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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of regulatory reforms on audit quality in a lax enforcement and high trust environment : A quantitative study on Swedish companies

Owczarek Blom, Julia January 2023 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: The effect of regulatory reforms on audit quality in a lax enforcement and high trust environment: A quantitative study on Swedish companies                      Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Master Programme in Business Administration  Author: Julia Owczarek Blom  Supervisor: Asif M Huq  Date: 2023 - May Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of regulatory changes on the consumption of non-audit services and the audit quality among the Swedish publicly listed firms on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. Specifically, the study focuses on whether there is a relationship between the 8th Directive on Statutory Audit and the EU Audit Package on non-audit services and the quality of audits. Furthermore, the study additionally investigates if the Swedish ownership structure has a negative impact on the audit quality among the companies.  Method: The method used in this study is based on a quantitative approach where the final sample that is empirically tested includes 626 Swedish large-, mid-, and small-cap firms listed on the Swedish stock market, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Moreover, the data consist of 5517 firm years and annual reports between the years 2001 and 2021.  Result and Conclusions: The result of this study suggests that the implementation of the 8th Directive on Statutory Audits has positively impacted audit quality, although it has not limited the consumption of non-audit services. Furthermore, the study further suggests that the EU Audit Package efficiently increased audit quality among the Swedish firms while, at the same time, decreasing the consumption of NAS. Although both regulations enhanced audit quality, the second regulatory change has been a lot more impactful than the previous one. In addition, the findings of the study suggest that the Swedish ownership structure, consisting of a single or few strong shareholders and companies being majority family owned, has a positive impact on audit quality. Contribution of the thesis: There have not been any studies investigating the impact of the 8th Directive and the EU Audit Package in a Swedish setting, and therefore this study provides insight on the topic. Furthermore, this is one of the first European studies investigating whether a concentrated ownership structure with the majority of firms being family owned has a positive or negative impact on audit quality. Suggestions for future research: For future research, it would be interesting to complement this study through a qualitative method with surveys or interviews to see what kind of NAS is currently most consumed by Swedish companies. Keywords: non-audit services, NAS, non-audit services in Sweden, audit fees, non-audit fees, auditor, audit quality, and auditor independence.

Revisorsrotation : Rotationsreglernas påverkan på revisorns oberoende, revisionskvalitet samt revisorns legitimitet / Auditor Rotation : The impact of the rotation rules on the auditor's independence, the audit quality and the auditor's legitimacy

