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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FRAMTIDENS BETONG.- Blir det bättre än trä? / HE FUTURE OF CONCRETE - Will it surpass wood?

Ward, Martin, Markström, Liv January 2022 (has links)
Idag är det viktigare än någonsin att koldioxidutsläppen börjar minska. Över hela världens sätts idag visioner, mål och regleringar som ska motverka de enorma klimatutsläppen som utges varje år. Byggbranschen är en stor bov och i Sverige står dem för nästan en femtedel av utsläppen. I EU står cementtillverkningen för nästan 3 procent av alla koldioxidutsläpp.  Cementa, Sveriges största cementtillverkare, har jobbat hårt sedan 2020 med att lägga upp en plan – Nollvision 2030. Med hjälp av CCS-tekniken kommer Cementas koldioxidutsläpp inte ta sig ut i atmosfären och därför bli noll. Utsläppen kommer istället lagras och förvaras under havsbotten och därför inte bidra till klimatförändringarna negativt. Denna CCS-fabrik kommer utvecklas på Slite, Gotland, under Cementas redan befintliga cementfabrik.  I detta arbete kommer utsläppen från dagens betong och framtidens betong presenteras samt jämföras. Med hjälp av Cementa och flera andra aktörer har data samlats in som lagt grunden till en livscykelanalys (LCA). En livscykelanalys är ett verktyg som visar hur stor klimatpåverkan en produkt har under sin livstid. I detta arbete har en helt ny LCA gjorts för framtidens betong där värdena jämförs med en LCA för dagens betong. Med hjälp av denna jämförelse går det att se hur positivt Slite kommer påverka klimatmålen för framtiden. Ett tidigare examensarbete har använts för att hitta en LCA för ett betonghus och trähus. Där framkom data för ett trähus som också kommer användas vid ena frågeställningen. Där är målet att se ifall framtidens betonghus skulle kunna släppa ut mindre koldioxid än trähus, vilket det sedan framkommer att det gör. När LCA:erna var färdiga och redo att jämföras framkom det tydligt att framtidens betong har betydligt lägre utsläpp än dagens betong. Utsläppen från framtidens betong var även mindre än trähus om jämförelsen gjordes från vagga till grav. Jämförelserna har gjorts i kg koldioxidekvivalent/m2 tempererad area. / Today, it is more important than ever that carbon dioxide emissions begin to decrease. Visions, goals, and regulations are being set all over the world today to counteract the enormous climate emissions that are released every year. The construction industry is a big culprit and in Sweden, they account for almost a fifth of emissions. Of these carbon dioxide emissions, cement production accounts for almost 8%, with the worst emissions occurring during the production state. Cementa, Sweden's largest cement manufacturer, has worked hard since 2020 to set up a plan - Agenda 2030. With the help of CCS technologies, Cementa's carbon dioxide emissions will not be released into the atmosphere and therefore have zero emissions. The emissions will instead be compressed and stored under the seabed and therefore not contribute to climate change negatively. This CCS manufactory will be developed on Slite, Gotland, under Cementa's already existing cement factory.In this rapport, the emissions from today's concrete and the concrete of the future will be presented and compared. With the help of Cementa and several other contributors, data has been collected that laid the foundation for a life cycle assessment (LCA). A life cycle assessment is a tool that shows how much of a climate impact a product has during its lifetime. In this work, a completely new LCA has been made for the concrete of the future where the values have been compared with an LCA for today's concrete. With this comparison, it is possible to see how positively Slite will affect the climate goals in the future.  A previous degree project has been used to find an LCA for a concrete house and a wood house. There was data for a wooden house that will also be used for one issue. The goal here is to see if the concrete houses of the future could emit less carbon dioxide than wooden houses, which will then be proven to be true.  When the LCAs were done and ready to be compared, it became clear that the concrete of the future will have a significantly lower emission value than today's concrete. The emissions from the concrete of the future were also lower than wooden houses, if the comparison was made from cradle to grave. The comparisons have been made in kg carbon dioxide equivalent/m2 temperate area.

