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The Importance of Artificial Intelligence and Technological Entrepreneurship on Firm LevelYigit, Anil 06 October 2023 (has links)
This publication-based dissertation analyzes the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and technological entrepreneurship on firm level over six chapters. The essence of this dissertation consists of four independent research papers developed for publication in academic journals whose peer review process is double-blinded. The first chapter offers a general introduction to the subject matter and provides a summary of the four research papers in this dissertation. The second chapter is a systematic literature review that focuses on the importance of AI in strategic management. The third chapter is a research paper that examines the significance of technology-driven entrepreneurship activities and provides crucial lessons from small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the manufacturing industry. The fourth chapter is a research paper that empirically examines how top management can encourage and facilitate AI-enabled business model innovation. The fifth chapter comprises a teaching case study and provides and understanding of how to implement an AI-based analytical tool in a firm. The sixth chapter outlines the main findings and contributions of this dissertation.
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Prediktion av optimal tidpunkt för köp av flygbiljetter med hjälp av maskininlärning / Prediction of optimal purchase time of airline tickets using machine learningJacobsson, Marcus, Inkapööl, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
The work presented in this study is based on the desire of cutting consumer costs related to purchase of airfare tickets. In detail, the study has investigated whether it is possible to classify optimal purchase decisions for specific flight routes with high accuracy using machine learning models trained with basic data containing only price and search date for a given date of departure. The models were based on Random Forest Classifier and trained on search data up to 90 days ahead of every leave date in July 2016-2018, and tested on the same kind of data for 2019. After preparation of data and tuning of hyperparameters the final models managed to correctly classify optimal purchase with an accuracy of 88% for the trip Stockholm-Mallorca and 84% for the trip Stockholm-Bangkok. Based on the assumption that the number of searches correlates with demand and in turn actual purchases, the study calculated the average expected savings per ticket using the model on the specific routes to be 21% and 17% respectively. Furthermore, the study has also examined how a business model for price comparison could be reshaped to incorporate these findings. The framework was set up using Business Model Canvas and resulted in the recommendation of implementing a premium service where users would be given the information wether to buy or wait based on a search. / Arbetet presenterat i studien är baserat på målet att sänka konsumentkostnader relaterat till köp av flygresor. Mer specifikt har studien undersökt huruvida det är möjligt att predicera optimala köpbeslut för specifika flygrutter med hjälp av maskininlärningsmodeller tränade på grundläggande data innehållande endast information om pris och sökdatum för varje givet avresedatum. Modellerna baserades på Random Forest Classifier och tränades på sökdata upp till 90 dagar före avresa för varje avresedag i juli 2016–2018, och testades på likadan data för 2019. Efter förberedelse av data och tuning av hyperparametrar lyckades modellerna med en träffsäkerhet på 88% respektive 84% predicera optimalt köp för rutterna Stockholm-Mallorca respektive Stockholm-Bangkok. Baserat på antagande om att antalet sökningar korrelerar med efterfrågan och vidare faktiska köp, beräknade studien att den genomsnittliga förväntade besparingen per biljett vid användning av modeller på de undersökta rutterna till 21% respektive 17%. Vidare undersökte studien hur en affärsmodell för prisjämförelse kan omformas för att inkorporera resultaten. Ramverkat som användes för detta var Business Model Canvas och mynnade ut i en rekommendation av implementering av en premiumtjänst genom vilken användare ges information biljett ska köpas eller ej vid en given sökning.
