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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de superfícies de filmes finos de polianilina depositados em diferentes substratos por microscopia de força atômica / Atomic force microscopy surface analysis of thin polyaniline films deposited on different substrata

Silva, Marcelo de Assumpção Pereira da 16 March 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a morfologia de filmes finos de polianilina, fabricados por diferentes processos e depositados sobre diferentes substratos pela técnica de microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Os processos usados para a fabricação dos filmes foram o de espalhamento fluido, o de centrifugação, o de auto montagem e o eletroquímico. Os substratos usados foram: vidro, ouro/cromo/vidro, quartzo, ITO, silício e mica. Além da análise visual da qualidade dos filmes, ou seja, do grau de recobrimento do substrato e da uniformidade dos filmes, foram feitas análises de parâmetros quantitativos através de medidas de rugosidade. Usando modelos de crescimento como o de deposição balística e de análise de rugosidade, como o da densidade do espectro de potência, (transformada de Fourier da rugosidade da imagem em função da freqüência espectral) em superfícies auto-afins, foram obtidos parâmetros como: expoente de rugosidade, comprimento característico de correlação e dimensão fractal. Apesar dos filmes de polianilina serem sistemas extremamente complexos, - compostos de macromoléculas formando uma estrutura semicristalina - os parâmetros obtidos por esses modelos, que foram elaborados para sistemas bem mais simples, deram resultados muito bons e auto-coerentes. Como conclusão, mostramos que a conjuminação da técnica de microscopia de força atômica com esses modelos compõem um método poderoso para o estudo de filmes finos orgânicos. / This work presents a detailed study about the characteristic of thin films of polyaniline, fabricated by different methods and deposited over different substrates using Atomic Force Microscopy technique (AFM). The processes used for film depositions were casting, spin-coating, self-assembly, and the electrochemistry methods. The substrata used were: glass plates, gold/chromium/glass, quartz, ITO, silicon, and mica. Besides the visual analysis, that observes the film uniformity and verifies the coating degree of the substratum, the application of some mathematical models was employed to obtain quantitative parameters about the roughness of the film surfaces. From the ballistic deposition model, developed to explain growing processes, and the power spectrum density that takes the Fourier transform of the roughness in function of the spectral frequency, both developed for self-affine surfaces, it was obtained parameters as: the roughness exponent, the correlation characteristic length, and the fractal dimension. Despite the highly complex structure of the polyaniline - composed by macromolecules forming a semicrystalline structure- the obtained parameters by such models developed for very simple systems, provided reasonable and self-coherent results. As a final result of this work we showed that the synergy between the AFM technique and the above mentioned models compose a powerful method for the study of thin organic films.

Desenvolvimento de nanoimunossensores de microscopia de força atômica para estudo da esclerose múltipla / Development of atomic force microscopy nanoimmunosensor applied to the survey of multiple sclerosis

