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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Titta pappa vem som kommer på besök, nu kommer mamma - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga familjeförsörjare

Nooni, Niklas, Sveinsdóttir, Sunna January 2018 (has links)
Since the industrialization, the role of breadwinning has been part of the male gender identity. Even though it today has become more common with female breadwinners, the previous assumption of the man as a breadwinner is still a norm in society. This study examines what this norm breaking means for women and their relationships with their men. The purpose is to study Swedish women's experiences of being a breadwinner, how it affects the relationship and the roles one has in a relationship. Previous research has mainly been focused on objective financial aspects of female breadwinning but there is a lack of women's subjective experiences. This study is based on qualitative interviews with seven Swedish female breadwinners. The study shows that education is fundamental to explaining their role as female breadwinner. It also shows that the women's personal traits and good relationships with their men explains their experiences of being a female breadwinner. / Rollen som familjeförsörjare har sedan industrialiseringen varit en del av den manliga könsidentiteten. Trots att det idag blivit vanligare med kvinnliga familjeförsörjare, är den tidigare föreställningen om mannen som försörjare fortsatt en norm i samhället. I denna studie undersöks vad denna normbrytning betyder för kvinnorna och deras relationer till sina män. Syftet är att studera svenska kvinnors upplevelser av att vara familjeförsörjare, hur det påverkar relationen och de roller man har i en relation. Tidigare forskning har i hög grad fokuserat på objektiva finansiella aspekter av kvinnlig familjeförsörjning där det finns en avsaknad av kvinnors subjektiva upplevelser. Den här studien är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med sju svenska kvinnliga familjeförsörjare. Studien visar att utbildning är grundläggande för att förklara deras roll som familjeförsörjare. Studien visar också att kvinnornas personliga egenskaper och goda relationer till sina män förklarar deras upplevelser av att vara familjeförsörjare.

"Happy wife, happy life, brukar man ju säga…" -En kvalitativ studie om mäns upplevelser av att inte vara den främsta inkomsttagaren i hushållet

Björn, Josefhine, Edqvist, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
According to the traditional gender structures the man is seen as the breadwinner and the woman as the housewife. These traditional patterns are slowly being replaced by more equal relationships and today, women are a natural part of the workforce. It is becoming increasingly common nowadays for women in relationships to have a higher income than their partners. Previous research from the United States points out that the connection between the role as family provider and masculinity is still up to date. In this study the man’s experiences about not being the breadwinner is accordingly investigated. Questions about the division of labour in the home, equality in the relationship and how the man experiences the change of the traditional gender structures is in focus. This qualitative study finds its result based on six swedish male respondents experiences concerning not being the main wage earners. The result of the study indicate that these men is actively striving towards an equal daily life as it seems to be the ideal in Sweden. The interviewed men describe that they do not attach significant importance regarding them not being the breadwinner, but shades of strategies that are used to maintain parts of the traditional masculinity can however be interpreted. Keywords: / Enligt de traditionella könsstrukturerna så ses mannen som familjeförsörjaren och kvinnan ses som hemmafrun. Dessa traditionella mönster ersätts sakta men säkert av mer jämställda relationer och idag är kvinnor en naturlig del av arbetskraften. Det blir numer allt vanligare att kvinnan i relationer har en högre inkomst än sin partner. Tidigare forskning från USA poängterar att kopplingen mellan rollen som familjeförsörjare och manlighet fortfarande är aktuell. I denna studie undersöks därmed mannens upplevelser av att inte vara den huvudsakliga inkomsttagaren. Frågor gällande arbetsfördelningen i hemmet, jämställdhet i relationen och hur mannen upplever förändringen av de traditionella könsstrukturerna står i centrum. Denna kvalitativa studie finner sitt resultat baserat på sex svenska manliga intervjupersoners upplevelser angående att inte vara den huvudsakliga inkomsttagaren. Studiens resultat tyder på att dessa män aktivt strävar efter att leva ett jämställt vardagsliv då det tycks vara idealet i Sverige. De intervjuade männen beskriver att de inte fäster någon större betydelse vid att de inte är huvudinkomsttagaren, däremot kan nyanser uttydas av att strategier trots allt används för att bibehålla delar av den traditionella manligheten.