Undersökning av möjligheten till utveckling av kommersiellt tillgänglig koldioxidlagring i Sverige / Investigation of the possibility of developing commercially available carbon dioxide storage in Sweden

Jakobsson, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Jordens befolkning behöver kraftigt reducera koldioxidutsläppen till atmosfären för att förhindra klimatförändringar. Klimatmål har sats upp av unioner och länder där de bland annat vill förhindra en global temperaturökning över 1.5 grader. För att uppnå dessa klimatmål menar forskare och institutioner på att stora mängder koldioxid kommer att behöva avskiljas vid utsläppskällor och lagras geologiskt (eng. carbon capture storage, förkortad CCS). I Sverige har ett fåtal CCS-projekt tagit fart men CCS är fortfarande inte kommersiellt tillgängligt. Frågeställningen för det här arbetet var därför: vilka är de mest relevanta utmaningar som kommersiellt tillgänglig CCS står inför idag i Sverige?Metoderna som användes var en litteraturstudie och tre\newline intervjuer. Personerna som intervjuades var en forskare från Chalmers Tekniska högskola, en chef från företaget Stockholm Exergi och en civilingenjör från projektet Northern lights. Utmaningarna delades in i kategorierna: tekniska-, politiska-, ekonomiska- och övriga utmaningar, för att enklare identifieras och jämföras. Resultaten visade att det fanns utmaningar i samtliga kategorier. Den tekniska utmaningen låg framförallt i att bygga upp och anpassa den tillgängliga CCS-tekniken till olika tillämpningsbara industrier. Politiskt var utmaningen främst att övertyga politiker att satsa på CCS, men också att införskaffa tillräckligt stora ekonomiska styrmedel, incitament och investeringar. Detta eftersom de som existerar idag antingen saknades helt eller ansågs vara för små. De ekonomiska utmaningarna var att stimulera investerare samt att bygga upp en fungerande och hållbar ekonomisk plan för CCS. I kategorin övriga utmaningar var den främsta utmaningen att övertyga befolkningen och att sprida kunskap kring CCS och dess potential. Avgränsningar i det här arbetet var framförallt bristen på resurser och tid. Fler intervjuer och en djupare litteraturstudie hade varit önskvärd för att fördjupa studien men begränsades av tid och möjligheter för kursens omfattning. / The world population need to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere in order to prevent a climate change. Climate targets have been set by unions and countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions before the average temperature rise exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve these climate goals, researchers and institutions believe large amounts of carbon dioxide needs to be stored below ground (carbon capture storage, abbreviated CCS). In Sweden have a small number of projects taken off, but CCS is still not commercially available. The question for this work was therefore: what are the most relevant challenges that commercially CCS currently faces in Sweden?The methods used were a literature study and three interviews.The persons interviewed were a researcher from Chalmers Tekniska university, a manager from the company Stockholm Exergi and an engineer from the Northern Lights project. The challenges were divided into four categories: technical-, political-, economic-, and other challenges, to make it easier to identify and compare. Results showed that there were challenges in all four categories. The technical challenge was mainly to build and adapt the available CCS technology to different types of industries. Politically, the challenge was primarily to increase their interest and support towards CCS. This along with the challenge of acquiring financial instruments, incentives and investments that was currently lacking or was too small. The economic challenges were to stimulate investors from both private and political quarters and to organize and operate a functioning and sustainable financial plan. In the category other challenges, the most mentioned challenge was convincing the population and to spread knowledge about CCS and its potential. Delimitations in this work was above all the lack of resources and time. More interviews anda deeper literature study would have been desirable to deepen the study but was limited by time and opportunities for the scope of the course.

Integrating Chemical Looping Gasification for Hydrogen Generation and CO2 Capture in Pulp Mills / Integrering av Chemical Looping Gasification för Generering av Vätgas samt CO2 Infångning på Massabruk

