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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SCENE STIR: How we begin to see the biosphere in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas

Cavalier, Vincent January 2015 (has links)
This essay marks the degrading biosphere in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas and argues that its narrative disclosure is meaningfully explored using the idea of a growing ecological awareness. The book depicts agentive nonhumans that are unseen or under-attended by the novel’s humans. I suggest this literary presentation of the biosphere is best understood as after the discovery of global warming when matters of ecological concern “intruded,” to use Timothy Morton’s word, on a human-only society with underequipped modes of historical thought. To construct my reading, I motivate recent work in object-oriented philosophies that would eschew anthropocentric metaphysics. I unpack Cloud Atlas’ ecological vision using Morton’s philosophy in which he explores the conceptual and aesthetic consequences of the hyperobject – a thing that is massively distributed in time and space relative to humans. My analysis will examine passages and techniques that construct Cloud Atlas’ “scenery,” and I argue that they evoke a degrading biosphere that interacts substantially with the human-only personal dramas. Features of the book’s formal construction allow for the animation of this scenery in the reader’s cross-novel interpretation. I look at how characters narrate this scenery to build my argument that the novel’s ecological vision makes claims on its storytelling characters. But as those characters still miss the long-view historical perspectives afforded the reader, they are shown to want community. I end by ruminating on how Cloud Atlas, which would “stretch” the literary novel, questions what the novel is at this ecological moment.

Terror, Composition, Embodiment: the Politics of Nature in Zizek, Latour, and Nancy

Langille, Caleb 22 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings the philosophies of Jean-Luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek and Bruno Latour into conversation around the cynosure of ecological rhetoric. It argues for a renewed contemplation of political ecology, one that relinquishes the concept of Nature in favour of the overtly politicized notion of a world in common. By tracing, for the first time, the intersections between these three thinkers’ respective philosophies of nature, this thesis strives to articulate a philosophical framework that can live up to the ecological challenges of the contemporary Anthropocene. / Graduate / 0422 / 0401 / 0298

Mapování kontroverze o množství uhlí v Dolech Nástup Tušimice / Mapping of controversy on the amount of brown coal in Doly Nástup Tušimice

Pecka, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The research utilizes 'actor-network' theory to analyze debates in the media on the socio-technical controversy on the topic of the amount of coal in the Nástup Tušimice mines. Theoretical part describes its own place in the sociological tradition and theoretical presuppositions of actor-network theory. My conclusion is that, the controversy is being developed alongside several lines, which remain relatively autonomous. Empirical part of this study analyzes dynamics of the conflict and the strategies employed by both sides in the argument over seemingly unequivocal fact. The conclusion focuses on questionable areas of ANT; especially on it's application in research of conflicts in public space which is different from its use in sociology of science where ANT originated. Problematic point seems to be utilization of management of transparency, which is employed by the alliance of companies to sustain their version of reality. Emphasis of ANT on observable aspects of controversies seems to be obstacle for fruitful use of ANT, because it probably misses the crucial areas where the controversies are being developed.

Aktören arkitekturen : Arkitektoniska icke-människors roll för skapandet av det sociala samspelet i en ekoby

Svennberg, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att försöka utreda vilken roll arkitektoniska icke-människor spelar för skapandet av socialt samspel i en ekoby. För att utreda detta utgår studien från ett antal posthumanistiska teoribildningar, främst actor-network theory och begreppet materielldiskursiv. Dessa teoribildningar anser att även icke-människor, så som hus och brevlådor, ska ses som medskapare till världen men att deras agens bestäms av vilka andra aktörer de kopplar ihop sig med i nätverk. Genom observationer och intervjuer med sju boende i en ekoby har material insamlats om det sociala samspelet i ekobyn. Empirin vittnar om att många olika icke-människor spelar en roll för skapandet av det sociala samspelet som uppstår där. Det handlar bland annat om att gemensamhetshus ger plats för gemensamma aktiviteter, att öppna gräsytor möjliggör lek och att brevlådor uppmanar till rörelse. I sig själv skapar dock inte de arkitektoniska icke-människorna socialt samspel. För att de ska få den betydelsen behöver de användas och tolkas av andra aktörer. Svaret på frågeställningen blir följaktligen att de arkitektoniska icke-människorna spelar en roll för att socialt samspel uppstår i ekobyn men vilken roll de spelar är beroende av vilka andra aktörer som de kopplar ihop sig med. / The purpose of this study is to try to investigate the role that architectural non-humans play for the creation of social interaction in an eco-village. In doing this, the study uses a number of post-humanist theories. Mainly actor-network theory and the material-discursive concept. These state that even non-humans, like houses or mailboxes, are to be seen as co-creators of actions, but that their possible roles are decided by which other actors they attach to in a network. Through observations and interviews with seven residents of an eco-village, the information was gathered. The empirical data shows that many different non-humans are taking an active role in the creating of the social interactions that goes on in the eco-village. To mention a few, the community hall gives room for group activities, open lawns create a possibility for child’s play and mailboxes call for physical movement. In themselves, however, the nonhuman actors do not create social interaction. It is only when used by and interpreted by other actors that they gain their active role. The answer to the question would consequently be that the architectural non-humans in the eco-village do play an active role in the creation of social interaction but that the role is dependent on the other actors that they connect to.

