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Studies On The Evaluation Of Thermal Stress Intensity Factors For Bi-Material Interface CracksKhandelwal, Ratnesh 03 1900 (has links)
Components of turbines, combustion chambers, multi-layered electronic packaging structures and nuclear reactors are subjected to transient thermal loads during their service life. In the presence of a discontinuity like crack or dislocation, the thermal load creates high temperature gradient, which in turn causes the stress intensification at the crack tips. If proper attention is not paid in the design and maintenance of components on this high stress in the vicinity of crack tips, it may lead to instability in the system and decrease in the service life. The concepts of thermal fracture mechanics and its major parameter called transient thermal stress intensity factors can greatly help in the assessment of stability and residual life prediction of such structures.
The evaluation of thermal stress intensity factors becomes computationally difficult when the body constitutes of two different materials or is non-homogenous or made of composites. Fracture at bi-material interface is different from its homogenous counterpart because of mixed mode stress condition that prevails at the crack tip even when the geometry is symmetric and loading unidirectional. Because of this, the mode 1 and mode 2 stress intensity factors can not be decoupled to represent tension and shear stress fields as can be done in the case of homogeneous materials. Mathematically, the stress intensity factors at bi-material interfaces are complex due to oscillatory singularity that exists at the crack tip.
Although plenty of literature is available for bi-material systems subjected to mechanical loads, very little information is available on problems related to thermal loads. Besides, problems related to transient thermal loads need special attention, since no thermal weight functions are available and the existing methods are computationally expensive. Therefore, the present investigation has been undertaken to develop computational and analytical approaches for obtaining the Mode 1 and Mode 2 stress intensity factors for bi-material interface crack problems using conservation of energy principle in conjunction with the weight function approach for various kinds of thermal loads. In the beginning of the studies, a method to extract the Mode 1 and Mode 2 stress intensity factors for bi-material interface crack subjected to mechanical load is proposed using the concept of Jk integrals. This is extended to thermal loads using J2 line integral and J2 domain integral. Furthermore, weight functions are analytically derived for thermal bi-material stress intensity factors and a computational scheme is developed. These methods are validated for several benchmark problems with known solutions.
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Effekte des oxidativen Stresses auf die Expression der Scavenger-Rezeptoren CD36 und SR-BI und des Transkriptionsfaktors PPARγ in MakrophagenWestendorf, Thomas 11 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Dissertationsschrift war es, die Effekte des oxidativen Stresses in Form von oxLDL auf die Expression der atherogenen Scavenger-Rezeptoren CD36, SR-BI, des Transkriptionsfaktors PPARγ und pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine zu untersuchen. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen beruhen auf der Annahme, dass modifizierte LDL durch Induktion der genannten Scavenger-Rezeptoren und nachfolgende unregulierte Aufnahme in Makrophagen mit Bildung von Schaumzellen entscheidend zur Entwicklung einer Atherosklerose beitragen. Dabei scheint vor allem die im Rahmen des oxidativen Stresses auftretende oxidative Modifizierung der LDL eine Rolle zu spielen. Oxidativem Stress wird in der Pathogenese vieler Krankheiten eine Bedeutung zugesprochen, deren pathobiochemische Grundlagen jedoch noch nicht vollständig geklärt sind und zu deren Erforschung diese Dissertation beitragen sollte. Im ersten Versuchsteil wurden deshalb in vitro – Versuche zu Expressionsraten oben genannter Rezeptoren durchgeführt. Dabei