Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beginning"" "subject:"eginning""
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Právnické osoby soukromého práva jako povinné subjekty dle zákona o registru smluv / Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract RegisterMaier, Václav January 2019 (has links)
Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract Register Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the rights and obligations arising from Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Contract Register, for private juridical persons, focusing mainly on the interpretative problematic provisions of the Act on the Contract Register which are applicable to private juridical persons. The thesis is also focused on provisions that are not yet sufficiently interpreted by any reference literature or by the case law but are absolutely crucial in terms of their impact on rights and obligations of private juridical persons. This thesis is divided into eight chapters. The main topics of the thesis are the possibilities and conditions of application of selected exceptions from the publication obligation, the information not published in the respective contracts and the consequences of not publishing a contract subject to publication in the contract register, including ways to solve situations caused by cancellation of the contract from the beginning. The first chapter is due to the compactness of the thesis devoted to brief analysis of the characteristics of the mandatory published documents in the contract register, including the mandatory forms of the documents, with...
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Acompanyament al professorat novell: avaluació d'un programa per a la construcció del coneixement professionalMayoral Serrat, Maria Paula 22 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectiu principal d’aquesta recerca és avaluar l’eficàcia d’un programa dissenyat per pal•liar el xoc de realitat i fomentar la reflexió sobre la pràctica al llarg del procés d’inducció professional del professorat novell d’Educació Secundària i Cicles Formatius en el seu context, tot afavorint-ne, així, la construcció de coneixement professional. Aquesta avaluació pren forma en l’anàlisi de diverses dimensions. La primera consisteix a estudiar l’impacte del programa en els problemes dels novells per constatar si es redueixen, així com copsar els problemes dels tutors per poder promoure (en futures recerques) ajudes en aquesta direcció. La segona dimensió se centra a identificar les ajudes que faciliten la construcció del coneixement professional, sobretot les que s’articulen directament a través del tutor i, especialment, l’efecte del feedback envers el professor novell. La tercera dimensió analitza la interacció entre iguals en una comunitat d’aprenentatge per veure si es produeix un canvi en les creences dels participants i, sobretot, si la reflexió sobre la pròpia acció i la dels altres promou la construcció del coneixement professional. I la quarta dimensió vol evidenciar quins elements del programa són considerats més satisfactoris pels participants, i també quins altres aspectes es podrien millorar a l’hora de redissenyar-lo.
L’estudi s’ha dut a terme a través de la implementació d’un programa d’inducció professional durant el curs 2006-2007 i amb 5 parelles (novell-tutor). S’han analitzat cinc àrees temàtiques (concepcions sobre ensenyament i aprenentatge, motivació, classroom management, conducta i avaluació dels alumnes) mitjançant de tres accions: a) lectura especialitzada i fòrums virtuals, b) observació i feedback del tutor cap al professor novell i c) grups de reflexió sobre la pràctica docent amb anàlisi de les bones pràctiques. Les dades recollides corresponen als enregistraments del discurs en cada àrea i acció, juntament amb les dades obtingudes d'una entrevista semi-estructurada (inicial-final).
Per assolir els objectius s’ha fet un estudi interpretatiu i longitudinal, de modalitat participant i basat en una metodologia de recerca-acció amb component avaluador. S’ha optat per un enfocament d’anàlisi qualitativa (amb el programa Atlas.ti), segons la Grounded Theory, mitjançant l’anàlisi del contingut i de les estratègies discursives i els patrons d’interacció seguint la proposta de Hogan, Nastasi i Pressley (2000).
