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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wirtschaftliche Effekte des Luftverkehrs in Österreich im Lichte von Auftragsstudien

Thießen, Friedrich 16 September 2016 (has links)
Die Darstellung der Beschäftigungswirkungen des Luftverkehrs spielt im politischen Leben in vielen westlichen Industrieländern eine große Rolle. Verbände der Luftverkehrswirtschaft versuchen, mit Gutachten die Bedeutung ihrer Branche für Wachstum und Beschäftigung zu untermauern. Viele dieser Gutachten halten keinen wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen stand. Bereits 1992 hatte in den USA die amerikanische Luftverkehrsbehörde FAA die Qualitätsprobleme solcher Gutachten erkannt und bemängelt und Grundsätze für korrektes Arbeiten aufgestellt. In Österreich hat nun ein Streit um den weiteren Ausbau des Flughafens Wien zur Anfertigung mehrerer Interessentengutachten geführt. Diese Gutachten werden in der vorliegenden Studie evaluiert. Es zeigt sich, dass wissenschaftliche Standards nicht eingehalten werden. Die Regierung selbst verwendet Angaben aus solchen Gutachten in ihren Publikationen und tauscht stillschweigend Daten, die sich später als unhaltbar erweisen, gegen andere aus. Vergleiche mit Studienergebnissen von OECD, EU und Weltbank belegen große Differenzen. / Growth and Job-effects of Aviation play a crucial role in many western industrialized countries. Consortiums and federations of the aviation industry try to proof with assessments and expert opinions how important their sector is. However many of those studies do not have scientific quality. Already 1992 the American Federal Aviation Authority FAA realized problems and issued guidelines for acceptable reports. In Austria the planned enlargement of Vienna airport led to the production of several studies. This is the reason for the present paper. The most recent Austrian aviation studies, especially one by the Austrian IWI, are being analysed. It proves that the Austrian Aviation reports are not consistent with the standards set by the FAA guidelines. They contain exaggerated figures and omit critical aspects. Comparisons with studies of OECD, EU or Worldbank show the differences and imbalances.


CHRISTOPHER FEITOSA DA SILVA 19 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Ao longo dos últimos anos o desenvolvimento da Pesquisa Operacional foi fundamental para o crescimento da indústria aérea. No Brasil, o órgão responsável pela fiscalização da aviação civil é a Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC). O objetivo da dissertação é desenvolver um modelo de otimização para localização-alocação de pessoal (servidores) e aplicá-lo à um estudo de caso da ANAC, no contexto de Safety Oversight. Uma revisão sistematizada de literatura foi conduzida para identificar os gaps e soluções recentes na literatura de problemas de facility location. O objetivo descrito foi alcançado e o modelo matemático foi validado pelo Estudo de Caso proposto. O modelo alocou 31 porcento dos servidores da ANAC na Região Sudeste do Brasil, 25 porcento na Região Nordeste, 17 porcento na Região Norte, 17 porcento na Região Sul e 10 porcento na Região Centro-Oeste; reduzindo em 66 porcento a quantidade total de inspetores. Obteve-se ainda uma matriz de distribuição de capacitações por agência da ANAC, de forma que o tomador de decisão possa analisar o perfil ótimo de habilitações dos funcionários de cada agência. Uma análise de sensibilidade foi conduzida para avaliar a flexibilidade do modelo, que se mostrou eficiente para aplicações em problemas reais. / [en] Over the last years, Research Operations development has become fundamental for Aviation Industry. In Brazil, the agency responsible for Civil Aviation inspection is the National Agency of Civil Aviation (ANAC). This work aims the development of an optimal personnel location-allocation model and application in a case study at ANAC in Safety Oversight context. One Literature Review has been done for gaps identification and to find the most recent solution techniques for facility location problems. The research objective has been achieved, and the proposed case study has validated the model. The model located 31 percent of ANAC personnel in Brazilian Southeast Region, 25 percent in Northeast Region, 17 percent in North Region, 17 percent in South Region and 10 percent in Central-West Region; decreasing in 66 percent the total quantity of allocated inspectors. A capacities matrix has been constructed with model results; decision-makers can analyze the optimal distribution of personnel capacities in each facility. Finally, a sensitivity analysis has been done to test the model flexibility, which prove the model is efficient for real problems application.