Garcia, Pâmela Soto 13 December 2018 (has links)
A glicoproteína oligodendrocítica da mielina (MOG) e proteína básica da mielina (MBP) têm sido implicadas como os antígenos-alvo mais importantes nos processos desmielinizantes do sistema nervoso central (SNC), e mais importantes autoantígenos que surgiram dos estudos com o modelo animal para a esclerose múltipla (EM), a encefalomielite autoimune experimental (EAE). Os primeiros autoanticorpos detectados no soro e liquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) de pacientes com EM foram anticorpos contra antígenos da mielina. O diagnóstico diferencial da EM inclui a presença de bandas oligoclonais (BOCs) no LCR e ausência no soro, demonstrando dessa forma síntese intratecal de imunoclobulinas G (IgG). As técnicas de detecção de anticorpos mais utilizadas atualmente são ELISA, ensaio baseado em células e western blot (WB). Neste contexto, o estudo da anti-MOG e anti-MBP e seu papel na EM podem ser estudados através da técnica de espectroscopia de força atômica (AFS). Esta é uma técnica altamente sensível que permite a detecção molecular, com a interação de uma ponta funcionalizada de microscópio de força atômica (AFM) com uma amostra, a qual fornece desta forma a força de adesão (Fad) específica para o sistema. Nesta pesquisa, foi inserido na ponta de AFM funcionalizada os peptídeos encefalitogênicos MOG92-106 e MBP85-99, para detectar e estudar os anticorpos específicos IgG anti- MOG92-106 e MBP85-99, no soro e LCR de pacientes na amostra, utilizando a técnica AFS. Sendo assim, este estudo foi realizado de forma inédita utilizando a AFS, auxiliando diretamente na investigação da EM e doenças desmielinizantes relacionadas. / Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and myelin basic protein (MBP) have been implied as the most important target antigens in demyelinating processes of central nervous system (CNS) and the most important antigens candidates whom arised from the animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS), the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The first autoantibodies detected in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of MS patients were antibodies against myelin antigens. Differential diagnostic to MS includes the presence of oligoclonal bands (OCBs) in CSF and absence in serum, which demonstrate intrathecal IgG synthesis. Most applied techniques to detection of antibodies nowadays are ELISA, cell-based assay and western blot (WB). In this context, the study of anti-MOG role in e disease may be supported through its detection by atomic force spectroscopy (AFS) technique. AFS is a highly sensitive technique that allows molecular detection as a functionalized atomic force microscope (AFM) tip interacts with the sample, providing the system specific adhesion force (Fad). In this research, it was attached in the functionalized AFM tip the notable encephalitogenic peptides MOG92-106 and MBP85-99 to detect and study the specific antibodies anti-MOG92-106 and anti-MBP85-99 on the sample with AFS technique. Thus, this study was applied for the first time in research with AFS, assisting directly to MS and other demyelinating diseases investigation.

Biomechanical study of cells in microfluidic flow : application to sorting and platelet production / Etude biomécanique de cellules en écoulement microfluidique : application au tri et à la production de plaquettes

Vesperini, Doriane 10 October 2018 (has links)
Les mégacaryocytes sont des cellules de la moelle osseuse, à l’origine de la production des plaquettes sanguines. Quand elles arrivent à maturité, elles grossissent et émettent des prolongements de cytoplasme à travers la paroi des vaisseaux irriguant la moelle. Dans la circulation sanguine, ces prolongements, soumis aux forces de l’écoulement, s’allongent et se rompent pour former des plaquettes. Des techniques microfluidiques capables de produire des plaquettes in vitro existent et sont une alternative prometteuse au don. Mais le rendement reste à améliorer. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre la fragmentation des mégacaryocytes en plaquettes. Ce travail de doctorat s’inscrit dans ce contexte et sera développé en deux axes principaux dans ce manuscrit. Dans une première partie nous développons une méthode pour trier des cellules en fonction de leur déformabilité, afin de savoir si les propriétés mécaniques d’un mégacaryocyte sont liées à leur stade de maturité. La méthode a d’abord été mise au point avec des microcapsules. Leurs propriétés mécaniques sont déterminées par analyse inverse à partir de la mesure de leur forme en écoulement dans des constrictions droites. Puis le dispositif utilisé a été miniaturisé pour s’adapter à la taille des cellules. Pour la caractérisation de leurs propriétés mécaniques, deux outils ont été utilisés: l’analyse inverse et la microscopie à force atomique sans pointe. Une deuxième partie porte sur l’étude de l’élongation et de la rupture de mégacaryocytes soumis écoulement. Nous avons quantifié les variations spatiotemporelles du taux d’élongation et développé un protocole d’ablation laser pour étudier les mécanismes de rupture de cellules en élongation. / When they mature in the bone marrow, the precursors of platelets, called megakaryocytes, grow and extend protrusions able to join blood circulation. There these protrusions elongate and break into platelets. Microfluidic techniques for in vitro platelet production represent a promising alternative to donation. In order to enhance platelet production and match the needs of clinical applications such as transfusion, we need to better understand the fragmentation of megakaryocytes into platelets. Our contribution will be described in this manuscript in two main axes. First, in order to know if mechanical properties of megakaryocytes can indicate their maturity stage, we develop a cell sorting method based on deformability. The method is first validated with microcapsules. Their mechanical properties are determined by inverse analysis from their shape under flow in straight microchannels. Then the device is downscaled. The characterization of cell mechanical properties are performed using inverse analysis and tipless atomic force microscopy. Second, we study megakaryocyte elongation and rupture in a microfluidic device. We quantify the spatial and temporal variations of the elongation rate and develop a laser ablation protocol to trigger and study the rupture of elongating cells.

