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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification and characterization of healthspan-enhancers in extracts of “Traditional Chinese Medicine” plants by using the model organism C. elegans

Sayed, Shimaa Mohamed Ali 02 April 2024 (has links)
Das Altern ist ein komplexer biologischer Prozess mit vermehrten Zellschäden und altersbedingten Krankheiten. Diese Studie erforscht das Anti-Aging-Potenzial pflanzlicher Extrakte der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) anhand des Nematoden Caenorhabditis elegans. Von sieben getesteten Pflanzenextrakten wurden E. ulmoides und C. chinensis ausgewählt, da sie einen Überlebensvorteil in Stresssituationen bei gealterten C. elegans bewirkten. Diese Extrakte verlängerten die Lebensdauer und verbesserten das Überleben nach Hitzestress, oxidativem Stress und pathogenem Stress. Besonders bemerkenswert ist, dass nur der Extrakt von C. chinensis die körperliche Fitness signifikant steigerte, begleitet von Verbesserungen im Kurzzeitgedächtnis und mechanosensorischen Eigenschaften von C. elegans. Zudem unterdrückte dieser Extrakt die Darmautofluoreszenz, einen etablierten Marker für den Alterungsprozess. Chemische Analysen mittels UPLC-MS/MS und transkriptomische Analysen gealterter Würmer, die mit den Extrakten behandelt wurden, zeigten bioaktive Verbindungen, wobei Zingibroside R1 aus C. chinensis die Lebensdauer, das Überleben nach Hitzestress und die Fortbewegung verbesserte. Die transkriptomische Analyse enthüllte eine Immunantwortmodulation bei gealterten Nematoden, die mit C. chinensis behandelt wurden, und eine 150-fache Erhöhung der far-3-Expression, die ein Fettsäure-bindendes Protein kodiert. Interessanterweise zeigte sich, dass C. elegans, die mit dem far-3 RNAi-Stamm und C. chinensis behandelt wurden, keine Verbesserung der Gesundheitsspanne aufwiesen. Zusammenfassend hebt diese Studie die differenzierten Wirkungsweisen der getesteten Pflanzenextrakte hervor. Während E. ulmoides gezielt die physiologische Fitness förderte, erwies sich C. chinensis als umfassender Gesundheitsverlängerer. Die Identifizierung bioaktiver Verbindungen und die Aufdeckung molekularer Mechanismen bieten detaillierte Einblicke in die Anti-Aging-Effekte bei Nematoden. / Aging is one of the most complex biological processes leading to increased cell damage and age-related diseases. In this study, I aimed to uncover the potential anti-aging capacities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) plant extracts by using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. E. ulmoides and C. chinensis extracts, chosen from seven tested plant extracts, caused a survival advantage during stress in aged C. elegans by extending lifespan and survival after heat, oxidative and pathogenic stress. However, only C. chinensis could enhance physical fitness, short-term memory, and mechanosensory of C. elegans and suppressed intestinal autofluorescence, a marker of aging. Chemical analysis of the C. chinensis and E. ulmoides extracts using UPLC-MS/MS and transcriptomic analysis of aged worms treated with these extracts were applied. UPLC-MS/MS analysis revealed the presence of several known bioactive compounds. Three of these identified substances, namely astragalin, pinoresinol, and zingibroside R1, were isolated from the C. chinensis extract, and tested. Zingibroside R1 improved the lifespan, survival after heat stress, and locomotion. The transcriptomic analysis revealed a modulation of the immune response in C. chinensis-treated aged nematodes. The expression of far-3, which encodes a fatty acid binding protein, was increased with a 150-fold-change in C. chinensis treated worms, therefore, a far-3 RNA interference (RNAi) strain was created. C. elegans treated with the far-3 RNAi strain and with C. chinensis did not improve healthspan, thus demonstrating the importance of far-3 expression in C. chinensis benefits. In conclusion, this study underlines the different modes of action of the tested plant extracts. E. ulmoides improved specifically the physiological fitness while C. chinensis seems to be an overall healthspan enhancer. Additionally, it provides insights into the components and molecular mechanisms responsible for these anti-aging effects in nematodes.

