Spelling suggestions: "subject:"banking industry"" "subject:"anking industry""
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Culturally aligned security in banking. A system for rural banking in Ghana.Kwaa-Aidoo, Ephrem K. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation into the unique rural banking system in Ghana and the role of information systems in fraud control. It presents a robust information security and internal control model to deal with fraud for the banking system. The rural banking industry has been noted for poor internal control leading to fraud. This has resulted in poor performance and even the collapse of some banks. The Focus of the study was on the processes used to deliver banking services.
To design a protection system, a number of rural banks were visited. This was to understand the environment, regulatory regimes and the structure and banking processes of the industry and banks. Systemic vulnerabilities within the industry which could be exploited for fraud were found. The lack of structures like an address system and unreliable identification documents makes it difficult to use conventional identification processes. Also the lack of adequate controls, small staff numbers and the cross organisational nature of some transactions among other cultural issues reduces the ability to implement transaction controls. Twenty fraud scenarios were derived to illustrate the manifestation of these vulnerabilities.
The rural banking integrity model was developed to deal with these observations. This protection model was developed using existing information security models and banking control mechanisms but incorporating the nature of the rural banking industry and culture of its environment. The fraud protection model was tested against the fraud scenarios and was shown to meet the needs of the rural banking industry in dealing with its systemic vulnerabilities. The proposed community-based identification scheme deals with identification weaknesses as an alternative to conventional identity verification mechanisms. The Transaction Authentication Code uses traditional adinkra symbols. Whilst other mechanisms like the Transaction Verification Code design
internal controls into the banking processes. This deals with various process control weaknesses and avoids human discretion in complying with controls. Object based separation of duties is also introduced as a means of controlling conflicting tasks which could lead to fraud.
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Hur nöjda är banksektorns kunder efter lanseringen av digitala banktjänster? : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på kundnöjdhet i olika generationer / A quantitative study on customer satisfaction amongst different generationsBerntsson, Alice, Sammils, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn som så många andra sektorer har omfattats av samhällets digitala resa. Resan handlar om hur det digitala har fått en allt större roll i samhället. Digitaliseringen har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats hastigt och banksektorn har gått från att vara väldigt platsbunden till att kunna vara tillgängliga när och var som helst. Tidigare forskning presenterade resultat från andra länder. Resultaten från de utländska studierna visade olika faktorer som påverkade kundnöjdheten. Vissa av faktorerna påverkade kundnöjdheten positivt medan andra påverkade negativt. En faktor som framför allt påverkade negativt var ålder och de som var mest missnöjda var den äldre generationen i jämförelse med de yngre generationerna. För att få en ökad kundnöjdhet generellt i banksektorn var service och bemötande hos bankens medarbetare viktigt. Att banken tillgodoser kunders behov leder oftast till att kunden känner tilltro till banken och stannar som kund. Det är också viktigt att banken och levererar bra utvecklade digitala plattformar som även de ska tillgodose kundens behov. För att banken ska fortsätta ha en hög kundnöjdhet är det viktigt att de hela tiden undersöker hur kundernas behov ser ut. Pengar och investeringar är alltid kopplat till ett risktagande därför är det viktigt att banken bygger en relation till kunden samt är tillgängliga. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur kundnöjdhet ser ut i relation mellan de olika Generationerna Babyboomers, X, Y och Z. Syftet är att undersöka kundnöjdheten i Dalarnas län efter att banksketorn har lanserat digitala tjänster. Det finns två frågeställningar som handlar om vilken genration som redovisar den högsta generella kundnöjdheten och om det finns en skillnad på kundnöjdheten i olika generationer. