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Tratamento das lesões intra-epiteliais cervicais de alto grau com cirurgia de alta freqüência em mulheres portadoras ou não do vírus da imunodeficiência humana / Treatment of intra-epithelial lesions of cervical high degree with surgery in high frequency bearers of women or no Virus Human ImmunodeficiencyPatrícia Pereira dos Santos Melli 20 December 2005 (has links)
Introdução: Sabe-se que a elevada prevalência da infecção pelo HPV na população sexualmente ativa, associa-se ao desenvolvimento delesões intra-epiteliais cervicais de alto grau e de baixo grau (LIEAG e LIABG). A cirurgia dealta freqüência (CAF) veio contribuir para o tratamento da LIE, substituindo práticas invasivas e onerosas. A população contaminada pelo HPV é composta por pacientes imunocompetentes e imunodeprimidas, especialmente as infectadas pelo HIV, que poderão ter diferente resposta a esta cirurgia. Objetivos:Avaliar a efetividade da CAF no tratamento das LIEAG no colo uterino e a taxa de complicações tardias dessa modalidade terapêutica em pacientes portadoras ou não do HIV e avaliar se a infecção HIV favorece a persistência de LIEAG após a CAF. Pacientes e Métodos: Estudo observacional prospectivo longitudinal onde foram selecionadas 97 pacientes portadoras de LIEAGe tratadas com CAF divididas em dois grupos: 38 pacientes portadoras do HIV e 59 não infectadas por esse vírus, todas atendidas em Hospital Universitário de referência terciária. As pacientes foram submetidas a CAF e reavaliadas com coleta de colpocitologia e colposcopia com três, seis, nove e 12 meses após o procedimento. As taxas de efetividade da CAF consideraram a evolução da doença cervical ao longo do seguimento desses dois grupos de pacientes por um ano. Resultados:Após o seguimento de 12 meses foram observadas situações de cura (citologia e colposcopia normais), melhora (citologia e/ou comcolposcopia com sinais de infecção HPV ou LIEBG) ou de piora da LIEAG inicial (lesão microinvasora/invasora). Sendo assim, foram obtidos para as pacientes portadoras do HIV: 56,7% de cura; 32,4% de melhora e nenhum caso de piora após o tratamento inicial. Para as pacientes não portadoras do HIV os resultados foram: 75,8% de cura; 13,8% demelhora e 1,7% de piora, indicando desfecho clínico mais favorável entre as pacientes não portadoras do HIV (X 2 , p= 0,02). As taxas de estenose de canal cervical entre as pacientes portadoras do HIV (13,5%) não foram estatisticamente diferentes daquelas observadas entre as pacientes não portadoras do HIV (10,5%). A excisão completa da LIE que motivou a CAF ocorreu em 69 (71,2%) pacientes. Entretanto, 21 (21,7%) mulheres tiveram excisão incompleta com margens da peça cirúrgica comprometida pela LIE. Dessas 21 pacientes que apresentaram margens da peça cirúrgica comprometidas apenas cinco tiveram necessidade de novo tratamento. Também foram submetidas a novo tratamento três das mulheres que tiveram margens cirúrgicas livres da peça excisada e uma paciente com a margemcirúrgica carbonizada. Conclusões: Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos estudados em relação ao número de complicações após a realização da CAF e também na necessidade de novo tratamento no caso de mulheres portadoras do HIV. Entretanto, o desfecho clínico favorável (cura e melhora) para essa população estudada foi significativamente melhor para as pacientes não portadoras do HIV que para as infectadas por esse vírus após um ano de seguimento pós-CAF. A recidiva da LIEAG é mais freqüente em pacientes com margens cirúrgicas comprometidas, independente da presença da infecção pelo HIV. / Introduction: It is known that the high prevalence of HPV infection in the sexually active population is associated with the development of high and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL and LSIL). Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) has contributed to the treatment of SIL, replacing invasive and expensive procedures. The population contaminated with HPV consists of immunocompetent and immunodepressed patients, especially HIV-infected patients, who may respond differently to this surgery Objectives:To assess the effectiveness of LEEP in the treatment of HSIL in the uterine cervix and the rate of late complications of this therapeutic modality in patients infected or not with HIV and to determine whether HIV infection predisposes to the persistence of HSIL after LEEP. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective longitudinal observational study conducted on 97 patients with HSIL and treated with LEEP who were divided into two groups: 38 HIV-infected and 59 non-HIV-infected patients attended at a tertiary reference University Hospital. The patients were submitted to LEEP and re-evaluated bycolpocytology and colposcopy at three, six, nine and 12 months after the procedure.The rates of LEEP effectiveness were determined on the basis of the evolution of cervical disease along a one year follow-up of the two groups of patients Results:After a follow-up of 12 months, situations of cure (normal cytology and colposcopy), improvement (cytology and/or colposcopy with signs of HPV infection or HSIL) or of worsening of the original HSIL (microinvasive/invasive lesion) were observed. On this basis, the followingresults were obtained for HIV-infected patients: 55.2% of cure, 34.3% of improvement and no case of worsening after the initial treatment. For non-HIV-infected patients, the results were: 75.4% of cure, 14.1% of improvement and 1.7% of worsening, indicating a more favorable clinical outcome among non-HIV-infected patients (X 2 , p= 0.02). The rates of cervical canal stenosis among HIV-infected patients (13.5%) did not differ significantly from those among non-HIV-infected patients (10.5%). Complete excision of the SIL that motivated LEEP occurred in 69 (71.2%) patients. However, in 21 (21.7%) women, excision was incomplete, with SIL involvement of the margins of the surgical piece. Of these 21 patients with compromised surgical piece margins, only five required new treatment. Three of the women whose surgical margins were freeof disease and one patient with a carbonized surgical margin were also submitted to new treatment. Conclusions:No statistically significant difference was detected between the two groups regarding the number of complications after LEEP or also regarding the need for new treatment among HIV-infected women. However, a favorable clinical outcome (cure and improvement) for this population was significantly better for non-HIV-infected patients than for HIV-infected patients after one year of post-LEEP follow-up. HSIL recurrence was more frequent among patients with involved surgical margins regardless of the presence of HIV infection.
