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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parent involvement in early childhood development in Kwazulu Natal

Bridgemohan, Radhika Rani 11 1900 (has links)
This study on parent involvement in Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal investigates the experiences of educators and parents of the different types of parent and community involvement as set out in the Epstein typology. In order to investigate this phenomenon a thorough background of the theory and practice of the Epstein model has been provided. In addition the work of other researchers that support the Epstein typology of parent involvement forms an integral part of the discussions. As parent involvement is the key focus of the study, parent involvement in education before and after 1994 are discussed. In this regard relevant educational policy and legislation that are designed to increase the role of parents and the community in Early Childhood Development are highlighted. Parents' role in the provision of Early Childhood Development is explored. The provision of Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal, which provides a backdrop for the investigation, is explained. In addition contextual factors that influence parent involvement in KwaZulu Natal are provided. The research methodology and the research design used in this study are described in detail. By means of a qualitative approach the experiences of a small sample of educators and parents in Early Childhood Development are explored using the six types of parent involvement that include parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home and collaborating with the community as set out in Epstein's comprehensive model. The experiences of educators and parents of Grade R learners of the six types of involvement have been included. Although all schools engage in some form of parent involvement, it is evident that not all schools involve parents in all types of parent involvement to the same extent. The study concludes with recommendations for developing strategies to involve parents more effectively in Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

Factors influencing women's preference for home births in the Mutare District, Zimbabwe

Muranda, Engeline 06 1900 (has links)
The study attempted to identify factors influencing women’s preference for home births in the Mutare District, Zimbabwe. A quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, cross sectional survey, gathering data by conducting structured interviews with 150 women, was used. All 150 women attended antenatal clinics but did not deliver their babies at health care facilities. The research results indicated that home deliveries might decline if: • the hospital/clinic fees were reduced or removed • transport would be available for women in labour to reach hospitals/clinics • shelters were built for pregnant women at hospitals/clinics • clinics were well equipped and had sufficient numbers of midwives • women had received more effective health education on the advantages of institutional deliveries and on the danger signs of pregnancy/labour complications • nurses/midwives would treat patients respectfully. Unless these factors are addressed, the number of home deliveries might not decline, and the high maternal/infant mortality and morbidity rates in this district will persist. / Health Studies / M. Public Health

L’apport des savoirs expérientiels à la compréhension des dépendances : le cas de personnes avec une expérience d’itinérance participant au projet Chez Soi à Montréal

