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Sales to Service: How businesses can incorporate service attributes to drive customer retention.Terry, Siera Santos 24 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Proyecto de emprendimiento sobre carteras a base de fibra vegetal hechas por comunidades de Catacaos / Entrepreneurship project on vegetable fiber-based hanbag made by Catacaos communities.Castro Ramírez, Diego Alonso, Farfan Zelaya, Anghela Betsabeth, Zuleta Nako, Celso Yasuo, Pacchioni Cubillas, Enzo Giovanny 11 July 2020 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación nace de un análisis sobre la problemática ambiental y social que afecta la vida de los seres vivos y de las comunidades peruanas. En ese sentido, uno de los principales problemas ambientales está relacionado con los residuos contaminantes que se necesitan para producir carteras de cuero y sintéticos. El uso indiscriminado de este tipo de materiales en la industria de la moda genera inestabilidad en el ecosistema. Frente a esta problemática, se propone un modelo de negocio relacionado a la comercialización de carteras de fibra vegetal por redes sociales para un nicho ecológico de mujeres que se preocupan por tener accesorios eco amigables en Lima Metropolitana. La elaboración de las carteras de fibra vegetal será de responsabilidad de la Asociación de Tejedoras Ñari Walac Arte, las cuales, son representadas por un grupo de tejedoras de la provincia de Piura, Catacaos. Punto fundamental de nuestro modelo de negocio es la exposición del talento de las tejedoras del norte del Perú. El proyecto contempla la evaluación financiera para los próximos 3 años, la cual inicia a mediados del 2020. Para el inicio de operaciones se necesita una inversión de S/44,193, y se espera una rentabilidad de S/57,421 a finales del tercer año en el Flujo de Caja Económico y una rentabilidad de S/59,716 en el Flujo de Caja Financiero. La tasa interna de retorno representa el 26.4% recuperándose la inversión en 2.5 años considerando un crecimiento económico moderado debido a la pandemia por el COVID-19. La estructura financiera está conformada por 65% de capital propio y 35% financiado a través de una Fintech. El proyecto presenta una perspectiva financiera positiva para los inversionistas, así como permite el desarrollo de las comunidades y promueve el consumo responsable de productos ecológicos. / The research work stems from an analysis of the environmental and social problems that affect the lives of living beings and of Peruvian communities. In this sense, one of the main environmental problems is related to the polluting residues that are needed to produce leather and synthetic wallets. The indiscriminate use of this type of material in the fashion industry generates instability in the ecosystem. Faced with this problem, a business model related to the commercialization of vegetable fiber handbag through social networks is proposed for an ecological niche of women who worry about having ecofriendly accessories in Metropolitan Lima. The production of vegetable fiber handbags will be the responsibility of the Ñari Walac Arte Weavers Association, which are represented by a group of weavers from the Piura province, Catacaos. Fundamental point of our business model is the exhibition of the talent of weavers in northern Peru.