Mythical Places, Magical Communities: The Transformative Powers of Collective Storytelling in Toni Morrison's Paradise and Karen Russell's Swamplandia!

Koenig, Madison 30 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

El apocalipsis ecológico como crítica a la modernidad en dos novelas de Homero Aridjis

Loiselle, Michaël-Jean 11 1900 (has links)
L’opposition entre sociétés humaines et nature, qui pose les fondements ontologiques de la modernité, a provoqué l’insertion de tous les êtres – humains et non-humains – dans une nouvelle phase de l’histoire de la planète : l’Anthropocène. Alors même que l’origine anthropique du défi climatique rend impérative une réflexion sur notre rapport asymétrique à la nature, la culture a déjà commencé à développer une pensée écologique féconde. Dans l’œuvre dystopique de l’écrivain et activiste environnemental mexicain Homero Aridjis, qui nous propulse dans un paysage urbain immonde, infect et encrassé qui rend tangible et visible la crise écologique, l’apocalypse est pensée comme l’aboutissement d’un monde inscrit dans la matrice ravageuse de l’utopie moderne. À travers l’étude des différentes déclinaisons des dichotomies cultivées dans la pensée moderne – ontologique (culture/nature), géographique (Europe/Amérique) et de genre (masculin/féminin) –, le mémoire mettra en relief le changement paradigmatique auquel nous convie l’auteur des dystopies La leyenda de los soles (1993) et ¿En quién piensas cuando haces el amor? (1995). Contrairement à ce qui se traduit dans la cosmologie moderne, au sein de ce diptyque littéraire, culture et nature sont comprises comme des entités complémentaires. Ainsi, notre recherche propose non seulement une étude approfondie des motifs de la crise environnementale dans le roman, mais également des pistes pour réfléchir, via la fiction littéraire, à la réhabilitation des liens intrinsèques qui unissent culture et nature. / La oposición entre sociedades humanas y naturaleza, que sienta las bases ontológicas de la modernidad, condujo a la inserción de todos los seres – humanos y no-humanos – en una nueva fase de la historia del planeta: el Antropoceno. Si el origen antrópico del desafío climático nos obliga a reflexionar sobre la relación asimétrica del ser humano con la naturaleza, la cultura ya ha empezado a desarrollar un fecundo pensamiento ecológico. En la obra distópica del escritor y medioambientalista mexicano Homero Aridjis, quien nos convoca en un paisaje urbano inmundo, repugnante y contaminado que vuelve tangible y visible la crisis ecológica, el apocalipsis se concibe como el acabamiento de un mundo inscrito en la matriz destructora de la utopía moderna. A través del estudio de las distintas declinaciones de las dicotomías cultivadas en el pensamiento moderno – ontológica (cultura/naturaleza), geográfica (Europa/América) y genérica (masculino/femenino) –, esta memoria pondrá de relieve el cambio paradigmático que instila el autor de las distopías La leyenda de los soles (1993) y ¿En quién piensas cuando haces el amor? (1995). Al contrario de lo que promueve la cosmología moderna, en este díptico literario, cultura y naturaleza están entendidos como entes complementarios. Así, nuestra indagación propone no solamente un análisis profundo de los motivos de la crisis medioambiental en la novelística, sino también pistas para reflexionar vía la ficción literaria sobre la rehabilitación de los lazos intrínsecos que unen cultura y naturaleza. / The opposition between human societies and nature, which constitutes the ontological bases of modernity, has led to the insertion of all beings – humans and non-humans – in a new phase of the history of our planet: the Anthropocene. As the anthropic origin of the climate challenge obligates us to reflect upon the asymmetric relation of humankind with nature, culture has already started to develop a productive ecological thinking. In Mexican writer and ecological activist Homero Aridjis’s dystopic work, which propels us into a filthy, repulsive and polluted urban landscape that makes the ecological crisis tangible and visible, the apocalypse is thought of as the result of a world trapped in the destructive matrix of the modern utopia. Through analyzing different expressions of the dichotomies cultivated in modern thinking – ontological (culture/nature), geographic (Europe/América) and gender-related (masculine/feminine) –, this research underscores the paradigmatic changes that Aridjis promotes in his dystopic works La leyenda de los soles (1993) and ¿En quién piensas cuando haces el amor? (1995). Counter to the modern cosmology, in this literary diptych, culture and nature are understood as complementary entities. Therefore, our thesis offers not only a complete analysis of the ecological crisis motives in the novel, but also guidelines to reflect on the intrinsic bonds that link culture and nature through literary fiction.

