Spelling suggestions: "subject:"banking industry"" "subject:"anking industry""
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Internal fraud in the banking industry : A cross-bank analysis on operational loss announcementsSalomonsson, Erik, Thormählen, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Managerial and regulatory focus in the financial industryhas been intensified due to a number of extremely costly and highly publicized events. Whenfraudulent activities or any improper business practices are revealed it may damage the bank’sreputation. In the end this can have a big impact on anyone who is any kind of stakeholder.Reputational risk and by what mechanism reputational risk is adversely affecting stock pricesis therefore of great importance for stakeholders. This study aims at providing insights and abetter understanding of reputational risk. We examine the reputational damage in banksresulting from operational losses and analyze the stock market reaction across the bankingindustry. Research question: What is the effect of operational loss announcements from internalfraudulent activities on competitors in the banking industry? The results show a positive cross-bank reaction during the observed period oftime. Furthermore, the cross-bank reaction is stronger when a reputational damage isrecognized in the bank where the loss occurred. The results show a positive cross-bankreaction during the observed period of time. Furthermore, the cross-bank reaction is strongerwhen a reputational damage is recognized in the bank where the loss occurred.
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Customer switching behaviour in the Chinese retail banking industryZhang, Dongmei January 2009 (has links)
With the intense competition and increasing globalization in the financial markets, bank management must develop customer-oriented strategies in order to compete successfully in the competitive retail banking environment. The longer a bank can retain a customer, the greater revenue and cost savings from that customer. However, customers are also more prone to changing their banking behaviour when they can purchase nearly identical financial products provided by the retail banks. In order to stay competitive, bank managers need to understand the factors that influence and determine consumer’s bank switching behaviour. With China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), their financial services market was liberalized and deregulated. As a result, customers have a greater choice between domestic and foreign banks. Furthermore, the emergence of the internet allows customers to access financial products without limitation, and increases the Chinese retail banks’ ability to prevent customers’ switching banks. This study identifies and analyses the factors that influence bank customers’ switching behaviour in the Chinese retail banking industry. The findings reveal that Price, Reputation, Service Quality, Effective Advertising, Involuntary Switching, Distance, and Switching Costs have an impact on customers’ bank switching behaviour. The results also reveal that the Young Age and High Income Groups are more likely to switch banks. In general, the results of this research allow service marketers and practitioners to develop and implement services marketing strategies to decrease customer defection rates, and in turn, increase bank profits. Furthermore, this research provides useful information for future researchers who study switching-behaviour in the banking industry.
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Personality as a predictor of performance for customer service centre agents in the banking industryBlignaut, Linda 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focused on identifying personality traits, as measured by the Occupational Personality Questionnaire 32 (OPQ32r) that may act as job performance predictors for customer service centre (CSC) agents in the banking industry. The purpose of this research was to determine whether there are relationships between certain personality traits of customer service centre agents and their job performance. Purposeful sampling was used to involve the entire agent base as participants (N=89). A quantitative empirical study was conducted in which the relationship between the independent variable (personality) and dependent variable (job performance) was investigated. Several personality traits that predicted job performance were identified. Identifying the personality characteristics of individuals who are successful in a CSC environment should aid organisations in creating a better/suitable fit between employees and the requirements of such an environment, thereby improving organisational outcomes. This research adds to current literature gaps in establishing the relationship between personality traits and performance in the context of a customer relations management call centre environment. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The Era of Artificial Intelligence in Swedish Banking : Exploring Customer Attitudes Towards AI as a Substitute to Brick and Mortar OfficesBergström Stacey, Isabel, Svenningsson, Philip, Thoresson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Background: The wave of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is marching on, replacing jobs and traditional services, and is predicted to be one of the biggest marketing trends in the close future. Four of the major Swedish banks have started to implement AI as a customer service channel. Simultaneously, the Swedish banking industry is experiencing an all-time low in customer satisfaction, where one of the main reasons is the diminishing number of local branches. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the attitudes that customers have towards AI in customer service, as a substitute to local brick and mortar offices within the Swedish bank industry, as well as uncover any significant factors that could influence these attitudes. Method: This is a qualitative study of exploratory nature where five focus groups have been used to collect empirical data. A total sample of 26 participants, ranging from 20-55 years old, have partaken in the focus groups. Conclusion: Findings show that there mainly exists a negative attitude towards AI as a substitute to brick-and-mortar offices, but positive attitudes towards it as a complement. Factors that influence the attitudes were found to be Convenience, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, Risk and Social influence. Awareness and Prior Technological Experience were found to not have great influence on customer attitudes.