Pamér, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Utsläpp av CO2 till atmosfären bidrar till ökningen av globala temperaturer. Industrisektorn står för 20 % av utsläppen och utav dessa kommer 6 % från pappers- och massaindustrin. För att lyckas minska den globala temperaturhöjningen till under 1,5 °C hjälper det inte bara att minska utsläppen. Även negativa utsläpp måste genereras. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka implementeringen av CLG för att separera CO2 på ett energieffektivt sätt och samtidigt generera H2 och elektricitet. Processanalyser genomfördes för att undersöka möjligheten att implementera CLG-processen till ett typiskt massabruk. Processmodeller togs fram for att undersöka CLG, värmeåtervinning samt elektricitetsgenerering. Processmodellerna utvecklades med hjälp av Aspen Plus och Aspen HYSYS. De framtagna modellerna analyserades sedan med avseende på olika designparametrar inom CLG-processen. På ett typiskt massabruk som producerar 800 000 adt varje ˚ar kan 375 kg CO2/adt separeras och då uppnå negativa utsläpp, genom att byta ut multi-fuel forsrännaren med en CLG process. Den framtagna processmodellen skulle också kunna generera 360-504 kWh/adt av H2 beroende på de designparametrar som används för CLG-processen. Enligt modellen kan värme som ˚återvinns från processen användas för att fånga upp ytterligare 13 % av CO2 från andra delar av bruket. Processanalys för olika designparametrar inom CLG systemet så som temperatur, luftflöde och flödet av syrgasbärare har presenterats. Nyckeltalen som undersöktes var den mängd CO2 som kunde fångas upp, mängd H2 genererad samt överskottet av elektricitet som produceras när multi-fuel förbränningen byts ut mot en CLG-process på ett typiskt massa bruk. / Emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere are contributing to the global temperature rise. The industrial sector contributed to 20 % of the emissions and out of that, 6 % are generated from the pulp and paper industry. To limit the temperature increase below 1,5 °C, the emissions not only need to be reduced but also negative emissions should be generated from different sectors. The purpose of this study is to realize the implementation of Chemical Looping Gasification (CLG) to separate CO2 (for permanent storage) in an energy-efficient way while co-generating H2 as well as electricity. Process analysis was carried out to investigate the possibility of substituting the multifuel boiler in a typical pulp mill with a CLG process. Process models for the CLG, heat recovery and electricity generation process were developed using Aspen  Plus and Aspen HYSYS. The process was analysed for different design conditions (temperature, autothermal condition, air flow, oxygen carrier flow) in the CLG process. It was found that in a typical pulp mill producing 800 000 adt per year, 375 kg- CO2/adt (14 % of total emissions from the process) can be inherently separated for storage to achieve negative emissions, if the multi-fuel boiler is replaced with a CLG unit. This process will also be able to generate 360-504 kWh/adt H2 depending on the design conditions in the CLG process. Heat recovered from the CLG unit can be utilized in capturing approximately 13 % additional CO2 from other sources in the pulp mill. Process analysis for different design conditions in CLG (temperature, airflow, oxygen carrier flow) have been presented. The key performance indicators were CO2 capture rates, H2 generated and net electrical output from the process.

Comparison of direct air capture technology to point source CO2 capture in Iceland / En jämförande studie av infångning av koldioxid direkt från luft med infångning från punktkällor på Island

