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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Struktur inom kaoset : Blåljuspersonalens upplevelser av kommunikation och samverkan vid pågående dödligt våld / Structure within the chaos : Blue light staff's experiences of communication and cooperation in the event of ongoing deadly violence

Heikkilä, Fanny, Oxelgren, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Specialistsjuksköterskor ska kunna kommunicera och samverka med andra aktörer för att främja en god och säker vård för patienterna. Prehospitalt möter personalen inom ambulansen utmanande situationer involverat våld och hot. En situation som ställer kommunikation och samverkan på prov är en händelse med pågående dödligt våld. I Sverige har det inte skett så många PDV händelser, men de blir vanligare och vanligare. Alla blåljusenheter har sitt ansvar på en skadeplats, men alla har ett gemensamt mål och det är att rädda liv. För att göra det behöver kommunikation och samverkan fungera. Syfte: att beskriva blåljuspersonalens upplevelser av kommunikation och samverkan vid en PDV händelse. Metod: En manifest kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Totalt åtta individuella intervjuer utfördes, men endast sju är grunden till resultatet. Resultat: Kommunikation och samverkan behövs både före, under och efter en PDV händelse och att det finns utrymme för båda områdena att förbättras inför framtiden. De fem kategorier som identifierades under analysen var: Att det gemensamma kommunikationssystemet möjliggör god samverkan, att bristen på information leder till känslor av frustration, att gemenskap är en nyckelfaktor, att få möjlighet till tvärprofessionell reflektion och att säkerheten alltid prioriteras. Slutsats: För en god kommunikation och samverkan behöver samordning finnas, både före och efter en PDV händelse. Kliniska implikationer: Studiens resultat kan användas för att framåt planera, utföra och analysera utbildningen för personalens beredskap vid PDV händelser samt för att utveckla samverkan och kommunikation.

A new path in defining light parameters for hair growth: discovery and modulation of photoreceptors in human hair follicle

Buscone, S., Mardaryev, Andrei N., Raafs, B., Bikker, J.W., Sticht, C., Gretz, N., Farjo, N.P., Uzunbajakava, N.E., Botchkareva, Natalia V. 21 August 2017 (has links)
Yes / Background and Objective: Though devices for hair growth based on low levels of light have shown encouraging results, further improvements of their efficacy is impeded by a lack of knowledge on the exact molecular targets that mediate physiological response in skin and hair follicle. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of selected light-sensitive receptors in the human hair follicle and to study the impact of UV-free blue light on hair growth ex vivo. Material and Methods: The expression of Opsin receptors in human skin and hair follicles has been characterised using RT-qPCR and immunofluorescence approaches. The functional significance of Opsin 3 was assessed by silencing its expression in the hair follicle cells followed by a transcriptomic profiling. Proprietary LED-based devices emitting two discrete visible wavelengths were used to access the effects of selected optical parameters on hair growth ex vivo and outer root sheath cells in vitro. Results: The expression of OPN2 (Rhodopsin) and OPN3 (Panopsin, Encephalopsin) was detected in the distinct compartments of skin and anagen hair follicle. Treatment with 3.2 J/cm2 of blue light with 453 nm central wavelength significantly prolonged anagen phase in hair follicles ex vivo that was correlated with sustained proliferation in the light-treated samples. In contrast, hair follicle treatment with 3.2 J/cm2 of 689 nm light (red light) did not significantly affect hair growth ex vivo. Silencing of OPN3 in the hair follicle outer root sheath cells resulted in the altered expression of genes involved in the control of proliferation and apoptosis, and abrogated stimulatory effects of blue light (3.2 J/cm2; 453 nm) on proliferation in the outer root sheath cells. Conclusions: We provide the first evidence that 1) OPN2 and OPN3 are expressed in human hair follicle, and 2) 453 nm blue light at low radiant exposure exerts a positive effect on hair growth ex vivo, potentially via interaction with OPN3. / This study was supported by the European Marie-Curie Actions Programme, Grant agreement no.: 607886

Does blue light restore human epidermal barrier function via activation of Opsin during cutaneous wound healing?

