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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sålunda postade Dynamo : En innehållsanalys av en ungdomsavdelnings Instagramkonto / Thus posted Dynamo : A content analysis of a library youth sections Instagram account

Lindekrantz, Nicola, Schagerström, Björn January 2019 (has links)
This thesis discusses how the identity connected to the City Library of Gothenburg youth section Dynamo is presented through their Instagram account. By applying a qualitative content analysis on all Instagram posts Dynamo posted during one year we aim to determine what defines Dynamos organisational identity. What aspects of the library youth section are highlighted on Instagram? By using Jochumsen et al.’s (2012) four space model we have tried to identify what kind of place Dynamo is presented as on Instagram. By using Ørom (1993) and Schreibers (2006) classification of different librarian identities we also examine what professional roles are featured on their Instagram account. This thesis also aims to outline what values are connected to Dynamos organisational identity. Our findings show that Dynamo mainly is presented as an inspiration space, when using the concepts described in the four space model. When it comes to how the librarian role is represented we have found that it can be described as a mediator of different experiences but also as social worker identity. The values connected to Dynamo are “the library services should be free”, an easy going attitude towards participation - the user shouldn’t feel performance anxiety” and “young culture should be promoted”.

"Det svåraste är att det tar tid att lära sig bra bemötande" : En kvalitativ studie om folkbibliotekariers arbete med besöksbemötande och biblioteksångest.

Lindberg, Paulina January 2021 (has links)
Denna studies syfte har varit att belysa hur bibliotekarier på svenska folkbibliotek arbetar med besöksbemötande och att motverka besökarnas biblioteksångest. Studiens metod var kvalitativ och det empiriska materialet bestod av intervjuer med fyra bibliotekarier som arbetar på folkbibliotek i Sverige: en i västra Sverige, en i Mellansverige samt två i norra Sverige. Det empiriska materialet har först genomgått en tematisk analys varför de fyra huvudteman sen analyserats med utgångspunkt i den tidigare forskningen, symbolisk interaktionism och inbjudandeteorin. Studiens resultat visade att bibliotekarierna anser att besöksbemötande är viktigt för att lindra besökarnas biblioteksångest, få dessa att trivas på biblioteket och besöka det ofta. Av studiens fyra bibliotekarier är det enbart en som får kontinuerlig fortbildning på sin arbetsplats medan de tre andra får enstaka fortbildningsinsatser ibland. Alla respondenterna belyste i resultatet hur viktigt det är att få kontinuerlig fortbildning inom besöksbemötande då detta är en stor del av bibliotekarieyrket. Symbolisk interaktionism och inbjudandeteorin användes i studien för att skapa förståelse för bibliotekariernas interagerande, val att inte interagera med besökarna och deras förhållningssätt gentemot dessa. Studien visar att bibliotekariernas interagerande och förhållningssätt gentemot besökarna i sin tur kan motverka besökarnas biblioteksångest och skapa en trivsam biblioteksmiljö. I slutsatsen konstateras det att bibliotekarierna arbetar med att förbättra sitt besöksbemötande i form av dels att interagera med besökarna under arbetstid, samtala med varandra samt genom fortbildning inom besöksbemötande. Slutsatsen redogör även för att bibliotekarierna arbetar med att motverka besökarnas biblioteksångest genom att bemöta dessa med vänlighet, lyhördhet och hjälpsamhet. Bibliotekspersonal behöver även lära sig att läsa av vad besökarna känner för att kunna motverka och lindra deras biblioteksångest. Vidare framgår i slutsatsen att bibliotekarierna arbetar med att utforma bibliotekslokalen så att besökarna ska trivas och fortbildningsinsatser kan göra att bibliotekspersonalens kunskaper om bemötande, biblioteksångest och den fysiska biblioteksmiljön vidareutvecklas. Avslutningsvis lyfts förslag på framtida forskning fram som att granska hur fortbildningsmöjligheterna skiljer sig åt mellan Sveriges folkbibliotek och inom folkbibliotek i samma kommun, län alternativt region. Ett annat förslag är att granska chefer och beslutsfattares åsikter på fortbildning för bibliotekspersonal.

SEXUELLA TRAKASSERIER MOT BIBLIOTEKSPERSONAL : Typer, strategier och konsekvenser / SEXUAL HARASSMENT AGAINST LIBRARY STAFF : Types, strategies and consequences