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Sustentabilidade e Gestão de Pessoas: evidências do setor bancário brasileiro / Sustainability and people management: evidences of the Brazilian banking industryNayele Macini 14 October 2015 (has links)
Todas as áreas de uma organização dependem em grande medida da ação das pessoas. Logo, se o intuito é ser sustentável, a organização deve proporcionar o alinhamento entre as diretrizes da sustentabilidade e suas iniciativas. Um dos desafios da gestão de pessoas está em gerir as organizações em relação aos seus recursos humanos-sociais, naturais e econômicos, envolvendo a sustentabilidade organizacional à sua área de atuação. O setor bancário brasileiro por apresentar um grande poder econômico e financeiro, tem capacidade de investir em ações abrangendo os âmbitos social e ambiental. Equilibrar os investimentos para os três aspectos do tripé da sustentabilidade é parte das transformações sugeridas pela GSP (Gestão Sustentável de Pessoas). A fim de identificar se a gestão de pessoas do setor bancário brasileiro está alinhada às estratégias de sustentabilidade organizacional, analisando suas iniciativas da GSP, foi desenvolvida uma análise descritiva, qualitativa-quantitativa, baseada em análise de conteúdo e análises das informações da triangulação de dados envolvendo: os relatórios anuais ou de sustentabilidade dos bancos, acórdãos trabalhistas finalizados no ano de 2014 do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2a Região de São Paulo, e informações da Federação Brasileira de Bancos e do Sindicato dos Bancários e Financiários de São Paulo, Osasco e Região. Dentre os subsistemas de Gestão de pessoas analisados, a área de Recrutamento e Seleção, Sistema de Pagamento e Recompensa e Gestão de Desempenho e Avaliação, são os que precisam de maior detalhamento no reporte dos bancos. Dos acórdãos analisados, os índices mais recorrentes foram queixas relativas às horas extras, e em seguida, indenizações por assédio moral. As solicitações de doenças profissionais tiveram índices baixos, apresentando melhoria no setor frente à essas questões. Os bancos em geral não atingiram o nível de integrar e embutir extremamente as diretrizes em cada um dos aspectos do tripé da sustentabilidade, sendo o Itaú Unibanco o banco que apresentou mais detalhadamente suas ações. Embora o interesse na GSP, que agrega a sustentabilidade organizacional aos subsistemas de gestão de pessoas, tem sido recorrente, mais pesquisas são necessárias para dar forma e desenvolver um guia de implicações práticas, com clareza e objetividade para serem seguidas pelas organizações. Por meio da metodologia sistêmica (SSM), um quadro de ações foi desenvolvido, com intuito de proporcionar apoio, tanto estratégico quanto operacional, ao setor bancário brasileiro, para que a sustentabilidade organizacional seja implantada em suas ações. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa agregou valor por avançar na exploração desta lacuna na literatura, bem como no delineamento das categorias dos subsistemas de Gestão de Pessoas. Por fim, a pesquisa proporcionou reflexões teóricas quanto a GSP e, a análise das ações e iniciativas do setor bancário brasileiro permitiu identificar o atual panorama do setor no que tange à sustentabilidade organizacional. / All areas of organization depends largely on the action of the people. Therefore, if the organization\'s purpose is to be sustainable, it must provide the alignment between the guidelines of sustainability and its initiatives. One of the challenges of people management is to manage organizations in relation to their human and social, natural and economic resources, involving organizational sustainability to their area of expertise. The Brazilian banking industry presents a great economic and financial power, so it has the capacity to invest in actions covering the social and environmental spheres. Balance investments for the three aspects of sustainability tripod is part of the changes suggested by the Sustainable HRM (Human Resources Management). In order to identify if the people management of the Brazilian banking sector is aligned with organizational sustainability strategies, analyzing their Sustainable HSM initiatives, it was developed a descriptive analysis, qualitative and quantitative, based on content analysis and analysis of the data triangulation information involving: the annual reports or sustainability of banks, labor judgments finalized in 2014 of the Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region of São Paulo, and information of the Brazilian Federation of Banks and the Union of Banking and Financiários of São Paulo, Osasco and Region. Among the Management subsystems analyzed people, the area of Recruitment and Selection, System Pay and Reward and Performance Management and Evaluation, are in need of more detailed reporting of the banks. Among the judgments analyzed, the most recurrent rates were complaints relating to overtime, and then compensation for bullying. Requests for occupational diseases had low rates, with improvements in the sector ahead to these issues. Banks in general have not reached the level to integrate and extremely embed the guidelines in each of the aspects of the triple bottom line, with Itaú Unibanco the bank presented in more detail their actions. Although interest in Sustainable HSM, which aggregates