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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktplacering i bloggar : En studie kring bloggar som effektiv marknadsföringskanal

Mingo, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Titel:</strong>             Produktplacering i bloggar: <em>En studie kring bloggar som effektiv marknadsföringskanal </em></p><p><strong>Författare:</strong>   Maria Mingo, Mälardalens Högskola</p><p><strong>Kurs:</strong>            Kanditatuppsats i företagsekonomi, marknadsföring, distans</p><p><strong>Nyckelord:</strong>   <em>Blogg, produktplacering, Word of Mouth, effektivitet, påverkan, kommunikationsprocessen, viral marknadsföring, Stealth Marketing, associationer, kreativt medieval, uppmärksammande, bearbetning,</em> <em>konsumentbeteende</em></p><p><strong>Problem:</strong>       Då de privata bloggarna i Sverige på senare tid getts mycket uppmärksamhet i media inte bara för deras växande besöksstatistik utan även för deras, i stor utsträckning, dolda kommersiella intentioner är detta ett fenomen intressant att undersöka utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong>            I och med att bloggen är en mediekanal som ständigt växer i antal är syftet med denna uppsats att se vilken funktion bloggen uppfyller som marknadsföringskanal för produktplacering. Studien ämnar ta upp de fördelar som kan nås genom användning av bloggen i kommersiellt syfte utifrån den potentiella påverkan denna typ av produktplacering kan ha på mottagare av budskap introducerade i bloggen. Värdet bloggen innehar som kommunikationskanal kommer att diskuteras utifrån dess vikt för avsändarna av budskapet, det vill säga de annonserande företagen.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong>         Studien baseras på en sekundärdataanalys av kommunikationsleden som skapas mellan de annonserande företagen, bloggarna och konsumenterna. Områdesrelaterad litteratur och andra marknadsförings- och konsumentbeteendeteorier har bidragit till att kartlägga produktplaceringens potential att nå uppmärksammande och påverkan hos konsumenter.</p><p><strong>Slutsats:</strong>       I studien visas att effektiviteten bloggen kan inneha som marknadsföringskanal, återspeglas i många variabler, bland annat möjligheten att förena reklam med bloggens oberoende innehåll. Produktplacering i rekommendationsform, genom inflytelserika bloggare, kan medföra att informationsspridandet inte upplevs som påträngande och undkommer på så sätt att sållas bort som irrelevant information. Bloggläsare väljer själva blogg att besöka efter egna preferenser, något som tillåter företag att skräddarsy budskap för specifika målgrupper. Då läsarna på detta sätt tillåts att själva sköta spridandet av budskapet genom diverse marknadsföringstekniker, uppnås högre grad av trovärdighet då kongruensen mellan bloggtemat och det introducerade varumärket oftast är hög. Bloggen som kanal möjliggör dessutom skapandet av ömsesidiga relationer mellan företagen, bloggskribenterna och konsumenterna, något som tillåter en närmare och effektivare kommunikation mellan leden och ett starkare associationsschema. Då bloggen tillåter de introducerade budskapen ta tillvara på mediekontexten och framlyftas i den harmoni som skapas sinsemellan, elimineras även stor del av kommunikationsbruset som utgörs av andra faktorer som konkurrerar om konsumenters uppmärksamhet. Att låta bloggen utgöra ett komplement till ett företags ursprungliga kommunikationskanaler kan därför medföra effektiviserad exponering gentemot konsumenten och därigenom öka chansen att konsumenten både uppmärksammar och låter sig påverkas av reklamen.</p> / <p><strong>Title:</strong>             Product Placement in blogs: A study about blogs as an effective marketing channel.<em> </em></p><p><strong>Author:</strong>         Maria Mingo. Malardalen University</p><p><strong>Subject:</strong>        Bachelor Theses in Business Administration, Marketing</p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong>    <em>Blogs, product placement, Word of Mouth, efficiency, influences, the communication process, creative media-channels, attention, interpretation, consumer behaviour, associations</em></p><p><strong>Problem:</strong>       The private blogs have lately gained a significant share of attention in the Swedish media, not only because of their increasing number of readers but also for their questionable commercial intentions. Therefore this subject is considered to be an interesting phenomena to explore from a marketing perspective.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong>       Due to the increasing amount of blogs used in the media, the purpose of this essay has been to detect the function blogs play as a marketing channel for product placement. The study aims to discover the advantages that can be reached through the use of the blog for advertising purposes, through discussing what influence this type of product placement can have on the receivers of the communicated message. The value the blog has as a communication channel will be discussed through its importance for the senders of the message, in other words the advertising companies.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong>       The study is based on a qualitative analysis of the communication flow that is created and established between the advertising companies, the blogs and the consumers. Literature and other theories regarding marketing and consumer behaviour have been used to state the potential that product placement has of reaching the consumers’ attention and affection.</p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The research has shown that the efficiency a blog   could have as a marketing channel is reflected in many variables, amongst them the possibility of integrating advertising with the independent content of blogs. Product placement, through recommendations given by influential bloggers, could cause the sharing of information not to be interpreted as forced-on advertising and thus avoids to be passed over as irrelevant information. As the consumers themselves choose what blogs to read according to their own preferences, the companies have the possibility to create a message that is highly adapted to the targeted readers. Through allowing the consumers to pass on the message themselves using this Word-of-Mouth technique, a higher level of credibility is achieved and reflected in the congruence between the theme of the blog and the brand that is being inserted into it. Using the blog as a communication channel allows reciprocal relationships to be generated between the advertising companies, the bloggers and the consumers. These relationships facilitate a communication that is closer and more effective and therefore provides greater possibilities of generating associations. A significant part of the communication interference [due to other factors competing for the consumer’s attention] can be eliminated through the harmony, which introducing a message in a suiting media context, brings. Therefore the use of the blog as an additional tool to a company’s usual marketing channels could result in a more effective type of exposure forced upon the client that could help to increase the chances of the consumer paying attention to, or be influenced by, the advertising.</p>

