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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lourenço Mutarelli, literatura e mitologia / Lourenço Mutarelli, literature and mythology

Candeias, Daniel Levy 08 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste numa abordagem semiótica da obra literária de Lourenço Mutarelli, a qual compreende três romances: O Cheiro do Ralo, O Natimorto e Jesus Kid. Os textos são estudados com base em desenvolvimentos promovidos por semioticistas na área de semiótica poética e literatura; no que diz respeito a essa última, sobretudo as colaborações de Denis Bertrand em seu livro Caminhos da Semiótica Literária. Por conta das características do autor estudado, se propõem discussões a respeito de ethos, veredicção, enunciador e narrador; conceitos mais diretamente ligados à retórica e a Análise do Discurso. / This work consists of a boarding semiotics of the literary composition of Lourenço Mutarelli, who wrote three romances: O Cheiro do Ralo, O Natimorto and Jesus Kid. The texts are studied on the basis of developments promoted in the area of poetical semiotics and litereray semiotics. This work uses the contributions of Denis Bertrand in its book Caminhos da semiótica literária and Roman Jakobson in Lingüística e Comunicação. For account of the characteristics of the studied author if they consider quarrels regarding ethos, verediction, enunciator and narrator; concepts more directly on to the rhetoric and the analysis of the speech.

Der Begriff der logischen Form in der analytischen Philosophie : Russell in Auseinandersetzung mit Frege, Meinong und Wittgenstein /

Tatievskaya, Elena. January 2005 (has links)
Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Augsburg, 2004.


Flôres, Marcia Viaro 27 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work is designed to study helices and Bertrand curves. A circular helix is characterized by having constant curvature k 6= 0 and constant torsion t . If the ratio t k is constant, the curve is called generalized helix. A curve g : I −→R3 is called a Bertrand curve if there is another curve g : I −→R3 such that the normal lines of g and g at s ∈ I are equal. Generalized helices and Bertrand curves can be viewed as generalizations of the circular helix. In this work, we obtain important characterizations of these curves. Besides, we also study these curves from the view point of the theory of curves on ruled surfaces. / O presente trabalho destina-se a um estudo sobre hélices e curvas de Bertrand. Uma hélice circular é caracterizada por ter curvatura k 6= 0 e torção t constantes. Se a razão t k for constante, a curva é chamada hélice generalizada. Uma curva g : I −→ R3 é chamada curva de Bertrand se existe uma outra curva g : I −→ R3 tal que as retas normais de g e g em s ∈ I são iguais. Tanto a hélice generalizada como a curva de Bertrand podem ser vistas como generalizações da hélice circular. Neste trabalho, além de obtermos importantes caracterizações destas curvas, realizamos também um estudo destas do ponto de vista da teoria de curvas em superfícies regradas.

Insubordina-te, educação matemática! responsabilidade e paz em Bertrand Russell / Insubordina you, mathematics education! Responsibility and peace in Bertrand Russell

