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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbanismo bioclimático: efeitos do desenho urbano na sensação térmica / Bioclimatic urbanism: effects of urban design on thermal sensation

Ariela Natasha Parrilha Barbosa 06 November 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa trata da influência da verticalização na sensação térmica urbana, dentro de um contexto de diretrizes de compactação das cidades, aplicada à cidade de Maringá / PR, cujo clima é subtropical úmido. Pretende avaliar se o aumento do gabarito dos edifícios da região apontada, realizado de modo a respeitar o parcelamento e o uso e ocupação do solo, interfere no conforto térmico urbano, mediante a verificação do índice de temperatura fisiológica equivalente (PET). Seu desenvolvimento é realizado com base na análise de resultados obtidos por meio de ferramentas computacionais, especialmente o software ENVI-met, seguindo as seguintes etapas: 1. Histórico Urbanístico, em que se avalia o plano inicial da cidade e o seu perfil atual; 2. Caracterização Climática, na qual se elabora o arquivo climático do município, sua carta de ventos, bem como todos os tratamentos necessários para a aplicação do software; 3. Modelagem e Simulação, em que se define e constrói os cenários, para posterior simulação; 4. Avaliação Ambiental, em que se analisa a sensação térmica dos resultados da simulação. Por fim, mediante a avaliação dos resultados obtidos, demonstra-se que a verticalização, em climas subtropicais úmidos, pode ser utilizada como atenuação da sensação térmica. / This research deals with the influence of verticalization on urban thermal sensation, within a context of city compaction guidelines, applied to the city of Maringá / PR, whose climate is humid subtropical. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether the increase in the model of the buildings in the mentioned region, in order to respect the parceling and the use and occupation of the soil, interferes with the urban thermal comfort by checking the equivalent Physiological Temperature Index (PET). Its development will be carried out based on the analysis of results obtained through computational tools, especially the ENVI-met software, following the following steps: 1. Urban History, in which the initial plan of the city and its current profile will be evaluated; 2. Climatic Characterization, in which the climatic archive of the municipality, its chart of winds, as well as all the necessary treatments for the application of the software will be elaborated; 3. Modeling and Simulation, in which the scenarios will be defined and constructed, for later simulation; 4. Environmental Assessment, in which the thermal sensation of the results of the simulation will be analyzed. Finally, by means of the evaluation of the obtained results, it will be shown that the verticalization, in humid subtropical climates, can be used as attenuation of the thermal sensation.

Développement d'une démarche d’aide à la connaissance pour la conception de bâtis performants / Development of a knowledge-aid approach for designing high-performance buildings

Talbourdet, Fabien 25 September 2014 (has links)
Les demandes des usagers conjuguées à la réglementation nécessitent de concevoir des bâtiments de plus en plus confortables et économes en énergie. En parallèle de ces exigences, les réglementations concernant les bâtiments sont renforcées dans différents domaines (acoustique, sécurité incendie, risque sismique,…) afin d’obtenir des bâtiments plus sûrs et correspondant aux demandes des usagers. Les impacts conjugués de ces deux facteurs engendrent une complexification de la conception des bâtiments.Cette thèse présente une démarche d’aide à la connaissance pour la conception de bâtis performants se basant sur une méthode d’optimisation. Cette démarche vise à ce que les architectes et les bureaux d’études aient une connaissance claire du potentiel de leur projet (exploration de solutions) en phase amont de conception, pour concevoir des bâtiments les plus performants possibles. Ce potentiel est évalué via des paramètres de la géométrie extérieure et intérieure ainsi que des caractéristiques énergétiques du bâti. La démarche leur permet également d’évaluer les avantages et inconvénients de différentes géométries et solutions de conception qu’ils envisagent pour répondre à leurs projets. Cette démarche est appliquée à un immeuble de bureaux à Lyon.Pour le cas testé, la démarche permet d’obtenir rapidement des solutions performantes et de définir pour certains des paramètres étudiés, des valeurs conduisant aux solutions performantes dans une partie de l’espace des solutions ou dans l’ensemble de cet espace.Cette application de la démarche montre également qu’il peut exister des solutions ayant des besoins énergétiques et des coûts de construction proches mais étant très différentes en termes de paramètres de conception. Bien que remettant en cause l'applicabilité directe de la démarche, ce résultat met en exergue un problème nouveau. Cette thèse pose alors les bases pour une nouvelle étude. / Both aspirations of users and improvements in the thermal regulation require that the comfort and the energy efficiency of new buildings improve. In addition to these requirements, regulations are strengthening in many fields such as acoustics, fire safety and mechanical performance. The combined effects of these factors are making it increasingly hard to design buildings. This thesis presents a knowledge-aid approach for designing high-performance buildings based on an optimization method. This approach aims to provide clear knowledge of the potential of projects (exploration of various options) for architects and design offices at the beginning of the design that will allow them to design the best possible high-performance buildings. This potential is evaluated using external and internal geometric parameters as well as the energy characteristics of buildings. This approach also allows them to assess geometries and design solutions which are intended to be used for their projects.This approach will be applied to an office building in Lyon, France. For the tested case, the approach obtains quickly efficient solutions and also finds, for some parameters, values to design efficient solutions on part of the Paretofront or in this entire front. This application of the approach also shows that there may be solutions which are close in terms of energy needs and cost but could be very different on design parameters. This problem could influence robustness of the approach but highlights a new problem. This thesis then lays the foundation of a new study on this topic.