organizational sustainability to people management subsystems, have been recurrent, more research was needed to shape and develop a guide of practical implications, clearly and objectively to be followed by organizations. Through the soft systemic methodology (SSM), an action framework was developed, aiming to provide both strategic and operational support to the Brazilian banking sector, so that organizational sustainability is deployed in their actions. In this sense, this research has added value for advancing the exploration of this gap in the literature as well as in the design category of the subsystems of Personnel Management. Finally, the research provided theoretical reflections as the Sustainable HSM and the analysis of the actions and initiatives of the Brazilian banking industry has identified the current situation of the sector with regard to organizational sustainability.
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Employer Branding : En multipel fallstudie om hur banker arbetar med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare ur generation Y / Employer Branding : A multiple case study on how banks work to attract and retain employees from generation YAn, Viktor, Svensson, Calle January 2017 (has links)
Employer Branding handlar om strategier för att attrahera och behålla både nuvarande och potentiella medarbetare. I och med förändringar på arbetsmarknaden är det viktigt för organisationer att kunna attrahera bättre kandidater gentemot sina konkurrenter. En av förändringarna är generation Y som alltmer utgör ett större utbud på arbetsmarknaden. Denna generation har andra preferenser gällande arbetsgivare, vilket ställer ett större krav på organisationer att anpassa sig efter generation Y för att behålla sin framtida konkurrenskraft. Ur ett globalt perspektiv har bankbranschen fått mycket negativ publicitet, vilket har försvårat rekrytering av kompetenta medarbetare. Tillsammans med kräsna och illojala medarbetare från generation Y som anses byta arbetsgivare när deras personliga mål inte går i rätt riktning, blir det problematiskt för organisationer när den äldre generationen ska ersättas. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur organisationer inom bankbranschen arbetar med sitt Employer Brand för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare ur generation Y. För att besvara uppsatsens forskningsfråga har vi valt att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer på två av Sveriges populäraste banker inom bankbranschen. Totalt deltog två kontorschefer och tre medarbetare från generation Y i undersökningen. Employer Branding består av tre delar: Employer Value Proposition, Internal Employer Branding och External Employer Branding. Den viktigaste av de tre delarna - Employer Value Proposition, handlar om de värderingar som organisationen står för som sedan kommuniceras ut både internt mot befintliga medarbetare samt externt mot potentiella medarbetare. För generation Y är möjligheten till kreativt arbete, personlig utveckling och förutsättningar till en lång karriär inom organisationen de värderingar som gör att de attraheras och stannar på arbetsplatsen. Genom moget ledarskap som innefattar en motiverad ledare som ger feedback och tydligt kopplar målstyrning till rollen och arbetsuppgifterna kan organisationer skapa nöjda medarbetare som sedan väljer att stanna på arbetsplatsen. Det externa arbetet med Employer Branding kan ske via en plattform som används dagligen av generation Y, nämligen sociala medier. Genom att förmedla organisationens värderingar via sociala medier kan organisationer på ett positivt sätt påverka uppfattningen hos framtida potentiella medarbetare. Det har visat sig att de undersökta bankerna är väl medvetna om vilka värderingar som anses vara attraktiva bland medarbetare ur generation Y. Genom att prioritera den interna rörligheten inom organisationen erbjuds de nuvarande medarbetarna personlig medarbetarutveckling vilket leder till förutsättningar till en lång karriär. / Employer Branding entails the strategic process of attracting and retaining both current and potential employees. Changes in the labor market force organizations to adapt to entice more competent prospects than rival organizations. One of these changes is the growing representation of generation Y in the labor market. Generation Y´s employer preferences are different from previous generations, placing pressure on organizations to conform to generation Y to maintain future competitiveness. From a global perspective, the banking industry has received a great deal of negative publicity during recent years, complicating the recruitment of competent employees. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how organizations in the banking industry utilize their employer branding to attract and retain employees from generation Y. We have chosen to investigate our question through a statistical survey and semi-structured interviews with two of the most popular banks in Sweden. In total, two office managers and three employees from generation Y participated in the survey. The results have shown that the participating banks are aware of the values that are considered attractive among generation Y. By prioritizing internal mobility within the organization, employees can develop both personally and professionally, conditions that facilitate longer lasting careers.