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Assessment of the measures by ports against the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic : a case study of Jiujiang PortHu, Hao January 2022 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the global economy, especially port trade. The port of Jiujiang was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jiujiang port is an important port in China's inland rivers, an important hub of the regional transportation system, and an important port for foreign trade and plays a great role in economic development.This article uses a questionnaire survey to find that the factors affecting ports during the COVID-19 pandemic include an increase in COVID-19 diagnosis, a decline in demand, and rising port costs. These factors are analyzed using the BPMN model and BMC model. The BPMN model describes the container handling process in Jiujiang Port and is used to analyze the increase in COVID-19 diagnosis. BMC's Western Europe tour describes the corporate structure of Jiujiang Port. It is used to analyze the decline in demand and rising port costs.The measures of Jiujiang Port Use electronic communication instead of human contact, Port expansion, and building big data platform are used to deal with these three factors affecting the port. These measures are analyzed using SWOT analysis to analyze their strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities. Improvements to these measures are proposed. Requiring ships and ports to communicate electronically, build big data platforms, and expand ports were measures taken by Jiujiang Port as response measures to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Recommended measures for digitalization are: provide digital training for employees, increase data communication with other ports and enterprises, make thorough plans, complete the realization of intelligent scenarios, and pay attention to government countermeasures and market changes.
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The impact of open business model, innovation types and firm’s capital structure on product’s time-to-market and firm performanceNilsson, Christoffer, Hsu, Belinda January 2022 (has links)
For decades, globalization has introduced both opportunities and pressures for companies around the world by introducing freer trade, increasing foreign direct investment and the international use of intellectual property that boosted the diffusion of knowledge and technology. As a result, the international competition has become more intense for many firms. Hence, putting a good or service into the market has never been as demanding as now and the demand to be early mover and have a low time-to-market is increasingly important for first be successful. This research will focus on determining whether a low time-to-market will contribute to a higher firm performance and what relation the time to market has with a firm’s business model framework and business model openness, preference for external funding and type of innovation. A theoretical framework was created based on relevant literature to be able to reach the objective of this thesis. The conceptual model was created from the literature which consisted of the hypotheses and variables that the study aimed to investigate. From the theoretical framework using a confirmatory approach, a survey was designed that was shared online to available network that the authors had. In summary, 43% of respondents had some sort of managing positions (upper management, manager and project management), 83% were mainly based in Sweden but also in Denmark, Germany, USA etc. and the work experience of the respondents was fairly distributed. Overall, 50% of the firms were between 0 to 30 years (1% did not respond) and more than 50% were considered to be a large firm depending if the classification was based on turnover with 51% as large firms (17% did not respond) or based on the number of employees with 58% as large firms. Data with 200 applicable responses (eight were removed i.e., 3.8%) was collected over four weeks of time. With the use of structural equation modeling and exploratory factor analysis, the collected data could be analyzed, and the hypotheses relevance could be answered. The final model was concluded to be adequate, as GOF indices and standardized factor loadings were on a sufficient level. As a result, the research showed that a fast time-to-market had a positive impact on firm performance measured in monetary measures (sales, profit, and market share) and that marketing innovation had a positive mediating effect on time to market and thus financial performance. The hypotheses regarding business model framework and capital structure correlating positive time to market were removed since the model was reworked. However, the study showed that technological innovation (product and process innovation) had a positive correlation to preference for external funding such as debt or issuance of equity. Since the construct validity of open business model and technological innovation was proved to be non-convergent, any deeper conclusion of this must be carefully reviewed. The results reinforced what other studies had shown, which is that open innovation or a more open business model contributes to both technological and marketing innovation. In summary, this demonstrated that a positive mediating effect existed for an open business model and marketing innovation which will speed up the time-to-market and hence increase the financial performance. Suggestion of future work could be to conduct similar studies in specific industry sectors to observe whether there is a difference in time-to-market depending on industry and what effect innovation and business model framework has.