Andersson, Josefin, Lidholm, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar både för- och nackdelar med rotationsregler för revisorer. Vissa menar att revisorns oberoende och revisionskvaliteten stärks i samband med rotationsregler då revisorn inte får en nära relation med sin klient. Samtidigt anger andra forskare att revisorns oberoende och revisionskvaliteten blir sämre då rotationsregler tillämpas. En revisor ska oavsett uppdrag alltid revidera utifrån god revisorssed och alltid vara oberoende vid sina uppdrag. Tidigare forskning anger att revisorns oberoende ses som en professionell tillgång, om en revisor agerar oaktsamt skulle detta påverka revisorns legitimitet och förtroendet för revisorer kan därmed ifrågasättas av samhället. Problemformulering: Vilken påverkan har rotationsreglerna på revisorns oberoende? Vilken påverkan har rotationsreglerna på revisionskvaliteten? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att ur ett legitimitetsperspektiv bidra med påskrivande revisorers uppfattningar kring rotationsreglernas påverkan på revisorns oberoende samt revisionskvaliteten. Studien kommer också bidra med förståelse för hur relationen mellan revisor och klient påverkar revisorns oberoende och revisionskvaliteten. Då det är relationen som studeras kommer vänskapshotet inom den lagstadgade analysmodellen att beskrivas. Metod: Sju intervjuer med påskrivande revisorer på mindre eller medelstora revisionsbyråer har genomförts. De intervjuade revisorerna har valts genom ett strategiskt urval för att bidra med förståelse om det valda området. Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar att rotationsregler inte påverkar revisorns faktiska oberoende men att det påverkar revisorns synbara oberoende, vilket innebär att reglerna stärker samhällets förtroende för revisorer. Rotationsregler kan också förbättra revisionskvaliteten då en revisor som haft ett uppdrag under flera års tid kan utföra granskningen av slentrian och inte är uppmärksam. Dock tyder studiens resultat på att rotationsregler kan försämra revisionskvaliteten under det första året av ett uppdrag eftersom en revisor bör ha kunskap om klientens verksamhet för att kunna utföra revisionen med hög kvalitet. / Background: Research has shown both advantages and disadvantages of rotation rules for auditors. Some argue that the auditor's independence and the audit quality are strengthened in connection with rotation rules, since the auditor does not get a close relationship with clients. At the same time, other researchers indicate that the auditor's independence and the audit quality will deteriorate when rotation rules are applied. An auditor must, regardless of assignment, always revise on the basis of good auditing practice and always be independent in the assignments. Research indicates that the auditor's independence is seen as a professional asset, if an auditor acts negligently, this would affect the auditor's legitimacy, and confidence in auditors can thus be questioned by society. Questions: What impact does rotation rules have on the auditor's independence? What impact does rotation rules have on the audit quality? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute, from a legitimacy perspective, the perceptions of auditors on the impact of the rotation rules on the auditor's independence and the audit quality. The study will also contribute with an understanding of how the relationship between auditor and client affects the auditor's independence and the audit quality. When it is the relationship being studied, the friendship threat within the statutory analysis model will be described. Method: Seven interviews with authorized auditors in small or medium-sized auditing firms have been conducted. The interviewed auditors have been chosen through a strategic selection to contribute with understanding of the chosen area. Results and conclusion: The study shows that rotation rules do not affect the auditor's independence in fact, but that it affects the auditor's independence in appearance, which strengthens society's confidence in auditors. Rotational rules can also improve the audit quality as an auditor who has had an assignment for several years can carry out the auditing by routine and not be attentive enough. However, the study's results suggest that rotation rules may impair the audit quality during the first year of an assignment because an auditor should have knowledge of the client's activities in order to perform the audit with high quality.

Revision och rådgivning : Efterfrågan, kvalitet och oberoende

Svanström, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Auditing is common in many organizations and a legal requirement for all limited liability companies in Sweden (ABL 9:1). In directives from the government it is clearly stated that small firms will be exempted from the statutory audit requirement. In light of this forthcoming change in regulations, this thesis is used to analyze which factors are associated with a demand for auditing. Analysis in this thesis is based on a national survey including 900 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Around 2/3 of respondent’s (CEO or CFO) state that the firm will choose to have audited accounts even in the absence of such a legal requirement. Based on responses from 421 firms, logistic regression results indicated that firms purchasing advisory services from an audit firm will choose to have their accounts audited to a higher extent than those firms not receiving advisory services. This finding, not identified in prior studies, is linked to advisory services being of higher quality when the audit firm also performs audit work. The demand for auditing is further positively associated with firm size, use of a Big 4 audit firm and firms located in the county of Småland. From these findings it follows that the traditional view of auditing as merely a control mechanism needs to be complemented by consideration of aspects of the internal value of auditing.</p><p>The approaches of SME’s when engaging an audit firm for different types of advisory services is examined in this study based upon survey data. It is shown that the majority of advisory services provided are related to core competencies of an auditor such as tax, accounting and law. Logistic regression results show a positive association between firms purchasing advisory services and the length of the relationship with the provider as well as with the respondent’s perception of the audit quality. The latter association further confirms the close connection between audit and advisory services. It should be noted that when an audit firm recommends advisory services their use is significantly higher. There is also support for the demand for advisory services being positively related to firms that are corporate subsidiaries and located in Småland and Norrland, but negatively associated with the respondent’s level of education. It follows that factors related to demand for advisory services on an aggregate level could be categorized as being dependent on firm characteristics, audit firm characteristics and the relationship between the parties.</p><p>Provision of non-audit services (NAS), such as different types of advisory services, to audit clients and the potential consequences for auditor independence and audit quality have been discussed in public debates and research as well as being subject of regulation. OLS regression results show that reporting quality is higher when the audit firm provides advisory services as well as preparing accounts. These findings hold for both discretionary accruals and a respondent’s perception of reporting quality. The provision of NAS improves the reporting quality due to better knowledge of the client and its operations. From the perspective of reporting quality this finding implies that there is no necessity to further restrict the possibility for an audit firm to provide advisory services as well as preparing accounts for audit clients.</p>