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La titrisation : enjeux en termes de communication comptable et financière / Securitization : challenges in terms of accounting and financial communicationLejard, Christophe 12 December 2011 (has links)
La crise financière liée aux emprunts hypothécaires subprime a mis en lumière aux yeux du public le recours à une technique d'ingénierie financière complexe : la titrisation. Le recours à la titrisation a suivi une croissance exponentielle durant la dernière décennie, la transaction se constituant en tant que moyen de financement privilégié aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. L'objectif de ce travail doctoral est d'apprécier les enjeux que véhicule la titrisation en termes de communication comptable et financière des groupes bancaires cotés, au regard de l'intérêt que confère la transaction quant à la satisfaction des intérêts du dirigeant. La recherche s'organise en deux volets. Le premier vise à déterminer et expliquer l'impact de l'annonce d'une titrisation par les banques sur le cours de leur action. Le second traite des conséquences du choix du dirigeant de structurer la transaction en hors bilan sur les éléments comptables suivants : le taux de rentabilité économique, le taux d'endettement, le ratio de Bâle, et le niveau de risque de crédit. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que, si le marché réagit négativement à l'annonce de la transaction, le recours à la titrisation, notamment lorsque celle-ci revêt une apparence hors bilan, s'inscrit en adéquation avec les intérêts personnels du dirigeant. / Financial crisis due to subprime mortgage loans put in light to public the use of a complex financial engineering technique : the securitization. Recourse to securitization presents an exponential growth during the last decade, as this kind of transaction is nowadays used as the preferential tool of financing in the USA and Europe. This dissertation aims to appreciate issues conveyed by the use of securitization in terms of accounting and financial communication for listed banking groups, taking into account interests brought by this transaction to the manager. This research is made following two steps. The first step aims to determine and explain the impact due to securitization announcement by banks onto share price. The second step deals with consequences of manager's choice to design transaction off-balance sheet on the following accounting items : return on assets, leverage, Basle ratio, and level of credit risk. Results from this research bring to light that, in spite of a negative market perception during the announcement of the transaction, the use of securitization and particularly when it appears as off-balance sheet, is adequate to satisfy manager's own interests.