wurden Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL genutzt, denen im Gegensatz zu den in vielen Versuchen verwendeten Kupfer-oxidierten LDL auch in vivo eine pathophysiologische Relevanz zukommt. Desweiteren ist bekannt, dass Diabetiker neben einem hohen Risiko an Atherosklerose zu erkranken, auch laborchemisch erhöhte Marker des oxidativen Stresses zeigen, inklusive einer gesteigerten Menge an zirkulierenden oxLDL. Im zweiten Versuchsteil wurde deshalb ex vivo untersucht, inwiefern LDL, gewonnen von Patienten im prädiabetischen Stadium der gestörten Glukosetoleranz, ähnliche Auswirkungen auf die Expression von Scavenger-Rezeptoren zeigen, wie in den mit Hypochlorit-oxidierten LDL durchgeführten in vitro - Untersuchungen beobachtet werden konnte. Es zeigte sich, dass CD36, der für die Aufnahme von oxidativ modifizierten LDL als der bedeutendste Rezeptor gilt, durch Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL stark induziert wird. Zusammengenommen mit der ebenfalls beobachteten Heraufregulation des Transkriptionsfaktors PPARγ, sowie der signifikanten Korrelation beider Gene kann damit für Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL eine atherogene Wirkung nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen zudem die von Nagy und Tontonoz zuerst beschriebene Feed-Forward-Schleife, bei der oxidative LDL über Induktion und Aktivierung von PPARγ die Expression von CD36 erhöhen, mit nachfolgender unregulierter Aufnahme von Cholesterolestern in Makrophagen und subsequenter Bildung von Schaumzellen. Die Versuche zeigen zudem, dass der Scavenger-Rezeptor SR-BI, obwohl strukturell stark mit CD36 verwandt, eine differentielle Regulation aufweist und durch oxidativ modifizierte LDL signifikant supprimiert wird. Eine Induktion durch PPARγ, wie sie eindrucksvoll bei CD36 beobachtet werden kann, ist für SR-BI in den in vitro - Versuchen nicht vorhanden. Mit der in vielen Studien SR-BI, jedoch nicht CD36 zugesprochenen Funktion als Vermittler des HDL-Membranstransports gehen damit auch unterschiedliche Regulationsmechanismen einher. Die Ausschüttung pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine in murinen Makrophagen wurde durch Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL im Vergleich mit nativen LDL signifikant vermindert, eine Assoziation mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor PPARγ konnte nicht gefunden werden. Die für die ex vivo - Versuche untersuchten Gruppen der insgesamt 40 Probanden mit gestörter und normaler Glukosetoleranz wiesen, mit Ausnahme eines pathologischen Glukosetoleranztests für IGT-Patienten, in der klinischen Untersuchung, beim Vergleich der Laborparameter, ebenso wie in der Zusammensetzung der LDL keine signifikanten Unterschiede auf. Dennoch fand sich eine signifikante Erhöhung der CD36-Expression in Makrophagen schon nach einstündiger Inkubation mit LDL aus IGT-Patienten im Vergleich zu LDL von Probanden mit normaler Glukosetoleranz. Für die Expressionsraten von SR-BI, PPARγ und die Zytokinausschüttung konnten nur marginale Unterschiede zwischen den Probandengruppen erfasst werden. Auch in den ex vivo – Untersuchungen wiesen eine insignifikante PPARγ - Erhöhung und eine positive Korrelation zwischen PPARγ und CD36 auf die Existenz und Aktivierung der beschriebenen atherogenen Feed-Forward-Schleife auch in IGT-Patienten hin. Zusammenfassend unterstreicht diese Dissertationsschrift die Bedeutung des oxidativen Stresses in der Entwicklung der Atherosklerose, indem erstmals auch für das pathophysiologisch relevante Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL eine deutliche Expressionssteigerung des Scavenger-Rezeptors CD36 und des Transkriptionsfaktor PPARγ nachgewiesen werden konnte. Zudem zeigen die Experimente, dass bereits bei Patienten im Vorstadium des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 funktionelle Veränderungen der LDL eingetreten sind, die zu einer verstärkten Atherosklerose führen können und die denen gleichen, die durch künstlich oxidierte LDL ausgelöst werden. Die Versuche liefern damit eine mögliche Erklärung für den bereits epidemiologisch nachgewiesenen Zusammenhang zwischen oxidativem Stress, Atherosklerose und Diabetes mellitus.
