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Transformation de la cellulose par catalyse hétérogène / Cellulose conversion by heterogeneous catalysisChambon, Flora 30 September 2011 (has links)
La cellulose, bio-polymère composé d’unités glucose, est un composé largement disponible au sein de la biomasse lignocellulosique. Sa dépolymérisation sélective en synthons se heurte cependant à sa forte résistance aux transformations chimiques du fait de sa structure semi-cristalline. L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier la transformation de la cellulose par catalyse hétérogène. Il a été montré qu’une dépolymérisation partielle de la cellulose en milieu aqueux était promue par les protons issus de l’autoprotolyse de l’eau à 190°C. L’ajout d’un catalyseur solide ayant une acidité de BrØnsted forte dans le milieu réactionnel s’est révélé peu influent sur la conversion de la cellulose. En revanche, la présence de catalyseurs solides possédant une acidité de Lewis forte augmente significativement la conversion de la cellulose en formant sélectivement de l’acide lactique. Cette orientation sélective de la réaction est attribuée à l’aptitude des sites acides de Lewis à coordiner les oligosaccharides solubilisés. L’ajout d’une fonction métallique (Pt) sur un acide de Lewis solide augmente aussi significativement la conversion de la cellulose, en produisant sélectivement de l’acétol et du propylène glycol. La fonction métallique, sous atmosphère d’hydrogène, ne se limite pas à l’hydrogénation des produits finaux mais pourrait aussi intervenir dans des étapes de transfert d’hydrures et de génération de protons. Une conversion efficace de la cellulose résulte ainsi d’une action combinée des protons issus du milieu aqueux générant des oligosaccharides et des sites actifs des catalyseurs hétérogènes bifonctionnels métal-acide. / Cellulose, a biopolymer composed of glucose units, is an abundant and renewable resource. Its selective depolymerisation into building blocks is difficult due to its strong resistance to chemical reactions ascribed to its semi-crystalline structure. The aim of the thesis is to study the transformation of cellulose by heterogeneous catalysis. It has been shown that a partial cellulose depolymerisation in aqueous media was promoted by the hydroxonium ions generated in situ by water autoprotolysis at 190°C. The presence of a solid BrØnsted acid in the reaction media neither improved the cellulose conversion nor led to a particular selectivity into a valuable product. By contrast, solid Lewis acids were capable of significantly improving the cellulose conversion but also of favoring the formation of lactic acid in high yield. It is proposed that the solid Lewis sites intervene via coordination of oligosaccharides, issued from cellulose depolymerisation initiated by hydroxonium ions from water. The addition of a metallic phase such as Pt° on a solid Lewis acid support has also led to remarkable performances in term of extent of cellulose conversion and selectivity towards acetol and propylene glycol. The metallic bi-functionnal catalyst, under hydrogen atmosphere, not only leads to hydrogenated products but could also intervene into hydrides transfer elementary steps. An efficient cellulose conversion is the result of a combined action of hydroxonium ions provided by the hot water media with active sites of the bifunctionnal heterogeneous catalysts.