Ingvarsdóttir, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Det är välkänt att klimatförändringar på grund av global uppvärmning är en av de största kriserna som hotar jorden. Det är en enorm utmaning för mänskligheten att minska koldioxidutsläppen, den främsta orsaken till global uppvärmning. Enkelt genomförbara åtgärder är inte tillräckliga och teknik för att ta bort koldioxid från atmosfären anses nödvändig för att temperaturökningen inte ska överstiga de 1,5 °C som anges i Parisavtalet. Direkt infångning av koldioxid från luft (vanligen kallad direkt luftinfångning, (Eng. Direct air capture - DAC)) är en ny teknik som kan ta bort koldioxid direkt från atmosfären. För närvarande är denna metod dyr; upp till 1000 USD per ton avlägsnad koldioxid. Denna höga kostnad beror främst på den relativt låga koldioxidkoncentrationen i luften, vilket leder till att en stor anläggning behövs för att fånga upp gasen och därmed stora investeringar. Tekniken är mycket energiintensiv, antingen elektrisk eller termisk, och för att göra en direkt infångning effektivare, måste anläggningen drivas med energi som inte har några eller mycket låga koldioxidutsläpp. Energin på Island är billig och dess produktion innebär ett mycket lågt koldioxidavtryck. Syftet med arbetet i denna avhandling är att utforska om metoden för direkt infångning av koldioxid från luft kommer att vara en mer genomförbar metod än koldioxidinfångning från punktkällor (eng. point source - PS) på Island på grund av god tillgång till billig och ren energi. Lärandekurvan för direkt luftfångning studerades tillsammans med scenarier för metodens tekniska utveckling. Tre olika fall med punktkällor på Island studerades för jämförelse. Två olika direkta luftinfångningstekniker analyserades också, en som drivs av en stor mängd elektricitet och en som drivs mestadels av termisk energi. Det resulterade i att i bästa fall, där inlärningshastigheten är hög och tekniska förbättringar är signifikanta, så skulle produktionskostnaden för direkt luftinfångning (levelized cost of energy, LCOC) vara lägre än motsvarande för infångning från en punktkälla. Energikostnaden påverkar LCOC för DAC idag men med teknisk utveckling förväntas energibehovet minska och därför kommer energikostnadens påverkan att bli lägre. Det är dock fortfarande viktigt, med tanke på bidraget till att minska globala uppvärmningen, att energin som driver DAC-anläggningen har ett lågt koldioxidavtryck, vilket kan garanteras på Island. Tvärtom, om inlärningshastigheten för DAC-tekniken är låg och inga tekniska förbättringar sker i lösningsmedel eller sorbenter, är och kommer DAC-tekniken att bli dyrare än infångning från punktkällor om båda anläggningarna finns på Island. En hög inlärningshastighet och teknikutveckling är beroende av trycket att nå målen i Parisavtalet. Det är därför mycket viktigt för DAC att efterfrågan på koldioxidinfångning ökar. Dessutom har DAC mer potential att påverka klimatförändringarna eftersom DAC kan vara en kolnegativ teknik om den kombineras med permanent lagring av koldioxid. PS-avskiljningen kan endast vara en kolneutral teknik och detta om den kombineras med permanent lagring av koldioxid. / It is well known that climate change due to global warming is one of the greatest crises facing the Earth. It is a huge challenge for mankind to reduce CO2 emissions, the major cause of global warming. Mitigation measures are not enough. Technologies to remove the CO2 from the atmosphere are considered necessary, so the temperature rise does not exceed 1.5°C as stated in the Paris Agreement. Direct air capture (DAC) is a new technology that can remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. Currently, this method is expensive, up to 1000 USD per ton CO2 removed. This high cost is mostly due to the relatively low concentration of CO2 in the ambient air, leading to a large unit to capture the gas and therefore high capital investment. The technology is very energy-intensive, either electrical or thermal, and to make direct air capture more efficient the plant needs to be powered with energy that has no or very low CO2 emissions. The energy in Iceland is low cost and its production has a very low carbon footprint. This thesis aims to find out if the direct air capture method will be more feasible than a point source CO2 capture in Iceland due to good access to low-cost and clean energy. The learning curve for direct air capture was studied along with scenarios for its technological development. Two different direct air capture technologies were analyzed, one that is powered by a large amount of electricity and one powered mostly by thermal energy. Three different point source cases in Iceland were studied for comparison. For the best-case scenario, where the learning rate is high and technological improvements are significant, the levelized cost of direct air capture is lower than levelized cost of point source capture. The cost of energy affects the levelized cost of direct air capture today but with technical development, the energy needed is expected to go down, and therefore the effect of energy cost will be lower.  However, it is still important, concerning contribution to reducing global warming, that the energy powering the direct air capture plant has a low carbon footprint, which can be assured in Iceland. On the contrary, if the learning rate of the direct air capture technology is low and no technical improvements occur in solvents or sorbents the direct air capture technology is and will be more expensive than point source capture considering both located in Iceland. The high learning rate and development in technology are dependent on the pressure to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. It is therefore vital for direct air capture that the demand for carbon removal measures is enhanced due to pressure to reach the Paris Agreement goals. Furthermore, direct air capture has more potential to affect climate change than point source capture as direct air capture can be a carbon-negative technology if coupled with the permanent storage of CO2. The point source capture can only be a carbon-neutral technology if coupled with the permanent storage of CO2.

Current business-case for Carbon Capture and Storage technology in New Zealand

Richardson, Michael Grant January 2013 (has links)
An investigation into the commercial feasibility of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology as a competitive carbon abatement technology for New Zealand.

Capacitação técnica em boas práticas de ordenha e ocorrência de patógenos causadores de mastites contagiosas em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo / Training of good milking practices and occurrence of pathogens causing contagious mastitis in dairy farms from the State of Sao Paulo