A qualitative analysis of female breadwinner representations in the media

Kalajdzic, Anastasija 04 May 2020 (has links)
Violating social norms often elicits a negative public response aimed at punishing norm violators and dissuading others from following their lead. One way to understand reactions to norm violations is through the moral panic framework. This framework identifies the reactions that an emergent norm-violating social group is likely to experience. These reactions are characterized as overexaggerated, often blaming the group for the consequences of their norm violation and suggesting that the public should fear the group. I hypothesized that social attitudes towards female breadwinner relationships (FBRs), which violate heteronormative gender norms, would reflect these, and other, moral panic characteristics. However, I expected that these characteristics would be less extreme, and thus I proposed that social reactions to FBRs would reflect a kind of moral anxiety. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a qualitative thematic analysis of 94 magazine and newspaper articles concerning FBRs, and five themes emerged. First, the articles emphasized the social change that these relationships represent. Second, gender role expectations were often discussed, with many more articles reinforcing traditional gender role expectations than non-traditional gender role expectations. Third, most articles described costs of FBRs while only a minority described benefits, and most costs concerned the couple as a whole instead of either partner individually. Fourth, societal reactions to this change were often described, and most reactions were negative. And fifth, many articles offered tips for FBRs, often focused on overcoming the costs associated with such bonds. This pattern of reactions to FBRs ultimately demonstrated many of the characteristics of moral anxiety. Overall, these media articles portrayed FBRs as undesirable relationships involving stressed women and emasculated men: a stigmatizing portrayal that could dissuade others from pursuing such relationships. / Graduate / 2021-04-08

Female employment, gender roles, and attitudes : The Baltic countries in a broader context

Motiejūnaitė, Akvilė January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of four constituent studies exploring several common themes: female participation in employment, normative assumptions regarding the proper roles of males and females, and social change. The underlying focus is gendered division of work, which is explored through the concept of family models. These models are conceptualized with reference to the interrelationships between female employment, availability of care services outside the family, and sharing of care work within the family. The empirical analysis is mostly based on the Baltic countries, but also includes Germany, Sweden, and Russia. By examining the variation between the countries, the research aims to highlight some common issues regarding the gendered division of work, issues that bridge the East/West divide. The data come from three sources: 1) available national descriptive statistics, 2) surveys, namely, the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) ‘Family and Changing Gender Roles’ modules and the European Values Survey (EVS), and 3) nineteen problem-centred interviews with women who experienced hardships in the Lithuanian labour market. The analyzed time period starts with the collapse of socialism. The studies call into question the assumption that strong support for the traditional ‘male breadwinner/female carer’ family model in post-socialist societies contributed to the exclusion of women from the labour market. Comparing male and female employment indicators revealed no general pattern of female exclusion from the labour market. Moreover, gender-role attitudes are neither uniform nor traditional in the studied societies. The most valid generalization would be that there is a trend towards less traditional attitudes over time, more precisely, towards greater acceptance of women’s working roles. Summarizing the current situation regarding the gendered division of work, with reference to policies, practices, and attitudes, reveals the presence of ‘adult worker’ family models in Eastern Europe.

Learning to serve time : troubling spaces of working class masculinities in the UK

Maguire, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of the classed and gendered trajectories that lead to 'revolving door' incarceration for a group of men from working class backgrounds. Considering that men commit most crime and, in the UK, account for over 95% of the prison population, there is relatively little scholarship that explores the links between masculinity and crime and almost a dearth of ethnographic enquiry into the links between the social construction of masculinities and incarceration. In response, this study, employing qualitative in-depth life history interviews with thirty male prisoners housed in an East Yorkshire prison, examines the cyclical interrelations between cultural representations of masculinity, place, schooling, employment, crime and incarceration. Influenced by Connell's theoretical framework, including the relational concept of protest masculinities, and by the Teesside School's work on transitions and alternative careers, the main aim of this research is to examine if, and to what extent, significant cultural and institutional spaces were complicit in the construction and maintenance of versions of protest masculinities. The study reveals that masculinities negotiated over interconnecting sites of deprived neighbourhoods, inadequate children's residential 'care' homes and failing schools better prepared most respondents to serve time in prison than to work in contemporary deindustrialised labour markets. Formative teenage years spent negotiating impoverished prison regimes and living up to extreme prison masculinities contributed to many of the respondents spending more time inside prison than 'on the out'. The thesis concludes with recommendations for policy approaches to better facilitate crucial sites, such as schools and prisons, undoing, rather than reinforcing, troubling gender performances for young boys and men like these respondents. Reducing rising male prison populations, mainly made up of men from deprived neighbourhoods, might be more effectively tackled through innovative, gender informed, policy, ensuring that institutional spaces of learning, 'care', punishment and rehabilitation work harder to open up more positive avenues to doing masculinity.