Els resultats mostren coincidències amb la literatura especialitzada quant als problemes dels novells, especialment els d'atenció a la diversitat, socialització, disciplina dels alumnes i falta de coneixements, que es redueixen al llarg del programa. Al seu torn, els tutors mostren alguns problemes de comunicació amb els novells que es mantenen al llarg del programa. Tot i que les ajudes proporcionades pels tutors prenen diferents formes, la transmissió de feedback després de l’observació de la pràctica del novell a l’aula és la més efectiva des de la perspectiva de tots dos. Pel que fa a la pràctica professional, els grups de reflexió mostren el següent: que els tòpics més recurrents corresponen a les àrees problemàtiques indicades pels novells; que els tutors usen estratègies metacognitives i els novells, conceptuals; i que es promou la reelaboració i enriquiment de les creences inicials en totes les àrees treballades. A més, la implementació del programa ha permès conèixer propostes de canvi i comprovar també que el format dels grups de reflexió és un model vàlid d’assessorament col•laboratiu. / El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de un programa diseñado para paliar el choque de realidad y fomentar la reflexión sobre la práctica a lo largo del proceso de inducción profesional del profesorado novel de Educación Secundaria y Ciclos Formativos en su contexto, favoreciendo así, la construcción de conocimiento profesional. Esta evaluación se articula a través de varias dimensiones. La primera consiste en estudiar el impacto del programa en los problemas de los noveles para constatar si se reducen, así como recoger los problemas de los tutores para poder promover (en futuras investigaciones) ayudas en esta dirección. La segunda dimensión se centra en identificar las ayudas que facilitan la construcción del conocimiento profesional, sobre todo las que se articulan directamente a través del tutor y, especialmente, el efecto del feedback hacia el profesor novel. La tercera dimensión analiza la interacción entre iguales en una comunidad de aprendizaje para ver si se produce un cambio en las creencias de los participantes y, sobre todo, si la reflexión sobre la propia acción y la de los otros promueven la construcción del conocimiento profesional. Y la cuarta dimensión quiere evidenciar qué elementos del programa son considerados más satisfactorios por los participantes, y también qué otros aspectos se podrían mejorar a la hora de rediseñarlo.
El estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de la implementación de un programa de inducción profesional durante el curso 2006-2007 y con 5 parejas (novel-tutor). Se han analizado cinco áreas temáticas (concepciones sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje, motivación, classroom management, conducta y evaluación de los alumnos) a través de tres acciones: a) lectura especializada y foros virtuales, b) observación y feedback del tutor al profesor novel y c) grupos de reflexión sobre la práctica docente con el análisis de buenas prácticas. Los datos recogidos corresponden a las grabaciones del discurso en cada área y acción, junto con los datos obtenidos de una entrevista semi-estructurada (inicial-final).
Para lograr los objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un estudio interpretativo y longitudinal, de modalidad participante y basado en una metodología de investigación-acción con componente evaluador, y de enfoque de análisis cualitativo (con el programa Atlas.ti), según la Grounded Theory (analizando el contenido y las estrategias discursivas y los patrones de interacción, Hogan, Nastasi y Pressley (2000).
Los resultados muestran coincidencias con la literatura especializada en cuanto a los problemas de los noveles, especialmente los de atención a la diversidad, socialización, disciplina de los alumnos y falta de conocimientos, que se reducen a lo largo del programa. A su vez, los tutores muestran algunos problemas de comunicación con los noveles que se mantienen a lo largo del programa. Aun cuando las ayudas proporcionadas por los tutores presentan diferentes formas, la transmisión de feedback tras la observación de la práctica del novel en el aula es la más efectiva desde la perspectiva de los dos. Con respecto a la práctica profesional, los grupos de reflexión muestran lo siguiente: que los tópicos más recurrentes corresponden a las áreas problemáticas indicadas por los noveles; que los tutores utilizan estrategias metacognitivas y los noveles, conceptuales; y que se promueve la reelaboración y el enriquecimiento de las creencias iniciales en todas las áreas trabajadas. Además, la implementación del programa ha permitido conocer propuestas de cambio y comprobar también que el formato de los grupos de reflexión es un modelo válido de asesoramiento colaborativo. / The main goal of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a program designed to reduce the reality shock and to promote reflection on practice teaching during the beginning secondary school teacher’s induction phase, thus promoting the construction of professional knowledge. This assessment covers a number of dimensions. The first involves studying the program's impact on the problems of the beginning teachers to see if they have been reduced and also recording the problems of mentors so as to find solutions (in future research). The second dimension focuses on identifying elements that promote the construction of professional knowledge, especially those that are directly related to the effect of feedback to the beginning teacher. The third dimension examines the interaction between peers in a learning community to see if there is a change in the beliefs of participants and, especially, in the construction of professional knowledge. And the fourth dimension is related to showing what elements of the program are considered most successful by participants, and also what else could be improved at the time of redesign.