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Genetic algorithm design and testing of a random element 3-D 2.4 GHZ phased array transmit antenna constructed of commercial RF microchipsEsswein, Lance C. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Navy requires radical and innovative ways to model and design multifunction phased array radars. This thesis puts forth the concept that Genetic Algorithms, computer simulations that mirror the natural selection process to develop creative solutions to complex problems, would be extremely well suited in this application. The capability of a Genetic Algorithm to predict adequately the behavior of an array antenna with randomly located elements was verified with expected results through the design, construction, development and evaluation of a test-bed array. The test-bed array was constructed of commercially available components, including a unique and innovative application of a quadrature modulator microchip used in commercial communications applications. Corroboration of predicted beam patterns from both Genetic Algorithm and Method of Moments calculations was achieved in anechoic chamber measurements conducted with the test-bed array. Both H-plane and E-plane data runs were made with several phase steered beams. In all cases the measured data agreed with that predicted from both modeling programs. Although time limited experiments to beam forming and steering with phase shifting, the test-bed array is fully capable of beam forming and steering though both phase shifting and amplitude tapering. / Outstanding Thesis / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy
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Restoring the Mississippi River Delta in Louisiana Ecological Tradeoffs and Barriers to ActionMaulhardt, Alison 18 December 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the Louisiana 2012 Coastal Master Plan’s ability to reconcile conflicting economic and ecological demands on coastal resources. The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan was unique in combining flood control and coastal restoration under one authority. However, the objectives of flood control and coastal restoration can be in conflict. The plan was also unique in its approach of restoration from a working coast perspective. However, the objectives of ecological restoration and economic productivity do not always agree. By conducting semi-structured interviews with major coastal stakeholders, this research will explore how the planning process has accommodated the views and values of key stakeholder parties. This research aims to make more transparent the inherent environmental tradeoffs of restoration from a working coast perspective. A working coast is a compromise between economic and environmental stakeholder needs. The approach requires a balance of power to ensure that the projects selected best serve the needs of all parties. The study found that while there is industry buy in, mechanisms for mitigating economic externalities is lacking in the plan, corporate infrastructure benefits while wildlife resources are in decline.
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[pt] O foco do estudo é a mediação profissional fonoaudiológica junto a um Grupo Focal com familiares de crianças e adolescentes surdos, atendidos no Ambulatório Bilíngue de Surdez do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da UFRJ. A proposta consiste em mostrar, na atividade de coconstrução interacional, como as mães narram experiências e vivências de sua interação com o filho surdo e como a fonoaudióloga procura gerar reflexão e conscientização junto aos familiares em relação ao processo de comunicação, buscando propiciar agentividade e empoderamento. O arcabouço teórico articula abordagens de ordem macro e micro, com interfaces de políticas de saúde e educação, na discussão do discurso profissional na área da surdez, junto a pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da ordem da análise da narrativa e da interação, com instrumentos analíticos para gerar entendimentos da prática profissional situada. A metodologia é de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa e baseia-se em análise de dados de interações face-a-face transcritas de dois encontros do Grupo Focal, bem como em observações de cunho etnográfico em atendimentos às famílias e seus filhos surdos. A análise mostra o momento de criação do Grupo Focal e a coconstrução de sequências de narrativas interligadas, com participação da mediadora e das mães. Surgem narrativas de diferentes tipos, como narrativas hipotéticas, genéricas e de acontecimentos específicos. As narrativas têm avaliações e pontos diversificados e são utilizadas com diferentes funções na interação para atender a objetivos de
construção identitária, apresentar problemas e levantar questões, aconselhar, demonstrar alinhamentos e compreensão de orientações, na configuração interacional. As mães modificam seus entendimentos sobre a interação e a comunicação com seus filhos ao narrar e participar da interação no grupo. Em relação à atividade de mediação, a fonoaudióloga, além de coconstruir narrativas, faz intervenções com perguntas, orientações e avaliações, de forma distinta com cada mãe, de acordo com seus objetivos. A participação nesse espaço de coconstrução de entendimentos foi produtiva, colaborando para a conscientização dos participantes e construção de conhecimentos sobre o papel fundamental das mães, na comunicação cotidiana, para o desenvolvimento de seus filhos. O trabalho contribui para a reflexividade no campo da surdez, auxiliando na compreensão da prática profissional do aconselhamento e na discussão de aspectos políticos relacionados à educação e à saúde da criança surda. / [en] The focus of this study is the speech professional mediation among a group of family members of deaf children and adolescents who are being treated at a Bilingual Clinic for Deaf Individuals, that belongs to the Speech Therapy Course of UFRJ. The purpose of this investigation is to show how mothers narrate experiencies of their interaction with their deaf children, during the interactional co-construction activity, and how the speech therapist tries to raise awareness among family members regarding the communication process, as well as generate reflection among them, providing for both agency and empowerment. The theoretical framework articulates macro and micro levels in interface with health and education policies, taking into consideration the discussion of professional discourse in the deafness field, together with the theoretical and methodological framework of narrative, and interaction analysis, through analytical tools, in order to better understand the situated professional practice. The methodology is qualitative and interpretativist, and it is based on face to face interaction analysis of two Group meetings, as well as ethnographic observation during consultation involving family members and their deaf children. The analysis presents the moment of the Group creation, and the co-construction of interconnected narrative sequences, with the participation of the mediator and the children s mothers. Different types of narratives have arisen, such as of hypothetic, general, and of specific nature. The narratives have evaluation and different points according to different functions in the interaction, in order to achieve identity construction purposes, raise problems and questions, counsel, present alignments and instruction understanding, during interaction. Mothers have changed their understanding in respect of interaction and communication with their children when narrating and participating of the group interaction. Regarding the mediation activity, the speech therapist, besides co-construing narratives, has made interventions through questions, instructions and evaluations, designed to each mother, according to her purposes. The participation in this place of understanding co-construction was productive, and it helped to raise awareness among participants, as well as construe knowledge concerning the critical role of mothers for the development of their children in their daily communication. The study brings relevant contribution to the practice of reflection in the deafness field, helping in the understanding of professional counseling practice, and in the discussion of political aspects related to education and health of deaf children.
