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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Så sjung, bara sjung! : initiala och operationella normer i sångboksöversättningar av Astrid Lindgrens visor via multimodal analys av text, bild och musik. / Sing, just sing! : initial and operational norms in song book translation of songs written by Astrid Lindgren.

Larsson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att analysera vilka initiala och operationella normer som har använts vid översättningar till tyska av sångboksuppslag till visor skrivna av Astrid Lindgren. Modellerna som har använts är hämtade från Franzon (2009), Franzon (2016) och van Meerbergen (2010). Frågeställningarna berör musikalisk rytm, retoriska stilmedel inom texterna samt interaktionsgraden i text och bild med läsaren. Syftet är även att se hur aktiva respektive passiva huvudpersonerna i böckerna är. Resultaten visar att översättningarna av beskrivande visor med långa verser tenderar att bli kortare och mycket förändrade i jämförelse med översättningarna av visor med korta verser och en mindre beskrivande natur. Interaktionsgraden med läsaren är för det mesta låg i både text och bild i käll- och måltexterna. Huvudpersonerna i de tyska översättningarna är även mer aktiva i det tyska översättningarna än i de svenska originalen. / The aim of this study is to analyse which initial and operational norms that were used in the German translation of pages from a songbook written by Astrid Lindgren. The models that are used are taken from Franzon (2009), Franzon (2016) and van Meerbergen (2010). The research questions concern musical rhythm, rhetorical methods within the text, the interaction level between images and text and the reader. The purpose is also to see how active or passive the main characters in the books are portrayed. The results show that translations of describing songs with long verses tend to become shorter and very changed compared to translations of songs with short verses and with a less describing nature. The interaction level with the reader is mostly low in both source and target texts and images. The main characters are also more active in the German translations than in the Swedish originals.

Vad gör en bilderbok lättläst? : En studie av adaptationen av Astrid Lindgrens Emil i Lönneberga / What is it that makes a book more easy to read? : – A study of the adaptation of Astrid Lindgren’s Emil i Lönneberga & Emil efter Emil i Lönneberga.

Olofsson, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate how a picture book for children is transformed into an easy-to-read version for children who have just started reading. I examine two versions of Emil of Lönneberga. One of the books is the orginal picture book of Emil in Lönneberga and was written by Astrid Lindgren (1963), while the other is an easy-toreadversion of the book, as adapted by the author Helena Renvall (1977). I have conducted a comparative study as a text and picture analysis of the material, with the focus on the adaptation of the original story. The adaptation in this case is a revision intended to make the story easier to read and more accessible to today’s children. The most important finding of the study is that easily read information is not just a matter of simplifying the text; the form of both text and pictures is adapted. The text is characterized by simpler words and shorter sentences. The pictorial material has been increased and the originally black and white pictures have been given added red colour. Otherwise, most of the layout has been changed for several reasons, but generally speaking so that the relation between text and pictures on each spread will function inthe most easy-to-read way possible.

Känslor i krigets närhet : En känslohistorisk tolkning av Astrid Lindgrens dagböcker från andra världskriget / Emotions in the proximity of war : An emotion history interpretation of Astrid Lindgren´s diaries from World War II

Järpehult, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
When war broke out in Europe in 1939 a mother of two, the thirty-three-year-old Astrid Lindgren, begun keeping a journal. In this diary she wrote about the events of the war, the decisions of the government of Sweden and her own personal life in Stockholm. With a micro historical approach and with a theoretical framework from history of emotions this study aims to explore Lindgren´s emotional life and her emotions towards the changing aspects of the ordinary life, her government´s political agenda, and towards the international players and victims of the second world war. With the use of William K. Reddy´s terminology of emotive and emotional navigation as well as Hugo Nordland´s emotional strategies as analyzing tools the results showed that Lindgren´s initial emotion towards the ordinary life, now affected by the war, was despair, expressed in emotives such as chock, sadness and despondency. The emotion later shifted to gratitude (towards her own privileged situation) and blues (caused by war fatigue), existing simultaneously. The most common emotion expressed correlating to the Swedish government is the emotion of trust. Lindgren´s main emotions towards the victims of the war was compassion. At multiples times, in her diaries, she expressed pity for those who suffered and gratitude for not being among them. The emotions she expressed correlating to the great powers of the war was hate (Germany), fear (Soviet Union) and contempt (Italy). But she also felt conflicted when faced with the fact that she might have to make a choice between Germany and the Soviet Union. The fear of the Russians trumped her loathing of the Nazi regime, but when she gained a greater knowledge of the German atrocities, she came to regard both regimes as equally horrible. The frequent use of certain emotives (such as confidence, gratitude and pity) indicates an emotional navigation to consolidate her feelings and avoid other less desirable emotions. In the same way the uses of biblical metaphors, comparisons of beasts and the reference to brotherly love gives proof of emotional strategies in her handling of undesirable feelings such as hatred and shame. Lastly, this study concludes in a didactical discussion arguing that Astrid Lindgren´s war diaries is a material of great value when teaching of and developing a historical consciousness.