The study was conducted during the implementation of a professional induction program involving five beginning teacher-mentor pairs during the 2006-2007 school year. We worked five areas (teaching and learning conceptions, motivation, classroom management, behavior and students assessment) through three activities: a) participation in a forum on-line, b) observation and feedback to the beginning teacher from the mentor and c) focus groups about teaching practices. The data collected comes from the recordings of the speech in each area and action and also, from a semi-structured interview (beginning-end).
To achieve the goals we have conducted a longitudinal, participant and interpreting study based on a research-action methodology with an assessment component. We took a qualitative analysis approach (using the Atlas.ti program), in accordance with the Grounded Theory, analyzing the content and the discourse strategies and interaction patterns following the model proposed by Hogan, Nastasi & Pressley (2000).
The results show similarities with the literature regarding beginning teachers’ problems, especially those regarding individual differences, socialization, disciplining of students and lack of knowledge, which decrease over the course of the program. In turn, mentors showed some communication problems with the beginning teachers that continued throughout the program. Nevertheless, feedback after watching the beginning teachers’ practice sessions in the classroom was considered the most effective activity by both beginning teachers and mentors. Regarding professional practice, focus groups showed the following: the most frequently raised issues were related to the problem areas identified by the beginning teachers; mentors used metacognitive strategies whereas beginning teachers used conceptual strategies; and all activities promote the reformulation and enrichment of the initial beliefs in all areas worked. Furthermore, the implementation of the program has allowed us to exchange proposals and also verify that the structure of focus groups is a valid model for collaborative coaching.
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Développement de l'identité professionnelle d'enseignantes débutantes en contexte de relation mentoraleProvencher, Ariane 04 1900 (has links)
Entre 15% et 20% des enseignants du Québec abandonnent la profession avant d’atteindre cinq années d’expérience (Martel et Ouellette, 2003). Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent perturber leur insertion et freiner le développement de leur identité professionnelle (Baillauquès et Breuse, 1993). Pour les soutenir, des commissions scolaires offrent des mesures parmi lesquelles le mentorat est privilégié.
La recherche visait à mieux comprendre le mentorat en enseignement pour en identifier des caractéristiques favorables au développement de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants débutants. Les deux concepts sont mis en relation, s’appuyant sur les travaux de Houde (1995) et de Gohier, Anadón, Bouchard, Charbonneau et Chevrier (2001). Les aspects retenus pour l’analyse sont : les caractéristiques de la relation mentorale, les fonctions du mentor et le développement des sentiments de compétence, de reconnaissance et d’appartenance à la profession. Cinq entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès d’enseignantes débutantes du primaire de la région de Montréal ayant vécu une relation mentorale d’un an. Les données ont été traitées qualitativement.
Les résultats montrent que, selon les participantes, le mentorat peut favoriser le développement du sentiment de compétence. Toutefois, les sentiments de reconnaissance et d’appartenance sont attribuables à l’expérience et la sociabilité. Un portrait du mentor et des conditions de réussite de la relation mentorale sont aussi présentés.
Le fait que seules des mentorées du primaire aient été interrogées constitue une limite. La généralisation est impossible, mais les résultats peuvent servir à d’autres études sur l’identité professionnelle ainsi qu’au développement de programmes d’insertion professionnelle et à la formation de mentors. / Between 15% and 20% of Québec teachers abandon the profession before reaching five years of practice (Martel & Ouellette, 2003). The difficulties encountered can disturb their integration and slow down the development of their professional identity (Baillauquès & Breuse, 1993). Some school boards offer supportive measures, in which mentoring is one of the most popular forms.