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Klara, färdiga, generation Z : Akta så de inte springer ifrån er! / Ready, set, generation Z! : Watch out so that they don’t outrun you!Broström, Madeleine, Larsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett effektivt styrverktyg många organisationer använder sig av är belöningssystem, i syfte att motivera och behålla sina medarbetare. En ny generation, Generation Z är på väg att inta arbetsmarknaden, vilket innebär nya karaktärsdrag, egenskaper och attityder mot arbetet och arbetsplatsen. Det är således viktigt att organisationer tar hänsyn till Generation Zs styrkor och motivationsfaktorer, för att kunna styra och motivera dem till att uppnå organisationens mål och behålla dem i organisationen. Med omotiverade och missnöjda medarbetare kan organisationen öka sin personalomsättning, och därmed förlora viktig kunskap och kompetens, vilket utgör en stor kostnad för organisationen. En av de branscher svenska Generation Z kommer arbeta inom är bankbranschen och är den bransch den här studien har fokuserat på. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med en djupare kunskap och förståelse om vad som driver och motiverar svenska Generation Z i arbetslivet. Organisationer inom bankbranschen kan utifrån informationen i den här studien, utforma och anpassa sina belöningssystem för att på bästa sätt motivera Generation Z. Genom att lyckas med det, kan organisationer behålla Generation Z i företaget och därmed minska sin kostnad för personalomsättning. Teoretisk referensram: Studiens teori inleds med generationsteorin av Mannheim (1970) och en definition av Generation Z. Vidare presenteras två motivationsteorier: behovshierarkin av Maslow (1987) och tvåfaktorsteorin av Hertzberg et al. (1959), vilka underlättar förståelsen kring vad som skapar motivation. Avslutningsvis behandlas teorier om belöningssystem, finansiella och icke-finansiella belöningar. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en fallstudiedesign som grundar sig på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med individer som ingår i Generation Z och som studerade någon form av ekonomi på högskolenivå. Enkätundersökningen kompletterades med fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med individer inom Generation Z, som arbetade inom bankbranschen. De två insamlingsmetoderna utgjorde tillsammans en triangulering. Slutsatser: De faktorer som är mest motiverande i ett belöningssystem för Generation Z är de icke-finansiella belöningarna: karriärmässig utveckling, kompetensutveckling och inflytande över arbetsuppgifter. Dessutom ansågs anställningstrygghet, uppmärksamhet från chefer och bra relation till kollegor som viktiga parametrar för att stanna på en arbetsplats. / Background: To motivate and retain employees, reward systems are used in many organizations as an effective management tool. A new generation, Generation Z is about to enter the labor market, which means new traits, characteristics and attitudes towards work and the workplace. It is therefore important that organizations take Generations Z’s strengths and motivational factors into account, in order to guide and motivate them to achieve the organization’s goals and keep them in the organization. With unmotivated and dissatisfied employees, organizations can lose important skills and increase their labor turnover, which is a huge expense for organizations. One industry that Swedish Generation Z will be working within is the banking industry, which is the industry this study will focus on. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute with a deeper knowledge and understanding of what motivates Swedish Generation Z in working life. Organizations within the banking industry can, based on the information in this study, design and adapt their reward systems in the most efficient way to motivate Generation Z. By succeeding in this, organizations can keep Generation Z in the company and thereby reduce their labor turnover to the better. Theory: The theory of the study starts with the generation theory by Mannheim (1970) and a definition of Generation Z. Furthermore, two motivation theories, the hierarchy of needs by Maslow (1987) and the two-factor theory by Hertzberg et al. (1959) which facilitates the understanding of what creates motivation. Finally, theories of reward systems, financial and non-financial rewards are discussed. Method: This study is based on a case study performed as a quantitative survey with individuals within Generation Z, who studied some form of economics at the university level. The survey was supplemented by four qualitative interviews with individuals within Generation Z, who worked in the banking industry. The two collection methods together constituted a triangulation. Conclusions: The factors that are the most motivating in a Generation Z reward system are the non-financial rewards: career development, skills development, and influence over tasks. In addition, job security, attention from managers and a good relationship with colleagues were considered important parameters for staying in a workplace.
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Customer Satisfaction in the Cooperative Banking industry: a quantitative approach.Baqué, Nils, Ferati, Alban, Singh, Rahul January 2021 (has links)
[Introduction] Cooperative banks in France have a major impact on the finance industry and the French economy. The French financial ecosystem differs in comparison with other European countries because of a higher number of cooperative banking groups, which have a dominant market share in the financial industry. With a highly competitive retail banking market frequently described as a commoditized space, customer satisfaction remains the largest competitive advantage for banks. [Research Purpose] Overall, the ambition with this research was to gain a deeper understanding of customer satisfaction in the retail banking market segment. The fundament of this thesis is a theoretical framework that analyzed customer satisfaction for retail clients of cooperative banks. By this, we identified which characteristic of the relationship between customers and their cooperative bank have the highest impact on customer satisfaction. Thus, our research question implied a search to explain an underlying causal relationship between six different variables within Perceived Quality and Perceived Value with customer satisfaction. Perceived Value (PV) included Trust, Employee Competences, and Price Transparency. Perceived Quality (PQ) included Accessibility, Reliability, and Reactivity. [Methodology] By adopting a quantitative approach, we could test, support and rank which variables impact customer satisfaction for cooperative banking clients. The analyzed dataset comprises a total of 21 914 respondents which are customers from 142 cooperative banking branches in France. [Results & Conclusion] From the analysis of the empirical results, we answered our research question by detailing the relationships between perceived quality; perceived value, and customer satisfaction. Finally, our findings indicated that Perceived Quality contributes to customer satisfaction in cooperative banking to a larger extend than Perceived Value. Moreover, the study ranked the importance of each variables impacting customer satisfaction as follow: (1) Accessibility, (2) Employee Competences, (3) Trust, (4) Reliability, (5) Price Transparency, (6) Reactivity.