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Zonas de manejo na cafeicultura de precis?o / Management zones in precision coffee farming.JACINTHO, Jo?o Luiz 17 February 2016 (has links)
CAPES / The delimitation of management zones consists on grouping regions with similar characteristics, making possible a better administration of inputs.This work was developed in Brej?o farm, in Tr?s Pontas, Minas Gerais state, in a 22 hectares coffee (C offea arabica L.) Top?zio (MG 1190) farm area, planted at December 2005, with a spacing of 3,8 meters between lines and 0,8 meters between plants, totalizing 3,289 plants per hectare. The area soil was classified as Latossolo Vermelho Distr?fico Argiloso and the local weather is characterized as bland, highly tropical, with moderate temperatures, hot and rained summer, classified by K?ppen as Cwa. The study area was sampled on a regular grid, using topographic GPS receivers, with samples farbetween
57 per 57 meters, totalizing 64 georeferenced samples (medium of 2,9 points per hectare). This study aims apply precision agriculture techniques in coffee cultivation, using correlation analysis to define management zones. Were evaluated chemistry soil attributes, agronomic plant characteristics and coffee yield. Chemistry soil evaluated were: soil pH, phosphorus availability (P), reminiscent phosphorus (Prem), potassium availability (K), changeable calcium (Ca 2+) , changeable magnesium (Mg 2+ ), changeable aluminum (Al 3+) , potential acidity (H + Al), aluminum saturation (m), potential cation exchange capacity (T), effective cation exchange capacity (t), sum of bases (SB), base saturation (V) and organic matter (OM). Agronomic plant characteristics evaluated were: coffee yield, maturation index, leafiness, plant height and crown diameter. Altitude was analyzed too. Descriptive analysis was applied on data followed by correlation analysis between soil attributes, agronomic plant characteristics and coffee yield. Variables who demonstrate potential to define management zones were analyzed by geostatistics to verify spatial dependence. Results showed that were possible define the attributes more related to coffee yield (level, crown diameter and phosphorus) and confirmed the correlation analysis, these attributes when used to define management zones, showed influence on coffee yield medium. Methodology adopted seems to be suitable on pattern recognition of attributes correlated with coffee yield. Was possible verify correlation between soil and plant attributes with coffee yield and define management zones in coffee cultivation, using the variables: level, phosphorus and crown diameter. Precision coffee cultivation showed the importance in soil and plant management, looking for improves techniques and field operations to guarantee the good development of the plant cultivation. / A delimita??o de zonas de manejo consiste no agrupamento de regi?es com caracter?sticas semelhantes, possibilitando a administra??o mais precisa de insumos. Este trabalho foi elaborado na Fazenda Brej?o, localizada no munic?pio de Tr?s Pontas ? MG, em uma ?rea de 22 hectares de lavoura de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) da cultivar Top?zio (MG 1190), transplantada em dezembro de 2005, no espa?amento de 3,8m entre linhas e 0,8m entre plantas, totalizando 3,289 plantas.ha 1. O solo da ?rea foi classificado como Latossolo Vermelho Distr?fico Argiloso e o clima do local ? caracterizado como ameno, tropical de altitude, com temperaturas moderadas, ver?o quente e chuvoso, classificado por K?ppen como Cwa. Demarcou-se na ?rea em estudo, com a utiliza??o de receptores GPS topogr?ficos uma malha amostral regular, com pontos espa?ados de 57 x 57 m, totalizando 64 pontos amostrais georreferenciados (em m?dia 2,9 pontos por hectare). O estudo teve como objetivo aplicar t?cnicas de agricultura de precis?o no cafeeiro, utilizando an?lise de correla??o na defini??o de zonas de manejo. Utilizou-se o m?todo de an?lise descritiva dos dados seguido da an?lise de correla??o entre os atributos de solo, as caracter?sticas agron?micas das plantas e produtividade. Foram avaliados atributos qu?micos de solo, caracter?sticas agron?micas das plantas e produtividade do cafeeiro. Os atributos qu?micos do solo avaliados foram: pH do solo, disponibilidade de F?sforo (P), F?sforo remanescente (Prem), disponibilidade de Pot?ssio (K), C?lcio Troc?vel (Ca 2+ ), Magn?sio Troc?vel (Mg 2+ ), Acidez Troc?vel (Al 3+), Acidez Potencial (H + Al), Satura??o por Alum?nio (m), CTC potencial (T), CTC efetiva (t), Soma de Bases (SB), Satura??o por Base (V) e Mat?ria org?nica (MO). As caracter?sticas agron?micas das plantas avaliadas foram: produtividade, ?ndice de matura??o, enfolhamento, altura da planta e di?metro de copa. A altitude tamb?m foi analisada. As vari?veis que se mostraram candidatas a refer?ncias na defini??o de zonas de manejo foram analisadas atrav?s da geoestat?stica, para verificar sua depend?ncia espacial. Os resultados mostram que foi poss?vel definir os atributos que mais se relacionaram com a produtividade (altitude, di?metro de copa e f?sforo) e confirmando