Gutiérrez-Araya, Marcio 04 1900 (has links)
Dans la littérature sur les dépendances, les auteurs mettent souvent l’accent sur les dimensions biologique, psychologique, sociologique, ou sur une combinaison de celles-ci, sans prendre en considération la perception des personnes dépendantes. De plus, il semblerait y avoir des divergences entre les différents modèles explicatifs qui peuvent être situés entre deux pôles principaux : dans le premier, la consommation prend source à partir de facteurs individuels; dans le second, ce sont les conditions sociales qui créent le terreau propice à l’usage de drogues. Cette dichotomie est incarnée par la divergence entre les modèles sociologique et les approches psychologique et biologique. Or, tel que le suggèrent Allué (1999) et Griffiths (2005), il faut s’intéresser à la perception des individus pour en saisir toute l’entièreté et l’intensité de leur expérience. Dans cette recherche, la parole de douze participants du projet Chez Soi, un projet d’intervention ayant pour objectif d’offrir un logement subventionné et un suivi intensif par des équipes d’intervenants à des personnes en situation d’itinérance ayant des problèmes de santé mentale, sera analysée afin de voir quel est l’apport de leurs savoirs expérientiels à la compréhension de la consommation. Comment perçoivent-ils leurs problèmes de consommation? Quelle est la contribution des savoirs expérientiels de ces personnes à la compréhension de la toxicomanie? Quels liens peut-on faire entre la perception des participants et la littérature consultée? Ce mémoire permet de constater que les participants et leurs savoirs expérientiels nous apportent une compréhension holistique de la consommation car ils conjuguent les dimensions sociologique, psychologique et biologique dans leurs explications. Bien que la dimension relationnelle soit prédominante, la perception qu’ont les participants de leurs dépendances est notamment abordée à travers la thématique de la santé mentale. En contextualisant les éléments soulevés par les participants au sujet de leur consommation dans leurs histoires de vie, nous pouvons nous rendre compte que ceux-ci sont pris dans une sorte d’engrenage qui les enferme dans la consommation. / In the literature on addictions, authors often put the emphasis on the biological, psychological, or sociological dimensions or some combination of them, without taking into consideration people’s own perspectives on their drug use. Moreover, there seem to be divergences amongst the various explicative models, which may be situated between two majors poles: in the first, addiction takes source in individual factors; in the second, social conditions create propitious grounds for drug usage. This dichotomy is incarnated by the divergence between the sociological models and the psychological and biological models. However, as suggested by Allué (1999) and Griffiths (2005), one must take into consideration the individual’s perception in order to appreciate the wholeness and intensity of their experience. In this research, testimonies of twelve participants from the At Home project, an intervention project whose aim is to offer subsidized housing and an intensive follow-up by teams of interveners to homeless people with mental health issues, will be analyzed in order to pin down the contribution of their experiential knowledge to the understanding of addiction. How do they perceive their addiction problems? How can one relate the participants’ perception to the existing literature? This thesis highlights that participants and their experiential knowledge bring us a holistic understanding of addiction because they tend to combine the sociological, psychological and biological dimensions in their explanations. Even though the relational dimension is predominant, the perception that the participants have of their addictions is addressed under the thematic of mental health. By putting into context the elements brought up by the participants regarding addiction throughout their life, we can realize that they are caught up in a spiral of addiction.

La transmission de la langue maternelle aux enfants : le cas des couples linguistiquement exogames du Québec

Bouchard-Coulombe, Camille 12 1900 (has links)
Le nombre d'unions où les deux conjoints n'ont pas la même langue maternelle est en augmentation depuis les dernières décennies au Québec. Sachant que les enfants issus de ces unions gravitent dans un univers familial plurilingue, l'objectif de ce mémoire est de connaître les langues qui leur sont transmises. En utilisant les données du questionnaire long du recensement canadien de 2006, nous avons procédé à différentes analyses descriptives nous permettant de cerner les langues maternelles véhiculées aux enfants issus d'une union mixte, de vérifier si ces enfants héritent davantage de la langue maternelle de leur mère ou de leur père et s'ils opèrent des substitutions linguistiques avant l'âge de 18 ans, c'est-à-dire si leur langue maternelle diffère de leur langue d'usage. De plus, par le biais de régressions logistiques, nous avons étudié les déterminants contextuel, ethno-culturel et socio-économique les plus susceptibles d'expliquer le choix de la langue transmise aux enfants. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la place prédominante des langues officielles canadiennes, au détriment des langues non officielles, chez les familles exogames. De plus, le choix de la langue maternelle transmise s'avère principalement conditionné par le lieu de résidence, le parcours migratoire des parents et le pays de naissance des enfants. / The number of unions where both partners do not share the same mother tongue has grown substantially over the last decades in Quebec. Given that children born to these unions live in a multilingual family setting, the purpose of this research is to study the mother tongue transmitted to these children. Using the 2006 Canadian census long-form questionnaire, we first conducted various descriptive analyses. These were intended to identify the mother tongue transmitted to children born to mixed-language unions, to ascertain whether children inherit either their mother or father's mother tongue, and to determine if a language shift occurs before the age of 18 years old, in other words whether their mother tongue differs from the principal language they use at home. In addition, through logistic regressions, we examined the contextual, ethnocultural and socioeconomic determinants explaining the choice of the language transmitted to children. The results show the predominance of the two official Canadian languages in mixed-language families, at the expense of non-official languages. Furthermore, the choice of the mother tongue transmitted is mainly conditioned by the place of residence, the parent's migration path and the children's birthplace.