Qualification of Tool for Static Code Analysis : Processes and Requirements for Approval of Static Code Analysis in the Aviation Industry / Kvalificering av statiskt kodanalysverktyg : Process och krav för godkännandet av statisk kodanalys i flygindustrin

Gustafson, Christopher, Florin, Sam January 2020 (has links)
In the aviation industry, the use of software development tools is not as easily adopted as in other industries. Due to the catastrophic consequences of software errors in airborne systems, software development processes has rigorous requirements. One of these requirements is that a code standard must be followed. Code standards are used to exclude code constructions which could result in unwanted behaviours. The process of manually ensuring a specific code standard can be costly. This process could be automated by a tool for static code analysis, however, this requires a formal qualification. This thesis evaluates the process of qualifying a tool for static code analysis in accordance with the requirements of the major aviation authorities EASA and FAA. To describe the qualification process, a literature study was conducted. To further explain how an existing tool could be put through the qualification process, a case study of the existing tool Parasoft C/C++ test was conducted. The results of the literature study show what processes must be completed in order to qualify a static code analysis tool. Importantly, the study shows that no requirements are put on the development process of the tool. This was an important takeaway as it meant that an existing tool could be qualified without any additional data from the developer of the tool. The case study of Parasoft C/C++ test showed how the tool could be configured and verified to analyze code in accordance with a small set of code rules. Furthermore, three documents including qualification data were produced showing how the qualification process should be documented in order to communicate the process to an authority. The results of the thesis do not provide the full picture of how a tool could be qualified as the software, in which the tool is used, is considerations the are specific to the software the tool is used to develop still need to be taken into consideration. The thesis does, however, provide guidance on the majority of the applicable requirements. Future research could be done to provide the complete picture of the qualification process, as well as how the process would look like for other types of tools. / Inom flygindustrin är användandet av olika programmeringsverktyg inte lika självklart som inom andra industrier. På grund av de katastrofala konsekvenser som fel i mjukvaran i ett flygplan kan resultera i finns det rigorösa krav på mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen. Ett av dessa krav är att en viss kodstandard måste upprätthållas. Kodstandarder används för att exkludera vissa strukturer i kod som kan leda till oönskat beteende. Upprätthållandet av en viss kodstandard är en långdragen process att genomföra manuellt, och kan därför automatiseras med hjälp av ett statiskt kodanalysverktyg. För att kunna använda ett sådant verktyg behövs däremot en formell verktygskvalificering. I denna uppsats kommer kvalificeringsprocessen av ett verktyg för statisk kodanalys att evalueras enligt de krav som de två stora flygmyndigheterna EASA och FAA ställer. För att förklara processen av att kvalificera ett sådant verktyg gjordes en litteraturstudie följt av en fallstudie av det existerande verktyget Parasoft C/C++ test. Resultaten av litteraturstudien beskriver de olika processerna som måste genomföras för att kvalificera ett statiskt kodanalysverktyg. Noterbart är att resultaten visar att inga krav ställs på utvecklingsprocessen av verktyget själv. Detta betyder att ett existerande kommersiellt verktyg kan kvalificeras utan att verktygsutvecklarna själva behöver bidra med extra information. Fallstudien visade hur verktyget Parasoft C/C++ test kan konfigureras och verifieras att följa en viss kodstandard. Vidare resulterade fallstudien i utkast av de nödvändiga dokumenten som behöver produceras för att kommunicera kvalificeringsprocessen till en myndighet. De resultat som presenteras i denna uppsats är i sig inte tillräckliga för beskriva hela kvalificeringsprocessen. Ytterligare överväganden som är specifika till den mjukvaran som verktyget ska användas till att utveckla måste göras för att en komplett kvalificering ska kunna genomföras. Uppsatsen bidrar däremot med riktlinjer och vägledning av majoriteten av de processerna som behöver genomföras. Ytterligare forskning kan göras för att bidra med den kompletta bilden av verktygskvalificering av ett statiskt kodanalysverktyg, samt hur kvalificering kan göras av andra typer av verktyg.

This is your captain speaking : En studie om kvinnliga och manliga piloters upplevda balans mellan arbete och familjeliv