The goal of our research was to gain a better understanding of the teacher mentoring relationship and identify which of its characteristics are favourable to the development of beginning teachers’ professional identity. The two concepts are related based on the works of Houde (1995) and of Gohier, Anadón, Bouchard, Charbonneau, & Chevrier (2001). Our analysis focused on the characteristics of the mentoring relationship, the mentor’s functions, and the development of the beginning teacher’s senses of self-efficiency, recognition, and belonging to the profession. Five interviews were conducted with novice elementary teachers from the Montréal area having experienced a mentor relationship lasting one year. The data was analysed qualitatively.
The results show that the participants perceive mentoring to be favourable to the development of the feeling of self-efficiency. However, feelings of recognition and belonging to the profession are attributed to experience and sociability. A portrait of the mentor and some conditions for the success of the relation are also exposed.
The fact that only elementary-level mentees have been interviewed presents a limitation. Any generalization is impossible but the results can serve for other studies about professional identity or for the development of teacher induction and mentor training programs.
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Narrativas autobiográficas de professores iniciantes no ensino superior: trajetórias formativas de docentes do curso de Letras-Inglês / English professors beginners in Higher Education s autobiographical stories: the formative processes of Letras-Inglês professorsCunha, Renata Cristina da 24 January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-24 / This work has as an object of study the academic process of teachers that are at the beginning of their careers starting from their oral and written autobiographical stories, motivated by the leading question: What experiences have the English teachers experienced before the teaching profession and in the beginning of their careers are configured as formative after they becoming Higher Education professionals? To respond to this leading question, there were stated the following objectives: General objective: To know and analyze the autobiographical stories of the English teachers that are working for UESPI in the English course, beginners in the higher education field about the formative experiences acquired before the teaching work and in the beginning of their careers. Specific objectives: 1) To describe and analyze the researched participants memories-reference revealing time, space and the context of formation and learning of the profession before entering the higher education; 2) To characterize and analyze the experiences lived by the interlocutors of the research when they started their careers of teaching in higher education; 3) To identify and discuss the effective reflections through the production of oral and written autobiographical narratives to reveal the experiences gathered by the research subjects all through their life trajectory. An autobiographical survey was carried on with a methodology of qualitative approach reaching out to the authors such as Clandinin and Connelly (1995, 2000), Bolívar (2002), Souza (2004, 2006a, 2006b), among others. Three English teachers collaborated with this study, all of them beginners in the career of higher education at UESPI, Parnaíba (PI). To achieve the objectives of this research, that was done through 2012, there were used the formation memorial, reflective letters and the interactive meetings. The content of the research corpus was analyzed based in Bardin s proposal (2006). The produced data were analyzed based on the theoretical approach studied about the fresh teacher, formative experiences of autobiographical stories, and they were organized around four key areas and their respective indicators: 1) First learning experiences: the experiences brought by each collaborator; 2) Schooling stories: school and university as formative environment; 3) Teaching formative experience: the practicing of teaching as a source of learning: 4) Autobiographical dialogues: Formative possibilities to work independently. The research interlocutors oral and written narratives confirmed that the formative process of each teacher is directly connected to its life trajectory that has guided the gathered learning and the developed practicing throughout their lifetime. What they bring to themselves is the formative experiences and memories-references that set apart the three protagonists of their own history. / O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa são os processos formativos dos professores em início de carreira a partir de suas narrativas autobiográficas orais e escritas, motivada