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Passive antenna systems printable on conformable supports / Système passif antennaire imprimable sur support conformableNguyen, Hong Duc 23 May 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, en raison de la demande croissante de produits de plus enplus légers, plus petits et moins chers à l'intérieur des appareils portables, l'électronique flexible émerge sur le marché commercial comme une nouvelle génération d'électroniques. Les substrats rigides conventionnels sont remplacés par des matériaux plus minces, flexibles et à faible coût tels que papier, polymère, plastique pour la fabrication des composants et circuits. En même temps, les futurs boîtiers électroniques demandent de plus en plus de nombreux systèmes sans fil afin d'offrir de multiples services et applications (ZigBee/Z-Wave, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, RF4CE, 3G/4G, etc.). À cause de l'intégration d'un très grand nombre d'antennes pour satisfaire l'opération de toutes ces applications, les connectivités deviennent donc un grand défi pour les exigences de coût. C'est pourquoi on voudrait remplacer l'ensemble du système d'alimentation/d'interconnexion à la carte mère PCB par une technologie homogène, collective. Ce travail de thèse vise à développer une nouvelle technologie "verte" et faible coût dédiée à la conception et réalisation de systèmes antennaires et d'interconnexions sur les matériaux flexibles (tels que papier) à base d'encres conductrices et de procédés de fabrication additifs comme impression. Le défi scientifique est de concevoir des systèmes antennaires répartis spatialement sur les faces internes en plastique du boîtier électronique sous forme des stickers RF 3D et connectés directement à la carte PCB par une solution innovante, à faible coût pour des applications multimédia sans fil dans la gamme de fréquences de 1.8-6 GHz. / In recent years, due to the growing demand for lighter, smaller and cheaper electronic products Inside portable devices, clothing and packaging materials, flexible electronics is emerging on the commercial market as a new generation of electronics. Conventional rigid substrates will be replaced by thin, flexible, low-cost materials such as paper, polymer, and plastic for the manufacturing of components and circuits. Concurrently with the powerful development of flexible electronics, the future electronic devices have drastically demanded more wireless systems in order to offer multiple services and applications (ZigBee/Z-Wave, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, RF4CE, 3G/4G, etc.). Because of the integration of a great number of antennas to satisfy the operation of all these applications, the connectivities thus become a big challenge for cost constraints. This is the reason why we would like to replace the entire interconnection system with the PCB mainboard by a homogeneous, collective technology.This thesis work aims at developing "green", low-cost and innovative technology devoted to the design and realization of antenna systems and interconnections on flexible materials (such as paper) based on conductive inks and additive manufacturing processes like printing. The scientific challenge lies on the design of spatially distributed antenna systems on the internal plastic sidewall of the electronics box in the form of 3D RF stickers and directly connected to the PCB mainboard by an innovative, low-cost solution for wireless multimedia applications in the frequency range of 1.8-6 GHz.