Lekare, Denise, Jacobsen, Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie av Lotta Jacobsen och Denise Lekare syftar till att undersöka hur manliga och kvinnliga piloter vilka flyger långdistans upplever sin arbetssituation, särskilt i relation till familjelivet. Metoden som tillämpats är kvalitativ i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex piloter. För att analysera intervjusvaren har vi använt oss av en feministisk organisationsteori och en teori om work-life balance. Resultaten visade att informanterna upplevde en hög grad av balans mellan sfärerna, till följd av starka fysiska, temporära och psykologiska gränser mellan arbete och familjeliv, vari arbetssfären är starkt avgränsad från familjesfären och vice versa. Denna balans hotas när arbetsperioderna blir för långa eller piloterna är oense med andra sfärmedlemmar om gränsernas karaktär. Ytterligare ett resultat var att de kvinnliga piloterna inte kände sig direkt diskriminerade, men att det däremot fanns en hög grad av indirekt diskriminering mot kvinnor inom flygbranschen. Detta har resulterat i att kvinnliga piloter får det svårare att avancera i sina karriärer. Därför är ett utmärkande drag för denna studie den undersökning av flygbranschen som görs, som resulterar i skilda möjligheter för män och kvinnor till avancemang i karriären, särskilt i kombination med familjebildning. / This essay by Lotta Jacobsen and Denise Lekare examines how male and female long haul pilots experience their work situation, especially in relation to their family life. A qualitative method was applied, consisting of semistructured interviews with six pilots. To analyze the interview responses, we used a feminist organizational theory and a theory of work-life balance. The results showed that our respondents experienced a high level of balance due to the strong physical, temporary and psychological borders between work and family life, as the work sphere is strongly delimited from the family life sphere and vice versa. This balance is threatened when the working periods is too excessive or the pilots disagree with other sphere- members about the nature of the borders. Another result was that the female pilots did not feel directly discriminated against, however, there was a great amount of indirect discrimination in the aviation industry against women. This has resulted in female pilots having a harder time advancing in their careers. Therefore, a key characteristic for this essay is its examination of the aviation industry that results in different possibilities for men and women to advance in their careers, especially in relation to building a family.

Barriers of Traveling with Sustainable Transportation Vehicles : A comparative empirical analysis of leisure travelers’ behavior in Sweden, Germany, and Iran

Herbert, Robin Julian, Sohrabi, Fateme January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis analyzes the influence of psychological barriers of consumers from Germany, Sweden, and Iran for using sustainable transportation modes. Climate change has started to change the way people travel. Yet prior research has shown that consumers from all over the world lack consistency between their behavioral intention and their actual behavior. In the case of traveling, this means that a significant number of consumers intends to use sustainable transportation modes, but fails to use them in the end. The reasons for this so-called intention-behavior gap in consumers' minds have been researched successfully and frequently in the past two decades. The novelty of this present thesis is the international comparison of travelers from three different countries and the explicit focus on voluntary travel. The according research questions are: RQ 1:  To what extent is there a gap between the intention and behavior of leisure travelers          regarding choosing sustainable transportation vehicles? RQ 2:  Which group of consumers (inclined abstainers or disinclined actors[1]) plays the bigger      role in creating this gap? RQ 3:  What are the determinants and barriers of using more sustainable transportation     vehicles in leisure transportation? RQ 4:  How is the sustainable behavior of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran            different? To answer the research questions, an online survey in Swedish (n1 = 130), German (n2 = 128), and Persian (n3 = 127) language was carried out ( ∑ n = 385) in April 2020 with a convenience sampling method and analyzed in May 2020. The results show that there is a slightly positive intention-behavior gap in the Swedish sample and a slightly negative intention-behavior gap in the Iranian sample. In the German sample, no significant intention-behavior gap has been found. Moreover, a higher level of environmental attitude, a higher level of environmental knowledge, a higher level of perceived effectiveness (of the consumers' own actions), and a higher level of social norms increases the intention of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran to use sustainable vehicles for leisure traveling - both for short and for long trips. The impact of perceived value and perceived price of sustainable transportation modes, as well as the impact of consumers' sustainable lifestyle on the on the travel intention are not supported in all three countries. Additionally, distance between origin and destination has been found to moderate the impact of determinants on intention. The moderating role of distance also varies in different countries. [1] See the literature review chapter for an explanation

Electric Passenger Aviation in Sweden : An analysis from the perspective of the Swedish aviation industry / Elektriska passagerarplan i Sverige : En analys med perspektiv från den svenska flygindustrin