Bergman, Catharina, Jönsson, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöker åtta biblioteksanställdas upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier från biblioteksbesökare på biblioteket som arbetsplats för att beskriva vilken typ av sexuella trakasserier de erfarit samt hantering och följder av dessa i termer av strategier och emotioner. Sammanfattningsvis har studiens deltagare upplevt sexuella trakasserier i form av verbal och fysisk karaktär, liksom stirrande, gester och stalkning. För att undvika sexuella trakasserier från biblioteksbesökare och hantera dem då de uppstår har individuella, kollegiala och i viss mån institutionella strategier utvecklats. Studien visar också att känslor av skam och skuld är förekommande som följd av sexuella trakasserier. Som teoretisk ansats har de biblioteksanställdas berättelser om sexuella trakasserier från biblioteksbesökare analyserats utifrån begrepp som skuld, skam, offer, känsloarbete, performativitet, den manliga blicken, respektabilitet, stereotyper och praktisk klokhet. En problematisering av begreppet sexuella trakasserier görs. Studien drar slutsatsen att biblioteket i det att det är en plats till vilken alla människor har tillträde, liksom dess funktion som social och informationsförmedlande institution skapar gynnsamma förutsättningar för att sexuella trakasserier från besökare initieras. Serviceaspekten av biblioteksanställdas yrkesroll innefattar ett trevligt bemötande av alla besökare, vilket ställer den anställda inför såväl dilemman som ansvarskänsla då sexuella trakasserier upplevs. De biblioteksanställda utvecklar främst individuella, men också kollegiala strategier samtidigt som arbetsköparens ansvar ofta brister.

”För att arbeta läsfrämjande så behöver man också tid för det” : en undersökning om svenska folkbibliotekariers möjlighet till professionell utveckling inom läsfrämjande via forum för samtal om läsning och litteratur / "In order to promote reading, you also need time for it" : a study on Swedish public librarians’ opportunity for professional development in reading promotion via forums for conversations about reading and literature

Waldner, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Public librarians need to be ready to meet many different people and the quality of work must be high. Reading promotion work has a special focus in the Swedish Library Act and is also something that the library's visitors value highly. International studies have shown that librarians have found a space through staff book clubs, where they have been able to exchange knowledge and experiences in professional development purposes. In Sweden several public libraries hold different types of staff forums for conversations about reading and literature, all of them to let the librarians gain and give each other knowledge. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about Swedish public librarians opportunities for professional development in reading promotion work, through forums for conversations about reading and literature. The study has been conducted by observing forums for conversations about reading and literature and interviewing librarians who participate in these. The results have shown increased job satisfaction and increased confidence in both meeting with the library's visitors and to organize reading promotion activities. The lack of time for reading was said to be the biggest obstacle and is described as a constant dilemma in relation to the library visitors expectations of the library staff. Since there was no previous research in the field within the Swedish context, this study can serve as inspiration for further studies.

Vem får hjälp med vad och varför? : En undersökning av folkbibliotekspersonals tankar kring gränsdragning i arbetet med allmänhetens digitala kompetens / What help is received and why? : Examining public librarians thoughts on delimitation in the work with the public’s digital competency

Hellgren, Sofia, Forsman, Alice January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates which arguments are used to create and regulate the help provided in regard to digital services in Swedish public libraries. Many official agencies and private enterprises close their offices and expand the digital service. These digital services are not available for all people and hence many come to their public library for help. This puts the library staff in difficult situations of different kinds. We seek to expand the knowledge of how these types of digital questions are perceived and handled by the library staff in the current situation, as well as whether guidelines are seen to be of help in this work. To do this we gathered information through a survey sent to Swedish public libraries. We then analysed the empirical material with qualitative analysis of content and also used Douglas Raber’s model in order to help explain the results. The results showed that the library users’ needs and interests were strong arguments in deciding what services to provide. Other categories, characteristic for the respondents’ arguments, that were found were the library mission and the library act; compassion; integrity, confidentiality and GDPR; the library staff's knowledge; and responsibility. The library staff had somewhat different views on whether guidelines were of use or not in their work. We found that Raber’s model was applicable for the most part of the material. One deviation, however, was found.

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek / Marketing the library  : A casestudy of the public library in Broby

Persson, Karolina January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library’s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries’ activities can appear in the light of marketing theory. The library went through a dynamic development during the case study, due to the fact that the library moved to a new location. The staff and their manager are aware of that they work in a certain context. Their target groups have special needs and the groups get their information from certain places which the library take advantage of. They also use the institutional channels in the public sector such as the public schools to get their message out. According to marketing theory the context is essential to be able to adapt the products you promote and how you do it. Price has long not been an issue for the libraries’ services but price can also be non-monetary. Its important to know what this price consist of to be able to lower it. It might also depend on the context. The staff believes in the importance of the services that the library provide to the community and promote it to their users. But the employees feel that there is a misconceptions of the  library as a collection of books, which they want to change. Because the library offer intangible goods, services, it is hard to change, because the most tangible the library offers are the books. To be able to grasp the service the user therefore focus on these. To get away from this the library can materialize the library’s services in other ways which takes the focus away from the books.