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats i form av en enkätundersökning. Ur statistikprogrammet SPSS togs medelvärden fram som tydligt presenterade de olika generationernas grad av kundnöjdhet. Slutsats: Studiens resultat går inte att generalisera på grund av urvalsmetoden. Tidigare studier visar att Generation Babyboomers har den lägsta kundnöjdheten medan denna studie visar det motsatta. Faktorn tjänster hade generellt högst kundnöjdhet bland generationerna. Vidare studier får fördjupa och förklara varför det ser ut som det gör. / Background: The banking sector, like so many other sectors, has been affected by society's digital journey, which is about how the digitalization has taken on an even greater role in society. Digitalization has developed rapidly in recent decades and the banking sector has developed from being very location-bound to being able to be available anytime and anywhere. Previous research covered in this study presented results from other countries. The results from the foreign studies showed various factors that influenced customer satisfaction. Some of the factors had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, while others had a negative impact. One factor that above all had a negative effect was age, and the group who were most dissatisfied were the older generation in comparison to the younger generations. To obtain increased customer satisfaction in general in the banking sector, service and reception by the bank's employees was important. The fact that the bank meets customers' needs usually leads to the customer trusting the bank and staying as a customer. It is also important that the bank delivers well-developed digital platforms which also must meet the customer's needs. In order to the bank to continue to have a high level of customer satisfaction, it is important that they constantly examine what the customers' needs look like. Money and investments are always linked to risk-taking, therefore it is important that the bank establishes a relationship with the customer. Purpose: The study investigates what customer satisfaction looks like in relation to the different Generations of Baby boomers, X, Y and Z. The purpose is to study customer satisfaction in the county of Dalarna after the launch of digital services in the banking sector. There are two research questions that discuss which generation has the highest customer satisfaction as well as if there is a difference between generations and their customer satisfaction within the banking sector. Method: To answer the purpose of the study, a quantitative method has been applied in the form of a survey. From the statistics program SPSS, average values were produced, and they clearly presented the different generations' degree of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: The results of the study cannot be generalized due to the selection method. Previous studies show that Generation Baby Boomers have the lowest customer satisfaction, while this study shows the opposite. The factor regarding services generally had the highest customer satisfaction among the generations. Further studies may deepen and explain why it looks the way it does may clarify and explain the results to a deeper level.
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房貸業務授信流程分析之研究:以某銀行為例俞秀鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
我國銀行業於1991年開放新民營銀行設立,使得整體銀行的服務水準得以提升,新金融商品的開發更加快速,但利率自由化,以及各銀行採取價格競爭策略爭取客戶之作法,使得存放款利差日益縮小,各項經營風險隨之提高。金融機構惡性競爭不僅導致銀行授信品質日益惡化,同時也壓縮了銀行的獲利能力。近年來台灣經濟的不景氣與金融環境快速的變化,金融業的競爭優勢將取決於對市場、顧客及競爭同業能否做出最佳及最具差異化之決策。然而金融業收入之穩定來源,取決於企業流程作業之有效性,企業需要檢視其作業流程以消除無效率及無附加價值的作業,以降低成本、提升作業效率及效能。本研究應用企業流程資訊有機體分析架構(Tsaih and Lin 2006),透過重現、系統化分析個案公司之房貸業務授信循環流程,並於評估流程實作後,提出相對應之作業流程及管理資訊之改善建議與管理議題,以提供個案公司做為未來管理房貸授信風險決策之參考。 / The deregulation of the Taiwan Banking industry started in 1991 has enhanced the quality of the financial service as well as speeded up the development of new financial products. The deregulation not only leads to the liberation of interest rate but also opens up the price competition between banks in order to attract customer and keep continuous sales growth. Such effect has depressed the spread of interest rate and instigated various operating risks. The cutthroat competition between banks results in deterioration of credit granting quality and reducetion in profitability. Due to the economic recession in Taiwan and the fast changing of financial environment in the recent years, the competitive advantages of the financial industry are determined by whether a bank is capable of making the best and differentiated reactions to market, customers and its competitors. The stability of the income generation to the financial industry depends mostly on the effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes. It is essential for an organization to oversee its business process to reduce less efficient, non-value-adding activities and costs. This study, based on an application to the Process-Wide Information Organism approach (Tsaih and Lin. 2006), investigates the mortgage loan business process of the subject company. By reconstructing and analyzing the practice of granting a mortgage loan, this study is able to provide corresponding suggestions with respect to process improvements and related managerial implications to the subject company.