pela seguinte questão-norteadora: Que experiências vivenciadas pelos professores do curso de Letras-Inglês, antes do exercício da profissão docente e no início da carreira, configuram-se como formadoras ao se tornarem profissionais do Ensino Superior? Para responder a questão-norteadora, foram traçados os seguintes objetivos: Geral: Conhecer e analisar as narrativas autobiográficas dos professores do curso de Letras-Inglês da UESPI, iniciantes no magistério superior, acerca das experiências formadoras vivenciadas antes do exercício da profissão docente e no início da carreira. Específicos: 1) Descrever e analisar as recordaçõesreferências dos colaboradores da pesquisa revelando tempos, espaços e contextos de formação e aprendizagem da profissão antes do ingresso no Ensino Superior; 2) Caracterizar e analisar as experiências vivenciadas pelos colaboradores da pesquisa ao se tornarem professores iniciantes no Ensino Superior; 3) Identificar e discutir as reflexões potencializadas pela produção das narrativas autobiográficas orais e escritas para revelar as experiências formadoras vivenciadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa ao longo de sua trajetória de vida. Foi realizada uma pesquisa autobiográfica, com abordagem qualitativa, dialogando com autores como Clandinin e Connelly (1995, 2000), Bolívar (2002), Souza (2004, 2006a, 2006b), entre outros. Para a realização da pesquisa, colaboraram três professores de Língua Inglesa, iniciantes na carreira no Ensino Superior na UESPI, campus de Parnaíba (PI). Para alcançar os objetivos da pesquisa, realizada durante o ano de 2012, foram utilizados o memorial de formação, as cartas narrativas e os encontros interativos. O conteúdo do corpus da pesquisa foi analisado à luz da proposta de Bardin (2006). Os dados produzidos foram analisados à luz do referencial teórico estudado acerca do professor iniciante, das experiências formadoras e das narrativas autobiográficas, organizados em quatro eixos de análise e seus respectivos indicadores: 1) Primeiras aprendizagens: as experiências que cada um traz consigo; 2) Narrativas de escolarização: a escola e a universidade como espaços formativos; 3) Experiências formadoras da docência: o exercício da profissão como fonte de aprendizagem e 4) Diálogos autobiográficos: possibilidades formativas do caminhar para si. As narrativas orais e escritas dos colaboradores da pesquisa confirmaram que o processo formativo de cada docente está diretamente relacionado à sua trajetória de vida, que orientaram as aprendizagens adquiridas e as práticas desenvolvidas ao longo da vida. São as experiências formadoras e recordações-referências que cada um traz consigo, portanto, que singularizam a vida dos três colaboradores da história.
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Mapeamento das necessidades formativas do formador de professores atuante no programa de formação online de mentores / Mapping of training needs of the teachers' trainer who acts at the online training program of mentorsMalheiro, Cícera Aparecida Lima 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-08-07T20:23:59Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Não recebi financiamento / The reflexions of this study are embedded in a context of continuing training in-school developed under the Online Training Program of Mentors (known as PFOM). It is a set of issues related to teachers of basic education, both teachers' trainers (TT) and beginning teachers (BT). The questions are related to training needs and professional learning (and consequently professional development) of these educators. The central questions were: Considering the development of PFOM, TT mobilized what knowledge, from those indicated in the literature as appropriate to their role? These professionals have presented training needs related to activities concerning the mentorship process? Which were them? Do these needs relate to those reported by the BT followed up? The main objective was: identify the training needs of the TT of PFOM and understand the relation between the knowledge mobilized in their acting as mentors. Methodological design was carried out through qualitative approach having as research object narratives produced by TT and by BT during the participation in the PFOM. Data were analyzed using the content analysis techniques supported by the ATLAS.ti software. Results evidenced that, although the guiding principles of PFOM were the same, each trainer has developed his own interpretations about mentorship processes. Such interpretations were influenced by realities and contexts of individual performances, as well as by tasks performed by these teachers. We identified that during their performance as mentors, TT mobilized the following set of knowledge: i) being able to understand the demands of BT; ii) know