The project contemplates the financial evaluation for the next 3 years, which begins in mid-2020. An investment of S / 44,193 is required for the start of operations, and a profitability of S / 57,421 is expected at the end of the third year in Economic Cash Flow and a profitability of S / 59,716 in Financial Cash Flow. The internal rate of return represents 26.4%, recovering the investment in 2.5 years considering a moderate economic growth due to the pandemic by COVID-19. The financial structure is made up of 65% of its own capital and 35% financed through a Fintech. The project presents a positive financial perspective for investors, as well as allows the development of communities and promotes the responsible consumption of organic products. / Trabajo de investigación
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Hur ska fastighetsägare bemöta hyresgästersframtida behov? : En studie avseende digitalisering och desspåverkan på kontorslokaler. / How should property owners meet tenants'future needs? : - A study on digitalization and itsimpact on offices.Budak, Mehmet, Andersson, Lukas January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur digitalisering påverkar olika företag och därmed upplysa Fastighets AB L E Lundberg om deras befintliga hyresgäster får förändrade beteenden inom verksamheten som på sikt kan leda till förändrade lokalbehov. Detta för att informera Fastighets AB L E Lundberg om de behöver se över affärsmodellen med långa avtalstider som kan bli ohållbart i framtiden. Studiens resultat bygger på svar från intervjupersoner som representerar de olika företagen som hyr kommersiella lokaler av Fastighets AB L E Lundberg. Totalt intervjuades nio företag, varav ett företag intervjuades över elektroniskt källa. Intervjuerna gick ut på att intervjupersonerna fick svara på en enkät som innehöll frågor om ”digitalisering” då – och nutid samt ”fastighet” då – och nutid. Resultatet visar att alla företag är medvetna om begreppet digitalisering och har ändrat någon del av verksamheten åt det digitala hållet. En del företag, beroende på verksamhet, har påverkats mer internt medan andra företag har påverkats mer externt mot kund och omvärld. Enligt resultatet kommer digitalisering att påverka företag i allt större utsträckning i framtiden och ställa högre krav på fastighetsägarens affärsmodell med långa kontraktstider. / The purpose of the study has been to investigate how digitalization affects different companies and thus inform Fastighets AB L E Lundberg if their existing tenants get changed behaviors within the business which in the long term can lead to changed facillity needs. This is to inform Fastighets AB L E Lundberg if they need to revise the business model with long contractual periods that may become unsustainable in the future. The study's results are based on responses from interviewees who represent the various companies that rent commercial premises by Fastighets AB L E Lundberg. A total of nine companies were interviewed, of which a company was interviewed via electronic source. The interviews suggested that the interviewees answer a questionnaire that contained questions about "digitalization" then - and presently as well as "real estate" then - and presently. The result shows that all companies are aware of the concept of digitalization and have changed some part of the business in the digital way. Some companies, depending on their business, have been affected more internally while other companies have been affected more externally to customers and environment. According to the result digitalization will affect companies to an increasing extent in the future and impose higher demands on the property owner's business model with long contract times.
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Rethinking Business Models and Strategies to Incorporate Sustainability in the Clothing Industry : Research on Swedish Based Companies / Omställning av strategier och affärsmodeller för att integrera hållbarhet i klädindutrinFidvi, Husain, Vargas Orellana, Julio January 2022 (has links)
Clothing apparel industry contributes to approximately 10% of the total carbon emissions globally which has raised increasing attention to this industry in order to make it more sustainable. To achieve this transition, the fashion industry needs to change its linear model towards circularity and for that matter, business model innovation is an important tool. Circular business models have emerged covering the different aspects of circularity: reuse, repair, refurbish and recycle and are being currently explored by startups and incumbents. This research’s purpose is to analyze and discuss these emerging circular business models from the perspectives and activities of business model innovation of a startup and an incumbent. To support the analysis, an analytical framework was defined, covering the different aspects of circularity and the business models related to them. Interviews with sustainability experts and Swedish fashion companies were carried on understanding their views regarding sustainability and approach when it comes to innovating their business models and to understand their strengths, disadvantages and challenges that they face in adopting these business models. A qualitative analysis based on the analytical framework and the interviews was done, comparing startups and incumbents with regards to the adoption of these emerging circular business models and the increasing complexity when moving outwards through the circularity loops, concluding that startups have strengths which facilitate the adoption of business models inner loops while incumbents can leverage their optimized supply chains and abundant resources for business models in the outer loops which involve more complex processes, like production and recycling. / Klädindustrin bidrar till cirka 10 % av de totala koldioxidutsläppen globalt, vilket har väckt allt större uppmärksamhet för denna industri för att göra den mer hållbar. För att uppnå denna övergång behöver modeindustrin ändra sin linjära modell mot cirkuläritet och för den delen är affärsmodellinnovation ett viktigt verktyg. Cirkulära affärsmodeller har dykt upp som täcker de olika aspekterna av cirkularitet: återanvändning, reparation, renovering och återvinning och utforskas för närvarande av nystartade företag och etablerade företag. Syftet med denna forskning är att analysera och diskutera dessa framväxande cirkulära affärsmodeller utifrån perspektiven och aktiviteterna för affärsmodellinnovation av en nystartad och en dominerande operatör. För att stödja analysen definierades ett analytiskt ramverk som täcker de olika aspekterna av cirkularitet och de affärsmodeller som är relaterade till dem. Intervjuer med hållbarhetsexperter och svenska modeföretag genomfördes för att förstå deras syn på hållbarhet och deras förhållningssätt när det gäller att förnya sina affärsmodeller och för att förstå deras styrkor, nackdelar och utmaningar som de står inför när de anammar dessa affärsmodeller. En kvalitativ analys baserad på det analytiska ramverket och intervjuerna gjordes, där startups och etablerade företag jämfördes med avseende på antagandet av dessa framväxande cirkulära affärsmodeller och den ökande komplexiteten när man rör sig utåt genom cirkularitetsslingorna, och drog slutsatsen att startups har styrkor som underlättar adoptionen av affärsmodeller inre loopar medan etablerade operatörer kan utnyttja sina optimerade leveranskedjor och rikliga resurser för affärsmodeller i de yttre looparna som involverar mer komplexa processer, som produktion och återvinning.