Normbrytande kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga familjeförsörjares upplevelse av det betalda och obetalda arbetet

Brebäck, Ida, Karlsson, Juliana January 2023 (has links)
For decades, the man has been seen as the ideal of the role of the main breadwinner and the woman as the nurturing carer. As women become more educated, this leads to more females becoming breadwinners. Thus, being the main breadwinner as a woman is still a norm-breaking role today, but one that is likely to become increasingly common in the future. The aim of the study is thus to gain an understanding of the division of unpaid labour as these women may be considered norm-breakers. Furthermore, we want to reach an understanding of how/ if these women experience conflict when it comes to the role of primary breadwinner and her role as a mother. This qualitative study is based on interviews with female breadwinners who work full-time and are mothers. The theoretical framework of the study consists of Berger and Luckmann's theory of socialization, West and Zimmerman's theory of Doing Gender, the Doing Family theory by David Morgan, and the work-family conflict by Greenhaus and Beutell. The results of the study suggest that the women experience a conflict between their roles as mothers as well as working women. It also shows that women have different perceptions of equality in the home and the distribution of unpaid work. / Mannen har länge ansetts vara idealet för rollen som den huvudsakliga familjeförsörjaren och kvinnan som den omhändertagande omsorgstagaren. I takt med att kvinnor utbildar sig i allt högre utsträckning leder det till att allt fler kvinnor blir familjeförsörjare. Att vara den huvudsakliga familjeförsörjaren som kvinna är således än idag en normbrytande roll men som förmodligen kommer att bli allt mer vanligt förekommande i framtiden. Syftet med studien är således att nå en förståelse för hur uppdelningen av det obetalda arbetet ser ut då dessa kvinnor kan anses vara normbrytande. Vi söker dessutom att nå en förståelse för hur/om dessa kvinnor upplever en konflikt när det kommer till rollen som huvudsaklig familjeförsörjare och hennes roll som mamma. Denna kvalitativa studie baserar sitt resultat utifrån intervjuer med kvinnliga familjeförsörjare som är heltidsarbetande och mammor. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består Berger och Luckmanns teori om socialisation, West och Zimmermans teori Doing Gender, teorin Doing Family av David Morgan samt Work- family conflict av Greenhaus och Beutell. Studiens resultat tyder på att kvinnorna upplever en konflikt mellan sin roll som mamma såväl som huvudsaklig familjeförsörjare. Det framkommer även att upplevelsen av uppdelningen av hushållsarbetet anses vara ojämnt fördelat i olika mån.

Horizontal equity in the taxation of the income of individuals in the Republic of South Africa subsequent to the submission of the Margo report

Coetzee, K. (Karina) 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine whether horizontal equity in the taxation of individuals in South Africa improved after the legislative changes from 1984 to 1995 and the Katz Commission recommendations. After an extensive literature study, horizontal equity in the taxation of individuals in South Africa was defined as the equivalent tax treatment in equivalent economic circumstances for the same economic units. The household as the economic unit, is the unit to be considered when evaluating horizontal equity. The study also reviewed the solutions found in other countries for the dilemma of the one-breadwinner versus the two-breadwinner married couple. It was found that the tax systems of most countries provide relief to the one-breadwinner couple while the working wife was taxed separately from her husband or had the option to be taxed separately. An important part of this study compared the tax of the unmarried taxpayer and the married couple as the units for horizontal equity. It was found that, although two-breadwinner married couples were discriminated against until the separate taxation of married couples was introduced, the one-breadwinner couple and single taxpayers with dependants now suffer more horizontal inequity than was previously the case. The research indicated that to attain greater horizontal equity provision should also be made for families and households with only one breadwinner (breadwinner being defined as the provider in a one-breadwinner couple or a ·taxpayer with dependents). Recommendations made to alleviate this inequity are transferable allowances for spouses, or, without ~ontravening the Constitution's demands for equality, a separate rate schedule for breadwinners, a fixed allowance or rebate for breadwinners, or a proportional allo~ance depending on the breadwinner's income. The study also addressed the financial and administrative implications and political acceptability of these recommendations and concluded that the proportional allowance, although expensive, would come the closest to providing the greatest horizontal equity. The research into the international tax measures to promote equity revealed that horizontal equity could be further promoted by providing tax relief for child-care and day-care facilities. This would benefit both the two-breadwinner married couple and the single parent with dependent children. / Financail accounting / D.Com. (Applied Accountancy)

