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« Devenir boxeur » : étude sur l’acquisition de l’habitus pugilistiqueGagnon, Sébastien 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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"The Old White Sportswriters Didn't Know What to Think": Tradition vs. New Journalism in the New York Times's Coverage of Muhammad Ali, 1963-1971Zidonis, Jeffrey J. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Aggression and boxing performance: Testing the channeling hypothesis with multiple statistical methodologiesMartinez, Silas G. 02 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Reconceptualisation de la violence et potentiel subversif de la pratique de la boxe par des femmes des classes populaires : ethnographie à TunisBen Yahmed, Sonya 04 1900 (has links)
À travers l’étude de la pratique de la boxe, sport jugé violent et masculin, par des femmes appartenant majoritairement aux classes populaires en Tunisie, ma thèse interroge le caractère dépossédant de l’essentialisation de la violence féminine. À l’instar d’autres travaux (Cardi et Pruvost, 2011; Dauphin et Farge, 1997 ; Gentry et Sjoberg, 2015), elle met de l’avant la capacité des femmes de mobiliser leurs corps sur un mode violent, voire sa nécessité vitale dans certains contextes (Fanon, 2002). Si le caractère extrême dans le traitement de la violence féminine touche les femmes en général, il concerne surtout celles se trouvant à l’intersection de plusieurs axes de division sociale, ce qui impacte et façonne leurs « habitus » et « hexis corporelle » (Bourdieu 2002, 1980, 1997) mêmes.
Partant d’une perspective féministe intersectionnelle (Collins et Bilge, 2016 ; Crenshaw, 2019) avec des éléments de fond décoloniaux (Lugones, 2008 ; Maldonado-Tores, 2007 ; Quijano, 1994, 2000, 2007), ma thèse questionne entre autres le lien entre féminité, classe, boxe et violence. Vingt entrevues semi-directives et approfondies (Beaud et Weber, 2010) avec des boxeuses de haut-niveau, des entrevues formelles et informelles avec des experts et responsables dans le milieu de la boxe, une observation et une observation participante, en plus d’éléments auto-ethnographiques (Ellis et al., 2011), sont mobilisé.e.s.
Les six chapitres de la thèse abordent tout d’abord mon rapport avec le terrain et mon objet de recherche. Je traite ensuite de la socio-histoire de l’implantation de la boxe en Tunisie et ses spécificités territoriales aujourd’hui, et je m’arrête sur les trajectoires biographiques des participantes à la recherche. La pratique de la boxe et les discriminations auxquelles font face les boxeuses constituent un autre axe de mon travail. Leur représentation, mise en exercice de la violence et les impacts de la boxe sur leur quotidien constituent d’autres axes majeurs de cette thèse.
J’essaie de démontrer le potentiel de subjectivation de la violence pour des subalternes qui se trouvent accolées à la marge. Notamment en me basant sur des conceptualisations féministes bourdieusennes (Adkins et Skeggs, 2004 ; McLeod, 2005 ; Moi, 1991 ; Skeggs, 1997, Thorpe, 2009), j’y mets également en lumière la possibilité effective pour des femmes subalternes de créer, non sans labeur, un nouvel « habitus » et une nouvelle « hexis corporelle ». / Through the study of the practice of boxing, a sport considered violent and masculine, by women belonging mainly to the working classes in Tunisia, my thesis questions the dispossessing character of the essentialization of female violence. Like other works (Cardi and Pruvost, 2011; Dauphin and Farge, 1997; Gentry and Sjoberg, 2015), it highlights the capacity of women to mobilize their bodies in a violent mode, including at times, its vital necessity (Fanon, 2002).
While the extreme nature in the treatment of female violence affects women in general, it especially concerns those who are at the intersection of several axes of social division, which impacts and shapes the “habitus” and “corporeal hexis” (Bourdieu 2002, 1980, 1997) of women themselves.
Based on a feminist perspective informed by intersectionality (Collins and Bilge, 2016; Crenshaw, 2019) with decolonial background elements, my thesis therefore questions, among other things, the link between femininity, class, boxing and violence, in terms of practices, of the body and of representations. Twenty semi-structured and in-depth interviews (Beaud and Weber, 2010) with high-level female boxers, informal interviews with boxing experts, observation and participant observation, in addition to auto-ethnographic elements (Ellis et al., 2011) are mobilized.