os resultados da an?lise de correla??o, as vari?veis altitude, f?sforo e di?metro de copa, quando utilizadas na defini??o de zonas de manejo influenciaram a m?dia da produtividade. A integra??o metodol?gica adotada para definir zonas de manejo mostrou-se adequada para o reconhecimento de padr?es de agrupamento nas vari?veis que estiveram correlacionadas com a produtividade. Foi poss?vel verificar a correla??o dos atributos do solo e das caracter?sticas agron?micas das plantas com a produtividade e definir as zonas de manejo na cultura do cafeeiro, utilizando as vari?veis altitude, di?metro de copa e f?sforo (P). A utiliza??o da cafeicultura de precis?o se mostrou muito importante no manejo do solo e da planta visando o melhoramento de t?cnicas e opera??es de campo que garantam o bom desenvolvimento da cultura.
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Researching the development of adolescent self-identity through Internet games: A study of twelve youths' expereince in Internet cafesFang, Yu-Shen 31 July 2006 (has links)
Adolescents feel confusion all the time on the way to become mature adults. In ancient time, children were guided to go through adulthood ceremony to ease safely the unsettled and risky mind at the adolescent stage. It is a pity that Internet Café and on-line games nowadays becomes a battlefield for young people to fight with their confusion and conflicts in mind hoping for gaining inside happiness and calm. However, on-line games are not products designed to help adolescent inner growth but commercials, which aim to profit. Internet Café, though, is not an ideal place to develop one¡¦s identity, offers a possibility of exciting exploring journey. Nevertheless, in a cement jungle, limited space drives children to go into a virtual fascinating playground to discover ¡§Who am I?¡¨
Campbell stated the theme of ancient myth to present contemporary phenomenon. The myth claims that children are born to be heroes. Heroes search for inner growth, self-identity and conquer challenges in fate of their own. No one can escape from the risky life journey (transformation from adolescent to adult), even though we do not expect it, it comes to us eventually. It is an innate thirst to success in perilous life voyage.
This research adapted qualitative in-depth interviews with forty-four young people in eleven Internet Cafés in Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County, exploring twelve individual cases in profound reflection of their lives, which the whole observation and interviews have been lasted eight months long (September, 2005-April, 2006) and still, some of them kept intensive contact with me.
Most heroes in the cases stepped into Dark Forest-Internet Cafés since grade 3 or 4 and had undergone 4 to 5-year attempt and gradual transformation in mind in addition to the helping hand from Goddess of Happiness (significant others), heroes will come back to real world along with the grace (self-awareness) of the trial in Dark Forest. They will live freely and happily and become masters of two worlds, the Forest and outside world. Heroes who do not break through the spell of Dark Forest would still wait for the guidance of Goddess of Happiness or worse, they would be trapped in jails and dangers and lost contacts with outside world.
The research discovers that the main cause of attaching to on-line games comes from school; the secondary cause comes from family. On one hand, the harvest of young people in on-line games contains positive compensation on missing adulthood ceremony passing smoothly rebellious and confusing stage of life journey. On the other hand, the negative influence would be suffering from bad health attributing to staying up all night; bad school performance, unsatisfactory interaction with teachers and parents and much more, some of the young people can not even finish junior high schooling.
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Goal attainment, social exchange and power relations : a search for guiding principles for organizing strategySin, Ricky W. C. (Ricky Wai-Chuen) January 1995 (has links)
This qualitative research employed the single case study approach to review the process by which service users and the staff of a food bank successfully broke through the bureaucratic resistance and secured new premises from the City of Montreal. This study explores the capacity of weaker parties to achieve their desired goal through strategic intervention on social exchange network despite the pre-existing asymmetric power relations. The conception of goal attainment, power relations and social exchange were discussed in order to develop the research questions. Case materials were collected from multiple sources: documentary research, in-depth interviews, and observation. The findings demonstrate that internal solidarity, potential uses of coalitions and expansion of resource networks are fundamental factors for members of a subordinate group to gain power and to achieve their goals. Implications for community organization practice were drawn from the overview of the empirical findings and theoretical concepts.