Ingen äger skogen : Människa och natur i Astrid Lindgrens Bröderna Lejonhjärta och Ronja Rövardotter / Nobody Owns the Forest : Human and Nature in Bröderna Lejonhjärta and Ronja Rövardotter, by Astird Lindgren

Nordgren, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
This essay aim to explore how human and nature is presented in Bröderna Lejonhjärta and Ronja Rövardotter, by Astrid Lindgren. It also tries to answer the question how the relationship between the two is shaped; can any hierarchic structures be exposed in the relationship, and how do these, in that case, appear? The essay also problematize words and concepts along the way, such as nature, anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. The method for this study is an ecocritical theoretical base, with thematic analyzes of the books, regarding plot, relationships between characters and their surroundings, and also linguistic narratological techniques, such as the use of metaphorical elements. The different thematic episodes are put in relation to theories about vital materialism, presented in Vibrant Matter – A Political Ecology of Things, by Jane Bennett. I also do a comparative analysis between the two books by Lindgren, with the purpose of highlighting important differences and similarities. The essay ends by discussing how the main characters can be seen as very caring in their relationship to their surroundings, and how one, by applying the theories presented by Bennett, can interpret this caring as a strive towards existing in harmony with, and equal to, nature; a sort of mode or view that Bennett describes as a horizontal position. During the discussion I describe how this strive and position is expressed, and how these are interacting with cyclical systems such as the changes of the seasons and shift between life and death. The books as literature for children, and the main characters as children, is discussed in relation to this, supported by the text “När du är bättre än vi – Jantelagen, skammen och barnlitteraturen” by Maria Jönsson, from the book Du ska inte tro att du är något – Om Jantelagens aktualitet. / Denna uppsats behandlar och syftar till att undersöka hur människa och natur skrivs fram i Bröderna Lejonhjärta och Ronja Rövardotter, av Astrid Lindgren. Den försöker även att svara på hur relationen mellan dessa ser ut; huruvida man kan se hierarkiska strukturer i förhållandet, samt hur dessa i så fall ter sig. Uppsatsen gör det även till sin uppgift att längs vägen problematisera begrepp som bl.a. natur, antropocentrism, ekocentrism. Metoden för studien är en ekokritisk hållning, som går ut på olika tematiska nedslag i de båda verken, där handling, karaktärers förhållande till varandra och till sin omgivning, samt språkliga berättartekniska grepp så som användning av metaforiska inslag, lyfts och analyseras. De olika tematiska avsnitten prövas även mot Jane Bennetts vitala materialitetsteorier som presenteras i Vibrant Matter – A Political Ecology of Things. En komparativ analys görs mellan de båda verken av Lindgren, i syfte att synliggöra viktiga likheter och skillnader. Uppsatsen avslutar med att diskutera hur man kan se ett, hos huvudkaraktärerna, påtagligt vurmande för omgivningarna, samt hur man genom att applicera Bennetts teorier kan tolka detta vurmande som en slags strävan mot att existera likställt med naturen, ett slags läge som Bennett beskriver som det horisontella planet. Under diskussionen lyfter jag hur denna strävan och detta läge yttrar sig, samt hur dessa samspelar med cykliska system, så som årstidernas växlande, samt skiftet mellan liv och död. Verken som barnlitteratur och huvudkaraktärerna som barn lyfts och diskuteras i relation till detta med hjälp av Maria Jönssons ”När du är bättre än vi – Jantelagen, skammen och barnlitteraturen”, ur Du ska inte tro att du är något – Om Jantelagens aktualitet.