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Fatores influenciadores na decisão de internacionalização de um banco estatal: o caso da aquisição de um banco argentino pelo Banco do Brasil. / Influencing factors in the internationalization of a decision state bank: the case of acquisition of an argentine bank Banco do Brasil.Gonçalves, Monique Fernandes Aragão 23 April 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-23 / Entre uma gama de possíveis escolhas estratégicas para diversos países do mundo, o Banco do Brasil S.A. maior banco estatal brasileiro optou por incrementar, via aquisição, suas posições no mercado bancário argentino, em 2009. A partir desta constatação, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal compreender quais foram os fatores determinantes para que o Banco do Brasil tomasse a decisão estratégica de incrementar, via aquisição de um banco, sua posição na Argentina, em detrimento de mercados de maior porte e potencial econômico. Adicionalmente o trabalho analisa as influências do ambiente institucional Argentino no processo de internacionalização do banco para aquele país. O referencial teórico se baseia nas teorias clássicas de internacionalização de empresas e suas aplicações à internacionalização de bancos, com estudos feitos principalmente em economias desenvolvidas e com bancos privados. Através de um estudo de caso único, este trabalho levanta especificidades e idiossincrasias presentes na internacionalização de um banco estatal de grande porte, a partir de um país emergente para outro país
emergente. A aquisição de um banco na Argentina foi a primeira investida deste tipo para o Banco do Brasil que, desde 1941 vinha praticando uma internacionalização baseada na abertura de escritórios, agências e estabelecimento de subsidiárias no exterior. Esta pesquisa demonstra quais foram os fatores determinantes para esta mudança no comportamento estratégico de internacionalização: A vontade do governo à época como acionista controlador, a crise financeira internacional, os movimentos dos concorrentes e consequente necessidade de proteção da base de clientes e as limitações impostas pelo modelo de crescimento orgânico. Após a tomada de decisão de alteração no modo de entrada, o banco optou por analisar possíveis mercados na América do Sul. Foram fatores determinantes para este recorte geográfico: O gigantismo do BB na região, a pretensão do acionista controlador e a menor distância psíquica percebida em relação a outras regiões geográficas. Já a opção pela Argentina, para implementação da estratégia de aquisição, teve como fatores determinantes: a menor distância psíquica percebida, a presença de empresas brasileiras, a necessidade de proteção da base de clientes, o fluxo comercial, o potencial do agronegócio no país, fatores geopolíticos, o retorno sobre o investimento e a experiência prévia no mercado Argentino. Após analisadas as influências do ambiente institucional argentino no processo de internacionalização do Banco para aquele país, encontrou-se que o BB, sendo uma empresa proveniente de um país emergente, acredita que sabe lidar com ambientes instáveis. Adicionalmente, os executivos da instituição acreditam no fortalecimento das instituições Argentinas no longo prazo.
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銀行業社群媒體行銷模式之訊息策略探究 -以FACEBOOK粉絲專頁為例 / A study of social media marketing strategy adopted by banking industry-The case of Facebook Fan page陳安婕, Chen, An Jie Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上分析之經營數據與國外粉絲專頁案例,本研究針對官方貼文的內容面給予較理想的粉絲專頁經營策略,以影片類型和抽獎活動主題為主軸並搭配其他貼文模式可以提升粉絲的總反應程度,本文之行銷建議讓台灣銀行業未來社群行銷發展能更有效率且提升整體商業價值。故本研究之分析架構可以運用到不同的產業類型中給予經營參考,未來後續研究也可以再加入不同反應變數或不同的社群媒體做更深入更全面性的社群媒體品牌經營。 / Social media marketing is an highly interative and high-quality maketing method, It is more important for interprises these days. By running a well social media can improve the business popularity and brand value, or even drive sales to increase profit. So how to make good use of most popular social media Facebook Fan page is the key to success of business marketing.
