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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

User Experience, Brand Image y Customer Satisfaction del E-Commerce en relación al Brand Loyalty en la categoría de clothing retailers / User Experience, Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction of E-Commerce in relationship to Brand Loyalty in the clothing retail category

Castillo Sotomayor, Sandra, Guimet Cornejo, Nicholas 03 December 2020 (has links)
El estudio busca medir e identificar la relación de los factores Experiencia del usuario, Imagen de marca y Satisfacción del consumidor respecto a la Lealtad de la marca de un e-commerce, dentro de la categoría de clothing retailers. El trabajo de investigación busca determinar si para conseguir la lealtad de la marca en un e-commerce, se deben cumplir con los factores mencionados. Para el presente estudio, se realizó una investigación a los aportes de diferentes autores a nivel global, para conocer su postura respecto a la relación de estas variables con la lealtad de la marca. Asimismo, se identificó como se encuentra la categoría en estudio dentro del contexto actual y, también, cómo se está desarrollando el e-commerce dentro de nuestro país. Con ello, según lo investigado se puede identificar que cada uno de los factores al cumplirse; mediante acciones y herramientas para ofrecer la mejor experiencia, y reforzar la relación con la marca; logran generar la lealtad de sus consumidores hacia la marca. / The purpose of the following study is to measure and identify the relationship between the following factors: User Experience (UX), Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction; and how these can relate to Brand Loyalty within the E-Commerce of the clothing retail category. The focus of this study is to determine if the mentioned factors are a requirement to achieve customer loyalty towards a brand. Furthermore, for the development of the following, we have recognized the stance of various authors from around the globe upon how the variables relate to Brand Loyalty. In addition, the study identifies the current state of the clothing retail category amongst the context and how it has affected the development in Peru. Therefore, according to the investigation, we can infer that if every factor is successfully applied; throughout proper actions and tools oriented by improving customer experience and customer to brand relationship, brand loyalty can be generated. / Trabajo de investigación

La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en la imagen de marca e intención de compra del consumidor en la industria cosmética / The influence of corporate social responsibility on the brand image and purchase intention by the consumer in the cosmetic industry

Del Carpio Cenzano, Alessandra, Silva Guzmán, Ganella Betzabeth 08 July 2021 (has links)
La responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) causa gran impacto en el nuevo consumidor debido a que este es más sensible a los problemas que existen en la sociedad, fomentando así una mayor empatía entre consumidores y empresas. Por esa razón, hoy el consumidor antes de realizar una compra tiene presente y/o investiga las actividades de responsabilidad social que haya realizado la empresa que tenga en mente y también, las de la competencia para así decidir la compra entre una u otra. El estudio analizará la influencia de la responsabilidad económica, legal, ética y filantrópica (dimensiones de la RSE) en la imagen de marca e intención de compra de los consumidores de productos cosméticos con la finalidad de saber qué tipo de actividades son más valoradas por ellos. En este estudio, la imagen de marca y la intención de compra se consideraron como variables dependientes, mientras que las dimensiones de la RSE (económica, legal, ética y filantrópica) fueron las variables independientes. Los datos para el estudio se obtendrán a partir de 400 mujeres entre 25 y 35 años de NSE ABC, que residan en Lima Metropolitana y que hayan comprado, en el último año, productos cosméticos. Para el análisis de los datos se usará el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales. / Corporate social responsibility (CSR) causes a great impact on the new consumer because he is more sensitive to the problems that exist in society, thus fostering greater empathy between consumers and companies. For that reason, today the consumer before making a purchase is aware of and / or investigates the social responsibility activities that the company has in mind and also those of the competition in order to decide the purchase between one or the other. The study will analyze the influence of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility (dimensions of CSR) on the brand image and purchase intention of consumers of cosmetic products in order to know what type of activities are most valued by them. In this study, brand image and purchase intention were considered as dependent variables, while the dimensions of CSR (economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic) were the independent variables. The data for the study will be obtained from 400 women between the ages of 25 and 35 from NSE ABC, who reside in Metropolitan Lima and who have bought cosmetic products in the last year. For the analysis of the data, the modeling of structural equations will be used. / Trabajo de investigación