Synthesis and characterisation of 114Cd targets

Kheswa, Ntombizonke Yvonne January 2011 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / To study nuclear reactions and nuclear structures, target materials are bombarded with high-energy particles. The target material can either be in a form of a metal film or gas. A target material designed to study certain nuclear reactions or to produce nuclei to study their structure should yield as minimum as possible of competing reactions under ion bombardment. This requires a chemically and isotopically pure target material prepared as a self supporting thin film, or as alternative, prepared on a thin career foil. Additional requirement for lifetime measurement experiments are homogeneity and precise thickness of the target material. Some of the data obtained from the stopping power experiment where targets of 114Cd were used for lifetime measurement are presented. Moreover, a nuclear target should influence the spectroscopic resolution as little as possible. Thus, film thickness must be adjusted to the respective reaction under study while observing the optimum thickness homogeneity.

Synthesis and AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy of helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers / Synthèse et spectroscopie de force sur molécule unique par AFM de foldamères hélicoïdaux d'oligoamides aromatiques

Devaux, Floriane 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les foldamères sont des architectures moléculaires synthétiques repliées, inspirées par les structures et les fonctions des biopolymères naturels. Le repliement est un processus sélectionné par la nature pour contrôler la conformation de sa machinerie moléculaire afin de réaliser des tâches chimiques ou mécaniques. Durant les dix dernières années de recherche sur les foldamères, des oligomères synthétiques, capables d'adopter des conformations repliées bien définies et prévisibles, comme des hélices, ont été proposés. Les progrès récents ont montré que la synthèse chimique par étapes et le design moléculaire basé sur un squelette oligoamide aromatique permettaient de produire des architectures moléculaires repliées de manière hélicoïdale. La forme du squelette et sa rigidité, des préférences conformationnelles locales, des interactions spécifiques entre monomères éloignés dans une séquence, ainsi que l'action de paramètres externes comme le solvant, ou la présence d'ions peuvent être combinés pour induire une tendance au repliement. Ces architectures sont remarquables car elles peuvent donner lieu à des motifs de repliement qui n'ont pas d'équivalent dans les structures des biopolymères naturels. Par exemple, des hélices dont le diamètre varie le long de la séquence, ou des hélices possédant un centre d'inversion du pas, des hélices en chevrons,... ont été rapportées. Alors que les structures de ces molécules hélicoïdales ont été abondamment caractérisées à l'état solide par cristallographie des rayons X, leur comportement en solution, et surtout le comportement dynamique, est très peu connu. Leurs propriétés mécano-chimiques sont quant à elles inconnues à ce jour. L'objectif du projet est de synthétiser différentes molécules synthétiques hélicoïdales de type oligoamide aromatique et d'obtenir une description détaillée de leur conformation dynamique en solution, ainsi que de leurs propriétés mécano-chimiques, par spectroscopie de force sur molécule unique basée sur l'AFM. / Foldamers are artificial folded molecular architectures inspired by the structures and functions of natural biopolymers. Folding is the process selected by nature to control the conformation of its molecular machinery to carry out chemical functions and mechanical tasks, such as en-zyme catalysis, duplication in nucleic acids, force generation,... During the last decade of research on foldamers, synthetic oligomers able to adopt well- defined and predictable folded conformations, such as helices, have been proposed. Recent progress has shown that stepwise chemical synthesis and molecular design based on aromatic oligoamide backbones enable to produce large helically folded molecular architectures. The shape and stiffness of the backbone, local conformational preferences, specific interactions between distant monomers in sequences, as well as the action of external parameters such as the solvent or the presence of ions, can be combine to induce folding tendency. A remarkable aspect of these architectures is that they can give rise to folded patterns that have no in natural counterparts biopolymer structures. For instance, helices whose diameter varies along the se-quence, helices possessing a handedness inversion centre, herringbone helices have been reported. While the structures of these helical molecules have been well characterized in the solid state by X-ray crystallography, much less is known about their dynamic behavior in solution. Their mechanochemical properties are unknown. The objective of the project is to synthesize various helical nanorchitectures based on an oli-goamide aromatic backbone and to obtain a detailed picture of their dynamical conformation in solution, as well as, their mechanochemical properties, by AFM-based single molecule force spectroscopy.