Signaling Mechanisms Behind the Benefits of Sleep

Sinner, Marina Patricia 31 January 2023 (has links)
Hintergrund: Schlaf ist ein streng regulierter Zustand körperlicher Ruhe und reduzierten Bewusstseins, der evolutionär im ganzen Tierreich konserviert ist. Schlafmangel ist in der modernen Gesellschaft weit verbreitet und betrifft 10 – 30 % der Erwachsenen. Dies stellt ein ernstes gesundheitliches Problem dar, da Schlafmangel mit vielen Krankheiten assoziiert ist, darunter Depressionen, Krebs und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Umgekehrt beeinflussen auch Krankheiten und das Immunsystem das Schlafverhalten. Trotz der fundamentalen Rolle dieser Wechselbeziehung sind grundlegende molekulare Mechanismen, die Funktionen des Immunsystems und Schlafkontrolle verbinden, bisher kaum verstanden. Da die Schlafregulation in Säugetieren sehr komplex ist, ist es sinnvoll konservierte Mechanismen zuerst in einfacheren Modellorganismen zu untersuchen. Der Rundwurm C. elegans ist ein solcher etablierter, simpler und vielseitiger Modellorganismus für die Schlafforschung. Er schläft sowohl im Rhythmus seiner Larvenentwicklung immer jeweils während des Lethargus kurz vor der Häutung, als auch nach besonderem Stress, wie zum Beispiel Hunger oder Hitze. C. elegans besitzt ein invariantes Nervensystem, in dem eine rapide Depolarisation des einzelnen RIS-Interneurons genügt, um Schlaf zu induzieren. Eine Mutation des AP2 Transkriptionsfaktors APTF-1 verhindert die Expression von FLP-11, dem schlafinduzierenden Neuropeptid von RIS. Dies führt praktisch zu völliger Schlaflosigkeit, die in C. elegans in der Regel nicht tödlich ist, und deshalb ein nützliches Modell für genetisch-chronischen Schlafmangel darstellt. Unser Labor fand heraus, dass eine Gain-of-function-Mutation in der Kollagenase NAS-38 über Signalwege der angeborenen Immunität und RIS-Aktivierung zu vermehrtem Schlaf während des Lethargus führt. Gleichzeitig wird dabei die Expression einer ganzen Familie antimikrobieller Peptide (AMP) hochreguliert. Derselbe Signalweg, einschließlich der AMP, sowie das Schlafverhalten werden auch durch Verletzungen induziert. Interessanterweise sterben nicht-schlafende Würmer nach einer Verletzung häufiger. Insgesamt deutet dies darauf hin, dass AMP als Signalmoleküle fungieren könnten, die Schlaf als Teil einer globalen Schutzreaktion vom peripheren Gewebe zum Nervensystem signalisieren. Für diese Hypothese fehlten bisher jedoch die Beweise. Fragestellungen und Hypothesen: Mein Ziel war es, den molekularen Mechanismus zu entschlüsseln, durch den verschiedene Reize der angeborenen Immunität, das heißt NAS-38 sowie epidermale Verletzungen, Schlaf induzieren. Zwei Fragen habe ich hierbei im Speziellen adressiert: Welche Domänen des NAS 38-Proteins sind an der Schlafregulation beteiligt? Da die Astacin-Domäne als aktive Proteasedomäne von NAS-38 angesehen wird, erwartete ich eine Schlüsselrolle dieser Domäne auch in der Schlafinduktion. Zweitens, welche Rolle spielen AMP bei der Signalisierung von immunitätsinduziertem Schlaf? Da gezeigt wurde, dass AMP während des NAS-38 Schlafes und auch nach Verwundung hochreguliert sind, erwartete ich, dass AMP an der Signalisierung von Schlaf von der Epidermis zum Nervensystem beteiligt sind. In einem zweiten Schritt untersuchte ich die molekularen Mechanismen, die den Vorteilen von Schlaf für das Überleben von Verletzungen zugrunde liegen. Auch hier habe ich speziell zwei Fragestellungen untersucht: Verändert genetischer Schlafentzug die transkriptionelle Reaktion auf epidermale Verletzungen? Da Schlaf für viele fundamentale Prozesse wichtig ist und Schlaflosigkeit die Sterblichkeit nach Verletzungen erhöht, vermutete ich, dass genetischer Schlafentzug die transkriptionelle Reaktion auf Verletzungen beeinträchtigt. Zweitens, ist Schlaf wichtig für die Entwicklung von Robustheit, um im Falle einer Verletzung weniger Schaden zu nehmen? Während der Larvenentwicklung fällt die Cuticula-Synthese mit Schlaf zeitlich zusammen. Daher stellte ich die Hypothese auf, dass Schlafentzug die korrekte Bildung einer Cuticula beeinträchtigt. Methoden: Zur Analyse der Signalmechanismen, durch die sowohl NAS-38 als auch Verletzungen Schlaf induzieren, filmte ich das Schlafverhalten von C. elegans mittels Langzeit-Bildgebung in Agarose-Mikrokammern. So führte ich eine Struktur-Funktions-Analyse mit verschiedenen nas-38 Mutanten durch, in denen jeweils eine andere NAS-38 Domäne deletiert war. Darüber hinaus testete ich verschiedene Suppressoren für immunvermittelten Schlaf, der durch NAS 38 oder Verletzungen induziert war. Die Redundanz des Suppressionseffektes der verschiedenen Mitglieder der AMP-Familie auf immunvermittelten Schlaf testete ich, indem ich den Suppressionsphänotyp einer CRISPR/Cas9-editierten Multi-Knockout-Mutante analysierte, in der insgesamt 19 AMP deletiert waren. Um Effektoren zu identifizieren, die den AMP nachgeschaltet sind, induzierte ich Schlaf durch Überexpression des AMP NLP 29 unter der Kontrolle eines Hitzeschock-Promotors und analysierte die Sschlafsuppression durch verschiedene Knockout-Mutanten. Im zweiten Projekt beschäftigte ich mich mit der Frage, wie genau Schlaf das Überleben nach Verletzungen unterstützt. Ich verglich die Expression von literaturbekannten Reportern für verschiedene Aspekte der Verwundungsreaktion mittels Langzeit-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie im Wildtyp sowie dem Modell für chronisch-genetischen Schlafmangel. Darüber hinaus habe ich die Transkriptome zwischen jeweils adulten verwundeten und unverwundeten Wildtypen und schlaflosen Mutanten verglichen. Um die Struktur der Cuticula des Wildtyps und der schlaflosen Mutante zu vergleichen, analysierte ich außerdem rasterelektronen-mikroskopische Aufnahmen. Ergebnisse: Im ersten Projekt konnte ich zeigen, dass NAS-38 Schlaf durch seine Astacin-Domäne verlängert. Dieser Prozess wird moderiert durch die TSP-1-Domäne. Weiterhin konnte ich zeigen, dass viele AMP redundant wirken um immunvermittelten Schlaf, verursacht durch NAS-38 oder Verletzungen, zu signalisieren. Ich konnte zeigen, dass das AMP NLP-29 über den Neuropeptidrezeptor NPR-12 wirkt. Dieser kann NLP-29-induzierten Schlaf vermitteln, wenn er in einem neuronalen Netzwerk exprimiert wird, welches nachweislich RIS aktiviert. Interessanterweise fand ich außerdem heraus, dass für NLP-29-vermittelten Schlaf der EGFR Signalweg notwendig ist. Im zweiten Projekt entdeckte ich, dass Schlaflosigkeit die transkriptionelle Reaktion auf Verletzungen nicht dramatisch verändert. Allerdings ist das Transkriptionsprofil bereits in der unverletzten schlaflosen Mutante verändert. Dies betraf unter anderem eine Gruppe oszillierender Gene, die Cuticula-assoziierte Proteine codieren, und deren Expression normalerweise ihren Höhepunkt gegen Ende des Lethargus erreicht. Da angenommen wird, dass der Zeitpunkt der Kollagenexpression entscheidend für eine fehlerfreie Cuticula-Bildung ist, analysierte ich die Cuticula der schlaflosen Mutante. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Cuticula des adulten Tieres tatsächlich einen strukturellen Defekt aufweist. Dieser betrifft speziell Furchen in der Region nahe den Alae und könnte möglicherweise die Strapazierfähigkeit der Cuticula gegenüber bestimmten Belastungen verringern. Daher könnte Schlaf erforderlich sein, Robustheit in Form einer strukturierten Cuticula zu fördern. Schlussfolgerungen: In diesem Dissertationsprojekt vollendete ich die Charakterisierung eines neuentdeckten Mechanismus in C. elegans, durch den Verwundungen Schlaf als Teil der Immunantwort aus der Peripherie zum Nervensystem signalisieren. Ich konnte zeigen, dass AMP gewebeübergreifend Signale von der Epidermis an ein neuronales Netz vermitteln, welches wiederum RIS aktiviert und dadurch Schlaf induziert. Da Komponenten dieses Signalweges konserviert sind, könnten AMP auch in anderen Tieren, einschließlich des Menschen, Schlaf zur Genesung fördern. Darüber hinaus habe ich die Grundlagen für die Analyse molekularer Mechanismen geschaffen, die den essentiellen Funktionen des Schlafes für Heilung und Überleben zugrunde liegen. Obwohl Schlaflosigkeit die transkriptionelle Reaktion auf Verletzungen nicht drastisch zu verändern scheint, deuten meine Ergebnisse auf eine Rolle des Schlafes bei der richtigen Cuticula-Bildung und möglicherweise sogar auf eine vielfältigere Rolle bei der zeitlichen Regulierung der Genexpression hin.:Summary I Zusammenfassung IV Contents VII List of Figures XII List of Tables XIV Abbreviations XV 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Sleep is fascinating 1 1.1.1. The origin and basic features of sleep 1 1.1.2. Regulation of sleep in higher animals 3 Neuronal control of sleep 3 Molecular control of sleep 5 1.1.3. The functions of sleep 6 1.2. The immune system and its relationship to sleep 7 1.3. Wound healing and its relationship to sleep 10 1.4. Caenorhabditis elegans is a well-studied model organism 12 1.4.1. Sleep in C. elegans 15 1.4.2. The C. elegans cuticle 18 1.4.3. Immunity in C. elegans 19 1.4.4. Wound healing response in C. elegans 22 2. Previous results 25 2.1. A strong gain-of-function mutation in the astacin metallo-proteinase NAS 38 increases lethargus duration and movement quiescence in C. elegans 25 2.2. NAS-38 increases sleep mostly through the RIS neuron 25 2.3. NAS-38 is expressed in the epidermis and oscillates with the developmental rhythm 25 2.4. nas-38(ok3407) acts via innate immunity pathways to increase lethargus duration and AMP expression 27 2.5. Overexpression of AMPs induces RIS dependent quiescence 30 2.6. Epidermal wounding induces RIS-dependent sleep, which is beneficial for survival 31 3. Thesis Aims 34 3.1. Aim 1 – Characterizing the molecular mechanism through which NAS-38, innate immunity, and wounding induce sleep 34 3.2. Aim 2 – Analyzing how sleep promotes survival after wounding 35 4. Materials and Methods 36 4.1. C. elegans maintenance 36 4.2. C. elegans crossing and genotyping 41 4.3. Creation of transgenic animals 45 4.3.1. Creating the npr-12 rescue in nmr-1 expressing neurons 45 4.3.2. Microparticle bombardment 45 4.3.3. CRISPR/Cas9 system 46 4.4. Synchronizing worm cultures by hypochlorite treatment 48 4.5. Imaging 49 4.5.1. Imaging setups 49 4.5.2. DIC Imaging of worm development, lethargus, and sleep behavior 50 Imaging of heterozygous mutants 50 4.5.3. DIC imaging in the temperature control device 51 4.5.4. Fluorescent imaging experiments 51 nas-38p::d1GFP and nlp-29p::GFP during L1 development 51 nlp-29p::GFP in L4 larvae 52 nlp-29p::GFP after heat shock-induced lin-3 overexpression 52 Imaging fluorescent markers in (wounded) young adults 52 Functional Ca2+ imaging in young adults 52 Fluorescence imaging across the whole developmental time 54 Nuclear decompaction assays 55 Transcription factor localization with spinning disc confocal microscopy 55 Imaging DPY-13::mKate2 in young adults 56 4.6. Image analysis 56 4.6.1. Assessment of developmental time and lethargus detection 56 4.6.2. Sleep detection in DIC mode 56 4.6.3. Analyzing functional Ca2+ images 57 4.6.4. Fluorescent reporter analysis during long-term imaging 57 4.7. RNAi-by-feeding 58 4.8. Transcriptome analysis 59 4.8.1. Analysis of the nas-38(ok3407) transcriptome 59 4.8.2. Analysis of the wounding transcriptome 59 4.9. Epidermal wounding 62 4.9.1. Laser wounding 62 4.9.2. Needle wounding 62 4.9.3. Survival assay 63 4.10. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 63 4.11. Histamine-inducible hyperpolarization of RIS 64 4.12. Cuticle integrity test with Sodium hypochlorite 64 4.13. NPR-12 receptor modeling 64 4.14. Quantification and statistical analysis 65 5. Results 66 5.1. Aim 1 – Characterizing the pathway through which NAS 38, wounding and innate immunity induce sleep 66 5.1.1. The loss of function mutation nas-38(tm2655) shows the opposite phenotype to the gain of function mutation nas-38(ok3407) 66 5.1.2. nas-38 gain-of-function mutants act through their astacin protease domain and are semi-dominant 66 5.1.3. Transcriptome analysis of nas-38(ok3407) reveals upregulation of genes associated with secretion, innate immunity and cuticle formation 69 5.1.4. nas-38(knu568) increased movement quiescence can be suppressed by mutations of innate immunity pathways 72 5.1.5. Multiple NLPs and CNCs act in parallel to mediate nas-38(ok3407) induced sleep 75 5.1.6. Wounding-induced sleep requires RIS, ALA, EGFR and immune signaling 77 5.1.7. NLP-29 signals via the NPR-12 receptor in neurons upstream of RIS 80 5.1.8. NLP-29 requires neuronal EGFR signaling to induce sleep 81 5.1.9. Simple in silico models suggest that many different NLPs can bind to NPR-12 83 5.1.10. AMPs contribute to the survival after wounding 85 5.2. Aim 2 – Identifying the advantages sleep provides that help to survive harmful conditions 87 5.2.1. Wounding decreases the lifespan in the wild type and the aptf 1(gk794) mutant 87 5.2.2. Histamine-inducible RIS hyperpolarization suppresses wounding sleep 87 5.2.3. Genetic sleep deprivation decreases translocation of DAF-16 into the nucleus immediately after wounding 89 5.2.4. Genetic sleep deprivation hardly changes the transcriptional wounding response 95 5.2.5. Genetic sleep deprivation and wounding increase nuclear PHA 4 101 5.2.6. Oscillating genes and genes associated with the cuticle and the unfolded protein response are upregulated in young adult aptf 1(gk794) mutants 106 5.2.7. Genetic sleep deprivation leads to a malformation of cuticular furrows 109 5.2.8. Genetic sleep deprivation leads to an increased transcription of lethargus specific oscillating genes in young adults 114 5.2.9. Genetic sleep deprivation does not significantly affect development time or body size 120 5.2.10. Expression of fluorescent reporters of oscillating genes is not phase-shifted in the aptf-1(gk794) mutant 122 6. Discussion and Outlook 128 6.1. NAS-38 acts through its astacin domain to increase sleep via innate immunity pathways 128 6.2. NAS-38 during larval lethargus and epidermal wounding in the adult signal sleep via many AMPs as part of a peripheral immune response 130 6.3. Epidermal AMPs activate a neuronal circuit to induce sleep 131 6.4. Genetically sleep deprived worms can mount a proper wounding response in many ways, except for DAF-16/FOXO