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"Ombro a ombro com os mais fracos": a inser??o de Jo?o Caf? Filho nos espa?os do trabalhador na cidade do Natal 1922 - 1937Cunha, Paulo Rikardo Pereira Fonseca da 24 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-08-16T22:17:21Z
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PauloRikardoPereiraFonsecaDaCunha_DISSERT.pdf: 1907296 bytes, checksum: c55a916d85d9b5753ca248080e6300e8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-23T20:26:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-24 / O objetivo da disserta??o ? analisar como em diferentes espa?os de sociabilidade Jo?o Caf? Filho constituiu um discurso de defensor dos trabalhadores e do movimento oper?rio. Pretende-se compreender, por um lado, como foram estabelecidas rela??es pol?ticas entre diferentes categorias de trabalhadores e as ?classes m?dias? e, por outro, como foram institu?dos espa?os para abrigar o encontro dessas rela??es. Almeja-se compreender a inser??o de Caf? Filho nas atividades sindicais no mundo urbano. Demonstra-se especificidades da cultura pol?tica em Natal, enfatizando-se a disputa entre uma cidade regida politicamente por mentalidade rural paternalista ainda reinante e o surgimento de uma nova forma de vivenciar os conflitos urbanos que se apresentavam. Temporalmente o trabalho est? delimitado entre 1921 (ano proclamado pelo pr?prio Caf? Filho como o per?odo inicial da sua a??o pol?tica) a 1937 (ano em que Caf? Filho rompeu com Vargas e exilou-se na Argentina). Tr?s tipos documentais se constitu?ram como fontes principais para a investiga??o: v?rios jornais publicados, entre as d?cadas de 1920 e 1930, nas cidades de Natal, Recife, S?o Paulo, Porto Alegre e Rio de Janeiro; as mem?rias autobiogr?ficas escritas pelo pr?prio Caf? Filho e mem?rias de outras pessoas que viveram no tempo dele. Os principais esteios que deram sustenta??o ao trabalho foram: os conceitos de sociedade e indiv?duos (Norbert Elias), de culturas pol?ticas (Serge Berstein) e de teatro da mem?ria (Angela de Castro Gomes); a categoria espa?os de sociabilidade (Michel Certeau, Maria Teresa Malatian e Jean Pierre Riox); a no??o de biografia (Fran?ois Dosse e Sabina Loriga). / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Jo?o Caf? Filho constituted a discourse of advocate of the
labor movement and workers in different sociability spaces. It is intended to understand, on one hand,
how political relations were established between different categories of workers and the ?middle
classes? and, on the other hand, how places were instituted to house the meeting of these relations. It a
ims to understand the insertion of Caf? Filho in union activities in the urban world. It demonstrates
specificities of the political culture in Natal emphasizing the dispute between a city politically ruled by
a still reigning rural paternalistic mentality and the rise of a new way to experience the urban conflicts
which appeared. Temporally, the work is delimited between 1922 (proclaimed by Caf? Filho himself
as the initial period of his political action) and 1937 (when he broke up with Vargas and went into
exile in Argentina). The research was constituted by three main document types: several published
newspapers between the decades of 1920 and 1930 in the cities of Natal, Recife, S?o Paulo, Porto
Alegre and Rio de Janeiro; the autobiographical memoirs written by Caf? Filho himself and memoirs of other people who lived in his time. The main pillars that have supported the work were: the concepts of
society and individuals (ELIAS, 1994; 1995), political cultures (BERSTEIN, 1998) and theater of the memory (GOMES, 2004); the sociability spaces category (CERTEAU, 1994; MALATIAN, 2001; RIOX, 1996); the biography notion (DOSSE, 2009; LORIGA, 2011). We demonstrated that Caf? Filho acted in some sociability spaces as: the Jornal do Norte, the Federa??o Regional do Trabalho and the Partido Democr?tico Nacional. In such spaces, Caf? Filho, gradually, become an important leader of workers and, at the same time, linked to national entities led to the opposition that fight against the power established in the Brazilian First Republic. In Caf? Filho?s interpretation, workers were individuals who needed to fight against the political structures prevailing at that time because the poor living conditions and the low representativeness of this group were caused by the way the political system in the First Republic was structured. After the 1930 Movement, the 3 de Outubro Club, the Jornal and the Labor Federation of Natal were constituted in spaces where the cafeista critical discourse about the government was changed: workers should follow the official syndicalism and defend the 1930 Movement which put Vargas in the presidency of the Republic.