Castellano-Pellicena, Irene, Uzunbajakava, N.E., Mignon, Charles, Raafs, B., Botchkarev, Vladimir A., Thornton, M. Julie 31 August 2018 (has links)
Yes / Background and Objective Visible light has beneficial effects on cutaneous wound healing, but the role of potential photoreceptors in human skin is unknown. In addition, inconsistency in the parameters of blue and red light‐based therapies for skin conditions makes interpretation difficult. Red light can activate cytochrome c oxidase and has been proposed as a wound healing therapy. UV‐blue light can activate Opsin 1‐SW, Opsin 2, Opsin 3, Opsin 4, and Opsin 5 receptors, triggering biological responses, but their role in human skin physiology is unclear. Materials and Methods Localization of Opsins was analyzed in situ in human skin derived from face and abdomen by immunohistochemistry. An ex vivo human skin wound healing model was established and expression of Opsins confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The rate of wound closure was quantitated after irradiation with blue and red light and mRNA was extracted from the regenerating epithelial tongue by laser micro‐dissection to detect changes in Opsin 3 (OPN3) expression. Retention of the expression of Opsins in primary cultures of human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts was confirmed by qRT‐PCR and immunocytochemistry. Modulation of metabolic activity by visible light was studied. Furthermore, migration in a scratch‐wound assay, DNA synthesis and differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes was established following irradiation with blue light. A role for OPN3 in keratinocytes was investigated by gene silencing. Results Opsin receptors (OPN1‐SW, 3 and 5) were similarly localized in the epidermis of human facial and abdominal skin in situ. Corresponding expression was confirmed in the regenerating epithelial tongue of ex vivo wounds after 2 days in culture, and irradiation with blue light stimulated wound closure, with a corresponding increase in OPN3 expression. Expression of Opsins was retained in primary cultures of epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. Both blue and red light stimulated the metabolic activity of cultured keratinocytes. Low levels of blue light reduced DNA synthesis and stimulated differentiation of keratinocytes. While low levels of blue light did not alter keratinocyte migration in a scratch wound assay, higher levels inhibited migration. Gene silencing of OPN3 in keratinocytes was effective (87% reduction). The rate of DNA synthesis in OPN3 knockdown keratinocytes did not change following irradiation with blue light, however, the level of differentiation was decreased. Conclusions Opsins are expressed in the epidermis and dermis of human skin and in the newly regenerating epidermis following wounding. An increase in OPN3 expression in the epithelial tongue may be a potential mechanism for the stimulation of wound closure by blue light. Since keratinocytes and fibroblasts retain their expression of Opsins in culture, they provide a good model to investigate the mechanism of blue light in wound healing responses. Knockdown of OPN3 led to a reduction in early differentiation of keratinocytes following irradiation with blue light, suggesting OPN3 is required for restoration of the barrier function. Understanding the function and relationship of different photoreceptors and their response to specific light parameters will lead to the development of reliable light‐based therapies for cutaneous wound healing. / European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development - Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN), Grant agreement no.: 607886

Kritiska händelser vid utryckningskörning : Polisers egna berättelser / Critical events during emergency driving : Police officers' narratives