regulation 132 6.5. Genetic sleep deprivation alters cuticle formation 135 6.6. The role of PHA-4/FOXA in genetically sleep-deprived animals 137 6.7. Conclusion 139 7. References 140 8. Acknowledgements 163 9. Appendix 166 9.1. Standard reagents 166 9.2. Sequence summary of PHX3754 167 9.3. MATLAB script to analyze the intensity of fluorescent reporters over time 171 9.4. Permissions to reprint figures 174 9.5. Experimental author contributions 175 9.6. Predicted interactions between the NPR-12 receptor and peptides of the nlp and cnc families 176 9.7. Overlap of the adult wounding transcriptome with other data sets 179 9.8. Curriculum Vitae – Marina Patricia Sinner 181 / Background: Sleep is a tightly regulated state of behavioral quiescence and reduced consciousness, which is conserved throughout the animal kingdom. In modern societies 10 – 30 % of the adult population suffer from insufficient sleep, which poses a serious health problem as sleep deprivation is associated with a variety of diseases including depression, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Conversely, sickness and the immune system also influence sleep patterns. Despite the important role of this interrelationship between sleep and immunity, basic molecular mechanisms that link both vital functions are only poorly understood yet. As sleep regulation is complex in mammals and is thus difficult to address experimentally, it is reasonable to investigate its basic conserved mechanisms in simpler models first. The nematode C. elegans is such a well-established, simple, and powerful model organism for sleep research. It displays stress-induced sleep, for example upon starvation or heat shock, but also developmentally-timed sleep during lethargus prior to each larval molt. C. elegans possesses an invariant nervous system in which rapid depolarization of the single RIS interneuron is sufficient to induce sleep. Mutation of the AP2 transcription factor APTF 1 deprives RIS of its sleep-inducing neuropeptide FLP-11 and thus virtually abolishes sleep. This is not per se lethal in C. elegans, thereby presenting a powerful model for genetic sleep deprivation. Our lab found that a gain-of-function mutation in the collagenase NAS-38 strongly increases RIS-dependent sleep during lethargus with a concomitant upregulation of a large family of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) via immunity pathways. Epidermal wounding also triggers AMP expression via immune signaling and induces sleep in the adult worm. Moreover, genetic sleep deprivation increases mortality upon epidermal injury. Together, this suggests AMPs to act as somnogens from peripheral tissues to the nervous system as part of a protective response. This hypothesis, however, was hitherto lacking final evidence and pathway components. Research questions and hypotheses: I aimed to characterize the molecular mechanism by which separate triggers of innate immunity, i. e. NAS-38 and wounding, induce sleep. I specifically addressed two questions: Firstly, which domains of the NAS-38 protein are involved in sleep regulation? As the astacin domain is predicted to be the active protease domain of NAS-38, I expected a role for it also in sleep induction by NAS-38. Secondly, what is the role of AMPs in signaling immunity-induced sleep? As they have been shown to be upregulated during times of increased sleep in the nas-38 mutant and after wounding, I expected AMPs to be involved in signaling sleep from the epidermis to the nervous system. In a second step, I investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the benefits of sleep for surviving injury. Again, I addressed two questions: Firstly, does genetic sleep deprivation alter the transcriptional wounding response? As sleep has a role in many fundamental processes and sleeplessness increases mortality upon wounding, I hypothesized that genetic sleep deprivation impairs wounding-induced changes of transcriptional activity. Secondly, does sleep help building robustness before encountering injury? During larval development the synthesis of a new cuticle coincides with sleep. Thus, I hypothesized that genetic sleep deprivation impairs proper cuticle formation. Methods: To dissect the signaling mechanisms by which NAS-38 and wounding induced sleep, I followed sleep behavior of C. elegans by long-term imaging in agarose microchambers. I performed a structure-function analysis with different nas-38 mutants, each carrying a deletion of a different domain. Moreover, I screened for suppressors of sleep induced by NAS 38 or wounding. To test for redundancy of the AMP family, I investigated the suppression-phenotype of a CRISPR/Cas9 edited multi-knockout mutant lacking 19 AMPs. To identify downstream effectors of the AMP NLP 29, I induced sleep by overexpressing NLP 29 from a heat-shock promoter and analyzed the suppression-phenotype of different knockout mutants. For the second project, I addressed the question how sleep aids recovery from injury. I followed fluorescent reporters of previously described wounding response pathways by fluorescent long-term imaging in wild-type and genetically sleep-deprived animals. Moreover, I compared the transcriptomes of adult wild-type and genetically sleep-deprived worms both wounded and unwounded. To investigate the structure of the cuticle, I analyzed scanning electron microscopy images. Results: In the first project, I could show that NAS-38 indeed increases sleep via its astacin domain in a process that is modulated by the TSP-1 domain. Moreover, I could show that many AMPs act redundantly in mediating immunity-induced sleep downstream of NAS-38 and after wounding. I demonstrated that the AMP NLP-29 signals sleep via the neuropeptide receptor NPR 12. This receptor can mediate sleep when it is specifically expressed in command interneurons of a circuit that has been shown to activate RIS. Interestingly, I also found that EGFR signaling is required to mediate NLP-29-induced sleep. In the second project, I found that sleeplessness does not dramatically alter the transcriptional wounding response. However, I could show that transcription is altered already in the unwounded non-sleeping mutant. This affects, among others, a specific subset of oscillating collagen-coding genes, whose expression usually peaks around the end of lethargus. As the timing of expression of collagens is thought to be highly important for proper cuticle formation, I characterized the cuticle of the aptf-1(gk794) mutant. I could show that young adult aptf 1(gk794) worms indeed have a structural defect affecting cuticular furrows in the region adjacent to the alae, which could potentially decrease specific aspects of resilience of the cuticle. Thus, sleep might be required to build robustness in the form of a properly structured cuticle. Conclusion: In this PhD project, I completed the characterization of a novel mechanism by which wounding signals sleep from the periphery to the nervous system as part of the immune response in C. elegans. I could show that AMPs act as cross-tissue signals from the epidermis to a neuronal RIS-controlling circuit that ultimately