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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensamstående förvärvsarbetande föräldrar - självskattad aktivitetsbalans / Working single parents - self-rated occupational balance

Blom, Alma, Sörskog, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Inledning/bakgrund: Ensamstående föräldrar tenderar att uppleva mer stress och begräsningar i vardagen, jämfört med föräldrar i partnerskap. Att få tiden att räcka till för olika aktiviteter ses som en utmaning. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva ensamstående förvärvsarbetande föräldrars självskattade aktivitetsbalans. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie i form av en webbenkät med frågor som berörde kön, arbetsomfattning, boendesituation, antal hemmaboende barn, samt antal dagar de bor hemma. Tilläggsfråga gällande upplevelse av tillräckligt med stöd från omgivningen, samt självskattningsinstrumentet Självskattad aktivitetsbalans (OBQ11) ingick i enkäten. Genom ett bekvämlighetsurval rekryterades 133 respondenter, varav 129 kvinnor. Icke-parametriska tester användes för att analysera skillnader och studera samband. Den öppna frågan analyserades kvalitativt. Resultat: Respondenternas totala OBQ11-poäng visade på låg aktivitetsbalans jämfört med tidigare studier där aktivitetsbalans skattats hos andra målgrupper. De med två barn hade lägre skattad aktivitetsbalans än de med ett barn. Det fanns ett samband mellan OBQ11-poäng och upplevelse av tillräckligt med stöd från omgivningen. Tilläggsfrågan visade på gemensamma upplevelser såsom känsla av ensamhet, avsaknad av stöttning, bristande förtroende till samhället. Slutsats: Ensamstående förvärvsarbetande föräldrar visade sig ha låg aktivitetsbalans och upplevde brister i stöd från omgivningen. Hälsofrämjande insatser på individ- och gruppnivå behövs för att stärka målgruppens aktivitetsbalans. / Introduction: Single parents experience more stress and limitations in everyday life in comparison to parents in partnership. Finding enough time to various activities is seen as a challenge. Aim: The aim was to describe self-rated occupational balance of employed single parents. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study using a web survey with questions regarding gender, scope of work, living situation, number of children living at home and number of days they live at home. A supplementary question regarding the experience of sufficient support from the surrounding and the self-rating instrument Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11) was included in the survey. Through convenience sampling 133 respondents were recruited, of which 129 were women. Non-parametric tests was used to analyze differences and study correlation. Results: The respondents' total OBQ11 score showed low activity balance compared with results from previous studies of occupational balance estimated in other target groups. Parents with two children had lower self-rated occupational balance than parents with one child. There was a correlation between OBQ11 scores and experience of sufficient support from the surrounding. Conclusion: Working single parents turned out having low occupational balance and experienced lack of support from the surrounding. Health-promoting efforts at individual and group level are needed to strengthen the target group's occupational balance.

Family Language Policies in English-speaking Families in Sweden: Insights into Bilingualism and Language Maintenance

Larsson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to present the views of some English-speaking parents and their children based in Sweden on the relationship between language learning and family language policies. To this end, interviews were conducted with six families living in Sweden who had spoken English at home with their children. The data was analysed using a thematic approach, which involves a close analysis of the collected data. I specified major and common points from the participants that were in line with my research questions. The results showed that the participating parents wanted their children to be able to speak with their English-speaking relatives and therefore felt that it was important to teach and maintain English. They also mention how English is a useful language to know because it is spoken all around the world. Some parents point out that consistency is important for the child’s language development in English, while others explain how there is no need for strict rules because it can lead to a resistance in speaking English. The most common strategies the parents employ are one- parent-one-language strategy, encouraging watching TV and films, reading books, repetition- and minimal grasp strategy and mother tongue tuition. The children emphasise the importance of knowing English when they talk with their relatives. However, the children find it difficult when learning a third language in school because they are used to acquiring a language instead of consciously learning it. The implications from my research may potentially help policy makers, researchers, and bilingual families in the process of teaching and maintaining a language at home.