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Etude du transport électronique dans les nanodispositifs semiconducteurs par microscopie à grille locale / Study of electron transport in semiconductor nanodevices by Scanning Gate MicroscopyLiu, Peng 30 September 2011 (has links)
La microscopie de grille à balayage (SGM pour Scanning GateMicroscopy), développée à la fin des années 1990, est devenue un outilpuissant pour étudier les propriétés électroniques locales dans lesnano-dispositifs semi-conducteurs. La SGM est basée sur la techniqueAFM, mais la pointe métallique est utilisée comme une grille mobilecouplée capacitivement au dispositif, et les propriétés de transportélectronique sont étudiées sous l'influence de cette grille,fournissant des informations spatiales à haute résolution. Cette thèsedécrit d'abord le remplacement de la détection optique de notresystème AFM par une détection piézo-électrique utilisant un diapason àquartz, puis les résultats de mesures SGM sur divers nano-dispositifs,qui sont tous fabriqués à partir d'hétérostructures InGaAs / InAlAscontenant un gaz d'électrons bi-dimensionnel (2DEG) de grande mobilitésitué à quelques dizaines de nanomètres sous la surface. Sur unesimple constriction, nous étudions l'interaction pointe-échantillonavec deux approches: la force électrostatique et l'effet capacitif.Sur une boite quantique, nous étudions les phénomènes de blocage deCoulomb lorsque la pointe est utilisée comme une grille pour modulerla charge à l'intérieur de la boite. Dans un travail sur le paradoxede Braess, avec l'aide de simulations numériques, nous découvrons uneffet paradoxal en modulant la largeur du canal central dans undispositif mésoscopique en forme de double anneau, en analogie avec leparadoxe qui se produit dans un réseau classique. Par une étudedétaillée de l'évolution de la conductance, nous découvrons enfinplusieurs pièges de charge dans les images SGM, et proposons un modèlepour interpréter le changement de conductance en présence de pièges decharge. Nous développons alors une méthode pour imager directement lespièges de charge par des mesures de transconductance avec unemodulation de la tension sur la pointe. / Scanning gate microscopy (SGM), developed in the late 1990's, has become a powerful tool to investigate the local electronic properties in semiconductor nano devices. SGM is based on the AFM technique but the metallic tip is used as a movable gate capacitively coupled to the device, and the electron transport property is studied on influence of this gate, providing spatial information with high resolution. This thesis presents the update of the force detection mode of our AFM system from optical method to force sensing by a quartz tuning fork, and the SGM measurement results on various nano devices, all of which are fabricated from InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures containing a high mobility 2DEG located a few tens of nanometers below the surface. On a 2DEG constriction, we investigate the tip-sample interaction with two approaches: the capacitive force and the gate effect. On a quantum dot, we study the Coulomb blockade phenomena where the tip is used as a gate to modulate the charging/discharging inside the dot. In a work on Braess paradox, with the help of numerical simulations, we discover a Braess paradox effect by modulating a channel width in a ‘double-ring' shaped mesoscopic device in analogy with the one that occurs in a classical network. By a detailed study of the conductance changes, we discover several charge traps from the SGM map, and propose a model to interpret the conductance change with the presence of charge traps. We develop a method to directly image the charge traps by transconductance measurements with a voltage modulation on the tip.