Investigations into the interfacial interaction of graphene with hexagonal boron nitride

Woods, Colin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, submitted to the University of Manchester, covers a range of topics related to current research in two-dimensional materials under the title: 'Investigations into the interfacial interaction of graphene with hexagonal boron nitride.'In the last decade, two-dimensional materials have become a rich source of original research and potential applications. The main advantage lies in the ability to produce novel composite structures, so-called 'layered heterostructures', which are only a few atomic layers thick. One can utilise the unique properties of several species of crystal separately, or how they interact to realise a diverse range of uses. Two such crystals are graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. Hexagonal boron nitride has, so far, been used primarily as a substrate for graphene, allowing researchers to get the most out of graphene's impressive individual properties. However, in this thesis, the non-trivial van der Waals interaction between graphene and hexagonal boron nitride is examined. The interface potential reveals itself as a relatively large-scale, orientation-dependant superlattice, which is described in chapters 1 and 2.I In Chapter 4, the effect of this superlattice is examined by measurement of its effect upon the electrons in graphene, where its modulation leads to the creation of second and third generation Dirac points, revealing Hofstadter's Butterfly. As well as an excellent example of the physics possible with graphene, it also presents a new tool with which to create novel devices possessing tailored electronic properties. II In chapter 5, the consequential effect of the superlattice potential on the structure of graphene is studied. Results are discussed within the framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova model for a chain of atoms on a static background potential. Results are consistent with relaxation of the graphene structure leading to the formation of a commensurate ground state. This has exciting consequences for the production of heterostructures by demonstrating that alignment angle can have large effects upon the physical properties of the crystals. III In chapter 6, the van der Waals potential is shown to be responsible for the self-alignment of the two crystals. This effect is important for the fabrication of perfectly aligned devices and may lead to new applications based on nanoscale motion.

Restauração de imagens de microscopia de força atômica com uso da regularização de Tikhonov via processamento em GPU / Image restoration from atomic force microscopy using the Tikhonov regularization via GPU processing

Augusto Garcia Almeida 04 March 2013 (has links)
A Restauração de Imagens é uma técnica que possui aplicações em várias áreas, por exemplo, medicina, biologia, eletrônica, e outras, onde um dos objetivos da restauração de imagens é melhorar o aspecto final de imagens de amostras que por algum motivo apresentam imperfeições ou borramentos. As imagens obtidas pelo Microscópio de Força Atômica apresentam borramentos causados pela interação de forças entre a ponteira do microscópio e a amostra em estudo. Além disso apresentam ruídos aditivos causados pelo ambiente. Neste trabalho é proposta uma forma de paralelização em GPU de um algoritmo de natureza serial que tem por fim a Restauração de Imagens de Microscopia de Força Atômica baseado na Regularização de Tikhonov. / Image Restoration is a technique which has applications in several areas, e.g., medicine, biology, electronics, and others, where one of the goals is to improve the final appearance of the images of samples, that have for some reason, imperfections or blurring. The images obtained by Atomic Force Microscope have blurring caused by the interaction forces between the tip of the microscope and the sample under study. Moreover exhibit additive noise caused by the environment. This thesis proposes a way to make a parallelization on a GPU of a serial algorithm of which is a Image Restoration of Images from Atomic Force Microscopy using Tikhonov Regularization.