Axelsson, Susanne, Mörtvik, Mia January 2017 (has links)
Olyckor med polisfordon fortsätter att öka. Litet är dock känt om polisers egna upplevelser av kritiska händelser under utryckningskörning. För att bidra till ökad förståelse för utryckningskörning var studiens syfte att undersöka hur poliser beskriver sina upplevelser av utryckningsförloppet. I denna studie använde vi oss av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide för att undersöka hur fem poliser berättade om sina upplevelser. Genom narrativ analys av intervjuerna studerades likheter och skillnader av kritiska händelser under utryckningskörning. Vi identifierade fem återkommande teman, så kallade typnarrativ: viljan att fånga, att köra fort, att det är känsligt att kritisera kollegors utryckningskörning, att bedöma när höga hastigheter är befogade, samt att hitta balansen i utryckningskörningen för att uppleva kontroll. Dessa fem typnarrativ gav en god förståelse för hur poliserna berättade om oväntade händelser som skapat riskfyllda situationer i deras tjänsteutövning. Likheter i berättelserna gällde främst beteende och attityder. Skillnaderna bestod framförallt i omständigheter, exempelvis hur utryckningen startade och vilken information poliserna fick eller inte fick under utryckningen. Skillnaderna kopplades till möjliga konsekvenser av utryckningen utifrån teorier om beslutsfattande, riskmedvetenhet och skadeprevention. Vidare indikerade resultaten att upplevelsen av utryckningskörning var dynamisk och varierade med kontextuella förhållanden. / Accidents with police vehicles continue to increase. However, little is known about the police's own experiences of critical events during emergency driving. To contribute to increased understanding of emergency driving, the study's purpose was to investigate how policemen describe their experiences of the emergency driving. In this study, we used a semistructured interview guide to investigate how five policemen talked about their experiences. Through narrative analysis of the interviews, similarities and differences of critical events during emergency driving were investigated. We identified five recurring themes, so-called narrative types: the will to capture, to drive fast, difficulties in questioning a colleague's driving style, deciding when high speeds are justified, and finding the balance in emergency driving to experience control. These five types gave a good understanding of how the policemen talked about unexpected events that created risky situations in their service. Similarities in the stories mostly concerned behaviors and attitudes. The differences consisted mainly of circumstances, such as how the start-up began and what information the police received or did not receive during the reprisal. The differences were linked to the possible consequences of the expression based on theories of decision making, risk awareness and injury prevention. Furthermore, the results indicated that the experience of emergency driving was dynamic and varied with contextual conditions.

Unravelling novel molecular targets for photobiomodulation in human hair follicle towards the development of more effective light-based therapies for hair growth

Buscone, Serena January 2017 (has links)
Light and optical techniques have made a profound impact on modern medicine both in diagnostics and in therapy. Therapeutic action of light is based on photomechanical, photothermal, photochemical and photobiological interactions, depending on the wavelength, power density, exposure time and optical properties of tissue and cells. Last decade experienced a growing rise of commercial devices for management of hair growth, where all of them are based on low levels of light resulting into photobiological, non-thermal interaction of photons with cells, a process that recently has received an official term ‘photobiomodulation’. However, the design and analysis of the reported clinical studies are highly debated in a wider scientific community. The picture is further complicated by a virtual lack of proof about the exact molecular targets that mediate the physiological response of skin and hair follicles (HF) to low levels of light. The goal of this project was to investigate the expression of light-sensitive receptors in the human HF and to study the impact of UV-free blue light on hair growth ex vivo. The expression of Cryptochromes 1 and 2 (CRY1, 2), Opsin 2 and 3 (OPN2 and OPN3), but not other Opsins 1, 4 and 5 was detected in the distinct compartments of skin and anagen HF. Evaluation of the physiological role of detected light-sensitive receptors on hair growth was performed by the modulation of photoreceptors activity in HF ex vivo model. HFs treated with KL001, a stabilizer of CRY1 protein that lengthens the circadian period, delayed HF anagen-catagen transition; while silencing of CRY1 induced premature catagen development accompanied by reduced cell proliferation. Silencing of CRY1 in the HF outer root sheath (ORS) cells in vitro caused downregulation of ii genes involved in the control of proliferation; including the cyclin dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). OPN3 also had a positive effect on metabolic activity and proliferation of the ORS cells in vitro. OPN3 silencing resulted in the altered expression of genes involved in the control of proliferation and apoptosis. Investigated CRY1, OPN2 and 3 greatly absorb in the blue to green-region of the visible spectrum. This led us to investigate the effect of blue light on HF growth. Daily treatment with blue light (453 nm, 3.2 J/cm2, 16 nm full width half maximum) prolonged anagen phase in HF ex vivo that was associated with sustained proliferation. In addition, blue light (3.2 J/cm2) significantly stimulated proliferation of ORS cells in vitro. This effect was abrogated by silencing of OPN3. To summarize, CRY 1, OPN 2 and OPN 3 are expressed in the distinct compartments of the HF, including HF stem cells. Blue light (453 nm) at low radiant exposure exerts a positive effect on hair growth ex vivo, potentially via interaction with OPN3. The further research should be conducted to decipher interactions between blue light and the investigated receptors in the HFs. In addition, the beneficial effect of blue light at low radiant exposure on hair growth raises a possibility of increasing therapeutic efficacy when combined with topical chemistry used for management of hair growth.

