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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'étalonnage, outil d'amélioration des performances dans les organisations publiques / Role and impact of benchmarking in the management of public organization

Wangani, Simon 07 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à améliorer le contrôle de gestion des organisations publiques. L'objectif est de répondre à la question suivante : quel est le rôle et l'impact de l'étalonnage dans la gestion des organisations publiques ? A l'issue d'une revue de la littérature approfondie, un cadre d'analyse de la particularité des organisations publiques a été mise en place et a permis de dégager les spécificités de ces organisations, lesquelles ne permettent pas de mettre en pratique les outils classiques du contrôle de gestions tels que le tableau de bord, la lolf, le reporting... L'enquête a été réalisée sur un échantillon d'une quarantaine de personnes composé des universitaires, des agents des organisations publiques et des professionnels (experts comptables, commissaires aux comptes et avocats). L'ensemble des résultats obtenus a permis de valider l'hypothèse générale selon laquelle l'étalonnage constitue un outil d'amélioration des performances dans les organisations publiques. / This doctoral thesis addresses / exlpores the impact of management control on public organizations. The / my purpose is to question and evaluate the role of benchmarking in the management of public organizations and the ways in which this currently much used / popular / strategy / method can impact on the management / functioning of public organizations. This work offerts a comprehensive review of what has been written in the field. It also provides an analytical framework to assess the particularities / specific features of those organizations, those which make it difficult to implement the classic strategies / tools of management control, that is lolf, dashboard or reporting. A survey has been carried out with a sample group, of about forty people consisting of academics and other professionals: chartered accountants, financial auditors, legal counsels. The obtained results helped validate our general hypothesis that benchmarking does constitute a tool which can greatly improve the performance and management of public organizations.

Barngruppens storlek -en fråga om likvärdighet : en studie av policydokument / Size of the group -a subject of equivalence : a study of the policydokument

Vigren, Maria January 2016 (has links)
2014 plockas riktmärket på 15 barn/barngrupp i förskolan bort. Det främsta argumentet till detta beslut var att istället för att fokusera på en siffra skulle ”barnets bästa” styra barngruppens storlek. 2016 återinförs riktlinjer om en maxgräns för antal barn i barngruppen. Denna studies syfte är att synliggöra de argument Skolverkets allmänna råd i frågan, kom att grundas i. Vad är skillnaden mellan de gamla och de nya riktlinjerna? Hur ringades ”problemet” med barngruppens storlek in? Vad framfördes som de bakomliggande orsakerna till förändringarna för riktmärket för antalet barn per grupp?   För att ta reda på svaren har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där jag granskat och tolkat Skolverkets Allmänna råd Förskolan (2016). De allmänna råden hänvisar till Skolverkets kartläggningar av aktuell pedagogisk, utvecklingspsykologisk och socialpedagogisk forskning samt Skolinspektionens kvalitetsgranskningar, vilka jag använt mig av för att få reda på svaren.  Analysen visar att Skolverket riktar kritik mot kommunernas bristande sätt att anpassa verksamheterna till barns skilda uppväxtvillkor. Kommunerna anses inte kunna rekrytera högskoleutbildad personal, inte heller kunna fördela resurserna rätt i förhållande till lämplig personaltäthet, storlek och sammansättning av barngrupperna, barns trygghet samt förskolans miljö. Frågan om små och stora barngrupper är komplex och handlar inte enbart om en siffra.

