Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biolological markers"" "subject:"bybiological markers""
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Anticorpo anti-P ribossomal em pacientes com glomerulonefrite lúpica: marcador de melhor sobrevida renal? / Antibodies to ribossomal P proteins in lúpus nephritis: a surrogate marker for a better renal survival?Patrícia Andrade de Macêdo 17 January 2014 (has links)
O anticorpo anti-proteína P ribossomal é um dos marcadores sorológicos do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, previamente associado a glomerulonefrite lúpica classe V (ISN-RPS). Neste trabalho foi avaliado o prognóstico renal em pacientes que possuem positividade para este anticorpo. Sessenta pacientes foram avaliados para parâmetros de sobrevida renal. Onze pacientes (18%) apresentaram positividade sorológica exclusiva para anticorpo anti-P ribossomal e vinte e oito pacientes (47%) para anti-dsDNA. Ao final do período de seguimento, foi observado que os pacientes anti-P positivos apresentaram uma maior sobrevida renal (11,0 ± 4,5 vs. 9,2 ± 4,5 anos, p=0,03) quando comparados aqueles anti-P negativos, assim como menor frequência de necessidade de terapia substitutiva renal (0 vs. 35% p = 0,025). Pacientes anti-P positivos apresentaram também maior frequência de classe V (91% vs. 31%, p < 0.001) e menor incidência de alterações proliferativas (45% vs. 82%, p = 0,021) na avaliação da biópsia renal quando comparados aos pacientes sem a positividade para este anticorpo. Os dados reforçam a hipótese de que o anticorpo anti-P é um marcador útil de um melhor prognóstico renal em pacientes portadores de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico / Antibodies to ribossomal P proteins are one of the serologic markers of systemic lupus erythematosus, previously described as associated to class V lupus glomerulonephritis (ISN-RPS). Our study assessed renal prognosis in patients with anti-P antibodies. Sixty consecutive SLE patients with biopsyproven nephritis (2004 ISN/RPS) were evaluated for renal survival parameters. Eleven patients (18%) had exclusive anti-P positivity and 28 (47%) patients anti-dsDNA. The post-biopsy follow-up analysis demonstrated that anti-P positive patients disclosed better renal survival (11.0 ± 4.5 vs. 9.2 ± 4.5 years, p = 0.03) as well as lower frequency of patients requiring dialysis (0 vs. 35% p = 0.025). The frequency of class V nephritis was higher in anti-P positive patients (91% vs. 31%, p < 0.001) and the occurrence of proliferative lesions at biopsy was lower in these patients (45% vs. 82%, p=0.021). Our data supports the notion that anti-P antibody is a valuable marker to predict a better long-term renal outcome in lupus patients
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Perfis de expressão de genes relacionados a metástases em uma coorte de pacientes adultos e pediátricos portadores de neoplasias do córtex da supra-renal / Expression profiles of metastasis-related genes in a cohort of childhood and adult adrenocortical tumorsAntonio Marcondes Lerario 11 September 2008 (has links)
O carcinoma do córtex da supra-renal (ACC) é uma neoplasia rara e de prognóstico sombrio. Embora estudos moleculares tenham explorado diversos aspectos relacionados à tumorigênese destas neoplasias, o conhecimento das vias relacionadas à disseminação metastática é restrito. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar a expressão de genes relacionados a metástases em uma coorte de pacientes portadores de tumores do córtex da supra-renal metastáticos e não-metastáticos, a fim de identificar vias envolvidas na disseminação metastática destas neoplasias, novos marcadores prognósticos e eventuais alvos terapêuticos. Os perfis de expressão de 27 tumores do córtex da supra-renal de 15 pacientes adultos (8 ACC e 7 adenomas) e 12 pediátricos (5 metastáticos e 7 não-metastáticos) foram avaliados por um array de expressão contendo um painel de 113 genes que sabidamente estão envolvidos no processo de disseminação metastática de diversas neoplasias humanas. A análise de grupamentos mostrou que adenoma dos pacientes adultos forma um grupo distinto dos demais tumores (ACC de adultos e tumores pediátricos). Os genes MMP11e DENR foram identificados como diferencialmente expressos quando se compararam os adenomas e ACC de adultos. Na comparação dos tumores pediátricos nenhum gene foi diferencialmente expresso. Assim como a análise de grupamento, a PCA utilizando grupo selecionado de genes também não foi capaz partir os tumores pediátricos em subgrupos pela evolução. A expressão dos genes MMP2, TIMP3 e FN1 também foram avaliados por RT-PCR e foram concordantes com os dados gerados pelo array de expressão. O papel da LOH como causa da redução da expressão de TIMP3 foi estudado com tipagem de microssatélites. Em alguns casos, foi identificada LOH da região 22q13. Porém, em outros casos