Ultraviolet B and blue light - induced phototoxic effects on retinal pigment epithelium using in vitro assays

Youn, Hyun-Yi January 2008 (has links)
It is well known that ultraviolet (UV) B (280-315 nm) and blue light (400-500 nm) radiation can produce phototoxic lesions in the neural retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the first section of this thesis, bovine lens cells (epithelium and superficial cortical fibre cell) and human retinal pigment epithelial (ARPE-19) cells were used to characterize in vitro changes following oxidative stress with UVB radiation in ocular lens optics and cellular function in terms of mitochondrial dynamics. In the second part, human retinal pigment epithelial (ARPE-19) cells and in vitro bioassays were used together to develop an in vitro approach for UV radiation-induced retinal toxicology research. In the third chapter, the in vitro approach developed above was used with intraocular lens (IOL) materials to evaluate the UV radiation blocking efficiency of commercially available IOL’s. Lastly, narrowband blue light irradiation and in vitro assays were used to determine more precisely the wavelengths of blue light responsible for photochemical lesions of the retina as an effort to contribute to future IOL designs. The results from mitochondrial dynamics of lens cells and RPE cells show significant decreases in mitochondrial movement after UVB irradiation in a dose dependent manner. Results obtained from four in vitro assays (Alamar blue assay, confocal microscopy for mitochondrial distribution and nucleic acids damage, phagocytotic activity assay) for evaluating the UVB-induced damage in ARPE-19 show significant decreases in cell viability as well as phagocytotic activity of RPE cells after UVB radiation. In addition, the results show that UV radiation can also induce the degradation of DNA/RNA and mitochondria of RPE cells in a dose dependent manner. The results of the UV blocking efficiency test of commercially available IOL materials show very effective UV blocking ability, allowing no cellular damage at all, in comparison to an IOL uncovered control cell. The results of three different wavelengths of blue light exposure show that only 400 nm blue light radiation can cause significant damage to RPE cells, while 420 and 435.8 nm blue light radiation cause no cellular damage at all. In conclusion, UVB and blue light radiation can cause phototoxic damage to the retinal pigment epithelium as a result of oxidative stress, and in vitro bioassays used for this research may offer a sensitive, and meaningful biomarker approach, not only for evaluating RPE function after oxidative and chemical stress, but also for evaluating IOL effectiveness.

Ultraviolet B and blue light - induced phototoxic effects on retinal pigment epithelium using in vitro assays

Youn, Hyun-Yi January 2008 (has links)
It is well known that ultraviolet (UV) B (280-315 nm) and blue light (400-500 nm) radiation can produce phototoxic lesions in the neural retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the first section of this thesis, bovine lens cells (epithelium and superficial cortical fibre cell) and human retinal pigment epithelial (ARPE-19) cells were used to characterize in vitro changes following oxidative stress with UVB radiation in ocular lens optics and cellular function in terms of mitochondrial dynamics. In the second part, human retinal pigment epithelial (ARPE-19) cells and in vitro bioassays were used together to develop an in vitro approach for UV radiation-induced retinal toxicology research. In the third chapter, the in vitro approach developed above was used with intraocular lens (IOL) materials to evaluate the UV radiation blocking efficiency of commercially available IOL’s. Lastly, narrowband blue light irradiation and in vitro assays were used to determine more precisely the wavelengths of blue light responsible for photochemical lesions of the retina as an effort to contribute to future IOL designs. The results from mitochondrial dynamics of lens cells and RPE cells show significant decreases in mitochondrial movement after UVB irradiation in a dose dependent manner. Results obtained from four in vitro assays (Alamar blue assay, confocal microscopy for mitochondrial distribution and nucleic acids damage, phagocytotic activity assay) for evaluating the UVB-induced damage in ARPE-19 show significant decreases in cell viability as well as phagocytotic activity of RPE cells after UVB radiation. In addition, the results show that UV radiation can also induce the degradation of DNA/RNA and mitochondria of RPE cells in a dose dependent manner. The results of the UV blocking efficiency test of commercially available IOL materials show very effective UV blocking ability, allowing no cellular damage at all, in comparison to an IOL uncovered control cell. The results of three different wavelengths of blue light exposure show that only 400 nm blue light radiation can cause significant damage to RPE cells, while 420 and 435.8 nm blue light radiation cause no cellular damage at all. In conclusion, UVB and blue light radiation can cause phototoxic damage to the retinal pigment epithelium as a result of oxidative stress, and in vitro bioassays used for this research may offer a sensitive, and meaningful biomarker approach, not only for evaluating RPE function after oxidative and chemical stress, but also for evaluating IOL effectiveness.

