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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar

Hadjikhani, Melanie, Borg, Lena January 2010 (has links)
<p>Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs. We use systems theory, Hasenfeld´s theory of human services organizations  and Lipsky´s grassroots bureaucrats to analyze how social worker work with clients of different experiences, knowledge and some of their own personal values for the various operations. The efforts in our work we have examined is traditional familycare and MTFC (Multi dementional Treatment Foster Care), we have found that there are different arguments for different actions, but the assessments are made virtually the same assessment model. There are requirements that govern the operation of which is matched with the objectives and resources administration. Social worker also believes that social work is a game where we do not know how the results will be.</p>

Mellan myndighetutövning och medmänsklighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur den dualistiska rollen skapas bland socialsekreterare på ekonomiskt bistånd / In the midst of exercise of authority &amp; compassion : A qualitative interview study on how the dualistic role is created among social workers on financial assistance

Bengtsson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
The essay wants to capture and illustrate the complex role/roles that social workers possess in their work. The purpose of the essay is to find different parts of their work where their different roles are put to the test and challenged. The purpose is to understand how the dualistic role of social workers is created and arises in relation to external and internal expectations. In which situations and contexts do they take on their different roles, i.e. to be someone's "savior" or the person in power and how this in turn affects their work. To understand this, theories of power relations, grassroots bureaucracy and role theories will be applied. The essay is based on a qualitative interview method with four social workers on financial aid in a mediumsized city. The results of the thesis indicate that there are several influencing factors at different levels, which can form the basis for the role conflict. Expectations of the social workers and their assignment, in the form of expected and unexpected assignments in relation to society, the organization and the clients. Where the problem arises from different views on the role of assignments, where they do not correspond to the social workers perception, which in turn creates an internal conflict with the social worker. It can be concluded that the role conflict is created by different expectations of the social workers assignments, from society, the organization, the client and above all themselves. Based on the essay, it can be seen that the different roles that the social secretary holds are only created in relation to someone else.

Önskas enkel- eller dubbelrum? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdarensupplevelse av att arbeta under press / Single- or double room desirable?

Dahlén, Peter, Maloku, Ardiana January 2022 (has links)
Kriminalvården är en myndighet som på senare tid fått mycket uppmärksamhet i media. Myndigheten står inför stora utmaningar avseende plats- och resursbrist och behöver anställa 4 000 personer till år 2025. Det har genomförts flertalet studier kring vårdande och rättsliga myndigheter hur de agerar och verkar under press. Rättsvårdande myndigheter som Kriminalvården har inte studerats i samma omfattning. Myndigheten har en central funktion med ett samhällsviktigt uppdrag och kunskap inom området är högst relevant. Därför avser denna studie fylla en kunskapslucka som råder, genom att öka förståelse för den profession som arbetar klientnära inom en av rättsväsendets myndigheter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka värden och handlingsmönster som framträder hos kriminalvårdare när de står inför utmaningar. Studien är genomförd via kvalitativ metod och Utförd inom några utav Kriminalvårdens häkten och anstalter, med fokus på kriminalvårdare som utför klientnära arbete. Studiens ansats är induktiv som innebär att utefter kriminalvårdarnas upplevelser har olika teman identifierats och analyserats. Som referensram användes Lipskys (2010) teori om närbyråkraten och etisk stress via Bengtsell, Thoursie och Åstrand Freidlitz (2021). Studien visar att säkerheten är ett överordnat värde inom Kriminalvården samt vikten av att inneha en humanistisk människosyn för klient påverkan. Det mest framträdande handlingsmönstret är sammanhållningen mellan kriminalvårdare för att hantera utmaningarna som de möter i sin vardag. Detta visar att kriminalvårdare innehar egenskaper både som närbyråkrat och byråkrat. En unik yrkesroll som inte förekommer inom andra närliggande områden. / The Correctional Service is an authority that has recently received a lot of attention in the media. The authority is facing major challenges regarding lack of space and resources and needs to employ 4,000 people by the year 2025. Several studies have been carried out about care and judicial authorities and how they act and operate under pressure. Law enforcement agencies such as the Correctional Service have not been studied to the same extent. The authority has a central function with an important mission in society, knowledge in the area is highly relevant. Therefore, this study intends to fill a gap of knowledge that exists, by increasing understanding of the profession that works close to clients within one of the judicial authorities. The purpose of the study was to investigate which values and action patterns that appears in the role of correctional officers when they are faced with challenges. The study was carried out via a qualitative method and carried out within some of the Correctional Service's prisons and institutions, with a focus on correctional officers who perform clientrelated work. The study's approach is inductive, which means that based on the experiences of the correctional officers, various themes have been identified and analyzed. Lipsky's (2010) theory of the street-level bureaucrat and ethical stress via Bengtsell, Thoursie and Åstrand Freidlitz (2021) was used as a frame of reference. The study shows that safety is an overriding value within the Correctional Service, as well as the importance of having a humanistic view of people when influencing clients. The most prominent pattern of action is the cohesion between correctional officers to deal with the challenges they face in their everyday lives. This shows that correctional officers possess characteristics both as street-level bureaucrat and bureaucrat. A unique professional role that does not occur in other related fields.