"Man måste leva så man blir vän med döden" : Om döden i fyra av Astrid Lindgrens verk / You have to live your life in order to make friends with death. : Death in four Astrid Lindgren texts

Eriksson Webster, Tomas January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Pippi Goes Abroad : A comparative study of the British and American translations of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns in Pippi Longstocking

Moats, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze two literary translations of Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Långstrump (Lindgren, 1945) from Swedish into English.  The study compares the British and the American English translations of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns.  The primary data chosen for this study are the Swedish children’s book Pippi Långstrump (1945), written by Astrid Lindgren, and its 1954 British translation, by Edna Hurup, as well as the 1977 American English translation, by Florence Lamborn.  The method used in this study is qualitative, and consists of an in-depth analysis of representative examples of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns.  Three research questions aimed at finding out what translation procedures were used, whether there were any differences between the two translations, and whether there were any semantic changes in the two translations.  The conclusion is that the most common translation procedure used is equivalence.  The most distinguishing difference between the two translations is that the American English translation seems to stay more true to the original text, whereas the British translation has a greater respect for the target text reader, in the sense that it is more culturally adapted than the American English translation.  There were no major semantic changes in the samples from the two translations, with the exception of a few examples.  In conclusion, both translators manage to maintain the atmosphere of the original text.

<em>Pippi</em> Goes Abroad : A comparative study of the British and American translations of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns in <em>Pippi Longstocking</em>

Moats, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to analyze two literary translations of Astrid Lindgren’s <em>Pippi Långstrump </em>(Lindgren, 1945)<em> </em>from Swedish into English.  The study compares the British and the American English translations of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns.  The primary data chosen for this study are the Swedish children’s book <em>Pippi Långstrump </em>(1945), written by Astrid Lindgren, and its 1954 British translation, by Edna Hurup, as well as the 1977 American English translation, by Florence Lamborn.  The method used in this study is qualitative, and consists of an in-depth analysis of representative examples of neologisms, nonce words and proper nouns.  Three research questions aimed at finding out what translation procedures were used, whether there were any differences between the two translations, and whether there were any semantic changes in the two translations.  The conclusion is that the most common translation procedure used is equivalence.  The most distinguishing difference between the two translations is that the American English translation seems to stay more true to the original text, whereas the British translation has a greater respect for the target text reader, in the sense that it is more culturally adapted than the American English translation.  There were no major semantic changes in the samples from the two translations, with the exception of a few examples.  In conclusion, both translators manage to maintain the atmosphere of the original text.<strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p>

Sunnanäng : en studie i illustrationernas betydelse för ikonotexten

Bonneau, Jacqueline January 2008 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för denna uppsats är att utifrån moderna teorier och metoder belysa illustrationernas betydelse för ikonotexten. Författaren har använt två versioner av Astrid Lindgrens Sunnanäng - ¨Sunnanäng¨ i Sunnanäng (1959) och Sunnanäng (2003) – för att belysa området. Båda berättelserna har samma text, men olika illustratörer, Ilon Wikland och Marit Törnqvist. Tillvägagångssättet författaren har använt i uppsatsen är separerade textanalyser, bildanalyser och analyser av ikonotexten utifrån dennes ¨läsning¨ av de två olika versionerna av Sunnanäng. Författaren har prövat olika moderna teorier och metoder för att resonera och problematisera illustrationernas betydelse för ikonotexten. I uppsatsen visar författaren att en illustration kan innehålla visuella luckor skapade av illustratören, såväl som en text innehåller verbala luckor. De visuella luckorna påverkar tolkningen av ikonotexten – bilderbokens egentliga text – och påverkar därmed även betydelsen av ursprungstexten. Författaren beskriver och visar i uppsatsen hur illustrationerna på flertalet sätt expanderat texten i ¨Sunnanäng¨ i Sunnanäng från 1959 till Sunnanäng 2003 och därmed skapat helt nya betydelser för ikonotexten.