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Tjänster i lastbilsbranschen : En studie om hur tjänstefieringen påverkar lastbilsbranschens resurseffektivitet / Services in the Truck Industry : A study of how service provision affects the truck industry’s resource efficiencySTOJANOVSKI, KEVIN January 2021 (has links)
Tjänstefiering är en kontinuerlig process som hjälper tillverkningsföretag att addera tjänster till deras etablerade produkter. Gränsen mellan tjänster och produkter blir allt mer suddig och trenden mot ett tjänsteorienterat företag av traditionella produktorienterade företag medför stora förändringar inom många industrier. En av de industrierna är tillverkningsindustrin där krav på resurseffektiv produktion ökar. Detta arbete fokuserar på lastbilsbranschen i Sverige där det ses en tydlig utveckling av erbjudande som består av tjänster och produkter tillsammans. Dessutom står denna bransch för höga utsläpp som belastar miljön. Genom att erbjuda tjänster förväntas lastbilsbranschen både skapa bättre kundrelation och förlänga produkternas livscykel. En lyckad implementeringen av produkter och tjänster kallas för ett ”product service-system” (PSS). Det finns tre olika typer av PSS: Produktorienterad, Användningsorienterad och Resulatatorienterad PSS. Lastbilsbranschen i Sverige präglas främst av ett Produktorienterad PSS men de stora tillverkningsföretagen har tjänster från alla olika PSS. Scania som en ledande svensk lastbilstillverkare erbjuder en blandning av tjänster. Deras tjänsteportfölj inkluderar bland annat reparation, underhåll, uppgradering och återvinning av deras produkter som klassificeras som produktorienterade tjänster. Vidare erbjuder de även användningsorienterade tjänster som ”leasing” och uthyrning samt resultatorienterade tjänster och digitala tjänster som Fleet Managementtjänsten. De flesta tjänster som har studerats i rapporten bidrar till en ökad resurseffektivitet i lastbilsbranschen i Sverige. Andra slutsatser som har dragits under arbetets gång är följande: Digitaliseringen kommer främja de användnings- och resultatorienterade tjänsterna. Ju större företaget desto större sannolikhet att lyckas med en lönsam tjänstefiering. Tjänster som finns tillgängliga idag som exempelvis förarutbildning, men även de kommande nya typer av digitala tjänsterna har för huvudsyfte att sanka kostnaderna for åkandet genom att minska bränsleförbrukningen. Ytterligare någon positiv påverkan erhålls av de tjänster som minskar slitaget på̊ lastbilen eftersom livslängden på̊ åkeriernas lastbilar ökar. Det är tydligt att tjänstefieringen har många fördelar med tyvärr är det fortfarande en stor utmaning för många av de mindre och medelstora tillverkningsföretagen i Sverige. Några av utmaningarna är den bristande kunskapen inom tjänstefiering och de stora organisatoriska förändringarna som en sådan process kräver. I samband med detta presenteras två olika modeller som har för syfte att underlätta implementeringen av tjänstefiering i tillverkningsföretagen. Den första modellen är Olivia och Kallenbergs modell och den andra är ATIT modellen som står för Avancerade tjänster i tillverkningsindustrin. / Servitization is a continuous process that helps manufacturing companies in the process of adding services to their established products. The line between services and products is becoming increasingly blurred and the trend towards a service-oriented company from a traditional product-oriented companies is leading to major changes in many industries. One of these industries is the manufacturing industry, where the demand for resource-efficient production is increasing. This report focuses on the truck industry in Sweden, where there is a clear development of offerings that consist of services and products together. In addition, this industry accounts for high emissions that burden our environment. By offering more services, the truck industry is expecting to create a better customer relationship and extend their product’s life cycle. A system with a successful implementation of products and services is called a product-service system (PSS). There are three different types of PSS: Product Oriented-, Usage Oriented- and Result Oriented PSS. The truck industry in Sweden is mainly characterized by the Productoriented PSS, but large manufacturing companies often offer services from all different PSS. Scania as a leading Swedish truck manufacturer offers a mix of services. Their service portfolio includes reparation, maintenance, upgrading and recycling of their products, which are classified as product-oriented services. Furthermore, they offer usage-oriented services such as "leasing" and renting, result-oriented services and digital services such as the Fleet Management services. Most services that have been studied in the report contribute to increased resource efficiency in the truck industry in Sweden. In conclusion, digitization will promote the usage- and resultoriented services. The larger the company, the greater the probability of succeeding in servitization. Services that are available today, such as driver training, but also the upcoming new types of digital services, aim to reduce the costs of driving by reducing fuel consumption. An additional positive effect is obtained from the services that reduce wear and tear on the truck which increases its life cycle. It is clear that the servitization has many advantages, but unfortunately it is still a big challenge for many of the small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Sweden. Some of the challenges are the lack of knowledge in servitization and the major organizational changes that such a process requires. Additionally, two different models were presented which aim to facilitate the implementation of servitization in the manufacturing companies. The first model is Olivia and Kallenberg's model and the second one is the ATIT model.