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Efici?ncia da irriga??o localizada e do consumo de energia na cafeicultura na regi?o do Alto Jequitinhonha. / Efficiency of located irrigation and the consumption of energy in coffee culture in the Region of High Jequitinhonha.Almeida, Wagner Vicente Rodrigues de January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-02-27T13:30:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2010 / O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em 12 propriedades rurais localizadas nos munic?pios de Capelinha, Carbonita, Itamarandiba e Turmalina, produtoras de caf? irrigado pelo sistema de gotejamento, com o objetivo de avaliar a efici?ncia da irriga??o localizada e do consumo de energia na cafeicultura na regi?o do Alto Jequitinhonha, no per?odo de janeiro a julho de 2009. Para isso foram realizadas medi??es das vaz?es dos gotejadores, em talh?es de caf? com idade de 5 anos. Os gotejadores foram selecionados utilizando-se a metodologia proposta por KELLER & KARMELI. Por meio dos resultados dos c?lculos obtidos a partir dos dados coletados em campo, estimou-se o volume de ?gua aplicado, o consumo de energia real de cada propriedade rural e kg de gr?os produzido por l?mina de ?gua aplicada pelo produtor. Em seguida, com as informa??es da evapotranspira??o real, da evapotranspira??o da cultura, efici?ncia do sistema de irriga??o e Kc da cultura do caf?, determinou-se o volume de ?gua e o consumo de energia el?trica simulados para a condi??o de manejo adequado da irriga??o nas propriedades em estudo, no per?odo de janeiro a julho de 2009. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, em fun??o da inexist?ncia de um manejo adequado da irriga??o, 75% e 25% das propriedades em estudo apresentaram, respectivamente, aplica??o em excesso e em d?ficit de ?gua. Essa falta de manejo dos sistemas de irriga??o teve implica??o direta no consumo de ?gua, de energia el?trica e de kg de gr?os produzido por mm de ?gua aplicada na cultura do caf? nas propriedades pesquisadas durante o per?odo do estudo. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2010. / ABSTRACT The present work was developed in 12 rural properties located in the districts of Capelinha, Carbonita, Itamarandiba and Turmalina, considering all of them coffee roducers that use the leaking system for irrigation with the aim of evaluate efficiency of located irrigation?and energy consumption in the region of High Jequitinonha in the period from January to July in 2009. For that were realized measurements of flow in the leaking system using plots of coffee with 5 years old and the tools were selected using the methodology wich was proposed by KELLER & KARMELI. Through the results obtained from data colecting in field it was possible to the estimate the volume of applied water, energy consumption in each rural property?and kg of grain produced?by water shade. Then, with the information about real evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration of culture, irrigation system efficency and Kc of coffee culture, it was determined water volume and eletric energy consumption simulated?to the condition of adequated irrigation handling in the properties of study from January to July of 2009. In conclusion, the results? showed that due to inexistence of adequated irrigation handling, 75% and 25% of the studied?properties presented, respectively,? use of water in excess and in lack. This lack of handling in the irrigation system had direct inference in water consumption, electric energy and kg of produced grains per mm of applied water in coffee culture in the studied properties during the period of the work.
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Diagnose nutricional do cafeeiro para produ??o e qualidade da bebida na regi?o do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, MG. / Nutricional diagnosis of coffee plantations for yield and beverage quality in the region of the High Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.Farnezi, M?cio M?gno de Melo January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-02-27T13:30:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (Capes) / O Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha tem apresentado como ascendente p?lo cafeeiro do estado de Minas Gerais. No entanto, pouca import?ncia tem sido dada ao diagn?stico do estado nutricional do cafeeiro que proporcione maior produtividade e, melhor qualidade da bebida.As normas DRIS ainda n?o foram estabelecidas para cafeeiros do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha,assim, a inexist?ncia dessas impede que o DRIS seja aplicado nesta cultura nessa regi?o. A diagnose foliar, mediante o uso do Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomenda??o (DRIS) e de faixas cr?ticas de nutrientes de refer?ncia, destaca-se dentre as ferramentas potenciais que permitem diagnosticar eficientemente o estado nutricional das plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram (a) estabelecer as normas DRIS, propor faixas adequadas para teores foliares de nutrientes e diagnose nutricional dos cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha; (b) realizar o levantamento da qualidade da bebida do caf? e (c) estabelecer as normas DRIS, propor faixas adequadas de nutrientes e avaliar o estado nutricional dos cafeeiros para maior produtividade. O Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha tem apresentado como ascendente p?lo cafeeiro do estado de Minas Gerais. No entanto, pouca import?ncia tem sido dada ao diagn?stico do estado nutricional do cafeeiro que proporcione maior produtividade