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Identifiering av tjänstersutvecklingsprocess hos svenska banker : En kvalitativ studie om New Service Development och svenska bankers arbete med tjänsteinnovation.Johansson, Maja, Parmar, Akash January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I linje med att digitaliseringen utvecklas har bankernas struktur påverkats. Tidigare forskning visat att den ekonomiska utvecklingen har drivits av innovation. Den ökande betydelsen av tjänster har medfört ett större fokus på tjänstens utvecklingsarbete. Tjänster är dock väldigt understigande och improduktivt utvecklade i jämförelse med produkter, vilket gör det svårt att generellt utveckla tjänster. Då utvecklingens syfte är att förstärka organisationens position på marknaden kan det vara intressant att se utvecklingsprocessen för svenska banker. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur svenska banker arbetar med tjänsteinnovation, hur deras utvecklingsprocess ser ut samt vad för svårigheter som uppstår i samband med detta. Studien syftar också till att undersöka huruvida New Service Development processen faktiskt används av svenska banker i praktiken. Vidare ska studien tillföra en ökad förståelse för svenska bankers utveckling av tjänster, hur dess utvecklingsprocess ser ut, samt vilka som är involverade. Detta med ett ursprung i NSD-processen. Metod: Undersökningen utgår från en kvalitativ metod, där den har genomförts med en flerfallstudie på fyra olika banker i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer via onlinemöte och e-mail. Intervjuerna utfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Därefter har materialet analyserats för att kunna upptäcka skillnader och likheter mellan bankerna. Slutsats: Vi ser uppenbara likheter mellan de fyra studerade bankerna att en New Service Development process inte används fullt ut hos någon av de. Därmed drar vi slutsatsen att NSD inte direkt används i praktiken hos svenska banker. Däremot kan vi se att vissa delar av bankernas utvecklingsprocess går att likna med utvecklingen av en NSD-process. Vidare också att bankerna tenderar till att arbeta med tjänsteinnovation på liknande sätt, men att utvecklingsprocessen inom tjänsterna är någorlunda specifik för vardera bank. / Background: In line with the development of digitalisation, the banks' structure has been affected. Previous research has shown that economic development has been driven by innovation. The growing importance of services has led to a greater focus on service development. However, services are very inferior and unproductively developed in comparison with products, which makes it difficult to generally develop services. As the purpose of the development is to strengthen the organization's position in the market, it may be interesting to see the development process for Swedish banks. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish banks’ work with service innovation, what their development process looks like and what difficulties arise in connection with this. The study also aims to investigate whether the New Service Development process is actually used by Swedish banks in practice. Furthermore, the study will provide an increased understanding of Swedish banks' development of services, how its development process looks like, and who is involved. This originates in the NSD process. Method: The survey is based on a qualitative method, where it has been conducted with a multiple case study at four different banks in Sweden. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with online meetings and e-mail. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Then, the material has been analyzed in order to detect differences and similarities between the banks. Conclusions: We see obvious similarities between the four banks studied that a New Service Development process is not fully used by any of them. Thus, we conclude that NSD is not directly used in practice by Swedish banks. On the other hand, we can see that certain parts of the banks' development process can be compared to the development of an NSD process. Furthermore, also that the banks tend to work with service innovation in a similar way, but that the development process within the services is fairly specific to each bank.
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