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Innovative Business Models within the Swedish Proptech sector / Innovativa Affärsmodeller inom den svenska Proptech-sektornLazarevic, David, Saleh, Seif January 2019 (has links)
The technological changes and digitalization are on the rise within the real estate market as new innovations are being developed and is within the real estate market known as proptech. However, the real estate sector is known to be slow in adapting to new innovative changes and therefore, been slow in developing the real estate market which has led to lagging behind in creating new solutions. The purpose of this research is to examine the current proptech sector in regards of existing business models and business model innovations. The proptech sector is in parts divided into real estate fintech and smart buildings, where this study will explore how these innovative business models can be established within the Swedish property sector and what is needed in order for this to be achieved. The research is of the qualitative method and is conducted through semi-structured interviews with four participants in each of the proptech sectors. This research also evaluates the theory of disruptive innovation and how the business models relates to the theory. The findings of the research are the business models of the companies identified and interviewed. The concepts and the business models presented, are following structures from previous research on business model, where each defined aspect of their business model is presented. The findings represent the answer and a small portion of what business models that exist within the Swedish proptech-sector today. The findings are thematically analyzed, enabling answering and drawing conclusion on the research question. The conclusion is that the key factors of the establishment of a business model is based on having a product that provides a solution to an existing problem and creating a demand. There also has to be a receptive market for the possibility of establishment. Future research suggests that a research on the process of business model innovation within incumbents of the property sector is a highly relevant research field, lacking previous research. / En ständig utveckling i teknologin och en ökade möjligheter för digitalisering, har lett till en ökning av digitala verktyg och lösningar inom fastighetsbranschen, känt som proptech. Fastighetsbranschen däremot, är känd för att vara en traditionell bransch där en långsam anpassning till innovativa och digitala lösningar såsom proptech har gjort att fastighetsbranschen idag hamnat efter i digitaliseringsprocessen. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka nuvarande proptech-sektorn och deras affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation. Rapporten har utefter tidigare studier delat upp proptech i två segment; real estate fintech och smarta byggnader, där denna studie kommer att undersöka etableringsprocessen för innovativa affärsmodeller inom proptech, samt vad som krävs för att lyckas med att etablera sig. Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie där semi-strukturerade intervjuer ligger till grund för resultaten. Undersökningen bygger även på teorin kring disruptive innovation och hur affärsmodellerna som undersöks förhåller sig till denna. Resultaten i rapporten består dels av de identifierade affärsmodellerna som representerar en del av den befintliga proptech-sektorn i Sverige idag. Företagens affärsmodeller är presenterade utefter tidigare forskning på affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation, där en klar fördelning av samtliga aspekter av en affärsmodell presenteras. För att möjliggöra ett svar på etableringsprocessen har en tematisk analys genomförts på resultaten. Detta har även möjliggjort en slutsats. Slutsatsen är att nyckelfaktorerna i en etableringsprocess består av en värdeskapande produkt, som skapar ett behov och tillfredsställer en lösning till nuvarande problem inom dess specifika marknad. Ytterligare en nyckelfaktor är en marknad som är mottaglig för att möjliggöra en etableringsprocess. Slutligen föreslås framtida studier inom affärsmodellsinnovations-processen hos etablerade företag inom fastighetsbranschen, det saknas studier inom detta område och det anses vara relevant.