Längden på revisionsuppdraget och revisionskvaliteten : Finns det något samband?

Alenius, Anna-Ida, Lundberg, Elin January 2013 (has links)
This study examines whether there is an association between the length of the client-auditor relationship and audit quality, using absolute unexpected accruals estimated by industry as a measure of audit quality based on a modified Jones model. The study is motivated by the proposal on mandatory audit firm rotation for publicly traded companies from the European Commission, which is based on the notion that longer auditor firm tenure creates a familiarity threat which reduces the audit quality. Both the relation between audit quality and auditor partner tenure and audit firm tenure is examined in this study, using multivariate regression controlling for auditor type (Big 4 versus non-Big 4), signing auditors (one versus two auditors), firm size, profitability, leverage and age. There is a significant negative relationship between audit quality and audit partner tenure when only companies employing Big 4 is tested, which indicate that auditors constrain managements extreme accounting measures with longer tenure. The results provide no significant evidence of an increase in the absolute unexpected accruals with audit firm tenure, when only Big 4 companies are tested. The results also overall suggest that the audit quality is lower for shorter tenure relative to longer tenure, which is consistent with previous studies. The results of this study therefore implies that under the current regime with no obligation of firm rotation, longer audit tenure is on average associated with auditors in greater extent constraining managements extreme accounting choices. The results therefore do not support the call for mandatory rotation. However, the majority of the regression results were not statistically significant, which limits the possibility to apply these results to a population outside the scope of this study. / Revisorers oberoende i förhållande till sina klienter har under de senaste åren med anledning av finanskrisen samt de omtalade revisionsskandalerna medfört diskussioner om huruvida den befintliga lagstiftningen som reglerar revisorers arbete är tillräcklig. Det har även diskuterats om det behöver vidtas ytterligare åtgärder för att säkerställa revisorernas oberoende. Som ett led att stärka revisorernas oberoende har Europeiska Kommissionen lagt på förslag att införa obligatorisk byrårotation för publika bolag. Det har redan införts obligatorisk revisorsrotation. Dock anser emellertid kommissionen att detta inte är tillräckligt, då långa revisionsbyråuppdrag kan vara skadliga för oberoendet på grund av att det med tiden kan skapas en vänskaplig relation mellan revisionsbyrån och klienten. Majoriteten av tidigare forskning på området har emellertid inte funnit stöd för att varken långa partneruppdrag eller byråuppdrag skulle vara skadliga för revisionskvaliteten som omfattar revisorers oberoende. I studien undersöks således huruvida det finns ett samband mellan längden på revisionsuppdraget och revisionskvaliteten. Studiens syfte är därmed att undersöka om längden på partneruppdraget och byråuppdraget påverkar revisionskvaliteten. Utifrån studiens resultat syftar studien även till att kommentera rimligheten i Europeiska Kommissionens förslag på införandet av obligatorisk byrårotation. Studien utgår ifrån ett intressentperspektiv, eftersom det i slutändan är intressenter såsom aktieägare, investerare, långivare, anställda, kunder och staten som drabbas av de negativa konsekvenserna av att revisorer inte är oberoende i sin granskning, då tillförlitligheten till årsredovisningarna minskar.    De teoretiska utgångspunkterna baseras på tidigare forskning inom revision och företagsekonomi. I studien tillämpas teorier och tidigare forskningsresultat som främst gäller revisionskvalitet, vinstmanipulering och längden på partner- samt byråuppdraget i syfte att beskriva den befintliga forskningen som vid tiden för studien behandlar ämnet. En kvantitativ metod med ett deduktivt angreppssätt efter den positivistiska synssättet har använts för att på bästa möjliga sätt undersöka studiens uppställda problem och syfte. Urvalet består av publika bolag börsnoterade på NASDAQ OMX Nordics Large, Mid och Small Cap listor. I linje med tidigare studier används oväntade periodiseringar beräknad utifrån branschtillhörighet som mått på revisionskvalitet.    Resultaten visar att partnerlängden är signifikant negativt associerad med de absoluta oväntade periodiseringarna när endast företag reviderade av Big 4 studeras, vilket indikerar att revisorer begränsar företagsledningens möjlighet att genomföra extrema redovisningsbeslut i takt med att längden på partneruppdraget ökar. Resultaten ger inget stöd för att långa byråuppdrag påverkar revisionskvaliteten negativt, detta då inga signifikanta samband observerades. Studiens resultat visar även att korta revisionsuppdrag överlag har högre oväntade periodiseringar i förhållande till längre uppdrag. Studien ger således inget stöd för införandet av obligatorisk byrårotation.

