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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås : En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001–2006 / The Research Area Library and Information Science at the University College of Borås : A Bibliometric Study of the Intellectual Base 2001–2006

Karlsson, Katharina, Larsson, Madelene January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations. The comparison to the prior studies shows that the intellectual base at the SSLIS is somewhat different to the intellectual base of the research area. The main differences between the two intellectual bases are: culture/cultural policy and library studies are not represented in the intellectual base of the research area, bibliometrics is not as obvious in the intellectual base of SSLIS as in the intellectual base of the research area. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Attityder till nya medier. En metastudie av attityder till nya medier i uppsatser vid Högskolan i Borås. / Attitudes about new media. A meta study of attitudes about new media in essays written at the University of Borås.

Sundin, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This essay is a meta study of essays published at theInstitution of Library and Information Sciences at theUniversity of Borås in 2009. It aims to answer the followingquestions:What attitudes about new media can be found in essayswritten within SSLIS and are there traces of media panic inthe discourse?The theoretical framework of the essay is based on a theoryof the concept of media panic as defined by Kirsten Drotneret al, and the concept of moral panic as defined by StanleyCohen.The method used is derived from Klaus Krippendorff’sideas on content analysis, as published in the book ContentAnalysis. The method in this study uses computerizedsearches for target words. The target words used were:Internet, web, e-, blogg, facebook and twitter. The materialwas analysed using a four field model, consisting of fields ofpositive or negative attitude towards a specific mediumregarding usefulness and reliability.The study shows attitudes found in the material were mainlypositive about new media, and only to a lesser degree werethere clearly negative attitudes. It also reveals that there arefew signs of media panic in the discourse. / Program: Bibliotekarie

A comparison of whole life cycle costs of robotic, semi-automated, and manual build airport baggage handling systems

Bradley, Alexandre January 2013 (has links)
This thesis proposes that a baggage handling system (BHS) environment can be defined and coupled to a whole life cycle cost (WLCC NPV) model. The results from specific experiments using the model can be used as the basis by which to commercially compare BHS flight build types of any capacity, and BHS geographical location. The model examined the three flight build types(i): Fully automatic build2; (ii) Semi-automatic build, and(iii); Manual build. The model has the ability to calculate a bag flow busy hour rate, and to replicate the baggage flow characteristics observed within real BHS operations. Whole life cycle costs (WLCC NPV) results are produced, and these form the basis by which the comparison of BHS types is made. An overall WLCC NPV scatter diagram was produced, which is a summation of each of the test sensitivities. The assumptions and limitations of the analysis are provided. It is proposed that the results, conclusions and recommendations shall be of value to airports, airlines, and design consultants.

A comparison of whole life cycle costs of robotic, semi-automated, and manual build airport baggage handling systems

Bradley, Alexandre 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis proposes that a baggage handling system (BHS) environment can be defined and coupled to a whole life cycle cost (WLCC NPV) model. The results from specific experiments using the model can be used as the basis by which to commercially compare BHS flight build types of any capacity, and BHS geographical location. The model examined the three flight build types(i): Fully automatic build2; (ii) Semi-automatic build, and(iii); Manual build. The model has the ability to calculate a bag flow busy hour rate, and to replicate the baggage flow characteristics observed within real BHS operations. Whole life cycle costs (WLCC NPV) results are produced, and these form the basis by which the comparison of BHS types is made. An overall WLCC NPV scatter diagram was produced, which is a summation of each of the test sensitivities. The assumptions and limitations of the analysis are provided. It is proposed that the results, conclusions and recommendations shall be of value to airports, airlines, and design consultants.