Calidad de servicio e imagen de marca en relación con la satisfacción del consumidor en coffee shops en el periodo de pandemia / Quality of service and brand image in relation to consumer satisfaction in coffee shops in the pandemic period

Bravo Zuñiga, Lucía del Carmen, Radunovic Salas, Ximena Natalia 04 December 2021 (has links)
La pandemia Covid 19 ha traído consigo cambios en el comportamiento de los consumidores en el rubro de las cafeterías. Para evitar el contagio en los establecimientos, las cafeterías han optado por tomar una serie de precauciones para brindar seguridad a los consumidores y mantener sus negocios. Esta investigación realiza el análisis de las nuevas características más relevantes de los consumidores reflejadas en su comportamiento, obteniendo como resultado el incentivo o la reducción de su consumo en las cafeterías. Mediante una recopilación de información, se analiza el desempeño de la calidad de servicio e imagen de la marca, variables que están influidas por determinados aspectos como la higiene y medidas de saneamiento, formando parte de las expectativas de los consumidores que posteriormente, forman parte de la satisfacción que tengan con la marca. Los hallazgos de esta investigación revelan que existe un riesgo percibido de parte de los clientes al asistir a lugares públicos por por temor a la propagación del Covid 19, pero dichos riesgos se mitigan con las medidas implementadas por cada uno de los establecimientos, causando un impacto positivo al desempeño de la calidad de servicio y mejorando el comportamiento de los consumidores, quienes pueden adaptarse a la nueva normalidad. / The Covid 19 pandemic has brought about changes in consumer behavior in the cafeteria industry. To avoid contagion in establishments, coffee shops have chosen to take a series of precautions to provide security for consumers and maintain their businesses. This research carries out the analysis of the most relevant new characteristics of consumers reflected in their behavior, obtaining as a result the incentive or reduction of their consumption in coffee shops. Through a compilation of information, the performance of the quality of service and image of the brand is analyzed, variables that are influenced by certain aspects such as hygiene and sanitation measures, forming part of the expectations of consumers that later become part of the satisfaction they have with the brand. The findings of this research reveal that there is a perceived risk on the part of customers when attending public places for fear of the spread of Covid 19, but these risks are mitigated with the measures implemented by each of the establishments , causing a positive impact on the performance of the quality of service and improving the behavior of consumers, who can adapt to the new normal. / Trabajo de investigación

"Imagen de marca, calidad percibida del producto, el boca a boca electrónico y el país de origen en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de electrodomésticos". / “Brand image, perceived product quality, electronic word of mouth and country of origin in relation to purchase intention in the home appliance category”.

Callañaupa Vera, Anahí Sharon, Flores Iglesias, Claudia Alejandra 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad identificar las variables imagen de marca, calidad percibida del producto, el boca a boca electrónico y el país de origen en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de electrodomésticos. Por lo cual, se tomará en cuenta diferentes papers relacionados con las variables en mención para poder analizarlos y encontrar diferentes relaciones entre ellas. Asimismo, se plantean diferentes hipótesis que ayudarán a seguir enriqueciendo la investigación cómo también se podrá conocer si estas cumplen con los objetivos planteados. / The present document aims to identify the variables brand image, perceived product quality, electronic word of mouth and country of origin in relation to purchase intention in the home appliances category. Therefore, different papers related to the mentioned variables will be taken into account in order to analyze them and find different relationships between them. In addition, different hypotheses are proposed that will help to continue enriching the research and to find out if they meet the objectives set out. / Trabajo de investigación

El Social Media Marketing en Relación con el Brand Equity y el Brand Loyalty. / Social Media Marketing in Relation to Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty.