Mödrars upplevelse av amningssvårigheter : Analys av bloggar från internet / Mothers´ experience of breastfeeding difficulties : analysis of blogs from the internet

Azdanlou Ghajar, Sahar, Gustafson, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Många kvinnor betraktar amning som det naturligaste sättet att ge sitt nyfödda barn föda. Mödrar får information av sjukvården att bröstmjölk innehåller all näring som det nyfödda barnet behöver samt antikroppar som skyddar barnet mot de vanligaste barnsjukdomarna. Det är inte alla kvinnor som kan amma i dagens samhälle och detta kan leda till att känslor väcks hos den nyblivna mamman som under graviditeten tänkt amma men som sedan inte kunnat göra det. Syftet med studien var att utifrån bloggtexter beskriva mödrars upplevelser av amningssvårigheter under de första sex månaderna efter barnets födelse. Studien har en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats. Data samlades in genom blogginlägg samt kommentarer från femton olika bloggar och analyserades sedan med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom två kategorier: ”Leva upp till samhällets normer och attityder” samt ”Det professionella stödet i amningsrådgivning”. Kategorierna bildade sedan temat: ”Mödrars kamp att kunna balansera krav och förväntningar på amningen”. Utifrån denna studie kan personal som arbetar med mödrar och amningsrådgivning på olika vårdenheter, få ökad kunskap om hur mödrar upplever amningssvårigheter. Studien kan ligga till grund för ändrade vårdrutiner samt att patientsäkerheten ökas. Det i sin tur kan bidra till att mödrar upplever mindre lidande i möte med hälso- och sjukvården. / Many women consider breastfeeding as the most natural way to give their newborn child nutrition. Mothers receive information from medical staff that breast milk contains all the nutrients that the infant needs and antibodies that protect the baby against common childhood diseases. Not all women can breastfeed in today's society and that could wake feelings in mothers that during the pregnancy has been thinking to breastfeeding but who involuntarily have been unable to do so. The aim of the study was to with blog texts describe mother’s experiences of breastfeeding difficulties in the first six months following the birth. The study was based on a qualitative approach with an inductive approach. Data were collected through blog posts and comments from fifteen different blogs and then analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results are based on two categories: “Living up to the norms and attitudes” and “Professional support in breastfeeding consulting”. These categories formed a theme: “Mothers struggle to balance between the requirements and expectations of breastfeeding”. Based on this study, the staff who work with mothers and breastfeeding consulting on various health care units enhance the understanding of how mothers experiencing breastfeeding difficulties. This furthermore could contribute to mother´s experiencing less distress interaction with health and medical care.