Narratiewe pastorale terapie met broodwinners tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses

Gardiner, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die aanwending van narratiewe pastorale terapie met breadwinners wat werksonsekerheid tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses ervaar. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en is gebaseer op narratiewe pastorale gesprekvoerlng esook die proses van meervoudige refleksie waardeur die navorsing gerig en aangepas word. As navorser was ek deelnemer in die proses van verandering waarin veralgemening genegeer is en die rol van persoonlike kennis beklemtoon is. Die terapie is gerig op proaktiewe optrede tydens die rasionaliseringsproses en is ten opsigte van elkeen van die deelnemers aangewend in pasmaakgesprekke waartydens hul unieke behoefles aandag geniet het. Deur die metode van eksternalisering is die invloed van werksonsekerheid op die deelnemers geeksploreer en is hulie aangemoedig om in 'n ander verhouding tot die probleem van werksonsekerheid le staan. Namate die deelnemers tydens hierdie proses belangrike skuiwe op die vlak van identiteit gemaak het, ken hulie die toekoms met nuwe hoop bejeen. / The research was directed at the application of narrative pastoral therapy with breadwinners experiencing job insecurity during a process of rationalisation. This qualitative study was based on narrative pastoral conversations as well as the process of multiple reflection through which the research was directed and adapted. As researcher, I was a participant in the process of change in which generalisations were negated and the role of personal knowledge emphasised. The therapy was directed at proactive action during the rationalisation process and was applied in respect of each of the participants in a customised conversation. The influence of job insecurity on the participants was explored through the method of externalisation and they were encouraged to adopt a new relationship to the problem of job insecurity. In the process, as each participant made important shifts on the level of identity, they wera able to view the future with new hope. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

Eating burnt toast : the lived experiences of female breadwinners in South Africa

Parry, Bianca Rochelle 11 1900 (has links)
In modern South African society, many women have overcome traditional notions of gender by becoming breadwinners in their homes and providing primary financial support for their families. Employing a Phenomenological Feminist viewpoint, this dissertation contextualises the meaning that South African female breadwinners (FBW) ascribe to their experiences within their lived environment, utilising data collected from in-depth, unstructured interviews with FBW from the Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces. While taking into consideration their intersectional experiences of gender, race, as well as cultural and traditional societal pressures, this study represents these womens’ voices in order to understand how they make meaning of and negotiate their spaces and roles as breadwinners. In the course of interviews and analysis, the realities faced by FBW revealed experiences, individual and communal, shared and unique, which expose archaic divisions of gender within our society, which have been hiding behind constructions of reform advocating equality among the sexes. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Eating burnt toast : the lived experiences of female breadwinners in South Africa

Parry, Bianca Rochelle 11 1900 (has links)
In modern South African society, many women have overcome traditional notions of gender by becoming breadwinners in their homes and providing primary financial support for their families. Employing a Phenomenological Feminist viewpoint, this dissertation contextualises the meaning that South African female breadwinners (FBW) ascribe to their experiences within their lived environment, utilising data collected from in-depth, unstructured interviews with FBW from the Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces. While taking into consideration their intersectional experiences of gender, race, as well as cultural and traditional societal pressures, this study represents these womens’ voices in order to understand how they make meaning of and negotiate their spaces and roles as breadwinners. In the course of interviews and analysis, the realities faced by FBW revealed experiences, individual and communal, shared and unique, which expose archaic divisions of gender within our society, which have been hiding behind constructions of reform advocating equality among the sexes. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)

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