A Study On Employee’s Intention To Adopt Green Practices At The Workplace In The Context Of The Hotel Industry

Shahron, Syairah A.B. January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to examine the effect of organisational commitment and employee’s pro-environmental behaviour at home on their intention to adopt green practices at the workplace in the context of hotel industry, by taking the theory of planned behaviour as a conceptual framework. Hotel employees play a critical role that affects customers' experiences, which then affects the overall hotel performance. However, the mechanism that affects their behavioural intention has yet to be investigated properly. Thus, a survey was conducted to collect the data from employees working in green and non-green hotels in Malaysia. Overall, there were 407 responses received, which represented a response rate of 55.75 percent. Then, a set of hypotheses was tested using the structural equation modelling. The empirical results indicate that organisational commitments have a positive effect on the attitude for engaging in a green behaviour and subjective norm, which in turn influenced employees’ intention to adopt green practices at work. Meanwhile, employees’ pro environmental behaviour at home has an indirect impact on employee’s intention to adopt green practices in the workplace through their attitude for engaging in a green behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. The findings lead to a theoretical contribution by incorporating another theory into the theory of planned behaviour, which is the social bond theory through organisational commitment and spill-over effect through pro environmental behaviour at home. Subsequently, a practical recommendation from this research is attainable to policy makers and hotel providers in order for them to understand and increase employees’ willingness to adopt green practices at the workplace. / The full text will be available at the end of the embargo: 15th Dec 2026


Jessica Dee Navarro (17255122) 27 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This research studies post-stay-at-home mothers from a traditional nuclear family who enter the workforce after divorce. While family communication scholars have explored topics surrounding divorce, very little about how mothers make sense of their transition from being stay-at-home mothers (SAHMs) to working mothers (WMs) after divorce.</p><p dir="ltr">Through an interdisciplinary approach, this research uses Transitional Theory (Anderson et al.<i>, </i>2012; Schlossberg, 1981; Schlossberg, 2008) and Communicated Narrative Sense Making (CNSM) (Koenig Kellas, 2018; Koenig Kellas & Horstman, 2014) to understand how mothers make sense of their experiences during this change in their lives. It further studies the participants through mixed methods, using the Shift and Persist Scale (Chen <i>et al.,</i> 2015) and Sense of Control Scale (Lachman & Weaver, 1998a, 1998b) along with reflexive thematic analysis (TA) (Braun & Clarke; 2021; 2006).</p><p dir="ltr">The results of the qualitative section of this study brought forth seven themes displayed in the realms of sense-making during transition. These themes are <i>Belief themes: Out of control</i>, <i>taking back life</i>, and <i>finding a place to belong</i>; the <i>Value themes:</i> <i>Finding the wherewithal to survive</i>, <i>discovering and reclaiming self</i>, and <i>accepting of accomplishments</i>; and the <i>Meaning-Making theme: Recognizing resolve</i>.</p><p dir="ltr">The quantitative results of this study indicated that there were significantly higher levels of persistence and personal mastery with those who told narratives framed positively as opposed to those who told narratives framed negatively. There was, however, no significance in their ability to shift or in their perceived constraints.</p>

The Influence of Depression and Employment Status on Maternal Use of Spanking

Klinger, Meghan Shapiro 14 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Att uppmärksamma barn som far illa i hemmet : En svår uppgift för skolsköterskan / Identifying children at risk of harm at home