"Att vara annorlunda är inte att vara sämre, vägen framför sig är bara krokigare och svårare" : En internetstudie om upplevelser och strategier hos personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar / "Being different isn't to being worse, it just means that you have a more difficult and winding road ahead of you". [Translated title] : An Internet study about people with neuropsychiatric disorders experiences and strategies. [Translated title]

Olsson, Jonathan, Karlsson, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF) som det finns en pågående samhällsdebatt kring (Lundälv 2013). Syftet med studien var att förstå hur personer med gruppen hanterar eventuella svårigheter i vardagen. Där ville vi bland annat urskilja om det fanns resultat som tydde på strategier, som personer med gruppen använder sig av för att kunna dölja eller anpassa sina funktionsnedsättningar i samhället och i sådana fall vilka. Som metod använde vi en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt där vi hämtade empiri från bloggar skrivna av personer som finns i målgruppen. Som teori använde vi oss av Lazaruz &amp; Lazarus (2006) copingstrategier. Vi tematiserade vårt resultat och analys utifrån de två olika huvudkategorierna i coping, problemfokuserad och känslofokuserad coping. Under problemfokuserad coping tematiserade vi det utifrån copingstrategierna planering, söka information, söka och finna lösningar, konfrontera, ventilera och prioritera. Under känslofokuserad coping tematiserade vi det utifrån copingstrategierna distansera, förneka, undvika, känna uppgivenhet och ventilera. Vi framställde vårt resultat och analys gemensamt efter vardera copingstrategi. Vi kom fram till att de använder sig av strategier som de i vissa fall kanske inte ens är medvetna om och att det var enkelt att koppla det till copingteorin. I slutdiskussionen kopplade vi ihop vårt resultat med den tidigare forskning där vi jämförde om tidigare forskning styrkte vårt resultat vilket den främst gjorde. Undantaget var främst att Bussing och Mehtas (2013) studie visade på existerande stigmatisering av ungdomar med ADHD vilket vi inte hittade mycket i bloggarna om. / This paper is about people with neuropsychiatric disorders, NEPRC, which we have seen is an ongoing public debate in Sweden and many other countries(Lundälv 2013). The purpose of the study is to understand how people with neuropsychiatric disabilities manage difficulties in their everyday life. We wanted to distinguish whether there were any results which suggested strategies that people with NEPRC uses to hide or adapt their disabilities in society. As method we used a hermeneutical research were we got our empirical data from blogs written by people with a NEPRC. As theory, we used Lazaruz &amp; Lazarus(2006) coping strategies. We themed our results and analysis divided in the two main categories of coping: problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. In problem-focused coping, we themed the result and analysis in the coping strategies planning, sought information, sought and found solutions, confronted, ventilated and prioritized. During emotional focused coping, we themed the coping strategies in distance, deny, avoid, feel despair and ventilate. We produced our results and analysis together by each coping strategy. We came to the conclusion that we were able to see that the people we used in our study uses strategies, which they may not be aware of in some cases, and it was easy to bind it to the theory of coping. In the discussion we connected our results with previous researches in which we compared the results of our study if it confirmed each other or not, which it mainly did. The exception was Bussing´s and Mehta´s (2013) study which showed the existing stigmatization of adolescents with ADHD, which we did not find much from the bloggers that confirmed it.

Att drabbas av en sjukdom som inte har en diagnos : Ortorexia nervosa - när hälsa blir ohälsa / To suffer from a sickness that does not av an diagnosis : Orthorexia nervosa . when health becomes unhelathy