Estudio acerca de dos traducciones al español de <em>Madicken</em> y <em>Bröderna Lejonhjärta</em>, de Astrid Lindgren

Vasques Bernales, Maritza January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Síntesis</strong>:</p><p>El presente estudio trata de un análisis contrastivo de las traducciones al español de los libros <em>Madicken</em> publicada en 1960 y <em>Bröderna Lejonhjärta</em> publicada en 1973 de Astrid Lindgren. El análisis está basado en siete fenómenos lingüísticos que son: adaptación, adición, equivalencia de uso, errores lexicales, expresiones idiomáticas, omisiones y registro. Este análisis muestra que la hipótesis se cumple con respecto al libro <em>Bröderna Lejonhjärta</em>, pero no así con el libro <em>Madicken</em>. Es decir, que a pesar de existir diferencias semánticas y pragmáticas representadas por los siete fenómenos lingüísticos estudiados, la traducción del libro <em>Bröderna Lejonhjärta</em> transmite bien el sentido cultural e histórico de la obra; sin embargo, en la traducción al español del libro <em>Madicken</em> existen diferencias semánticas y pragmáticas, pero la traducción de este no logra transmitir el sentido histórico y cultural de la obra. La conclusión es que estos cambios han hecho que la traducción de <em>Madicken</em> no represente realmente la cultura y trasfondo histórico contenidos en la obra.</p><p><strong>Hipótesis</strong>:</p><p>Existen diferencias idiomáticas tanto semánticas como pragmáticas (la semántica es 'el estudio del significado de los signos lingüísticos y de sus combinaciones' y la pragmática es 'la disciplina que estudia el lenguaje en relación con los usuarios y las circunstancias de comunicación') entre los libros <em>Madicken</em> y <em>Bröderna Lejonhjärta</em>, de la autora sueca Astrid Lindgren, y sus respectivas traducciones al español: <em>Madita</em>, traducida por Herminia Dauer en 1983, y <em>Los hermanos Corazón de León</em>, traducida por Lucio Salas en 1986, ambas traducciones publicadas en España. A pesar de ello, los traductores logran su objetivo de transmitir al lector, principalmente a los niños, el ambiente cultural e histórico suecos de las novelas originales.</p>

One translation fits all? : a comparative analysis of British, American and transatlantic translations of Astrid Lindgren and Sven Nordqvist

Goodwin-Andersson, Elizabeth Margaret January 2016 (has links)
Target culture is a concept regularly used in Translation Studies but it is not a concept which is routinely defined any further than the geographical location of the target language. In English translation this can be problematic because some translations published in English are produced in one English-speaking country which are then sold to other English-speaking domains and this process of migration might not be obvious from the edition notice of the book. The underlying principle for the production of these translations could be that one translation can fit all English target cultures. Yet, in contrast, some anglophone translations are published separately e.g. as a British translation or an American translation. There has been, so far, minimal investigation into the different ways in which English translations come into existence and, therefore, this thesis aims to address the theoretical gap by creating a taxonomy of translation. The thesis presents new terminology for the various translation types within the anglophone world: for example, a translation can be separate when published independently by both Britain or America, or it can be transatlantic when it is shared by both countries. The existence of transatlantic translation challenges preconceived ideas regarding the concept of target culture within Descriptive Translation Studies. Through textual, paratextual and metatextual analysis of several case studies of each translation type the thesis explores the possible refinement of the concept of target culture per se. The thesis is underpinned by analysis of the work of two prominent Swedish children’s authors: Astrid Lindgren and Sven Nordqvist. Swedish children’s literature was selected because of its proven perennial contribution to the genre of children’s literature and its exceptional success in translation. Furthermore, children’s literature itself presents its own unique challenges in translation because, for this particular genre, the target culture introduces powerful constraints based upon the educational, social and cultural expectations of the receiving language community. However, in the case of the transatlantic translation, it is the initial target culture constraints which will be present within the text. In the second country to receive the translation, expectations regarding educational, social and cultural ideals may vary from the first target culture. Ultimately, the thesis argues that there are powerful constraining ideological forces within target cultures which are visible in separate translation; those same forces may present themselves in transatlantic translation also, but the origin of the ideology behind them may not be obvious. Thus, the thesis aims to change the way we label translation within newly delineated English-speaking target cultures.

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