The study focuses on the banking industry, using content analysis to explore the 2016 entire year’s data of the top five bank’s fanpage in Taiwan. Through category of construction classification, the study analysis the type, theme, interation and time of official posts to understand its advantages and strategies. Furthermore, the study uses muti regression to sum up the successful fan page marketing model of banking industry in Taiwan.
Based on the above analysis of operating data and success cases in foreign countries, the study hopes to provide more ideal business proposals so that the development of social media in Taiwanese banking industy can be more efficient and enhance the commercial value. Therefore, the analysis structure of the study can be applied to different types of industries to give reference for business, the future studies can also add different variables or other social media to do more comprehecsive social media brand management.
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Empirical Study of post-takeover performance in banking industry: comparison between U.S. and European bank acquisitions.Miron, Lionel, Patel, Fabien January 2008 (has links)
<p>Takeover is a business activity which really started in the beginning of the eighties and which still takes a strong part in the business and financial area all over the world. According to our studies as the desire for further acknowledgements and the desire of building a career around financial activities, this study has been naturally conducted in the banking area.</p><p>Regarding the steady use of acquisition like a powerful process with some positive and negative sides, we decided to implement a comparison of different mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry in the United States and Europe. This comparison has been supported and based on the third main topic of our study: performance.</p><p>These large and complex subjects combined together lead to the following hypotheses:</p><p>Hypothesis 1: Performance is not improved after takeover in the banking industry.</p><p>Hypothesis 2: The level of post takeover performance is the same in the U.S. as in the European bank acquisitions.</p><p>Based on the historical data and knowledge, the United States was the pioneer in the development of such gathers in the banking sector. Considering the United States as a reference, a first purpose was to compare them with the bank mergers and acquisitions in Europe. Stating on some possible differences as increasing our own knowledge have been some others purposes which have supported our work.</p><p>A first large part of our work was focused, through a large literature review, on the enhancement of our knowledge as the statements of the basis and support for the analysis.</p><p>To illustrate and to try to answer our research question, we have conducted our study based on a sample of 20 acquisitions which were achieved in the banking industry between March 1998 and May 2004. 10 of these acquisitions had been achieved in the United States as the 10 remaining acquisitions had been executed in Europe.</p><p>The analysis has been achieved by collecting data in Thomson Datastream Advance.</p><p>Based on a quantitative method, we applied two financial models: The Market Model (MM) and the Market-Adjusted Returns Model (MAR) supported by the Cumulative Abnormal Returns Method (CARs).</p><p>The post-takeover study has been delimited on a period of 42 months after the public announcement.</p><p>The study and the comparison between the United States and Europe have shown some differences between the two areas. Nevertheless it seems that negative abnormal returns are usually the case after such takeovers on the whole period studied. Some positive abnormal returns have been recorded at different points in the time into the studying period.</p><p>According to the models we applied, the US banks results seem to be better than the ones of European banks: the differences range from 5,58 to 16,65 points under the MM, and from 1,66 to 18,08 points under the MAR model.</p>
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Empirical Study of post-takeover performance in banking industry: comparison between U.S. and European bank acquisitions.Miron, Lionel, Patel, Fabien January 2008 (has links)
Takeover is a business activity which really started in the beginning of the eighties and which still takes a strong part in the business and financial area all over the world. According to our studies as the desire for further acknowledgements and the desire of building a career around financial activities, this study has been naturally conducted in the banking area. Regarding the steady use of acquisition like a powerful process with some positive and negative sides, we decided to implement a comparison of different mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry in the United States and Europe. This comparison has been supported and based on the third main topic of our study: performance. These large and complex subjects combined together lead to the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: Performance is not improved after takeover in the banking industry. Hypothesis 2: The level of post takeover performance is the same in the U.S. as in the European bank acquisitions. Based on the historical data and knowledge, the United States was the pioneer in the development of such gathers in the banking sector. Considering the United States as a reference, a first purpose was to compare them with the bank mergers and acquisitions in Europe. Stating on some possible differences as increasing our own knowledge have been some others purposes which have supported our work. A first large part of our work was focused, through a large literature review, on the enhancement of our knowledge as the statements of the basis and support for the analysis. To illustrate and to try to answer our research question, we have conducted our study based on a sample of 20 acquisitions which were achieved in the banking industry between March 1998 and May 2004. 10 of these acquisitions had been achieved in the United States as the 10 remaining acquisitions had been executed in Europe. The analysis has been achieved by collecting data in Thomson Datastream Advance. Based on a quantitative method, we applied two financial models: The Market Model (MM) and the Market-Adjusted Returns Model (MAR) supported by the Cumulative Abnormal Returns Method (CARs). The post-takeover study has been delimited on a period of 42 months after the public announcement. The study and the comparison between the United States and Europe have shown some differences between the two areas. Nevertheless it seems that negative abnormal returns are usually the case after such takeovers on the whole period studied. Some positive abnormal returns have been recorded at different points in the time into the studying period. According to the models we applied, the US banks results seem to be better than the ones of European banks: the differences range from 5,58 to 16,65 points under the MM, and from 1,66 to 18,08 points under the MAR model.
