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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Simulation of a Continuous Caster

Matthew T Moore (8115878) 12 December 2019 (has links)
Heat transfer and solidification models were developed for use in a numerical model of a continuous caster to provide a means of predicting how the developing shell would react under variable operating conditions. Measurement data of the operating conditions leading up to a breakout occurrence were provided by an industrial collaborator and were used to define the model boundary conditions. Steady-state and transient simulations were conducted, using boundary conditions defined from time-averaged measurement data. The predicted shell profiles demonstrated good agreement with thickness measurements of a breakout shell segment – recovered from the quarter-width location. Further examination of the results with measurement data suggests pseudo-steady assumption may be inadequate for modeling shell and flow field transition period following sudden changes in casting speed. An adaptive mesh refinement procedure was established to increase refinement in areas of predicted shell growth and to remove excess refinement from regions containing only liquid. A control algorithm was developed and employed to automate the refinement procedure in a proof-of-concept simulation. The use of adaptive mesh refinement was found to decrease the total simulation time by approximately 11% from the control simulation – using a static mesh.

Highly-efficient Low-Noise Buck Converters for Low-Power Microcontrollers

Ahmed, Muhammad Swilam Abdelhaleem January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

CFD analysis of stepped planing vessels

Kokkonen, Toni January 2018 (has links)
High speed planing hulls are currently widely used for example in recreational and emergency vessel applications. However, very little CFD research has been done for planing vessels, especially for those with stepped hulls. A validated CFD method for planing stepped hulls could be a valuable improvement for the design phase of such hulls. In this thesis, a CFD method for stepped hulls, with a primary focus on two-step hulls, is developed using STAR-CCM+. As a secondary objective, porpoising instability of two-step hulls is investigated. The simulations are divided into two parts: In the first part a method is developed and validated with existing experimental and numerical data for a simple model scale planing hull with one step. In the second part the method is applied for two two-step hulls provided with Hydrolift AS. A maximum two degrees of freedom, trim and heave, are used, as well as RANS based k-w SST turbulence model and Volume of Fluid (VOF) as a free surface model. The results for the one-step hull mostly corresponded well with the validation data. For the two-step hulls, validation data did not exists and they were first simulated with a fixed trim and sinkage and compered between each other. In the simulations with free trim and heave both hulls experienced unstable porpoising behavior.

Analysis, modelling, design and implementation of fast-response digital controllers for high-frequency low-power switching converters / Analyse, modélisation, conception et mise en œuvre de contrôleurs numériques à réponse rapide pour des convertisseurs de commutation à haute fréquence et de faible puissance