Analyse topographique, mécanique et électrochimique à l'échelle sub-micrométrique de processus pilotes par les bactéries : Utilisation combinée de techniques de microscopie à sonde locale AFM - Microscopie à force atomique - et SECM - Microscopie électrochimique / Topographic, mechanical and electrochemical analysis of processes piloted by bacteria at the sub-micrometric scale : Combined use of AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) and EC (Electrochemistry)

Dhahri, Samia 26 September 2013 (has links)
La présence de matière biologique (biofilms) dans les sites de stockage géologique profond, d'éléments toxiques ou encore de l'eau potable des aquifères est maintenant clairement démontrée. Cette biomasse est à l'origine de processus physiques et chimiques qui modifient considérablement la durabilité et la pérennité des sites concernés. Ces processus, principalement de type oxydo-réductif, sont encore mal compris. Ceci est principalement dû aux méthodes d'investigation, principalement macroscopiques, loin de l'échelle micrométrique caractéristique des bactéries. Seules des études, basées sur des méthodes d'investigation locale, peuvent apporter les informations requises. Ainsi, nous avons développé un dispositif expérimental basé sur l'utilisation combinée de la microscopie optique (en transmission), la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et la microscopie AFM en mode électrique et électrochimique (EC_AFM) afin d'obtenir des informations simultanées sur la topographie de l'échantillon et sur les processus électrochimiques à l'échelle des bactéries. La première étape sensible consistait à utiliser l'AFM sur des échantillons biologiques en milieu liquide: nous présentons ici les résultats de l'imagerie AFM en milieu liquide de plusieurs types de bactéries dans leurs conditions physiologiques naturelles (conditions in vivo). Aucun protocole d'immobilisation, ni chimique ni mécanique, n'a été nécessaire; et pour la première fois, les mouvements de reptation de cyanobactéries Nostoc ont été étudiés par l'AFM. Les études AFM ont permis d'acquérir des données topographiques mais aussi mécaniques : nous avons pu ainsi mesurer le module d'Young, la pression de turgescence de différentes souches bactériennes (Anabaenopsis circularis, Rhodococcus wratislaviensis). Cette étude complète, a révélé que l'imagerie AFM est donc possible sur des espèces vivantes en mouvement. Ces résultats ouvrent une grande fenêtre sur de nouvelles études d'intérêts tels que la formation de biofilms et les propriétés dynamiques de bactéries dans des conditions physiologiques réelles. La deuxième étape délicate était de combiner l'AFM aux mesures optiques et électriques. Nous avons développé un nouveau dispositif expérimental permettant (i) le suivi de l'évolution de la croissance bactérienne par la mesure des propriétés optiques comme la densité optique DO (pour le développement bactérien en volume – milieu planctonique) , ou l'analyse de l'image du substrat par comptage du nombre de bactéries sur la surface de l'échantillon (biofilm), et (ii) les mesures électriques et électrochimiques. L'ensemble de ces résultats sera prochainement appliqué au développement de nouveaux outils de surveillance d'une biodépollution de terrain contaminé par les hydrocarbures, par le suivi in situ et en temps réel de l'activité de bactéries dépolluantes (ECOTECH_BIOPHY ANR). / The presence of biological matter (biofilms) in deep geological sites for storage of, for instance, toxic elements or groundwater in aquifers was clearly proved. That biomass triggers physical and chemical processes which greatly modify the durability and the sustainability of the sites. These processes, mainly from oxidative/reductive reactions, are poorly understood. This is mainly due to the fact that former studies were done at the macroscopic level far away from the micrometric scale where relevant processes induced by bacteria take place. Investigations at microscopic level are needed. Thus, we developed an experimental set-up based on the combined use of optical microscopy (transmission), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrical and electro-chemical AFM microscopy (EC_AFM) in order to get simultaneous information on topographic and electro-chemical processes.The first highly sensitive step was to use AFM with biological samples in liquid environment: we present here a study about AFM imaging of living, moving or self-immobilized bacteria, in their genuine physiological liquid medium and in true in vivo conditions. No external immobilization protocol, neither chemical nor mechanical was needed. For the first time, the native gliding movements of Gram negative Nostoc cyanobacteria upon the surface were studied by AFM. AFM height and mechanical stiffness data were simultaneously acquired. From these, mechanical parameters, inner turgor pressure and Young modulus, were derived for different bacterial species (Anabaenopsis circularis, Rhodococcus wratislaviensis). Our study revealed that AFM imaging is thus possible on moving living species. These results open a large window on new studies of both dynamical phenomena of practical and fundamental interests such as the formation of biofilms and dynamic properties of bacteria in real physiological conditions.The second delicate step was to combine AFM and optical measurements with electrical ones. We mounted a new experimental set-up coupling real-time (i) monitoring of optical properties as the optical density (OD) evolution related to bulk bacterial growth in liquid or as the counting of number of bacteria adhering on the surface of the sample as well and (ii) electrical and electrochemical measurements. Furthermore, these results will shortly be applied to the optimized monitoring of the in-situ activity of bacteria consuming oil pollutants, following this way, in real-time, the bioremediation of an oil-contaminated soil (ANR ECOTECH_BIOPHY program).