The six chapters of the thesis begin by addressing my relationship with my research field and object. I then deal with the socio-history of the establishment of boxing in Tunisia and its territorial specificities today. Then, I focus on the biographical
trajectories of the research participants. The practice of boxing and the discrimination faced by female boxers constitute another axis of my work. Their representation, exercise of violence and the impacts of boxing on their daily lives constitute other major axes of this thesis.
I try to demonstrate the potential for subjectification of violence for subalterns who find themselves stuck on the margins. Anchoring my analysis in bourdieusian-feminist approaches (Adkins and Skeggs, 2004; McLeod, 2005; Moi, 1991; Skeggs, 1997; Thorpe, 2009), I also highlight the effective possibility for subaltern women to create, not without labor, a new “habitus” and a new “corporeal hexis”.
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Performance Evaluation of Kotlin and Java on Android Runtime / Prestandautvärdering av Kotlin och Java för Android RuntimeSchwermer, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
This study evaluates the performance of Kotlin and Java on Android Runtime using four benchmarks from the Computer Language Benchmarks Game suite, for which a total of 12 benchmark implementations are studied. The metrics used to evaluate the performance includes runtime, memory consumption, garbage collection, boxing of primitives as well as bytecode n-grams. To benchmark the languages, a benchmark application has been developed intended to run on an Android phone. The results indicate that Kotlin is slower than Java for all studied benchmarks by a varying factor. Furthermore, the use of idiomatic Kotlin features and constructs results in additional heap pressure and the need of boxed primitives. Other interesting results indicate the existence of an underlying garbage collection overhead when reclaiming Kotlin objects compared to Java. Furthermore, Kotlin produces larger and more varied bytecode than Java for a majority of the benchmarks. / Denna studie utvärderar prestandan mellan Kotlin och Java på Android Runtime genom 12 implementationer av fyra benchmarks från The Computer Language Benchmarks Game. De mätvärden som använts för att utvärdera prestandan inkluderar körtid, minnesanvändning, garbage collection, boxing av primitiver samt bytekod n-grams. För att benchmarka språken har en benchmarkapplikation tagits fram för Android. Resultaten visar att Kotlin är långsammare än Java för samtliga benchmarks. Vidare resulterar användandet av idiomatiska Kotlin-funktioner i ökad minnesanvänding samt behovet att representera primitiver som klasser. Andra intressanta resultat inkluderar existensen av en overhead för garbage collectorn för frigörandet av objekt som allokerats av Kotlin jämfört med Java. Vidare producerar Kotlin större bytekodfiler och uppvisar mer varierad bytekod än Java för en majoritet av de benchmarks som studerats.
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Changes in Running Technique At Shod and Barefoot Running Condition : - An analysis of Muay Thai FightersSjöholm, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background: everal studies mean that individuals accustomed to running barefoot and habitually barefoot individuals choose a fore foot or mid foot strike rather than a rear foot strike when running. This is partly to do with the proprioceptive feedback given from the soles of the feet. The common denominator of the barefoot runner and the Muay Thai fighter would be this proprioceptive feedback due to general bare foot training. A contributing factor to a non heal strike pattern could perhaps also be found in the sport specific movement pattern of Muay Thai where the athlete is trained to execute several actions from the fore foot. Aim: The first aim was to analyse differences in angles of the knee, ankle and foot at initial contact while running shod compared to barefoot in Muay Thai fighters accustomed to training barefoot. A second aim was to investigate if there was a difference in running technique regarding foot strike pattern when running shod compared to bare foot. The foot strike pattern is defined as heal strike, mid foot strike or forefoot strike. Method: Seventeen Muay Thai fighters (13 male 4 female) volunteered to participate in the test of the cross- sectional experimental study. The study took place at PT-Studion Halmstad. The participants performed 2x3minutes of running shod and barefoot respectively at a subjective speed equal to a 12 on the Borg scale. Both conditions were video recorded from a sagittal plane using an iPhone 6. The dominant leg defined as the non-weight bearing leg at the preferred boxing stance was analysed. Data was collected two-dimensionally of the angels of the knee, ankle and foot position to horizontal. Foot strike pattern was also determined. Landmarks were marked to ease the analysis. T-tests of paired samples were used to examine whether there were any differences between the angle of the knee, ankle and foot at barefoot and shod conditions. The significance level for this study was set to be statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Foot