em que a expressão do TIMP3 foi bastante reduzida, não houve LOH. Em resumo, foram identificados aspectos moleculares importantes envolvidos na disseminação e metástases de neoplasias do córtex da supra-renal de adultos e crianças, bem como características biológicas deste processo. Diferentes padrões de expressão identificados em tumores metastáticos e não-metastáticos podem ajudar na predição do prognóstico / Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare neoplasm with a poor prognosis. Although molecular studies have uncovered many aspects of ACC tumorigenesis, little is known about molecular pathways involved in metastatic spread. The objective of our study is to analyze the expression profile of metastasis-related genes in a cohort of metastatic and nonmetastatic adrenocortical tumors in order to identify genes involved in the metastatic spread, as well as to find new prognostic markers. The expression profiles of 27 adrenocortical tumors from 15 adults (8 ACC and 7 adenomas) and 12 children (5 metastatic and 7 non-metastatic) were evaluated by an array of 113 known to be involved in human metastasis. Cluster analysis showed adult adrenocortical adenomas form a group distinct from other adrenocortical tumors (adult carcinomas and pediatric tumors). The comparison of adult adenoma and ACC revealed that MMP11 and DENR were differentially expressed between these two groups while no gene was differentially expressed among pediatric adrenocortical tumors. Similarly to cluster analysis, Principal component analysis failed to identify partition amongst pediatric tumors categorized by their evolution. The expression data of MMP2, TIMP3 and FN1 genes by RT-PCR agreed with those generated by the arrays. LOH of 22q12.3 region was detected in some cases in which TIMP3 down regulation was verified (but not in all cases). In conclusion, we have identified important aspects of molecular pathways and biological characteristics involved in metastatic spread of adrenocortical tumors. Distinctive patterns of gene expression between metastatic and nonmetastatic tumors may help in prognosis prediction
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Avaliação citogenética e molecular de trabalhadores intoxicados pelo benzeno / Cytogenetic and molecular evaluation of workers poisoned by benzeneDeise Nascimento Crispim dos Santos 09 November 2012 (has links)
O benzeno é um hidrocarboneto aromático produzido pela combustão de produtos naturais. A exposição ocupacional ao benzeno é caracterizada por ambientes industriais que o empregam em seus processos produtivos. Nos laboratórios de indústria do petróleo ele é utilizado em forma pura para análise, e está presente como contaminante em derivados, como gasolina, hexano, querosene, tolueno, entre outros. No Brasil o valor recomendado pela legislação como limite de exposição ambiental ao benzeno é de 1ppm. O câncer hematológico é considerado um dos principais fatores de risco para a saúde dos trabalhadores expostos ao benzeno e a utilização de biomarcadores no monitoramento destes profissionais tem sido sugerida em diferentes países. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes biomarcadores em sangue periférico de trabalhadores homens, cronicamente expostos ao benzeno em refinarias e siderurgia (18 deles com diagnóstico de intoxicação), que estavam afastados de suas funções por períodos que variaram de cinco meses a 27 anos, com idade média de 46,8 ± 9,33 anos comparado com um grupo controle composto também de 20 homens, selecionados em Bancos de Sangue (idade média de 45,7 ± 8,00 anos), com diferentes ocupações não correlacionadas ao agente em estudo. Em ambos os grupos foram realizados hemograma completo, teste do micronúcleo em linfócitos com bloqueio da citocinese (CBMN), teste de FISH em linfócitos para a translocação t(15;17), bem como testes moleculares para avaliação de polimorfismos em genes envolvidos na metabolização do benzeno (MPO, NQO1, CYP1A1 e CYP2E1) e na eliminação de xenobióticos (GSTM1/GSTT1). Quanto ao hemograma à análise estatística realizada pelo teste t-Student revelou que os expostos ao benzeno apresentavam leucopenia com diferença altamente significante na contagem de leucócitos (p<0,001), neutrófilos (p<0,001), segmentados (p<0,001), linfócitos (p=0,013) e monócitos (p=0,010). A avaliação da série eritrocitária também revelou diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos para os índices de RDW-CV (p= 0,031) e RDW-SD (p=0,008), assim como para o VPM (p=0,001). Não foi verificada diferença entre os grupos quanto à frequência de polimorfismos nos genes CYP1A1, CYP2E1, MPO, NQO1, GSTM1, GSTT1. No teste do CBMN a contagem de células com MN e pontes núcleoplasmáticas foi três vezes maior nos expostos (1,95 ± 2,37) que nos controles (0,65 ± 0,75), diferença essa considerada estatisticamente significante (t=2,33; 38gl; p=0,024). Na análise de FISH para o