Spelling suggestions: "subject:"broad"" "subject:"road""
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The economics of information securityDlamini, Moses Thandokuhle 20 September 2010 (has links)
In the year 2008, world markets suffered a huge economic crisis. The extent of the economic crisis has been so severe and has had a global impact. As a contingency strategy, governments of wealthy nations have resorted to extensive bailouts and rescue packages to stop organisations from going bankrupt. A skyrocketing amount of money has been spent on rescue packages and bailouts for the tumbling organisations. However, this could not stop some of the world’s wealthiest financial institutions e.g. Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock, etc from collapsing. Most of the surviving organisations froze their expenditure, implemented cost-cutting measures and in the process, numerous employees lost their jobs. Executives were compelled to ‘achieve more with less’ in order to save their organisations from going bankrupt. It is on this premise that this research proposed the BC3I (Broad Control Category Cost Indicators) model, which is a step towards ‘achieving more with less’ within information security budgeting. The tumbling world markets and increased requirements for legal and regulatory compliance have made this a timely and relevant research that addressed a current, spot-on and global problem. The BC3I model as the main outcome of this research has indeed come at the right time. The BC3I model as proposed in this research makes a real contribution towards assisting information security managers as they make informed decisions regarding the optimal and cost-effective allocation of financial resources to information security activities. The proposed model can be argued to be a good start towards the selection of appropriate controls to optimally and cost-effectively protect organisations’ information assets and simultaneously achieve compliance with legal and regulatory mandates. As a proof of concept, the practicality of the BC3I model has been demonstrated in three different scenarios. The model has been illustrated for an organisation chosen from the financial sector; being the hardest hit by the economic crisis. Furthermore, the financial sector is chosen because of its high reliance on information security for the most obvious reasons that of dealing with money and confidential customer information. Finally and for acceptance purposes, the model has been discussed and reviewed by industry experts from the financial sector. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Neoliberalismo no Uruguai e as políticas sociais para o trabalho da Frente Ampla : o caso dos Conselhos de Salários 2005-2010 /Lopes, Alexandre dos Santos January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Anderson Deo / Resumo: Este trabalho pretende discutir a implementação do trabalho decente e os Conselhos de Salários no Uruguai de 2005 a 2010. A hipótese principal consiste na incompatibilidade estrutural entre acumulação e equidade. Perguntamos se é possível superar a injustiça social, a desigualdade e implementar o trabalho decente por meio da negociação coletiva, aos moldes da OIT (1998). A abordagem teórica recai sobre as obras de Karl Marx e aos representantes da Teoria Marxista da Dependência. Theotônio dos Santos, Ruy Mauro Marini e Vivián Trías nos anos 1970 no intuito de explicarem o significado do caráter do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado e a superexploração do trabalho dos países latino-americanos abordaram os processos de extração de mais-valia em direção aos países desenvolvidos. Quando a Frente Ampla chegou à presidência da república no Uruguai criaram planos e programas de combate a fome e a extrema pobreza, reinseriram a política de Conselhos de Salários e implementaram o trabalho decente através do aumento salarial e proteção social aos trabalhadores. A resposta encontrada pelos investidores internacionais foi a inserção de novas tecnologias, a manutenção da existência de um exército industrial de reserva e a precarização laboral. / Abstract: This work aims to discuss the implementation of decent work and the Uruguayan Wage Councils from 2005 to 2010. The main hypothesis is the structural incompatibility between accumulation and equity. We ask whether it is possible to overcome social injustice and inequality and implement decent work through collective bargaining, along the lines of the ILO (1998). The theoretical approach is based on the works of Karl Marx and the representatives of the Marxist Theory of Dependence. Theotonio dos Santos, Ruy Mauro Marini and Vivián Trías in the 1970s to explain the meaning of the character of unequal and combined development and the overexploitation of labour in Latin American countries addressed the processes of extracting surplus value towards developed countries. When the Broad Front