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Sustainable Business Model Innovation in Vertical Farming Startups : Case Studies of Southeast Asian Vertical Farming Startups / Hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation i vertikala jordbruks-startups : Fallstudier av vertikala jordbruks-startups i SydostasienKelana, Fajar-Sidik-Abdullah January 2022 (has links)
Rapid growing population, urbanization, climate change, decreasing agricultural production, and soil degradation causes massive challenges for food production and supply chain in Southeast Asia, especially in urban areas. A sustainable food production and supply chain system is needed to produce and supply food for Southeast Asia urban areas. One potential solution to those challenges is introducing vertical farming. Vertical farming can produce high-quality crops locally and sustainably by reducing water and land use, decreasing pesticide use, reducing carbon footprint, and growing plants in any climate. This research aims to identify the current status of vertical farming startups in Southeast Asia, investigate the existing challenges and available opportunities in the Southeast Asia vertical farming industry, and analyze the sustainability practices and sustainable business model innovation implemented by Southeast Asia vertical farming startups. A literature review of vertical farming business typology, business model innovation, and sustainable business model innovation is used to create theoretical frameworks in this research. This research is an exploratory multiple case studies research with a qualitative method. The data in this research is collected through interviews with founders and managers from 10 vertical farming startups in Southeast Asia. The interview data is analyzed using vertical farming business typology, business model framework, and sustainable business model innovation archetypes. The research outcomes indicate that the vertical farming industry in Southeast Asia is an early growing industry, and Southeast Asia vertical farming startups are considered as early growing startups with small capital and small teams. Despite existing financial, operational, and market challenges, Southeast Asia vertical farming startups have considerable opportunities to grow with their effort to develop their vertical farming business into a more sustainable business by conducting various sustainability practices and adopting sustainable business model innovation. / Snabbt växande befolkning, urbanisering, klimatförändringar, minskad jordbruksproduktion och markförstöring orsakar enorma utmaningar för livsmedelsproduktionen och försörjningskedjan i Sydostasien, särskilt i stadsområden. En hållbar livsmedelsproduktion och försörjningskedja behövs för att producera och leverera mat till Sydostasiens stadsområden. En potentiell lösning på dessa utmaningar är att införa vertikalt jordbruk. Vertikalt jordbruk kan producera högkvalitativa grödor lokalt och hållbart genom att minska vatten- och markanvändningen, minska användningen av bekämpningsmedel, minska koldioxidavtrycket och odla växter i alla klimat. Denna forskning syftar till att identifiera den nuvarande statusen för vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien, undersöka de befintliga utmaningarna och tillgängliga möjligheter i den vertikala jordbruksindustrin och analysera hållbarhetspraxis och hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation som implementerats av vertikala jordbruks-startups. En litteraturgenomgång av vertikal jordbruksverksamhetstypologi och hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation används för att skapa teoretiskt ramverk i denna studie. I detta examensarbete tillämpas en kvalitativ forskning med flera fallstudier. Data samlas in genom intervjuer med grundare och chefer från 10 vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien. Intervjudata analyseras med hjälp av typologi för vertikal jordbruksföretag, ramverk för affärsmodeller och arketyper för hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation. Resultaten indikerar att den vertikala jordbruksindustrin i Sydostasien är en tidig växande industri, med tidigt växande startups med litet kapital och små team. Trots befintliga ekonomiska, operativa och marknadsmässiga utmaningar har vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien stora möjligheter att växa med sina ansträngningar att utveckla sin vertikala jordbruksverksamhet till en mer hållbar verksamhet genom att bedriva olika hållbarhetsmetoder och införa hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation.