Développement d’une approche d’intégration des questions de morphologie urbaine dans l’évaluation environnementale des projets d’aménagement à l’échelle du quartier basée sur l’analyse de cycle de vie / Integration of morphological analysis in early-stage LCA of the built environment at the neighborhood scale

Lotteau, Marc 06 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail est une contribution à l’évaluation environnementale des projets d’aménagements en phase amont de conception. Il porte plus spécifiquement sur l’intégration des questions de morphologie urbaine à l’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) appliquée à l’environnement bâti à l’échelle du quartier. La performance énergétique des bâtiments est en partie conditionnée par les choix de conception en termes d’aménagement, et notamment par la forme urbaine (géométrie et types de surfaces) et ses interactions avec le climat. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer aux équipes de conception d’opérations d’aménagement un moyen de prendre en compte l’influence de la forme urbaine sur les potentiels énergétiques du quartier avec perspective cycle de vie.Une étude préalable a permis d’expliciter l’influence de la forme urbaine sur les potentiels énergétiques à l’échelle du quartier. Une approche de modélisation de l’énergie grise et de l’empreinte carbone des bâtiments est proposée, sur la base de laquelle une analyse de sensibilité à la forme urbaine et une analyse de contribution sont réalisées. Les résultats démontrent notamment l’influence primordiale de la forme des bâtiments ainsi qu’un lien très fort entre énergie grise et compacité du bâti. Une approche d’évaluation du potentiel de chauffage passif et du potentiel de confort d’été passif à l’échelle du quartier est également développée. Elle repose sur la réduction d’un quartier en quartier équivalent (réseau régulier de bâtiments parallélépipédiques), et sur l’application de métamodèles d’un moteur de simulation thermique. La méthode est testée est discutée sur un corpus de 45 cas d’étude. Ces développements méthodologiques ont vocation à être intégrés dans un outil existant d’ACV à l’échelle du quartier (NEST). / This work is a contribution to the environmental assessment of urban development projects in the upstream design phase. It focuses on integrating urban morphology issues with life cycle analysis (LCA) applied to the built environment at the neighborhood scale. The energy performance of buildings is partly determined by design choices relating to the urban form and its interactions with climate. The objective of this thesis is to provide to the design teams a way to take into account the influence of the urban form on the energy potentials of a neighborhood with a life cycle perspective.A preliminary study was conducted on two neighborhoods to detail the influence of the urban form on their energy potentials. An approach to modeling the embodied energy and embodied carbon of buildings is proposed. A sensitivity analysis and a contribution analysis of this model are performed on two generic building shapes. The results demonstrate the key influence of the shape of the buildings and a very strong link between the embodied energy and the building’s compactness. An approach to assessing the passive heating potential and passive summer comfort potential at the neighborhood scale is also developed. It is based on the transformation of a neighborhood in an equivalent urban form (regular array of block buildings), and on the application of metamodels of a thermal simulation engine. The method is tested and discussed on a corpus of 45 case studies. These methodological developments are intended to be integrated into an existing tool for neighborhood LCA (NEST).