e, melhor qualidade da bebida.As normas DRIS ainda n?o foram estabelecidas para cafeeiros do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha,assim, a inexist?ncia dessas impede que o DRIS seja aplicado nesta cultura nessa regi?o. A diagnose foliar, mediante o uso do Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomenda??o (DRIS) e de faixas cr?ticas de nutrientes de refer?ncia, destaca-se dentre as ferramentas potenciais que permitem diagnosticar eficientemente o estado nutricional das plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram (a) estabelecer as normas DRIS, propor faixas adequadas para teores foliares de nutrientes e diagnose nutricional dos cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha; (b) realizar o levantamento da qualidade da bebida do caf? e (c) estabelecer as normas DRIS, propor faixas adequadas de nutrientes e avaliar o estado nutricional dos cafeeiros para maior produtividade e melhor qualidade da bebida. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir: (1) maiores porcentuais de lavouras em desequil?brios nutricionais foram observados para os nutrientes P, K, S, B, Cu, Mn e Zn em defici?ncia, sendo o Mg e Fe os excessivos; (2) as normas DRIS para diagnose nutricional foram estabelecidas para cafeeiros da regi?o do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, MG e utilizadas para propor faixas cr?ticas para N (2,25 - 2,79 dag kg-1), P (0,18 - 0,22 dag kg-1), K (1,72 - 2,10 dag kg-1), Ca (1,26 - 1,51 dag kg-1), Mg (0,29 - 0,35 dag kg-1), S (0,13 - 0,32 dag kg-1), B (83,8 - 96,3 mg kg-1), Cu (5,7 ? 9,3 mg kg-1), Fe (67,5 - 116,2 mg kg-1), Mn (219 - 422 mg kg 1) e Zn (17,4 - 30,0 mg kg 1); (3) pelo levantamento da qualidade da bebida do caf? verificou-se que a maior parte das lavouras avaliadas da regi?o apresentou qualidade da bebida classificada como ?dura?, por?m a regi?o apresenta aptid?o para produzir caf?s de melhor qualidade (bebida ?mole?, ?apenas mole? e ?estritamente mole?); (4) as normas DRIS para o estado nutricional juntamente com a qualidade da bebida do caf? foram estabelecidas para cafeeiros da regi?o do Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, MG e a partir destas normas, foram propostas as faixas cr?ticas de nutrientes N (2,20 - 2,48 dag kg-1), P (0,20 - 0,24 dag kg-1), K (1,49 - 1,79 dag kg-1), Ca (1,30 - 1,61 dag kg-1), Mg (0,32 - 0,38 dag kg-1), S (0,10 - 0,13 dag kg-1), B (77,3 - 89,1 mg kg-1), Cu (3,1 ? 3,8 mg kg-1), Fe (174,0 - 242,4 mg kg-1), Mn (197,5 - 341,8 mg kg-1) e Zn (19,8 - 31,0 mg kg-1) e (5) a manuten??o do equil?brio do estado nutricional das lavouras cafeeiras proporciona elevada produtividade e qualidade da bebida do caf?. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2008. / ABSTRACT The High Jequitinhonha Valley has presented as coffee upward pole of the state of Minas Gerais. However, little attention has been given the diagnosis of the nutritional status of
coffee that provides greater productivity and, together with productivity, improved quality of the drink. The DRIS standards have not yet been set for the coffee yield in Valley do Jequitinhonha, thus the absence of such rules prevent the DRIS is applied in that region's coffee culture. The diagnosis leaf, using the Integrated System Diagnosis and Recommendation (DRIS) and tracks critical of reference, stands out among the potential tools that allow efficiently diagnose the nutritional status of the plants. The objectives of this study were (a) establish the rules DRIS, propose suitable for tracks levels of nutrients and leaf diagnose nutritional of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) of the High Jequitinhonha Valley; (b) carry out lifting the quality of the coffee drink and (c) set the standards DRIS, propose appropriate tracks of nutrients and assess the nutritional status of coffee for higher productivity and better quality of the drink. Those results, we can conclude: (1) higher percentage of crops in nutritional imbalances were observed for nutrients P, S, B, Cu, Zn Mn and in disability, and the Mg and the excessive Fe; (2) The DRIS to diagnose nutritional standards were established for coffee in the region of the High Jequitinhonha Valley, MG and tracks used to propose critical for N (2.25 - 2.79 dag kg-1), P (0.18 - 0, 22 dag kg-1), K (1.72 - 2.10 dag kg-1), Ca
(1.26 - 1.51 dag kg-1), Mg (0.29 - 0.35 dag kg-1 ), S (0.13 - 0.32 dag kg-1), B (83.8 - 96.3 mg kg-1), Cu (5.7 - 9.3 mg kg-1), Fe (67 , 5 to 116.2 mg kg-1), Mn (219 - 422 mg kg 1) and Zn (17.4 - 30.0 mg kg 1); (3) by lifting the quality of the coffee drink there was that most of the crops in the region had assessed quality of the drink classified as "hard", but the region presents ability to produce higher quality coffee (drink "soft", "just soft" and "strictly soft"); (4) DRIS standards for the nutritional status along with the quality of the drink of coffee were down for coffee in the region of the High Jequitinhonha Valley, MG and from these standards, the tracks were proposed critical nutrients N (2.20 - 2.48 dag kg-1), P (0.20 - 0.24 dag kg-1), K (1.49 - 1.79 dag kg-1), Ca (1.30 - 1.61 dag kg-1), Mg (0.32 - 0.38 dag kg-1), S (0.10 - 0.13 dag kg-1), B (77.3 - 89.1 mg kg-1), Cu (3.1 - 3.8 mg kg-1), Fe (174.0 - 242.4 mg kg-1), Mn (197.5 - 341.8 mg kg-1) and Zn (19.8 - 31.0 mg kg-1) as tracks appropriate for the better nutritional status and quality of the coffee beverage for the region of Minas; (5) for the diagnosis of the nutritional quality of coffee to drink noted that maintaining the balance of the nutritional status of crop, provides high productivity and quality of the coffee beverage.