Callay, Rocio Elizabeth Contero 10 October 2017 (has links)
A doença da inflamação da glândula mamária, também conhecida como mastite, tem como uma das características o aumento de células somáticas no leite de quartos afetados. Entre as bactérias predominantes causadoras de mastites, destacam-se Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. Vários estudos sugerem que estes agentes são tipicamente transmitidos de uma vaca para outra durante o momento da ordenha. A aplicação de programas de boas práticas de ordenha (BPO) permitem o controle da mastite pela eliminação de infecções detectadas no rebanho, prevenção de riscos e adequadas condições produtivas e sanitárias. A interação contínua entre produtores e técnicos tem se confirmado como ferramenta importante nos programas de treinamento, favorecendo o compartilhamento de experiências. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da capacitação técnica em BPO na qualidade higiênica do leite, mediante o monitoramento das práticas de ordenha implementadas, análises de componentes químicos e microbiológicos, incluindo a identificação de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp., em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo. Na fase final do estudo foi observado que 84% dos itens de BPO avaliados estavam sendo usados com capacitação técnica, incluindo modificações de infraestrutura e controle da qualidade da fonte de água. O sucesso da aplicação de programas de controle da qualidade requerem o comprometimento dos produtores de leite. Entre as BPO que não foram adotadas, destacam-se o uso de luvas durante a ordenha e sanitizante na limpeza dos equipamentos, práticas que poderiam diminuir a transmissão dos patógenos contagiosos entre os animais. Embora as análises microbiológicas e identificação dos patógenos dos diferentes pontos de coleta tenham apresentado resultados variáveis ao longo do estudo, elas constituíram uma ferramenta importante durante o processo de capacitação técnica. / The mammary gland disease, also known as mastitis, has as characteristic the increase of somatic cells in milk from affected udder. Among the predominant bacteria causing mastitis, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp are highlighted. Several studies suggest that these agents are typically transmitted from one cow to another during the milking. The application of programs on good milking practices (GMP) allows the control of mastitis through the elimination of infections detected in the herd, prevention of risks and proper productive and sanitary conditions. The continuous interaction between farmers and trainers has been confirmed as an important tool on training programs, supporting sharing experiences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of GMP training on hygienic quality of milk, by monitoring milking practices implemented, chemical and microbiological analyzes, including the identification of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. in dairy farms from Sao Paulo state. In the final phase of this study it was demonstrated that 84% of the BPO evaluated items were being used with training including infrastructure modifications and quality control of the water source. The success of the implementation of quality control programs requires the commitment of dairy farmers. The GMP not adopted included the use of gloves during milking and sanitizers on equipment cleaning, practices that could reduce the transmission of contagious pathogens among animals. Although the microbiological analyses of the pathogens in different points on the milking management were inconstant during the study, they constitute an important tool during the training process.

Avaliação de tratamento homeopático com Phytolacca decandra 30CH durante a lactação de vacas com mastite subclínica / Evaluation of homeopathic treatment with Phytolacca decandra 30CH during the lactation of cows with subclinical mastitis

Almeida, Leslie Avila do Brasil 13 May 2009 (has links)