Närbyråkraten kommer till tals : En kvalitativ studie om närbyråkratens upplevelse av tjänstemannarollenoch handlingsutrymmet i en post-NPM era av styrningsidéer / The street-level bureaucrat gets to speak : A qualitative study on the street-level bureaucrats experience of the civilservant role and discretion in a post-NPM era of governance ideas

Bellini, Tara January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka närbyråkraters upplevelser av sin roll somoffentligt anställd, och sitt handlingsutrymme i en post-NPM era av styrningsidéer. Dettainnebär att kartlägga hur de upplever den komplexa rollen som närbyråkrat och dehandlingsutrymme som det innebär i en politiskt föränderlig miljö. Studien, som är avkvalitativ sort, genomfördes hos Socialtjänsten i Malmö. Alla tjänstemän i offentlig verksamhet behöver förhålla sig till de krav samhället ställer pådem, det offentliga etoset. Närbyråkrater har ytterligare en utmaning i att hanterahandlingsutrymmet som innebär en balans mellan rättssäkerhet och etik ochsituationsanpassat beslutsfattande i mötet med medborgare. De senaste decennierna harpräglats av ett antal styrreformer som har kommit att påverka hur offentlig verksamhetutformas och bedrivs. Många forskare är eniga om att styrreformer med inspiration frånnäringslivet har haft negativ inverkan på den offentliga sektorn, och i förlängningensamhället i stort. Studier visar också att idéer från styrreformer sällan byts ut, utan iställetkompletteras till nuvarande och skapar komplexa hybridsystem som ofta gör organisationenineffektiv och svårstyrd. Resultatet speglar närbråkraternas egna upplevelser och visar ett komplext samband därmotstridiga styrlogiker styr inom organisationen, där både styridéer från begreppet NPM ochpost-NPM identifieras. Resultatet visar också komplexiteten i samlevande styrlogiker ochstyrsystem låter närbyråkrater befinna sig i ett spänningsfält mellan sig själv ochbeslutsfattare, där handlingsutrymme att situationsanpassa bedömningar är fritt, menresurserna tillhanda kontrolleras av en organisation i politisk föränderlig miljö. Vidare verkardet finnas ett unikt handlingsutrymme inom handlingsutrymmet i socialarbetarrollen,bestående av hur man förhåller sig till det frihet under ansvar som rollen innebär. Slutligendiskuteras delar av empirin i relation till en ännu inte etablerad teori kring motivation tilloffentligt arbete där intressanta fynd görs. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate local bureaucrats' experiences of their role aspublic employees, and their discretion in a post-NPM era of governance ideas. This meanscharting how they experience the complex role of street-level bureaucracy and discretion thatthis entails in a politically changing environment. The study, which is of a qualitative nature,was carried out at the Social Services in Malmö. All civil servants in public organizationsneed to consider the demands society places on them, the public ethos. Street-levelbureaucrats have another challenge in managing the room for action, which involves abalance between the rule of law and public ethics and situationally adapted decision-makingwhen in contact with citizens. The last few decades have been characterized by a number ofgovernance reforms that have come to influence how public organizations are designed andfunction. Many researchers agree that governance reforms inspired by business have had anegative impact on the public sector, and by extension also the society at large. Studies alsoshow that ideas from management reforms are rarely replaced, but instead supplemented tocurrent ones and create complex hybrid systems that often make the organization inefficientand difficult to manage. The result reflects the street-level bureaucrats’ own experiences andshows a complex relationship where conflicting management logics rule within theorganization, where both management ideas from the concept of NPM and post-NPM areidentified. The result also shows the complexity of coexisting management logics andmanagement systems when bureaucrats find themselves in a tension field between themselvesand decision-makers, where discretion to adapt assessments to the situation is current, but theresources at hand are controlled by an organization in a politically changing environment.Furthermore, there seems to be a unique discretion within the street-level bureaucratsdiscretion in the social worker role, consisting of how one relates to the role of freedom underresponsibility that the social worker role entails. Finally, parts of the empirical evidence arediscussed in relation to a not yet established theory about motivation for public work whereinteresting findings are made.