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Classifica??o f?sico-qu?mica de caf?s comerciais por an?lise explorat?riaLessa, Mayara Rodrigues 10 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-01-06T18:54:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / O caf? torrado e mo?do encontrado no mercado interno ? comercializado sob diferentes marcas, que trazem consigo uma heterogeneidade quanto ao aroma, sabor e at? o grau de torra??o. Esta diversidade de caracter?sticas est? associada a v?rios fatores, entre eles a origem dos gr?os de caf?. Considerando essas varia??es relatadas na literatura, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma pesquisa da composi??o qu?mica e f?sico-qu?mica de caf?s comerciais em diferentes cidades da Regi?o Sudeste do Brasil. Cinquenta e oito pacotes de 250 gramas, de caf?s torrados e mo?dos acondicionados em embalagem do tipo almofada e/ou ? v?cuo foram adquiridos em diferentes cidades dos quatro Estados da Regi?o Sudeste do Brasil. Todos os produtos estavam dentro do prazo de validade e aproximadamente 58% das marcas apresentavam o selo de pureza da ABIC, enquanto 22% das marcas apresentavam o selo de qualidade da Associa??o Brasileira da Ind?stria de Caf?. As amostras foram levadas para o Laborat?rio de Tecnologia de Biomassas do Cerrado da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, onde foram realizadas as avalia??es de pH cujo resultado m?dio foi 5,95; acidez total titul?vel 15,03 ? 1,07(v/m)%; s?lidos sol?veis totais 1,15 ?Brix; ?ndice de colora??o com m?dia para os valores de L* de 28,87 ? 0,29, para os valores de a* de 8,99 ? 0,10 e para os valores de b* de 2,84 ? 0,21; os compostos fen?licos obtiveram uma m?dia de 4,1152 ? 0,4863 g.100g-1 e a m?dia dos flavonoides de 0,5042 ? 0,0291 g.100g-1. Os m?todos multivariados de an?lise, associados aos m?todos usando a espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho tem tido grandes avan?os com diversas aplica??es nas an?lises de alimentos. Com este intuito, utilizou-se a espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho para delinear os grupos funcionais mais representativos nas amostras de caf? analisadas com a inten??o de agrup?-las por similaridade atrav?s da estat?stica multivariada. Os resultados permitiram visualizar que poucos grupos foram formados utilizando as an?lises f?sico-qu?micas, para classificar as amostras. A An?lise das Componentes Principais foi capaz de acumular 61,98% de vari?ncia nas duas primeiras componentes e os grupos formados foram confirmados pela An?lise Hier?rquica por Agrupamento. Em rela??o aos espectros de infravermelho, as amostras foram mais agrupadas com a An?lise das Componentes Principais acumulando 41,76% da vari?ncia, os grupos das amostras foram confirmados pela An?lise Hier?rquica por Agrupamento. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2014. / ABSTRACT
The roast and ground coffee found in the domestic market is sold under different brands that carry with them a heterogeneity for aroma, flavor and even the degree of roasting. This diversity of characteristics is associated with several factors, including the origin of the coffee beans. Considering these variations reported in the literature, the present study aimed to perform a search of the chemical and physico-chemical composition of commercial coffees in different cities in Southeastern Brazil. Fifty-eight packages of 250 grams of roasted and ground coffee packaged in packaging the type pad and / or vacuum were acquired in different cities of the four states of southeastern Brazil. All products were within the validity period and approximately 58% of brands had the seal of purity of ABIC, while 22% of brands had the seal of the Brazilian Association of Coffee Industry Samples were taken for Laboratory Technology Biomass of the Cerrado, Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, which were conducted evaluations of pH where the average yield around 5.95; titratable acidity 15.03 ? 1.07 (v / m)%; total soluble solids 1.15 ? Brix; staining index and the average for the values ??of L * was 28.87 ? 0.29 for the a * values ??was 8.99 ? 0.10 and b * values ??were 2.84 ? 0.21 ; phenolic compounds were obtained an average of 4.1152 ? 0.4863 g.100g-1 and the average of flavonoids was 0.5042 ? 0.0291 g.100g-1. The multivariate analysis methods, associated with methods using spectroscopy in the infrared region has taken great strides with several applications in food analysis. For this purpose, we used spectroscopy in the infrared region to delineate the most representative functional groups in coffee samples analyzed with the intention of grouping them by similarity using multivariate statistics. The results allowed us to visualize that few groups were formed using the physicochemical analyzes to classify the samples. The Principal Component Analysis was able to accumulate 61.98% of variance in the first two components and the groups formed were confirmed by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Regarding the infrared spectra of the samples were further grouped with the Principal Component Analysis accumulating 41.76% of the variance, the groups of samples were confirmed by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis.