to analyse the steps of the training process; iii) know to seek information and make partnerships; iv) know to organize reflections and communications on training practices; v) knowledge of experience, the ability to act in the face of educational practices; vi) know to organize training strategies; vii) know to learn from the relationship between trainer and BT; viii) know to have a good interpersonal relationship. Apparently, TT and BT have presented different training needs. Training needs voiced by TT while performing the role of mentors were configured in the context of management and establishment and organization of strategies in the face of adult education. BT training needs were linked to: indiscipline, literacy, classroom management, inclusion and curriculum of early childhood education. Mentorship contributed to disruption of difficulties faced in the continuing training in-school, allowing a more horizontal formation with the participation of both parties (trainer and subject) in the structuring of the processes. It also met the real needs of participants. Since it is very difficult for a single professional to handle working alone in the training of teachers, it was clear the importance of mobilizing partnerships within the networks and/or educational systems and within school itself. Establishment of support networks proved to be fundamental to meet the training demands presented and favour the processes of continuing training in-service. / A problemática deste estudo está inserida em um contexto de formação continuada (FC) centrada na escola desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Formação Online de Mentores (PFOM). Trata-se de um conjunto de questões relacionadas aos professores da educação básica, sejam eles formadores de professores (FP) e professores iniciantes (PI). São indagações referentes às necessidades formativas (NF) e à aprendizagem profissional (e, consequentemente, ao desenvolvimento profissional) desses educadores. Elencamos como questionamentos centrais: Considerando o desenvolvimento do PFOM, os FP mobilizaram quais saberes daqueles indicados na literatura como próprios do papel do formador? Estes profissionais apresentaram NF relacionadas às atividades concernentes aos processos de mentoria? Quais foram elas? Tais necessidades possuem relação com as que foram relatadas pelos professores iniciantes acompanhados? Como objetivo geral, definimos: identificar as NF dos FP participantes do PFOM e compreender a relação entre os saberes mobilizados em sua atuação como mentores. O delineamento metodológico foi realizado por meio da abordagem qualitativa, tendo, como objeto de investigação, as narrativas produzidas pelos formadores de professores e pelos professores iniciantes durante a participação no PFOM. Os dados foram tratados por meio das técnicas de análise de conteúdo com o suporte do software ATLAS.ti. Nos resultados, ficou evidente que, embora as bases de orientação do PFOM tenham sido as mesmas, cada formador desenvolveu suas próprias traduções sobre os processos de mentoria. Tais interpretações foram influenciadas pelas realidades e contextos de atuação individuais, assim como pelas funções exercidas por estes professores. Identificamos que, ao longo da sua atuação na mentoria, os FP mobilizaram o seguinte conjunto de saberes: i) saber entender as demandas de professores iniciantes; ii) saber analisar as ações do processo formativo; iii) saber buscar informações e fazer parcerias; iv) saber organizar reflexões e comunicações sobre as práticas formativas; v) o saber da experiência, o agir diante das práticas educativas; vi) saber organizar estratégias formativas; vii) saber aprender com a relação entre formador e professor iniciante; viii) saber ter uma boa relação interpessoal. Ao que tudo indica, os FP e os PI apresentaram NF distintas. As NF manifestadas pelos FP ao desempenharem a função de mentores configuraram-se nos âmbitos da gestão e do estabelecimento e organização de estratégias ante a formação de adultos. Já as NF dos PI foram ligadas a: indisciplina, alfabetização, manejo da sala de aula, inclusão e currículo da educação infantil. A mentoria contribuiu para o rompimento de dificuldades enfrentadas na FC, possibilitando uma formação mais horizontal e com o envolvimento de ambas as partes (formador e sujeito a ser formado) na estruturação dos processos. Também atendeu às reais necessidades dos professores participantes. Por ser muito difícil um único profissional dar conta de atuar sozinho na formação de professores, ficou clara a importância da mobilização de parcerias dentro das redes e/ou sistemas de ensino e na própria escola. O estabelecimento de redes de apoio mostrou-se fundamental para atender às demandas formativas apresentadas e favorecer os processos de formação continuada em serviço.