Climate-conscious architecture—design and wind testing method for climates in change

Kuismanen, K. (Kimmo) 16 January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The main objective of this research was to develop practical tools with which it is possible to improve the environment, micro-climate and energy economy of buildings and plans in different climate zones, and take the climate change into account. The parts of the study are: – State of art study into existing know-how about climate and planning. – Study of the effects of climate change on the built environment. – Development of simple micro-climate, nature and built environment analysis methods. – Defining the criteria of an acceptable micro-climatic environment. – Development of the wind test blower. – Presenting ways to interpret test results and draw conclusions. – Development of planning and design guidelines for different climate zones. An important part of the research is the development of the CASE wind test instrument, different wind simulation techniques, and the methods of observing the results. Bioclimatic planning and architectural design guidelines for different climate zones are produced. The analyse tools developed give a qualitative overall view, which can be deepened towards a quantitative analyse with wind testing measurements and roughness calculations. No mechanical rules are suggested, but complementary viewpoints and practices introduced to a normal planning process as well as improvement of consultative knowledge. The “method” is that there is no strict mechanical method, but a deeper understanding of bioclimatic matters. Climate-conscious planning with the developed CASE method, make it possible to design a better micro-climate for new or old built-up areas. Winds can be used in to ventilate exhaust fumes and other pollutants, which improves the quality of air and the healthiness of the urban environment. The analyses and scale-model tests make it possible to shield cold windy areas and to diminish the cooling effect of wind on facades. According to studies in Scandinavian countries this will bring energy savings of 5–15 per cent. The method can be used to: – Evaluation of the cooling effect of wind. Areas and facades exposed to wind. – Evaluation of the wind comfort at the pedestrian level. Windy areas, relative wind speeds. – Enhancing wind-forced ventilation. Positive and negative pressures at the inlets and outlets. – Analysis of the diffusion of pollutants. Ventilation of streets and areas. – Avoiding the damages caused by wind. Planning and designing wind protective solutions. – Characterisation of the wind loading of small and medium-size street architecture items. Designing wind resistant and protective items and plantings. – Analysing the drifting of snow. Placing of snow fences. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli kehittää käytännöllisiä suunnitteluvälineitä, joilla voidaan parantaa ympäristöä, mikroilmastoa sekä rakennusten ja kaavojen energiataloutta eri ilmastovyöhykkeissä, sekä varautua ilmaston muutokseen. Tutkimuksen osat ovat: – Selvitys tämän hetkisestä ilmastoon ja suunnitteluun liittyvästä osaamisesta. – Selvitys ilmaston muutoksen vaikutuksesta rakennetulle ympäristölle. – Yksinkertaisten mikroilmasto-, luonto- ja rakennetunympäristön analyysien kehittäminen. – Määritellä hyväksyttävän mikroilmaston kriteerit. – Kehittää pienoismallien tuulitestauslaite. – Kehittää metodit testitulosten analysoimiseksi ja johtopäätösten vetämiseksi. – Laatia kaavoitus- ja rakennussuunnitteluohjeet eri ilmastovyöhykkeille. Tärkeä osa tutkimusta oli CASE tuulitestauslaitteen, erilaisten tuulen simulointitekniikoiden ja testausten havainnointimenetelmien kehittäminen. Kehitettiin bioklimaattisen kaavoituksen ja arkkitehtisuunnittelun suunnitteluohjeet eri ilmastovyöhykkeisiin. Kehitetyt analyysimenetelmät antavat laadullisen yleiskuvan, jota voidaan syventää määrällisen analyysin suuntaan käyttämällä tuulitestausmittauksia ja karheuslaskelmia. Mitään mekaanisia metodeita ei ehdoteta, vaan halutaan lisätä tieto-taitoa sekä uusia näkökulmia ja työtapoja nykyisiin kaavoitus- ja konsultointikäytäntöihin. ”Metodi” on siinä, ettei ole mitään kaavamaista metodia, vaan bioklimaattisten tekijöiden syvempi ymmärtäminen. Kehitetyn CASE metodin mukaisella ilmastotietoisella suunnittelulla voidaan aikaansaada parempi mikroilmasto sekä uusilla että vanhoilla rakennetuilla alueilla. Tuulen avulla voidaan tuulettaa pakokaasut ja muut ilmansaasteet, ja näin parantaa rakennetun ympäristön ilmanlaatua ja terveellisyyttä. Analyysien ja pienoismallien tuulitestauksen avulla voidaan suojautua kylmiltä tuulilta ja vähentää tuulen julkisivuja jäähdyttävää vaikutusta. Skandinaavisten tutkimusten mukaan näin voidaan saavuttaa 5–25 prosentin energiansäästö. Metodia voidaan käyttää mm. seuraaviin tarkoituksiin: – Arvioida tuulen jäähdyttävää vaikutusta. Selvittää tuulelle alttiit alueet ja julkisivut. – Arvioida tuulen vaikutusta jalankulun mukavuuteen. Tuuliset alueet ja suhteelliset tuulennopeudet. – Tehostaa painovoimaista ilmanvaihtoa. Positiiviset ja negatiiviset paineet ilmastoinnin sisäänmeno- ja ulostuloaukoissa. – Analysoida saasteiden leviämistä. Katujen ja alueiden tuulettaminen. – Torjua tuulen aiheuttamia tuhoja. Kaavoittaa ja suunnitella tuulelta suojaavia ratkaisuita. – Luonnehtia pieniin ja keskikokoisiin ulkona oleviin rakenteisiin kohdistuvia tuulikuormia. Suunnitella tuulenkestäviä ja suojaavia rakennelmia ja istutuksia. – Analysoida lumen kinostumista. Lumiaitojen sijoittelu.