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Two-Sided Digital Platforms as Enablers for Circular Economy Business ModelsAhmed, Aamer January 2022 (has links)
The circular economy has become one of the most crucial business plans for organizations. There is rapid progress in using digital technologies, especially two-sided digital platforms as enablers for various businesses and start-ups to grow rapidly. However, these digital platforms are facing significant obstacles and barriers in advertising their products, growing sales, and improving profitability. There is not enough scientific research and scholarly work that has been undertaken or focused on the strategies to promote the circular economy from the aspect of information systems. The purpose of this research aims to explore the major possible contributing techniques that can be implemented to enhance the utilization of digital platforms as enablers for the circular economy. In this study, qualitative exploratory research has been considered as an adequate and suitable scheme for generating a contextual understanding of the phenomenon. 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were among individuals and within several organizations that are associated with the circular economy. According to the data collected from the survey, the most visible elements that affected the decision of the participants while using the digital platform are price, quality, sustainability, and location. Based on the findings, this study makes critical recommendations to tackle the problems that hinder the development of the circular economy among individuals, companies, and organizations. The recommended themes for circular economy strategies are to increase customer satisfaction, focus on opportunities, improve trustworthiness (online reviews), set up reliable return policies, and increase stakeholder engagement
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Enabling Circular Business Model Innovation : A Multiple-Case Study of Swedish SMEs and Business Support for Circularity / Möjliggörande av cirkulär affärsmodellsinnovation : En studie av svenska små och medelstora företag samt företagsstöd för cirkularitetDyremark, Johanna, Gustafsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Circular economy (CE) is seen as a strategy to achieve sustainable development, requiring commitment and support from multiple actors on all system levels; from companies and products to governments and nations. Circular business models (CBMs) are regarded as an important leverage to implement circularity at an organizational level, and business support is considered an important enabler of these. Communication between practitioners and policy-makers, as well as understanding the barriers of CE in the local context, can facilitate the development of efficient business support. This thesis has from a company perspective explored barriers to circular business model innovation (CBMI) and the impact of firm-specific business support activities on this innovation process. This was done through a multiple-case study of ten Swedish SMEs who had received direct business support for circularity, and thus had initiated a circular project. The study has identified seventeen different barriers across five categories, spanning over the entire innovation process from idea to full implementation. Overall, economic viability appears to be an important factor which relates to and depends on several other barriers, and the novelty of CE contributes to the occurrence of many identified challenges. While some barriers are more common across all ten cases, often challenges related to market demand, financing and knowledge, others are more specific for each case and circular strategy. Furthermore, this study has found that coaching, training, and funding are firm-specific activities that can help SMEs overcome mainly internal barriers in the early stages of the CBMI process, addressing several of the most common barriers identified in this study. This research has also included a company perspective on the costs and benefits of the activities, and pointed at important factors to consider in the development of future business support. / Cirkulär ekonomi ses som en strategi för att uppnå hållbar utveckling, och kräver engagemang och stöd från flertalet aktörer på samtliga systemnivåer; från företag och produkter till regeringar och nationer. Cirkulära affärsmodeller betraktas som en viktig hävstång för att implementera cirkularitet på en organisatorisk nivå, och företagsstöd anses vara en viktig möjliggörare av dessa. Kommunikation mellan utövare och beslutsfattare, samt förståelse för barriärer till cirkulär ekonomi i det lokala sammanhanget, kan underlätta utvecklandet av effektiva företagsstöd. Denna uppsats har ur ett företagsperspektiv utforskat barriärer till cirkulär affärsmodellsinnovation och den inverkan som företagsstöd har på denna innovationsprocess. Detta utfördes genom en fallstudie av tio svenska små och medelstora företag som mottagit stöd för cirkularitet, och som således initierat ett cirkulärt projekt. Studien har identifierat sjutton barriärer inom fem kategorier, vilka sträcker sig över hela innovationsprocessen från idé till full implementation. Generellt framträder ekonomisk livskraft som en viktig faktor, relaterad till samt beroende av flertalet andra barriärer, och nymodigheten i cirkulär ekonomi bidrar till förekommande av flera identifierade barriärer. Medan vissa barriärer är mer vanligt förekommande bland de tio fallen, ofta utmaningar relaterade till marknadens efterfrågan, finansiering och kunskap, är andra mer specifika för varje fall och cirkulär strategi. Vidare finner denna studie att rådgivning, träning och finansiering är företagsspecifika aktiviteter som kan hjälpa små och medelstora företag att överkomma huvudsakligen interna barriärer i de tidiga faserna av cirkulär affärsmodellsinnovation, och som bemöter flertalet av de vanligaste barriärerna som har identifierats i denna studie. Denna studie har även inkluderat ett företagsperspektiv på aktiviteternas nytta och kostnader, samt belyst viktiga faktorer att ta hänsyn till i utvecklingen av framtida företagsstöd.