Auditor client relationship and audit Quality : The effects of long-term auditor client relationship on audit quality in SMEs

Aamir, Suhaib, Farooq, Umar January 2011 (has links)
Different scandals around the globe during the past, in specific during the last decade, have intrigued the stakeholders to question the roles of both auditors and management. But most of the fingers since then have been raised on the role of auditors, because it is the auditors who are entrusted with the responsibility to detect any errors or frauds in the financial reports of the client-firm. Apart from this, the long-term auditor client relationship has been the center of attention in most of the discussions and debates as well. Numerous studies have been conducted by the academic researchers, financial and professional analysts, regulatory authorities and governing bodies, and in some cases by the auditors and the firms as well regarding the effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on audit quality, equity risk premium, financial reports quality, audit pricing etc. These studies provide us with different results, both with the positive and negative associations and effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on the basis of different factors and contexts. For long, auditing has been discussed in different studies and research areas but mostly in association with publicly listed companies. Less attention has been paid to the relationship of auditors and clients as far as clients in SMEs are concerned. In any country around the globe, SMEs are of major contribution in terms of backing the economy, giving it both the boost and the stability, as they collectively form the major chunk of the economy. If we specify our study to the SMEs in Sweden, then 99% of the enterprises in Sweden represent the SME sector; in addition they employ around 60% of the manpower. Based on these facts, and due to less attention given to auditor-client relationship in terms of SMEs, instead of; we have directed our concerns towards the study of effects of auditor-client relationship on audit quality in SMEs in this particular research study. In this study, we have opted for qualitative research with semi-structured interviews to be used as the tool for data collection. Interviews were conducted with two different groups of interviewees, one group representing the auditors and the other group representing the client-firms (SMEs). A total of seven interviews were conducted in order to strengthen and validate the results for our research question. Due to the limitations of this study, mostly in terms of cost and time, samples were selected from Umeå, Sweden. The data interview structure, data analysis and discussion, and conclusions were all made based on existing theories summarized in the theoretical review of this study. The results of this study suggests that (1) long-term audit tenure is beneficial for the audit quality if certain risk factors like risk of auditor independence and risk of developing complacency are controlled; and (2) factors such as NAS, industry specialization, knowledge and experience of the auditor, internal control in the client-firm, professional ethics, proper audit plan, providence of unbiased information by the client, and appointment of the auditor by the client-firm itself enhances the audit quality.