Implications of global change for important bird areas in South Africa

Coetzee, Bernard W. T. 19 November 2008 (has links)
The Important Bird Areas (IBAs) network of BirdLife International aims to identify sites that are essential for the long-term conservation of the world’s avifauna. A number of global change events have the potential to negatively affect, either directly or indirectly, most bird species, biodiversity in general and associated ecological processes in these areas identified as IBAs. To assist conservation decisions, I assessed a suite of ten landscape scale anthropogenic pressures to 115 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in South Africa, both those currently placing pressures on IBAs and those that constitute likely future vulnerability to transformation. These threats are combined with irreplaceability, a frequently used measure of conservation importance, to identify the suite of IBAs which are high priority sites for conservation interventions: those with high irreplaceability and are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic threats. A total of 22 (19%) of the South African IBAs are highly irreplaceable and are highly vulnerable to at least some of the pressures assessed. Afforestation, current and potential future patterns of alien plant invasions affect the largest number of highly irreplaceable IBAs. Only 9% of the area of highly irreplaceable IBAs is formally protected. A total of 81 IBAs (71%) are less than 5% degraded or transformed. This result, together with seven highly irreplaceable IBAs found outside of formally protected areas with lower human densities than expected by chance provides an ideal opportunity for conservation interventions. However, all the pressures assessed vary geographically, with no discernible systematic pattern that might assist conservation managers to design effective regional interventions. Furthermore, I used the newly emerging technique of ensemble forecasting to assess the impact of climate change on endemic birds in relation to the IBAs network. I used 50 endemic species, eight bioclimatic envelope models, four climate change models and two methods of transformation to presence or absence, which essentially creates 2400 projections for the years 2070-2100. The consensual projection shows that climate change impacts are very likely to be severe. The majority of species (62%) lose climatically suitable space and 99% of grid cells show species turnover. Five species lose at least 85% of climatically suitable space. The current locations of the South African Important Bird Areas network is very likely ineffective to conserve endemic birds under climate change along a “business a usual” emissions scenario. Many IBAs show species loss (41%; 47 IBAs) and species turnover (77%; 95 IBAs). However, an irreplaceability analysis identified mountainous regions in South Africa as irreplaceable refugia for endemic species, and some of these regions are existing IBAs. These IBAs should receive renewed conservation attention, as they have the potential to substantially contribute to a flexible conservation network under realistic scenarios of climate change. Considering all the global change threats assessed in this study, the Amersfoort-Bethal-Carolina District and the Grassland Biosphere Reserve (IBA codes: SA018; SA020) are the key IBAs in South Africa for conservation prioritisation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Colegio y CEBRE Bioclimático en Negritos – Piura / Bioclimatic School and Educational Resources Center in Negritos - Piura

Navarro Huamán, Viviana Rocío 17 December 2020 (has links)
El desarrollo de la educación es una necesidad inherente y a la vez, un reto para el Perú, ya que repercute a largo plazo y se refleja en otras problemáticas importantes para el país, como la pobreza, la informalidad, el trabajo infantil, etc. Por tanto, para lograr la máxima eficiencia del sistema, es necesario contar con la infraestructura adecuada que garantice el óptimo desempeño de todas las partes involucradas, tanto el alumnado como el profesorado. La propuesta no sólo cubre las necesidades educativas con un Colegio Básico Regular, sino que incluye un complemento para los centros educativos existentes, mejorando la situación del sistema en la ciudad de Negritos. Además de darle un valor agregado con el énfasis Bioclimático, para manejar de la mejor manera las altas temperaturas del verano y aprovechar las condiciones climáticas de la zona. Resultando en una solución adecuada y beneficiosa para la comunidad. / The development of education is an inherent necessity, at the same time, a challenge for Peru, since it has long-term repercussions and is reflected in other problems that are important for the country, such as poverty, informality, child labor, etc. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum efficiency of the system, is necessary to have the adequate infrastructure that guarantees the optimal performance of all the involved parties, both the students and the teaching staff. The project not only covers the educational needs with a Basic School, but also, includes a complement for local schools, improving the situation of the educational system in the city of Negritos. Also, with a Bioclimatic emphasis it gives an added value to handle the best way the high temperatures and take advantage of the climatic conditions of the area. Resulting in an adequate and beneficial solution for the community. / Tesis