Júlio César Augusto do Valle 04 March 2015 (has links)
O propósito do presente estudo consiste em construir uma relação entre as teorizações de Bertrand Russell matemático e filósofo de expressão no século XX e as preocupações mais recentes de matemáticos e educadores matemáticos contemporâneos, nomeadamente por meio das linhas de pesquisa emergentes nas últimas décadas, dentre as quais destaco a Etnomatemática, conforme a concebe Ubiratan DAmbrosio. Isto porque muito do debate acerca dos princípios e das motivações da educação matemática apresenta convergências muito relevantes com as mais importantes críticas russellianas aos modos de pensar e sentir da humanidade no século passado. Para isto, apoio-me no conceito de crise proposto em Hannah Arendt como um momento em que as respostas consolidadas pela tradição não respondem mais às questões emergentes da atualidade e, por isso, devemos reler os autores do passado como se ninguém jamais os houvesse lido antes. Afinal, afirma-se quase que consensualmente que a educação matemática encontra-se em crise e, inspirando-me em Arendt, sinto-me impelido à releitura de Russell para encontrar interpretações que colaborem para o enfrentamento das problemáticas em que nos debatemos. Remeto-me assiduamente à obra de Paulo Freire para fundamentar a perspectiva política da educação que também ocorre a Russell e a DAmbrosio. E daí decorre a elaboração de uma relação entre a obra russelliana e as quatro dimensões da paz propostas por DAmbrosio, que evidencia a atualidade da obra do filósofo. Considero este trabalho, efetivamente, uma construção em Filosofia da Educação Matemática que retoma em Russell aquilo que recentemente retornou ao centro das preocupações sociais, inclusive da perspectiva da educação matemática: nossas crises sociopolíticas, econômicas e ambientais. Trata-se, portanto, de um exame, inspirado em Russell, de nossas responsabilidades, como matemáticos e educadores matemáticos, com a paz em suas múltiplas dimensões algo que demanda insubordinações permanentes. / The purpose of this study is to build a relationship between the theories of Bertrand Russell mathematician and philosopher of expression in the twentieth century and the latest concerns of mathematicians and mathematics educators contemporaries, notably through emerging research areas in recent decades, among which highlight the Ethnomatematics, as conceived by Ubiratan D\'Ambrosio. This is because much of the debate about the principles and motivations of mathematics education has very relevant convergence with the most important russellian critics of the ways of thinking and feeling of humanity in the past century. For this, I support the concept of crisis proposed in Hannah Arendt as a time when the answers consolidated by tradition no longer respond to emerging issues of the day, and so we should reread the authors of the past as if no one had ever read them before. After all, it is said almost consensus that education mathematics is in crisis and, according to Arendt, I feel compelled to Russell rereading to find interpretations that collaborate to confront the problem in which we struggle. I refer myself assiduously to the work of Paulo Freire to support the political perspective of education that also occurs to Russell and D\'Ambrosio. And it follows the development of a relationship between Russell\'s work and the four dimensions of peace proposed by D\'Ambrosio, highlighting the relevance of the work of the philosopher. This is effectively a text in Mathematics Education Philosophy which takes in what Russell recently returned to the center of social concerns, including the perspective of mathematics education: our socio-political, economic and environmental crises. It is, therefore, an examination, inspired by Russell, of our responsibilities, as mathematicians and mathematics educators, with peace in their multiple dimensions something that demands permanent insubordination.

The psychological implications of Mr. Bertrand Russell’s philosophy.

Pursley, Robert. January 1930 (has links)

A escrita da história na França de 1380 a 1404 : as representações discursivas sobre o cavaleiro Bertrand Du Guesclin (†1380) / L'écriture de l'histoire en France de 1380 à 1404 : les représentations narratives concernant le chevalier Bertrand Du Guesclin († 1380) / The writing of history in France from 1380 to 1404 : the narrative representations concerning the knight Bertrand Du Guesclin († 1380)

