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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv rodinných konstelací na vzdělání s ohledem na věkové odstupy a pohlaví sourozenců / The influence of family constellation on education considering age-gap and gender of siblings

Kuba, Radim January 2015 (has links)
Biological and social factors determines human personality. Birth order and its influence rank among strong phenotype forming factors. Practical application of the knowledge is complicated due the lack of evidence in this area in the Czech Republic. In our study, we focused on the role of age-gap between siblings and the role of gender on the birth order in education. Proportion of firstborns in various group of biology students were analysed. We found significantly higher proportions of firstborns than expected. The results were compared to the sample from the years 1990-1995. A small decrease in firstborns representation is observed. We also find big influence of gender and age-gap between siblings on the effects. Decrease in age-gaps increases the proportion of firstborns. Similar effects were found in personality traits data. Our study is unfortunately limited due to small numbers of participants. We suggest replication of our results and further testing of the effects.

出生序與父母管教態度對兒童的社會興趣與人格適應之影響 / The Influence of Birth order and parent rearing attitude on children social interest and personal adjustment

莊千慧, Chuang, Chian Huey Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解出生序〈老大、中間子女、老么、獨生子女〉與父母管教態度〈拒絕、嚴格、溺愛、期待、矛盾、紛歧〉對兒童的社會興趣及人格適應之影響,本研究以台北市、台中市、彰化縣、高雄縣等共五所國民小學四、五年級兒童共791人為研究對象,運用個人基本資料、兒童社會興趣量表、父母管教態度測驗及小學人格測驗等研究工具獲得所需資料,再以二因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行統計分析。   主要研究結果發現:不同出生序其社會興趣及人格適應皆無顯著差異存在;而女生的社會興趣及人格適應皆比男生高。在父母管教態度對兒童的社會興趣及人格適應之影響方面,發現父母親拒絕、溺愛、母親紛歧及父親矛盾的管教態度皆可有效預測兒童的社會興趣及人格適應,其解釋量為12%及32%。其中父母親拒絕及母親紛歧的管教態度與兒童的社會興趣及人格適應呈負向關係,而父母親溺愛及父親矛盾的管教態度則與兒童的社會興趣及人格適應呈正向關係。再者,兒童的社會興趣與其人格適應呈正相關。   根據研究結果,本研究建議:父母親宜透過各種學習管道,以建立正確的管教態度及方法,並加強親子間的溝通,以利子女的社會興趣及人格的發展。

Communication Among Emerging Adult Siblings

Paulsen, Jessica Leigh 01 May 2013 (has links)
The study sought to explore the emerging adult sibling dyad through qualitativeinquiry. By doing so, the collected data bring new meaning to why and how emerging adult siblings communicate. Also, by including both siblings, this study sought to highlight a different perspective of sibling communication. Extant research on the emerging adulthood stage of life is limited. The current study explored the sibling dyad during this phase of life, and three themes emerged: siblings become friends, changes during emerging adulthood, conflict negotiation, and taking a parental role.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

Pham, Denise, Ekberg, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg’s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual’s relationship with the mother. In conclusion, there was no direct rela-tionship between birth order and narcissism. Our hypothesis was falsified and no support for Sulloways theory was found.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

Pham, Denise, Ekberg, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg’s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual’s relationship with the mother. In conclusion, there was no direct rela-tionship between birth order and narcissism. Our hypothesis was falsified and no support for Sulloways theory was found.</p>

Paauglių įsitraukimo į kompiuterinius žaidimus, agresyvumo ir gimimo eiliškumo pagal Adlerį sąsajos su priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu / Adolescent involvement in computer games, aggression by Adler birth order interface with substance use