Le traitement juridique de la mère au foyer : le droit privé et le droit social de la famille québécois à l ’aune de l ’individualisme

Barsalou, Dominique 04 1900 (has links)
Bien que les chercheurs fassent état de l ’importance croissante de l ’individualisme en droit québécois de la famille, il n ’est pas clair que ces conclusions soient fondées sur une définition constante du phénomène. Il est primordial de comprendre la dynamique mouvante de cette tendance, ses caractéristiques ainsi que son lien avec le droit. Au moyen d ’une approche socio-juridique, le présent mémoire décrit ce phénomène et définit trois indicateurs pour explorer si et comment le droit social et privé québécois de la famille s ’individualise autour de la mère au foyer. Au final, le mémoire démontre que le droit de la famille vise, reconnaît et supporte concrètement très peu la mère au foyer. L ’observation de ce cas a plutôt mis en lumière une tendance à la diminution de mesures ou services qui la supportent, tendance qui est notamment liée à la fiscalisation, la contractualisation et l ’octroi d ’une large discrétion judiciaire. / Although researchers have given much attention to the growing importance of individualism in Quebec family law, it is unclear whether these conclusions refer to the same definition of the phenomenon. It is essential to understand the dynamic quality of this tendency, its characteristics as well as its relationship with the law. Using a socio- juridical approach, this thesis explores the phenomenon through three indicators. Specifically, we have undertaken to examine the individualization of Quebec ’s social family law and private family law in the case of the stay-at-home mother. Our analysis reveals that Quebec family law aims, acknowledges and concretly supports the autonomy of the stay-at-home mother very little. Our observations have rather highlighted a decrease in mesures and services that support her, a tendency that is related to the fiscalization, the contractualization and the important judiciary discretion characteristic of contemporary family law.

Mediální konstrukce biomatek v českých médiích / Media construction of Biomothers in Czech media

Lišková, Iva January 2016 (has links)
This diploma theses deals with the construction of the neoplasm Biomother in the Czech media between 2010-2015. The 'bio' concept, label borrowed from organic agriculture, resonates in public for quite long. The research component of this theses brings an explanation, why the notion of bio was connected with motherhood, and also why media has changed its meaning and brought new defining topics to it. There are 3 main questions to be answered in the theses. How did the picture of Biomothers change between the years 2010-2015? What other characteristics have been included in the topic? What role does media have in this case: Do they serve as a booster of alternative values or, do they tend to promote conservative values? Media portrayal of Biomothers showed considerable dynamism during the examined period and it altered to greater complexity and controversy. Some features, that accompanied the notion biomatka from the start, remained unchanged and are key for its interpretation. This includes the tendency to search and buy organic products, support an all natural lifestyle, and searching for forms of alternative treatments. During the analysed period (2010- 2015) the relatively uncomplicated and positive image of Biomothers, as a worshiper of organic farming, natural lifestyle and organic products,...

Direct work and home supervision requirements : a qualitative study exploring experiences of direct work from the perspectives of children, young people, and social workers

Whincup, Helen January 2015 (has links)
There is renewed interest in the role that direct work and relationship-based practice does, should, or could play, in social work practice with children and young people. This study used a qualitative approach to explore day-to-day direct work with children and young people who are ‘looked after’ at home, from the perspectives of children, social workers and those supervising practice. The thesis explores the meanings ascribed to direct work, and identifies factors which enable direct work, and those which act as barriers. The research was undertaken in Scotland, and although the legislation, policy, and guidance underpinning practice differ from other jurisdictions, the messages to emerge are relevant across the UK and beyond. The study found that despite the existence of barriers, direct work which is characterised as meaningful by children, young people and professionals does happen; and that the relationships formed between children and social workers are both a precursor to and an outcome of direct work. A core theme is that although individual relationships are central, the everyday encounters between children and their social workers need to be understood and situated within the personal, professional and structural contexts in which they take place.

Dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em assistência domiciliária: percepção de gerentes e enfermeiras. / Dimensioning of nursing staff in home care: managers and nurses\' perception.

Dal Ben, Luiza Watanabe 23 August 2005 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos: reconhecer nos discursos de gerentes e enfermeiras que atuam em assistência domiciliária (AD), na cidade de São Paulo, a identificação dos critérios utilizados para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem nesse tipo de assistência e propor um modelo que norteie o dimensionamento desse profissional. O estudo apoiou-se no método qualitativo, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados pelo processo de análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (1977). As questões norteadoras foram a descrição da indicação de um paciente para AD e como planejam o pessoal de enfermagem. Participaram do estudo 48 profissionais de 24 instituições, sendo 24 gerentes e 24 enfermeiras responsáveis pela enfermagem. Destes, oito eram do setor público e 40 do privado. A média do tempo de experiência em AD dos gerentes foi de 11,83 e das enfermeiras, 6,94 anos. Todos os discursos foram submetidos à análise interpretativa, evidenciando a construção de três categorias: a elegibilidade do paciente, o tempo despendido na assistência e o perfil profissional. A primeira categoria constituiu-se dos critérios de indicação do paciente que, na maioria, são de competência do médico do hospital, posteriormente, avaliados pelo médico da AD. A enfermeira e a assistente social verificam a viabilidade da prestação de serviço. A estabilidade clínica e a presença do cuidador familiar são um dos principais pré-requisitos de elegibilidade do paciente, para todos os serviços independente de recurso financeiro. As condições adequadas de moradia, sua localização e redução dos custos hospitalares são componentes para eleição do paciente. O grau de dependência dos cuidados de enfermagem foi apontado pelos entrevistados como determinante para a classificação do paciente ao tipo de modalidade de AD, monitoramento, atendimento e internação domiciliária e consistiu na segunda categoria. A terceira categoria foi o perfil profissional, fator essencial no dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em AD. As enfermeiras, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem que atuam via cooperativa, precisam agir com postura adequada no ambiente do paciente e seus familiares, e a qualidade de prestação de serviços está intimamente relacionada à presença de supervisão, orientação e direção da enfermeira. A identificação dessas categorias possibilitou vislumbrar um caminho para proposição de um modelo, para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem domiciliária e transformar dados intuitivos em cientificamente embasados. / The present research aimed to: recognize on discourses from managers and nurses who work with home care (HC) at the city of Sao Paulo, the identification of frameworks used for dimensioning the nursing staff in this kind of care and propose a model to guide the dimensioning of this professional. The study was based on the qualitative method; data was collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the process of content analysis, according to Bardin (1977). The guiding questions were the description of indication of a patient to HC and how they plan nursing staff. Forty-eight professionals from 24 facilities attended the study, in which 24 were managers and 24 were nurses responsible for nursing. From these, 8 were from public setting and 40 from private. The average time of experience in HC for managers was 11.83 years and nurses 6.94. All discourses were submitted to interpretation analysis, becoming evident the creation of 3 categories: the patient eligibility, time spent in care and the professional profile. The first category was constituted of criteria for patient indication in which, most of the time, are the responsibility of the physician in the hospital, and subsequently, (s)he will be evaluated by the physician from HC. The nurse and social worker verify the feasibility of service delivery. The clinical stability and the presence of the family caretaker are one of the main requirements of patient eligibility for all services regardless of financial resources. The adequate housing conditions, its location and hospital cost reduction are components for patient election. The dependence degree of nursing care was pointed out by the respondents as determining for patient classification to the type of modality of HC, monitoring, attendance and home commitment and it consisted of the second category. The third category was the professional profile, essential factor on dimensioning the nursing home care staff and changing intuitive data into scientific-based ones.