strike frequency distributions were compared between shod and barefoot runners using chi-square (X2) analysis. Result: A significant difference at the angle of the foot (p=0,034) at initial contact with the ground while running between shod (12 ± 9) and barefoot (17 ± 9) was found. No significant difference in the angle of the knee (p=0,076) or ankle (p=0,081) was found. Changes in foot strike pattern were observed. At shod condition 88% used a rear foot strike, 6% used a mid foot strike and 6% used a forefoot strike. At barefoot condition 41% used a rear foot strike, 0% used a mid foot strike and 59% a fore foot strike. Conclusion: This study shows that the there is a significant difference in foot strike pattern when running shod and barefoot which confirms previous studies. The test group have in common that they train Muay Thai although; their sport specific training doesn’t appear to in this case have any impact on the foot strike pattern. / Bakgrund: Flera studier menar att individer vana att springa barfota samt individer som lever barfota väljer en framfota insättning vid löpning snarare än en hälisättning. Detta har delvis att göra med den proprioceptiva återkopplingen från fotsulan. Den gemensamma nämnaren mellan barfotalöparen och Muay Thai atleten skulle kunna vara denna feedback beroende av barfotaträning. En bidragande faktor till en icke hälisättning skulle kunna förklaras av det idrottsspecifika rörelsemönstret i Muay Thai där flera moment utförs stående på den främre delen av foten. Syfte: Ett syfte var att analysera skillnader i knä, ankel och fotvinklar vid initial kontakt i löpsteget vid skodd och barfota löpning av i Muay Thai-fighters vana vid träning barfota. Ett andra syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i fotisättning vid barfotalöpning samt löpning med skor. Fotisättning definieras som framfot, mellan fot eller bakre/häl-isättning. Metod: Sjutton (17) Muay Thai atleter (13manliga 4kvinnliga) ställde frivilligt upp att delta i tvärsnittsstudien. Studien ägde rum på PT-Studion Halmstad. Testpersoner utförde 2x3minuter av löpning med och utan skor vid en subjektiv hastighet lika med en 12 på Borg skalan. Båda förhållandena filmades i sagitalplan med iPhone 6. Det dominanta benet definierat som det icke viktbärande benet vid den föredragna boxningspositionen analyserades. Tvådimensionell analys av förändringar i fotisättning, vinklar i knäled, ankelled och fotens position till det horisontella samt fotisättning dokumenterades. Landmärken markerades för att underlätta analysen. T-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i vinkeln av knäled, fotled och ankel vid löpning med skor och barfota. Signifikansnivån för denna studie bestämdes vara statistiskt signifikant om p <0,05. Frekvensen av fotisättningen fördelning jämfördes via chi-square (X2) analys. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad (p=0,034) i fotvinkeln vid initial kontakt med marken under löpning med skor (12 ± 9) och barfota (17 ± 9) hittades, men inga signifikanta skillnader i knäets vinkel ((p=0,076) eller ankel (p=0,081) hittades. Med skor vald 88 % en hälisättning, 6 % en mittfotsisättning och 6 % en främre fotisättning. Vid löpning barfota valde 41 % en hälisättning, 0 % en mittfotsisättning och 59 % en främre fotisättning. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i fotisättningen mellan löpning barfota och med skor vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. Testgruppen har gemensamt att de tränar thaiboxning, dock kan inte den sportspecifika träningen förklara det valda fotisättningsmönstret.
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EU Actorness with and within Southeast Asia in light of Non-traditional Security ChallengesMaier-Knapp, Naila January 2013 (has links)
Nearly four decades of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-European Union (EU) relationship have witnessed the importance of ideas and identity alongside the economic interests in shaping the behaviour of the two sides. The study takes interest in understanding the EU’s actorness and the EU as a normative actor with and within Southeast Asia through a reflectivist lens. The thesis is an attempt to provide a new perspective on a relationship commonly assessed from an economic angle. It outlines the opportunity of non-traditional security (NTS) challenges to enhance EU actorness and normative influence in Southeast Asia.
Against this backdrop, the study explores the dialogue and cooperative initiatives of two regions, which attach relatively little salience to each other. The study employs a NTS lens and draws upon the case of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98, the haze in relation to forest governance, the Bali bombings of 2002 and the political conflict in Aceh. The study assumes that these NTS issues can stimulate processes of threat convergence as well as threat ‘othering’. It argues that these processes enhance European engagement in Southeast Asia and contribute to shaping regional stability in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, NTS crises present situations, where norms can become unstable, contested and substituted. This allows us to better examine the EU as a normative actor.