Sanchez Arrus, Mariana, Ortiz Silvestre, Rain Dayane Nicolle 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación realiza un análisis del comportamiento de las variables: Marketing en los Medios Sociales, Imagen de Marca, Valor de Marca, Lealtad de Marca, Conocimiento de Marca e Intención de Recompra; las cuales se relacionan entre sí, y también, se analiza los efectos que estas tienen en la relación cliente / marca. Este trabajo, se considera relevante, debido a que puede ser beneficioso para que futuras marcas puedan mejorar su imagen y la relación con los clientes presentes y futuros. En este sentido, uno de los vacíos del estudio, es que muestra la postura desde el punto de vista de estudiantes que cumplieran con ciertas características solicitadas, más no se utilizó un público objetivo real. De esta forma, si bien los resultados brindan una perspectiva cercana a la del consumidor es necesario abarcar el punto de vista real de las marcas y la intención de compra (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Otro factor a considerar, es el lugar y las condiciones socioculturales, las cuales afectan el contexto de los resultados, por lo que no se podría generalizar los resultados según las investigaciones ya realizadas, sin embargo, si se considera una oportunidad para que pueda ser indagado en futuras investigaciones sobre el contexto sociocultural limeño. (Sehar Ashraf y Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). Además, el sector investigado impide que el modelo de valor de la marca se proyecte a otros rubros, ya que el tamaño de la muestra es muy limitado (Shabbir, Khan y Khan, 2017). / This research work performs an analysis of the behavior of the variables: Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Repurchase Intention; which are related to each other, and the effects they have on the customer / brand relationship are also analyzed. This work is considered relevant, because it can be beneficial for future brands to improve their image and the relationship with present and future customers. Furthermore, one of the gaps in the study is that it shows the position from the point of view of students who meet certain requested characteristics, but a real target audience was not used. Although the results provide a close perspective of the consumer point of view, but it is necessary to cover the real opinion of the brands and the purchase intention (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Another factor to consider is the place and the sociocultural conditions, which affect the context of the results, so thisones could not be generalized according to the investigations already carried out, however this is considered as an opportunity for it to be investigated in future research on the Lima sociocultural context. (Sehar Ashraf and Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). In addition, the investigated sector prevents the brand's value model from being projected to other areas, since the sample size is very limited (Shabbir, Khan and Khan, 2017). / Trabajo de investigación

Brand image, precio y customer satisfaction en la intención de compra en la categoría de mobile phones

Castillo Ortiz, Claudio, Sablich Varela, Klaus Erik 03 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, el uso de teléfonos celulares cumple un rol cada vez más importante en la vida de las personas. Gracias a los constantes avances tecnológicos y su variada utilidad este es una posesión muy valiosa y un recurso indispensable para la vida y trabajo de varios. Asimismo, la imagen de la marca y la satisfacción del consumidor son factores cada vez más importantes dentro de una marca y categoría. Ya que, estos presentan un valor distinto al consumidor, el cual lo afecta de manera cognitiva y emocional tanto al momento previo como posterior de la compra. Es por ello que esta investigación busca identificar la relación entre las variables de Brand Image, Precio y Customer Satisfaction en Purchase Intention en la categoría de Mobile Phones.   El diseño del estudio que se realizará es correlacional, con un tipo de estudio cuantitativo, de carácter concluyente y con un estadístico de ecuación estructural medido en programa Smart PLS. Se va a utilizar una escala de Likert de 5 puntos. Asimismo, se utilizará una muestra no probabilística, con un cálculo de población de 400 encuestados. El público objetivo al cual se le realizará el estudio mediante encuesta son hombres y mujeres entre los 20 y 40 años de Lima Metropolitana, quienes en el último año han adquirido un nuevo smartphone. / Nowadays, the use of mobile phones plays an increasingly important role in people's lives. Mainly due to the constant technological advances and its variety of usage, this has become a valuable possession and an indispensable resource for the life and work of many. Also, brand image and consumer satisfaction are increasingly important factors within a brand and category. Since these present a different value to the consumer, which affects him cognitively and emotionally both before and after the purchase. That is why this research seeks to identify the relationship between the variables of Brand Image, Price, and Customer Satisfaction in Purchase Intention in the Mobile Phones category. The design of the study to be carried out is correlational, with a type of quantitative study, of a conclusive nature and with a structural equation statistic measured in the Smart PLS program. Using a 5-point Likert scale. Likewise, a non-probabilistic sample will be used, with a population estimate of 400 respondents. The target audience to which the study will be carried out by means of a survey are men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 living in Metropolitan Lima, who in the last year have acquired a new smartphone. / Trabajo de investigación