Abbas, Ghulam 27 June 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir des compensateurs discrets qui permettent de compenser les non-linéarités introduites par les différents éléments dans la boucle de commande numérique, tout en maintenant des performances dynamiques élevées, des temps de développement rapide, et une structure reconfigurable. Ces compensateurs discrets doivent également avoir des temps de réponse rapide, avoir une déviation de la tension minimale et avoir, pour un étage de puissance donné, un temps de récupération rapide de la tension. Ces performances peuvent être atteintes par des compensateurs discrets conçus sur la base de techniques de contrôle linéaires et non linéaires. Pour obtenir une réponse rapide et stable, la thèse propose deux solutions : La première consiste à utiliser des techniques de contrôle linéaires et de concevoir le compensateur discret tout en gardant la bande passante la plus élevée possible. Il est communément admis que plus la bande passante est élevée, plus la réponse transitoire est rapide. L‘obtention d’une bande passante élevée, en utilisant des techniques de contrôle linéaires, est parfois difficile. Toutes ces situations sont mises en évidence dans la thèse. La seconde consiste à combiner les techniques de contrôle linéaires avec les techniques de contrôles non linéaires tels que la logique floue ou les réseaux de neurones. Les résultats de simulations ont permis de vérifier que la combinaison des contrôleurs non-linéaires avec les linéaires ont un meilleur rendement dynamique que les contrôleurs linéaires lorsque le point de fonctionnement varie. Avec l'aide des deux méthodes décrites ci-dessus, la thèse étudie également la technique de l’annulation des pôles-zéros (PZC) qui annule la fonction de transfert du convertisseur. Quelques modifications des techniques classiques de contrôle sont également proposées à partir de contrôleurs numériques afin d’améliorer les performances dynamiques. La thèse met également en évidence les non-linéarités qui dégradent les performances, propose les solutions permettant d'obtenir les meilleures performances, et lève les mystères du contrôle numérique. Une interface graphique est également introduite et illustrée dans le cas de la conception d'un convertisseur abaisseur de tension synchrone. En résumé, cette thèse décrit principalement l'analyse, la conception, la simulation, l’optimisation la mise en œuvre et la rentabilité des contrôleurs numériques. Une attention particulière est portée à l'analyse et l'optimisation des performances dynamique à haute fréquence et pour de faibles puissances des convertisseurs DC-DC abaisseur de tension. Ces convertisseurs fonctionnent en mode de conduction continue (CCM) à une fréquence de commutation de 1 MHz et s’appuie sur des techniques de contrôle linéaires et non linéaires de façon séquentielle. / The objective of the thesis is to design the discrete compensators which counteract the nonlinearities introduced by various elements in the digital control loop while delivering high dynamic performance, fast time-to-market and scalability. Excellent line and fast load transient response, which is a measure of the system response speed, with minimal achievable voltage deviation and a fast voltage recovery time for a given power stage can be achieved through the discrete compensators designed on the basis of linear and nonlinear control techniques. To achieve a stable and fast response, the thesis proposes two ways. One way is to use linear control techniques to design the discrete compensator while keeping the bandwidth higher. It is well-known fact that the higher the bandwidth, the faster is the transient response. Achieving higher bandwidth through linear control techniques sometimes becomes tricky. All those situations are highlighted in the thesis. The other way is to hybridize the linear control techniques with the nonlinear control techniques such as fuzzy logic or neural network based control techniques. Simulation results verify that hybridization of nonlinear controllers with the linear ones have better dynamic performance over linear controllers under the change of operating points. Along with using the two methodologies described above, the thesis also investigates the pole-zero cancellation (PZC) technique in which the poles and zeros of the compensator are placed in such a way that they cancel the effect of the poles or zeros of the buck converter to boost the phase margin at the required bandwidth. Some modifications are also suggested to the classical control techniques based digital controllers to improve the dynamic performance. The thesis highlights the nonlinearities which degrade the performance, a cost-effective solution that achieves good performance and the mysteries of digital control system. A graphical user interface is introduced and demonstrated for use with the design of a synchronous-buck converter. In summary, this thesis mainly describes the analysis, design, simulation, optimization, implementation and cost effectiveness of digital controllers with particular focus on the analysis and the optimization of the dynamic performance for high-frequency low-power DC-DC buck converter working in continuous conduction mode (CCM) operating at a switching frequency of 1 MHz using linear and nonlinear control techniques in a very sequential and comprehensive way.

Configuration et Reconfiguration des Systèmes Temps-Reél Répartis Embarqués Critiques et Adaptatifs