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Le territoire de Kouangtchéou Wan : de sa concession à la France à sa rétrocession à la Chine, 1898-1945 / The territory of Guangzhou Wan : from its concession to France to its retrocession to China, 1898-1945Teng, Teng 26 January 2018 (has links)
Officiellement concédé à la France par la convention franco-chinoise du 16 novembre 1899, le territoire de Kouangtchéou Wan était, aux yeux de Paul Doumer, Gouverneur Général de l’Indochine à cette époque-là, un « engin » important et indispensable en vue de réaliser son ambitieux projet politique et économique vis-à-vis de la Chine méridionale, et pour le futur développement français en Extrême-Orient. L’étude portant sur l’histoire de la France à Kouangtchéou Wan vise à faire ressortir l’évolution d’une cité portuaire chinoise sous l’administration française, au cours de la première moitié du siècle précédent. Il s’agit, d’abord, de découvrir les initiatives stratégiques et géopolitiques motivant la prise dudit territoire, l’organisation administrative et judiciaire adoptée ainsi que les réformes organiques qui ont résulté des changements de la circonstance locale ou voisine et qui ont plus ou moins provoqué l’évolution de cette cité ; puis, d’exposer les espoirs de la France sur ce territoire et ses œuvres réalisées ; enfin, d’étudier les raisons pour lesquelles les espoirs de la France à Kouangtchéou Wan ont été déçus / Officially conceded to France by the Franco-Chinese convention of November 16, 1899, the territory of Guangzhou Wan was, in the eyes of Paul Doumer, General Governor of Indochina at that time, an important and indispensable “machine” for achieving his ambitious political and economic project with regard to the southern China, and for the future French development in the Far East. The study on the history of France in Guangzhou Wan aims to reveal the evolution of a Chinese port city under the French administration, during the first half of the previous century. It’s about, at first, to discover the strategic and geo-political initiative that motivate the takeover of the territory, the administrative and judicial organization adopted, as well as the organic reforms that resulted from the changes of the local or neighboring circumstance, witch had more or less provoked the evolution of this city; then, to expose the hopes of France on this territory and its realized works; finally, to study the raisons why the hopes of France to Guangzhou Wan have been disappointed
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Requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderançaMiranda, Aurelio de Luca 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aurelio Miranda (aurelio_luca@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-12-28T00:33:37Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / Este estudo situa-se na linha de pesquisa de gestão de pessoas e práticas gerenciais com o propósito de analisar os requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderança dentro da área financeira nas organizações. Identifica-se como gestor de primeira liderança, o funcionário que não contribui sozinho para o resultado da organização e possui o gerenciamento de equipe como uma de suas atribuições, geralmente, aquele que detém o cargo de coordenador ou supervisor nas empresas. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa encontra-se fundamentada em referências bibliográficas e estudos já desenvolvidos sobre as competências gerenciais e liderança. Para atingir os objetivos desta investigação, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa em três fases: (i) definição do modelo de habilidades gerenciais a partir da revisão bibliográfica e do mapeamento para coleta de dados; (ii) aplicação de entrevistas com apoio de roteiro semiestruturado aos gestores que exercem o cargo de primeira liderança na área financeira em organizações utilizando-se de amostragem por conveniência, a fim de aprofundar e capturar as percepções destes gestores de primeira liderança e; (iii) na última etapa, foi desenvolvido o mapa de requisitos de habilidades gerenciais para o cargo de primeira liderança. Como conclusão deste trabalho, espera-se agregar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de líderes iniciantes, oferecer insights para treinamentos e identificar os gaps de habilidades gerenciais entre o esperado dos gestores que exercem o cargo de primeira liderança e o efetivamente observado por eles. Ademais, há potencial de aplicação prática com a introdução deste tema nas grades curriculares dos cursos de pós-graduação voltados aos gestores da área financeira. O acesso aos profissionais à realização das entrevistas e o tempo despendido na análise dos dados coletados destacaram-se como fatores críticos no sucesso desta pesquisa. / This study is in the research line of people management and managerial practices with the purpose of analyzing the managerial skills requirements for the position of first line manager within the financial area in organizations. It is identified as a first line manager, an employee who does not contribute to the organization's results alone and has team management as one of his duties, usually holds the position of coordinator or supervisor in companies. In this sense, this research is based on bibliographical references and already developed studies on management skills and leadership. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative research was carried out in three phases: (i) definition of the managerial skills model from the bibliographic review and the mapping for data collection; (ii) application of interviews with semi-structured script support to managers who hold the position of first line manager in the financial area in organizations with use of convenience sampling, in order to deepen and capture the perceptions of these managers of first line manager and; (iii) in the last step, the map of managerial skills requirements for the position of first line manager was developed. As a conclusion of this work, it is hoped to aggregate knowledge for the development of beginning leaders, to offer training insights and to identify managerial skill gaps between what is expected of managers who hold the position of first line manager and what is effectively observed by them. In addition, there is potential of practical application with the introduction of this theme in the curricular grades of the postgraduate courses directed to the managers of the financial area. The access to the professionals to the interviews and the time spent in the analysis of the collected data stood out as critical factors in the success of this research.
