Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bilingualism"" "subject:"trilingualism""
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Jazyková praxe bulharských mluvčích v českém jazykovém prostředí / Language practice of Bulgarian speakers in Czech linguistic environmentDabova, Vesela January 2012 (has links)
in English This work consists of five chapters: a theoretical part, which specifies the theoretical basis of the text (especially concepts related to bilingualism and language contact); methodological part, which specifies the objectives and methods of field research (identification of target group, subject of research, qualitative and quantitative methods, technical part of the survey); historical part relating to the origin and life of the Bulgarian minority in the Czech Republic; sociolinguistic part analyzing the sociolinguistic influences of Czech language on Bulgarian language; language part, analyzing the interference from language perspective. The objective of this work is sociolinguistic and linguistic analysis of the speech behavior of Bulgarian-speaking bilingual individuals in Czech linguistic environment, due to which to understand what impact a foreign language - Czech (E2) has on the mother tongue - Bulgarian (E1) in speech events in E1; which are the factors that cause it and how it is manifested in speech acts of bilingual individuals. We analyze the effect of E2 on E1 by sociolinguistic aspects, taking into account all sociolinguistic factors that affect the speech acts of individuals. After analyzing the ways of impact of E2 to E1, a linguistic analysis is made, i.e. a...
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Zavádění dvojjazyčných místních názvů jako veřejně politický proces (případová studie) / The introduction of bilingual local names as a public policy process (case study)Mašková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the public political process for the implementation of local bilingual names while focusing on the enforcement of this law for citizens with Polish nationality in the Těšin Region. The main objective is to explain why this policy was or was not changed, what the reasons were for the non-conformity of the policy objectives with the results and to discover the actual failures in the implementation process, where as a consequence, in some villages the right of the minority to use local bilingual names was not fulfilled or was beset with problems in some villages. The subject of the investigation of both the legal and the institutional aspect of the problem focuses on the participating subjects, where one of the main roles of the committee for national minorities on the board of the municipal representatives was the requirement to implement local bilingual names. The guidelines for understanding the tools, procedures and relations used were the initial theoretical points related to the institutions and their changes, the implementation process (top-down and bottom-up approaches), initial theoretical points explaining the responsibilities of the participating subjects and not the intended consequences of their actions and those of others. The research design is a case study.
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Zur Eignung Bilingualer als Dolmetscher. Eine empirische StudieZeiter, Xenia 24 October 2011 (has links)
Als ich noch im Grundstudium von zwei Dozenten hörte, dass Zweisprachige nicht zum Dolmetschen und noch weniger zum Übersetzen geeignet seien, war ich sehr überrascht. Warum sollten gerade sie ungeeignet sein? Die Begründung sahen beide Dozenten darin, dass Bilinguale keine ihrer Muttersprachen richtig beherrschten. Demgegenüber steht die (oft laienhafte) Meinung, sie würden beide Sprachen perfekt beherrschen und seien zum Dolmetschen geradezu prädestiniert. Beide Behauptungen stützen sich auf einen sehr unterschiedlichen Ausgangspunkt, was die Kompetenz solcher Menschen in ihren beiden Muttersprachen anbelangt. Tatsächlich teilen viele Monolinguale, die ich getroffen habe, eine dieser Vorstellungen von Zweisprachigen. Welche dieser doch sehr widersprüchlichen Behauptungen ist nun aber richtig? Oder beschreiben beide das Phänomen Bilingualismus und damit die Eignung solcher Menschen als Dolmetscher nur unzureichend?
Ich bin selbst zweisprachig aufgewachsen und würde mich weder zur ersten noch zur zweiten Gruppe zählen, ebenso wenig wie den Großteil der Bilingualen, die ich kenne. Die meisten Zweisprachigen in meinem Bekanntenkreis beherrschen eine ihrer Muttersprachen doch spürbar besser als die andere.