came to the presidency of the Republic in Uruguay, they created plans and programs to combat hunger and extreme poverty, reinserted the policy of Wage Councils and implemented decent work through wage increases and social protection for workers. The response found by international investors was the insertion of new technologies, the maintenance of the existence of an industrial reserve army and the precariousness of labor. / Résumé: Ce travail s’ occupe de discuter la mise em place du travail décent et les Conseils de Salaires au Uruguai de 2005 jusqu’à 2010. L´ l'hypothèse principal consiste dans l` incompatibilité structurelle entre l'accumulation et l'équité. Nous demandons si c’ est possible surmonter l'injustice sociale, et l’ l'inégalité et déployer le travail décent par la négociation collective, sur le format de l’ OIT (1998). L’ approche théorique incombe aux oeuvres de Karl Marx et aux représentants de la Théorie Marxiste de la Dependance. Theotônio dos Santos, Ruy Mauro Marini et Vivián Trías dans les années 1970 dans l'ordre d’expliquer le sens du caractère du développement inégal et combiné et surexploitation du travail des pays d'Amérique latine ont abordé les processus d’extraction de la plus-value vers les pays développés. Quand la Front Wide a atteint la présidence de la république au Uruguay ont créé des plans et des programmes de lutte contre la faim et l'extrême pauvreté, réinséré la politique du Conseil des salaires et mis en oeuvre le travail d’ augmentations de salaire et protection sociale des travailleurs. La réponse trouvée par les investisseurs internationaux a été l’insertion de nouvelles technologies, le maintien de l'existence d'une armée de réserve industrielle et la précarité du travail. / Doutor
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Zatopení nízkých pravoúhlých přelivů se širokou korunou / Submergence of low rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weirsMajor, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with submergence of low rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weirs. From measurement of water levels in front of and behind of weir at different discharges and different weir heights, were determined values of submergence coefficient depending on relative height of submergence. From these values were determined the equation of submergence coefficient. Measured values were compared which results measurements, which are given in professional literature.
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Inaktivierung von Salmonella Typhimurium und Yersinia enterocolitica auf Schwarte und Schweinelachs mittels gepulsten LichtsKoch, Franziska 27 November 2020 (has links)
Einleitung: Salmonellen und Yersinien haben als zweit- und dritthäufigste Verursacher bakterieller Gastroenteritiden in Deutschland und Europa im Jahr 2017 eine große Bedeutung als Lebensmittelinfektionserreger. Übertragen werden sie hauptsächlich durch den Verzehr roher, unzureichend gekühlter oder ungenügend erhitzter Schweinefleischerzeugnisse (Schweinemett, Hackepeter, kurz gereifte Rohwürste). Der Eintrag in die Lebensmittelkette erfolgt über symptomlose Trägertiere, die am Schlachthof in der Lebendund Fleischuntersuchung nicht als solche identifizierbar sind. Durch Kreuzkontaminationen kann es zur Verschleppung der Erreger auf die Schlachttierkörperoberflächen eigentlich gesunder Tiere kommen. Die vorherrschenden Hygienemaßnahmen am Schlachthof haben bisher nicht zu einer Verringerung des Auftretens dieser Bakterien geführt. Alternativ könnte gepulstes Licht (GL) als zusätzliches Dekontaminationsverfahren zum Einsatz kommen. Dessen antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit wurde bereits in zahlreichen Studien nachgewiesen. In der Literatur fehlten jedoch bislang Daten zur Inaktivierung von Salmonella ssp. auf Schwarte und Schweinelachs. Bezüglich Yersinia ssp. lagen noch gar keine Studien vor.
Ziel der Untersuchungen: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Inaktivierung beider Erreger auf oben genannten Matrices zu testen und, unter Berücksichtigung chemischer und sensorischer Attribute der Produkte sowie die Eignung des Verfahrens für die Praxis abzuschätzen.
Material und Methoden: Für die Untersuchungen mit künstlich inokulierten Schwarte- und Schweinefleischproben wurden die humanpathogenen Bakterien S. Typhimurium und Y. enterocolitica (Biotyp 4) verwendet. Die antimikrobielle Wirkung von GL wurde bei Fluences zwischen 0,52 und 19,11 J/cm² geprüft. Farb- bzw. Temperaturveränderungen auf der Probenoberfläche wurden mit Hilfe eines Spektrophotometers (CM 600 d, Konica Minolta) respektive eines Infrarotthermometers (104 IR, Testo) ermittelt. Zur Beurteilung der Lipidoxidation wurde die TBARS-Methode angewandt und die Proben maximal 10 Tage bei 4° C gelagert. Veränderungen bezüglich des Geruchs wurden bei Fluences von 0.52, 4.96
und 12.81 J/cm² mittels eines Konsensprofils beurteilt.