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Development of an Efficient Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) for Electric and Hybrid Electric VehiclesZhuge, Kun January 2013 (has links)
The popularity of the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles has contributed to global warming problem and degradation of air quality around the world. Furthermore, the vehicles??? massive demand on gas has played a role in the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the considerable rise in the gas price over the past twenty years. Those existing challenges force the auto-industry to move towards the technology development of vehicle electrification. An electrified vehicle is driven by one or more electric motors. And the electricity comes from the onboard energy storage system (ESS). Currently, no single type of green energy source could meet all the requirements to drive a vehicle. A hybrid energy storage system (HESS), as a combination of battery and ultra-capacitor units, is expected to improve the overall performance of vehicles??? ESS. This thesis focuses on the design of HESS and the development of a HESS prototype for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
Battery unit (BU), ultra-capacitor unit (UC) and a DC/DC converter interfacing BU and UC are the three main components of HESS. The research work first reviews literatures regarding characteristics of BU, UC and power electronic converters. HESS design is then conducted based on the considerations of power capability, energy efficiency, size and cost optimization. Besides theoretical analysis, a HESS prototype is developed to prove the principles of operation as well. The results from experiment are compared with those from simulation.
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L’intercompréhension dans le contexte plurilingue de l’Université Fédérale de l’intégration Latino-Américaine (UNILA) : expériences, contact et interaction plurilingue / Mutual intelligibility in the plurilingual context of the University of Latin-American integration : experiences, contact and plurilingual interactionErazo Munoz, Angela Maria 06 July 2016 (has links)
Nous envisageons de mener une étude sociolinguistique, en centrant notre recherche sur les procédés de communication tels qu’ils s’appliquent dans le contexte de l’expérience menée par l’UNILA (L’Université Fédérale d’Intégration Latino-Américaine) située dans la ville brésilienne de Foz do Iguaçu, Etat du Paraná. La particularité de cette Université réside dans le caractère international de la composition de ses effectifs: la moitié du corps enseignant et des étudiants est brésilienne donc lusophone et l’autre moitié hispanophone. Cette recherche portera sur l'observation et l'analyse des processus de communication entre les étudiants lusophones (Brésiliens) et hispanophones (Argentins, Paraguayens...) en relation avec la politique linguistique de l’UNILA, et en particulier le rôle actuel et potentiel de l'intercompréhension dans cette Université (quelles pratiques actuelles, quelles pratiques possibles, leurs effets, etc.) et la place que peuvent occuper le français langue étrangère et le guarani (3ème langue officielle du Mercosur) dans ce contexte. Dans cette étude de cas, nous nous intéresserions plus particulièrement à la possibilité de recourir à l’intercompréhension, même lorsque ce recours est déjà spontané, dans certains groupes de locuteurs ignorant encore tout des découvertes des chercheurs dans ce domaine. Notre recherche serait basée sur l’observation et l’analyse des processus de communication entre les étudiants de l’Université UNILA à partir des questions suivantes : • Quels sont les procédés que les étudiants et les professeurs utilisent pour communiquer dans l’environnement bilingue proposé par l’UNILA? (les opérations, les stratégies…) • Quelles sont les possibilités el les limites de l’intercompréhension comme stratégie de communication dans le contexte académique ? • Quelles expériences par rapport à un contexte académique bilingue émergent dans le discours des étudiants. Ce projet de recherche se trouve lié à l’espace MERCOSUR, mais ce travail contribuera à créer un contexte propice à l’émergence de propositions pédagogiques applicables aussi en Europe. En effet, à l’issue de ce travail de recherche il est possible de prévoir une proposition de formation dans le domaine de l’intercompréhension et dans la promotion du plurilinguisme. / Today, the constant mobility of populations, information, and merchandise creates the need for new ways or new types of communication. In some ways, this situation highlights the communication options available to people speaking different languages. In this field, my research aims to explore and to study the methods and strategies of communication, especially in bilingual or multilingual