Obligatorisk byråtotation : påverkan på revisorns oberoende och den finansiella stabiliteten / Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation : Effects on Auditor Independence and Financial Stability

Lilja, Sandra, Sandström, Annica January 2011 (has links)
Till följd av det senaste decenniets företagsskandaler och kriser har diskussionen kring revisorns oberoende eskalerat. I och med finanskrisen 2008/09 har det påvisats att ett antal bolag ej erhållit oberoende granskning varför revisorns agerande har ifrågasatts. Eftersom det är av stor vikt att revisorn agerar objektivt och självständigt med avseende på tillförlitligheten till reviderad information diskuteras obligatorisk byrårotation som ett verktyg för att säkerställa revisorns oberoende. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur obligatorisk byrårotation påverkar revisorns oberoende och vilka konsekvenser ett eventuellt införande av en dylik regel skulle innebära. Vidare behandlas byrårotations inverkan på den finansiella stabiliteten. Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod för att möjliggöra en djupgående förståelse för utvalda parters åsikter och synpunkter på en eventuell lagförändring. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer med stor inblick i revisionsbranschen. Studien visar att obligatorisk byrårotation skulle ha positiv inverkan på revisorns oberoende. Det följer av att byrårotation tros förhindra revisionsteamet att bli alltför bekant med revisionsklienten samt att revisorn anses mer oberoende då möjligheten till långvariga byråuppdrag är begränsad. Ett införande av byrårotation skulle medföra förbättrad revisionskvalitet trots påvisad kvalitetsnedgång i början på varje nytt revisionsuppdrag samt ökad revisionskostnad. Revisorns oberoende har betydelse för den finansiella stabiliteten men obligatorisk byrårotation skulle endast marginellt mildra eventuella framtida finansiella kriser.

Revisorers oberoende : Påverkas detta av variabler som revisionsbyråns storlek, konsulttjänster och klientstorlek? / Auditor independence : Does variables as audit firm size, advisory services or client size have any influence on this independence?

Tellström, Maria, Nyberg, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Nyckelord: Revision, revisorers oberoende, fortsatt drift, Big 4, konsulttjänster och klientstorlek. Bakgrund: Under 2000-talet har den finansiella revisionen genomgått en rad förändringar. Detta till följd av ett antal händelser såsom Enronskandalen som kom att ifrågasätta revisorers oberoende ytterligare. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida en revisors oberoende påverkas av variabler som revisionsbyråns storlek (Big 4), konsulttjänster och klientstorlek. Metod: Utifrån en deduktiv ansats har vi använt en kvantitativ metod genom att analysera sekundärdata som vi hämtat från Affärsdatas databas. Urvalet bestod av årsredovisningar och dess tillhörande revisionsberättelser som studerats utifrån kriterierna: svenska aktiebolag som inlett konkurs under april, maj och december 2010. Studiens kvantitativa data har jämförts med tidigare forskning inom revisionsområdet, denna forskning bottnar i teorier kring agentteori och revision som försäkran. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att Big 4 anmärker i något större utsträckning än övriga revisionsbyråer kring fortsatt drift. Studien fann ett signifikant samband mellan Big 4 och konsulttjänster, företag som nyttjar revisionstjänster från Big 4 nyttjar konsulttjänster i högre utsträckning än företag som har annan revisionsbyrå. Klientstorlek har enbart en påverkan på företagens benägenhet att köpa konsulttjänster, det vill säga förekomsten av att även köpa konsulttjänster utöver revisionen ökar i takt med företagens storlek, om än inte signifikant. Sammanfattningsvis kan klargöras att ingen av de undersökta variablerna har någon signifikant inverkan på anmärkning kring fortsatt drift, varken enskilt eller tillsammans. Detta resultat gör att den rimligaste tolkningen blir att revisorerna förblir oberoende trots påverkan utifrån. Det mesta talar för att valet av revisionsbyrå, vilka tjänster som nyttjats eller vilket företag man representerar inte påverkar revisorns oberoende vilket visar på att revisorn tycks klara av sin uppgift som en tredje oberoende part. / Background: During the early 2000s the financial audit went through a series of changes. The cause of these changes were several, one of these reasons were the Enron scandal which arouse the question about the importance of auditor independence once again.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine whether variables as Big 4, advisory services or client size has any influence on auditor independence. Method: From a deductive point of view a quantitative method has been used as we analyzed data collected from the database Affärsdata. The data were collected from annual reports and audit reports which were analyzed based on the following criteria: Swedish limited companies with a started bankruptcy process during April, May or December in the year 2010. The data of the study have been compared with previous research in the audit field which deals with the theories agency theory and audit as an affirmation. Results and conclusion: The results of the study shows that Big 4 firms tend to issue going concern opinions in a slightly higher extent than other audit firms. There is a significant association between Big 4 and advisory services. Companies who use audit services provided by a Big 4 firm also use their advisory services to a higher extent than those who use audit services from other audit firms. Client size does only show an association, even though it is not statistically significant, between those companies who use both audit and advisory services, in other words, the tendency of using both audit and advisory services increase with company size. None of the investigated variables had any significant affect on the tendency to issue a going concern opinion, neither individually nor together. The most reasonable explanation to these results comes down to the fact that the Swedish auditors are independent due to the variables we studied. Based on this we conclude that the choice of audit firm, weather companies use advisory services or not, or who you are, does not affect the auditor’s independence which indicates that auditors cope with the independence issues quite well.