O elevado custo dos tratamentos tradicionais da mastite bovina, associado à redução de produção e inviabilidade de tratamento das mastites subclínicas durante a lactação, bem como a exigência cada vez mais rigorosa da ausência de resíduos de antimicrobianos por parte de instituições nacionais e internacionais, impulsiona o desenvolvimento de novas alternativas terapêuticas que visem minimizar o impacto das medidas tradicionais de tratamento. A homeopatia surge como importante alternativa, sendo aceita nacional e internacionalmente. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o tratamento homeopático com Phytolacca decandra 30CH durante a lactação de vacas com mastite subclínica, utilizando parâmetros de qualidade do leite como Califórnia Mastitis Test (CMT), contagem de células somáticas (CCS) totais, porcentagens de polimorfonucleares (PMN) e de mononucleares (MN), teores de proteína, lactose, gordura, sólidos totais (ST) e extrato seco desengordurado (ESD), além da mensuração da produção leiteira. Foram selecionadas 26 vacas, CMT 2+ e 3+ sem sinais de mastite clínica, entre o terceiro e sexto mês de lactação, pluríparas e divididas em dois grupos, um com tratamentos medicamentosos mensais e outro com tratamentos quinzenais. Mensalmente foram colhidas duas amostras de leite de cada glândula mamária (teto) que apresentava mastite subclínica. Uma das amostras foi utilizada para CCS e análise dos componentes do leite, e a outra para identificação microbiológica. Nos grupos tratados, foi administrado o medicamento homeopático Phytolaca decandra 30CH diluído em água e aspergido nas mucosas oro-nasais e vaginais, enquanto que nos grupos denominados controle foi administrado placebo da mesma maneira. A pesagem da produção láctea de ambos os grupos foi realizada quinzenalmente até o final do experimento. Verificou-se então que não houve diferença significativa entre a produção láctea, CCS e a presença de microrganismos na secreção láctea das glândulas quando comparadas antes e depois do tratamento homeopático, dentro de cada grupo, bem como quando comparados os grupos entre si. As medianas de CMT e porcentagens de PMN foram compatíveis com infecções mamárias agudas, embora os animais tenham sido diagnosticados como portadores de mastites crônicas e em nenhum momento desenvolveram sinais clínicos. / The high cost of traditional treatments of bovine mastitis, with the reduction of production and impracticable treatment of subclinical mastitis during lactation, as well as the requirement of an increased demand for absence of antimicrobial agents residues by national and international institutions, drives the development of new therapeutic alternatives in order to minimizing the impact of traditional treatment measures. The homeopathy appears as an important alternative, accepted domestically and internationally. The objective of this work was to evaluate homeopathic treatment with Phytolacca decandra 30CH during the lactation of cows with subclinical mastitis, using some milk quality parameters as California Mastitis Test (CMT), total somatic cell count (SCC), percentages of polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN) cells, levels of protein, lactose, fat, total solids and dry defatted matter, in addition to the measurement of milk production. Twenty-six cows were selected with CMT 2 + and 3 + without any signs of clinical mastitis, between the third and sixth month of lactation, pluriparous and they were divided into two groups, with monthly or biweekly drug treatments. Monthly were collected two milk samples from each mammary gland (teat) that presented subclinical mastitis. One of the samples was used for analysis of SCC and milk components, and the other one for microbiological identification. In the treated groups, was given the homeopathic medicine Phytolaca decandra 30CH diluted in water and sprayed in the oral-nasal and vaginal mucosa, while to the control group was given placebo following the same method. The weighing of the milk production for both groups was performed fortnightly until the end of the experiment. There was no significant difference between milk production, SCC and the presence of microorganisms in milk gland secretion compared before and after homeopathic treatment, within each group as well as comparing the groups together. The medians of CMT and percentages of PMN were compatible with acute mammary infection, in spite of they have been diagnosed as carriers of chronic mastitis, and at any time no clinical signs have been developed.