rearranjo PML/RAR? os trabalhadores expostos também apresentaram frequência três vezes maior de células com pelo menos uma fusão gênica (9,79 ± 9,54) em comparação aos controles (3,95 ± 3,17), diferença essa considerada estatisticamente significante pelo teste t-Student (p=0,019). Os resultados obtidos na presente investigação parecem estar de acordo com os dados da literatura que revelam alteração nas células primordiais da medula, decorrente da exposição ocupacional ao benzeno, bem como ação genotóxica, identificada pelos testes do CBMN e FISH em linfócitos de sangue periférico. Embora o número de trabalhadores estudados seja reduzido, e a exposição ocupacional possivelmente inclua outros agentes potencialmente genotóxicos que não só o benzeno é interessante ressaltar que os resultados positivos foram observados após em média nove anos de afastamento profissional. A utilização do teste do CBMN e o estudo de outras translocações, que não só a PML/ RAR?, em linfócitos de trabalhadores expostos pode representar um biomonitoramento importante e menos invasivo no acompanhamento destes trabalhadores. A análise de um grupo maior de trabalhadores, inclusive expostos a baixas concentrações de benzeno pode ser fundamental na validação destes biomarcadores. / Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon produced by the burning of natural products. The occupational exposure to benzene is characterized by industrial environments that use in their production processes. In the laboratories of Petroleum industry it is used in the pure form for analysis, and it is present as a contaminant in other products like gasoline, hexane, kerosene, toluene, etc. In Brazil the threshold limit value recommended by law in environmental exposure to benzene is 1 ppm. The hematological cancer is considered one of the main risk factors for the health of workers occupationally exposed to benzene and the use of biomarkers in monitoring these professionals has been suggested in different countries. The aim of this study was to assess different biomarkers in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 20 men workers chronically exposed to benzene in Petroleum Refinery and Steel Industry (18 workers with poisoning diagnosis), who were removed from workplace for periods ranging from five months to 27 years, with average age 46.8 ± 9.33 years old compared to a control group consisting also of 20 men, selected in Blood Banks (average age 45.7 ± 8.00 years old), with different occupations unrelated to the agent under study. In both groups were performed blood cell counts, cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay (CBMN), FISH assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes for translocation t(15;17), and molecular tests for evaluation of genetic polymorphisms in genes involved in benzene metabolism (MPO, NQO1, CYP1A1 e CYP2E1) and detoxification (GSTM1/GSTT1). Despite blood cell counts the statistical analysis performed by t-Student test revealed that workers exposed to benzene had leukopenia with a highly significant difference in leukocyte count (p<0.001), neutrophils (p<0.001), segmented (p<0.001), lymphocytes (p=0.013) and monocytes (p=0.010). The evaluation of red blood cells also revealed statistically significant differences between groups for RDW-CV (0.031), RDW-SD (0.008) and MPV (0.001). There were no differences between groups regarding the frequency of genetic polymorphisms in CYP1A1, CYP2E1, MPO, NQO1, GSTM1, and GSTT1. In the CBMN test the cell counts with MN and nucleoplasmic bridges was three times higher in exposed (1.95 ± 2.37) than in controls (0.65 ± 0.75), and the difference was considered statistically significant (t=2.33;38gl;p=0.024). In the FISH analysis for the PML/RAR? rearrangement the exposed workers also showed three times higher frequency of cells with at least one signal fusion (9.79 ± 9.54) in comparison to controls (3.95 ± 3.17), and the difference was statistically significant by the t-Student test (p=0.019). The results obtained in this study seem to agree with the literature data that show alterations in the stem cells of the bone marrow, resulting from occupational exposure to benzene, as well genotoxicity, identified by CBMN and FISH assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Although the number of subjects evaluated is reduced, and the occupational exposure includes other potentially genotoxic agents not only benzene, it is interesting to note that positive results were observed after an average of nine years of removal professional. The use of the CBMN test and the study of other translocations, not only PML/ RAR?, in lymphocytes of workers exposed may represent an important biomonitoring and less invasive monitoring of workers. The analysis of a major number of individuals, including those exposed to low concentrations of benzene, may be essential in validation of these biomarkers.