Pasalauskaitė, Giedrė 11 June 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti kaip įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su paauglių agresyviu elgesiu bei kaip gimimo eiliškumas siejasi su įsitraukimu į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą ir priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu. Atliktame tyrime dalyvavo 224 10, 11 ir 12 klasių Jurbarko Giedraičio-Giedriaus gimnazijos mokiniai, kurių amžius 16 - 19 m. 14 apklausoje dalyvavusių paauglių yra mergaitės, 75 – berniukai. Kiekvienas tiriamasis turėjo užpildyti po keletą klausimynų: Įsitraukimą į kompiuterinius žaidimus matuojančią skalę ir Buss – Durkee klausimyną paauglio agresyvumo lygiui vertinti. Tiriamųjų buvo paprašyta atsakyti į 116 anketos klausimų. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su didesne fiziniu agresyviu elgesiu tarp merginų. Fizinis agresyvus elgesys tarp vaikinų nesiskiria skirtingo įsitraukimo į kompiuterinius žaidimus grupėse. Verbalinis agresyvus elgesys vienodai būdingas tiek mažiau įsitraukusiems į kompiuterinius žaidimus paaugliams, tiek ir daugiau įsitraukusiems. T skirtų paaugliams ir M skirtų subrendusiesiems kategorijų kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimas nesisieja su didesniu paauglių agresyviu elgesiu. Taip pat didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą nesisieja su didesniu priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu tarp vaikinų. Didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su didesniu merginų alkoholio ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work was to determine how involvement in computer game play is associated with adolescent aggressive behaviour and how birth order refers to the access to computer game play and consumption of addictive substanes. The research was conducted with 224 students from 10, 11 and 12 classes in Jurbarkas Giedraitis - Giedrius High School, aged 16 - 19. There were 14 girls and 75 boys among surveyed teenagers. Each had to answer several questionnaires: involvement in computer games, measuring scale and Buss – Durkee questionnaire to access the level of adolescent aggression. Subjects were asked to answer 116 questions. The results showed that greater involvement in computer game play associated with greater physical agressive behaviour among girls. The physical aggressive behaviour among boys is no different to the involvement of different groups of computer games. Verbal aggressive behaviour is equally inherent for less or more involving in computer games among teenagers.T for teens and M for mature categories, computer games play is not associated with greater aggressive behaviour among teenagers. It is also greater involvement in computer game play is not associated with higher consumption of addictive substance using among boys. Increased involvement in comouter game play is associated with increased female using of alcohol and other drugs. Birth order in the family is not associated with higher consumption of addictive substance using and greater... [to full text]

L'évolution de la fécondité en Grèce depuis 1960 : spécificités et inflexions récentes / The evolution of fertility in Greece after 1960 : specificities and recent trends

Baltas, Pavlos 12 June 2015 (has links)
L'analyse longitudinale de la fécondité montre que les valeurs élevées de l’ICF pendant unepremière période (1960-1980) résultent de l'adoption d'un calendrier plus précoce des femmes néesen 1940 et au-delà. Aussi, son effondrement au cours d’une seconde période (1980-2000) est dû à uncalendrier fécond plus mature des femmes nées à partir de 1960. L’augmentation de l’ICF despremières années de 2000 est due au phénomène de récupération des naissances à traversl’augmentation des taux de fécondité à des âges supérieurs à 30 ans. Cette récupération estcependant incomplète car la descendance finale des générations s’est nettement réduite au fil dutemps. En tenant compte de la mortalité, aucune de générations examinées ne s’est complètementreproduite. L'analyse de la fécondité longitudinale selon le rang biologique de naissance de l’enfantmontre un âge moyen à la maternité de plus en plus élevé au premier enfant et l'augmentationsignificative de l’infécondité définitive pour les femmes nées depuis la fin des années 1960. Plus de lamoitié des femmes nées entre 1940 et le début des années 1960 ont obtenu 2 enfants. Le modèlestandard de la famille de deux enfants semble donc apparaître un plus tôt en Grèce que dans d’autrespays européens. Le découplage de la fécondité de la nuptialité, observée dans les pays occidentauxn’a pas encore été confirmée pour la Grèce. Le début de la crise économique a coïncidé avec ladiminution de la fécondité transversale. Le faible recul temporel ne nous permet pas de savoir si cetteréduction aura un impact sur la descendance finale des générations. / The longitudinal analysis of fertility shows that the low values of the period TF from 1980 to 2000was the result of the postponement of births, as women who born after 1960 were putting offparenthood to later ages which depressed period fertility rates. The increase of period TF in the firstdecade of 2000 is due to fertility “recuperation”, through the increase in fertility rates at ages over 30years old. The recuperation is incomplete and the cohort fertility has significantly reduced over timeAnalysis of cohort fertility by biological birth order shows a mean age of childbearing in first childincreasingly high and a significant increase of childlessness. The 20-25% of woman born from1970 to1975 in Greece will remain childlessness. The reduction of complete fertility in generations is largelydue to the fact that more and more women reaching the age of 49 years old without having achildren. Also the family size is reduced over the generations, two child family becoming the norm.The parity progression ratios reduced at all birth orders and especially a2 and a3. The low percentageof births outside marriage in Greece (6,7% 2013) revealed the important role of marriage inchildbearing. Data from the censuses (1991,2001,2011) show that unmarried women over 49 yearsold, had on average a total fertility between 0,05 to 0,15 children/women and a childlessness ratebetween 85 and 95%. The examination of a series of economic indicators like GDP andunemployment rate alongside with period TF reveals the strong correlation between the twophenomena. The short time series (2009-2012) does not allow us to know whether this reduction ofperiod fertility will have an impact on the cohort fertility.