Revision och rådgivning : Efterfrågan, kvalitet och oberoende

Svanström, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
Auditing is common in many organizations and a legal requirement for all limited liability companies in Sweden (ABL 9:1). In directives from the government it is clearly stated that small firms will be exempted from the statutory audit requirement. In light of this forthcoming change in regulations, this thesis is used to analyze which factors are associated with a demand for auditing. Analysis in this thesis is based on a national survey including 900 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Around 2/3 of respondent’s (CEO or CFO) state that the firm will choose to have audited accounts even in the absence of such a legal requirement. Based on responses from 421 firms, logistic regression results indicated that firms purchasing advisory services from an audit firm will choose to have their accounts audited to a higher extent than those firms not receiving advisory services. This finding, not identified in prior studies, is linked to advisory services being of higher quality when the audit firm also performs audit work. The demand for auditing is further positively associated with firm size, use of a Big 4 audit firm and firms located in the county of Småland. From these findings it follows that the traditional view of auditing as merely a control mechanism needs to be complemented by consideration of aspects of the internal value of auditing. The approaches of SME’s when engaging an audit firm for different types of advisory services is examined in this study based upon survey data. It is shown that the majority of advisory services provided are related to core competencies of an auditor such as tax, accounting and law. Logistic regression results show a positive association between firms purchasing advisory services and the length of the relationship with the provider as well as with the respondent’s perception of the audit quality. The latter association further confirms the close connection between audit and advisory services. It should be noted that when an audit firm recommends advisory services their use is significantly higher. There is also support for the demand for advisory services being positively related to firms that are corporate subsidiaries and located in Småland and Norrland, but negatively associated with the respondent’s level of education. It follows that factors related to demand for advisory services on an aggregate level could be categorized as being dependent on firm characteristics, audit firm characteristics and the relationship between the parties. Provision of non-audit services (NAS), such as different types of advisory services, to audit clients and the potential consequences for auditor independence and audit quality have been discussed in public debates and research as well as being subject of regulation. OLS regression results show that reporting quality is higher when the audit firm provides advisory services as well as preparing accounts. These findings hold for both discretionary accruals and a respondent’s perception of reporting quality. The provision of NAS improves the reporting quality due to better knowledge of the client and its operations. From the perspective of reporting quality this finding implies that there is no necessity to further restrict the possibility for an audit firm to provide advisory services as well as preparing accounts for audit clients.