Properties of Volume Bragg Gratings and Nonlinear Crystals for Laser Engineering

Tjörnhammar, Staffan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two topics: thermal limitations of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) employed as laser-cavity mirrors and formation of color centers in KTiOPO4 and its isomorphs. To explore the mechanisms of the thermal limitations of VBGs in high power lasers, I designed and constructed a diode-pumped, solid‑state laser with a VBG as cavity mirror that had a significantly higher absorption than what is typical. Thereby I could study the limiting thermal effects by using only moderate intra-cavity power. Additionally, I designed a computer model to numerically investigate the thermal effects in VBGs. Both the experiments and the simulations showed that the laser became successively more unstable when the power was increased. Absorption of the reflected laser beam causes broadening of the grating spectrum accompanied by decreasing diffraction efficiency. The reduced reflectivity leads to a leakage of the radiation through the grating. Moreover, the simulations showed that this increased instability was due to a reshaping of the intensity distribution profile inside the grating, which, in turn, leads to a sharp reduction of the diffraction efficiency. High-intensity visible radiation induces color centers in KTiOPO4, which can lead to severe decrease in the performance of the crystal and can cause catastrophic breakdown. The formation of color centers was investigated by measuring picosecond, blue-light induced infrared absorption (BLIIRA) in periodically-poled KTiOPO4, Rb:KTiOPO4, RbTiOPO4, KTiOAsO4 and RbTiOAsO4 through thermal lens spectroscopy using a common-path interferometer. This setup is capable of measuring absorption as low as 10-5 cm-1. The dependence of the BLIIRA signal on blue light average power and intensity as well as on the crystal temperature was studied. The results show the presence of at least two different types of color centers. A higher level of remnant absorption was observed in the phosphates compared to that of the arsenates. The largest portion of the induced absorption is attributed to photo-generated electrons and holes being self-trapped in the proximity to the Ti4+ and O2- ions, respectively, forming polaron color centers. Stabilization of these centers is aided by the presence of mobile alkali metal vacancies in the crystal. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på både volymbraggitters (VBGs) termiska begränsningar, i tillämpning som speglar i laserkaviteter, och på bildandet av färgcentra i KTiOPO4 och isomorfa kristaller. För att undersöka de termiska effekterna i VBGer som medför begränsningar på högeffektlasrar utfördes både experiment och simuleringar. För experimenten konstruerades en diod-pumpad Yb:KYW laser med ett VBG som har betydligt högre absorption än vad som är typiskt. Därmed kunde de termiska effekterna studeras vid måttliga intrakavitetseffekter. Simuleringarna bestod av två delmodeller; gitterstrukturen modelerades med överföringsmatriser och värmeflödet med en tredimensionell modell baserad på finita elementmetoden. Både experimenten och simuleringarna visade att en laser blir successivt mer instabil när den optiska effekten ökar. Absorptionen av laserstrålen i VBGt förändrade dess spektrala egenskaper, vilket i sin tur påverkade laserns stabilitet och prestanda. De huvudsakliga effekterna var en breddning av gittrets spektrum med en minskad reflektans. Simuleringarna visade även att den ökade instabiliteten berodde på en förändring av strålningens intensitetsfördelning inuti gittret, vilket accelererade reduktionen av gittrets reflekterande förmåga. I termer av den effekt som faller in mot gittret, har lasern en tydlig övre effektgräns. När den gränsen har uppnåtts leder vidare ökning av pumpeffekten i huvudsak till ökat läckage genom volymbraggittret, i stället för till ökad uteffekt hos laserstrålen. Kortvågigt synlig ljus av hög intensitet inducerar färgcentra i KTiOPO4, vilket kan leda till kraftigt reducerad transparens och kan orsaka permanent skada i kristallen. För att undersöka skapandet av dessa färgcentra mättes den termiska lins som uppstår vid blå-ljus-inducerad infraröd absorption (Eng: blue-light induced infrared absorption = BLIIRA) inducerad av blåa laserpulser vid en våglängd av 398 nm och vid pulslängder i storlek av pikosekunder i periodiskt‑polad KTiOPO4, Rb:KTiOPO4, RbTiOPO4, KTiOAsO4 och RbTiOAsO4. Den termiska linsen mättes med en metod kallad gemensam-vägsträcka-interferometer (Eng: common-path interferometer), en metod känslig nog för att mäta absorption så låg som 10-5 cm-1. Dessutom undersöktes hur nivån av BLIIRA beror på medeleffekten och intensiteten hos den blåa laserstrålen samt på kristalltemperaturen. Resultaten visar att det bildas minst två typer av färgcentra med olika livslängder. Vidare observerades en högre grad av långsamt avklingande absorption i fosfaterna jämfört med arsenaterna. Den största delen av den inducerade absorptionen tillskrivs fotogenererade elektroner och hål som ”självfångas” i närheten av Ti4+ respektive O2- joner, och bildar färgcentra av polaron karaktär. Stabilisering av dessa centra underlättas av lättrörliga alkalivakanser i kristallerna. / <p>QC 20150922</p>