Olsson, Jennelie, Rebane, Mikaela January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ortorexia nervosa är ett fenomen som beskrivs olika runt om i världen och tidigare forskning är bristfällig. Orsakerna till fenomenet är oklara men det kan ses som en samsjuklighet mellan Anorexia nervosa, tvångssyndrom och överträningssyndrom. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att drabbas av Ortorexia nervosa. Metod: Data samlades in genom sex bloggar och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde tre huvudkategorier; När hälsa blir ohälsa, vara i ett missbruk och vägen mot frihet. Huvudkategorierna innefattar tio underkategorier. Konklusion: Denna studie har bidragit med mer kunskap om personers erfarenheter av Ortorexia nervosa. Sjuksköterskan kan med fördel använda denna kunskap för att ge en personcentrerad vård. En ytterligare slutsats är att mer kunskap om fenomenet krävs vilket kan bidra till tidigare identifiering och effektivare behandling. / Background: Orthorexia nervosa is a phenomenon that is described differently around the world. The reasons for this phenomenon is unclear but it may be seen as a comorbidity between anorexia nervosa, obsessive compulsive disorder and overtraining syndrome. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe people's experiences of suffering from Ortorexia nervosa. Method: Data were collected through six blogs and analyzed by a qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Results: From the analysis of the data emerged three main categories; When health becomes unhealthy, being in an addiction and the way to freedom. The main categories include ten subcategories. Conclusion: This study has contributed more knowledge about people's experiences of orthorexia nervosa. Nurses can benefit from using this knowledge to provide person-centered care. A further conclusion is that more knowledge about the phenomenon is required, which can contribute to earlier detection and more effective treatment.

I väntan på att det nya livet ska börja : En kvalitativ studie om patienters upplevelser av att vänta på ett nytt hjärta / Waiting for the new life to begin : A qualitative studie about patients experiences of waiting for a new heart

Claeson, Josefine, Arvidsson, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

”Vi tar en dag i taget” : Anhörigas upplevelse av att stödja en närstående under ett cancerförlopp.

Davidsson, Rebecca, Johansson, Annika January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anhöriga är personer inom familjen eller en nära släkting som stödjer eller vårdar en närstående, som i detta sammanhang syftar till patienten. Tidigare forskning beskriver att sjuksköterskan upplever att de ger olika sorters stöd till anhöriga och patienten under ett cancerförlopp vilket kan vara utmanande. Patienten upplever delvis ett bristande stöd från sjuksköterskan men stödet från anhöriga upplevs betydelsefullt. Syfte: Att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av att stödja en närstående under förloppet av en cancersjukdom. Metod: En kvalitativ, manifest innehållsanalys av bloggar med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Tre kategorier presenteras: Finna livsglädje, Återkommande behov och Känslomässiga utmaningar. Anhöriga upplever att det är av vikt att bibehålla livsglädje och ta vara på tiden med den närstående. De beskriver också att det finns en längtan efter att något skulle förändras, läggas till eller tas bort för att kunna utstå situationen. Trots detta präglades vardagen av utmaningar. De anhöriga upplevde en inre stress och en otillräcklighet. Slutsats: För att bibehålla en positiv livshållning var det viktigt att anhörigas behov tillfredsställdes. Om dessa behov inte tillfredsställdes uppstod ett lidande som kunde göra det svårt att orka vara ett stöd för den närstående. Kunskapen kan vara ett utvecklingsbidrag för sjuksköterskans arbete. / Background: A family member is a person within the family or a relative who supports or care for a close relative, which in this context refers to the patient. Previous research describes that by the nurse experiences they provide various support to family members and patients during the course of a cancer disease, but it was expressed as challenging. The patient experiences a partially lack of support from the nurse, but support from family members is felt to be significant. Aim: To describe family members’ experience of supporting a close relative during the course of a cancer disease. Method: A qualitative, manifest content analysis of blogs with an inductive approach. Findings: Three categories are presented: Find life joy, Recurrent needs and Emotional challenges. It is important to maintain a positive lifestyle and seize the time. There is a longing for change, to add or remove something to cope with the situation. Regardless, everyday life is characterized by suffering. They experience an internal stress and an inadequacy. Conclusion: It was important that the needs of the family members were satisfied. If they were not, suffering made it difficult remain the energy to be a support for the close relative. This knowledge can be developmental for the nurses’ work.

Bloggtider för bibliotek och bibliotekarier? : Studie om bloggars användbarhet i bibliotekssektorn / Weblogtimes for libraries and librarians? : Study of the weblogs usability in the library sector