A utiliza??o da ferramenta eletr?nica BACEN CCS e a desconsidera??o da personalidade jur?dica na execu??o trabalhista : a efetividade da presta??o jurisdicional como um direito fundamental

Frank, Marina Silveira 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T17:27:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_MARINA_SILVEIRA_FRANK_PARCIAL.pdf: 134025 bytes, checksum: 4cf77ed35e0c48ea099ee00780a11dbd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T17:27:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_MARINA_SILVEIRA_FRANK_PARCIAL.pdf: 134025 bytes, checksum: 4cf77ed35e0c48ea099ee00780a11dbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T17:27:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_MARINA_SILVEIRA_FRANK_PARCIAL.pdf: 134025 bytes, checksum: 4cf77ed35e0c48ea099ee00780a11dbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / Currently, it is searched more effectiveness in the jurisdictional provisions. This is verified even more in the labor field, where in one side there is the employee, hyposufficient, and in the other, the employer, that detains the production means and the money. Besides, in this Justice it is deal with food nature funds, which demand more attention and protection by the judge part. Being the employer a juridical person, may the worker suffers loss while trying to obtain his monetary rights, in view of not rare companies are in insolvency state or with low money to pay off debit. So, the theory of disregard of juridical personality surges, not only in the labor field, but initially in the common justice scope, with the objective of preserving creditors? interests. The use of the institute of disregard of juridical personality, by itself, already match the precepts of labor rights? unavailability, effectiveness of jurisdiction, besides the procedural celerity and effectiveness necessary to the full accomplishment of withhold fundamental rights. It is undeniable that the electronic tools used in the executory phase of the demand help giving effectiveness to adjudication recognized in the acknowledge phase. Among several existent, which are not object of this study, it is highlighted the one known as ?BACEN CCS? (Client Register of the National Financial System), where is possible to identify who manages the company?s bills, even by letter of attorney. In case of existing it, there will be the relative presumption that the subject is partner of the executed part. So, the juridical personality is disregarded so that the patrimony can pay off the debit. For this study, in front of the edition of the new Civil Process Code, 2015 (CPC/2015), still will be necessary to study the innovation brought in its text, in the articles 133 to 137, about the expressed prediction of ?juridical personality disregard incident? in the civil process, so as the normative instruction 39/2016 and the article 15 of the CPC/2015, that guide their applicability to Labor Procedural Rights. It will be possible to verify if the labor execution phase is responsible for the lack of effectiveness in the Labor Process and if the electronic tools are capable of assuring the compliance efficiently, mainly for those cases in which the labor complaint would be archived provisionally with debit, circumstance that doesn?t deliver the intended goods of life and, so, doesn?t accomplish the fundamental right to full jurisdiction. / Atualmente, procura-se maior efetividade nos provimentos jurisdicionais. Isso se verifica ainda mais na seara trabalhista, em que de um lado est? o empregado, sujeito hipossuficiente, e de outro o empregador, que det?m os meios de produ??o e o capital. Al?m disso, nessa Justi?a lida-se, com verbas de natureza alimentar, o que acaba exigindo uma maior aten??o e prote??o por parte dos julgadores. Sendo o empregador uma pessoa jur?dica, poder? o obreiro sofrer preju?zos ao tentar obter os valores a que faz jus, tendo em vista que n?o s?o raras as vezes em que as empresas encontram-se em estado de insolv?ncia ou com pouco capital para saldar as suas d?vidas. Dessa forma, a teoria da desconsidera??o da personalidade jur?dica surge, n?o apenas na esfera laboral, mas inicialmente no ?mbito da Justi?a Comum, com o objetivo de preserver o interesse dos credores. A utiliza??o do instituto da desconsidera??o da personalidade jur?dica, por si s?, j? vem ao encontro dos preceitos da indisponibilidade dos direitos trabalhistas, da efetividade da jurisdi??o, al?m da celeridade e da efetividade processuais necess?rias ? plena realiza??o dos direitos fundamentais sonegados. ? ineg?vel que as ferramentas eletr?nicas utilizadas na fase execut?ria da demanda auxiliam a dar efetividade ? presta??o jurisdicional reconhecida na fase de conhecimento. Dentre as diversas existentes, as quais n?o s?o objeto de estudo aprofundado, destaca-se para os fins desse estudo a denominada ?BACEN CCS? (Cadastro de Clientes do Sistema Financeiro Nacional), em que ? poss?vel identificar quem gerencia as contas da empresa, mesmo mediante procura??o. Nesse caso, existir? a presun??o relativa de que o sujeito ? s?cio de fato da parte executada. Logo, desconsidera-se a personalidade jur?dica a fim de que o patrim?nio desse possa saldar a d?vida. Para esse estudo, diante da edi??o do novo C?digo de Processo Civil, de 2015 (CPC/2015), ainda ser? necess?rio estudar a inova??o trazida em seu texto, nos artigos 133 a 137, a respeito da previs?o expressa do ?Incidente da Desconsidera??o da Personalidade Jur?dica? no Processo Civil, bem como a instru??o Normativa 39/2016 e o artigo 15 do CPC/2015 que orientam sua aplicabilidade ao Processo do Trabalho. Ser? poss?vel constatar se a fase de execu??o trabalhista ? grande respons?vel pela falta de efetividade no Processo do Trabalho e se as ferramentas eletr?nicas s?o capazes de assegurar o adimplemento de maneira mais eficaz, principalmente para aqueles casos em que a reclama??o trabalhista possivelmente seria arquivada provisoriamente com d?vida, circunst?ncia que n?o entrega ao jurisdicionado o bem da vida pretendido e, com isso, deixa de realizar o direito fundamental ? plena jurisdi??o.

Capacitação técnica em boas práticas de ordenha e ocorrência de patógenos causadores de mastites contagiosas em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo / Training of good milking practices and occurrence of pathogens causing contagious mastitis in dairy farms from the State of Sao Paulo