Borde, Etienne 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Aujourd'hui, de plus en plus de systèmes industriels s'appuient sur des applications logicielles temps-réel réparties embarquées (TR2E). La réalisation de ces applications demande de répondre à un ensemble important de contraintes très hétérogènes, voire contradictoires. Pour satisfaire ces contraintes, il est presque toujours nécessaire de fournir à ces systèmes des capacités d'adaptation. Par ailleurs, certaines de ces applications pilotent des systèmes dont la défection peut avoir des conséquences financières - voire humaines - dramatiques. Pour concevoir de telles applications, appelées applications critiques, il faut s'appuyer sur des processus de développpement rigoureux capables de repérer et d'éliminer les erreurs de conception potentielles. Malheureusement, il n'existe pas à notre connaissance de processus de développement capable de traiter ce problème dans le cas où l'adaptation du système à son environnement conduit à modifier sa configuration logicielle. Ce travail de thèse présente une nouvelle méthodologie qui répond à cette problématique en s'appuyant sur la notion de mode de fonctionnement : chacun des comportements possibles du système est représenté par le biais d'un mode de fonctionnement auquel est associé une configuration logicielle. La spécification des règles de transition entre ces modes de fonctionnement permet alors de générer l'implantation des mécanismes de changement de mode, ainsi que des reconfigurations logicielles associées. Le code ainsi produit respecte les contraintes de réalisation des systèmes critiques et implante des mécanismes de reconfiguration sûrs et analysables. Pour ce faire, nous avons défini un nouveau langage de description d'architecture (COAL : Component Oriented Architecture Language) qui permet de bénéficier à la fois des avantages du génie logiciel à base de composants (de type Lightweight CCM), et des techniques d'analyse, de déploiement et de configuration statique, qu'apporte l'utilisation des langages de description d'architecture (et en particulier AADL : Architecture Analysis and Description Language). Nous avons alors réalisé un nouveau framework à composant, MyCCM-HI (Make your Component Container Model - High Integrity), qui exploite les constructions de COAL pour (i) générer le modèle AADL permettant de réaliser le déploiement et la configuration statique de l'application TR2E, (ii) générer le code de déploiement et de configuration des composants logiciels de type Lightweight CCM, (iii) générer le code correspondant aux mécanismes d'adaptation du système, et (iv) analyser formellement le comportement du système, y compris en cours d'adaptation. Ce framework à composant est disponible au téléchargement à l'adresse http ://myccm-hi.sourceforge.net.

Desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real basados en componentes utilizando modelos de comportamiento reactivos.

López Martínez, Patricia 23 September 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de la tesis es definir una metodología de desarrollo de aplicaciones de tiempo real basadas en componentes, orientada a aplicaciones cuyos requisitos temporales se especifican utilizando un modelo reactivo de comportamiento temporal. La metodología se construye en base a extensiones que incorporan a las especificaciones, modelos de referencia y procesos estándares propios de la ingeniería de componentes convencionales, esto es, sin requisitos temporales, los datos y los procesos necesarios para la especificación, diseño y análisis de los aspectos relativos al comportamiento temporal. La metodología se sustenta en cuatro contribuciones principales:- Se propone la metodología de modelado modular del comportamiento temporal Mod-MAST, que permite construir el modelo de una aplicación basada en componentes por composición de los modelos de los componentes que la forman. - Se propone la extensión RT-D&C de la especificación Deployment and Configuration of Component-based Distributed Applications de OMG, que permite incluir metadatos relativos a comportamiento temporal en los descriptores de componentes, plataformas de ejecución y aplicaciones. - Se especifica la tecnología de componentes RT-CCM como una extensión de la especificación estándar Lightweight CCM de OMG, que añade los mecanismos necesarios para desarrollar aplicaciones con comportamiento temporal predecible.- Se propone la tecnología de componentes Ada-CCM como implementación concreta de RT-CCM basada en el lenguaje de programación Ada 2005.Todos estos elementos se integran en un proceso completo de diseño de tiempo real de aplicaciones basadas en componentes. / The objective of this work is to define a methodology for the development of real-time component-based applications, focused on applications whose timing requirements are specified according to a reactive model of the timing behaviour. The methodology is built through a set of extensions that incorporate to the standard specifications, reference models and processes typical from the conventional components engineering, i.e. components without timing requirements, the data structures and the processes required for the specification, design and analysis of the aspects related to timing behaviour. The methodology relies on four main contributions:- The Mod-MAST modular modelling methodology, which allows building the real-time model of a component-based application by composing the models of the components that form it.- The RT-D&C extension of the Deployment and Configuration of Component-based Distributed Applications Specification of the OMG, which allows including metadata related to timing behaviour in the descriptors of components, execution platforms and applications.- The RT-CCM components technology, which is an extension of the standard Lightweight CCM Specification of the OMG that incorporates mechanisms to develop applications with predictable timing behaviour.- The Ada-CCM components technology has been developed. It is an implementation of the RT-CCM technology based on the Ada 2005 programming language.All these elements have been integrated in a complete real-time design process for component-based applications.

Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.

Numerical study of EGR mixing and distribution in a piston engine intake line

García Olivas, Guillermo 10 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de motores de combustión interna que se encuentran en activo actualmente, y sus potenciales emisiones de contaminación si se realizaran de forma incontrolada por el parque automovilístico, las normativas internacionales son cada vez más estrictas en cuanto a la cantidad de gases perjudiciales para el medio ambiente que pueden emitir dichos motores de manera unitaria. Debido a ello, se han ido desarrollando e implantando técnicas de reducción de contaminantes como el downsizing en el cual se reduce el tamaño del motor para reducir el consumo, la implantación de motores híbridos y la Recirculación de Gases de Escape. Esta técnica de recirculación puede abordarse de dos maneras alternativas: la Recirculación de Gases de Escape de Ruta Larga inyecta dichos gases antes del compresor, mientras que la Recirculación de Gases de Escape de Ruta Corta (o alta presión) los reinyecta después del compresor, en el mismo colector de admisión del motor. Dado que en ambas configuraciones se produce una inyección directa del flujo recirculado en la corriente principal, en el presente trabajo se propone un estudio numérico de la mezcla entre las corrientes de aire y gases recirculados usando un software comercial de mecánica de fluidos computacional (STAR-CCM+). En la configuración de Ruta Larga se ha propuesto en primer lugar estudiar el efecto en los parámetros globales del compresor de una entrada heterogénea compuesta por aire y gases de escape. Para ello, se han analizado 9 puntos de funcionamiento distintos, tratando de abarcar el mapa completo del compresor centrífugo con una tasa de inyección constante. Se ha demostrado, por un lado, la necesidad de un esquema transitorio de cálculo para la obtención de resultados confiables en todo el dominio del compresor. Por otro lado, se ha demostrado que, con tasas de penetración de flujo estándar, la inyección de gases recirculados no tiene un impacto reseñable en las prestaciones del compresor, con excepción de la zona de bombeo. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un diseño numérico de experimentos en configuración de Ruta Larga con el objetivo de encontrar correlaciones entre la condensación generada en dichas uniones (la cual puede aparecer bajo ciertas condiciones de operación del motor) y la mezcla entre las corrientes de aire y gases de escape. Se ha demostrado que la penetración de los gases en la corriente principal es un factor clave en la condensación generada, aumentando la cantidad de mezcla entre ambas corrientes. En la configuración de Ruta Corta se han realizado estudios de configuración numérica tratando de estudiar la influencia de factores como malla, tamaño del paso temporal y modelos de turbulencia en la distribución final de los gases de escape entre los diferentes cilindros del motor. Se ha demostrado que los submodelos RANS pueden predecir la mayor parte de puntos de operación tanto en variables medias como instantáneas comparando resultados numéricos con mediciones experimentales. Fijando una configuración numérica, posteriormente se han analizado diferentes mezcladores en colectores de motores de 4 y 6 cilindros, demostrando la aplicabilidad de los índices de mezclado desarrollados y cuantificando la influencia de los diferentes efectos físicos que influyen en la distribución y mezcla de los gases de escape en la corriente principal. / [CA] Tenint en compte la quantitat de motors de combustió interna que es troben en actiu actualment, i les seues potencials emissions de contaminació si es realitzaren de manera incontrolada pel parc automobilístic, les normatives internacionals són cada vegada més estrictes quant a la quantitat de gasos perjudicials per al medi ambient que poden emetre aquests motors de manera unitària. A causa d'això, s'han anat desenvolupant i implantant tècniques de reducció de contaminants com el downsizing en el qual es redueix la grandària del motor per a reduir el consum, la implantació de motors híbrids i la Recirculació de Gasos de Fuita. Aquesta tècnica de recirculació pot abordar-se de dues maneres alternatives: la Recirculació de Gasos de Fuita de Ruta Llarga injecta aquests gasos abans del compressor, mentre que la Recirculació de Gasos de Fuita de Ruta Curta (o alta pressió) els reinjecta després del compressor, en el mateix collector d'admissió del motor. Atés que en totes dues configuracions es produeix una injecció directa del flux recirculat en el corrent principal, en el present treball es proposa un estudi numèric de la mescla entre els corrents d'aire i gasos recirculats usant un programari comercial de mecànica de fluids computacional (STAR-CCM+). En la configuració de Ruta Llarga s'ha proposat en primer lloc estudiar l'efecte en