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Capturing the Value of 5G in Smart Manufacturing / Värdefångst av 5G i Smart ManufacturingMirza, Helen, Wahlstén, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Suppliers of the next generation mobile network, 5G, promises increased performance which can ensure smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing entails systems of wireless and connected sensors, robots and other devices that together are optimizing the manufacturing process with data. At the same time, 5G has become one of the major technological trends in manufacturing. Globally, efforts are being made to optimize assembly lines through smart manufacturing, but there is no evidence of 5G's promised performance in practice. This study addresses how an industrial company that offers smart tools should capture the value of 5G in the business model. This is done by examining if and what unique features 5G is providing, whether customers are ready for this technology and how 5G will affect the business model. The study is based on a case study at Atlas Copco AB, a Swedish industrial company that operates on a global scale. The collaboration was made with Atlas Copco's business area within Industrial Technique and with the divisions General Industry and Motor Vehicle Industry. Data was collected through interviews both internally at Atlas Copco and externally with their customers and were then combined with a literature study. The findings from this study can be summarized as follows: • 5G enables connectivity that is required for smart manufacturing processes.• Customers are in different phases of 5G adoption.• There is a difference in what characteristics customers value, and therefore 5G will not provide the same value for all customers.• The business model will need to be changed to a more service-oriented model when offering 5G, to be able to fully capture the value of 5G. At the end of the study, a summary is given of the study's conceptual and empirical contributions, as well as suggestions for future work. / Leverantörer av nästa generations mobilnät, 5G, utlovar ökad prestanda som kan garantera smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing innebär system av trådlösa och anslutna sensorer, robotar och andra enheter som tillsammans optimerar tillverkningsprocessen med hjälp av data. Samtidigt har 5G blivit en av de stora teknologiska trenderna inom tillverkning. Globalt görs ansträngningar för att optimera monteringslinor genom smart manufacturing, men det finns ännu inga bevis för 5G:s utlovade prestanda i praktiken. Denna studie behandlar hur ett industriföretag som erbjuder smarta verktyg ska fånga värdet av 5G i affärsmodellen. Detta görs genom att undersöka om och i sådant fall vilka unika funktioner 5G tillhandahåller, om kunderna är redo för denna teknik och hur 5G kommer att påverka affärsmodellen. Studien grundar sig i en fallstudie på Atlas Copco AB, ett svenskt industriföretag med global närvaro. Studien gjordes i samarbete med Atlas Copcos affärsområde för Industriteknik, inom divisionerna för General Industry och Motor Vehicle Industry. Data samlades in genom intervjuer, både internt på Atlas Copco och externt med deras kunder och kombinerades sedan med en litteraturstudie. Resultaten från denna studie kan sammanfattas enligt följande: • 5G möjliggör anslutning som krävs för processer som är kopplade till smarta manufacturing.• Kunderna är i olika faser av 5G-adoptionen.• Det finns en skillnad i vilka egenskaper kunderna värderar och därför kommer 5G inte att ge samma värde till alla kunder. • Affärsmodellen måste sannolikt ändras till en mer serviceinriktad modell när man erbjuder 5G för att fullt ut kunna fånga värdet av 5G. I slutet av studien ges en sammanfattning av studiens konceptuella och empiriska bidrag samt förslag på framtida arbete.