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Novice teachers' experiences of induction in selected schools in Oshana region, NamibiaNantanga, Suama Panduleni 06 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study was to investigate the experiences of novice teachers of induction in three selected schools in Oshana region, Namibia. The point of departure is that the experiences of novice teachers of induction and support are not known. The problem was investigated by means of a literature study and empirical investigation, using a qualitative, phenomenological approach.
Findings revealed that novice teachers do not have the same needs and do not have similar experiences of support. Key findings reveal that novice teachers’ problems can be solved better if support is given timeously and over a longer period, with all the stakeholders’ equal involvement in the induction process. Novice teachers are capable of making meaningful contributions to schools, and schools can benefit from them. The study recommends that novice teachers’ voices be heard and their views be incorporated when planning future induction programmes, to suit their individual and contextual needs. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Připravenost začínajících učitelů základních škol na řešení výchovných problémů žáků / Preparation of beginning teachers of primary schools is solving educations problems of studentsREZKOVÁ, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on solution of educational problem of students. Its character is theoretically-empirical. The first part is theoretical and is focused on explaining technical terms of this thesis topic. Furthermore it summarizes theoretical knowledge from area of teachers, especially junior, in addition education of schoolmasters and law regulation, regarding to their work. The last part of theoretical part is dedicated to authority, its establishing, education and practices in case of unappropriate student behaviour. Furthermore to discipline, its causes and to most common discipline problems in elementary schools. In the empirical part is described procedure of qualitative research investigation of this diploma thesis. There are also listed research questions as well as description of data collection and its analysis. Methodological part is followed by research investigation and answer to question, if junior teacher are ready to deal with educational problem of their students.
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La circulation de modèles juridiques : les origines de l’État providence en Colombie pendant les années trente et l’influence du constitutionalisme français du début du XXe siècle / Circulation of law : the origins of the welfare state in Colombia during the thirties and the influence of the French constitutionalism at the beginning of the twenty centuryRodriguez Villabona, Andrés Abel 12 November 2015 (has links)
À la différence d'autres phénomènes juridiques, le déplacement du droit d'un lieu à l'autre s'inscrit dans une analyse beaucoup plus ample que celle de droit comparé. Les États sont mis en concurrence dans de nombreux domaines : politiques économiques et fiscales, protection sociale, systèmes éducatifs, innovation, etc. Les systèmes juridiques se retrouvent également en compétition. Avec la mondialisation les échanges entre les systèmes juridiques se sont multipliés, ouvrant la voie à un recours plus fréquent à la démarche comparative. Par conséquent, la circulation du droit est un sujet qui a intéressé à la pensée juridique depuis toujours, mais qui ne commence à être traité que récemment. Pour le comprendre il convient de se rapporter à un cas spécifique, qui étant donné son caractère paradigmatique est celui de la réception du droit, de la doctrine et du régime constitutionnel français pendant les années trente en Colombie. Son examen servira comme support empirique d'un modèle explicatif du phénomène de la diffusion, d'un État à un autre, d'un droit formalisé et systématisé. / Unlike other legal phenomena, law's moving one place to another is part of a much broader analysis than that of comparative law. States are in competition in many areas: economic and fiscal policies, social protection, education systems, innovation, etc. Legal systems are also in competition. With globalization, exchanges between legal systems have proliferated, opening the way to more frequent use of comparative approach. Therefore, the circulation of law is a subject that always interested to legal thought, but it begins to be treated recently. To understand it should relate to a specific case, which given its paradigmatic character is that of reception of the law, the doctrine and the constitutional French regime during the thirties in Colombia. This review will serve as empirical support for a model explaining the phenomenon of diffusion from one state to another, of a formalized and systematized law.
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