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Business Model Innovation For Potentially Disruptive Technologies: The Case Of Big Pharmaceutical Firms Accommodating BiotechnologiesTangour, Cyrine 07 June 2023 (has links)
Potenziell disruptive Technologien sind schwer zu vermarkten, weil sie mit Werten verbunden sind, die für etablierte Unternehmen neu sind. Ohne geeignete Geschäftsmodellinnovation gelingt es den etablierten Unternehmen nicht, neue, potenziell disruptive Technologien auf den Markt zu bringen. Die aufkeimende Literatur über disruptive Innovationen bietet nur begrenzte Empfehlungen zu spezifischen Geschäftsmodellelementen, die dazu dienen können, potenziell disruptive Technologien zu integrieren. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie große Pharmaunternehmen Biotechnologien in die Gestaltung ihrer Geschäftsmodellinnovation einbezogen haben, um erfolgreiche Elemente der Geschäftsmodellgestaltung zu ermitteln.
Es wird ein qualitativer Forschungsansatz gewählt, der aus drei Studien besteht. Zunächst werden nach einer systematischen Literaturrecherche zur Geschäftsmodellforschung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie 45 Arbeiten ausgewählt und qualitativ ausgewertet. Zweitens werden qualitative halbstrukturierte Interviews mit 16 Experten in großen Pharmaunternehmen geführt. Die Transkripte werden mit der Methode der Qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Schließlich wird eine Clusteranalyse durchgeführt, um den von allen digitalen Angeboten großer Pharmaunternehmen vorgeschlagenen und gelieferten Wert zu ermitteln.
In dieser Arbeit werden erstmals zwei Geschäftsmodelle großer Pharmaunternehmen aus der Zeit vor und nach der Einführung der Biotechnologien beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit wird argumentiert, dass für die Anpassung an potenziell disruptive Technologien folgende Geschäftsmodellelemente empfohlen werden: Kollaborationsportfolios und digitale Servitisierung. Erstens sollten etablierte Unternehmen ein Portfolio von Kooperationsformaten entwickeln, indem sie die Breite der Partner (einschließlich der Wettbewerber) diversifizieren und alle Aktivitäten in ihrer Wertschöpfungskette abdecken. Zweitens sollten die etablierten Unternehmen den Wert, den sie anbieten, und die Art und Weise, wie sie diesen Wert für etablierte und neue Kundensegmente bereitstellen, innovativ gestalten, indem sie ihre Produkte mit ergänzenden Dienstleistungen bündeln, insbesondere mit solchen, die digital ermöglicht werden. Digitale Dienstleistungen dienen dazu, die Bedürfnisse der Kunden mit denen des Herstellers zu verknüpfen.
Neben der Weiterentwicklung der Theorie über disruptive Innovationen können die empfohlenen Elemente des Geschäftsmodells von führenden mittelständischen Pharmaunternehmen (z. B. Fresenius oder Servier) und Unternehmen aus anderen Branchen direkt genutzt werden, um andere potenziell disruptive Technologien zu vermarkten. Diese Forschung unterstützt politische Entscheidungsträger bei der Entwicklung von Strategien zur Förderung der Kommerzialisierung potenziell disruptiver Innovationen in ihrem spezifischen Kontext. / Potentially disruptive technologies are challenging to commercialize because they are associated with values new to established firms. Without fitting business model innovation, incumbent firms fail to bring new potentially disruptive technologies to the market. The burgeoning literature on disruptive innovation provides only limited recommendations on specific business model elements that can serve to accommodate potentially disruptive technologies. To close this research gap, this thesis explores how big pharmaceutical firms accommodated biotechnologies in the design of their business model innovation to discover successful business model design elements.
