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Mecanismes d'alliberació d'ATP a travès de la membrana plasmàtica: paper de la CD39 i les connexines.Bahima Borràs, Laia 26 June 2006 (has links)
L'ATP és una molècula molt carregada elèctricament important per a l'obtenció de l'energia necessària per l'activitat cel·lular. A més a més, també actua com a molècula de senyalització cel·lular. Normalment, la secreció controlada d'ATP té lloc a través de l'exocitosi de grànuls o vesícules. Tot i això, en algunes cèl·lules, altres mecanismes poden controlar l'alliberació d'ATP. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat dos d'aquests mecanismes: l'alliberació d'ATP a través de la proteïna CD39 i l'alliberació d'ATP a través de connexines.La CD39, o NTPDasa 1, és una proteïna que hidrolitza nucleòtids trifosfat i difosfat fins a nucleòtids monofosfat. Resultats anteriors del nostre laboratori suggerien que, aplicant polsos hiperpolaritzants en la membrana dels oòcits de Xenopus, l'ectoenzim NTPDasa1 podia esdevenir permeable per l'ATP. Continuant amb l'estudi d'aquesta proteïna, es va voler determinar també si estava relacionada amb l'alliberació d'ATP induïda per estrès hipertònic descrita en oòcits. Per portar a terme aquests estudis, era necessari aconseguir un oligonucleòtid antisentit contra la CD39 dels oòcits de Xenopus. Per tant, el nostre primer objectiu va ser sintetitzar i validar aquest oligonucleòtid, per tal de poder-lo utilitzar posteriorment a l'hora de fer els experiments. Mitjançant el disseny de dos oligonucleòtids antisentit per dita proteïna es va mesurar l'alliberació d'ATP en grups d'oòcits injectats amb els oligonucleòtids i en grups control, després de ser sotmesos a un xoc hiperosmòtic. Al mateix temps, per a comprovar l'efectivitat dels oligonucleòtids injectats, es va mesurar l'activitat ATPàsica en aquests oòcits. Es va observar com l'antisentit per la CD39 reduïa de manera significativa l'alliberació d'ATP i el corrent iònic després de 13 minuts d'exposició hipertònica.Els hemicanals, formats per connexines, és un altre dels possibles mecanismes de regulació de l'alliberació d'ATP. En les gap junctions, les connexines uneixen el citoplasma de dues cèl·lules adjacents establint un canal intercel·lular que permet el pas d'ions i molècules més petites d'1 KDa. Es va estudiar aquest mecanisme en oòcits de Xenopus, estudiant la Cx38, un tipus específic de connexina endògena dels oòcits, i la Cx32, expressada en els oòcits de manera heteròloga. En els experiments amb la Cx38, vam observar que solucions lliures d'ions divalents activaven un corrent d'entrada en els oòcits que era inhibit per octanol i àcid flufenàmic, dos inhibidors de les gap junctions. Aquest corrent sensible a calci, depenia de l'expressió de Cx38: disminuïa en oòcits injectats amb un oligonucleòtid antisentit per la Cx38 (ASCx38) i augmentava en oòcits que sobrexpressaven la Cx38. A més, l'activació dels hemicanals de Cx38 induïa l'alliberació d'ATP, la qual era inhibida per l'àcid flufenàmic, l'octanol i l'ASCx38 i augmentada en la sobrexpressió de Cx38. Aquests resultats suggerien que l'activació dels hemicanals era responsable de l'alliberació d'ATP en els oòcits de Xenopus.D'altra banda, vam investigar l'alliberació d'ATP a través dels hemicanals formats per Cx32 expressada en oòcits. Aquesta proteïna s'expressa en la majoria d'òrgans humans, però, particularment, mutacions de la Cx32 en les cèl·lules de Schwann produeixen la malaltia de Charcot-Marie-Tooth lligada al cromosoma X (CMTX). En oòcits que expressen la Cx32, vam combinar l'ús de tècniques de fixació de voltatge per registrar els corrents iònics generats pels hemicanals i la reacció bioluminiscent de la luciferina-luciferasa per mesurar l'alliberació d'ATP. Els hemicanals formats per la Cx32 eren estimulats mitjançant polsos despolaritzants generant un corrent iònic de sortida. Després de l'estimulació, en el període de repolarització, hi havia un corrent de cua que coincidia amb el moment d'alliberació d'ATP. L'àrea d'aquest corrent tenia una relació lineal amb la quantitat d'ATP alliberada. El conjunt de resultats d'aquesta tesi ens suggereixen que, tant les connexines com la CD39, participen en l'alliberació d'ATP a través de la membrana plasmàtica. / ATP is an electrically charged molecule required to obtain the energy necessary for cellular activity; in addition, it is an intercellular signaling molecule. Usually, the controlled secretion of ATP occurs through the exocytosis of granules and vesicles. However, in some cells, other mechanisms control ATP release. Two of these mechanisms have been studied in this thesis: ATP release through CD39 and ATP release through connexin hemichannels. CD39, or NTPDasa 1, is a protein that hydrolyze nucleotide triphosphates and nucleotide diphosphates to nucleotide monophosfates. To study its relationship with ATP release we have synthetized an antisense oligonucleotide against Xenopus oocyte CD39. Our results indicate that the antisense against CD39 significanty