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Innovations in the business model : Leapfrogging competitors in the Swedish rental housing market / Innovationer i affärsmodellen : Få försprång över konkurrenterna i den svenska hyresmarknadenZAKIPOUR MAHMOUDI, ANNA, ATIGHECHI, ARSHAM January 2020 (has links)
A dilemma that has plagued the rental housing market (RHM) in Sweden is the lack of innovation and companies’ ability to disrupt the market. For start-ups with scarce resources, this becomes further problematic as they become limited in how they can approach disruption. In this study, the possibilities of reaching disruption, or further improving innovation within the Business Model (BM), is studied through the BM Canvas framework. Furthermore, action research was utilized, together with a case study, to create a realistic BM. A qualitative research approach was used with 17 interviews conducted amongst users of already existing platforms in the Rental Housing Swap Market (RHSM), namely the, landlords, politicians and academics within the field. This resulted in two subsequent themes being identified: building incentives for key partners to scale quicker and that a low resource approach requires a highly creative solution. These two themes indicate that if resources are available, innovating the BM through all the BM blocks creates better opportunities for an improved platform. Additionally, while both start-ups and incumbent firms can turn to BM innovation for disruption, the success rate is vastly different for the two. The stage of where a start-up is will determine the difficulty of BM innovation. However, if resources are unavailable, which is the case for some start-ups, it is seemingly better to turn to radical innovation through the use of key infrastructure partnerships – allowing new paradigms to emerge as a result. The results from this study implicate that there are possible gaps within BM innovation that should be studied further. More specifically, how the BM blocks should be prioritized and the differences between the prioritization among different industries. / Ett dilemma som har besvärat den svenska hyresmarknaden är bristen på innovation och förmågan för företag att inträda den redan etablerade marknaden, vilket blir en förhöjd svårighet för nystartade bolag vid ett tidigt skede där det finns väldigt sköra resurser. Denna studie undersöker möjligheterna för en lansering som kan störa marknaden med hjälp av innovation av affärsmodellen där ramverket BM Canvas har använts. Forskningen har bedrivits med hjälp av aktionsforskning och ett tillvägagångssätt av en kvalitativ studie där 17 intervjuer utförts med användare på existerande plattformar i bytesmarknaden, hyresvärdar, politiker och akademiker. Resultatet indikerade framställningen av två teman: att bygga incitament för partnerskap med nyckelaktörer för att skala upp snabbt samt att ett kreativt tillvägagångssätt är nödvändigt om det finns låga resurser i bolaget. Studien illustrerar att en ömsesidig anpassning av alla bropelare i affärsmodellen är nödvändiga för att uppnå bästa möjligheter för en förbättrad plattform. Trots att både nystartade bolag och etablerade företag kan vända sig till BM innovation för disruption så varierar deras framgång mellan de två olika typerna av företag. Om det däremot inte finns tillräckligt med resurser, vilket är en sannolik position för ett nystartat bolag, skapar man bättre möjligheter för radikala innovationer genom användningen av innovation inom infrastrukturen av affärsmodellen som skapar nya paradigm att uppstå som resultat. Resultaten av denna studie visar på att det finns potentiella förbättringsområden inom ämnet av BM innovation som bör studeras vidare i framtiden. Mer specifikt, om hur de olika BM blocken bör prioriteras och hur denna prioritering varierar mellan olika industrier.
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Monetizing on-premises software : An explorative study on revenue models of B2B software providers / Intäktsgenerering från lokal mjukvara : En explorativ studie på intäktsmodeller för B2B mjukvaruleverantörerLundström, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of useful revenue models for B2B oriented providers of on-premises software. To fulfill the purpose, two research questions are answered. RQ1: What revenue models are commonly used by B2B providers of on-premises software? RQ2: What are the advantages and disadvantages with the different models? Method: An interview study was conducted, with a total of nine respondents. eight respondents representing B2B software providers, and one respondent experienced with software procurement who provided a customer point of view. The interviews were transcribed and analysed through a thematical analysis, where codes were generated and sorted depending on which revenue model the respondent was talking about. Findings: The findings contain five revenue models that is viable to use in order to monetize on-premises software for B2B providers. Subscription and perpetual licensing, which seem very popular and where there is a trend to move towards subscription. Usage-based revenue models, which carry good potential if the provider can measure customers’ usage in a reliable and secure way. Open source offers multiple ways to generate revenue from the software, mainly by creating additional services. Lastly, the study found a respondent with experience of using a gain-sharing model. Strengths and weaknesses have been identified for all of the models, which enables better evaluation to which situations they are suitable selections for software providers. The findings are also compared towards existing theory related