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A sombra dos leviatãs: um estudo crítico dos desencontros entre as faces amistosa e crispada do Estado sob as globalizações e as guerras do século XXI / The shadow of leviathans A critical study about the failures between the friendly and withdrawn faces of the State in Twenty-First Century Globalizations and WarsEspinosa, Antonio Roberto 27 June 2011 (has links)
Um conjunto de reflexões teóricas sobre as incompatibilidades entre a Ordem Inter-nacional pós-Guerra Fria e as categorias estruturantes dos paradigmas analíticos dominantes, esta tese procura também apontar dados empíricos e listar questões a serem compreendidas por um novo modo de produção de conhecimentos em rela-ções internacionais. Ela critica tanto os paradigmas unidimensionais, principalmente os de corte liberal e leno-stalinistas, quanto os bidimensionais, de inspiração realista e racionalista, indicando que ambos formam redes conceituais baseadas numa dialé-tica dicotômica, que reduz a complexidade do internacional e do estrangeiro a um olhar e interesse nacionais. Sugere que o sistema internacional e os subsistemas regionais, como objetos de estudo, não se reduzem a suas unidades, constituindo uma terceira dimensão, ou zona cinzenta, cuja conformação, para ser compreendida depende da análise integrada dos fenômenos da guerra, das globalizações e do for-talecimento do Estado. Completando as sugestões para o debate e a formulação de conceitos interpretativos mais abrangentes, além de alguns neologismos, esta tese constrói algumas tipologias compreensivas. O autor adverte, contudo, que essas formulações têm o propósito de ilustrar a análise, não de fechar a discussão com um modelo acabado. / A set of theoretical reflections on the contradictions between the post-Cold War inter-national order and the structuring categories of the prevailing analytical paradigms, this thesis also tries to point to empirical data and list questions to be understood by a new way of producing knowledge in international relations. It criticizes both one-dimensional paradigms, mainly those in the liberal and Lenin-Stalinist model, and two-dimensional paradigms of realistic and rational inspiration, showing that both of them build conceptual networks based on the dialectics of dichotomy, which reduces the complexity of being international and foreign to a national vision and interest. The work also suggests that the international system and the regional subsystems, as objects of study, are not limited to their units, making up a third dimension, or grey zone, whose configuration can only be understood through an integrated analysis of the war phenomena, globalization and the strengthening of the State. By making suggestions for the debate and formulation of more comprehensive interpretation concepts, in addition to some neologisms, this thesis builds some broad typologies. However, the author warns that these formulations have the purpose of illustrating the analysis, not closing the debate on a finished model.
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Estratégias para o gerenciamento da mistura ar combustível aplicadas em motores flex. / Strategies for the air fuel mixture management applied to flex engines.Novaes, Lucas Motta de 06 December 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho, emprega-se a medida da concentração de etanol do combustível para efetuar correções estequiométricas de maneira direta e instantânea, a fim de eliminar o período necessário para adaptação a partir da medida do sensor de oxigênio (sonda lambda) em eventos de reabastecimento no veículo. Com o objetivo de assegurar a operação flex-fuel, foram empregados métodos para a regulação ar/combustível em malha fechada, realimentados por sensores de oxigênio (banda larga amplificada e banda estreita). O projeto foi implementado em uma ECU (Eletronic Control Unit) idealizada para desenvolvimento de rotinas de programa voltadas ao gerenciamento eletrônico para motores de combustão interna ciclo Otto, denominada Flex-ECU. A ETAS/Bosch Flex-ECU possui programação aplicada à ferramenta ASCET (Advanced Simulation and Control Engineering Tool), o qual trata-se de um código open source para sistemas embarcados de tempo real. Por fim, são exibidos resultados de controle, desempenho e eficiência do motor para diferentes composições de combustível comercializados para a frota de veículos leves em território nacional. Os experimentos revelam a dinâmica de funcionamento do controle A/C bicombustível e discute as suas principais características, com o objetivo de exemplificar métodos de otimização de sua eficiência. / In the present work, the ethanol fuel concentration is used to establish stoichiometric corrections in a direct and instantaneous manner, to eliminate the period necessary for adaptation, from the measurement of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe) in events of refueling. To ensure Flex-fuel operation, closed-loop air/fuel regulation methods were used, fed by oxygen sensors (amplified wide band and narrow band). The project was implemented in an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) designed for the development of code routines for electronic management of an Otto cycle internal combustion engine, labeled Flex-ECU. The ETAS / Bosch Flex-ECU has programming applied to the ASCET (Advanced Simulation and Control Engineering Tool) tool, which is an open source code for real time embedded systems. Finally, results of engine control, performance, and efficiency are presented for different fuel compositions available in Brazil for the fleet of light vehicles. The experiments show the dynamics of the operation of the bi-fuel A/C control and discusses its main characteristics, aiming to exemplify optimization methods of its efficiency.
