a decisive way to characterization and solution of engineering problems, related to structural vibration. One of the fundamental areas of the experimental modal analysis is the mechanical systems identification, whose objective is to identify the dynamic properties of a structure, described through the natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes of the system in analysis. In this work a study is accomplished on the parametric techniques of systems identification in time domain using the Auto-Regressive Moving Average Vector (ARMAV) and the Auto-Regressive Vector (ARV) models. In these models, the procedures of the auto-regressive parameters identification that describes the dynamics of the system are estimated using the least square approach. Trough these coefficients a model in state space is built, in order to identify the modal parameters of the dynamic system. The order of the ARMAV model, necessary to determine the dynamic characteristics of the system, is estimated through Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). For the procedure based on the model ARV, where only the system responses are considered in the identification process, a new technique is proposed to solve the identification problem of the order of the dynamic model. This technique, based on the stability of the natural frequencies in several identifications, also contributed to automation of the identification procedure. The performance of these identification algorithms using the ARMAV model, and the ARV model together with the new developed methodology, is verified using data from numerical simulations and from an experimental test accomplished in an aluminum plate.
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Anticorpos contra vírus de aves em galinhas de terreiro e cracídeos. Identificação e susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos da microbiota de cracídeos cativos no RS, Brasil. / Antibodies to specific virus in backyard poultry and cracids, microbiota and susceptibility bacterial in cracíds captive from the Rio Grande do Sul state, BrazilSantos, Helton Fernandes dos 07 January 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Poultry production is a very important economic activity in Brazil once the country is among the highest world avian producers. The knowledge of the pathogens epidemiology is essential to the control of infectious diseases and such control is very strict in chickens and turkeys on the avian industry. However, the avian population of the country shows a big diversity of domestic and wild birds and the chicken backyard population is out of this control. To investigate the presence of antibodies against specific viruses in the backyard chicken population, blood was collected of 867 non-vaccinated birds, from 60 farms and 22 counties from the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Neutralizing antibodies against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were detected in 65% (564/867) of the individuals, against avian reovirus (ARV) in 21.6% (187/867) and, against infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in 80.2% (695/867). The results presented on the first chapter indicated that the tested viruses are circulating among this population. Among the wild species there is a group of Galliformes, classified at the Cracidae family and commonly known as guans, chachalacas and curassows which deserved a special attention in the present study. To determine the microbiota, the bacterial resistance and the presence of antibodies against specific viruses in these birds, fifty one serum and cloacal swab samples were collected from 10 different cracid species captive in the Rio Grande do Sul State during 2007. Serum samples were submitted to serum-neutralization test and specific antibodies were detected against IBV in 5.9% (3/51) of the cracids, against ARV in 15.7% (8/51) and, against IBDV in 35.3% (18/51). All the samples were found to be negative to fowlpox virus by the AGID test. Bacterial isolation and identification were performed from the cloacal swabs. After that, the isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. Ninety three bacterial isolates were obtained from 10 different genera. Escherichia spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. are among the most prevalent genera. Antimicrobial resistance was observed in several isolates, with Serratia marcescens presenting the highest level of resistance to multi drugs followed by Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, among others. The results from the second chapter of this dissertation allowed us to conclude that bacterial resistance is spread in the captive cracid microbiota and, most importantly, these species are susceptible to the infection by IBV, IBDV and ARV. / A avicultura é uma das principais atividades econômicas do Brasil, que ocupa posição de destaque entre os exportadores de frango e subprodutos. O conhecimento da epidemiologia de patógenos que podem gerar prejuízos a essa atividade é essencial para o controle das enfermidades infecciosas. Este controle é realizado em larga escala em galinhas e perus criados no sistema industrial. Entretanto a população avícola do país consiste de uma grande diversidade de aves domésticas e selvagens, sendo o grupo conhecido como galinhas de terreiro formado por indivíduos desta espécie criados fora do sistema industrial. Com o objetivo de investigar a presença de anticorpos contra alguns vírus específicos na população de galinhas de terreiro, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 867 galinhas não vacinadas, em 60 propriedades de 22 municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que foram testadas pela técnica de soroneutralização. Anticorpos contra o vírus da bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (IBV) foram detectados em 65% (564/867) destas aves, contra o reovírus aviário (ARV) em 21,6% (187/867) e contra o vírus da doença infecciosa da bolsa (IBDV) em 80,2% (695/867). Os descritos no primeiro capítulo desta dissertação permitiram demostrar a circulação dos vírus testados na população descrita. No segundo capítulo trabalhou-se com aves da ordem Galliformes, pertencentes à família Cracidae e conhecidos popularmente como jacus, jacutingas, araquãs e mutuns, com o intuito de conhecer a microbiota, resistência bacteriana e a presença de anticorpos contra vírus de aves, 51 amostras de soro e swab cloacal de 10 diferentes espécies de cracídeos cativos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul foram coletadas durante o ano de 2007. As amostras de soro foram utilizadas para a detecção de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o IBV, ARV e IBDV, onde obteve os seguintes resultados: contra o IBV em 5,9% (3/51) das amostras positivas, contra o ARV em 15,7% (8/51) e contra o IBDV em 35,3% (18/51). Através do teste de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) determinou-se que todas as amostras de soro eram negativas para o vírus da bouba aviária. Para o isolamento e identificação bacteriana foram realizados dos swabs cloacais e, posteriormente, foi testada a susceptibilidade antimicrobiana. Foram obtidos 93 isolados bacterianos, divididos em 10 diferentes gêneros. Entre os gêneros bacterianos mais prevalentes estavam Escherichia spp., Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. Foi observada em grande número de isolados resistência à antimicrobianos, sendo que a bactéria Serratia marcescens apresentou o maior índice de resistência múltipla antimicrobiana. Os altos índices de resistência também foram detectados para Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli. Os resultados apresentados permitem concluir que a resistência bacteriana está disseminada na microbiota de cracídeos cativos e que indivíduos destas espécies são suscetíveis à infecção pelo IBV, IBDV e ARV, assim como as galinhas de terreiro.
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