Rehabilitating Howard M. Parshley: A Socio-Historical Study of the English Translation of Beauvoir's Le deuxième sexe, with Latour and Bourdieu

Bogic, Anna D. 08 September 2010 (has links)
This study documents the problematic translator-publisher relationship in the case of the English translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe. The socio-historical investigation of the case study demonstrates that the 1953 translation was complicated by several factors: the translator’s lack of philosophical knowledge, the editor’s demands to cut and simplify the text, the publisher’s intention to emphasize the book’s scientific cachet, and Beauvoir’s lack of cooperation. The investigation focuses on two aspects: the translator’s subservience and the involvement of multiple actors. Primarily concerned with the interaction between the translator and other actors, this study seeks answers that require investigation into historical documents and the work of other scholars critical of The Second Sex. In this enquiry, more than one hundred letters between the translator, H. M. Parshley, and the publisher, Knopf, are thoroughly analyzed. The study combines Bruno Latour’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological concepts in order to provide a more detailed and encompassing examination within the context of Translation Studies. The letter correspondence is the primary evidence on which the study’s conclusions are based. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Rehabilitating Howard M. Parshley: A Socio-Historical Study of the English Translation of Beauvoir's Le deuxième sexe, with Latour and Bourdieu

Bogic, Anna D. 08 September 2010 (has links)
This study documents the problematic translator-publisher relationship in the case of the English translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe. The socio-historical investigation of the case study demonstrates that the 1953 translation was complicated by several factors: the translator’s lack of philosophical knowledge, the editor’s demands to cut and simplify the text, the publisher’s intention to emphasize the book’s scientific cachet, and Beauvoir’s lack of cooperation. The investigation focuses on two aspects: the translator’s subservience and the involvement of multiple actors. Primarily concerned with the interaction between the translator and other actors, this study seeks answers that require investigation into historical documents and the work of other scholars critical of The Second Sex. In this enquiry, more than one hundred letters between the translator, H. M. Parshley, and the publisher, Knopf, are thoroughly analyzed. The study combines Bruno Latour’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological concepts in order to provide a more detailed and encompassing examination within the context of Translation Studies. The letter correspondence is the primary evidence on which the study’s conclusions are based. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Rehabilitating Howard M. Parshley: A Socio-Historical Study of the English Translation of Beauvoir's Le deuxième sexe, with Latour and Bourdieu

Bogic, Anna D. 08 September 2010 (has links)
This study documents the problematic translator-publisher relationship in the case of the English translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe. The socio-historical investigation of the case study demonstrates that the 1953 translation was complicated by several factors: the translator’s lack of philosophical knowledge, the editor’s demands to cut and simplify the text, the publisher’s intention to emphasize the book’s scientific cachet, and Beauvoir’s lack of cooperation. The investigation focuses on two aspects: the translator’s subservience and the involvement of multiple actors. Primarily concerned with the interaction between the translator and other actors, this study seeks answers that require investigation into historical documents and the work of other scholars critical of The Second Sex. In this enquiry, more than one hundred letters between the translator, H. M. Parshley, and the publisher, Knopf, are thoroughly analyzed. The study combines Bruno Latour’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological concepts in order to provide a more detailed and encompassing examination within the context of Translation Studies. The letter correspondence is the primary evidence on which the study’s conclusions are based. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Making a market for art : Agnews and the National Gallery, 1855-1928

Pezzini, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
The thesis investigates the interaction that developed between a major art dealer, Thos. Agnew and Sons (Agnews), and a principal public collection, the London National Gallery, from 1855 to 1928. Agnews played a crucial role in the life of the National Gallery and greatly facilitated the museum accession of important paintings, such as the Madonna Ansidei by Raphael, the Rokeby Venus by Velazquez, the Portrait of Doge Vincenzo Morosini by Tintoretto, and many others. In turn, collaborating with the National Gallery allowed Agnews to penetrate the international Old Masters market and reach for higher social standing. Through the analysis of ten case studies of acquisitions, which are supported by new archival evidence and are contextualised within a broader historical and theoretical framework, this thesis charts the emergence, development and decline of the rapport between the two organisations. It analyses how Agnews and the National Gallery began as two unconnected entities in the mid-nineteenth century, explores how their distinct trajectories turned into a close, collaborative rapport during the 1880s, and finally examines how in the third decade of the twentieth century they separated and initiated a newly detached professional relationship. Appropriating sociological theories by Pierre Bourdieu, Bruno Latour, Viviana Zelizer and others, this study investigates museum acquisitions as resulting from complex interplays of cultural and commercial forces within the field of cultural production. Acquisitions are further enlightened by the analysis of the networks that underpin them, which provide additional evidence on how economic factors are embedded within broader social constructs. By detailing and locating these processes and relationships within the historical context of a broad shift towards commercialisation, yet demonstrating that cultural elements are part of the dealers activities and that commercial values are an intrinsic component of the museum, this study provides an insight into the historical origins of modern-day relationships between museums and art dealers.

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