Ergebnisse: Auf Schwarte konnten innerhalb von Sekunden Reduktionen von 1,73-3,16 log (S.) und von 1,48-4,37 log (Y.), auf Schweinelachs hingegen 1,7 log-Stufen für beide Mikroorganismen erreicht werden. Moderate bis starke Behandlungsregime (≥7,36 J/cm²) führten zu einer deutlich wahrnehmbaren Farbveränderung (E*ab ≥ 3) von Schwarte, ab 9,66 J/cm² zu einem signifikanten Verlust des roten Farbanteils von Schweinelachs. Zur Bewertung einer forcierten Fettoxidation wurde Malondialdehyd (MDA) in den Proben
quantitativ bestimmt. Keine der getesteten Einstellungen hatte eine Überschreitung des Grenzwertes von 0,5 μg/g, ab dem Testpersonen die Produkte als ranzig wahrnehmen, zur Folge. Eine Überprüfung des Geruches erfolgte anhand von drei getesteten Fluences, die eine niedrige (0,52 J/cm²), moderate (4,96 J/cm²) und starke (12,81 J/cm²) Behandlung repräsentieren sollten. Mit 0,52 J/cm² bestrahlte Schwarte wurde von den Panel-Mitgliedern als weniger nach Schwein und weniger fettig riechend bewertet und somit als angenehm empfunden, ansonsten wurden chemische Gerüche wahrgenommen.
Schlussfolgerungen: Aus den erzielten Daten geht hervor, dass sich gepulstes Licht in niedrigen Dosen (≤0,52 J/cm²) zur Dekontamination von Schwarte eignet. Praktisch umsetzbar wäre dies am Schlachthof als geschlossene Behandlungskammer, unmittelbar nach der Eviszeration. Somit könnte der noch nicht geteilte Schlachtkörper oberflächlich behandelt werden, ohne das unter der Haut befindliche Fleisch zu erreichen und die oben genannten Veränderungen hervorzurufen. Notwendig ist hierbei die Gewährleistung des Arbeitsschutzes. In diesem Zusammenhang muss entstehendes Ozon unschädlich beseitigt
werden und das Tragen einer UV-Schutzbrille in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Gerätes angeordnet werden. Abschließend ist hervorzuheben, dass das GL als zusätzliche, unterstützende Maßnahme zur Bekämpfung von Lebensmittelinfektionserregern zu sehen ist und keine bestehenden Hygienemaßnahmen (gute Hygienepraxis) ersetzen darf. Aufgrund
der geringeren Wirksamkeit auf Schweinelachs und den damit verbundenen geruchlichen Veränderungen ist eine Applikation auf Schweinefleisch ohne weiterführende Untersuchungen nicht zielführend.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS ..............................................................................................III
1 EINLEITUNG ........................................................................................................... 1
2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT ........................................................................................ 3
2.1 Gepulstes Licht und gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen ............................................. 3
2.2 Wirk- und Reparaturmechanismen, Resistenzbildung und Inaktivierungskinetik ....... 7
2.2.1 Photochemischer Effekt ................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Photoreaktivierung ........................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Photothermischer Effekt ................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Physikalischer Effekt ........................................................................................ 9
2.2.5 Resistenzbildung .............................................................................................. 9
2.2.6 Inaktivierungskinetik ......................................................................................... 9
2.3 Einflussparameter ................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Mikroorganismus .............................................................................................10
2.3.2 Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung ...............................................................................12
2.3.3 Matrix ..............................................................................................................12
2.4 Gepulstes Licht zur Inaktivierung von lebensmittelassoziierten Erregern in
Fleischwaren .......................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Zielstellung dieser Arbeit ......................................................................................... 17
3 VERÖFFENTLICHUNG ..........................................................................................18
3.1 Eigenanteil zur Veröffentlichung ............................................................................. 18
3.2 Publikation .............................................................................................................. 18
4 ÜBERGREIFENDE DISKUSSION ..........................................................................46
4.1 Eignung des Verfahrens „Gepulstes Licht“ zur Dekontamination von Schwarte
und Schweinelachs ................................................................................................. 46