Bailarines lesionados: respuestas emocionales y estrategias de afrontamiento

Sanahuja Maymó, Montserrat 10 October 2008 (has links)
En el moment en què els ballarins pateixen una lesió l'atenció dels professionals de la medicina de la dansa se centra prioritàriament en els aspectes físics del tractament i de la recuperació. Amb tot, la lesió sovint té conseqüències pel que fa a les funcions psicològiques. L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca de tipus exploratori, de disseny empíric, transversal, descriptiu i correlacional/causal és conèixer les respostes emocionals davant la lesió de ballarins lesionats de dansa mesurant depressió, desesperança, estat emocional i estratègies d'afrontament. Per això, es varen administrar el POMS, BDI-II, BHS i CHIP, a més d'un qüestionari sobre els factors associats a la lesió, a una mostra de 94 ballarins lesionats a Nova York. Els resultats més destacats assenyalen que el 31,9% dels ballarins va presentar una simptomatologia de depressió en les categories de lleu, moderat i sever en el BDI-II i un 42,9% d'ells desesperança. Quant al perfil de l'estat d'ànim (POMS), constatem una tendència a nivells elevats de tensió i confusió, seguits de depressió, fatiga i hostilitat. El vigor destaca per la seva absència. Les estratègies d'afrontament utilitzades inclouen l'afrontament instrumental i el de distracció, mentre que tendeixen a no utilitzar en la mateixa mesura estratègies pal·liatives. Pel que fa a d'altres factors associats cal destacar, en primer lloc, les preocupacions econòmiques com a factor que pot arribar a ser un impediment a l'hora d'obtenir tractament mèdic i/o psicològic. En segon lloc, en relació a les conductes dels ballarins és rellevant que el 64,8% va continuar ballant malgrat la lesió, i que el 31,9% va cuidar la lesió per sí mateix, sense cap ajut mèdic. Finalment, pel que fa al suport i l'ajuda que pot oferir un psicòleg especialitzat en dansa, els ballarins valoren positivament les tècniques de relaxació, i el seu suport davant les respostes emocionals davant les lesions, així com en la transició psicosocial de la carrera de ballarí. / En el momento en que los bailarines sufren una lesión la atención de los profesionales de la medicina de la danza se centra prioritariamente en los aspectos físicos del tratamiento y de la recuperación. Sin embargo, la lesión tiene a menudo consecuencias sobre las funciones psicológicas. El objetivo de esta investigación de tipo exploratorio, de diseño empírico, transversal, descriptivo y correlacional/causal es conocer las respuestas emocionales en bailarines lesionados midiendo depresión, desesperanza, estado emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento. Para ello, se administraron el POMS, BDI-II, BHS y CHIP, además de un cuestionario sobre los factores asociados a la lesión, a una muestra de 94 bailarines lesionados en Nueva York. Los resultados más destacados señalan que el 31,9% de los bailarines presentó una sintomatología de depresión en las categorías de leve, moderado y severo en el BDI-II y un 42,9% de ellos desesperanza. En cuanto al perfil del estado de ánimo (POMS), constatamos una tendencia a niveles elevados de tensión y confusión, seguidos de depresión, fatiga y hostilidad. El vigor destaca por su bajas puntuaciones. Las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas incluyen el afrontamiento instrumental y el de distracción, mientras que tienden a no utilizar en la misma medida estrategias paliativas. En cuanto a otros factores asociados es importante destacar, en primer lugar, las preocupaciones económicas como factor que puede llegar ser un impedimento para obtener tratamiento médico y/o psicológico. En segundo lugar, en relación con las conductas de los bailarines cabe destacar que el 64,8% continuó bailando aún estando lesionado, y que el 31,9% cuidó la lesión por sí mismo. Finalmente, en cuanto al apoyo y la ayuda que puede ofrecer un psicólogo especializado en danza, los bailarines valoran positivamente las técnicas de relajación, y su apoyo ante las respuestas emocionales ante las lesiones, así como en la transición psicosocial después de la carrera de bailarín. / When dancers are injured dance medicine professionals focus their attention primarily on the physical aspects of treatment and recovery. However, injuries usually have an impact on the individual's psychological functions as well. The objective of this exploratory study, of experimental, transversal, descriptive and correlational/causal design, is to know the emotional responses towards injury in injured dancers measuring depression, hopelessness, emotional state and coping strategies. In order to do that, the POMS, BDI-II, BHS and CHIP were administered, together with a questionnaire regarding injury-associated factors, to a sample of 94 injured dancers in New York. As for the results, 31.9% of the dancers showed depression symptomatology in the categories mild, moderate and severe in the BDI-II and 42.9 of them showed hopelessness. Regarding the profile of mood states (POMS), results show a tendency towards high levels of tension and confusion, followed by depression, fatigue and hostility. Vigor stands out due to its low scores. The coping strategies used include instrumental and distraction, while not using palliative strategies in the same degree. Regarding other injury-associated factors it is important to note, firstly, the dancers' economical worries as a factor that can even prevent them from accessing medical and/or psychological treatment. Secondly, as regards dancers' behavior, 64.8% of them continued dancing despite being injured, and that 31.9% took care of their injuries themselves, without any professional medical help. Finally, regarding the support and help a dance psychologist can provide, dancers considered positive the relaxation techniques, and their support when emotionally responding to injuries as well as in the psychosocial transition at the end of their professional career.