Swedman, Angelica January 2006 (has links)
The usability of the Internet increases for every year. The Weblog phenomenon makes it possible for anyone to easily publish, find information and get in touch with other people through the net. This Essay treats the possibilities the Weblog medium offer Swedish libraries and librarians in library contexts. The purpose of the study is to examine the Web phenomenon: Weblogs, and their significance for a total of eleven Library Heads and librarians together with their view on the Weblog activity at each library connected Weblog, to get comprehension and new knowledge on the usability of Weblogs in the library sector. The foundation for the Essay consists of a qualitative interview study, built on asynchronous e-mail interviews and telephone interviews with blogging librarians and Heads of libraries. Theoretical frames and concepts are taken from Internet Research Theory, Socio-cultural Theory and Theory of Library- and Information Science. From the result and analysis can be found that Weblogs serves a purpose as virtual arenas, where people can meet, communicate, discuss and exchange information along with networking. The Weblog is a complement to other information channels as for example Web, e-mail and intranet. Weblogs are used for the purposes of communication and information, for marketing and for pedagogical activities. My conclusion is that for libraries and librarians the Weblog activity means a new way of communication and dialog with the surrounding world. The Library Sector can make its activities come into sight and the librarians can inform and communicate with colleagues and users. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Bloggarens val : En studie av lästips på bloggar / The Bloggers’ Choice : A study of readers’ advice in weblogs

Andersson, Camilla, Holmgren, Agneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to examine readers’ advice in weblogs - frequently modified web pages with a series of archived entries. We have chosen to study a specific kind of entry that contains information about a book of fiction- not for children and young adults - and the bloggers’ comments regarding that same book. The entries are published in ten weblogs that all deal with literature and reading. Five of these are maintained by one or more individuals, and the other five are maintained by employees at six libraries. The research questions focus on the similarities and differences between the entries containing readers’ advice published in the individual and the library weblogs. To be able to answer our questions we have conducted observations of the chosen weblogs, studied the published entries by applying a number of set criteria, and made asynchronous e-mail interviews. Theoretical frames and concepts are derived from research fields of literature, literary sociology and library and information science. The love of reading is the main reason for the selection of books being written about in the individual weblogs. The opportunities to market and highlight the library, the library stocks and the librarian’s knowledge of literature are also important to the staffs who work with the library weblogs. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Skolbibliotekarier och bloggar- en studie om skolbibliotekariers användning av blogg som ett arbetsverktyg / School libraries and weblogs- a study of school librarians use of weblog as a working tool

Semovski, Nevin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is about how school librarians useweblogs as a working tool. I wanted to examine how someschool librarians use weblogs as a working tool and why theyare using them. I also wanted to know the advantages anddisadvantages they see with this tool. I believe that children andteenagers are interested in social media- tools and also are bigusers and consumers of these tools. Therefore I thought it mightbe interesting to examine how school librarians who havechildren and young people as their main target group, work withweblogs which is one of many social media tools.The methodology used for this study is interviews. I didthree face-to-face interviews and two interviews by sending theinterview guide with questions to the participants. The interviewguide was sent by e-mail as a wordfile-document. The answerswere written by the participants directly in the word-documentand then sent back to me in the same way. Farkas (2007) dividethe use of weblogs into different kinds of blogs. I used thisdivision to present and analyze my result.The conclusions of this study are that school librarians useweblogs as News Blogs, Readers’ advisory blogs, Book Clubblogs, Marketing blogs, Blogs to build community, Blogs tosupplement workshops and as reference blogs. They useweblogs as a working tool to inform, to market the library, toreach out to their users, to tip about books etc. Some of theadvantages of weblogs according to my respondents are itssimplicity, its rapid way to disseminate information on and itsability to allow users to participate and communicate. Some ofthe disadvantages of weblogs as a working tool are that it takestime to blog, it’s hard to get readers and that there are fewpeople who give comments on the blog. / Program: Bibliotekarie

”Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa” : en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier. / ”Libraries just want to follow the stream” : A thesis on young adults’ attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media.

Mattsson, Isabelle, Åhlund, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults’ attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media. To fulfill our purpose we asked two research questions:What attitudes do young adults have towards libraries use of marketing in social media?What kind of communication with libraries in social media is of interest for young adults?The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on relationship marketing, a theory which sets focus at relationships, networks and interaction. The theory is based on an organizational perspective, but we choose to interpret it from the perspective of users. In this thesis we choose a qualitative approach. We also conducted ten semi-structured interviews to gather our empirical material.The results show that the young adults in our thesis not are aware of libraries existence in social media. They also have a stereotypical image of libraries as an organization mainly connected to books and reading. However, they do believe that libraries use social media to “follow the stream”. In young adults’ use of social media, interests are a decisive factor as well as communication with friends. If libraries want to reach out to young adults, they need to create a strategy to help them communicate with young adults. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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