4.2 Vergleich von GL mit anderen Dekontaminationsverfahren .................................... 49
4.2.1 Chemische Dekontamination ...........................................................................49
4.2.2 Physikalische Dekontamination .......................................................................49
4.2.3 Biologische Dekontamination ..........................................................................50
4.3 Alternativer Einsatz von GL..................................................................................... 51
4.4 Schlussfolgerungen ................................................................................................ 51
5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..........................................................................................53
6 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................55
7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS ....................................................................................57
ANHANG ..............................................................................................................................66
DANKSAGUNG ....................................................................................................................72 / Introduction: Since Salmonella ssp. and pathogenic Yersinia ssp. were the second and third most frequent causes for bacterial gastroenteritis in Germany and throughout Europe in 2017 they are of high significance as foodborne infectious agents. They are mainly transmitted by consumption of raw, inadequately cooled or insufficiently heated pork meat products (ground pork, minced pork, shortly ripened raw sausages). Subclinically infected pigs, so-called “carriers”, cannot be detected during ante- and post-mortem inspection in the slaughterhouse. Cross-contamination can lead to bacterial dissemination onto actually S.- or Y.-free carcasses. Prevailing hygienic measures could not reduce bacterial prevalence in the abattoir so far. Thus, pulsed light (PL) may be used as an additional decontamination procedure. Its antimicrobial potential was proven in numerous studies. However, there are no data in the scientific literature about inactivation of Salmonella ssp. on pork skin and loin.
Moreover, no experiments with Yersinia in connection with pulsed light have been performed until now.
Aim of this study: Hence, the aim of this work was to investigate the inactivation of both microorganisms on above-mentioned matrices and to assess the suitability of the PL treatment for implementation in a slaughterhouse considering chemical and sensory alterations of the products.
Materials and Methods: For experiments with artificially inoculated pork skin and loin
samples human-pathogenic bacteria S. Typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica (Biotype 4) were used. The antimicrobial effect of PL was tested at fluences between 0.52 and 19.11 J/cm². Color and temperature changes on the sample surface were determined by means of a spectrophotometer (CM 600 d, Konica Minolta) or an infrared thermometer (104 IR, Testo). The TBARS method was used to assess lipid per-oxidation and the samples were stored at 4° C for a maximum of 10 days. Odor changes were appraised at fluences of 0.52, 4.96 and 12.81 J/cm² using consensus profiling.
Results: On pork skin reductions of 1.73-3.16 log (S.) and of 1.48-4.37 log (Y.) were
achieved within seconds. In contrast, on pork loin only 1.7 log of both microorganisms were maximally inactivated. Moderate to strong treatments (≥7.36 J/cm²) led to distinct color changes (E*ab ≥ 3) in pork skin, fluences above 9.66 J/cm² to a significant loss of red color in pork loin. For evaluation of possible accelerated lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde (MDA) was analyzed quantitatively in samples. None of the tested parameter combinations resulted in threshold value exceedance of 0.5 μg MDA/g which is the point where panel members start to perceive products as rancid. Odor appraisal was carried out using three fluences representing a mild (0.52 J/cm²), moderate (4.96 J/cm²) and strong (12.81 J/cm²) treatment. Pork skin treated with 0.52 J/cm² was assessed as less porky, less fatty and, thus, pleasant
by panel members, apart from that chemical odors were perceived.
Conclusions: From the available data it appears that pulsed light could be used in mild doses (≤0.52 J/cm²) for pork skin decontamination. Practically, a PL-unit could be designed as a closed chamber, implemented directly after the evisceration in the abattoir. This way, the not yet separated carcass could be treated superficially without reaching the meat surface preventing the above-mentioned alterations. Guarantee of safety at work also plays an important role. Emerging ozone must be evacuated safely and UV-protection glasses should be worn in direct proximity to the PL-system.