In mindestens zwei der drei Fremdsprachen, die ich studiere, habe ich – den jedes Semester vom Prüfungsamt des Instituts für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie der Universität Leipzig (IALT) ausgehängten Prüfungsergebnissen nach zu urteilen – das Studium überdurchschnittlich gut absolviert. Mir war bewusst, dass das Dolmetschstudium eine hervorragende Beherrschung v. a. des Deutschen erfordern würde. Vor Studienbeginn beschäftigte mich deshalb die Frage, ob es das richtige für mich sei und v. a. ob ich als zweites Nebenfach lieber meine andere Muttersprache oder noch eine Fremdsprache studieren sollte. Schließlich entschied ich mich für letztere. Auch andere Zweisprachige stehen vor der Entscheidung für oder gegen dieses Studium und vor der Frage, ob sie beide Muttersprachen und wenn ja, in welcher Kombination sie sie studieren sollen. Ich halte es außerdem für möglich, dass der Anteil der Bilingualen unter den Studieninteressenten und - bewerbern im Zuge der Migration und einer zunehmenden Zahl bikultureller Partnerschaften zunehmen wird. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit könnten in Verbindung mit denen hoffentlich folgender Studien zu diesem Thema in der Beratung von Studieninteressenten Anwendung finden.
Aus diesem Grund soll die Eignung von Zweisprachigen zum Dolmetschen in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden. Wie gut beherrschen sie ihre beiden Sprachen denn wirklich? Sind sie zum Dolmetschen so ungeeignet, wie von manchen Übersetzern behauptet? Wenn nicht, für welche Sprachkombination eignen sich ihre beiden Muttersprachen? Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass die Eignung von Bilingualen zum Dolmetschen an sich untersucht wird und es nicht Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, deren Eignung oder Leistung mit der von Einsprachigen zu vergleichen.
Die Arbeit unterteilt sich dabei in fünf Kapitel. Nach dieser Einleitung wird in Kapitel 2 in das Gebiet der Zweisprachigkeit und die Diskussionen um die Definition dieses Terminus’ eingeführt. Es folgt die Vorstellung einer Auswahl verschiedener (gegensätzlicher) Konzepte zum Bilingualismus und Typen der Bilingualität. Auch neurologische Aspekte zu diesem Thema werden beleuchtet, außerdem die Sprachkompetenz von Zweisprachigen, der Sprachwechsel und die Bikulturalität. Zum Ende dieses Kapitels soll geklärt werden, was in dieser Arbeit unter Zweisprachigen zu verstehen ist.
Kapitel 3 stellt eine Einführung ins Dolmetschen dar. Nach einer Begriffsklärung wird auf die Arbeitssprachen, Dolmetschrichtung und die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen eingegangen. Bei den Dolmetschkompetenzen liegt der Schwerpunkt auf denjenigen, in denen bei Bilingualen Unterschiede im Vergleich zu Monolingualen am ehesten zu erwarten sind, nämlich der Sprach- und der Kulturkompetenz.
In Kapitel 4 werden schließlich beide Aspekte zusammengeführt und die Eignung von Zweisprachigen zum Dolmetschen untersucht. Nach der Formulierung und Präzisierung des Forschungsproblems soll kurz auf die Planung und Vorbereitung der Erhebung eingegangen werden. Danach wird die Datenerhebung mittels persönlicher und schriftlicher Befragungen (PB und SB) beschrieben und das Material ausgewertet. Zur Auswertung der PB dient dabei die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2000). Dabei soll das Thema sowohl aus der Sicht von bilingualen Dolmetschstudenten und -absolventen (BDSA) als auch aus dem Blickwinkel von Dolmetschdozenten (DD) und einem staatlichen Prüfungsamt analysiert werden. Die sich aus den Untersuchungen herauskristallisierenden Tendenzen werden schließlich in einem Bericht zusammengefasst und diskutiert.
Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet Kapitel 5 mit einem Resümee der Ergebnisse und Limitationen dieser Arbeit. Im Sinne einer besseren Lesbarkeit verwende ich die männliche Form. Sie schließt aber gleichermaßen Frauen mit ein. Zweisprachigkeit, Bilingualismus und Bilingualität werden in dieser Arbeit synonym genutzt, ebenso wie Zweisprachige und Bilinguale und die dazugehörigen Adjektive. Selbiges gilt für einsprachig und monolingual und die entsprechenden Substantive.
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CHILDREN’S PERSPECTIVES ON BILINGUALISM : A qualitative study on how Somali children talk about being bilingual in a Swedish contextHussen (Hussein), Hinda Mohammud (Mohamud) January 2020 (has links)
This is a qualitative study on bilingualism from Somali children’s perspectives. It aims to examine how Somali-Swedish bilinguals understand their bilingual experiences in a Swedish context. It looks at questions that relate to their views on language use in family and peer group interactions, their attitude towards heritage language maintenance, and challenges they may face in their everyday bilingual experiences. Three interviews were carried out with six children of Somali background between the age of 12-15 years, interviewed in pairs, and the empirical data were subsequently analyzed thematically. The findings of the case study show that children have a high-level of awareness about achieving monolingual-like bilingualism. This is linked to their language investment in Somali and Swedish languages in order to be better members of both the Somali community and the Swedish society. From the interviews, it became clear that Somali and Swedish are equally important for their everyday life for a variety of reasons, including: maintaining healthy family relationships and bonds, continuing contact and ties with extended-family, developing ethnic and societal identities, and understanding and fostering friendship. However, many experienced challenges such as bullying and embarrassment as a result of, for instance, insufficient knowledge of their language or avoidance of using multiple languages in public for fear of being mocked. Furthermore, children are active agents in their learning and in acquiring proficiency in Somali and Swedish as they explain their choice of preserving their heritage while they negotiate with teachers to find a balance between language demands in the parental interactions and those with others in their ethnic group, and achieving native-like mastery of spoken Swedish.
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Nkanelo hi vurhonwani, ku ka ku nga fani ka swin'wana eka tidikixinari ta Xitsonga ta ririmimbirhi hi ku kongomisa eka swivumbeko swa makhiro na mayikhiro / A critical analysis of some of inconsistencies in Xitsonga bilingual dictionaries with special reference to macro and microstructural elementsMachete, Hlupheka Amos January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The main aim of this study is to analyse some of inconsistencies found in the macro- and micro structural elements of Xitsonga bilingual dictionaries. These dictionaries have more inconsistencies in them. The researcher undertook this study in order to advice lexicography of today about these inconsistencies. The research has also outlined some of the causes of this inconsistencies in Xitsonga bilingual dictionaries and to get ways of improving them by using a corpus.
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Teacher perception on translanguaging in grades 4-6 in Swedish Schools / Lärares uppfattning av transspråkande i svenska skolans årskurs 4-6.Adler, Kajsa, Ljungdahl, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Translanguaging has been breaking ground with ideas that learners’ already mastered languages and the target language should coexist to support and scaffold each other's development, instead of the historically preeminent idea that has been to separate the school language and the target language. The curriculum for Swedish schools does not give any guidelines on how to address this contradiction in research. This degree project aims to examine how English teachers in Sweden perceive the use of translanguaging in their teaching of grades 4-6 (ages 9-12). Also, how they possibly prepare for and implement this in their lessons. The study was conducted through an online questionnaire with a total of 24 participants, with quantitative and qualitative type questions. In addition to the questionnaire, qualitative email interviews were conducted with a total of three participants. The collected data show that the majority of the participating teachers have a positive view of translanguaging. Despite some teachers being against it and believing that target language should be used as much as possible, the school language was still used by all participants to scaffold the learners. Though translanguaging is a relatively new, not very well-known concept, it is being regularly used although not always consciously.Our hope is for this study to generate more research to further define the concept of translanguaging and what effect it has on learners.