Desafios na regionalização em casa quanto à formação de docentes de línguas adicionais, um estudo de caso no Mercosul: para integrar necessitamos de professores (Web) 2.0?

Cañete, Greici Lenir Reginatto 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-17T13:23:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Greici Lenir Reginatto Cañete_.pdf: 10877924 bytes, checksum: 0001b9e30a7a6276c179e120d79ce091 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T13:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Greici Lenir Reginatto Cañete_.pdf: 10877924 bytes, checksum: 0001b9e30a7a6276c179e120d79ce091 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / A internacionalização é um assunto que está na pauta das universidades em tempos de globalização, forçando-as a adequarem os seus sistemas de ensino às exigências internacionais e ao diálogo inter ou multicultural. Isso, muitas vezes, afeta as culturas acadêmicas nacionais e regionais e torna a educação um bem de mercado. (ALTBACH, REISBERG, RUBLEY, 2009). Para fazer frente aos impactos da globalização, existem esforços e políticas de regionalização - tornar regional - e formar blocos econômicos, políticos e culturais para lidar com a globalização. (FAJARDO, 2007). Uma das estratégias de internacionalização/regionalização das universidades tem sido a mobilidade acadêmica. No entanto, os intercâmbios requerem gastos para o deslocamento e permanência na IES de destino, bem como burocracia com vistos, matrículas, dentre outras providências que se fazem necessárias. Uma das possíveis alternativas para minimizar essas questões é fazer uso das TICs, criando e desenvolvendo disciplinas em ambientes virtuais, por meio das quais se possa construir um diálogo interinstitucional. Com a aproximação de disciplinas afins, o trabalho se daria online, com planejamento conjunto. O propósito é reunir turmas de diferentes países em que os alunos podem se conhecer, compartilhar e construir colaborativamente novos saberes. Com essa finalidade, nesta pesquisa criamos um projeto de Regionalização em Casa entre o curso de Letras de uma instituição de ensino superior do Brasil, uma da Argentina e outra do Uruguai, a fim de analisar como professores de cursos de formação de professores de línguas adicionais planejam e interagem com vistas ao intercâmbio de aprendizagem entre seus estudantes em três tentativas: uma por um grupo fechado do Facebook e as duas últimas usando a plataforma Moodle. Esta pesquisa tem como referencial teórico, a Internacionalização de Olson e Shoenberg (2007), a regionalização de Fajardo (2007), Krawczyk (2008) e em casa de Gonçalves (2009), as sociedades conectadas de Crook (2008), Zammit (2010) e Pontes (2011), as identidades de Hall (2005) e de Gee (2000). As comunidades de prática de Wenger (2001), as comunidades de prática (des) corteses de Marlangeon (2004). A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e etnográfica virtual, segundo Hine (2004), sendo de cunho colaborativo segundo Desgagné (2007) e ancorando-se no Estudo de Caso de Stake (1999) e de André (2005). Tem como instrumentos de geração de dados os e- mails trocados entre as professoras participantes, a pesquisadora e sua orientadora para o planejamento das disciplinas, os diários de campo da pesquisadora e das professoras, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas, que foram realizadas ao final. A análise de dados baseia-se na Análise do Discurso Mediada pelo Computador de Herring (2004), e foi realizada pelas unidades temáticas evidenciadas nos e-mails e no que foi recorrente nas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os e-mails foram agrupados por Unidades Temáticas em que foram destacados os atos de fala mais significativos que foram analisados discursivamente segundo Briz (2012). Os resultados mostram que houve participação e cooperação entre o grupo de professoras, porém nem todas se engajavam com a tecnologia da mesma forma. Além disso, as identidades institucionais professores investigadores versus professores executores foram muito fortes. (GEE, 2000). Faltou, também, a identificação por parte dos professores com o Projeto, principalmente entre os estrangeiros, pois o viam apenas como uma tese de doutorado. Nas interações, ficou evidente que as hierarquias acadêmicas funcionam de formas diferentes de país a país. Acrescenta-se a isso que um intercâmbio como pensamos requer um engajamento com as TICs no sentido de compreender a forma de trabalho da Web 2.0., para que se possa regionalizar sem sair de casa. / The internationalization is a matter that is on the agenda of