contexts. Because the MERCOSUR trade zone in its entirety is too large an area for a detailed study, my research focuses on analyzing the strategies of communication in a smaller academic context: the University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). This university—located in the border zone between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay — is the first bilingual Spanish and Portuguese University in South America. This institution can certainly be considered a very rich context in which to study and observe whether mutual intelligibility can be implemented, applied, and taught as a tool for better communication and as a means of maintaining respect and the preservation of each language. In this case study, my intention is to describe the possibility and potential that mutual intelligibility can supply as a way of multilingual communication. In order to reach this aim, an ethnographical study is applied based on observation and analysis of the communication process between the students of the University UNILA following these questions: • What are the processes that students and teachers use to communicate in a bilingual environment offered by the Unila? • What opportunities and limits provide mutual intelligibility as a mode of communication in the academic context? • What experiences in relation to a bilingual academic context are emerging in the student speeches? Although this research is related to the MERCOSUR trade zone, this work could contribute to understands multilingual and educational proposals in Europe, since the streamlining of communication is a factor whose consideration is vital in order to forge stronger ties and integration among the countries. Indeed, at the end of this research our intention is also to provide a proposal and various experiences in the field of mutual intelligibility and the promotion of multilingualism. / La educación, así como los modelos educativos desempeñan un papel fundamental, tanto enla difusión del plurilingüismo, como en la promoción del aprendizaje de lenguas, ycontribuyen a la integración regional, la movilidad académica y el contacto entre lenguas yculturas. Sin embargo, no parece ser una tarea fácil entender las dinámicas de este fenómeno.En la misma linea, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal la descripción de losprocesos de comunicación que se han llevado a cabo hasta ahora, en el contexto de laUniversidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA), mediante un estudiosociolingüístico de cuño etnográfico centrado en las experiencias lingüísticas de losestudiantes de este ámbito académico. La UNILA, localizada en Foz do Iguaçu, (en lafrontera entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay), es una universidad construida con base en losconceptos de integración, interdisciplinariedad, bilingüismo (portugués/español). La UNILAabrió sus puertas en 2010 para la entrada de estudiantes de varios países latinoamericanos.Estos estudiantes, que llegaron desde diversos ambientes escolares, sociales y culturales,acceden a un entorno en donde se ven enfrentados a convivir, estudiar y llevar procesos deaprendizaje en una lengua extranjera y con diversas culturas académicas, lo cual proporcionóun terreno fértil para la observación y el análisis de experiencias de comunicaciónplurilingües y de intercomprensión académica en lenguas romances. / A educação assim como os modelos educativos desempenham um papel fundamental, tantona difusão do plurilinguismo, como na promoção da aprendizagem de línguas com o intuitode contribuir para a integração regional, a mobilidade acadêmica e o contato entre línguas eculturas. No entanto, não parece ser uma tarefa fácil entender as dinâmicas deste fenômeno.Nessa linha de ideias, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal a descrição dos processos decomunicação que foram desenvolvidos até o momento no contexto da Universidade Federalda Integração Latinoamericana (UNILA), mediante um estudo sociolinguístico de cunhoetnográfico centrado nas experiências linguísticas dos estudantes dessa instituição de ensino.A UNILA, localizada em Foz do Iguaçu (na fronteira entre a Argentina, Brasil e Paraguay), éuma universidade construída com base nos conceitos da integração, interdisciplinaridade ebilinguismo (português/espanhol). A referida universidade iniciou suas atividades em 2010com a entrada de estudantes de vários países latinoamericanos. Esses estudantes provenientesde diferentes ambientes escolares, sociais e culturais deparam-se com culturas acadêmicasdiversas das suas e começam a conviver, estudar e desenvolver processos deaprendizagens de uma língua estrangeira com culturas acadêmicas díspares. Essa integraçãoproporciona um terreno fértil para a observação e a análise de experiências de comunicaçõesplurilíngues e de intercompreensão acadêmica em línguas românicas.