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RBP urinária e sérica: associação com doença renal crônica e fatores de risco cardiovascular / Urinary and serum RBP: relationship with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk factorsMaria Alice Muniz Domingos 21 January 2016 (has links)
A RBP urinária tem seu papel bem definido como marcador de progressão de doença renal em tubulopatias, em glomerulopatias e em pacientes transplantados. No entanto, seu papel em DRC lato senso foi pouco estudado. Por sua vez, a dosagem de RBP sérica, caracterizada recentemente como biomarcador de resistência insulínica, também não teve seu papel esclarecido em população portadora de DRC. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a RBP (urinária e sérica) e a função renal, assim como sua relação com fatores de risco cardiovascular em população de DRC. Para tanto, foram analisados os dados da linha de base da Coorte PROGREDIR, constituída por 454 participantes portadores de DRC, oriundos do Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo. Inicialmente, além de estar inversamente relacionada às medidas de depuração de creatinina, a RBP urinária mostrou-se relacionada a diversos fatores de risco cardiovascular e variáveis associadas à função renal, como proteinúria, metabolismo ósseo, anemia, acidose, albumina, RPB sérica, Hb glicada, HOMA, lípides, velocidade de onda de pulso (VOP), átrio esquerdo (ECO AE), diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Ddve), diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Dsve) e fração de ejeção (ECO-Fe). Entretanto, após diversos modelos de regressão, permaneceram como variáveis independentemente associadas à RBP urinária a função renal, a pressão arterial sistólica, a albuminúria, a acidose e a medida do AE. Esse resultado se manteve quando o modelo foi repetido mediante estratificação por albuminúria, sugerindo que mesmo em população normoalbuminúrica a RBP urinária correlacione-se inversamente com função renal. Além disso, a relação inversa de RBP urinária com dilatação cardíaca sugere que, em população com DRC já estabelecida, a RBP urinária possa ter um papel em identificar mecanismos etiológicos, possivelmente por distinguir mecanismos hemodinâmicos daqueles onde há uma patologia renal intrínseca. Por sua vez, a RBP sérica relacionou-se inversamente à função renal e idade, e positivamente a triglicérides, albumina e potássio. Curiosamente, a RBP sérica não se mostrou associada às medidas de metabolismo de carboidrato, sugerindo que seu papel como biomarcador de resistência insulínica seja atenuado na DRC. Também não foram encontradas relações entre RBP urinária ou sérica e calcificação coronária ou espessura de carótidas. Nossos resultados sugerem que a RBP urinária deva ser melhor explorada como marcador de função renal e, possivelmente, como marcador de risco de progressão da DRC / The role of urinary RBP as a biomarker of tubular injury and CKD progression in tubulopathies, glomerulopathies and in transplantation is well established. However, its role in CKD is less studied. In addition, serum RBP has been recently characterized as an insulin resistance marker, but controversial results have been shown. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of both urinary RBP and serum RBP with kidney function and other variables related to the uremic syndrome and cardiovascular risk in a CKD population. We used the baseline data from the PROGREDIR Cohort, which comprehends 454 participants with CKD, recruited from Hospital das Clínicas, Sao Paulo. In univariate analysis, urinary RBP was inversely related to renal function. In addition, it was also related to albuminuria, SBP, anemia, mineral metabolism, acidosis, albumin, serum RPB, glycated hemoglobin, HOMA, lipids, pulse-wave velocity, left atrium diameter, left ventricle diastolic diameter, left ventricle systolic diameter and ejection fraction. However, in the multivariate analysis, only SBP, albuminuria, acidosis, left atrium diameter and renal function remained significantly associated to urinary RBP. After stratification for albuminuria levels, the same relationship was observed, suggesting that even in the normoalbuminuric population urinary RBP is significantly related to renal function. Interestingly, the inverse association between urinary RBP and cardiac dilation suggests that urinary RBP may play a role in identifying mechanisms related to CKD, by differentiating vascular/cardio-renal conditions versus more intrinsic kidney disease and possibly tubule-interstitial fibrosis. The serum RBP was positively related to renal function, triglycerides, albumin, age and potassium, but not to measurements of carbohydrate metabolism. No relationship between urinary or serum RBP and coronary calcification or carotid thickness was found. Our results suggest that urinary RBP should have its role as a marker of CKD and CKD progression further explored