Finally, one needs to consider, that PL should be regarded as an additional, supportive measure to control foodborne pathogens and not as a replacement for existing hygiene standards (good hygiene practice). An application on pork meat does not seem to be conducive because of its lower effect on pork loin and the associated odor changes.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS ..............................................................................................III
1 EINLEITUNG ........................................................................................................... 1
2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT ........................................................................................ 3
2.1 Gepulstes Licht und gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen ............................................. 3
2.2 Wirk- und Reparaturmechanismen, Resistenzbildung und Inaktivierungskinetik ....... 7
2.2.1 Photochemischer Effekt ................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Photoreaktivierung ........................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Photothermischer Effekt ................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Physikalischer Effekt ........................................................................................ 9
2.2.5 Resistenzbildung .............................................................................................. 9
2.2.6 Inaktivierungskinetik ......................................................................................... 9
2.3 Einflussparameter ................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Mikroorganismus .............................................................................................10
2.3.2 Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung ...............................................................................12
2.3.3 Matrix ..............................................................................................................12
2.4 Gepulstes Licht zur Inaktivierung von lebensmittelassoziierten Erregern in
Fleischwaren .......................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Zielstellung dieser Arbeit ......................................................................................... 17
3 VERÖFFENTLICHUNG ..........................................................................................18
3.1 Eigenanteil zur Veröffentlichung ............................................................................. 18
3.2 Publikation .............................................................................................................. 18
4 ÜBERGREIFENDE DISKUSSION ..........................................................................46
4.1 Eignung des Verfahrens „Gepulstes Licht“ zur Dekontamination von Schwarte
und Schweinelachs ................................................................................................. 46
4.2 Vergleich von GL mit anderen Dekontaminationsverfahren .................................... 49
4.2.1 Chemische Dekontamination ...........................................................................49
4.2.2 Physikalische Dekontamination .......................................................................49
4.2.3 Biologische Dekontamination ..........................................................................50
4.3 Alternativer Einsatz von GL..................................................................................... 51
4.4 Schlussfolgerungen ................................................................................................ 51
5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..........................................................................................53
6 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................55
7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS ....................................................................................57
ANHANG ..............................................................................................................................66
DANKSAGUNG ....................................................................................................................72
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Economic risk exposure in stock market returns :|ba sector approach in South Africa (2007-2015)Molele, Sehludi Brian January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. Commerce (Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / South Africa had targeted the oil and gas sector for investment through the industrial action plan as a special economic zone. However, certain economic fundamentals might negate the anticipated sector financial development. This study investigate how economic risk exposure influence oil & gas sector stock market returns from 2007 to 2015 on a monthly basis. The four macroeconomic variables used to measure economic risk exposure are Brent crude oil prices, the USD/ZAR exchange rate, broad money supply and gold prices. The adopted techniques include the GARCH model to incorporate volatility, the Johansen cointegration and Granger causality techniques.
The results of the study found that change in Brent crude oil prices and broad money supply had a positive and significant impact on changes in oil & gas sector stock returns. Changes in exchange rate and gold prices had a negative and significant impact on the sector returns. The long-run relationship established one cointegrating equation in the series. Only Brent crude oil prices indicated a bi-directional Granger causality on the sector returns.
Based on the findings, it is recommended that government may use exchange rate as a policy tool to attract interest in the sector. Regarding money supply, the reserve bank should further preserve its effective regulatory infrastructure including the laws, regulations and standards towards the achievement and maintenance of a stable financial system. Portfolio managers, risk managers and investors should monitor the gold price to mitigate losses due to its strength as a safe haven asset.