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Internationella fusioner : En studie om de svenska storbankernas globala fusionerStanojkovic, Marko, Salman, Marwan January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det blir allt vanligare att banker vänder sig till förvärv och sammanslagningar för en internationell tillväxt. Då banker inte enbart agerar som en finansiell intermediär samtidigt som globaliseringen skapar allt större bolag ställs högre krav på banker, där dessa utvecklas mot att vara universella med bl.a. bredare produktutbud och kundsegment. Storbankerna är centrala för det finansiella ståndet och är hårt övervakade och komplexa varelser. Förvärv och sammanslagningar kan inneha en stor påverkan på en storbank vilket kan påverka samhället i en större grad än vid andra branscher. Internationell etablering med förvärv är generellt snabbare och innebär fler konkurrensfördelar än en organisk tillväxt. Dock tilltalar många studier att en extern tillväxtmetod sällan är lönsam och organisk tillväxt bör följaktligen föredras. Erkända forskare hävdar även att finansiella nyckeltal även inte förbättras i de flesta fall. Dock tas ingen hänsyn till om målen bakom M&A är direkt finansiella eller ej. Syfte: Att identifiera de effekter som uppstår vid internationella förvärv och sammanslagningar, mätt i finansiella nyckeltal samt att skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vilka bakomliggande faktorer, motiv och målsättningar anses vara viktigast för Handelsbanken och Nordea vid valet av att utföra en internationellt horisontell M&A. Metod: Metodtriangulering tillämpats vilket innebär att både en kvalitativ- samt kvantitativ ansats appliceras. Samtliga globala M&A mellan 1995-2013 har observerats och bearbetats med kvartalsrapporter i kvantitativ metod, där ROE, ROA, ETA samt ETR beräknats med kvartalsrapporter. Öppna intervjuer med väsentliga respondenter från Handelsbanken och Nordea tillämpas för att besvara delsyftet med kvalitativ metod. Slutsats: Inom Sveriges storbanker kan det inte med säkerhet konstateras att varken aktieägare eller ledningen gynnas av M&A. Räntabiliteten på det egna kapitalet och tillgångarna tenderar att avta snarare än tillta, samtidigt som det motsatta förhållandet upplevs inom kostnadseffektivisering. Ses bankerna över individuellt står Nordea för den större delen av en försvagning i nyckeltalen, men detta är eftersom Nordea prioriterar en starkare förhandlingsstyrka och större marknadsandelar, vilket innebär tillväxtförklaringar som önskad synergi och följaktligen är målen mer långsiktiga än Svenska Handelsbankens där dessa önskar en finansiell förbättring omedelbart. Generellt förbättras kostnadseffektiviteten men inte räntabilitet på eget kapital samt tillgångar i samband med M&A. Individuellt skiljer dock resultaten åt p.g.a. bankernas olika strategier. De banker som dock förbättrar nyckeltalen avsevärt är SEB samt Swedbank. / Background: It is becoming increasingly common for banks to turn on acquisitions and mergers for global growth. Since banks are acting much more than only financial intermediary, while globalization is making large companies even greater, the demands are becoming higher on banks where they develop towards being universal, including broader range of products and customer segments. Great banks are central to the financial state and are tightly monitored and complex creatures. Acquisitions and mergers are likely to possess a large impact on a major bank, which later can affect the community in a greater degree than in other industries. International establishment of acquisition is generally faster and offers a more competitive edge than organic growth. However, many studies and scholars claim that an external growth method is rarely profitable and organic growth should therefore be preferred. Many scholars also argue that financial ratios do not improve in most cases. However, no consideration is taken if the goals behind M&A are directly financial or not. Purpose: To identify the effects that arise in international M&A, measured in financial ratios and to create a deeper understanding of the underlying factors, motives and objectives that are considered to be most important for Handelsbanken and Nordea