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Supply chain management under availability & uncertainty constraints / Le management de la chaîne logistique sous contraintes de disponibilité et d'incertitudeZheng, Yahong 10 October 2012 (has links)
Le management de la chaîne logistique concerne un large éventail d’activités. Nombreuses ceux qui ont un caractère incertain apportant souvent des conséquences inattendues. Malgré cela, l’incertitude est fréquemment non considérée dans la gestion de la chaîne logistique traditionnelle. En plus de l’incertitude, l’indisponibilité des ressources augmentera la complexité du problème. En prenons en compte les contraintes d’incertitude et de disponibilité nous étudions le management de la chaîne logistique selon différents aspects. Cette thèse représente une tentative de recherche afin d’aborder ce problème d’une façon systématique et complète et nous espérons que notre travail contribuera aux futurs travaux de recherche et sera utile aux gestionnaires de la chaîne logistique. Nous nous concentrons sur trois sources classiques de l’incertitude ; celle de la demande, celle la fabrication et celle liée à la distribution. Pour chaque source d’incertitude, nous analysons ses causes et ses impacts sur les performances de la chaîne logistique. L’incertitude est spécifiée dans des problèmes classiques concrets et des approches sont proposées pour les résoudre. Nous nous sommes également focalisés sur le problème bi-niveau de vendeur de journaux qui représente une chaîne logistique miniature, concerné par une double incertitude. Les méthodes utilisées offrent une bonne démonstration du traitement des variables incertaines dans les problèmes de décision / Supply chain management involves a wide range of activities. Among most of them, uncertainty exists inherently and always brings some consequence not expected. However, uncertainty is not considered much in conventional supply chain management. In the case where availability of resources is not what we expect, complexity of supply chain management increases. Taking constraints of uncertainty and availability into account, we aim to discuss supply chain management from different aspects. This thesis is an attempt of systematic and complete research from this point and we would like to offer some references to researchers and managers in supply chain. We focus on three classic sources of uncertainty: demand, manufacturing and distribution. For each source of uncertainty, we analyze its cause and its impact to the performance of the supply chain. Uncertainty is specified into concrete classic problem and an approach is proposed to solve it. Furthermore, bi-level newsboy problem as a miniature of supply chain, is focused under double uncertain environment. Treating uncertain variables is actually a treatment on operational level. The methods used offer good demonstration in treating uncertain variables in decision problems
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Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemãMaciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.
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Synthèse d’hétérocycles spiraniques à visée thérapeutique / Spiranic heterocycles synthesis for therapeutic applicationsMagne, Fanny 15 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, l’élaboration de molécules spiraniques connait un essor considérable avec, en particulier, comme but essentiel l’accroissement de la diversité moléculaire considérée à ce jour comme insuffisamment développée. L’objectif de cette thèse de doctorat a été la synthèse de nouvelles entités tricycliques arylaliphatiques possédant un carbone spiranique et ce, en complément des travaux antérieurement effectués au laboratoire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons choisi de générer des molécules regroupant des structures de type indane-1,2’-(azétidine, pyrrolidine et pipéridine). La possibilité de fixer par exemple un groupe fonctionnel tel qu’un amide ou un bras espaceur voire de substituer le noyau aromatique nous a permis d’exploiter les différentes directions de l’espace. Dans un second temps, nous avons développé une réaction d’arylation intramoléculaire en position α de groupements électroattracteurs. Cette arylation catalysée par des métaux (dans notre cas le cuivre) permet d’accéder à des composés aux motifs spiroindane- ou spirotétraline-1,3’-(azétidine, pyrrolidine et pipéridine). Dans un troisième temps, nous avons étudié les réactions