Évolution des syndromes de pollinisation et des niches bioclimatiques au sein des genres antillais gesneria et rhytidophyllum (gesneriaceae)

Alexandre, Hermine 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Gesneria et Rhytidophyllum (Gesneriaceae) sont deux genres de plantes Antillais aillant subi une forte diversification et qui présentent une forte variabilité de modes de pollinisation associés à des traits floraux particuliers. Les spécialistes des colibris ont des fleurs tubulaires rouges, alors que les spécialistes des chauves-souris et les généralistes présentent des fleurs campanulées de couleur pâle. La capacité d’être pollinisé par des chauves-souris (en excluant les colibris ou en devenant généraliste) a évolué plusieurs fois indépendamment au sein du groupe. Ces caractéristiques font de ces plantes un bon modèle pour étudier les relations entre l’évolution des modes de pollinisation et la diversification spécifique et écologique. Pour ceci, nous avons étudié les bases génétiques des changements de mode de pollinisation et les liens entre ces modes de pollinisations et la diversification des niches bioclimatiques. Méthodes : Nous avons réalisé une étude de QTLs pour caractériser les régions génomiques associées à la transition de syndrome de pollinisation entre une espèce à stratégie de pollinisation mixte (Rhytidophyllum auriculatum) et une espèce spécialiste des colibris (Rhytidophyllum rupincola). Nous avons parallèlement analysé les relations entre les changements de modes de pollinisation (dimension biotique de la niche écologique) et l’évolution des niches bioclimatiques chez ces plantes. Enfin, d’un point de vue théorique, nous avons testé l’effet de la fréquence et de l’amplitude des changements environnementaux sur les patrons d’évolution des niches écologiques. Résultats : L’étude des QTLs a montré que la couleur et le volume de nectar sont basés chacun sur un QTL majeur, alors que la forme de la corolle a une base génétique plus complexe. Par ailleurs ces différents QTLs ne sont pas liés physiquement dans le génome. L’analyse des niches bioclimatiques a montré que ces Gesneriaceae antillaises sont caractérisées par un conservatisme phylogénétique de niche bioclimatique (PNC) et que l’évolution de ces niches est indépendante des stratégies de pollinisation. Les plantes semblent aussi être relativement généralistes du point de vue de leur niche abiotique. Finalement, nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’adaptation à un environnement temporellement hétérogène pourrait expliquer à la fois le caractère généraliste des plantes et leur patron de PNC. Cette hypothèse s’est trouvée partiellement vérifiée. Conclusion : Si l’indépendance génétique des traits floraux a pu faciliter l’émergence des syndromes de pollinisation en réduisant les contraintes génétiques, il semble que la répartition largement chevauchante des colibris et des chauves-souris ne représente pas une opportunité écologique suffisante pour expliquer les évolutions répétées vers la pollinisation par les chauves-souris. En revanche, les perturbations environnementales causant régulièrement des déclins dans les populations de pollinisateurs pourraient expliquer l’avantage des plantes qui ont une stratégie de pollinisation mixte. / Background: Gesneria and Rhytidophyllum (Gesneriaceae) are two genera endemic to the Antilles that underwent an important diversification and that present a great vari- ability in pollination modes with regard to specific floral traits. Hummingbird specialists harbour red tubular flowers while bat specialists and generalists have campanulate (i.e., bell shaped) flowers with pale colours. Bat pollination (excluding or not hummingbirds) evolved multiple times independently in this group. These plants are thus a good model to study the relationship between the evolution of pollination mode and ecological and species diversification. To understand these relationships, we studied the genetic basis of pollination mode transition and the link between pollination mode and bioclimatic niches diversification. Methods: We performed a QTL analysis to detect genomic regions underlying the floral traits involved in the pollination syndrome transition between Rhytidophyllum auriculatum (a generalist species) and Rhytidophyllum rupincola (a hummingbird specialist). Also, we analysed the consequence of pollination mode transitions (which represent the biotic part of ecological niches) on bioclimatic niches evolution in Gesneria and Rhytidophyllum. Then, we tested whether environmental changes can result in patterns of phylogenetic bioclimatic niche conservatism through time. Results: The QTLs analysis showed that corolla colour and nectar volume are both based on one major QTL, while corolla shape is determined by a more complex genetic architecture involving several unlinked QTLs. These Antillean Gesneriaceae were found to have a pattern of phylogenetic (bioclimatic) niche conservatism (PNC) and their niche evolution was found to be independent from pollination strategies. Overall, the plants were found to have relatively widespread bioclimatic niches. Finally, we partially confirmed the hypothesis that adapting to temporally variable environment might cause both species generalization and PNC pattern. Conclusion: Genetic independence of floral traits might have facilitated pollination syn- dromes evolution by reducing genetic constraints. However, the overlapping distribution of hummingbirds and bats do not represent an ecological opportunity that could explain re- peated evolutions toward bat pollination. However, environmental perturbations causing regular pollinator populations collapses could explain the advantage for plants to favour generalist strategies.