to the revenue models. Implications: The results contribute towards extending the knowledge of revenue models for provision of on-premises software, how the industry operates today and what pros and cons that are associated to various models. The results may be used by managers to improve their business models by making better decisions about revenue model design, and it provides a more updated picture of current state of business which allows future research to continue exploring how software providers may optimize their revenue models. Limitations and future research: The study contain information from nine industry experts, but it would still be beneficial to continue studying the industry and generating more views of various ways to monetize software. Focus could be put on interviewing people outside of Sweden or how software providers’ competitive situations affect revenue model suitability. / Syfte: Den här studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för intäktsmodeller användbara för B2B-leverantörer av lokalt installerad mjukvara. Syftet ska uppnås genom att besvara följande två forskningsfrågor. RQ1: Vilka intäktsmodeller är vanligt förekommande bland B2B leverantörer av lokalt installerad mjukvara? RQ2: Vad är för- och nackdelarna med de olika modellerna? Metod: En intervjustudie med totalt nio respondenter genomfördes där åtta respondenter representerade B2B-leverantörer av mjukvara, och där den nionde bidrog med ett kundperspektiv på mjukvaruinköp. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultat: Studiens resultat består av fem intäktsmodeller som bedöms vara användbara för att tjäna pengar på lokalt installerad mjukvara som B2B leverantör. Prenumerationslösningar och evighetslicensiering, som verkar väldigt populära och med en trend som pekar på ökad användning av prenumerationer. Användningsbaserade intäktsmodeller, vilka bedöms ha stor potential om leverantören har möjlighet att mäta kundernas användning pålitligt och säkert sätt. Öppen källkod(open source) erbjuder flertalet sätt att generera intäkter från mjukvaran, främst genom skapandet av servicetjänster. Slutligen så identifierades studien en respondent med erfarenhet av att använda vinstdelning som intäktsmodell för lokalt installerad mjukvara. För- och nackdelar identifierades för alla fem modeller, vilket möjliggör bättre grundade beslut gällande när intäktsmodeller är lämpliga att användas av mjukvaruleverantörer. Resultaten jämförs även med befintlig teori kopplad till de olika intäktsmodellerna. Implikationer: Resultaten bidrar till att utöka kunskapen of intäktsmodeller för tillhandahållande av lokalt installerad mjukvara, hur branschen arbetar i dagsläget samt vilka för- och nackdelar som medförs av de olika modellerna. Resultaten kan nyttjas för att förbättra affärsmodeller genom att möjliggöra bättre beslut angående utformning av intäktsmodell, och bidrar även genom att tillhandahålla en uppdaterad beskrivning av det befintliga affärsläget vilket underlättar för framtida forskning på hur mjukvaruleverantörer kan optimera sina intäktsmodeller. Begränsningar och framtida forskning: Studien innehåller information från nio branschexperter, men det vore ändå vara fördelaktigt att fortsatt studera branschen och generera ytterliga synpunkter kring möjliga sätt att skapa intäkter från mjukvara. Fokus skulle kunna läggas på att intervjua personer utanför Sverige eller på att studera hur mjukvaruleverantörers konkurrenssituation påverkar intäktsmodellers lämplighet.
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It takes two to innovate : Attitudinal commitment and business model innovationOlsson, Maria, Matsson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Strategic Sustainable Trigger Questions: How Strategic Sustainable Development might be introduced in the Lean Startup through the Business Model CanvasVan der Molen, Thomas, Bagrianski, Anastasia January 2016 (has links)
We are living in the “Anthropocene” the era in which human activities are responsible for severe damage to the resilience of the ecological and social systems, undermining the Earth’s autopoetic mechanism, integrity and ability to function as a healthy complex adaptive systems. The prevailing societal paradigm for business practices has yet to realise the reality of our current global unsustainable state – and the shift necessary to move us forward collectively. Startup companies have a unique opportunity to gain and leverage competitiveness and attractiveness for funding and customers through sustainability driven business strategies, models and value propositions. This research analyses literature, document and interview data to explore if and how current practices in the Lean Startup contribute to a sustainable society – and how a Strategic Sustainable Development approach might be introduced to enhance the resilience of Lean Startups. Therefore, our key recommendations for Lean Startups that want to introduce an SSD approach are: to raise awareness about the sustainability challenges and opportunities; utilise backcasting towards a vision framed by the Sustainability Principles; focus on fulfilling fundamental basic Human Needs; utilize strategic prioritization questions when pivoting and combine the FSSD ABCD process with the Lean BML cycle. Ultimately, this thesis proposes the use of Strategic Sustainable Trigger Questions to (re)design sustainable business models and value-propositions. We conclude that “asking the right questions - rather than giving answers up front” might spark conversations and innovations in Lean Startups, beneficial for the sustainability of both the individual startup the larger socio-ecological systems.