Audit services, non-audit services, and audit firm tenure

Krauß, Patrick 28 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The faith in financial reporting quality and the corresponding auditing process has suffered a lot within the last decade, due to significant accounting scandals (e.g. Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, etc.). As an answer to these accounting scandals, the law-makers in Germany and the European Union, respectively, have strengthened audit regulations in order to improve the quality of the conducted audits. The aim of this cumulative dissertation is to provide empirical evidence on the effects of intended and already implemented regulative audit requirements in Germany. ln order to consider the wide range of different audit requirements, the dissertation is based on four different study manuscripts, highlighting various perspectives with regard to the appointment, duration, and remuneration of a statutory auditor in the German audit environment. Besides the empirical evidence for separate auditing issues, this dissertation is also aimed to provide a solid theoretical background and critical suggestions for future research.

Sociala identitetsperspektiv på revisorers oberoende

Söderström, Sabina, Indal, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Debatten kring revisorers oberoende har pågått länge. Idag är frågan om revisorers oberoende en av de viktigaste frågorna inom redovisning vilket delvis beror på de företagsskandaler som inträffat under senare år. Tidigare studier visar att sociala identifikationer kan utvecklas vid nära relationer vilket både kan ha en positiv och en negativ påverkan på revisorers oberoende. För att utvidga tidigare studier har vi lagt till personlig identifikation för att studera detta på individnivå. Vi har även valt att lägga till en faktor, det karismatiska ledarskapet, för att undersöka om detta påverkar samtliga identifikationer. Studien syftar till att undersöka om klientidentifikation, personlig och professionell identifikation påverkas av ett karismatiskt ledarskap och om dessa identifikationer i sin tur har en påverkan på revisorers oberoende. Metod: Vi har i studien använt oss av enkäter som metod för att samla in primärdata. Data samlades in från auktoriserade och godkända revisorer runtom i Sverige. Insamlad data har sedan bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS statistics. Resultaten från de statistiska analyserna har sedan redovisats i olika tabeller. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att ett karismatiskt ledarskap har en påverkan på samtliga identifikationer, dock var denna påverkan relativt svag, vilket innebär att det är många andra faktorer som ökar identifikationerna. Vidare visade resultatet att personlig identifikation kan innebära ett större hot mot revisorers oberoende än klientidentifikation. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att få mer djup i studien och för att få fram respondenternas egna tankar och åsikter skulle en kvalitativt inriktad studie, med intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod kunna genomföras. Ytterligare förslag till forskning skulle kunna vara att undersöka andra faktorer som kan tänkas påverka olika identifikationer. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen bidrar till fortsatt forskning inom revisorers icke-finansiella beroende, genom att vi undersöker problemet ur ett socialt identitetsperspektiv. Vidare bidrar studien med kunskap om faktorer som påverkar sociala identiteter. / Aim: The debate about the auditor independence has been going on for a long time. Today is the issue of auditor independence one of the most important in accounting which depends on several corporate scandals that have occurred in recent years. Previous studies shows that close relationships explicate social identifications which can have a positive and a negative impact on auditor independence. We have added personal identification in our study at the individual level to expand previous studies. We have also added the charismatic leadership as a factor to investigate whether this affect identifications. The study aims to investigate whether the client identification, personal and professional identification is affected by a charismatic leadership and whether these identifications has an impact on auditor independence. Method: In our study we have used surveys as a method to collect primary data. Data were collected from Swedish authorized and approved auditors. The collected data where then processed and analyzed by the statistical program SPSS statistics. The results of the statistical analyzes are then presented in different tables. Result and conclusions: The results of the study showed that charismatic leadership has an impact on all identifications, however, this effect is relatively weak, which means that there are many other factors that increase these identifications. Furthermore, the result also showed that personal identification can be a greater threat to auditor independence than client identification. Suggestions for future research: To obtain the respondents' own thoughts and opinions, a qualitative focused study with interviews as a data collection method could be implemented. Further implications could be to examine other factors that may affect different identifications. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes for further research about the auditors' non-financial dependence, in which we examine the problem from a social identity perspective. Furthermore, the study can provide knowledge of the factors that affecting social identities.

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