d’addition nucléophiles intramoléculaires de pyridines N-activées pour accéder à des structures spirocycliques pyridiniques fonctionnalisées. Des essais préliminaires utilisant de l’anhydride acétique comme agent activant nous ont permis de générer les intermédiaires recherchés. Afin d’accroître la diversité moléculaire et découvrir de nouveaux fragments susceptibles de nous mener à des agents thérapeutiques, nous nous sommes intéressé, dans un dernier temps, au domaine des biotechnologies blanches en exploitant le potentiel des micro-organismes et de leurs enzymes pour fonctionnaliser des liaisons C-H non activées présentes au sein de charpentes spirocycliques préalablement préparées. / In recent years, the elaboration of spirocyclic molecules has arisen, particularly with an essential purpose to increase of molecular diversity which is not sufficiently developed to date. The objective of this work was the synthesis of new arylaliphatic tricyclic entities with spiranic carbon and it in addition to previous work in the laboratory. Firstly, we have chosen to generate molecules having indane-1,2’-(azetidine, pyrrolidine and piperidine) moiety. The possibility of incorporating a functional group such as an amide, a spacer group or even a substituent on the aromatic ring has allowed us to exploit all space directions. Secondly, we have developed an intramolecular arylation in α position of the electroattractive groups. This metal catalyzed arylation, (in this case copper) provides access to compounds with spiroindane or spirotetraline-1,3’-(azetidine, pyrrolidine and piperidine) patterns. Thirdly, we have studied the intramolecular nucleophilic addition of N-activated pyridine to accede to spirocyclic functionalized pyridine structures. Preliminary tests using acetic anhydride as the activating agent allowed us to generate some desired intermediates. Last but not least, in an effort to increase the molecular diversity and the discovery of new fragments that could lead us to therapeutic agents, we were interested in the field of white biotechnology by harnessing the potential of microorganisms and their enzymes to functionalize in activated C-H bonds in previously prepared spirocyclic scaffolds.
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Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemãMaciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.
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An?lise das emiss?es atmosf?ricas por ve?culos automotores em Natal-RNBrito, Herm?nio Pereira de 11 November 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-11-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The fast urban occupation of Brazil, mainly from the last decade of 50, a sensible degradation of the quality of the air generated mainly for the activities was verified human beings
associates to industrialization. From the past years, the situation has gotten worst in function of the increment of the fleet of vehicles in circulation in the great cities. Being these, in the city of Natal-RN, the ones that offer the biggest contributions to the atmospheric pollution. For atmospheric air to be a finite natural resources, indispensable and essential to the maintenance of the life in the land, is necessary to the implementation of action to improve its quality and to protect the health of the population. With the objective to study relative aspects to the characteristics of vehicles in use, the present study it searchs to analyze the levels of emissions of gases generated for vehicles converted bi-fuels into the modalities: natural gas (GNV), gasoline and alcohol, inspected for ends of register and together licensing to the State
Department of Transit. One used the data gotten from inspections carried through for the company System Specialized in Inspection To propagate, in the city of the Natal-RN, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, between 14 of November of 2003 and 30 of December of
2004. The analyzed parameters are established in the resolution n? 07/93 CONAMA. Of a total of 1.517 inspected vehicles, a average of 15,2% of failed was gotten, or either, that they emit levels of pollution above of the limits established for the legislation, below of the national average that is of 20,0%. The analysis of the data discloses that 7.3% of the fleet are converted the GNV; the growth of vehicles converted the GNV into the city is gradual, with a