Rocio Elizabeth Contero Callay 10 October 2017 (has links)
A doença da inflamação da glândula mamária, também conhecida como mastite, tem como uma das características o aumento de células somáticas no leite de quartos afetados. Entre as bactérias predominantes causadoras de mastites, destacam-se Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. Vários estudos sugerem que estes agentes são tipicamente transmitidos de uma vaca para outra durante o momento da ordenha. A aplicação de programas de boas práticas de ordenha (BPO) permitem o controle da mastite pela eliminação de infecções detectadas no rebanho, prevenção de riscos e adequadas condições produtivas e sanitárias. A interação contínua entre produtores e técnicos tem se confirmado como ferramenta importante nos programas de treinamento, favorecendo o compartilhamento de experiências. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da capacitação técnica em BPO na qualidade higiênica do leite, mediante o monitoramento das práticas de ordenha implementadas, análises de componentes químicos e microbiológicos, incluindo a identificação de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp., em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo. Na fase final do estudo foi observado que 84% dos itens de BPO avaliados estavam sendo usados com capacitação técnica, incluindo modificações de infraestrutura e controle da qualidade da fonte de água. O sucesso da aplicação de programas de controle da qualidade requerem o comprometimento dos produtores de leite. Entre as BPO que não foram adotadas, destacam-se o uso de luvas durante a ordenha e sanitizante na limpeza dos equipamentos, práticas que poderiam diminuir a transmissão dos patógenos contagiosos entre os animais. Embora as análises microbiológicas e identificação dos patógenos dos diferentes pontos de coleta tenham apresentado resultados variáveis ao longo do estudo, elas constituíram uma ferramenta importante durante o processo de capacitação técnica. / The mammary gland disease, also known as mastitis, has as characteristic the increase of somatic cells in milk from affected udder. Among the predominant bacteria causing mastitis, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp are highlighted. Several studies suggest that these agents are typically transmitted from one cow to another during the milking. The application of programs on good milking practices (GMP) allows the control of mastitis through the elimination of infections detected in the herd, prevention of risks and proper productive and sanitary conditions. The continuous interaction between farmers and trainers has been confirmed as an important tool on training programs, supporting sharing experiences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of GMP training on hygienic quality of milk, by monitoring milking practices implemented, chemical and microbiological analyzes, including the identification of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. in dairy farms from Sao Paulo state. In the final phase of this study it was demonstrated that 84% of the BPO evaluated items were being used with training including infrastructure modifications and quality control of the water source. The success of the implementation of quality control programs requires the commitment of dairy farmers. The GMP not adopted included the use of gloves during milking and sanitizers on equipment cleaning, practices that could reduce the transmission of contagious pathogens among animals. Although the microbiological analyses of the pathogens in different points on the milking management were inconstant during the study, they constitute an important tool during the training process.

O homem como fator de risco da mastite / The man as a mastitis risk factor

Alvarez, Juan Camilo Esguerra 22 May 2014 (has links)
Apesar da legislação governamental, dos programas de pagamento por qualidade dos laticínios e do maior consumo de antibióticos, na última década mais de 45% dos rebanhos leiteiros no Brasil tem apresentado CCS acima de 400.000, sem que este valor venha se reduzindo. Existem, no entanto, dentro de uma população submetida às mesmas condições, rebanhos com alta e com baixa CCS. Cabe, então, perguntar por que isto acontece. Dado que a mastite, causadora da alta CCS, é uma doença multifatorial, objetivou-se, neste trabalho, verificar as diferenças entre as propriedades com alta e com baixa CCS e o impacto do homem, tanto o produtor como o ordenhador, sobre a CCS do rebanho. Para isto foram aplicados questionários estruturados e listas de verificação em 68 fazendas participantes de um mesmo programa de pagamento por qualidade e da mesma região. Os rebanhos foram agrupados em fazendas com alta CCS, CCS > 700 mil/mL; e fazendas com baixa CCS, CCS < 250 mil/mL. Os resultados indicam que o homem é o principal diferencial entre os rebanhos. Que tanto o produtor como o ordenhador influencia a CCS do rebanho, sendo que as variáveis que melhor explicam a probabilidade de uma fazenda apresentar baixa CCS são a atitude do produtor e o comportamento do ordenhador com relação à mastite. O comportamento do ordenhador, por sua vez, depende em primeiro lugar dos meios que dispõe para fazer o trabalho e, em segundo lugar, da sua atitude. Portanto, para que se melhore a qualidade do leite, devem ser tomadas medidas direcionadas a modificar a atitude e o comportamento do homem frente à mastite. / Despite the government legislation, of the industry´s programs for milk quality based payment, and the increased use of antibiotics, during the last decade more than 45% of the Brazilian dairy farms have presented SCC over 400.000, and the value does not diminish. Notwithstanding, within the same population and under the same conditions, there are herds of low and high SCC. Then, it is necessary to ask why is this happening. Mastitis is the cause of the high SCC, and mastitis is a multifactorial disease, therefore, the purpose of this research was to find out the differences between the properties with high and low SCC, and find out how the producer and the milker impact the SCC of the herd. For that purpose, structured questionnaires and checklists were applied in 68 farms, which were participating of the same quality-based payment program and were located in the same region. The herds were grouped in cases: farms with high SCC, SCC > 700.000, and controls: herds with low SCC, SCC < 250.000. The results suggest that the man is the main differential between farms. That the producer and the milker impact the SCC of the herd, and that the variables that better explain the chance of a farm to present low SCC, are the producer´s attitude and the milker\'s behavior toward mastitis. The results also showed that the milker\'s behavior depends mainly of the means and secondly, of his attitude. Therefore, to improve the milk quality, must be taken measures to modify the attitude and behavior of the man.

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