the universities in globalization times, forcing them to suit to their teaching system to the international requirements and to the inter and multicultural dialogue. This, many times, affects the national andregional academic cultures and makes the education to have a market value. (ALTBACH, REISBERG, RUBLEY, 2009). Handling with the globalization impacts, there are çççefforts and regionalization policies – make it regional and to form economic, political and cultural blocks to deal with the globalization. (FAJARDO, 2007). One of the internationalization and regionalization strategies of the universities has been the academic mobility. However, the exchange programs require spending to the displacement in the HEI of destination, as well as the bureaucracy with visa, registration among others necessary actions that are necessary. One of the possible alternatives to minimize these issues is to make use of the ICTs, creating and developing subjects in virtual environment, through it can be built an interinstitutional dialogue. As the related disciplines approach, the task would be online with a joint planning. The purpose is to join groups of different countries in order of them to know each other, share and build new knowledge in a whole planning. For that purpose, in this search it was created a regionalization at home project between the Spanish major higher level educational institute in Brazil, one from Argentina and other from Uruguay, in order to analyse how professors of teachers training course of additional languages plan and interact with the goal of learning exchange among its students in three attempts: one by a closed group of Facebook and the two last using the Moodle plataform. This search has as theoretical reference the internationalization of Olson and Shoeonberg (2017), the regionalization of Fajardo (2007), Krawczyk (2008) and at home of Gonçalves (2009), the connected societies of Crook (2008), Zammit (2010) and Pontes (2011), the identities of Hall (2005) and the Gee (2000), the communities of practice of Wenger (2001), the (im)politiness communities of practice of Marlangeon (2004). The search is of qualitative nature and virtual ethnographic, according to Hine (2004), being of cooperative aspect according to Desgagné (2007) anchoring in the study of the case of Stake (1999) and André (2005). It has as data generation instruments the emails exchanged among the participant professors, the researcher and its guidance counselor the subjects planning, the researcher and teachers fields diaries, as well as semi structured interviews that were done in the end. The data analysis is based on the Computer-mediated discourse of Herring (2004) and it was done by the themed units showed in the emails and in what was recurrent in the semi structured interviews. The emails were put together by themed units in what were highlighted the speech acts more meaningful that were analysed according to Briz (2012). The results show that there was participation and cooperation among the professors group, however, not all of them got involved with the technology the same way. Besides, the institutional identities, researcher professors versus executors professors ones were very strong. There was also a lack of identification by part of them with the project, mainly among the foreigners because they saw it only as a doctoral thesis. During the interactions, it was clear that the academic hierarchies work in different forms from country to country. It is added to it that an exchange program as we thought requires an involvement with the ICTs in the sense of understanding the way of web’s work 2.0 to make it possible to regionalize without going home. / La internacionalización es un tema que está en pauta en las universidades en tiempos de globalización, obligándolas a ajustar sus sistemas de educacionales a las exigencias internacionales y al diálogo inter o multicultural. Ello, muchas veces, afecta las culturas académicas nacionales y regionales y convierte la educación en un bien de mercado. (ALTBACH, REISBERG, RUBLEY, 2009). Para hacer frente a los impactos de la globalización, existen esfuerzos y políticas de regionalización - hacer regional - y formar bloques económicos, políticos y culturales para lidiar con la globalización. (FAJARDO,2007). Una de las estrategias de internacionalización/regionalización de las universidades ha sido la movilidad académica. Sin embargo, los intercambios requieren gastos para el desplazamiento y permanencia en la IES de destino, así como la burocracia con visas, matrículas, entre otros trámites que son