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Standing long jump compared to vertical jump as a field test for assessing leg power in firefighter trainees : A correlation study from a gender equality perspectiveBringsén-Bornegrim, Mimmi January 2021 (has links)
Background: Within the rescue service, a varied background is needed to increase the possibility of delivering equal service to the citizens. At present, there is a skewed gender distribution within the municipal rescue services, with only a couple of percent of the firefighters being women. Many women find it difficult to meet the physical limit values on recruitment tests. The standing long jump (SLJ) is used as a part of recruitment tests on many rescue services, to assess leg power. It is not clear though whether SLJ is the most appropriate field-test to assess leg power in firefighter trainees, with men and women mixed in the same group, as it has been argued that anthropometric factors, such as body height (BH), affects the result. Thereby we wanted to study the relationship between BH and SLJ, and compere SLJ with another field-test for measuring leg power, one that omits the variable BH. Aim: The aim was to study the strength of the relationship between body height and the jump length at standing long jump, for firefighter trainees. A second aim was to study the strength of the relationship between firefighter trainees' jump results of the two tests: standing long jump and vertical jump. Methods: The study was executed as an observational cross-sectional study. Three different measurements were carried out: BH, vertical jump (VJ) and SLJ. Correlation analyzes, with Pearson's correlation coefficient, were performed on BH in relation to SLJ, and VJ in relation to SLJ. Results: Fourteen (n = 14) firefighter trainees (women n = 5, men n = 9) met the inclusion criteria and participated in the study. Subjects' age, body mass index (BMI) and number of workouts per week were 29 ± 7 years old, 25 ± 2 kg/m2 and 4 ± 1 workouts (at least 30 minutes) per week. Results showed a significant moderate correlation between BH and SLJ (r = 0.572). Between the variables VJ and SLJ there were a significant strong correlation (r = 0.862). However, the results changed substantially when the analyzes were performed separately for men and women, with a very low correlation level (r = 0.106 respective r = 0.166) between BH and SLJ. For VJ and SLJ there were a moderate correlation level for men and low for women (r = 0.414 respective r = 0.387). Conclusion: The result from this study is in line with aforementioned work and supports the hypothesis that BH to some extent can affect the jump result at SLJ. Our study complements earlier work and indicates that these results are also applicable to firefighter trainees. The findings in this study indicates VJ could possibly be an alternative field test for SLJ, to assess leg power when recruiting new firefighters. Additional studies are required to investigate the correlation between SLJ and VJ with ad- ditional confounders, such as actual leg power, and also the correlation between VJ and fire- fighters heaviest among most common work tasks.
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Towards a Multifaceted Understanding of Host Resistance and Pathogenicity in Rice Sheath Blight and Blast DiseasesLee, Dayoung 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Douglas Reservoir French Broad River Navigation Map (Sheet 1) - 1952Tennessee Valley Authority 01 January 1952 (has links)
Navigation Map of Douglas Reservoir-French Broad River published in 1952 by the Tennessee Valley Authority, Maps and Surveys Branch. Sheet 1 of a series of 3 maps covering Douglas Reservoir. This sheet covers mile 28.5 to mile 40.4. The index for the 3 map series can be found in the lower right quadrant. The legend denotes several information items pertaining to lake levels, direction of flow, roads, bridges, and other points of interest.
Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library.
Scale: 1" = .5 mile. Datum is mean sea level / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1030/thumbnail.jpg
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Douglas Reservoir French Broad River Navigation Map (Sheet 2) - 1952Tennessee Valley Authority 01 January 1952 (has links)
Navigation Map of Douglas Reservoir-French Broad River published in 1952 by the Tennessee Valley Authority, Maps and Surveys Branch. Sheet 2 of a series of 3 maps covering Douglas Reservoir. This sheet covers mile 40.4 to mile 57.2. The index for the 3 map series can be found in the lower right quadrant. The legend denotes several information items pertaining to lake levels, direction of flow, roads, bridges, and other points of interest.
Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library.
Scale: 1" = .5 mile. Datum is mean sea level. / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1031/thumbnail.jpg
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Upper French Broad River Watershed, North Carolina Soil Association Map - 1962Tennessee Valley Authority 01 January 1962 (has links)
Soil Association map of the Upper French Broad River Watershed published in 1962 by the Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Water Control Planning. Soil data supplied by Soils Department, North Carolina State College. Legend includes dominant soil type and descriptions, watershed divides, various types of roads, and other relevant information. Road names, mountains, communities, county lines, and other points of interest are also labeled on the map itself.
Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library.
Scale: 2.5" = 10 miles / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1033/thumbnail.jpg
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