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'n Ondersoek na die oorsake vir die gaping tussen strategiese rigting en maatskappyresultate by APL Cartons (Pty) Ltd, en die ontwikkeling van 'n bestuursmodel waarmee die gaping deur middel van projekbestuurs- en strategiese bestuursbeginsels oorbrug kan wordGreef, F. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since packaging materials comprise a substantial percentage, namely 35% of the entire input
cost on a fruit farm, the four largest fruit producers in the Western Cape decided in 1988 to
erect their own corrugated cardboard plant at Worcester, namely A P L Cartons.
The driving force of the company is to minimise the longterm input cost of packaging material
in a sustainable manner. Therefore cost effectiveness and competitiveness had to be a distinct
characteristic of the company. The company's corporate strategy is aimed at strong growth by
means of a best value strategy that adds to the value of clients' products and production
Despite a well formulated strategy, it has been found that key targets are not met according to
expected standards. While profitability, productivity, cost effectiveness and the workers'
moral are on the decline, there is a constant rising in downtime, quality rejections and waste at
the plant. The problem is further complicated when one takes into account that the company
still succeeds in maintaining its specific growth performances. Yet, this take place at the
expense of effectiveness in the plant.
A literature study will be conducted to establish the general causes for strategic gaps at
companies. Against this background the reasons for the gap between the strategic direction
and the company results at A P L Cartons will be identified.
A literature study will also be conducted to determine the project management and strategic
management approach to goal achievement. This will be developed into a management model
for bridging the strategic gap at A P L Cartons.
An investigation into companies that have experienced project failures revealed two main
causes, namely that such companies:
a) Don't have a framework for projects; or
b) Don't have a distinct strategic direction.
Therefore strategic, as well as project managers must act as facilitators who rely on delegating
and co-ordinating in order to create conditions for performance instead of failure.
From the study it appeared that the main reasons for strategic gaps at A P L Cartons are the
following, namely :
a) Although a definite strategic direction has been formulated, the company does not have a
proper framework for the implementation of its strategy, projects and initiatives.
b) Functional managers do not contribute on a cross-functional basis to the training and
development of skills lacking in other departments.
c) The development of functional and competitive strategies don't go further merely than
their formulation. Therefore they can't support the implementation of corporate strategy.
d) Senior management is too intent on operational detail, so much so that a helicopter like
vision of a strategic direction and its implementation mostly is lacking.
e) There doesn't exist a procedure for the identification, handling and managing of critical
issues for strategy implementation.
The study suggests two related tools for the handling of critical matters, namely a critical issue
management form and a critical issue register. This forms part of a management tool that can
be utilised alongside a management model and management framework, especially developed
for A P L Cartons to strive for reaching strategic goals. The framework was developed after
discovering that both strategy and projects can be managed within the same framework of
reference since both share the same origin and substructure. The origin is found in corporate
objectives, while a directional value system provides its substructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien pakmateriaal 'n wesenlike gedeelte, naam1ik 35 persent van totale boerdery
insetkoste in die vrugtebedryf beslaan, het die vier grootste vrugteprodusente in die Wes-Kaap
in 1988 besluit om hul eie riffelkarton vervaardigingsaanleg, naamlik A P L Cartons te
Worcester op te rig.
Die dryfkrag van die maatskappy is om pakmateriaal insetkoste oor die langtermyn
handhaafbaar te minimiseer. Daarom moes kostedoeltreffendheid en mededingendheid 'n
onderskeidende kenmerk van die maatskappy wees. Die korporatiewe strategie van die
maatskappy is ingestel op versnelde groei by wyse van 'n waarde-strategie wat
waardetoevoegend tot kliente se produkte en produksieprosesse is.
Ondanks 'n goed geformuleerde strategie, word gevind dat sleuteldoelstellings nie teen
verwagte standaarde bereik word nie. Terwyl winsgewendheid, produktiwiteit,
kostedoeltreffendheid en werknemermoraal afneem, styg staantye, kwaliteitsafkeurings en
afval in die aanleg. Die probleemstelling word verder gekompliseer indien in ag geneem word
dat die maatskappy steeds daarin slaag om sy reele groeiprestasie voort te sit. Dit vind egter
plaas ten koste van doelmatigheid in die aanleg.