Mikrofluidisches in-vitro Modell der Blut-Hirn-Schranke mit aktiver Zellassemblierung mittels Dielektrophorese

Kießling, Heiko 15 December 2021 (has links)
Neue aussichtsreiche Pharmazeutika scheitern regelmäßig in späten Entwicklungsphasen1 und stehen somit nicht als wertvolle Wirkstoffe zur Verfügung. Ein Grund hierfür ist die komplexe Pharmakinetik und der Mangel an geeigneten in-vitro Modellen. Daher befasst sich diese Dissertation mit der Entwicklung neuartiger in-vitro Membranmodelle am Beispiel der Blut-Hirn-Schranke (BHS). Zu diesem Zweck wird der aktuelle Stand der Technik vorgestellt und anschließend das Konzept eines Mikrofluidikchips, in welchem mittels Dielektrophorese an eine zuvor erstellte Polyamidmembran CaCo-2-Zellen assembliert wurden. Die Auslegung und Optimierung des Chip-Designs, die Entwicklung der in-situ Membran sowie die Ermittlung der Randbedingungen sind wesentliche Bestandteil dieser Arbeit. Es konnte mittels FEM-Simulationen und Assemblierungsversuchen ein Modell erzeugt werden, mit dem ein Chipdesign entwickelt werden konnte, dass zum einen ein günstigeres Verhältnis von Zellflächen- und Abluminalen Volumen aufweist und zum anderen möglichst wenig Zellen für den Aufbau benötigt. Dieses System bietet somit ein hohes Potenzial für die Herstellung verbesserter in-vitro Modelle. Jedoch konnte auch durch die Charakterisierung mit Rhodamin, Fluorescein und FITC-Dextran aufgezeigt werden, dass dieser Vorteil durch spezifische und unspezifische Bindungen an der größeren Oberfläche z.T. reduziert wird, abhängig vom verwendeten Chipmaterial und untersuchten Wirkstoff. Als neuartig kann die in-situ Herstellung einer vertikalen Polyamidmembran in einem Polymerchip bezeichnet werden, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurde. Für diese wurden die Parameter zur optimale Collagenbeschichtung für die Zelladhäsion ermittelt, sowie der Einfluss auf die Zellvitalität untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde das Medium zur Dielektrophorese und zur Kultivierung der Zellen ohne CO2-Begasung optimiert.:1 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 2 Formelzeichen 3 Einleitung 4 Grundlagen 5 Chipdesign 6 Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Stützmembran 7 Entwicklung des Zellkulturmodells 8 Zusammenfassung 9 Ausblick 10 Anhang 11 Literaturverzeichnis 12 Abbildungsverzeichnis / New promising pharmaceuticals regularly fail at late stages of development1 and thus do not become available as valuable active substances. Two of the main reasons for such failures are the complex pharmacokinetics and the lack of adequate in-vitro models. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on the development of novel in-vitro membrane models at the example of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB). It starts by presenting current investigations and the state-of-the-art technology and continues with the concept for a microfluidic chip in which CaCo-2 cells were assembled with dielectrophoresis on an in-situ membrane. The essential part of this work was to design and optimize this microfluidic chip, to develop an in-situ membrane to catch the assembled cells and to investigate the required boundary conditions. FEM simulations and assembling experiments conducted to the creation of a model to develop a chip design with a better ratio between cell area and abluminal volume, as well a low number of cells needed for the creation of this model. Such system might have a high potential to establish more sensitive in-vitro models than the current Transwell model. However, it was also demonstrated that this advantage is reduced by specific and nonspecific binding on the larger surface, depending on the chip material and the investigated test substance, shown during the chip characterization by using Rhodamine, Fluorescein and FITC-Dextran. Furthermore, the creation of a vertical polyamide in-situ membrane in a polymer chip like in this work, can be described as novel. To assemble cells on this supporting membrane, a protocol for a collagen coating as well for the dielectrophoresis medium were developed. Also, a modified culture medium was investigated, to allow the cultivation on standard atmospheric conditions.:1 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 2 Formelzeichen 3 Einleitung 4 Grundlagen 5 Chipdesign 6 Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Stützmembran 7 Entwicklung des Zellkulturmodells 8 Zusammenfassung 9 Ausblick 10 Anhang 11 Literaturverzeichnis 12 Abbildungsverzeichnis

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