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"Avaliação do espaço intercelular dilatado da mucosa esofágica antes e após infunsão de ácido clorídrico: marcador da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE)" / Evaluation of the extended intercellular space of the esophagic mucous membrane before and after infusion of chloridric acid : marker of disease of gastroesophagic refluxRicardo Tedeschi Matos 27 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo foi evidenciar a presença do espaço intercelular dilatado do epitélio esofágico após a infusão de ácido clorídrico (HCl) à 0,1N comparando com a infusão de soro fisiológico (SF) em pacientes sem sintomas típicos da DRGE com mucosa esofágica normal e compará-los com os de sintomas típicos e esofagite erosiva. Foram entrevistados e realizaram o exame de endoscopia digestiva alta 60 pacientes destes, 29 foram incluídos no estudo sendo 18 com esôfago normal (9 foram infundidos SF e 9 HCl) e 11 com esofagite erosiva (6 foram infundidos SF e 5 HCl) e foram realizados 4 biópsias da mucosa esofágica (2 antes e 2 depois das infusões). Não foi encontrado diferença estatisticamente significante no espaço intercelular da mucosa esofágica dos pacientes com e sem esofagite erosiva com ácido clorídrico ou soro fisiológico não sendo um marcador da DRGE / The purpose was to prove the presence of extended intercellular space of the esophagic epithelium after chloridric acid infusion (HCI) to 0,1N comparing to the physiologic serum infusion (PS) in patients without typical symptoms of DGER with normal esophagic mucous membrane and compare them to ones with typical symptoms and erosive esophagitis. 60 patients were interviewed and took the high digestive endoscopy; 29 were included in the research, among them 18 with normal esophagus (9 were infused PS, and 9 HCI) and 11 with erosive esophagitis (6 were infused PS and 5 HCI); 4 biopsies of esophagic mucous membrane were made (2 before and 2 after infusions). It was not found any statistically meaningful difference in intercellular space of esophagic mucous membrane in patients with or without erosive esophagitis with chloridric acid or physiologic serum, and thus it is not a DGER
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Diagnostische Wertigkeit einer Kombination von sieben Biomarkern zur Detektion einer echokardiographisch relevanten linksventrikulären Dysfunktion in einem kardiovaskulären Risikokollektiv / Diagnostic value of a combination of seven biomarkers for the detection of echocardiographic relevant left ventricular dysfunction in a cardiovascular risk groupJohann to Büren, Ferdinand 12 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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A translational study on the roles of redox molecules, cell cycle regulators and chemokine receptors as prognostic factors in diffuse large B-cell lymphomaPasanen, A. K. (Anna Kaisa) 12 November 2013 (has links)
Lymphomas are a group of more than 70 different malignancies arising from lymphoid tissues and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype of lymphoma. More than 70% of DLBCL patients can be cured with modern therapy, but some patients still die of the disease. The recognition of patients with adverse prognosis, justifying deviation from standard treatment and risking severe side effects, is problematic. The aim of this study was to identify potential biological factors for the prediction of poor treatment response and central nervous system (CNS) relapse in DLBCL patients.
The study included 263 lymphoma patients. 205 patients had a DLBCL, and 37 of these represented primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL). Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression of oxidative stress markers 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and nitrotyrosine, as well as antioxidant enzymes manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), thioredoxin (Trx) and gamma cysteine ligase (GCL) from samples representing reactive lymphoid tissue and B-cell derived lymphomas. From DLBCL samples staining was also conducted for cell cycle regulating proteins p16, p53, p21 and p27 and chemokine receptors CXCR4, CXCR5 and CCR7. Immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) for CXCR4 and CXCR5, and their ligands CXCL12 and CXCL13 was performed on additional samples from reactive lymphoid tissue, nodal DLBCL, secondary CNS lymphoma and PCNSL.
Factors associated with adverse prognosis included expression of nitrotyrosine, Trx and GCL. A prognostic score reflecting the degree of cell cycle dysregulation within each patient’s tumour identified 3 distinct prognostic groups among DLBCL patients. High cytoplasmic CXCR5 expression was associated with CNS involvement, whereas nuclear CXCR4 expression correlated with nodal disease.
These results demonstrate the considerable biological heterogeneity seen within DLBCL, but further research is needed to confirm them. High antioxidant activity and the accumulation of damage to cell cycle regulating pathways separated patient groups with a poor prognosis that might benefit from new types of treatment. Chemokine receptor expression seems to play a role in the CNS tropism of DLBCL, and, if confirmed, could in the future contribute to more effective targeting of CNS prophylactic therapies. / Tiivistelmä
Lymfoomat ovat yli 70 erilaisen maligniteetin muodostama ryhmä imukudoksen syöpiä, ja diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (engl. DLBCL) on yleisin lymfoomatyyppi. Yli 70 prosenttia DLBCL-potilaista pystytään parantamaan nykyaikaisilla hoidoilla, mutta osa potilaista kuolee edelleen tautiin. Nämä potilaat tarvitsisivat tehokkaampia hoitoja vakavien haittavaikutusten riskistä huolimatta, mutta huonon ennusteen potilaiden tunnistaminen etukäteen on vaikeaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää biologisia tekijöitä DLBCL-potilaiden hoitovasteen ja taudin keskushermostossa (engl. CNS) uusiutumisen ennustamiseen.