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Aplica??o de agentes remineralizantes sobre o esmalte clareado: efic?cia contra o manchamento por caf?Pimentel, Leonardo Nunes Maia 27 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-11T20:02:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-27 / O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a influ?ncia de agentes remineralizantessobre a susceptibilidade do esmalte clareado ? pigmenta??o por caf? durante o clareamento de consult?rio. Noventa incisivos bovinos foram selecionados e divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos (n=10) em fun??o dos agentes remineralizantes: G1 sem pigmenta??o e sem agente remineralizante; G2, fl?or neutro; G3, Nano-P, G4, CPP-ACP e; G5 sem remineralizante. A solu??o pigmentante foi confeccionada com caf? sol?vel (Nescaf?) de acordo com as orienta??es do fabricante. As amostras foram imersas no caf?, em temperatura de 55?C, por 1 minuto/4x ao dia. Todos os grupos foram clareados com Per?xido de Hidrog?nio a 35%. As medidas de cor foram realizadas pelo espectrofot?metro Easyshade (VITA), pelo m?todo CIE Lab, antes e depois das 3 sess?es de clareamento. Os dados foram submetidos ? An?lise de Vari?ncia ANOVA a dois crit?rios para medidas pareadas e ao p?s-teste de Tukey para m?ltiplas compara??es (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram haver diferen?as estatisticamente significantes entre as subst?ncias remineralizantes para os par?metros *L, *a, *b e ?E (p<0,0001). Os valores de L*, para o grupo G5, e os de *b, para os grupos G2 e G5, diferiram do grupo controle. Ap?s a 3? sess?o de clareamento, os grupos do Fluor (G2) e aquele sem agente remineralizante (G5) apresentaram valores de ?E inferiores ao grupo controle, n?o pigmentado. Concluiu-se que a apenas os agentes remineralizantes CPP-ACP e Nano-P foram capazes de reduzir a interfer?ncia do caf? na efic?cia clareadora do per?xido de hidrog?nio. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of remineralizing agents on the susceptibility of enamel cleared by the coffee pigmentation during office bleaching. Fifty bovine incisors were selected and randomly assigned into 5 groups (n = 10) on the basis of remineralizing agents: G1 gel hydrogen peroxide to 35% (control group); G2, hydrogen peroxide gel and a 35% gel 2% neutral fluorine; G3, hydrogen peroxide gel and a 35% nanostructured calcium phosphate gel, G4, hydrogen peroxide gel and a 35% casein fosfopt?dia-phosphate and amorphous calcium folder; G5 hydrogen peroxide gel to 35% without mineralizing agent. All groups exception G1 (control group) were subjected to pigmentation soluble coffee according to the manufacturer's guidelines. The samples were immersed in coffee at temperature of 55? C, 1 time a day for 4 minutes. Color changes were performed by Easyshade spectrophotometer at CIE Lab method before and after 3 whitening sessions. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance ANOVA. The results showed statistically significant differences between the remineralizing substances for the parameters L *, a *, b * ?E (p <0.0001). The L * values for the group G5, and the b * for G2 and G5 groups differed from the control group. After the 3rd whitening session, Fluor's group (G2) and that without mineralizing agent (G5) showed ?E values less than the control group that did not undergo pigmentation. It was concluded that only the nanoclusters remineralizing agents Phosphopeptides Casein-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Amorphous phosphate were able to reduce the coffee interference whitening efficacy of hydrogen peroxide.
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Avalia??o dos textos informativos em tr?s embalagens de caf? / Cognitive aspects in labels: evaluation of the informative texts in three packings of coffeeSevero, V?nia Marisa Niederauer Flores 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar uma investiga??o sobre o n?vel de clareza dos textos informativos dos r?tulos de embalagens de caf? torrado e mo?do, considerando os aspectos ling??sticos e ergon?micos presentes nos r?tulos do produto. Ling?isticamente analisar se a linguagem utilizada nos r?tulos ? adequada para a compreens?o das informa??es pelo consumidor, ainda expor como a ling??stica preconiza a organiza??o e estrutura??o dos textos a partir da classifica??o do g?nero textual. Do ponto de vista da ergonomia a pesquisa pretende identificar a conformidade ergon?mica presente nas informa??es dos r?tulos das embalagens de caf?. Devido ? evolu??o das atividades comerciais, a embalagem passou ao longo do tempo a acumular fun??es, transformando-se em um consider?vel ve?culo de comunica??o, informa??o e sedu??o do seu p?blico consumidor, por isso, a ado??o de normas adequadas relativas ?s informa??es pode evitar que o consumidor desenvolva conceitos inadequados ou at? mesmo empregue erroneamente um produto aliment?cio em sua dieta. A engenharia de produ??o considera importante a inser??o de melhores pr?ticas de produ??o e gest?o do produto nas empresas, com vistas ao aumento de sua competitividade, compatibilizando as caracter?sticas ergon?micas do produto embalagem, com as necessidades do consumidor enquanto parte integrante do processo de desenvolvimento do produto. A pesquisa prop?e, ent?o, um roteiro para avalia??o dos r?tulos de embalagens, utilizando para isso um question?rio com quest?es fechadas e uma aberta, aplicados em consumidores de caf? torrado e mo?do no momento da compra em quatro supermercados de Natal. Os principais resultados da investiga??o demonstram que os aspectos ling??sticos dos textos informativos foram considerados bons, enquanto os aspectos ergon?micos informacionais analisados podem vir a contribuir para uma melhoria visual das informa??es contidas nos r?tulos das embalagens das marcas de caf? investigadas
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