Structure and Mechanics of Neuronal Model Systems / Insights from Atomic Force Microscopy and Micropipette Aspiration

Vache, Marian 09 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Importance of atomic force microscopy settings for measuring the diameter of carbon nanotubes / Betydelsen av atomkraftmikroskåpets inställningar för mätningar av diametern hos kolnanorör

Almén, Anton January 2019 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have gathered a lot of interest because of their extraordinary mechanical, electrical and thermal properties and have potential applications in a wide variety of areas such as material-reinforcement and nano-electronics. The properties of nanotubes are dependent on their diameter and methods for determining this using atomic force microscopy (AFM) in tapping mode assume that the measured height of the tubes represent the real diameter. Based on early, faulty calculations, the forces in tapping mode were assumed to be much lower than in contact mode, however it was later shown that forces in tapping mode can at point of impact rival the forces present in contact mode. This means that there is a potential risk of tube deformation during tapping mode measurements, resulting in incorrectly determined diameters. This work studies CNTs deposited on a silicon-substrate to analyze the effect of three common AFM settings (tapping frequency, free oscillation amplitude and setpoint) to determine their effect on measured CNT diameters and recommendations for choosing settings are given. / Kolnanorör har skapat mycket intresse på grund av sina extraordinära mekaniska, elektriska och termiska egenskaper och har lovande tillämpningar inom en mängd olika områden så som materialförstärkning och nanoelektronik. Kolnanorörens egenskaper påverkas kraftigt av deras diameter och de metoder som använder sig av atomkraftsmikroskopi(AFM) för att mäta diametern hos rören antar att den höjd-data man får fram är ett bra mått på den verkliga diametern hos rören. Baserat på tidiga, felaktiga beräkningar, antog man att kraften i ’tapping mode’ skulle vara mycket lägre än i ’contact mode’ vilket skulle leda till att man inte deformerar ytan man undersöker. Senare forskning visade att kraften mellan spets och prov kan vara lika stor eller rentutav större i tapping mode än i contact mode under det ögonblick då spetsen slår ner i provytan. Det medför att det finns en potentiell risk för att man deformerar kolnanorören när man mäter på dom vilket skulle resultera i att man får felaktiga värden på deras diametrar. Under det här projektet har kolnanorör som placerats på ett kisel-substrat undersökts för att analysera hur tre vanliga inställningar hos AFMet påverkar de erhållna värdena för diametern hos kolnanorören. De tre inställningarna som testats är svängnings-frekvensen, svängnings-amplituden i luft och börvärdet hos svängnings-amplituden.

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