Vliv otce a bratra na výběr partnera u heterosexuálních žen v osobnostních charakteristikách / Influence of father and brother on mate choice of heterosexual women in personality traits

Zelenková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
Mate preferences and choices might be influenced by several factors, including close relatives. According to the imprinting-like effect, people prefer and choose partners similar to those with whom they grew up during childhood. The main aim of our research was to test, whether individuals choose their long-term partners on the basis of similarity (in personality traits) with their parent and/or siblings of the opposite sex (father and/or brother). The final sample of the study consisted of 211 heterosexual women (mean age = 27.34, SD = 5.36) who grew up with their father until at least 12 years of age. Respondents completed a set of questionnaires aimed at personality of their partner, brother, and father (NEO-FFI), the relationship quality with their father/brother during childhood (s-EMBU/QRI), and relationship satisfaction (RAS). Correlation and regression analyses have shown that heterosexual women choose partners similar to their fathers and brothers, especially in neuroticism. However, when compared correlation coefficients, it was found that fathers play a more important role. The retrospectively assessed quality of the relationship between the respondent and her father/brother during childhood did not have any effect on this similarity. Moreover, similarity between father/brother and...

背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係與高中生寂寞之相關研究 / Background Variables, Parenting Styles, Sibling Relationships, and Senior High School Students' Loneliness

陳冠中, Chen, Kuan-Chuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在探討(一)性別、年級、出生序與高中生寂寞之關係;(二)父母管教方式與高中生寂寞之關係;(三)手足關係與高中生寂寞之關係;(四)背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係對高中生寂寞之預測力。 本研究使用調查研究法,並透過文獻分析、問卷調查與統計分析等步驟歸納結論。研究對象為就讀於台北縣市之高中生,共施測1044份問卷,其中有效問卷為906份。研究工具計有:(一)基本資料調查表;(二)寂寞量表;(三)父(母)管教方式量表;(四)手足關係量表。使用之統計方法為:因素分析、描述統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析,並以Scheffe′法進行事後比較。研究結果如下: 一、不同年級的高中生,在整體寂寞及『寂寞無助』、『缺乏友伴』、『歸屬感弱』三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 二、不同性別的高中生,其寂寞程度具有顯著差異:高中男生整體寂寞較女生為高,並且較女生感到缺乏友伴。 三、不同出生序的高中生,在整體寂寞及三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 四、父親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:在父親忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女最為寂寞。 五、母親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較開明權威、寬鬆放任管教方式為高;而母親若採用專制權威管教方式,高中子女將較採用開明權威管教方式者感到缺乏友伴以及缺乏歸屬感。 六、父母管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在父母均採用忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較均採用開明權威、專制權威管教方式為高;此外,若父母管教方式不一致,高中子女之整體寂寞以及三個寂寞向度之得分,均較父母均採用開明權威管教方式者高。 七、四項手足關係均與高中生之寂寞顯著相關:手足間衝突越高、父母對手足越偏寵,則高中生寂寞程度越高;手足關係越親密、在手足間之相對地位越高,則高中生越不咸到寂寞。 八、背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係等變項,均能有效預測高中生之寂寞。對寂寞之解釋量分別為:整體寂寞-12.8%;寂寞無助-13.3%;缺乏友伴-14.3%;歸屬威弱-7.3%。 本研究針對上述發現加以討論,並提出建議以供父母及學校輔導人員參考。

台灣與世界各國生育率的比較 / A Study of Fertility Comparison of Taiwan to Other Countries

朱伯長, Chu, Bo-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生育率逐年下降,從1985年起總生育率即低於替代水準2.1;近幾年更快速下降,2005年降至空前的1.12,僅有1960年的1/6。為瞭解台灣地區生育率的未來趨勢,本文研究婦女生育年齡、勞動參與率、教育程度及胎次生育率,與世界各國比較,以分析生育率的變化。我們發現近年台灣、日本及法國各年齡組對生育率的貢獻幾乎相同,但法國的總生育率卻有2的水準。比較台灣地區大專以上及高中以下教育程度的婦女,兩者的生育情況在早期是有所差別的,但近年兩者的生育行為非常接近;大學以上及高中以下的婦女生育率均同時降低,生育率的下降似乎和婦女教育程度關係不大。除了以年齡別的角度進行分析,本文也在胎次別生育率的研究上探討及驗證過去的模型與理論,提出模型以修正Feeney的胎次進級模型,從台灣地區資料的計算結果來比較,兩者相差不大,建議在資料允許的情況下可以使用我們提出的計算方法。 / The fertility rates in Taiwan decline rapidly. The total fertility rate has been lower than the replacement level 2.1 since 1985 and it reached to 1.12, the historical low in 2005, only 1/6 of which in 1960. In order to explore the fertility trend in Taiwan, several variables were used to compare with countries in the world, including women fertility rate by age groups, female labor force participation rate, fertility of women with different educational attainments and fertility rate by birth order. We found that Taiwan, Japan and France share a similar fertility pattern, unlike in the U.S., while the young female groups still have significant contribution on fertility. For the variable of highest education attained, the group of senior high school and below have higher fertility before 1970’s comparing to that of education with college and higher. However, the gap narrowed down in recent years. Also, for the fertility rates by birth order, we proposed a new model estimation for the parity progression model. We found that the results of proposed method are almost identical to those of the original method, but the computation is much easier.

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