La méthode des saisons climatiques : stratégie passive de conception architecturale de bâtiments basse consommation énergétique en climat très chaud / The climatic seasons method : a passive design strategy for low energy consumption buildings in very hot climate

Yusta Garcia, Ferran 19 September 2018 (has links)
Si un concepteur, architecte ou ingénieur, veut concevoir un logement de basse consommation et le site du projet se trouve dans une région au climat froid, les réponses sont nombreuses et la littérature scientifique très abondante. Si le site de notre projet se situe en climat chaud, voir très chaud, le nombre de méthodes simples pour concevoir une maison de basse consommation diminue drastiquement. La solution la plus habituelle des concepteurs non initiés à la basse consommation est de faire appel à un ingénieur d’un bureau d’études énergétiques, qui saura proposer des simulations à partir d’un modèle thermique-dynamique et anticiper la consommation du modèle. La mission d’un bureau d’études a un certain coût, et ses services ne peuvent pas être accessibles à tous les projets. Ainsi, des milliers d’architectes en climat chaud proposent des projets inspirés des références lointaines ou des réalisations non adaptées sans les conseils d’un spécialiste de l’énergie du bâtiment. Ces projets, très énergivores, continuent à croître sans cesse. Pour tous ces concepteurs des projets de taille modeste nous proposons dans cette étude une méthode facile, efficace et accessible à tous permettant de prendre conscience des enjeux bioclimatiques et les options architecturales qui existent pour réussir un projet de basse consommation, puis de le défendre auprès de ses commanditaires. En nous appuyant sur les informations en ligne accessibles à tous, nous proposons une méthode basée sur l’utilisation des degrés-jour de refroidissement et de chauffage. Une série de simulations robustes sur un modèle thermique dynamique générique fourni des résultats qui pourront être interprétables par les concepteurs et projetés sur leurs propres conceptions.La première partie de ce document analyse la construction et la culture en climat chaud: méthodes de classification climatique, les phénomènes physiques les plus significatifs en lien avec la basse consommation,et les notions de confort et température ressentie. En suite, nous proposons un outil d’aide à la conception : la Méthode des Saisons Climatiques, une méthode basée sur un concept très simple : l’ouverture ou fermeture de la maison à l’extérieur en fonction des conditions extérieures quantifiée par les degrés-jour du site. Elle permet de faire une classification climatique du site très orientée vers la conception bioclimatique. Elle base le classement d’un site selon des journées types, S1 à S6, selon jour/nuit froid/froide, tempéré/froide, tempéré/tempérée, chaud/froide, chaud/tempérée et chaud/chaude respectivement. Cette nouvelle classification peu ts’appliquer à tous les climats de la Planète. Une période de l’année continue avec une même journée type donne lieu a une Saison Climatique. Chaque Saison climatique aura des spécificités architecturales propres,et parfois contradictoires entre deux saisons climatiques différentes. L’objectif est de trouver la combinaison architecturale la plus efficace pour une période annuelle complète.Des modélisations Energy+ seront faites pour ces 6 journées types ainsi que pour une période annuelle dans une ville au climat très chaud : Dubaï. Des actions architecturales sont évaluées avec un modèle thermique dynamique.Les actions architecturales seront classées par efficacité énergétique et par temps de retour surinvestissement . Deux maisons idéales par journée type seront proposées : la maison la plus performante et la maison la plus rentable. Une méthode de combinaison d’actions architecturales permettra de trouver une combinaison cohérente d’actions en fonction du climat annuel d’un site. Ensuite nous proposerons les caractéristiques communes, un socle commun, de la maison en climat très chaud de la région du Moyen Orient. / The last 25 years have been ground-breaking in architectural design on low energy consumption in cold climate, mainly in north-western cultures. For an architect today, the method to design a passive house in cold weather and the choice of the Architectural Actions (AA), are clearly established. When the question comes to how to build a passive house in warmer, hot, and very hot climates, the strategies arepoor and often results of a combination of western strategies with a local relook. From several visits in MiddleEast countries, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, we concluded that the strategy for low consumption houses is not established yet and poorly grasped. The lack of training on low energy consumption in hot climate and the low price of energy, force designers and owners to rely on over usage of air-conditioning systems as measures to catch up on poor bioclimatic design. This method proposes a new approach on bioclimatic designfor hot climates from an architect point of view. It is based on a Cooling Degrees Days (CDD) and Heating Degrees Days (HDD) approach, a state of art of contemporary architecture and professional experience. Localclimates are classified according to the energy-hunger of six situations of the exterior temperature during night/day : cold/cold, cold/cool, cool/warm, cold/hot, cool/hot, and hot/hot as CDD and HDD of the twelve month ofthe year. A group of days on one of those situations will be called “climatic season”. In parallel we will create two main “climatic situations”: people keep the house closed to the exterior or opened to the exterior. We will associate passive strategies to these two differents ways to live in the house: “cold” and “hot” to a closed houseand “cool” and “warm” to a house opened up to the exterior. This method allows classifying any climate in theworld under these six climatic seasons. Our climate classification can now be associated to different strategies that we will call “architectural actions” as house is closed or opened. We could already start to design a house from here, but to better understand the influence of each action we have created an Energy+ model to analyze individually the effect of a single AA. The performance of each action is evaluated under the situations of six representative journeys as well as a year round on a very hot city: Dubai. The result of the effect good or badof action during each different season situation allows us to create the best combination of AA that are best fora year round climate resulting of the combination of several climatic seasons. This low-tech method will help usto find the common features of the houses of different hot climates of a big region and find the best typology. We have carried in parallel a cost study of the base house and the financial incidence of each single action to evaluate also the payback period by action.