Modulation de la conductivité hydraulique foliaire par la lumière chez le Noyer (Juglans regia) : approches écophysiologique et moléculaire / Light modulation of leaf hydraulic conductivity in walnut (Juglans regia) : ecophysiological and molecular approaches

Ben Baaziz, Khaoula 27 December 2011 (has links)
La conductivité hydraulique foliaire (KF) est une composante majeure du transport d’eau dans toute la plante. Dans les feuilles de noyer, la KF est stimulée à la lumière et est étroitement liée à l’accroissement du taux des transcrits d’aquaporines JrPIP2s. Par ailleurs, la corrélation entre la stimulation de la KF et des transcrits d’aquaporines à la lumière, n’est pas générale et dépend de l’espèce. Ici, nous étudions cette corrélation chez cinq espèces forestières (Juglans regia, Fagus sylvitica, Quercus robur, Salix alba et Populus tremula) différant par leur réponse à la lumière. Nous démontrons seulement chez le noyer (Juglans regia), la contribution des deux familles d’aquaporines PIP1s et PIP2s. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des JrPIP1s et JrPIP2 dans la réponse à la lumière, nous avons isolé 8 nouvelles isoformes dans les feuilles de noyer et nous avons étudié leurs profils d’expression sur une cinétique lumière. Toutes les isoformes étudiées sont accumulées à la lumière et réprimées à l’obscurité. De plus, la KF est dépendante de la qualité de lumière. Elle est réduite de 65% en absence de lumière bleue. Cette diminution serait liée à l’inhibition des transcrits d’aquaporines. Afin de caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires précoces impliqués dans la modulation de KF par la lumière, l’approche globale cDNA-AFLP a été menée sur des feuilles de noyer sous différentes conditions d’éclairement. Nous obtenons 12000 transcrits différentiels dérivés (TDFs) générés par les 128 couples d’amorces. Parmi les 187 séquences obtenues, 93 d’entre elles ont une fonction putative. Leur classification fonctionnelle montre que les gènes relatifs à la régulation cellulaire représentent environ 58% des TDFs identifiés. Les feuilles exposées à la lumière, montrent des changements dans les voies de : signalisation calcique, protéolyse, trafic vésiculaire et l’expression de divers facteurs de transcription et protéines de régulation. Pour mieux comprendre le rôle potentiel de la signalisation calcique dans la modulation de la KF par la lumière, nous avons étudié l’effet d’un inhibiteur des canaux calciques [LaCl3] et d’un antagoniste de calmoduline [W7] sur la KF et les transcrits des 10 JrPIPs. Comparées aux feuilles témoins, les inhibiteurs calciques provoquent une réduction de la KF et de la majorité des JrPIPs étudiées à la lumière. Nos résultats confirment l’implication du complexe Ca2+ /calmoduline dans la transduction du signal lumineux responsable de la stimulation de la KF et des transcrits d’aquaporines chez le noyer. / Leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) takes a significant part in plant water relations. In walnut leaves, Kleaf was stimulated by light and tightly related to accumulation of JrPIP2s aquaporin transcripts. However, the light effect on Kleaf value is not systematically related to aquaporin regulation. Here we investigated the relationship between light, Kleaf and transcript levels of aquaporin in five species (Juglans regia, Fagus sylvitica, Quercus robur, Salix alba and Populus tremula) differing by the response of their Kleaf to light. Only for walnut leaves, we showed that light-increased Kleaf value is closely related to higher stimulation of both PIP1s and PIP2s aquaporins. To further investigate the involvement of aquporins (JrPIP1s and JrPIP2) in the light Kleaf modulation, 8 new full length aquaporins have been identified in walnut leaves and their expression pattern was monitored. All the aquaporin tested was turned up to be upregulated under light condition and downregulated under darkness. Moreover, we showed that the Kleaf response to light is quality-dependant, since it was reduced of 65% in the absence of blue light. Interstingly, this Kleaf reduction was correlated with a high downregulation of almost all aquaporins tested. To give an insight into the early molecular events involved in the light-induced Kleaf regulation, a large-scale transcriptomic analysis consisting of the cDNA-AFLP procedure was carried out on walnut leaves, kept at different light conditions. We obtained a total of 12,000 transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) by cDNA-AFLP with 128 primer pairs. Reliable sequences were obtained for 187 of these TDFs, and functions were attributed to 93 TDFs through BLAST searches in GenBank databases. Most of the 93 TDFs corresponded to genes encoding proteins involved in cellular regulation (58%). Leaves exposed to light showed changes in the Ca2+-signaling pathway, the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, vesicle trafficking process and the expression of multiple transcription factors and protein regulators. To progress in understanding of a potential role for calcium signalling in light-modulated Kleaf, Kleaf values and transcript accumulation of 10 JrPIPs were monitored in leaves perfused with either a blocker of calcium channels [LaCl3] or a CaM antagonist [W7]. Compared to control, these Ca2+ -effectors led to a significant reduction in Kleaf and transcripts accumulation of almost all JrPIPs under light conditions. Our results indicate that Ca2+ /calmodulin complex may transduce the light signal required for stimulation of Kleaf and its correlated aquaporin expression.