Druciak, Carmem 12 June 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse analyse les représentations narratives concernant le chevalier Bertrand Du Guesclin dans l'écriture de l'histoire en France du Bas Moyen Age, dans les œuvres du trouvère Cuvelier, La chanson de Bertrand Du Guesclin (1385), l'auteur anonyme de l’Histoire de Messire Bertrand Du Guesclin (1387) et Christine de Pizan dans son Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roi Charles V (1404). Notre analyse est basée sur les concepts de représentation dans l'histoire de Paul Ricœur, en insistant sur les préceptes de la représentance et de l'identité narrative formulés par l'auteur, ainsi que sur la poétique du récit historique, approche développée par Leonardo Funes. A partir de la lecture des sources, nous observons que la construction de l'identité narrative de Bertrand Du Guesclin était fondée sur une réflexion à propos du profil d'un preux chevalier, et surtout sur une chevalerie en transformation à la fin du XIVe siècle. Sur la base de cette analyse, nous avons souligné que l'écriture de l'histoire a choisi Bertrand Du Guesclin comme modèle pour une redéfinition de la chevalerie dont les principes ont été dictés par le service à la couronne française, par la disposition permanente des troupes, par la rémunération régulière et par la performance guerrière de ses membres au détriment du lignage. / This thesis analyses the discursive representations about Knight Bertrand du Guesclin in the writing of history in Late Medieval France, in the works of troubadour Cuvelier, La chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin (1385), of the anonymous author of Histoire de Messire Bertrand du Guesclin (1387) and of Christine de Pizan, in her Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roi Charles V (1404). Our analysis is based on the concepts of Representation in History of Paul Ricoeur, with emphasis on the precepts of the author's narrative identity and représentance, as well as on the poetics of historical account, methodology developed by Leonardo Funes. From the reading of the sources, we found that the construction of the narrative identity of Bertrand du Guesclin by the authors occurred on a reflection regarding the profile of a preux chevalier, and mainly of the chivalry that was in transformation in that late 14th Century. Based on this analysis, we point out that the Writing of History elected Bertrand du Guesclin as a model for a redefinition of the chivalry, whose principles were the service to the French Crown, the permanent disposition of the troops, the regular remuneration and the warrior performance of its members to the detriment of lineagistic ties. / A presente tese analisa as representações discursiv as sobre o cavaleiro Bertrand Du Guesclin na escrita da história na França da Baixa Idade Média, nas obras do trovador Cuvelier, La chanson de Bertrand Du Guesclin (1385), do autor anônimo da Histoire de Messire Bertrand Du Guesclin (1387) e de Christine de Pizan em seu Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roi Charles V (1404). Nossa análise se pauta sobre os conceitos de representação na história de Paul Rico eur, com ênfase nos preceitos de representância e de identidade narrativa do autor, bem como na poética do relato histórico , metodologia desenvolvida por Leonardo Funes. A pa rtir da leitura das fontes, verificamos que a construção da identidade narrativa de Bertrand Du Guesclin pelos autores se dava sobre uma reflexão do perfil de um preux chevalier , e principalmente sobre a cavalaria que estava em tran sformação naquele final de século XIV. Com base nessa análise, apontamos que a Escrit a da História elegeu Bertrand Du Guesclin como modelo para uma redefinição da cav alaria cujos princípios se dariam pelo serviço à coroa francesa, pela disposiç ão permanente das tropas, pela remuneração regular e pela performance guerreira de seus membros em detrimento dos laços linhagísticos.

Competition in an evolving stochastic market

Mitchell, Lawrence January 2009 (has links)
"In an efficient market all identical goods must have only one price." So states the aptly named law of one price. In the real world, however, one may easily verify that identical products are often sold for different prices. This thesis develops an extension of the Bertrand model in economics to include spatially localised competition to explain this price variation, which is then studied through simulation methods and theoretical analysis. Our model studies the effect that local heterogeneities in the environment experienced by sellers have on successful pricing strategies. Taking inspiration from models of evolutionary dynamics, we define the fitness of a seller and evolve seller prices through selection and mutation. We find three distinct steady states in our model related to the probability that a seller experiences competition for a buyer, mediated by the number of bankrupt sites in the system. When competition-free sales are unlikely, the system collapses on to a single price. If temporary monopoly situations do exist sellers can accumulate capital and variation in prices is stable. In this scenario, sellers spontaneously separate into two classes: cheap sellers – requiring sales to every potential buyer; and expensive sellers – requiring only occasional sales. Finally, we find an intermediate regime in which there is a single highly favoured price in the system which oscillates between high and low extrema. We study the properties of these steady states in detail, building a picture of how globally uncompetitive sellers can nonetheless survive if competition is strictly local. We show how the system builds up correlations, leading to niches for expensive sellers. These niches change the nature of the competition and allow for long-term survival of uncompetitive sellers. Not all expensive prices are equally likely in the steady state and we analyse why (and where) peaks in the price distribution appear. We can do this exactly for the early time dynamics of the model and extend the argument more qualitatively to the steady state. This latter analysis allows us to predict, for an observed steady distribution, the minimum price an expensive seller should charge to guarantee profit. The oscillatory ‘steady state’ is qualitatively reminiscent of boom and bust cycles in the global market. We study methods to suppress the oscillations and suggest ways of avoiding catastrophic crashes in the global economy – without negatively affecting the ability of outliers to make large profits.