els paràmetres globals del compressor d'una entrada heterogènia composta per aire i gasos de fuita. Per a això, s'han analitzat 9 punts de funcionament diferents, tractant d'abastar el mapa complet del compressor centrífug amb una taxa d'injecció constant. S'ha demostrat, d'una banda, la necessitat d'un esquema transitori de càlcul per a l'obtenció de resultats de confiança en tot el domini del compressor. D'altra banda, s'ha demostrat que, amb taxes de penetració de flux estàndard, la injecció de gasos recirculats no té un impacte ressenyable en les prestacions del compressor, amb excepció de la zona de bombament. En segon lloc, s'ha desenvolupat un disseny numèric d'experiments en configuració de Ruta Llarga amb l'objectiu de trobar correlacions entre la condensació generada en aquestes unions (la qual pot aparéixer sota unes certes condicions d'operació del motor) i la mescla entre els corrents d'aire i gasos de fuita. S'ha demostrat que la penetració dels gasos en el corrent principal és un factor clau en la condensació generada, augmentant la quantitat de mescla entre tots dos corrents. En la configuració de Ruta Curta s'han realitzat estudis de configuració numèrica tractant d'estudiar la influència de factors com a malla, grandària del pas temporal i models de turbulència en la distribució final dels gasos de fuita entre els diferents cilindres del motor. S'ha demostrat que els submodelos RANS poden predir la major part de punts d'operació tant en variables mitjanes com instantànies comparant resultats numèrics amb mesuraments experimentals. Fixant una configuració numèrica, posteriorment s'han analitzat diferents mescladors en col·lectors de motors de 4 i 6 cilindres, demostrant l'aplicabilitat dels índexs de barrejat desenvolupats i quantificant la influència dels diferents efectes físics que influeixen en la distribució i mescla dels gasos de fuita en el corrent principal. / [EN] Considering the amount of internal combustion engines (ICEs) existing nowadays, and the pollutants that they could potentially emit, it is no surprise that international standards are getting increasingly severe regarding the allowed limits of pollutants that can be released by such engines. For this reason, different techniques have been developed in order to diminish pollutants, as downsizing in which the engine size is reduced to decrease the consumption, the hybridation of engines and the exhaust gases recirculation (EGR). This recirculation technique can be addressed by 2 different paths: Low Pressure EGR (LP-EGR) which reintroduce the exhaust gases before the compressor, while High Pressure EGR (HP-EGR) injects exhaust gases after the compressor in the intake manifold. Since both configurations deal with a direct injection of the recirculated flow in the main stream, in the present work a numerical study of the mixing between air and EGR flows is proposed, using a commercial code of computational fluid dynamics (STAR-CCM+). In LP-EGR configuration has been proposed the study of the influence of a heterogeneous inlet (composed by air and exhaust gases) on the main performance of a centrifugal compressor. To do that, 9 different operating points have been analyzed, trying to cover the whole map of the compressor with a constant injection rate. It has been demonstrated the necessity of a transient scheme for obtaining reliable results in the complete domain of the compressor. On the other hand, it has been proved that, with standard penetration rates of the flow, EGR do not have a remarkable impact in the performance of the compressor, besides the surge zone. In LP-EGR scheme, a numerical design of experiments has been developed with the aim to find correlations between the generated volume condensation (which can appear under some operating points of the engine) and the mixing between air and exhaust gases. It has been proved that the penetration of the EGR in the main stream is a key factor in volume condensation, increasing the amount of mixing between the streams. In HP-EGR configuration, different studies of numerical configuration have been conducted trying to find the influence of factors like mesh, time-step size, and turbulence models in the final distribution of exhaust gases between the cylinders of the engine. RANS submodels have demonstrated that can predict most of the operating points both average and instantaneous variables in comparison with experimental measurements. After that, fixing a numerical setup, different mixers in 4 and 6 cylinder manifolds have been calculated, showing the applicability of the developed mixing indexes, and quantifying the influence of the different physical effects that can influence in the mixing and distribution between air and exhaust gases streams. / García Olivas, G. (2021). Numerical study of EGR mixing and distribution in a piston engine intake line [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179406