leads to sleep induction. As components of this molecular pathway are highly conserved, AMPs might also induce sleep to promote recovery from injury in other organisms, including humans. Moreover, I laid the foundations for dissecting the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of sleep for healing and survival. Even though the disability to sleep did not seem to drastically change the transcriptional response to wounding, my results indicate a role for sleep in proper cuticle formation in C. elegans and potentially even a broader role in the regulation of precise gene expression timing.:Summary I Zusammenfassung IV Contents VII List of Figures XII List of Tables XIV Abbreviations XV 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Sleep is fascinating 1 1.1.1. The origin and basic features of sleep 1 1.1.2. Regulation of sleep in higher animals 3 Neuronal control of sleep 3 Molecular control of sleep 5 1.1.3. The functions of sleep 6 1.2. The immune system and its relationship to sleep 7 1.3. Wound healing and its relationship to sleep 10 1.4. Caenorhabditis elegans is a well-studied model organism 12 1.4.1. Sleep in C. elegans 15 1.4.2. The C. elegans cuticle 18 1.4.3. Immunity in C. elegans 19 1.4.4. Wound healing response in C. elegans 22 2. Previous results 25 2.1. A strong gain-of-function mutation in the astacin metallo-proteinase NAS 38 increases lethargus duration and movement quiescence in C. elegans 25 2.2. NAS-38 increases sleep mostly through the RIS neuron 25 2.3. NAS-38 is expressed in the epidermis and oscillates with the developmental rhythm 25 2.4. nas-38(ok3407) acts via innate immunity pathways to increase lethargus duration and AMP expression 27 2.5. Overexpression of AMPs induces RIS dependent quiescence 30 2.6. Epidermal wounding induces RIS-dependent sleep, which is beneficial for survival 31 3. Thesis Aims 34 3.1. Aim 1 – Characterizing the molecular mechanism through which NAS-38, innate immunity, and wounding induce sleep 34 3.2. Aim 2 – Analyzing how sleep promotes survival after wounding 35 4. Materials and Methods 36 4.1. C. elegans maintenance 36 4.2. C. elegans crossing and genotyping 41 4.3. Creation of transgenic animals 45 4.3.1. Creating the npr-12 rescue in nmr-1 expressing neurons 45 4.3.2. Microparticle bombardment 45 4.3.3. CRISPR/Cas9 system 46 4.4. Synchronizing worm cultures by hypochlorite treatment 48 4.5. Imaging 49 4.5.1. Imaging setups 49 4.5.2. DIC Imaging of worm development, lethargus, and sleep behavior 50 Imaging of heterozygous mutants 50 4.5.3. DIC imaging in the temperature control device 51 4.5.4. Fluorescent imaging experiments 51 nas-38p::d1GFP and nlp-29p::GFP during L1 development 51 nlp-29p::GFP in L4 larvae 52 nlp-29p::GFP after heat shock-induced lin-3 overexpression 52 Imaging fluorescent markers in (wounded) young adults 52 Functional Ca2+ imaging in young adults 52 Fluorescence imaging across the whole developmental time 54 Nuclear decompaction assays 55 Transcription factor localization with spinning disc confocal microscopy 55 Imaging DPY-13::mKate2 in young adults 56 4.6. Image analysis 56 4.6.1. Assessment of developmental time and lethargus detection 56 4.6.2. Sleep detection in DIC mode 56 4.6.3. Analyzing functional Ca2+ images 57 4.6.4. Fluorescent reporter analysis during long-term imaging 57 4.7. RNAi-by-feeding 58 4.8. Transcriptome analysis 59 4.8.1. Analysis of the nas-38(ok3407) transcriptome 59 4.8.2. Analysis of the wounding transcriptome 59 4.9. Epidermal wounding 62 4.9.1. Laser wounding 62 4.9.2. Needle wounding 62 4.9.3. Survival assay 63 4.10. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 63 4.11. Histamine-inducible hyperpolarization of RIS 64 4.12. Cuticle integrity test with Sodium hypochlorite 64 4.13. NPR-12 receptor modeling 64 4.14. Quantification and statistical analysis 65 5. Results 66 5.1. Aim 1 – Characterizing the pathway through which NAS 38, wounding and innate immunity induce sleep 66 5.1.1. The loss of function mutation nas-38(tm2655) shows the opposite phenotype to the gain of function mutation nas-38(ok3407) 66 5.1.2. nas-38 gain-of-function mutants act through their astacin protease domain and are semi-dominant 66 5.1.3. Transcriptome analysis of nas-38(ok3407) reveals upregulation of genes associated with secretion, innate immunity and cuticle formation 69 5.1.4. nas-38(knu568) increased movement quiescence can be suppressed by mutations of innate immunity pathways 72 5.1.5. Multiple NLPs and CNCs act in parallel to mediate nas-38(ok3407) induced sleep 75 5.1.6. Wounding-induced sleep requires RIS, ALA, EGFR and immune signaling 77 5.1.7. NLP-29 signals via the NPR-12 receptor in neurons upstream of RIS 80 5.1.8. NLP-29 requires neuronal EGFR signaling to induce sleep 81 5.1.9. Simple in silico models suggest that many different NLPs can bind to NPR-12 83 5.1.10. AMPs contribute to the survival after wounding 85 5.2. Aim 2 – Identifying the advantages sleep provides that help to survive harmful conditions 87 5.2.1. Wounding decreases the lifespan in the wild type and the aptf 1(gk794) mutant 87 5.2.2. Histamine-inducible RIS hyperpolarization suppresses wounding sleep 87 5.2.3. Genetic sleep deprivation decreases translocation of DAF-16 into the nucleus immediately after wounding 89 5.2.4. Genetic sleep deprivation hardly changes the transcriptional wounding response 95 5.2.5. Genetic sleep deprivation and wounding increase nuclear PHA 4 101 5.2.6. Oscillating genes and genes associated with the cuticle and the unfolded protein response are upregulated in young adult aptf 1(gk794) mutants 106 5.2.7. Genetic sleep deprivation leads to a malformation of cuticular furrows 109 5.2.8. Genetic sleep deprivation leads to an increased transcription of lethargus specific oscillating genes in young adults 114 5.2.9. Genetic sleep deprivation does not significantly affect development time or body size 120 5.2.10. Expression of fluorescent reporters of oscillating genes is not phase-shifted in the aptf-1(gk794) mutant 122 6. Discussion and Outlook 128 6.1. NAS-38 acts through its astacin domain to increase sleep via innate immunity pathways 128 6.2. NAS-38 during larval lethargus and epidermal wounding in the adult signal sleep via many AMPs as part of a peripheral immune response 130 6.3. Epidermal AMPs activate a neuronal circuit to induce sleep 131 6.4. Genetically sleep deprived worms can mount a proper wounding response in many ways, except for DAF-16/FOXO regulation 132 6.5. Genetic sleep deprivation alters cuticle formation 135 6.6. The role of PHA-4/FOXA in genetically sleep-deprived animals 137 6.7. Conclusion 139 7. References 140 8. Acknowledgements 163 9. Appendix 166 9.1. Standard reagents 166 9.2. Sequence summary of PHX3754 167 9.3. MATLAB script to analyze the intensity of fluorescent reporters over time 171 9.4. Permissions to reprint figures 174 9.5. Experimental author contributions 175 9.6. Predicted interactions between the NPR-12 receptor and peptides of the nlp and cnc families 176 9.7. Overlap of the adult wounding transcriptome with other data sets 179 9.8. Curriculum Vitae – Marina Patricia Sinner 181