Forma e arborização em cânions urbanos: tendências de estresse térmico para o pedestre em cenários futuros de Umuarama/PR / Form and afforestation in urban canyons: trends of pedestrian thermal stress in future scenarios of Umuarama-PR

Lima, Diana Carla Rodrigues 07 November 2017 (has links)
A evolução da forma urbana adequada ao seu contexto climático é determinante para a qualidade ambiental dos espaços abertos. Porém, em diversas cidades o crescimento urbano acelerado ocorre quase sem nenhum controle ou planejamento. Esse descontrole é apontado como causa de prejuízos ao ambiente natural e construído, entre eles, o desconforto térmico nos espaços abertos. No Brasil, o Plano Diretor é o instrumento dos governos municipais que regula o desenho urbano; no entanto, nota-se um distanciamento entre os aspectos ambientais e a formulação dos planos e leis municipais. A cidade de Umuarama, no noroeste do Paraná, tem assistido a um intenso crescimento urbano, porém, ainda há na cidade uma flexibilidade para a gestão da forma urbana. Atualmente, está em fase de aprovação o novo Plano Diretor Municipal, que propõe a ampliação da área urbana onde é permitida a verticalização, e o Plano Municipal de Arborização Urbana, que busca promover o controle e o aumento da arborização urbana. Face ao proposto pelos planos, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo principal verificar as tendências de estresse térmico no nível do pedestre em futuros cenários de cânions urbanos na área central de Umuarama. O cânion urbano, referente ao espaço conformado pela via e edifícios adjacentes, foi adotado como objeto de estudo por se constituir na menor unidade microclimática urbana e no principal espaço aberto de uso público. A metodologia aplicada se baseia em levantamento de dados em campo; simulação de diferentes cenários de configuração urbana através de modelagem microclimática com o programa ENVI-met, para situação de verão e inverno; e aplicação do índice de conforto térmico Temperatura Fisiológica Equivalente - PET. Os resultados demonstraram que diferentes combinações dos parâmetros da forma urbana, especificamente, da geometria do cânion urbano e arborização presente no seu interior, resultam em tendências diversas de estresse térmico para o pedestre. Os maiores níveis de estresse térmico no nível do pedestre foram observados no período diurno, em situação de verão; esses níveis tendem a ser menores com o aumento da relação H/W e da arborização no interior dos cânions urbanos. Além disso, verificou-se menor amplitude térmica em cânions com maior cobertura verde. Em cânions urbanos com orientação N-S, o aumento da cobertura verde no interior do cânion urbano foi mais importante para a redução do índice PET do que em cânions com orientação L-O; por outro lado, nesses cânions com orientação L-O, o aumento da relação H/W foi mais representativo para minimizar o PET. A compreensão do comportamento do PET nos diversos cenários demonstrou que novas configurações da forma urbana são compatíveis com a qualidade ambiental dos espaços abertos desde que aplicadas estratégias do desenho urbano climaticamente orientado. Ao final, com base nos resultados, foram traçadas recomendações relacionadas à geometria e cobertura verde das vias urbanas a favor do conforto térmico dos usuários desses espaços. / The appropriate evolution of urban form for your climate context is determinant to open spaces environmental quality. However, it is observed that in several cities the accelerated urban growth occurs almost without any control or planning. This lack of control is pointed as the cause of damage to the built and natural environment, including the thermal discomfort in open spaces. In Brazil, the Master Plan is the instrument of the municipal governments that regulates the urban design; however, there is a gap between environmental aspects and the formulation of plans and municipal laws. The city of Umuarama in the Northwest of Paraná, has seen an intense urban growth, however, there is still a flexibility to the management of urban form. Actually, the new municipal Master Plan is in the aproval phase, it proposes the expansion of the urban area where verticalization is permitted, and the municipal urban afforestation plan, that seeks to promote and control the increase of urban afforestation. In view of proposed plans, this research has as main objective to verify the trends of thermal stress in the pedestrian\'s level in future scenarios of urban canyons in the central area of Umuarama. The urban canyon, referring to the space formed by the via and adjacent buildings, was adopted as object of study because it is the smallest unit microclimatic and the main urban open space for public use. The methodology applied is based on in loco data collection; simulation of different scenarios of urban setting through microclimatic modeling with the ENVI-met program, for summer and winter condition; and application of thermal comfort index Physiological Equivalent Temperature - PET. The results showed that different combinations of the urban form parameters, specifically, the urban canyon geometry and afforestation present in your interior, result in various trends of thermal stress to the pedestrian. The highest levels of thermal stress in the pedestrian level were observed during the day, in summer; these levels trend to be smaller with increasing H/W ratio and afforestation in urban canyons. In addition, there has been less thermal amplitude in canyons with more green coverage. In urban canyons with N-S orientation, increasing the green coverage inside the urban canyon was more important for the reduction of the PET index than in the canyons with L-O orientation; on the other hand, in those canyons with L-O orientation, increasing the H/W ratio was more representative to minimize the PET. Understanding PET behavior in different scenarios demonstrated that new urban form settings are compatible with the open spaces environmental quality since applied urban design strategies climatically guided. In the end, based on the results, were delineated recommendations related urban streets geometry and green coverage in favour of thermal comfort of the users of these spaces.