Albertsson, Camilla, Bäckstrand, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Barn som far illa i hemmet kan innebära både fysiskt och psykiskt våld, sexuella övergrepp och omsorgssvikt vilket kan leda till att barnets utveckling tar skada, både psykiskt och fysiskt. Skolsköterskan har här en viktig roll genom att identifiera och se till att barnen och eleverna får stöd och hjälp. 1 av 10 barn i Sverige utsätts regelbundet för fysiskt och/eller psykiskt våld från föräldrar eller annan vårdnadshavare i åldern 0–18 år. Syftet med studien är att beskriva skolsköterskans upplevelse av att möta barn, 6–18 år som far illa i hemmet. En litteraturöversikt med en deskriptiv design gjordes. Metod utefter Bettany-Saltikov har använts för dataanalys. Dataanalysen har utförts i nio steg. Resultatet visade att skolsköterskorna hamnade ibland i svåra situationer som kunde beröra dem. De kände ofta en frustration över ensamarbete vilket kunde bidra till sårbarhet. Dåligt samvete tyngde ofta skolsköterskorna vid misstanke om att ett barn for illa. De visste att enligt lag skulle en anmälan göras, men då det var brister i samarbetet till socialtjänsten gjordes inte alltid anmälningarna. För att kunna hjälpa barnen på bästa sätt krävdes att samarbetet mellan de olika professionerna inom skola och socialtjänst fungerade Skolsköterskan upplevde att yrkeserfarenhet var en tillgång för att uppmärksamma de barn som på något sätt for illa i hemmet. Hälsosamtalen var en viktig del i när skolsköterskan identifierade ett barn som for illa. Det framkom att skolsköterskan arbetade hälsofrämjande och förebyggande vilket bidrog till att hållbar utveckling främjades och att elevernas trygghet och säkerhet tillgodosågs. / Children who get hurt at home can involve both physical and psychological violence, sexual abuse and neglect, which can lead to damage to the child's development, both psychologically and physically. The school nurse has an important role here by identifying and ensuring that the children and students receive support and help. 1 in 10 children in Sweden are regularly exposed to physical and/or psychological violence from parents or other guardians aged 0–18. The purpose of the study is to describe the school nurse's experience of meeting children, aged 6–18, who are having trouble at home. A literature review with a descriptive design was done. The Bettany-Saltikov method has been used for data analysis. The data analysis has been carried out in nine steps. The results showed that the school nurses sometimes ended up in difficult situations that could affect them. They often felt a frustration with working alone, which could contribute to vulnerability. A bad conscience often weighed on the school nurses when they suspected that a child was ill. They knew that according to law a report had to be made, but when there were shortcomings in the cooperation with the social service, the reports were not always made. To be able to help the children in the best way, it was required that the cooperation between the various professions within school and social services worked. The school nurse felt that professional experience was an asset to pay attention to the children who were in some way bad at home. The health talks were an important part of when the school nurse identified a child who was unwell. It emerged that the school nurse worked in health promotion and prevention, which contributed to sustainable development being promoted and the pupils' safety and security being catered for.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av vård i livets slutskede i hemmet : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of end-of-life care at home

Hakala, Julia, Sherali, Roya January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Vård i livets slutskede innebär att vården övergår från att vara livsförlängande till att vara lindrande. Vården kan pågå från dagar till månader och det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan anpassar vården utifrån patientens hälso- och livssituation. Sjuksköterskan ska erbjuda patienten en säker och evidensbaserad vård som utgår från patientens aktuella behov och önskemål. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av vård i livets slutskede i hemmet. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Friberg gransknings- och analysmetod. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i två teman och fem subteman. Teman som identifierades var att skapa en vårdande relation vid vård i livets slutskede och sjuksköterskas roll vid vård i livets slutskede i hemmet. Slutsats: Det krävs att sjuksköterskan har kompetens, kunskap och engagemang för att kunna erbjuda patienten en god vård i livets slutskede. Trots att vård i hemmet blir allt vanligare inriktar sig den aktuella grundutbildningen för sjuksköterskor i stor utsträckning från att vårda på sjukhus. / Background and problem formulation: Care in the final stages of life means that the care transitions from being life-extending to being palliative. The care can last from days to months and it is important that the nurse adapts the care based on the patient's health and life situation. The nurse must offer the patient safe and evidence-based care based on the patient's current needs and wishes. Aim: The aim is to illustrate the nurse's experiences of end-of-life care at home. Method: A literature review according to Friberg's review and analysis method. Results: The results are presented in two themes and five sub-themes. Themes that were identified were to create a caring relationship in end-of-life care and the role of nurses in end-of-life care at home. Conclusion: It is required that the nurse has the competence, knowledge and commitment to be able to offer the patient good care in the final stages of life. Despite the fact that home care is becoming more common, the current basic education for nurses largely focuses on nursing in hospitals.