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Desenvolvimento de um gerenciador eletrônico para motores tricombustível. / Development of an electronic controller for tri-fuel engines.Veiga, Michel Robert 10 September 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do desenvolvimento do projeto foi minimizar uma das principais desvantagens no uso do gás natural veicular, que é a perda de potência, e aumentar sua eficiência volumétrica através da construção de um circuito eletrônico capaz de gerenciar de forma eficiente a injeção do gás. O aumento do rendimento é obtido através do gerenciamento eficiente da mistura ar-combustível utilizando um sistema de malha fechada. O gerenciamento da relação de potência e economia é conseguido com o uso simultâneo de gás natural e o combustível líquido. Nos sistemas de conversão atuais e nos veículos originais a gás natural, a perda de potência é compensada desligando o sistema de gás e utilizando somente o combustível líquido, sendo esta seleção feita de forma manual na maioria dos sistemas de conversão e de forma automática no Fiat Siena tetrafuel, não possibilitando o uso simultâneo do gás com o combustível líquido. A exigência de potência é medida através do ângulo do pedal do acelerador. Quando a exigência de potência é baixa, o sistema opera apenas com gás. No momento em que há solicitação de potência intermediária, o sistema opera com diferentes proporções de etanol e gás. Na situação de solicitação de potência máxima, é utilizado apenas o combustível líquido. Foram feitas comparações entre o sistema convencional e o sistema proposto, através de ensaios dinamométricos, rodoviários e emissão de poluentes. O veículo Volkswagen Gol com seu sistema original utilizando somente etanol possui potência máxima de 64,06 cavalos, (47,77 Kilowatts) e consumo de 12,6 quilômetros por litro de etanol. Com o sistema convencional de gás natural aspirado, o consumo foi de 21 quilômetros por metro cúbico e a potência não ultrapassou 51,82 cavalos (38,64 Kilowatts), com o protótipo desenvolvido a eficiência volumétrica aumentou 25% com consumo de 26,4 quilômetros por metro cúbico. O gerenciamento de potência proporciona potências intermediárias acima de 51,82 cavalos (38,64 Kilowatts), até a potência máxima de 64,06 cavalos (47,77 Kilowatts) em situações que uma maior potência é requerida. O sistema desenvolvido proporciona o benefício da flexibilidade no abastecimento disponível nos sistemas atuais, com a flexibilidade na potência não disponível nos sistemas atuais. / This project intended to minimize one of the main disadvantages of using natural gas vehicles, which was the loss of power, and increase their volumetric efficiency by building an electronic circuit able to efficiently manage the gas injection. The increase in volumetric efficiency is obtained through the efficient management of air-fuel mixture using a closed loop system. The management of the power and economy ratio is achieved with the simultaneous use of natural gas and liquid fuel. In the current conversion systems and original vehicles that use natural gas, the power loss is compensated by turning off the gas system and using only the liquid fuel. This selection is done manually in most conversion systems, and automatically at Fiat Siena Tetrafuel, not allowing the simultaneous use of gas to liquid fuel. The demand for power is measured by the angle of the accelerator pedal. When the power demand is low, the system operates only with natural gas. When intermediate power is required, the system operates with different proportions of ethanol and natural gas. For maximum power, only ethanol is used. Comparisons were made between the conventional and the proposed system through dynamometer tests, road tests and emission analyses. The Volkswagen Gol with original system using only ethanol has a maximum power of 64.06 horses (47.77 Kilowatts) and consumption of 12.6 kilometers per liter of ethanol. With conventional aspirated natural gas system, the consumption was 21 km per cubic meter and the power did not exceed 51.82 horses (38.64 Kilowatts). With the prototype, volumetric efficiency increases by 25%, with consumption of 26.4 kilometers per cubic meter. The power management provides intermediate powers up to 51.82 horses (38.64 Kilowatts) until the maximum power of 64.06 horses (47.77 Kilowatts) in situations where more power is required. The developed system provides the benefit of refueling flexibility found in the original system, with power flexibility not available in original systems.