Combined power system planning and policy proposition for future electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Bhavanam, Yaminidhar Reddy January 2015 (has links)
In order to achieve the UK Government’s legally bound framework of greenhouse gas reduction targets, the transport sector is undergoing drastic changes. The key action taken by the Department of Transport in addressing the issue was the introduction of Ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) concept. Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) was introduced to support early market for ULEV and development of efficient recharging network through Plugged-in Places programme. The massive deployment of EV charging stations across GB will have direct impact on GB power system as they require electricity supply for their operation. It is therefore deemed necessary to carry out investigations on the capacity of the network assets to handle this load and to develop policies to manage the future EV charging infrastructure efficiently. This thesis provides an overview of the EV technology introducing various technicalities behind EVs and the associated charging stations. The extended theory about interoperability between EVs and power networks is also presented. Investigation of an 11kV networked site and 66/11 kV networked area is performed to determine their potential in accommodating future EV charging infrastructure. A methodology has been proposed to carry out investigations in 11kV networked site. For analysis purpose both the real networks are modelled in detail using power system analysis software Electrical Transient Analyzer Programme (ETAP). Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and Northern Power Grid (NPG) are the owners of the distribution networks respectively. Collaboration with DNOs has taken place to collect the existing network data. Finally, a university based EV charging bays management policy has been proposed.

Policy development framework for aviation strategic planning in developing countries

Itani, Nadine M. January 2015 (has links)
There exists no predefined framework for aviation policy making and development. While aviation policy planning in most developed countries comes as a result of institutional and industry coordination and is embedded within other national policies addressing the welfare and growth of the country, it is found that in many cases in less developed countries (LDCs), aviation policy planning is often influenced by political pressures and the interests of fund donors. The complexity of this situation in the developing countries results in aviation plans that represent stand alone studies and attempt to find solutions to specific problems rather than comprehensive aviation plans which fit well the country‘s competitiveness profile and are properly coordinated with other national policies for achieving medium and long-term objectives. This study provides a three-stage policy development framework for aviation strategic planning based on situational analysis and performance benchmarking practices in order to assemble policy elements and produce a best-fit aviation strategy. The framework builds on study results that indicate an association between air transport sector performance and aviation policy strategies, arguing that it is not sufficient to simply describe performance but also to be able to assess it and understand how policymakers can use strategic planning tools to affect the air transport industry efficiency levels. This can be achieved by recognizing the level of the country‘s stage of development and working on enhancing the policy elements that produce better output and induce more contributions by aviation to the national economic development and connectivity levels. The proposed aviation policy development framework is systematic and continuous. It helps policymakers in LDC to manage uncertainty in complex situations by allowing them to defend, correct and re-examine the policy actions based on a forward thinking approach which incorporates the contingency elements of the policy and tracks the developments that can affect the odds of its success. The framework‘s elements and its flow of process are explained by providing an illustrative example applied to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Zpracování dat v generickém prostředí pro benchmarkování / Data Processing in a Generic Benchmarking Environment

Mácha, Radek January 2015 (has links)
Title: Data Processing in a Generic Benchmarking Environment Author: Radek Mácha Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor: RNDr. Andrej Podzimek, Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Abstract: In September 2013, at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, a software project implementing the third incarnation of a generic bench- marking environment aimed at performance evaluation of networked applications was presented: EverBEEN. Despite significant advancements achieved by this incarnation in both reliability and ease of use, EverBEEN still came out somewhat wanting in terms of commercial usability. One of its major shortcomings was the absence of a standardized way of data extraction and processing. The want of such means in EverBEEN laid foundation to the central question of this thesis: How to extract and process data from a framework like EverBEEN, with no prior knowledge of the structure of said data? Albeit centered on the creation of a common, reusable data extraction and aggregation codebase for said framework, this thesis also strives to analyze means of automating EverBEEN control-flow and incorporating the framework, and its data processing, into continuous integration. Keywords: performance evaluation, data processing,...