in the choice of performing an internationally horizontal M&A. Method: Method triangulation is applied, which means that both a qualitative- and quantitative approach is applied. Global M&A between 1995-2013 preformed by Swedish banks have been observed and processed with quarterly reports in the quantitative method, in which ROE, ROA, ETA and ETR are calculated quarterly. Open interviews with essential respondents from Handelsbanken and Nordea are applied to answer the second aim in the study with a qualitative method. Conclusion: In Sweden's major banks, it cannot be stated with certainty that shareholders or management benefit from M&A. The return on equity and assets tend to diminish rather than grow, while the opposite occurs in the cost efficiency. If we analyse the banks individually, then Nordea stands for the most of a weakening in the financial ratios, but this is because Nordea prioritize a stronger bargaining power and a larger market share. This means growth explanations is the desired synergy effects and therefore financial targets are more long term than the Swedish Handelsbanken's where they want a financial improvement immediately. Generally, the cost efficiency does improve, but not the return on equity and assets. Individually, however, the results differ due to the banks different strategies and goals. However, the banks that improve the ratios most significantly are SEB and Swedbank.
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An appropriate leadership model for the banking industry / Hubinger A.J.Hubinger, Adriaan Johannes January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to measure the managerial skills of managers working in the
banking industry. To do so, the newly developed managerial skills measuring
instrument of Thekiso (2011) was used by to determine skills for managerial
competence in the banking industry. The seven managerial skills that are covered in
the questionnaire are: Self awareness skills; Self directed career planning;
Integrative skills; Planning and controlling skills; Organizing skills; Leading skills;
and Managing change skills.
Even though some skills may appear on a less frequent basis, six of the seven skills
were rated to be of a high importance, with their means ranging between 4.008 and
4.480 on the 5–point Likert scale. Training in the form of mentoring and stewardship
programs, to transfer knowledge and introduce existing relationships to up and
coming leaders, would be of great value for companies in the banking industry to
foster these seven managerial competency skills. By implementing training and
mentoring programs on a much broader scale, organisations can train and use their
leaders’ abilities to gain competitive advantage in the market. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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An appropriate leadership model for the banking industry / Hubinger A.J.Hubinger, Adriaan Johannes January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to measure the managerial skills of managers working in the
banking industry. To do so, the newly developed managerial skills measuring
instrument of Thekiso (2011) was used by to determine skills for managerial
competence in the banking industry. The seven managerial skills that are covered in
the questionnaire are: Self awareness skills; Self directed career planning;
Integrative skills; Planning and controlling skills; Organizing skills; Leading skills;
and Managing change skills.
Even though some skills may appear on a less frequent basis, six of the seven skills
were rated to be of a high importance, with their means ranging between 4.008 and
4.480 on the 5–point Likert scale. Training in the form of mentoring and stewardship
programs, to transfer knowledge and introduce existing relationships to up and
coming leaders, would be of great value for companies in the banking industry to
foster these seven managerial competency skills. By implementing training and
mentoring programs on a much broader scale, organisations can train and use their
leaders’ abilities to gain competitive advantage in the market. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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