Rôle du TRPV1 dans la régulation cardio-protectrices des voies de signalisation locale et distale

Ben Salem, Jennifer 06 1900 (has links)
L'insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est l'une des principales causes de décès dans le monde. Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont devenues une préoccupation majeure de santé publique et le resteront probablement à l'avenir avec le vieillissement de la population et l'augmentation du taux de survie des patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. L'infarctus du myocarde (IM) est le principal facteur de risque favorisant le développement de l’IC. L'une des principales caractéristiques de l'IC est une dérégulation du fonctionnement du système nerveux autonome (SNA), en particulier une hyperactivité du système nerveux sympathique (SNS) qui contribue largement à la progression de la maladie et à l'augmentation de la morbidité. Le mécanisme de l'hyperactivité du SNS n'est que partiellement connu. En ce qui concerne la progression de l'IM à l'IC, des études suggèrent un engagement concerté du cerveau (médulla), du nerf vague et des nerfs sympathiques, en plus du tissu cardiaque qui serait à l'origine de la maladie systémique. En plus des altérations du SNA, des exemples de comorbidités de l'IC comprennent des troubles cognitifs tel que l’anxiété et la dépression ainsi que des modifications atrophiques des régions cérébrales chez les patients atteints d'IC. L’ensemble, de ces données montrent l'importance du système nerveux central et périphérique dans l'IC. En plus du système nerveux cardiaque intrinsèque, qui comprend un réseau de ganglions intracardiaques et de neurones interconnectés, le coeur, en particulier l'épicarde, possède des milliers de neurones intégrés, dont beaucoup expriment le récepteur vanilloïde 1 (TRPV1). Au cours des dernières années, des études scientifiques ont montré que l'application épicardique de résinifératoxine (RTX), un agoniste spécifique de TRPV1, au moment de l'IM induit, conduit à une réduction de la fibrose cardiaque, prévient l'hyperactivation du SNS et améliore la fonction cardiaque dans plusieurs modèles. La thèse visait à mieux caractériser la fonction de ces fibres exprimant TRPV1 dans l'IM et l'IC qui en découle. Les principaux objectifs de présente étude sont les suivants : 1) Identifier si les fibres épicardiques exprimant TRPV1 entraînent des modifications des fonctions cérébrales. 2) Élucider les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents dans les tissus du système nerveux en aval des traitements IM et RTX en utilisant la protéomique ; et 3) Déterminer si les stimuli nociceptifs dans un modèle alternatif, C. elegans, via la modulation des récepteurs vanilloïdes orthologues par RTX, peuvent entraîner une modification du comportement et des mécanismes moléculaires associés aux effets induits par l'exposition à RTX. Pour répondre à ces 4 objectifs, nous avons combiné la dénervation des afférences sympathiques cardiaques, via l'application épicardique de RTX, avec un modèle IM validé. Des études comportementales ont été menées pour évaluer la dépression et l'anxiété des animaux après le début de l’IC. L'analyse protéomique a été réalisée sur plusieurs tissus dont le cortex frontal, le ventricule gauche, le bulbe rachidien (médulla), la moelle épinière et le nerf vague. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse ont montré que la dénervation afférente cardiaque sympathique par RTX atténue le remodelage cardiaque et restaure la fonction cardiaque lors d’un IM dans un modèle murin. L'analyse comportementale a démontré que les souris IM sont déprimées et anxieuses et que le traitement RTX réduit significativement l'expression du phénotype anxieux. La protéomique réalisée sur des cortex frontaux isolés a identifié des signatures protéiques uniques pour chacun des groupes (IM, RTX et IM/RTX), indiquant des voies partagées et uniques attribuées par IM et RTX. Les analyses bio-informatiques ont montré un enrichissement significatif des voies métaboliques dans tous les tissus et traitements, et à tout moment, suggérant un rôle central de la fonction mitochondriale après les traitements IM et RTX. Des voies fonctionnelles enrichies dans ces tissus, y compris le cytosquelette, les vésicules et la transduction du signal, peuvent être en aval des réponses initiées par les mitochondries en raison de modifications du taux d'impulsion neuronale après un IM ou d'une altération de la communication coeur-cerveau après l'application de RTX. Certaines voies et molécules communes ont aussi été observées chez C. elegans, comme la voie de signalisation de Wnt, ce qui suggère des effets semblable de RTX. La thèse contribue à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiologiques des nerfs exprimant TRPV1 et offre des informations clés pour comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents aux troubles neurologiques d'origine cardiaque. Le modèle de C. elegans peut servir de futur modèle pour tester des molécules pharmacologiquement actives pour de futures thérapeutiques. / Heart failure (HF) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases are therefore becoming a major health problem and will probably continue to be so in the future with the aging of the population and the increase in the survival rate of patients with cardiovascular disease. Myocardial infarction (MI) is the main risk factor for developing HF. One of the prominent features of HF is a dysregulation in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), in particular a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) hyperactivity that largely contributes to disease progression and increased morbidity. The mechanism for the SNS hyperactivity is only partially known. Regarding the progression from MI to HF, studies suggest a concerted engagement of the brain (medulla oblongata), the vagus nerve and the sympathetic nerves, in addition to cardiac tissue that are thought to instigate systemic disease. In addition to the alterations in the ANS, examples of HF comorbidities include cognitive impairment and atrophic changes in brain regions in HF patients. Together these data show the importance of the central and peripheral nervous system in HF. In addition to the intrinsic cardiac nervous system, which includes a network of intracardiac ganglia and interconnecting neurons, the heart, especially the epicardium, has thousands of embedded neurons, many of which express the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1). Over recent years studies have shown that the epicardial application of resiniferatoxin (RTX), a specific agonist of TRPV1, at the time of induced MI, leads to a reduction of cardiac fibrosis, prevents hyperactivation of the SNS and improves the heart function in several model systems. The thesis was aimed to better characterize the function of these TRPV1-positive fibers in MI and resulting HF. The main objectives of the current study were : 1) To identify whether the TRPV1 expressing epicardial fibers lead to changes in brain activity and function. 2) To elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms in nervous system tissue downstream from MI and RTX treatments using proteomics; and 3) To determine if nociceptive stimuli in an alternate model, C. elegans, via the modulation of orthologous vanilloid receptors by RTX, can lead to altered behavior and molecular mechanisms associated with RTX exposureinduced effects. To meet these objectives, we combined denervation of cardiac sympathetic afferents, via epicardial application of RTX, with a validated MI model. Behavioral studies were carried out to evaluate the depression and anxiety of the animals after the onset of HFt. Proteomic 6 analysis was carried out on several tissues including the frontal cortex, left ventricle, medulla oblangata, spinal cord, and vagus nerve. The major findings of this thesis are that sympathetic cardiac afferent denervation by RTX attenuates cardiac remodeling and restores cardiac function during MI in a mouse model. Behavioral analysis demonstrated that MI mice are depressed and anxious and that RTX treatment significantly reduced the expression of the anxious phenotype. Proteomics performed on isolated frontal cortices identified unique protein signatures for each of the groups (MI, RTX and MI/RTX), indicating shared and unique pathways attributed by MI and RTX. Bioinformatic analyses showed a significant enrichment for metabolic pathways in all tissues and treatments, and at all time points, suggesting a central role of mitochondria function following MI and RTX treatments. Enriched functional pathways in these tissues, including cytoskeleton, vesicles, and signal transduction, may be downstream of mitochondria-initiated responses due to changes in neural impulse rate after MI or altered heart-brain communication following RTX application. Some common pathways and molecules were observed in C. elegans, such as the Wnt signaling pathway, suggesting similar effects of RTX. The current thesis contributes to a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms of the TRPV1 expressing nerves and offers key information to understand the mechanisms underlying neurological disorders of cardiac origin. The C. elegans model may serve as a future model for testing pharmacologically active molecules for future therapeutics.