Quantifying Performance Costs of Database Fine-Grained Access Control

Kumka, David Harold 01 January 2012 (has links)
Fine-grained access control is a conceptual approach to addressing database security requirements. In relational database management systems, fine-grained access control refers to access restrictions enforced at the row, column, or cell level. While a number of commercial implementations of database fine-grained access control are available, there are presently no generalized approaches to implementing fine-grained access control for relational database management systems. Fine-grained access control is potentially a good solution for database professionals and system architects charged with designing database applications that implement granular security or privacy protection features. However, in the oral tradition of the database community, fine-grained access control is spoken of as imposing significant performance penalties, and is therefore best avoided. Regardless, there are current and emerging social, legal, and economic forces that mandate the need for efficient fine-grained access control in relational database management systems. In the study undertaken, the author was able to quantify the performance costs associated with four common implementations of fine-grained access control for relational database management systems. Security benchmarking was employed as the methodology to quantify performance costs. Synthetic data from the TPC-W benchmark as well as representative data from a real-world application were utilized in the benchmarking process. A simple graph-base performance model for Fine-grained Access Control Evaluation (FACE) was developed from benchmark data collected during the study. The FACE model is intended for use in predicting throughput and response times for relational database management systems that implement fine-grained access control using one of the common fine-grained access control mechanisms - authorization views, the Hippocratic Database, label-based access control, and transparent query rewrite. The author also addresses the issue of scalability for fine-grained access control mechanisms that were evaluated in the study.

HR Benchmarking a měření efektivity řízení lidských zdrojů / HR Benchmarking and measurement of human resources management effectiveness

Synek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The theoretical part desribes some of the main concepts used in assessing human resources effectiveness especially those from the last decade written in anglo-saxon countries. There are three goals of the analytical part: comparison of the human resource management indices with international benchmarks, testing of stated hypotheses defined in cooperation with top management of the chosen company and determination of key human resources indices. Comparison and analysis are main methods used in the thesis. Beside partial recommendations there are two main indices proposed at the end to help top management to achieve goals of the business strategy.

L’intégration des corridors dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement internationales : analyse de cas africains / The integration of corridors into international supply chains : analysis of African cases

Pelletier, Jean-François 12 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les corridors et leur capacité relative à s'intégrer dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement internationales. Pour illustrer l'analyse, elle repose sur la réalisation d'études de cas portant sur la performance de corridors africains reliant le Tchad et le Niger aux marchés internationaux. Les chaînes d'approvisionnement sont des systèmes qui relient les organisations entre elles à travers des flux physiques et informationnels. Pour pouvoir les intégrer, toute entité doit être en mesure d'y contribuer en y apportant une valeur. Cette valeur permet aux chaînes d'approvisionnement d'atteindre un certain niveau de performance vis-à-vis leurs concurrents. En principe, elles cherchent donc à améliorer leurs performances et ceci passe par un certain nombre de stratégies dont la mise en œuvre dépend, entre autres, d'une circulation fluide d'information de qualité, d'un haut degré de fiabilité dans les processus logistiques et d'une collaboration effective entre les acteurs de la chaîne. En ce qui concerne les corridors, il s'agit également de systèmes qui relient les organisations entre elles. Mais contrairement aux chaînes d'approvisionnement, ils sont davantage territorialisés et ils forment des réseaux à travers lesquels les flux physiques et informationnels circulent. Leur valeur pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement est donc étroitement liée à la mobilité des biens, des personnes et des informations. Les corridors sont dotés de capacités qui leur confèrent plus ou moins de valeur selon les besoins relatifs des chaînes d'approvisionnement. Grâce à une matrice d'étalonnage construite à partir des besoins des chaînes d'approvisionnement, des capacités des corridors et des informations disponibles, les travaux entourant cette thèse tentent d'évaluer quels corridors sont susceptibles de mieux répondre aux besoins de certaines chaînes d'approvisionnement. Dans la mesure où à la fois les corridors et les chaînes d'approvisionnement sont des systèmes et considérant que l'évaluation de la performance ne peut faire abstraction d'éléments contextuels pour lesquels des indicateurs n'apportent que des réponses partielles, le processus d'étalonnage est complété par des études de cas qui permettent de mieux comprendre la performance relative. En conclusion, les travaux de cette thèse démontrent que les spécificités de chaque chaîne d'approvisionnement et des corridors empruntés ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une application universelle d'indicateurs de performance. Afin de bien appréhender l'intégration relative des corridors, il est nécessaire de pondérer les indicateurs en fonction des besoins précis de chaque chaîne d'approvisionnement. Par ailleurs, même si les corridors traditionnellement utilisés pour relier le Tchad et le Niger devraient maintenir leurs avantages dans un avenir rapproché, le potentiel d'amélioration sur l'ensemble des corridors est tel que la situation pourrait changer de façon significative à moyen et long termes. C'est notamment le cas pour les flux en provenance de / vers l'Asie qui augmentent rapidement à l'échelle africaine / This work considers corridors and their relative capability to integrate international supply chains. To illustrate the analysis, it is based on case studies pertaining to the performance of some African corridors linking Chad and Niger to global markets. Supply chains are systems that link organisations between them through physical and informational flows. To integrate them, it is necessary to contribute by providing value. This value enables supply chains to reach a given level of performance. Supply chains thus try to reach higher levels of performance through a certain number of strategies such as a seamless flow of information, a high degree of reliability in logistical processes and cooperation between stakeholders of the supply chain. Corridors are also systems that link organisation but they are more territorialized and form networks through which physical and informational flows circulate. Their value for supply chains is thus closely linked to the mobility of goods, persons and information. Corridors have capacities which provide them with more or less value according to the specific requirements of individual supply chains. With a benchmarking matrix built according to supply chain requirements, corridor capacities and available information, the work underlying this thesis tries to evaluate which corridors are susceptible of better answering to the specific need of certain supply chains. Given that both corridors and supply chains are systems and that the evaluation of performance cannot override contextual elements for which indicators only provide partial answers, the benchmarking process is completed by case studies that enable a better understanding of the relative performance. In conclusion, the work undertaken in this thesis demonstrates that the specificities of each supply chain and corridor cannot be objectively evaluated through the application of a universal benchmarking process based on performance indicators. To evaluate the relative integration of corridors, it is necessary to weigh the indicators according to the specific requirements of each supply chain. Moreover, even if the corridors traditionally used to link Chad and Niger should maintain their advantage in the short term, the potential for improvement on all the corridors analysed are such that this situation could significantly change in the medium and long terms. This is notably the case for flows to/from Asia which are growing rapidly at the African scale