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Measuring the Effect of Translator Training and Language Education on Translation CompetenceWestfall, Calvin J. 20 April 2022 (has links)
This study reviews concepts of bilingualism, summarizes various models of translation competency, and quantifies the difference of translation competency among students and graduates of Brigham Young University. By means of a survey about language history and a translation test from Spanish to English, data from 57 participants was collected and analyzed to measure the effect of formal language education and translation training. Despite numerous proposed models of translation competency (Wilss 1976, 1989; Koller, 1979; Krings, 1986; Lörscher, 1991; Toury, 1991; Pym, 1991, 1992, 2003, 2013; Kiraly, 1995; Fraser, 1996; Neubert, 2000; Kelly, 2005; Hague et al., 2011; Pietrzrak, 2015), few have attempted to quantify differences in translation competency. Those that have measured translation competency have either focused on younger speakers (Malakoff & Hakuta, 1991; Valdés, 2003), untrained heritage speakers (Gasca Jiménez, 2019), or established language professionals (PACTE, 2017). This study sought to quantify differences in translation competency of university students; the results show considerable differences according to specific variables such as progress in the Spanish Translation program, the number of Spanish classes taken, and native language when comparing number of errors, number of critical errors, mistranslation errors, and grammar and spelling errors. By identifying the strengths and needs of different groups of bilingual English and Spanish speakers, this study hopes to improve translation training programs and inform language industry practices.
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Towards establishing the equivalence of the English version of the verbal analogies scale of the woodcock Munoz language survey across English and Xhosa first language speakersIsmail, Ghouwa January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / In the majority of the schools in South Africa (SA), learners commence education in English.
This English milieu poses a considerable challenge for English second-language speakers. In
an attempt to bridge the gap between English as the main medium of instruction and the nine
indigenous languages of the country and assist with the implementation of mother-tongue
based bilingual education, this study focuses on the cross-validation of a monolingual English
test used in the assessment of multilingual or bilingual learners in the South African context.
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Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking 4-Year-Old-Children: English Normative Data and Correlations with Parent ReportsPowers, Brooke Leann 01 January 2010 (has links)
Many bilingual Spanish-English preschool aged children are impacted by speech sound disorders; and research has shown that bilingual speech sound systems develop differently than monolinguals'. Research has also shown that, for monolingual English and Spanish speakers, parent reports can be a valid tool for identification and single-word assessments can effectively diagnose speech disorder, yet little, if any, normative data or information about the validity of parent reports as an identification tool exists for bilingual Spanish-English speakers. The purpose of the present study was to create bilingual speech normative data for English single-word assessment scores for percent consonants correct (PCC), percent vowels correct (PVC), and the index of phonetic complexity (IPC). It also sought to determine correlations of speech scores and parent reports, which was done as an extension of Stertzbach's 2005 study with monolingual Spanish speakers. Fifty-six bilingual Spanish-English 4-year-olds were administered a single-word assessment in English and normative data was generated from the PCC, PVC, and IPC scores. That normative data was correlated with Likert values from the parent surveys to establish the validity of the report as an identification tool, and finally, the disordered scores (as determined by the normative data) were explored in relation to previous suspicion or diagnosis of disorder. The normative data showed 89% of speech scores falling within the typical range for both PCC and PVC and 93% for IPC. Pearson coefficients were computed by regression analysis and parent reports were deemed a valid tool for identification based on statistically significant correlations (at the .05 level) for 6 of 10 questions. Previous suspicions of disorder, based on parent report or examiner questionnaire, were 87.5% and 91% accurate, respectively, while current diagnosis, based on the presence of an existing Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), was 93% accurate. The results were consistent with previous research showing the prevalence of speech disorder as well as the validity of the parent report.
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The Effects of Input Flood, Structured Input, Explicit Information, and Language Background on Beginner Learners’ Acquisition of a Target Structure in Mandarin ChineseGlimois, Laurene 27 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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