Using modern microscopy and image analysis methods to study dosage compensation in C. elegans

Breimann, Laura 17 February 2022 (has links)
Condensine sind essentiell für die Faltung von Chromatin und wurden auch mit der Transkriptionsregulation in Verbindung gebracht. Der zugrunde liegende Mechanismus für die Transkriptionsregulation ist jedoch unklar. Condensin DC in C. elegans ist ein gutes Modell zur Erforschung der Transkriptionsregulation durch Condensine, da es spezifisch für die Dosiskompensation der Gene auf dem X Chromosom benutzt wird. Condensin DC bindet an beide X Chromosome in C. elegans Hermaphroditen und reduziert deren Transkription um die Hälfte. In meiner Dissertation habe ich untersucht, welche Rolle ein dynamisches Binden von Condensin DC an Chromatin spielt und wie dies die Transkription während der Embryogenese reguliert. Condensine binden dynamisch an Chromatin, um es zu komprimieren und durch Bildung von Schlaufen die Transkription zu regulieren. Mit Hilfe von „fluorescence recovery after photobleaching“ (FRAP) habe ich in adulten Darmzellen von C. elegans untersucht, welche Faktoren das dynamische Binden von Condensin DC an die X Chromosomen beeinflussen. Meine Daten zeigen, dass sowohl die ATPase-Domäne von Condensin DC, als auch eine nicht-katalytische Aktivität einer Histon-Demethylase die Bindedynamik von Condensin DC beeinflussen und damit Transkription regulieren. Zusätzlich habe ich mit einem Mikroskopieansatz, der auf dem Nachweis von einzelnen RNA Molekülen beruht (smFISH), die Transkription von mehreren Genen untersucht, die durch Condensin DC während der Embryonalentwicklung reguliert werden. Die aus diesen Daten ermittelten Transkriptionskinetiken deuten darauf hin, dass Condensin DC vorrangig die Häufigkeit der Transkriptionsinitiation reguliert. Zusammenfassend liefert meine Forschung neue Einblicke in die Transkriptionsregulation durch Condensine und kann als Basis für detailliertere, mechanistische Studien der Rolle von Condensinen in der Transkriptionsregulation in C. elegans und auch in anderen Organismen dienen. / Condensins are essential for chromosome compaction and have been implicated in transcription regulation. The mechanistic foundation of this regulatory function is poorly understood. A clear paradigm to address this question is the X-specific condensin DC in C. elegans, which specifically binds to and transcriptionally represses X chromosomes in XX hermaphrodites by 2-fold. In my thesis, I studied condensin DC binding dynamics to the X chromosome and how condensin DC affects transcription kinetics in single embryos. The binding of condensins to chromatin has been described in recent microscopy-based studies as dynamic in processes including loop formation, chromatin compaction and transcription regulation. To study the dynamics of condensin DC binding, I established fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) in C. elegans adult intestinal cells. With this method, I studied how the ATPase domain and different histone modifiers regulate the dynamic binding of condensin DC. I found that the ATPase domain is critical for binding of the complex and that the noncatalytic activity of a histone demethylase increases the dynamics of condensin DC binding, which is crucial for its role in transcription regulation. To further study the mechanism of condensin DC in transcription regulation, I used an imaging approach based on widefield single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH). I obtained thousands of smFISH images for a set of condensin DC-regulated genes and extracted mature and nascent RNA counts in 3D, which I used to determine transcription burst characteristics throughout embryonic development. My data show that condensin DC regulates the frequency of transcription initiation to down-regulate X-chromosomal genes. Taken together, my results provide new insight into condensin-mediated transcription regulation, which can be used to inform future studies on the mechanism of condensins in transcription regulation in C. elegans and other organisms.

Identification and Characterization of miRNA regulatory networks

Filipchyk, Andrei 27 September 2019 (has links)
Post-transkriptionelle Genregulation ist ein zentraler Mechanismus, den lebende Organismen nutzen, um Funktionalität, Entwicklung und Anpassung zu gewährleisten. Defizite in diesem Mechanismus haben zahlreiche Krankheiten und Fehlfunktionen zur Folge. Post-transkriptionelle Genregulation wird von RNA-bindenden Proteinen (RBPs) ausgeführt. Ihr kombinatorisches Agieren ermöglicht eine genau abgestimmte Kontrolle räumlicher und zeitlicher Genexpression. Ein RBP erkennt seine Zielmoleküle typischerweise anhand sogenannter Bindemotive: Nukleotidsequenzen, die kompatibel sind mit einer Aminosäuretasche innerhalb des Proteins. Es gibt jedoch einen Sonderfall der Zielmolekülerkennung, der überRNAs, insbesondere microRNAs (miRNAs), vermittelt wird. miRNAs sind im Genom kodierte 20-25 Nukleotid lange RNAs, die in Argonaut (Ago)-Proteine geladen werden können, um diese zu ihren Zielmolekülen (z.B mRNAs) zu navigieren. Es wird angenommen, dass miRNA:Ago-Komplexe nahezu alle zellulären Prozesse kontrollieren. Dementsprechend werden miRNA-Fehlfunktionen (z.B. verursacht durch Mutation nur eines einzelnen Nukleotids in einer Bindestelle) mit zahlreichen Erkrankungen in Verbindung gebracht. Die Charakterisierung aller miRNA-Zielmoleküle („miRNA targetome“) ist eine der wichtigsten Fragen, die mithilfe der Systembiologie adressiert werden kann. / Post-transcriptional gene regulation is a key mechanism exploited by living organisms to ensure their functionality, development and adaptation. Deficiencies in this mechanism lead to various diseases and malfunctions. Post-transcriptional gene regulation is exerted by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Their combinatorial action allows fine-tuned control over spatial and temporal gene expression to meet the actual cell demands. An RBP typically recognizes its targets via so called binding motifs: nucleotide sequences compatible with an amino-acid pocket inside the protein. However, there is a special case of target recognition guided by RNAs. In particular, micro RNAs(miRNAs) – 20-25 nucleotide long transcripts encoded in the genome–can be loaded into Argonaute (Ago) proteins to navigate them to their target RNAs. It is estimated that miRNA:Ago complexes control virtually all processes occurring in the cell. Consequently, malfunctions in the miRNA pathway (including even a single nucleotide mutation in a binding site) are implicated in multiple disorders. Therefore, the characterization of the “miRNA targetome” is one of the most important questions addressed to the systems biology

Analyzing UNC-50/GMH1 dependent membrane trafficking in yeast and C. elegans

Jeon, Suekyoung 03 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Elucidating residues on the BK channel required for activation by alcohol and intoxication in C. elegans