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Desenvolvimento de um gerenciador eletrônico para motores tricombustível. / Development of an electronic controller for tri-fuel engines.Michel Robert Veiga 10 September 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do desenvolvimento do projeto foi minimizar uma das principais desvantagens no uso do gás natural veicular, que é a perda de potência, e aumentar sua eficiência volumétrica através da construção de um circuito eletrônico capaz de gerenciar de forma eficiente a injeção do gás. O aumento do rendimento é obtido através do gerenciamento eficiente da mistura ar-combustível utilizando um sistema de malha fechada. O gerenciamento da relação de potência e economia é conseguido com o uso simultâneo de gás natural e o combustível líquido. Nos sistemas de conversão atuais e nos veículos originais a gás natural, a perda de potência é compensada desligando o sistema de gás e utilizando somente o combustível líquido, sendo esta seleção feita de forma manual na maioria dos sistemas de conversão e de forma automática no Fiat Siena tetrafuel, não possibilitando o uso simultâneo do gás com o combustível líquido. A exigência de potência é medida através do ângulo do pedal do acelerador. Quando a exigência de potência é baixa, o sistema opera apenas com gás. No momento em que há solicitação de potência intermediária, o sistema opera com diferentes proporções de etanol e gás. Na situação de solicitação de potência máxima, é utilizado apenas o combustível líquido. Foram feitas comparações entre o sistema convencional e o sistema proposto, através de ensaios dinamométricos, rodoviários e emissão de poluentes. O veículo Volkswagen Gol com seu sistema original utilizando somente etanol possui potência máxima de 64,06 cavalos, (47,77 Kilowatts) e consumo de 12,6 quilômetros por litro de etanol. Com o sistema convencional de gás natural aspirado, o consumo foi de 21 quilômetros por metro cúbico e a potência não ultrapassou 51,82 cavalos (38,64 Kilowatts), com o protótipo desenvolvido a eficiência volumétrica aumentou 25% com consumo de 26,4 quilômetros por metro cúbico. O gerenciamento de potência proporciona potências intermediárias acima de 51,82 cavalos (38,64 Kilowatts), até a potência máxima de 64,06 cavalos (47,77 Kilowatts) em situações que uma maior potência é requerida. O sistema desenvolvido proporciona o benefício da flexibilidade no abastecimento disponível nos sistemas atuais, com a flexibilidade na potência não disponível nos sistemas atuais. / This project intended to minimize one of the main disadvantages of using natural gas vehicles, which was the loss of power, and increase their volumetric efficiency by building an electronic circuit able to efficiently manage the gas injection. The increase in volumetric efficiency is obtained through the efficient management of air-fuel mixture using a closed loop system. The management of the power and economy ratio is achieved with the simultaneous use of natural gas and liquid fuel. In the current conversion systems and original vehicles that use natural gas, the power loss is compensated by turning off the gas system and using only the liquid fuel. This selection is done manually in most conversion systems, and automatically at Fiat Siena Tetrafuel, not allowing the simultaneous use of gas to liquid fuel. The demand for power is measured by the angle of the accelerator pedal. When the power demand is low, the system operates only with natural gas. When intermediate power is required, the system operates with different proportions of ethanol and natural gas. For maximum power, only ethanol is used. Comparisons were made between the conventional and the proposed system through dynamometer tests, road tests and emission analyses. The Volkswagen Gol with original system using only ethanol has a maximum power of 64.06 horses (47.77 Kilowatts) and consumption of 12.6 kilometers per liter of ethanol. With conventional aspirated natural gas system, the consumption was 21 km per cubic meter and the power did not exceed 51.82 horses (38.64 Kilowatts). With the prototype, volumetric efficiency increases by 25%, with consumption of 26.4 kilometers per cubic meter. The power management provides intermediate powers up to 51.82 horses (38.64 Kilowatts) until the maximum power of 64.06 horses (47.77 Kilowatts) in situations where more power is required. The developed system provides the benefit of refueling flexibility found in the original system, with power flexibility not available in original systems.
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