To establish an understanding of the EU’s actorness and the EU as a normative actor, the empirical evidence will focus on the threat perceptions, motivations of action and activities of the EU and its member states. For the purpose of differentiating the EU as a normative actor, the study will also include the discussion of the normative objectives and behaviours of the EU and its member states and apply a reflectivist theoretical framework.
Hypothetically, NTS crises trigger external assistance and normative influence and thus, they offer an opportunity to establish a more nuanced picture of the EU in the region. At the same time, the study acknowledges that there are a variety of constraints and variables that complicate the EU’s actorness. The thesis seeks to identify and discuss these. So far, scholarly publications have failed to apply the NTS perspective systematically. This thesis provides the first monograph-length treatment of the EU in Southeast Asia through a NTS and reflectivist lens.
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Governing Gambling in the United StatesGarcia, Maria E 01 January 2010 (has links)
The role risk taking has played in American history has helped shape current legislation concerning gambling. This thesis attempts to explain the discrepancies in legislation regarding distinct forms of gambling. While casinos are heavily regulated by state and federal laws, most statutes dealing with lotteries strive to regulate the activities of other parties instead of those of the lottery institutions. Incidentally, lotteries are the only form of gambling completely managed by the government. It can be inferred that the United States government is more concerned with people exploiting gambling than with the actual practice of wagering.
In an effort to more fully understand the gambling debate, whether it should be allowed or banned, I examined different types of sources. Historical sources demonstrate how ingrained in American culture risk taking, the core of gambling, has been since the formation of this nation. Sources dealing with the economic implications of gambling were also studied. Additionally, sources dealings with the political and legal aspects of gambling were essential for this thesis. Legislature has tried to reconcile distinct problems associated with gambling, including corruption. For this reason sports gambling scandals and Mafia connections to gambling have also been examined.
The American government has created much needed legislature to address different concerns relating to gambling. It is apparent that statutes will continue to be passed to help regulate the gambling industry. A possible consideration is the legalization of sports wagering to better regulate that sector of the industry.
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The boxing discourse in late Georgian England / 1780 - 1820 ; a study in civic humanism, gender, class and raceUngar, Ruti 12 November 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht den Diskurs um das Boxen in der englischen Gesellschaft zwischen circa 1780 und 1820. Sie zeigt, dass er ein wichtiger Schauplatz für die Austragung sozialer, politischer und kultureller Konflikte war. Im Diskurs um das Boxen spiegeln sich in besonderem Maße die Konflikte zwischen civic humanism und politeness wieder, des Konfliktes zwischen zwei einander entgegengesetzten Männlichkeitsidealen: das Ideal vom starken Mann, das von den Boxern verkörpert wird und dem gegenüber das Ideal des verweichlichten und einfühlsamen ‚polite man‘. Boxen nimmt auch eine zentrale Funktion in den Debatten über die Rolle der Arbeiterklasse im ‚body politic‘ ein: von Konservativen wurde es eingesetzt als gegenrevolutionäre Maßnahme, um die Masse zu mobilisieren ohne Ihnen eine politische Teilhabe zu geben. Radikale sahen es als ein Instrument, um die Arbeiter zu ermächtigen, sie über Ihre Rechte zu informieren und deren Ansprüche auf Emanzipation zu legitimieren. Boxen war zudem ein Schlachtfeld, um verschiedene Verständnisse von Rasse und nationaler Identität auszutragen: einem Verständnis, dass das nationale Ganze als ethnisch homogen konstruierte und einem inklusiveren Verständnis der englischen Nation, das Minoritäten nicht ausschließen musste. / The study examines the discourse on boxing in English society circa 1780 to 1820. It shows that it was a site of struggle between diverse notions of gender, class, race, and nation. Boxing was a central arena for the opposition between civic humanism and politeness. It was an arena for the struggle between two diametrically opposed manly ideals, the strong and corporeal ideal epitomized by the boxers versus the feminine and sensitive polite ideal. Boxing took on an important role in the debates on the place of the working class in the body politic; conservatives perceived boxing as a counter-revolutionary measure and way to mobilise the masses in defence of their country without granting them political rights. Radicals viewed it as a tool to empowering the workers, educating them on their rights and legitimizing their claims for emancipation. Boxing was also a site of struggle between conflicting notions of race and differing ideas of national identity, specifically between one which saw the nation as ethnically homogenous and another, more cultural understanding of national identity, which was more inclusive to minorities.
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