Musikfrämjande folkbiblioteksarbete i en tid av streaming och upplevelseorientering / Music promotion at public libraries in an age of streaming and experience-orientation

Utterström, Frans January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to find out how free music can be promoted in a meaningful manner towards young people living in an age of streaming and experience-orientation. This is achieved by investigating what music library work consists of, and how music streaming is perceived in relation to this. The investigation consists of qualitative interviews with library personnel working with music at public libraries in Sweden. The results show that there is a democratic reason to keep physical media such as CDs, although they are currently borrowed by a limited audience. This indicates a vacuum in terms of offering music free of charge to the entire population. While licencing commercial streaming services could prove too costly and might be regarded as somewhat superfluous, the interviewees in general seem positive towards libraries offering their own service. A library-specific service would ideally promote local musicians and could according to the author put public libraries on the map in a national as well as international sense. In conclusion suggestions are made to consider the value in keeping physical media by putting them in experience-oriented contexts, for example in involving adolescents in active listening and music discovery; regenerate Demoteket by working with it in a digital context; and focus on reaching adolescents by offering musical instruments and putting music in a context where the adolescents are rather than viewing the music department as exclusively an adult section. There is also reason for putting music in historical, lingual and geographical contexts, something that current streaming services lack. Both the physical space and the web can play important parts in exposing the music collection, which should be used as a means for experiences rather than as a goal in itself.

"Alla pratar om UX nu..." : En kvalitativ studie av UX på två högskolebibliotek / "Everybody is Talking about UX Now..." : A Qualitative Study of UX at Two Academic Libraries

Jansson, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine how library employees view and work with UX or User Experience. It also examines how they view library users, the library and their own professional roles and how these views are connected with the concepts of documentality, legitimacy and identity. The concept of power is also used. The study was carried out thorough a series of ten semi-structured qualitative interviews with employees at Karolinska Institutet University Library and Linköping University Library and is based on a social constructivist perspective. The results show that UX is viewed as a mindset where one tries to look at the library from the users’ perspectives and adapt the library after their needs. This was seen as a new perspective where the library aims to stand in the users’ shoes. Through the use of methods like interviews, observations and usability tests the informants try to understand their users and their needs. However, there was a strong emphasis on balancing the users’ wishes with the aims and conditions of the library which indicate a strong internal legitimacy. It also shows that UX does not indicate a loss of power in the informants’ minds. The study shows that an emphasis on the users’ perspective can also be linked to the core of librarianship further strengthening the internal legitimacy. The results also show that arguments can be made for the importance of both constitutive and performative documentality in academic libraries today. Among the informants there was a strong emphasis on a communicatively oriented professional identity with its focus om dialogue and cooperation with library users. In conclusion, the study shows that UX can be viewed as a way for academic libraries to cope with the many changes the last decades have brought and continue to be relevant in years to come. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

En kvalitativ intervjustudie av gymnasiebibliotekariers emotionella arbete / A qualitative interview study of high school librarians' emotional labour

Lange, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Introduction. The concept of emotional labour can be described as the strategies used to express emotions required of a job, and the strategies used to suppress those emotions that are inappropriate in the workplace. This paper aims to examine the emotional labour of Swedish high school librarians. Method. For this study, six high school librarians were interviewed about emotional situations in the workplace and how they handle their emotions. The interview transcripts were analysed thematically, using QDA Miner Lite software. Analysis and results. Emotional labour theories and role theory were used to understand the librarians' emotional labour. The findings show that emotional labour occurs in interactions with students, teachers/colleagues and managers. Situations that require emotional labour include students that make a racket in the library, students in need of support in personal matters and challenges of instructional work. However, the most prominent theme concerns teachers/colleagues and managers who do not have accurate knowledge of the librarians' competencies. The librararians use deep and surface acting strategies to handle their emotions, as well as situation modification, situation selection and venting. These strategies are used both during interaction and before/after (outside of) situations. Conclusion. Interactions with students are not the primary cause of the librarians' emotional labour. Rather, the main reason for emotional labour is managers' and colleagues' limited knowledge of school library work and the competencies of school librarians. One effect of this limited knowledge is that the librarians do not always get the opportunity to practice their competence. Another effect is the risk that the students do not get equal access to the librarys' and the librarians' services – in turn, the risk of this inequality affects the librarians' emotional health negatively. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Vems bibliotek? : Biblioteksmedarbetares upplevelser av delaktighet när ett nytt bibliotek ska planeras / Whose Library? : Library staff’s experiences of participation while planning a new library

Johansson, Maja, Karlsson, Tina January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The aim of this thesis is to explore library staff’s experiences of participation in a time of change, in this case, a move to new facilities. Using interviews and grounded theory, this qualitative study focuses on how such a change is planned, presented to the staff, and implemented. Method: In this study, twelve library employees from Swedish public libraries were interviewed about their experiences of participation during a move of the library to a new building or recently renovated building. The interviews have been analyzed using grounded theory and terms from organizational theory in order to categorize them and find differences and similarities in the experiences they describe. The organizational terms used for categorizing and analysis were participation, motivation, competence, communication, and information.Recent literature on the subject is scarce, and as a result the literature overview consists of texts from different areas, such as architecture, library and information science and organizational theory, in order to capture the interest of this study. Findings: The study found that library staff feel motivated to participate in workplace changes and want to be part of the planning process, preferably from beginning to end, but to engage properly they need both time and information. The results also suggest that library employees and architects need to find better strategies for collaboration. The library staff think that the architects do not have enough knowledge about the work tasks of library personnel and therefore cannot plan an effective library building. The library employees need more knowledge about the building process in order to explain why and how their workplace is to be built to accommodate the staff and their library users. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

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