“... ja, ingen mår egentligen bra i den här organisationen av att allt ska gå så fort.” : Biståndshandläggares röster om utskrivningsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen / "... well, no one really feels good in this organization that everything has to go so fast." : Care managers' voices about the discharge process in elderly care

Danielsson Wiklund, Jessica, Olausson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om biståndshandläggares arbete inom äldreomsorgen har förändrats i samband med utskrivningsprocessen från sjukhus mot bakgrund av den nya lag som tillkom januari 2018, lag (2017:612) om samverkan vid utskrivning från sluten hälso- och sjukvård. Vi har velat synliggöra vilka förändringar av arbetet som skett i och med att lagändringen trädde i kraft, vad dessa i praktiken inneburit för biståndshandläggarna i arbete med äldre samt undersöka vad de upplever sig behöva för hanteringen av detta. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet består av totalt åtta intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer inom biståndshandläggning äldreomsorgen vid en stadsdelsförvaltning belägen i Stockholms kommun. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom användningen av en perspektivanalys och analysschema av Håkan Jönson. Vidare har vi analyserat våra resultat utifrån Michael Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater och även använt oss av teoretiska begrepp som handlingsutrymme och makt. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns flera bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar biståndshandläggarnas upplevelser av sin yrkesroll utifrån den nya lagändringen, en har medfört ett förändrat arbetssätt och bland annat ställt krav på en högre grad av effektivisering i deras arbete. Respondenterna uttrycker att arbetssättet blivit mer akutstyrt, kravfyllt och de har svårigheter att förfoga över sin egen arbetstid vilket leder till att utskrivningar prioriteras framför hembesök och uppföljningar som därmed skjuts upp. Vidare framgår att det har blivit en sämre kvalité i arbetet då biståndshandläggarna pressas till att arbeta bakvänt i handläggningen till följd av bristande och uteblivna ADL-bedömningar (aktiviteter i det dagliga livet) från vårdens sida och de förkortade handläggningsdagarna i samband med utskrivningsprocessen. Biståndshandläggarna påverkas av stress i arbetet då tempot avsevärt har ökat vilket kan leda till felaktigheter i handläggningen och i förlängningen en känsla av otrygghet och rättsosäkerhet för den äldre. / The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the work of care managers has changed in connection with the discharge process from hospital against the background of the new law that was added in January 2018, Law (2017:612) on collaboration during discharge from inpatient health care. We wanted to make visible the changes to the work that took place as a result of the change in law coming into force, what these meant in practice for the care managers, and to examine what they feel they need to handle this. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material consists of a total of eight interviews with professional care manager in the field of elderly care assistance at a district administration located in Stockholm municipality. The collected material has been analyzed through the use of a perspective analysis and analysis scheme by Håkan Jönson. Furthermore, we have analyzed our results based on Michael Lipsky's theory of the street-level bureaucrats and also used theoretical concepts such as discretion and power. The results of the study show that there are several underlying factors that affect the care managers experiences of their professional role based on the new law change, one has brought about a changed way of working and, among other things, set demands for a higher degree of efficiency in their work. The respondents express that the way of working has become more urgent, full of demands and they have difficulties managing their own working hours, which leads to discharges being prioritized over home visits and follow-ups, which are therefore postponed. Furthermore, it appears that there has been a lower quality in the work as the care managers are pressured to work backwards in the processing as a result of insufficient and absent ADL assessments (activities in daily life) from the care side and the shortened processing days in connection with the discharge process. The care managers are affected by stress at work as the pace has increased significantly, which can lead to errors in the processing and, by extension, a feeling of insecurity and legal uncertainty for the elderly.

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