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Från Gröna Löften Till Gröna Pengar : En studie om ESG-betygets samband med lönsamhet och värdering för nordiska företag inom branschen Industriella Varor och Tjänster.Klingofström, Nils, Andersson, Hampus January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Havets symbios på land : Hur industriell symbios i fiskeindustrin kan bidra till hållbar utveckling / The oceans symbiosis on land : How industrial symbiosis contributes to sustainable development in the fishing industryPersson, Daniella January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur industriell symbios kan skapa en hållbar utveckling i fiskeindustrin. Studien utgick ifrån en industriell symbios i Sotenäs kommun vilket innefattar aktörer inom livsmedelsindustrin, biogasanläggning, landbaserad laxodling, ekologiskt jordbruk och algodling. De hade en vision för symbiosen att skapa en cirkulär ekonomi i fiskeindustrin vilket var utgångspunkten i studien. Det undersöktes även vilka hållbarhetsvinster landbaserad fiskodling skapar i förhållande till traditionell fiskeindustri med landbaserad laxodling som utgångspunkt samt hur aktörerna i symbiosen ser på hållbarhet. I studien användes en kvalitativ intervjumetod där datainsamlingen analyserades med kodning. Resultatet visade att industriell symbios bidrar till hållbar utveckling i fiskeindustrin då det skapar cirkulär ekonomi, lägre miljöbelastning och stärker det lokala samhället. Industriell symbios möjliggör för ett ökat värdeskapande för verksamheterna på ett sätt de inte hade uppnått individuellt. Aktörerna såg på hållbarhet ur ekonomiskt, ekologiskt och socialt perspektiv och arbetade för att utveckla sina verksamheter till att vara hållbar för framtiden. hållbarhetsvinsterna med landbaserad laxodling var att det finns ekonomisk vinning, bra komplement i industriell symbios, friskare fiskar, lägre miljöbelastning och tryggare arbetsförhållanden. Studien visade att industriell symbios gör att fiskeindustrin kan bli hållbar för framtiden. / The aim of this study was to investigate how industrial symbiosis can create a sustainable development in the fishing industry. The case study was an industrial symbiosis in Sotenas, Sweden consisting of marine food industries, organic farm, algae production, land-based salmon farm and biogas plant. They had a vision to create a circular economy in the fishing industry with industrial symbiosis. The study also investigated in the sustainability gains in land-based fish farms in comparison to traditional fishing industry and the actors view on sustainable development. The study used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews which was analysed with coding. The results showed that industrial symbiosis contributes to a sustainable development in the fishing industry because it creates a circular economy, lower enviromental impact and strenghten the local community. Industrial symbiosis creates possibilities to create higher values in a way the actors would not have been able to do individually. The actors worked with sustainability from an economic, ecological and social perspective and viewed all these as equally important to create a sustainable development. The sustainability gains in land-based salmon farm were economic benefits, good complement in industrial symbiosis, healthier fish, lower enviromental impact and safer work enviroments.
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Disruptive market shift: conceptualization, antecedents, and response mechanismsOlabode, Oluwaseun E., Hultman, M., Boso, N., Leonidou, C. 04 June 2023 (has links)
Yes / Although prior research has examined the effects of different forms of disruptive market shift on organizational practice, structure, and performance, knowledge is lacking on its conceptual domain, antecedents, and organizational response outcomes. This study draws insights from an in-depth analysis of 23 organizations to conceptualize disruptive market shift and explore its antecedents and consequences. We find that digitization, technological advancements, political uncertainty and government regulations, competitive pressures, the media, and customer dynamism are major drivers of disruptive market shifts. Furthermore, evidence suggests that organizations establish collaborative relationships, initiate internal transformational processes, and develop innovative metrics and patterns to respond to disruptive market shifts. We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings.
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Big data analytics capability and market performance: The roles of disruptive business models and competitive intensityOlabode, Oluwaseun E., Boso, N., Hultman, M., Leonidou, C.N. 08 October 2021 (has links)
Yes / Research shows that big data analytics capability (BDAC) is a major determinant of firm performance. However, scant research has theoretically articulated and empirically tested the mechanisms and conditions under which BDAC influences performance. This study advances existing knowledge on the BDAC–performance relationship by drawing on the knowledge-based view and contingency theory to argue that how and when BDAC influences market performance is dependent on the intervening role of disruptive business models and the contingency role of competitive intensity. We empirically test this argument on primary data from 360 firms in the United Kingdom. The results show that disruptive business models partially mediate the positive effect of BDAC on market performance, and this indirect positive effect is strengthened when competitive intensity increases. These findings provide new perspectives on the business model processes and competitive conditions under which firms maximize marketplace value from investments in BDACs.
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