Towards an effective energy labelling programme for commercial buildings : A comparative evaluation of the Green Buildings for Africa programme in relation to international experience

Reinink, Marloes Wilhelmina 22 December 2008 (has links)
International experience indicates that energy labelling programmes are rapidly evolving as a valuable tool for energy efficiency awareness and practice in the built environment. Four years after the launch of the South African labelling programme, Green Buildings for Africa (GBfA), it became evident that implementation was not successful. This study evaluates the contribution of a range of factors towards the sustained implementation and uptake of energy labelling programmes for commercial buildings based on a comparative appraisal of relevant international case studies and the GBfA. The analytical process is based on three types of energy labelling categories (mandatory energy audit, voluntary energy audit and voluntary benchmarking scheme) and two categories of factors (contextual and programme-specific). The key finding is that government involvement and support is critical, if not a prerequisite, for successful roll-out of an energy labelling programme. Key recommendation is that a local programme be initially based on a voluntary benchmark programme approach.

Automated Synthesis of Model Comparison Benchmarks

Addazi, Lorenzo January 2019 (has links)
Model-driven engineering promotes the migration from code-centric to model-based software development. Systems consist of model collections integrating different concerns and perspectives, while semi-automated model transformations generate executable code combining the information from these. Increasing the abstraction level to models required appropriate management technologies supporting the various software development activities. Among these, model comparison represents one of the most challenging tasks and plays an essential role in various modelling activities. Its hardness led researchers to propose a multitude of approaches adopting different approximation strategies and exploiting specific knowledge of the involved models. However, almost no support is provided for their evaluation against specific scenarios and modelling practices. This thesis presents Benji, a framework for the automated generation of model comparison benchmarks. Given a set of differences and an initial model, users generate models resulting from the application of the first on the latter. Differences consist of preconditions, actions and postconditions expressed using a dedicated specification language. The generator converts benchmark specifications to design-space exploration problems and produces the final solutions along with a model-based description of their differences with respect to the initial model. A set of representative use cases is used to evaluate the framework against its design principles, which resemble the essential properties expected from model comparison benchmark generators.

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