Aineisto sisältää 263 lymfoomapotilasta. 205 potilaalla on DLBCL, ja 37:llä näistä primaari aivolymfooma (PCNSL). Immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä määritettiin oksidatiivisen stressin markkereiden 8-hydroksideoksiguanosiinin (8-OHdG) ja nitrotyrosiinin, sekä antioksidanttientsyymien mangaanisuperoksidi-dismutaasin (MnSOD), tioredoksiinin (Trx) ja gammakysteiiniligaasin (GCL) ilmentyminen reaktiivista imukudosta sekä B-soluperäisiä lymfoomia edustavissa näytteissä. DLBCL-näytteistä määritettiin lisäksi solusykliä säätelevien proteiinien p16, p53, p21 ja p27 sekä kemokiinireseptorien CXCR4, CXCR5 ja CCR7 ilmentyminen. Lisäksi reaktiivista imukudosta, imusolmuke-DLBCL:aa, sekundaarista CNS-lymfoomaa ja PCNSL:aa edustavista näytteistä määritettiin immunoelektronimikroskooppisesti reseptorien CXCR4 ja CXCR5 sekä ligandien CXCL12 ja CXCL13 ilmentyminen.
Tulosten mukaan voimakas nitrotyrosiini-, Trx- ja GCL-positiivisuus ovat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen. Solusyklin säätelyhäiriön vaikeusastetta kuvaava ennusteellinen pisteytys jaotteli DLBCL-potilaat kolmeen ennusteelliseen ryhmään. Runsas sytoplasminen CXCR5-positiivisuus oli yhteydessä CNS-tautiin, kun taas tumapositiivisuus CXCR4:lle korreloi imusolmuketautiin.
Tutkimustulokset kuvaavat DLBCL:n merkittävää biologista heterogeenisyyttä, mutta tulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia. Korkea antioksidanttiaktiivisuus ja solusyklin säätelyhäiriöiden kasautuminen erottivat huonoennusteisia potilasryhmiä, jotka voisivat hyötyä uudenlaisista hoidoista. Kemokiinireseptorien ilmentyminen vaikuttaisi olevan yhteydessä DLBCL:n CNS-hakuisuuteen, ja tulosten varmistuessa ekspressioprofiilien analysointia voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää ennaltaehkäisevien hoitojen tehokkaammassa kohdentamisessa.
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Atividade nervosa simpática em pacientes com síndromes isquêmicas miocárdicas instáveis: estudo comparativo com marcadores inflamatórios / Sympathetic nervous activity in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a comparative study with inflammatory biomarkersHumberto Graner Moreira 26 April 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes com síndromes isquêmicas miocárdicas instáveis (SIMI), tanto a hiperatividade simpática quanto a resposta inflamatória exacerbada se associam a pior prognóstico. No entanto, ainda é desconhecido se existe alguma correlação entre esses dois marcadores de evolução desfavorável. OBJETIVOS: Correlacionar a atividade nervosa simpática muscular com marcadores inflamatórios nas fases precoce e tardia de pacientes portadores de SIMI. MÉTODOS: Pacientes hospitalizados com diagnóstico de SIMI e evolução favorável foram incluídos de forma prospectiva desde que apresentassem idade entre 18 e 65 anos e aterosclerose coronária comprovada por cinecoronariografia. Logo após a inclusão no estudo foram coletadas informações basais, e no quarto dia (± 1 dia) de internação os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação da ANSM e coleta concomitante de amostra sanguínea para dosagem de proteína CReativa ultrassensível (PCR-us), interleucina-6 (IL6), e fosfolipase A2 associada à lipoproteína (Lp-PLA2). ANSM foi obtida pela técnica de microneurografia do nervo fibular. As medidas e respectivas análises de correlação foram repetidas em 1, 3 e 6 meses após a hospitalização. Correlações entre ANSM e marcadores inflamatórios foram analisadas por meio do teste de Pearson (variáveis de distribuição não-paramétrica foram transformadas logaritmicamente). Modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram criados para avaliar os efeitos independentes. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 34 pacientes com idade média de 51,7±7,0 anos, sendo 79,4% do sexo masculino. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 64,7%, diabetes mellitus 8,8%, e doença arterial coronária prévia de 20,6%. A apresentação foi IAM com supradesnível de ST em 18 pacientes (52,9%), IAM sem supra de ST em 14 (41,2%) e angina instável em 02 pacientes (5,9%). Tanto ANSM quanto biomarcadores inflamatórios estavam elevados durante a fase aguda das SIMI e diminuíram ao longo do tempo. Na fase hospitalar, a mediana da PCR-us foi 17,75 (8,57; 40,15) mg/L, e IL-6 6,65 (4,45; 8,20) pg/ml, a Lp- PLA2 média foi 185,8 ± 52,2 nmol/min/ml, e ANSM média 64,2 ± 19,3 impulsos/100bpm. Após 6 meses, houve diminuição significativa de todas essas variáveis quando comparadas com a fase hospitalar. Entretanto, não houve correlação significativa entre a atividade simpática e qualquer dos marcadores inflamatórios analisados, em nenhuma das fases analisadas (p > 0,05), Por outro lado, ANSM se correlacionou independentemente com níveis de CKMB na fase aguda (p=0,027), e com fração de ejeção do VE na fase crônica (p=0,026). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do aumento inicial dos níveis de marcadores inflamatórios e da atividade simpática em pacientes com SIMI, não houve correlação significativa entre esses parâmetros em nenhuma das fases analisadas, sugerindo que as alterações dessas variáveis estariam relacionadas a diferentes vias fisiopatológicas / INTRODUCTION: Previous publications have shown that both sympathetic hyperactivity and enhanced inflammatory response are associated with worse outcomes during acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, little is known about the correlation between these two pathologic pathways. OBJECTIVE: To correlate muscle sympathetic nerve activity with inflammatory biomarkers in both acute and chronic phase of ACS. METHODS: Patients hospitalized with uncomplicated ACS were enrolled if they were 18-65 years old and have significant atherosclerosis. Baseline characteristics information were collected and at fourth day (± 1 day) of hospitalization they were submitted to muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) analysis and blood sample were collected for ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (usCRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity (Lp-PLA2) measurements. MSNA was recorded directly from the peroneal nerve using the microneurography technique. Measurements were repeated at 1, 3 and 6 months after hospitalization. Correlations between MSNA and inflammatory markers and baseline characteristics were made using Pearson\'s test (nonnormally distributed variables were logarithmically transformed) and multivariate regression models were performed to assess the independent effects. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were included, 79.4% male, mean age 51.7 (SD 7.0 years). The prevalence of hypertension was 64.7%, diabetes mellitus 8.8%, and previous coronary heart disease 20.6%. The ACS presentation was STEMI in 18 patients (52.9%), NSTEMI in 14 (41.2%) and UA in 02 patients (5.9%). Both MSNA and inflammatory markers were elevated during acute phase of ACS and decreased over time. In the hospitalization phase the median usCRP was 17.75 (8.57; 40.15) mg/L, median IL-6 6.65 (4.45; 8.20), mean Lp-PLA2 185.8 ± 52.2 nmol/min/mL, and mean MSNA 64.2 ± 19.3 bursts/100heart beats. All of these variables decreased significantly over 6 months when compared to in-hospital phase. However, there were no significant correlations between the sympathetic activity and inflammatory markers in any of the analyzed phases (p>0.05). After adjusted analyzes, MSNA was independently associated with CKMB levels at acute phase (p=0.027) and with left ventricular ejection fraction at 6 months (p=0.026). CONCLUSION: Despite the increased levels of inflammatory markers and sympathetic activity among patients with ACS, there was no correlation between these assessments, suggesting that although they may be present concomitantly during an ACS they might follow different pathological pathways
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Identifying, Targeting, and Exploiting a Common Misfolded, Toxic Conformation of SOD1 in ALS: A DissertationRotunno, Melissa S. 11 June 2015 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a loss of voluntary movement over time, leading to paralysis and death. While 10% of ALS cases are inherited or familial (FALS), the majority of cases (90%) are sporadic (SALS) with unknown etiology. Approximately 20% of FALS cases are genetically linked to a mutation in the anti-oxidizing enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD1). SALS and FALS are clinically indistinguishable, suggesting a common pathogenic mechanism exists for both types. Since such a large number of genetic mutations in SOD1 result in FALS (>170), it is reasonable to suspect that non-genetic modifications to SOD1 induce structural perturbations that result in ALS pathology as well. In fact, misfolded SOD1 lacking any genetic mutation was identified in end stage spinal cord tissues of SALS patients using misfolded SOD1-specific antibodies. In addition, this misfolded WT SOD1 found in SALS tissue inhibits axonal transport in vitro, supporting the notion that misfolded WT SOD1 exhibits toxic properties like that of FALS-linked SOD1. Indeed, aberrant post-translational modifications, such as oxidation, cause WT SOD1 to mimic the toxic properties of FALS-linked mutant SOD1. Based on these data, I hypothesize that modified, misfolded forms of WT SOD1 contribute to SALS disease progression in a manner similar to FALS linked mutant SOD1 in FALS. The work presented in this dissertation supports this hypothesis. Specifically, one common misfolded form of SOD1 is defined and exposure of this toxic region is shown to enhance SOD1 toxicity. Preventing exposure, or perhaps stabilization, of this “toxic” region is a potential therapeutic target for a subset of both familial and sporadic ALS patients. Further, the possibility of exploiting this misfolded SOD1 species as a biomarker is explored. For example, an over-oxidized SOD1 species was identified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from SALS patients that is reduced in controls. Moreover, 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed a more negatively charged species of SOD1 in PBMCs of healthy controls greatly reduced in SALS patients. This species is hypothesized to be involved in the degradation of SOD1, further implicating both misfolded SOD1 and altered protein homeostasis in ALS pathogenesis.