necesarios. Una de las posibles alternativas para minimizar esas cuestiones es el uso de las TICs, creando y desarrollando asignaturas en ambientes virtuales, por medio de las cuales se pueda construir un diálogo interinstitucional. Con el acercamiento de asignaturas afines, el trabajo se daría en línea, con la planificación en conjunto. El propósito es reunir los grupos de diferentes países en los que los alumnos puedan conocerse, compartir y construir colaborativamente nuevos saberes. Con esa finalidad, para esta investigación creamos un proyecto de Regionalización en Casa entre el curso de Letras de una institución de Enseñanza Superior de Brasil, una de Argentina y otra de Uruguay, a fin de analizar cómo profesores de cursos de formación docente en lenguas extranjeras o segundas planifican, interactuan con vistas al intercambio de aprendizaje entre sus estudiantes en tres intentos: uno por un grupo cerrado del Facebook y los dos últimos con el uso de la plataforma Moodle. Esta investigación tiene como referencial teórico, la Internacionalización de Olson y Shoenberg (2007), la regionalización de Fajardo (2007), Krawczyk (2008) y em casa de Gonçalves (2009), las sociedades conectadas de Crook (2008), Zammit (2010) y Pontes (2011), las identidades de Hall (2005) y de Gee (2000), las comunidades de práctica de Wenger (2001), las comunidades de prática (des)corteses de Marlangeon (2004). La investigación es de naturaleza cualitativa y etnográfica virtual, según Hine (2004), siendo de cuño colaborativo según Desgagné (2007) y con anclaje en el Estudio de Caso de Stake (1999) y de André (2005). Tiene como instrumentos de relieve de datos los correos electrónicos intercambiados entre las profesoras participantes, la investigadora y su tutora para la planificación de las disciplinas, los diarios de campo de la investigadora y de las profesoras, incluso las entrevistas semiestructuradas, que fueron realizadas al final. El análisis de datos se basa en el Análisis del Discurso Mediado por la Computadora de Herring (2004), y fue realizado por las unidades temáticas evidenciadas en los mails y en lo que fue recurrente en las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los mails fueron agrupados por Unidades Temáticas en los que se destacaron los actos de habla más significativos que fueron analizados discursivamente según Briz (2012). Los resultados muestran que hubo participación y cooperación entre el grupo de profesoras, no obstante, no todas se involucraban con la tecnología de la misma forma. Además, las identidades institucionales: profesores investigadores versus profesores ejecutores se vieron muy fuertes. (GEE, 2000). Faltó, también, la identificación por parte de los profesores con el Proyecto, principalmente entre los extranjeros, ya que lo veían solamente como una tesis de doctorado. En las interacciones, se evidenciaron que las jerarquías académicas funcionan de formas distintas de país a país. Se agrega a ello, que un intercambio como lo planteamos requiere que los participantes se involucren con las TICs en el sentido de comprender la forma de trabajo de la Web 2.0. para que se pueda regionalizar sin salir de casa.


Borie, Craig 01 January 2018 (has links)
Medium to Long Term Impacts on Former Participants of the Shoulder to Shoulder Global Brigades to Ecuador. International service learning and voluntourism programs in global health evoke benefits for both community and the intervener. While it is clear that the Shoulder to Shoulder Global program at the University of Kentucky provides a service to an economically resource poor community in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, what is unclear is the impact these interprofessional experiences have on the participants that travel with the four times a year health brigades. This study proposes to answer the question of what are the educational, personal and professional impacts that brigade participants experience. Alumni of the Shoulder to Shoulder Global health brigades from 2007 – 2017 were sent a twenty-three question survey to better understand the impact of this program. Seventy-five responses to the quantitative and qualitative questions were received and a chi square analysis was performed of subgroups within the seventy-five respondents. The findings indicate that this program has positively impacted participants in all three areas, with strong evidence to show that the impacts are related to the initial and intermediate outcomes, with more data needed to better assess the long-term program outcomes.

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