Energy efficiency in AES encryption on ARM Cortex CPUs : Comparative analysis across modes of operation, data sizes, and key lengths

Dupré, Gene January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the energy efficiency of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption across various modes of operation (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, GCM, and CCM) on ARM Cortex-A53, Cortex-A72, and Cortex-A76 processors, using Raspberry Pi models 3, 4, and 5 as the experimental platforms. The study primarily investigates the impact of key lengths (128, 192, and 256 bits) and data sizes on energy consumption during encryption tasks. Using an experimental setup with the Raspberry Pi single-board computers, energy consumption was measured and analyzed through repeated encryption operations and data collection via a power meter interfaced with a database. The results reveal only modest increases in energy consumption with larger key lengths across all tested modes and data sizes, suggesting that while key length incrementally affects energy usage, the impact remains relatively minor, thus not significantly compromising energy efficiency for enhanced security. The analysis further shows that ECB mode consistently exhibits the lowest energy consumption, with CTR and CBC not far behind, followed by OFB and then CFB being the least effective among the traditional modes, with AEAD modes like GCM and CCM demanding substantially higher energy, reflecting their more complex processing requirements. Additionally, the study highlights the influence of data size on energy efficiency, showing a decrease in energy consumption per kilobyte with increasing file size up to a certain point, beyond which the benefits diminish. This thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of the trade-offs between security features and energy efficiency in AES encryption on ARM processors, offering insights into scenarios where energy consumption is a critical concern. The findings underscore the importance of selecting appropriate encryption modes and configurations based on the specific requirements and constraints of hardware environments aimed at optimizing energy efficiency in cryptographic operations. Future research could expand on a broader array of ARM-based devices to improve the biases from the Raspberry Pi boards and enhance the reliability of the conclusions drawn from the data.

<b>An Integrated Physics-Based Multiscale Modeling Framework for Advancing Thermoset Composites Manufacturing Processes</b>

Ryan Scott Enos (20449379) 19 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The manufacturing of composite materials presents numerous opportunities due to their superior properties, including high strength-to-weight ratios and excellent fatigue resistance, which make them ideal for advanced engineering applications. However, realizing these advantages is challenging due to complexities in manufacturing processes, which can introduce defects, residual stress, and variability. This study aims to address these challenges through the development of integrated, physics-based processing models that are capable of predicting and mitigating manufacturing defects in advanced composites. The research focuses on the integration of these physics-based models with data-driven methods such as statistical analysis, uncertainty quantification, and optimization. A significant emphasis is placed on modeling the thermo-viscoelastic (TVE) behavior of curing composites, which is often simplified in processing simulations due to computational costs, by approximating to elastic responses according to the Cure Hardening Instantaneously Linear Elastic (CHILE) model. Results show that cure-dependent TVE process simulations implemented through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be efficiently integrated with optimization algorithms. 570 simulations completed in 109 min on a local desktop computer. Building on these advancements, this work further investigates Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) under the context of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), and establishes the groundwork and serves as roadmap for AFP research at Purdue University with a focus on process modeling and integration.</p>

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