average of increment in last the 4 years of 23,3%; it has a vehicle predominance that has as combustible original to the gasoline (88,2%); the inspected fleet has average age of 8 years of use, considered young for the Brazilian standards, except for the moved one to the alcohol (average of use of 15 years). Moreover, the type of fuel is not the main parameter to define the indices of emissions; the age of the fleet is the parameter most important when emission is
analyzed to propagate; the gas that more generates failed in the inspections is the corrected carbon monoxide; the vehicles generate higher indices of emissions in idling for all the fuels; the presence of the catalyser was not reflected, as it expected, in the reduction of emissions of gases toxic, however when analyzed according to year of manufacture, it was observed that for the vehicles manufactured between 1997 and 2004, reduction of 46,0% in the failed of the
vehicles equipped with catalyser was gotten. In conclusion, the fleet of the studied sample, in average terms, takes care of to the requirements of Resolution CONAMA n? 07/93. The
results gotten for the present study can subsidize action of public administrations that aim at to the improvement and the maintenance of the quality of air in the city of Natal-RN, as, for example, to implant a net of monitoramento of the quality of air / Com a r?pida ocupa??o urbana do Brasil, notadamente a partir da ?ltima d?cada de 50, verificou-se uma sens?vel degrada??o da qualidade do ar gerada principalmente pelas atividades humanas associadas ? industrializa??o. Ao longo dos anos, esta situa??o tem se agravado em fun??o do incremento da frota de ve?culos automotores em circula??o nas grandes cidades. Sendo estes, na cidade de Natal-RN, os que oferecem as maiores contribui??es ? polui??o atmosf?rica. Pelo ar atmosf?rico ser um recurso natural finito,
indispens?vel e essencial ? manuten??o da vida na terra, ? necess?ria ? implementa??o de a??es para melhorar sua qualidade e proteger a sa?de da popula??o. Com o objetivo de estudar aspectos relativos as caracter?sticas de ve?culos automotores em uso, o presente estudo busca analisar os n?veis de emiss?es de gases gerados por ve?culos automotores convertidos a bi-combust?veis nas modalidades: G?s Natural Veicular, Gasolina e ?lcool, inspecionados para fins de registro e licenciamento junto ao Departamento Estadual de Tr?nsito do Rio Grande do Norte. Utilizaram-se os dados obtidos a partir de inspe??es realizadas pela empresa Sistema Especializado em Inspe??o Veicular, na cidade do Natal, capital do Rio Grande do Norte, entre os dias 14 de novembro de 2003 e 30 de dezembro de 2004. Os par?metros
analisados foram os estabelecidos na resolu??o n? 07/93 CONAMA. De um total de 1.517 ve?culos inspecionados, obteve-se uma m?dia de 15,2% de reprova??o, ou seja, que emitem n?veis de polui??o acima dos limites estabelecidos pela legisla??o, abaixo da m?dia nacional que ? de 20,0%. A an?lise dos dados revela que 7,3% da frota ? convertida a GNV; o crescimento da frota de ve?culos convertidos a GNV na cidade, ? progressivo, com uma m?dia de incremento nos ?ltimos 4 anos de 23,3%; h? um predom?nio de ve?culos que t?m como combust?vel original a gasolina (88,2%); a frota inspecionada tem idade m?dia de 8 anos de uso, considerada jovem para os padr?es brasileiros, exceto para a movida ? ?lcool (m?dia de uso 15 anos). Al?m disso, tipo de combust?vel n?o ? o principal par?metro para se definir os
?ndices de emiss?es; a idade da frota ? o par?metro mais importante quando se analisa emiss?o veicular; o g?s que mais gera reprova??o nas inspe??es ? o mon?xido de carbono
corrigido; os ve?culos geram ?ndices mais elevados de emiss?es em marcha lenta para todos os combust?veis; a presen?a do catalisador n?o se refletiu, como se esperava, na redu??o de emiss?es de gases t?xicos, por?m quando analisado segundo o ano de fabrica??o, observou-se que para os ve?culos fabricados entre 1997 e 2004, houve uma redu??o de 46,0% nas reprova??es dos ve?culos equipados com catalisador. Em conclus?o, a frota estudada em m?dia atende as exig?ncias da Resolu??o CONAMA n? 07/93. Os resultados apresentados no presente estudo podem subsidiar a??es de gest?es p?blicas que visem ? melhoria e a manuten??o da qualidade do ar na cidade de Natal, como, por exemplo, implantar uma rede de monitoramento da qualidade do ar
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Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemãMaciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.
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