Les regards traîtres (recueil de nouvelles), suivi de Le motif du mauvais œil dans les nouvelles fantastiques de Bertrand Bergeron (essai)

Roy, Jason January 2016 (has links)
Ce mémoire est constitué de trois volets. Tout d'abord, on y présente une création littéraire, court recueil de nouvelles intitulé Les regards traîtres. Celui-ci est suivi d'un essai portant sur le sous-genre fantastique, qui dans sa forme canonique offre une place prépondérante aux motifs littéraires. Suit une courte revue du motif du mauvais œil et une analyse détaillée d'un corpus de nouvelles de l'auteur québécois Bertrand Bergeron. Celles-ci ont été sélectionnées parmi les ouvrages de l'auteur afin de mettre en lumière la transformation et la refonte du motif littéraire du mauvais œil dans l'écriture néo-fantastique contemporaine. Enfin, le dernier volet consiste en un retour réflexif ayant pour but de démontrer les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans ma création afin d'illustrer les questions étudiés dans le mémoire. Il s'agit donc ici, tant dans l'étude des théories et dans celle du corpus de Bergeron que dans la création inédite, d'explorer non seulement les constituants du sous-genre fantastique et la présence du motif à l'étude, mais bien de cerner l'actualisation de ce motif dans l’œuvre de Bergeron, d'en démontrer la forme, renouvelée ou pas, et finalement de procéder à la mise en scène dans mes propres nouvelles de cette actualisation. Les résultats obtenus à la suite de ces exercices démontrent que le motif littéraire du mauvais œil, bien qu'utilisé de manière différente, subsiste dans une forme revisitée sous la plume d'un auteur de néo-fantastique tel que Bertrand Bergeron. Les nouvelles du recueil Les regards traîtres concrétisent, quant à elles, la possibilité de faire vivre ce motif, voire d'en faire le moteur de mes intrigues.

Firms' Product Pre-announcements and Compatibility Strategy in the Presence of Network Externality

Wang, Li-li 11 August 2005 (has links)
In the information technology industry which has high network externalities, it is common for a firm to employ new product pre-announcements to promote their future products. However, false product pre-announcements are strategically anti-competitive. Under the two-stage game model, this paper examines the monopolistic firm¡¦s incentive of employing false pre-announcements when competing with a potential rival and whether those pre-announcements are strategically anti-competitive, provided that the market exhibits network externalities and the compatibility of system products is considered. This paper shows that if there are no potential rivals in the future, if the products have network externalities, and if the compatibility of cross-period products is relatively high, then the monopoly will have an incentive to exaggerate the pre-announcements. If potential rivals enter the market at the second stage, then the greater the monopoly¡¦s technological advantage is, the higher the extent of false pre-announcements will be. However, as long as the network effect is large enough, the monopoly is likely to employ pre-announcements, even if the product has no technological advantage. By excluding potential entrants from entering the market, established monopolistic firms keep their profits. And consumers may have false expectation¡Xa firm could win with an inferior technology¡Xwhich will in turn cause unfair competition. In addition, when the differences of the products are getting larger, a firm¡¦s incentive of employing false pre-announcements will raise. When the two products are totally compatible, the monopoly¡¦s new product pre-announcements are merely affected by the technological advantage. Then the greater the monopoly¡¦s technological advantage is, the higher the extent of false pre-announcements will be.

Der Begriff der logischen Form in der analytischen Philosophie : Russell in Auseinandersetzung mit Frege, Meinong und Wittgenstein /

Tatievskaya, Elena. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Habilitationsschrift. / Bibliogr. p. 473-499.

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