Student Perspectives of Social Media Brands: Facebook and Instagram : Factors Influencing Brand Success

Johnsson Östergren, Amanda, Alldrin, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Branding is an influential aspect a company can have to gain the attention of their customers. It is often said that, “Your brand is your promise to your customer”, because the brand is a confirmation that the product or service you are selling matches the expectations of the customer and their wants or needs (Grosdidier, 2012). From a consumer perspective, branding helps direct customers in choosing what they want to buy (Tarnovskaya and Bertilsson, 2017). This way, they spend less time focusing on the type of product and its qualities, because they can instead look at the products they are already familiar with instantly and purchase with little processing time (ibid). Not all companies are successful with branding and even successful companies run into issues. Customers usually determine if they like or dislike a brand, which means a brands main purpose should be to make their customers happy. It is important for businesses to give their customers a promising message and stay consistent to their brand.  Facebook and Instagram are both influential brand names to the face of consumers in the area of social networking. Both companies have over a billion site visits per day and their consumer usage has rapidly grown since Facebook’s first opening in 2004 and the grand opening of Instagram in 2010. In 2012, Kevin Systrom sold Instagram to Facebook for $1 billion dollars. Since the sales, both companies now average around the same market share and took place for the largest social media sites with the highest number of users, now above competitors Snapchat and Twitter (Barr, 2018). The purpose of this research is to identify and describe key factors that has made Facebook and Instagram successful in the perspective of university students. In addition, the findings will aim to discover key factors of success in branding that continually influence them to use social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram daily.  Conclusions of the study were that Facebook and Instagram both have success factors that are the same and some factors that are different. Facebook and Instagram’s success factors based on the research include an easy to use platform and the ability to connect with friends and family. Instagram had a few other strong success factors including its visual display of pictures instead of word content and their smoothly designed mobile app. Facebook lacked in both of these areas that Instagram excelled in. This made Facebook the weaker social media site when compared with Instagram.

Brand image, perceived value, brand trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention at Supermarkets / Brand image, perceived value, brand trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention at Supermarkets

Amaya Bautista, Alexandra Patricia, Monggó Condor, Melanie Cristina 03 December 2020 (has links)
La categoría de supermercados en Perú resulta importante para el consumidor peruano, pues es un canal de compra vigente pese a la pandemia generada por Covid-19. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar las posibles relaciones y efectos de las variables brand image, brand trust, perceived value y customer satisfaction en relación a repurchase intention en la categoría mencionada. Asimismo, este estudio se lleva a cabo debido a que se desea evaluar a las variables en conjunto y en un contexto peruano, ya que se considera que será un aporte significativo para mejorar el vínculo entre el shopper peruano y la categoría de supermercados. Además, en este estudio, por el momento, solo se considerarán 5 variables en la categoría. Sin embargo, no se descarta la posibilidad de otros factores que puedan influir en los futuros hallazgos. Luego de la revisión bibliográfica, se identificaron autores como Kim y Chao (2019) enfocados en el estudio de las variables brand image y brand trust; Slack, Singh y Sharma (2020), centrados en investigar al customer satisfaction y perceived value en los supermercados. Por último, Oyedele, Saldivar, Hernandez y Goenner (2018), orientan su investigación hacia repurchase intention. Según los autores mencionados, se propone que la metodología de la investigación se realice mediante el análisis de regresión y correlación en SPSS. Cabe mencionar que la implementación de encuestas con preguntas con escala de Likert se ha reconocido como parte de estas metodologías, por lo que se evaluará su posible uso en este estudio. / The supermarket sector in Peru is important for the Peruvian consumer, as it is a current purchase channel despite the pandemic generated by Covid-19. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the possible relationships and effects of the variables brand image, brand trust, perceived value and customer satisfaction in relation to repurchase intention in the aforementioned category. Likewise, this study is carried out because we want to evaluate the variables as a whole and in a Peruvian context, since we consider that it will be a significant contribution to improve the link between the Peruvian shopper and the supermarket category. Furthermore, in this study, for the time being, only 5 variables in the category will be considered. However, the possibility of other factors that may influence future findings is not ruled out. After the literature review, authors such as Kim and Chao (2019) were identified, focused on the study of the variables brand image and brand trust; Slack, Singh and Sharma (2020), focused on investigating customer satisfaction and perceived value in supermarkets. Finally, Oyedele, Saldivar, Hernandez and Goenner (2018), focus their research on repurchase intentions. According to the mentioned authors, it is proposed that the methodology of the research be carried out through regression and correlation analysis in SPSS. It is worth mentioning that the implementation of surveys with Likert scale questions has been recognized as part of these methodologies, so their possible use in this study will be evaluated. / Trabajo de investigación