Ein neuer therapeutischer Ansatz zur vorbeugenden Behandlung der pathologischen Myopie - Einfluss des skleralen Riboflavin/Blaulicht Cross-Linkings auf das Augenwachstum junger Kaninchen

Körber, Nicole 03 March 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit umreißt das Krankheitsbild der Myopie (Kurzsichtigkeit) und deren unterschiedliche Ausprägungen, im Speziellen der progressiven und pathologischen Myopie. Hierbei wird ein Einblick in die Symptomatik, die anatomischen Ursachen und die heutigen medizinischen Interventionen gegeben. Hierdurch wird die Problematik einer zu „weichen“ Sklera (Lederhaut des Auges) und des damit einhergehenden fortschreitenden Augenwachstums deutlich. Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht ein neuer therapeutischer Ansatz zur vorbeugenden Behandlung der pathologischen Myopie; das Riboflavin/Blaulicht Cross-Linking der Sklera des Kaninchenauges. Dessen Wirkungsweise ermöglicht die biomechanische Versteifung von kollagenem Gewebe. Aus diesem Sachverhalt ergibt sich die Fragestellung der Arbeit: Ist das sklerale Riboflavin/Blaulicht Cross Linking geeignet das Augenwachstum im Tiermodell (junge Kaninchen) verträglich zu hemmen? Operationsbeeinflussende Parameter wie die Riboflavin-Durchdringungsdauer der Sklera und die sklerale Lichtdurchlässigkeit werden untersucht und für die Optimierung der Operationsmethode herangezogen und diskutiert. Zur Einschätzung des Versuchsansatzes werden die im Methodikteil dargelegten Anwendungen an adulten und jungen Kaninchen/Kaninchenaugen durchgeführt. In Tierversuchen wird die Schadensschwelle in Abhängigkeit der Blaulichtintensität, des Alters und der Pigmentierung untersucht, wobei histologische, immunhistochemische und elektronenmikroskopische Verfahren angewendet werden. Der inhibitorische Einfluss des Riboflavin/Blaulicht Cross-Linkings auf das Augenwachstum kann im Jungtiermodell durch verschiedene metrische Verfahren und MRT-Untersuchungen belegt werden.

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