A qualitative research approach consisting in three studies is adopted. First, following a systematic literature review on business model research in the pharmaceutical industry, 45 papers are selected and qualitatively analyzed. Second, qualitative semi-structured interviews are conducted with 16 experts in big pharmaceutical firms. The transcripts are analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method. Finally, a cluster analysis is conducted to identify value proposed and delivered by all digital offers of big pharmaceutical firms.
This thesis is the first to describe two business model designs of big pharmaceutical firms from before and since the accommodation of biotechnologies. This research argues that business model designs recommended for the accommodation of potentially disruptive technologies are collaboration portfolios and digital servitization. First, established firms should devise a portfolio of collaboration formats by diversifying breadth of partners (including competitors), and by covering all activities in their value chain. Second, incumbent firms should innovate in the value they offer and how they deliver it to mainstream and new customer segments though bundling their products with complementary services, especially those that are digitally enabled. Digital services serve for back-coupling customers’ needs with the producer.
Besides advancing theory on disruptive innovation, the recommended business model design elements can be directly used by top midsize pharmaceutical firms (e.g., Fresenius or Servier) and firms from other industries to commercialize other potentially disruptive technologies. This research supports policy makers in devising strategies for the promotion of the commercialization of potentially disruptive innovations in their specific contexts.
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Analyzing the Implementation of Production Automation as a Service : Drivers, Benefits and ChallengesAli Jalil, Hassanin January 2023 (has links)
Production automation as a service (PAaaS) is seen as a new trend that enables the possibility to use production automation technologies as a service. The technologies are cloud-based which makes the implementation of production automation more effective and cost-effective. This approach is attractive to the companies that have a limited capital investment. The purpose of this thesis was to analyse and understand the implementation of Production Automation as a Service (PAaaS) in the manufacturing industry. In order to understand its implementation, it is important to know what the drivers and benefits with PAaaS implementation and what challenges there are and how to overcome them for a successful implementation. To provide with a comprehensive answer and conclusion about PAaaS implementation in the manufacturing industry the following research questions was studied:1. What are the drivers and benefits of PAaaS implementation in the manufacturing industry, and what needs does it fulfil?2. What are the challenges of implementing PAaaS in the manufacturing industry, and how can they be overcome for a successful implementation and scale-up?To be able to answer these questions, a qualitative research study based on literature review and interviews was conducted. The combination between the literature and the real-life experience in PAaaS implementation provided a greater understanding of the concept. The aim of the research questions is to provide guidance and recommendation for companies seeking for a successful implementation of PAaaS which leads to improved operational efficiency and the ability to utilise the technological advancement provided through PAaaS. The approach applied in this study has been qualitative research with an abductive research approach. By obtaining data through scientific articles and interviews it was possible to analyse it more in-depth in order to find similarities between them.In conclusion, PAaaS implementation in the manufacturing industry provides with key benefits such as cost-effectiveness, improved flexibility, scalability, productivity, efficiency, and improved product quality. These benefits fulfil several needs of manufacturing companies such as being more flexible and being able to use automated solutions at a lower cost. These needs also act as the drivers for the implementation of PAaaS. The drivers are an important aspect of PAaaS implementation, because without any drive and motivation, there won’t be any implementation of PAaaS that can fulfil a certain need of the company. The drivers and motivation for a PAaaS implementation in the manufacturing industry is the possibility for a business model transformation and the technological advancements that the manufacturer gain with the implementation.In addition, there are key challenges that makes the PAaaS implementation more complex for the manufacturing companies. These challenges are, Integration with legacy systems, internet dependency and lack of expertise and knowledge. To able to achieve a successful implementation, it is important to address the challenges, by addressing these problems it was possible to provide with strategies on how to overcome them. Which lays the foundation for future research about this topic.