Könsstereotyper och könsroller i marknadsföring inom sport- och hälsobranschen : En undersökning kring hur könsstereotypisk reklam inom sport- och hälsobranschen påverkar konsumenters syn på varumärket samt köpintentionen.

Islam, Mehreen, Ngao Loembe, Kevine, Kaur, Neha January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekterna av könsstereotypisk marknadsföring inom sport- och hälsobranschen. Forskningsfrågorna tar upp effekterna av både könsstereotypisk och icke-könsstereotypisk marknadsföring på varumärkesimage samt hur det påverkar konsumenters köpintention. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken typ av marknadsföring som är mest fördelaktig för varumärkesimage och köpintentionen: könsstereotypisk reklam eller icke-könsstereotypisk reklam. Studien använde en kvantitativ forskningsansats där primärdata samlades in genom en digital enkätundersökning med 80 respondenter. Data analyserades med hjälp av korrelationsanalys och sample t-test. Resultaten visar att varumärkesimage och köpintention påverkas negativt av extrem könsstereotypisk reklam, positivt av förebyggande reklam som inte använder könsstereotyper, men förblir oförändrade vid mindre tydliga könsstereotypiska reklamannonser. Företag bör vara medvetna om de negativa effekterna av extrem könsstereotypisk marknadsföring på varumärkesimage och köpintention. Istället kan förebyggande reklam som inte använder sig av könsstereotyper vara mer fördelaktig för att skapa en positiv varumärkesimage och påverka köpintentionen hos konsumenterna positivt. / This study examines the impact of gender-stereotypical marketing in the sports and health industry on a company's brand image and purchase intention. The research questions address the effects of both gender-stereotypical and non-gender-stereotypical marketing on brand image, as well as the influence on consumers' purchase intention. The aim of the study is to determine whether using gender-stereotypical or non-gender-stereotypical advertising is more beneficial for brand image and purchase intention. A quantitative research approach was employed, and primary data was collected through a digital survey completed by 80 respondents. The collected data was analyzed using correlation analysis and sample t-tests in the statistical software SPSS. The findings indicate that brand image and purchase intention are negatively affected by extreme gender-stereotypical advertisements, positively influenced by non-gender-stereotypical preventive advertisements, but remain unchanged with less explicit gender-stereotypical advertisements. Thus, companies should be cautious about using extreme gender-stereotypical marketing, as it can have detrimental effects on their brand image and purchase intention.

Identifikace značky velkých sportovních událostí / Large sporting events' brand identification

Petráčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Large sporting events' brand identification Objectives: The main objective of this work is to identify the brand personality of Summer Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup by means of marketing research. Methods: In connection with the primary data collection a method of written and electronic questioning was used. The brand personality identification of the above mentioned brands was performed based on the brand personality measurement method according to Geuens, Weijters and De Wulf (2009). For the obtained data interpretation their statistical analysis was performed. Results: Based on the research results, the brand personality of Summer Olympic Games can be described by the dimensions Responsibility, Activity and Simplicity and by characteristics stable, responsible, active, dynamic and simple. The brand personality of FIFA World Cup can be described only by the dimension Activity and by characteristics active, dynamic and innovative. Keywords: Sports brand, brand personality, brand personality measurement, brand image, brand identity, Summer Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup.

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