Davis, Scott Joseph 18 September 2014 (has links)
Alcohol produces changes in behavior through molecular effects on ion channels, enzymes and transporters. Many proteins have been elucidated that at least in part mediate behavioral changes induced by alcohol. However, it has been difficult thus far to uncover key amino acid residues within a protein that are necessary for the effects of alcohol. This information is critical, potentially leading to effective pharmacological treatments for alcohol use disorders (AUD) and identification of allelic variations that predispose an individual for AUD. The big conductance voltage- and calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel has recently emerged as a critical protein for the effects of alcohol across species. In this dissertation, we study the molecular action of alcohol on the BK channel, and how this action contributes to behavioral intoxication. To accomplish this, we first provide credence for using the nematode C. elegans for studying the behavioral effects of ethanol. We demonstrate how behavioral intoxication and internal ethanol concentration in C. elegans is altered by the osmolarity of the ethanol-solution, reconciling results from previous conflicting reports in the literature. We then identify the amino acid residue T381 on the BK channel in C. elegans is critical for behavioral intoxication, but not other BK channel-dependent behaviors. These results suggest a functional BK channel resistant to ethanol. By knocking-in the human BK channel, we then demonstrate that the equivalent residue, T352 is also critical for behavioral intoxication in C. elegans, but not other BK channel-dependent behaviors. Using single-channel recordings, we find that the T352 residue is critical for the potentiating effects of ethanol on the human BK channel, without being critical for basal-function. Finally, we investigate the role of calcium-sensing residues on the worm BK channel for behavioral intoxication in C. elegans. We find that these residues are non-essential for intoxication, in contrast to in vitro reports in the mammalian channel suggesting the calcium-sensing residues are critical for ethanol-activation of the BK channel. / text

Investigating a Model for Fetal Alcohol Damage in Caenorhabditis elegans

Kondo, Lindsay 29 November 2012 (has links)
Alcohol use and abuse has many harmful effects, especially to children exposed prenatally, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). The disabilities due to fetal alcohol exposure continue throughout life and cause major financial burdens to society. The molecular mechanisms underlying FASDs are not well understood. We have taken a genetic approach to characterize ethanol’s effect on changing a discrete cell fate decision during embryogenesis in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). Our preliminary data suggest that ethanol can affect the development of AWC neurons, a pair of olfactory neurons in C. elegans. We suggest that lipids can protect AWC neurons from ethanol’s effects. Importantly, we show that altering the metabolism of triacylglycerols (TAGs) can rescue this cell fate change in behavioral assays. By identifying molecular causes of fetal alcohol damage in humans we hope to be able to develop a greater understanding of how to prevent these detrimental effects.

An analysis of fatty acid metabolism’s role in the development of acute functional tolerance to ethanol in Caenorhabditis elegans

Raabe, Richard 01 January 2014 (has links)
An individual’s naïve level of response (LR) to ethanol is predictive of their lifetime likelihood to abuse alcohol. LR is heavily genetically influenced, suggesting that the genes responsible for LR may also be central to the development of abuse disorders. Our laboratory uses the model organism C. elegans to investigate the genetic influences on responses to acute ethanol exposure. We recently found that changes in TAG levels can alter LR. From this result we investigated the role of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) as well enzymes involved in lipid modifications of proteins. We found that LC-PUFAs are necessary for acute functional tolerance and that supplementation of eicosapentaenoic acid is able to rescue AFT. We also identified mutations in several palmitoyltransferases, a thioesterase, and elongases that alter AFT. These novel results highlight the importance of fatty acids in the response to ethanol and suggest exciting new potential therapeutic targets.

Rôle du métabolisme énergétique dans un contexte de vieillissement chez C. elegans

Tauffenberger, Arnaud 12 1900 (has links)
L’incidence constante des maladies liées à l’âge reflète un réel enjeu dans nos sociétés actuelles, principalement lorsqu’il est question des cas de cancers, d’accidents cérébraux et de maladies neurodégénératives. Ces désordres sont liés à l’augmentation de l’espérance de vie et à un vieillissement de la population. Les coûts, estimés en milliards de dollars, représentent des sommes de plus en plus importantes. Bien que les efforts déployés soient importants, aucun traitement n’a encore été trouvé. Les maladies neurodégénératives, telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer, de Parkinson, d’Huntington ou la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA), caractérisées par la dégénérescence d’un type neuronal spécifique à chaque pathologie, représentent un défi important. Les mécanismes de déclenchement de la pathologie sont encore nébuleux, de plus il est maintenant clair que certains de ces désordres impliquent de nombreux gènes impliqués dans diverses voies de signalisation induisant le dysfonctionnement de processus biologiques importants, tel que le métabolisme. Dans nos sociétés occidentales, une problématique, directement lié à notre style de vie s’ajoute. L’augmentation des quantités de sucre et de gras dans nos diètes a amené à un accroissement des cas de diabètes de type II, d’obésité et de maladies coronariennes. Néanmoins, le métabolisme du glucose, principale source énergétique du cerveau, est primordial à la survie de n’importe quel organisme. Lors de ces travaux, deux études effectuées à l’aide de l’organisme Caenorhabditis elegans ont porté sur un rôle protecteur du glucose dans un contexte de vieillissement pathologique et dans des conditions de stress cellulaire. Le vieillissement semble accéléré dans un environnement enrichi en glucose. Cependant, les sujets traités ont démontré une résistance importante à différents stress et aussi à la présence de protéines toxiques impliquées dans la SLA et la maladie de Huntington. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que ces effets peuvent aussi être transmis à la génération suivante. Un environnement enrichi en glucose a pour bénéfice de permettre une meilleure résistance de la progéniture, sans pour autant transmettre les effets néfastes dû au vieillissement accéléré. / The constant increase of the cases of age-related diseases, including cancers, cerebral accidents and neurodegenerative diseases raises a real problem in our current societies. These disorders are very strongly linked to the increase of life expectancy and to the ageing population. The costs, estimated in billion dollars, requiring vast medical resources and very few treatments exist today. Neuronal diseases, such as the Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are characterized by the degeneration of various types of neurons. This represents an important challenge because besides the lack of understanding the underlying mechanisms related to their pathology, it is now clear that some of these disorders involve several genes and lead to the dysfunction of fundmental biological processes such as metabolism. In western societies lifestyle and dietary practices may contribute to disease. The increased quantities of sugar and fat in western diets are thought to contribute to the rise of metabolic disorders, including Type II diabetes, obesity and coronary diseases. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the metabolism of glucose, the brain’s main energy source, is essential for survival. In this thesis, two studies using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans investigated a potential protective role of the glucose in a context of pathological ageing and in conditions of cellular stress. Although ageing seems accelerated in a glucose enriched environment, the test subjects demonstrated an improved resistance to numerous stresses including against toxic proteins involved in the ALS and Huntington's disease. Secondly, it appeared that these effects can be heritably transmitted to successive generations of animals. Thus, a glucose enriched environment allows for increased stress resistance in the offspring, without transmitting the negative effects of accelerated ageing.

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