Cromnier, Madeleine, Södergren, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Transitions to more sustainable technologies and processes are a largely discussed topic that concerns several, if not all, global industries. This thesis studies the novel technology of electric passenger aviation as a sustainable option in the aviation industry. The study examines the prospects of electric passenger planes in Sweden specifically and is based on the perspective of established actors within the Swedish aviation industry. As such, the results of the study revolves partly around the technological capabilities of electric planes, and partly around the economical, social and political aspects necessary to make electric planes commercially viable. To assist in examining these diverse aspects, the thesis evaluates the technology from the viewpoint of a socio-technical system, using the theoretical framework of the multi-level perspective to guide the study. The results have found that electric passenger planes are likely to be introduced into the Swedish aviation market in the coming years. However, their long term success is not guaranteed and depends on multiple factors. Key challenges include: the development of battery technology, financial viability compared to alternative sustainable travel solutions, and consumers willingness to change travel habits. These challenges come as a consequence of the relatively short flight range of electric aircrafts, which in turn is due to the low energy density of the batteries being used. / Hållbarhet är ett koncept som diskuteras allt mer frekvent kring både processer och teknologier, inom många, om inte alla globala industrier. Denna uppsats studerar den nya tekniska utvecklingen kring elektriska passagerarplan som ett hållbart alternativ inom flyindustrin.  Studien undersöker de framtida möjligheterna för elektriska passagerarplan att etablera sig på en svensk marknad och baseras på perspektiv från etablerade aktörer inom svensk flygindustri. Således fokuseras studiens resultat dels på tekniska detaljer kring elflygplan, dels på ekonomsika, sociala och politiska aspekter som krävs för att kommersialisera elektriska passagerarplan. För att undersöka dessa olika aspekter använder studien ett socio-teknsikt system perspektiv, samt tar guidning av ett teoretiskt ramverk som på engelska kallas multi-level perspective.  Resultaten från studien indikerar att elektriska passagerarplan troligen kommer att introduceras inom den svenska flygmarknaden under kommande år. Dock är deras långsiktiga framgång inte garanterad och beror på ett antal faktorer. Noterbara utmaningar som identifieras är: Utvecklingen av batteriteknik, finansiell stabilitet jämfört med andra hållbara flygalternativ, och konsumenters villighet att ändra sina flygvanor. Dessa utmaningar är kopplade till den relativt korta räckvidden elektriska flygplan besitter, vilket i sin tur beror på den långa energidensiteten hos de batterier som används.


BEATRIZ CASSURIAGA DIAS 10 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Tendo em vista que decorridos quase cem anos do seu nascimento, após vários ciclos de crescimento e contração, a indústria aérea ainda se mostra frágil, apresentando vários casos de recuperação judicial e falências, pesquisa-se sobre o declínio organizacional, afim de identificar, quais fatores, elementos, aspectos organizacionais e ambientais, escolhas e ações gerenciais, stakeholders envolvidos, e seus respectivos graus de envolvimento, que possam influenciar na dinâmica de sucesso e fracasso organizacional. Para tanto é necessário identificar padrões longitudinais de comportamento organizacional, propor visualizações da informação que gerem insights inovadores sobre stakeholders do setor, e entender os desafios e pressões específicos da indústria. Utilizando uma perspectiva histórica, a presente pesquisa realiza um estudo de caso comparativo longitudinal sobre as companhias aéreas Delta Airlines e Eastern Airlines, duas empresas atuantes desde os primórdios da indústria aérea norte americana, que, no entanto, acabaram tendo diferentes destino nos anos 1990. Diante disso, verifica-se que apesar das características empreendedoras e suas iniciativas de expansão e crescimento, o grau de endividamento (alavancagem), a gestão de folga organizacional, a capacidade no gerenciamento de conflitos e a aptidão de adaptação em um ambiente dinâmico de negócios, podem ter sido as causas do declínio e posterior dissolução da Eastern e da sobrevivência continuada da Delta. / [en] In view of that almost a hundred years after its birth, after several cycles of growth and contraction, the airline industry is still fragile, presenting several cases of judicial recovery and bankruptcies, it is verified the importance of research on the organizational decline, in order to identify, which one s factors, elements, organizational and environmental aspects, managerial choices and actions, stakeholders involved, and their respective degrees of involvement, which could influence the dynamics of organizational success and failure. Therefore, it is necessary to identify longitudinal patterns of organizational behavior, propose visualizations of the information that generate innovative insights about stakeholders in the sector, and understand the specific challenges and pressures of the industry. Using a historical perspective, this research carries out a comparative longitudinal case study on the airlines Delta Airlines and Eastern Airlines, two companies operating since the beginning of the North American airline industry, which, however, ended up having different destinations in the 1990s. Therefore, it appears that despite the entrepreneurial characteristics and their expansion and growth initiatives, the degree of indebtedness (leverage), the management of organizational slack, the capacity in conflict management, and the ability to adapt in a dynamic business environment, may have been the causes of Eastern s decline and subsequent dissolution and Delta s continued survival.

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