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Unlocking Forestry's Potential : A Comprehensive Strategy for Creating and Capturing Value from Sustainability in the Forestry IndustryFahlström Forsgren, Max, Broström, Max January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability has become a crucial aspect in the fight against climate change, with the European Union focusing on bio-economies as a tool for transitioning away from fossil fuel dependencies through sustainable substitutes. Forestry plays a pivotal role in bio-economies and holds the potential to spearhead this transition. However, the industry faces challenges in creating- and capturing the appropriate types of value. The purpose of this study is to explore strategies for creating and capturing value from sustainability within the forestry industry to ensure resilience and sustainable development in the market. Employing a single case study of the Swedish forest company Sveaskog, as well as 17 interviews with four internal employees, six ecosystem partners, two benchmarked companies in other raw resource industries, and fivesubject matter experts, the study delves into ways of maximizing the created- and captured value arising from sustainable initiatives within forestry. A strategy framework, consisting of four strategies; The Economic-, The Environmental-, The Social- and The Maximized strategy is proposed to maximize value capture from sustainable initiatives. Examining these strategies reveals the risks and opportunities associated with each approach, emphasizing the need for a balanced, holistic strategy to ensure long-term resilience and sustainability in the market. The findings provide valuable insights for forestry companies seeking to adopt sustainable business models and contribute to the broader goal of sustainable development.
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Market challenges of incumbent telecom companies entering Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystems and organizational implications : A case studyFloriano, Sergio January 2018 (has links)
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) brings machine-to-machine communication to a global scale together with new business scenarios and inter-relationships. If compared to previous communication technologies, IoT transforms the traditional value chain and creates a different business ecosystem. In this scenario, incumbent telecom companies are taking the role of technology enablers to enter the market. These companies are trying to find ways to generate new value propositions and to position themselves along the IoT-specific value chain. To do that, incumbents need to overcome a number of external and internal challenges. The purpose of this research is to investigate those challenges from the perspective of an incumbent telecom company via a case study carried out at Ericsson. This Thesis is built on the theoretical foundations of innovation management and business model innovation. The research behind is based on academic literature, opinions from industry experts, market analyses, and qualitative data collected from several interviews and online resources. The outcome from this study remarks some major external and internal challenges faced by incumbents. From the internal perspective, the challenges are related to enable the structures within the company to make possible the development of IoT as a radically new business area. On the external side, the main challenges shift from entering the market and position themselves in the new IoT value chain, to the development of unprecedented relationships, innovative value propositions and a new business paradigm. In order to do that, companies need to understand the unexplored IoT ecosystem, find needs and opportunities via partnerships and develop joint business models. This work provides specific data to complement the scarce literature around the topic of IoT business models and challenges for incumbent companies. It offers practical help to guide managers to understand the nascent IoT market, to define adoption strategies and to find their way through the emerging ecosystems.
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Open Innovation Strategy: Open platform-based digital mapping; as tools for value creation and value capture : Case study of OpenStreetMap and Google MapsWilliam, Jeffry Leonardo, Wijaya, Mochamad Rifky January 2017 (has links)
Open innovation has been rising in popularity as an alternative to traditional model for organizations to enhance innovation in their products or services. In the past, the innovation processes was time-consuming and costly. It has now become significantly efficient and effective, supported by the advancement of today’s IT such as Internet, Cloud Computing and Big Data. Open innovation has changed the aspect of the innovation source; from closed internal R&D to fully utilization of consumers’ collaboration. Decision to shift towards open innovation strategy has been lying on several areas including motivation, financial direction, and preference of the innovation strategies and business models that fitting the organizational core strategy. This research studied the relation of these areas and its effect; it determined the way IT-organization creates and captures value that were done by opening its product platform. This thesis was conducted to analyze the open innovation approach in an open digital navigation platform, featuring two platforms as case study: Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. The investigation emphasized the utilizing of the open innovation strategy to build its platform where crowdsourcing and open source software as objects highlighted in the research. The data was collected from secondary sources. Research findings suggested that crowdsourcing and open source software strategy are the main strategies of open innovation implemented in IT digital mapping platform to create and capture value. While these strategies have been practiced in both platforms, circumstances (motivation, financial direction, and business strategy) that hovering around the internal aspect of organizations affected the application of those strategies. The implementation results are differ according to preferred business model. The result of this research suggested that a non-profit based organization tends to utilize open innovation to improve the value of their product through consumer collaboration, while a profit based organization adopts open innovation to generate additional pool of revenue through customers’ feedback and input data. The open innovation leads to creation of a new business model as the foundation of innovation.
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