Daar sal op 'n literatuurstudie staatgemaak word om die algemene oorsake van strategiese
gapings by ondernemings vas te stel. Teen die agtergrond sal die oorsake vir die gaping
tussen die strategiese rigting en maatskappyresultate van A P L Cartons identifiseer word.
'n Verdere literatuurstudie sal onderneem word om vas te stel wat onderskeidelik die
projekbestuursbenadering en strategiese bestuursbenadering tot doelwitbereiking is. Daaruit
sal 'n bestuursmodel vir die oorbrugging van die strategiese gaping by A P L Cartons
ontwikkel word.
'n Ondersoek na projekmislukkings by maatskappye identifiseer twee hoof-oorsake daarvoor,
naamlik dat sulke maatskappye :
a) Nie oor 'n raamwerk vir projekte beskik nie; of
b) Nie oor 'n duidelike strategiese rigting beskik nie.
Daarom moet strategiese en projekbestuurders optree as fasiliteerders wat staatmaak op
delegering en koordinering om die omstandighede te skep vir prestasie pleks van mislukking.
Uit die ondersoek is vasgestel dat die hoof-oorsake vir strategiese gapings by A P L Cartons
die volgende is, naamlik :
a) Alhoewel 'n duidelike strategiese rigting geformuleer is, beskik die maatskappy nie oor 'n
raamweek vir die implementering van strategie, projekte en inisiatiewe nie.
b) Funksionele bestuurders dra nie kruisfunksioneel by tot die opleiding en ontwikkeling van
vaardighede wat in ander departemente ontbreek nie.
c) Funksionele en mededingende strategiee word nie verder as die formulering daarvan
ontwikkel nie. Gevolglik rugsteun dit nie die korporatiewe strategie tot implementering
d) Senior bestuur is te ingegrawe in operasionele detail, sodat 'n helikoptervisie oor
strategiese rigting en implementering meestal ontbreek.
e) Daar bestaan nie 'n werkswyse vir die identifisering, hantering en bestuur van kritiese
kwessies vir strategie-implementering nie.
Die ondersoek stel twee instrumente wat met mekaar verband hou voor vir die hantering van
kritieke kwessies naamlik 'n kritieke kwessie bestuursvorm en 'n kritieke kwessie register.
Dit vorm 'n bestuursinstrument wat saam met 'n bestuursmodel en -raamwerk, wat vir A P L
Cartons ontwikkel is, gebruik kan word om strategiese doelwitbereiking na te streef. Die
raamwerk is ontwikkel nadat vasgestel is dat strategie en projekte binne dieselfde
verwysingsraamwerk bestuur kan word, omdat beide dieselfde oorsprong en onderbou deel.
Die oorsprong word gevind by korporatiewe doelstellings, terwyl 'n rigtinggewende
waardestelsel die onderbou daarvoor verleen.
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Phoenix rising: A study of the challenges sharing economy companies face when internationalizingCampbell, Ava, Thornton, Heidi January 2016 (has links)
International business strategy is a widely investigated topic, with a plethora of related research. Aspects such as the internationalization process and the challenges faced when entering a foreign market have been widely examined, with the majority of existing literature linked to multinational corporations and companies of a traditional nature. However, there is a lack of research based on companies operating within the sharing economy. This is in contrast to the attention that has been given to the study of small entrepreneurial firms, such as international new ventures and born globals. Hence making the sharing economy a valuable area of investigation in terms of internationalization. With more and more companies breaking away from the traditional norms of operation, this modern approach to business requires a deeper understanding. Due to the very nature of the sharing economy, companies are highly likely to internationalize and do so from an early stage, and knowledge of the challenges related to the process is therefore vital. Such recognition provided the motivation for this study, in the belief that it will provide valuable knowledge to companies, as well as contribute to the existing body of literature. This study sets out to fill this knowledge gap by exploring the challenges faced by sharing economy companies when internationalizing. Furthermore, the study seeks to examine the effects such challenges have on the company and how they can be overcome. Research was carried out through a qualitative case study of six companies, out of which; four have already internationalized and two are yet to internationalize. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the founders and senior managers, with questions relating to both internal and external challenges. The challenges were examined and their impact on the internationalization process explained. The researchers conclude that both internal and external challenges impacted the internationalization process, and that many challenges were somewhat interconnected. From the challenges identified, the following were considered critical: networks, business model, funding and leadership decision-making. Overcoming such challenges can lessen the effects of other challenges and make the internationalization process more successful.
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台灣線上音樂營運模式之探索白紀齡 Unknown Date (has links)
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