Ecolodge en el desierto de Paracas

Vidal Pimentel, Marisol 13 April 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto responde a la necesidad de mantener, conservar y sostener en el tiempo, uno de los destinos naturales de nuestro país, como son las dunas del Desierto de Paracas, cuyo valor se trata de potenciar al crear un Ecolodge con énfasis en la Arquitectura Bioclimática. Paracas, a pesar de ser uno de los destinos preferidos por los turistas nacionales y extranjeros, no cuenta con una capacidad hotelera que pueda satisfacer los nuevos requerimientos en cuanto a hoteles con principios ecológicos. En tal sentido, se plantea un Ecolodge, donde el diseño y elementos constructivos a utilizarse estarán básicamente en función del clima de Paracas que se muestra soleado durante todo el año y acompañado de fuertes vientos. Esta nueva modalidad de hospedaje, se sustenta en principios de conservación y protección del medio ambiente, así como en el mejor aprovechamiento de la energía solar cuyos pilares son la captación, acumulación y distribución eficiente de la energía generada. Se toma en cuenta también el manejo de residuos, y el consumo responsable del agua con la finalidad de poderla reutilizar a través del sistema de riego por goteo, y generando además programas que beneficien directamente al desarrollo de la localidad y sus comunidades. / The purpose of this project is to maintain, preserve, and sustain throughout time, one of the main ecotourism destinations in our country, such as the Paracas Desert dunes. We aim to increase the value of this location through the development of an Ecolodge, with a focus on Bioclimatic Architecture. Given that Paracas is one of the preferred destinations by both foreign and local tourists, its main issue revolves around the lack of hotels that can satisfy new requirements in terms of ecological principles. In this context, raices the idea of an Ecolodge, where the design and building materials used will be selected in accordance with the Paracas climate, which is comprised of year-long sunshine accompanied by strong winds. The new hospitality approach is based upon conservation and environmental protection principles, as well as an improved use of solar energy, whose pillars include the collection, accumulation, and efficient distribution of energy. Waste management and responsible consumption of water is taken into account as well, with the purpose of re-utilizing water via a drip irrigation system. Finally, the strategy will ultimately generate programs that will directly benefit the development of local communities. / Tesis

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