Compulsory Hijab in Iran : Functions and impacts on Iranians’ daily life during 44 years of Islamic State

Shirazizadeh, Fatemeh January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Beräkningar med GPU vs CPU : En jämförelsestudie av beräkningseffektivitet med avseende på energi- och tidsförbrukning / Calculations with the CPU vs CPU : A Comparative Study of Computational Efficiency in Terms of Energy and Time Consumption

Löfgren, Robin, Dahl, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet handlar om en jämförelsestudie av beräkningseffektivitet med avseende på energi- och tidsförbrukning mellan grafikkort och processorer i persondatorer och PlayStation 3.</p><p>Problemet studeras för att göra allmänheten uppmärksam på att det går att lösa en del av energiproblematiken med beräkningar genom att öka energieffektiviteten av beräkningsenheterna.</p><p>Undersökningen har genomförts på ett explorativt sätt och studerar förhållandet mellan processorer, grafikkort och vilken som presterar bäst i vilket sammanhang. Prestandatest genomförs med molekylberäkningsprogrammet F@H och med filkomprimeringsprogrammet WinRAR. Testerna utförs på MultiCore- och SingleCorePCs och PS3s av olika karaktär. I vissa test mäts effektförbrukning för att kunna räkna ut hur energieffektiva vissa system är.</p><p>Resultatet visar tydligt hur den genomsnittliga effektförbrukningen och energieffektiviteten för olika testsystem skiljer sig vid belastning, viloläge och olika typer beräkningar.</p> / <p>The thesis is a comparative study of computational efficiency in terms of energy and time consumption of graphics cards and processors in personal computers and Playstation3’s.</p><p>The problem is studied in order to make the public aware that it is possible to solve some of the energy problems with computations by increasing energy efficiency of the computational units.</p><p>The audit was conducted in an exploratory way, studying the relationship between the processors, graphics cards and which one performs best in which context. Performance tests are carried out by the molecule calculating F@H-program and the file compression program WinRAR. Tests performed on MultiCore and SingleCore PC’s and PS3’s with different characteristics. In some tests power consumption is measured in order to figure out how energy-efficient certain systems are.</p><p>The results clearly show how the average power consumption and energy efficiency for various test systems at differ at load, sleep and various calculations.</p><p> </p>

Beräkningar med GPU vs CPU : En jämförelsestudie av beräkningseffektivitet med avseende på energi- och tidsförbrukning / Calculations with the CPU vs CPU : A Comparative Study of Computational Efficiency in Terms of Energy and Time Consumption

Löfgren, Robin, Dahl, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
Examensarbetet handlar om en jämförelsestudie av beräkningseffektivitet med avseende på energi- och tidsförbrukning mellan grafikkort och processorer i persondatorer och PlayStation 3. Problemet studeras för att göra allmänheten uppmärksam på att det går att lösa en del av energiproblematiken med beräkningar genom att öka energieffektiviteten av beräkningsenheterna. Undersökningen har genomförts på ett explorativt sätt och studerar förhållandet mellan processorer, grafikkort och vilken som presterar bäst i vilket sammanhang. Prestandatest genomförs med molekylberäkningsprogrammet F@H och med filkomprimeringsprogrammet WinRAR. Testerna utförs på MultiCore- och SingleCorePCs och PS3s av olika karaktär. I vissa test mäts effektförbrukning för att kunna räkna ut hur energieffektiva vissa system är. Resultatet visar tydligt hur den genomsnittliga effektförbrukningen och energieffektiviteten för olika testsystem skiljer sig vid belastning, viloläge och olika typer beräkningar. / The thesis is a comparative study of computational efficiency in terms of energy and time consumption of graphics cards and processors in personal computers and Playstation3’s. The problem is studied in order to make the public aware that it is possible to solve some of the energy problems with computations by increasing energy efficiency of the computational units. The audit was conducted in an exploratory way, studying the relationship between the processors, graphics cards and which one performs best in which context. Performance tests are carried out by the molecule calculating F@H-program and the file compression program WinRAR. Tests performed on MultiCore and SingleCore PC’s and PS3’s with different characteristics. In some tests power consumption is measured in order to figure out how energy-efficient certain systems are. The results clearly show how the average power consumption and energy efficiency for various test systems at differ at load, sleep and various calculations.

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