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Prediction, Prevention and Treatment of Virally Induced Type 1 Diabetes: A DissertationKruger, Annie J. 29 April 2009 (has links)
Several viral infections have been associated with human type 1 diabetes (T1D), although it has proven difficult to unequivocally establish them as causative agents. In rodent models, however, viruses have definitely been established to cause T1D. The treatment of weanling BBDR rats with the combination of a TLR3 ligand, pIC, and an ssDNA parvovirus, KRV, precipitates T1D in nearly 100% of rats within a short, predictable timeframe. In this dissertation, we utilized the BBDR rat model to (1) identify early serum biomarkers that could predict T1D precipitated by viral induction and (2) test the efficacy of leptin, a therapeutic agent, which may have the ability to prevent diabetes onset, reverse new onset diabetes and prevent autoimmune recurrence of diabetes in rats transplanted with syngeneic islet grafts.
Identification of biomarkers has long served as an invaluable tool for disease prediction. In BBDR rats, we identified an acute phase response protein, haptoglobin, as a potential biomarker for pIC + KRV induced T1D using the global proteomic profiling techniques, 2D gel analysis and iTRAQ. Upon validating this biomarker, we determined that haptoglobin was sensitive in predicting T1D in the pIC + KRV model, in which nearly 100% of the rats become diabetic, but not in models where diabetes expression was variable (KRV only or RCMV only models). However, analysis of the serum kinetics of haptoglobin and its functional capacity in the blood has given us insights into the potential role of early phase reactants in modulating virally mediated T1D.
An alternative means of regulating T1D pathogenesis is through leptin. Leptin is a hormone with pleotropic roles in the body, particularly affecting energy metabolism and immune regulation. These characteristics make leptin an intriguing candidate for therapeutic testing in T1D models. Our studies have determined that high doses of leptin delivered via an adenovirus (AdLeptin) or alzet pump delivery system can prevent diabetes in > 90% of rats treated with pIC + KRV. We further showed that serum hyperleptinemia was associated with decreased body weight, decreased non-fasting serum insulin levels and lack of islet insulitis in pIC + KRV treated rats pretreated with AdLeptin compared with those pretreated with PBS. We discovered that hyperleptinemia induced a profound decrease in splenic weight and splenic cellularity, including reductions in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, DC/MACs and B cells. These findings indicate a potential mechanism whereby hyperleptinemia protects rats from virally induced T1D through the promotion of peripheral immunosuppression.
Among pIC + KRV treated rats, we have also found that leptin therapy can reverse hyperglycemia in a subset of new onset diabetics for up to 20 days. In the absence of exogenous insulin, leptin treatment of new onset diabetics prevented the rapid weight loss associated with osmotic diuresis, as well as the ketosis observed in vehicle treated diabetic rats. Overall, these findings point to the therapeutic value of leptin in maintaining glycemic control and preventing ketosis in an insulin deficient state, in the absence of exogenous insulin therapy.
Additionally, we have also determined that AdLeptin treatment can prolong the survival of syngeneic islets transplanted into diabetic BBDR rats for up to 50 days post transplant. Although hyperleptinemia generated by AdLeptin was unable to prevent insulitis into islet grafts, this insulitis did not appear to be destructive as islet grafts continued to stain positively for insulin when compared with control rats whose grafts succumbed to recurrent autoimmunity. In the various therapeutic settings in which we have tested leptin treatment, we have found this hormone to have significant beneficial effects. These findings merit further evaluation of leptin as a therapeutic agent in human T1D.
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