reduce ATP release and also the ionic current due to the activation of CD39 by hypertonic solution. It has been suggested that hemichannels, formed by connexins, may be an alternative pathway for ATP release. In gap junctions, connexins link the cytoplasm of two adjacent cells by establishing an intercellular channel. We have investigated the release of ATP from Xenopus oocytes through hemichannels formed by connexin 38 (Cx38), an endogenous, specific type of connexin, and by connexin32 (Cx32) heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In Xenopus oocytes, calcium-free solution reversibly activates an inward current that is inhibited by octanol and flufenamic acid. This calcium-sensitive current depends on Cx38 expression: it's decreased in oocytes injected with an antisense oligonucleotide against Cx38 (ASCx38) and is increased in oocytes overexpressing Cx38. Moreover, the activation of Cx38 also induce the release of ATP, which is inhibited by flufenamic acid, octanol and ASCx38 and increased by Cx38 overexpression. Connexin 32 is expressed in most of human organs but, particularly, Cx32 mutations present in Schwann cells produce X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. In oocytes expressing Cx32, application of depolarizing pulses to positive potentials induce outward hemichannel currents that become inward during the repolarization phase. The release of ATP occurred during the repolarization period and the amount of ATP released correlate with the area of the tail current.
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Administração intravenosa de apirase reduz trombose arterial aguda em um modelo experimental de lesão endotelial por cateter balão in vivo / Intravenous apyrase administration reduces arterial thrombosis in a rabbit model of endothelial denudation in vivoCosta, Andry Fiterman January 2002 (has links)
O papel dos nucleotídeos da adenina na função vascular e plaquetária já está bem estabelecido. Apirase (CD39) faz parte de uma família de ecto-enzimas capazes de hidrolisar nucleosídeos di- e trifosfatados da adenosina e sua participação no sistema tromborregulador tem sido estudada. Nós utilizamos um modelo experimental in vivo de trombose arterial aguda para testar a hipótese de que a administração de apirase solúvel pode prevenir a formação de trombos. Vinte e cinco coelhos brancos Nova Zelândia foram submetidos à lesão arterial com cateter balão e, após 15 dias, a um protocolo indutor de trombose. Treze animais receberam duas administrações intravenosas de apirase solúvel (com 90 minutos de intervalo) e 12 animais foram utilizados como controle. Após 3 horas do protocolo indutor de trombose, os animais foram mortos e a taxa e área de trombose foram avaliadas. A taxa de trombose no grupo apirase foi significativamente menor que no grupo controle (69% vs. 16,7%, respectivamente, P=0,015) assim como a área de trombose (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectivamente, P=0,008). Nossos resultados confirmam a participação da apirase na homeostasia através de um potente efeito antitrombótico. / The role of adenine nucleotides on vascular and platelet functions has long been established. Apyrase (CD39) takes part of a family of ecto-enzymes that hydrolyze adenosine di and triphosphate and its participation on thromboregulatory system is under study. We used an in vivo experimental model of acute arterial thrombosis to test the hypothesis that administering soluble form of potato apyrase could prevent thrombus formation. Twenty five white New Zealand male rabbits suffer balloon aortic endothelium denudation and fifteen days after were submitted to a thrombosis triggering protocol with a procoagulant (Russel’s viper venom) and epinephrine. After the thrombosis triggering protocol 13 animals received two soluble apyrase administration (with 90 minutes interval) and 12 animals that received no treatment were used as controls. Three hours after the triggering protocol, the animals were killed and the rate and area of arterial thrombosis were analyzed. The rate of thrombosis in the apyrase group was significantly lower than the control group (69% vs. 16,7%, respectively, P= 0,015) as well as the area of thrombosis (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectively, P=0,008). Our results confirm that apyrase do participate in homeostasis through a potent antithrombotic effect.
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Administração intravenosa de apirase reduz trombose arterial aguda em um modelo experimental de lesão endotelial por cateter balão in vivo / Intravenous apyrase administration reduces arterial thrombosis in a rabbit model of endothelial denudation in vivoCosta, Andry Fiterman January 2002 (has links)
O papel dos nucleotídeos da adenina na função vascular e plaquetária já está bem estabelecido. Apirase (CD39) faz parte de uma família de ecto-enzimas capazes de hidrolisar nucleosídeos di- e trifosfatados da adenosina e sua participação no sistema tromborregulador tem sido estudada. Nós utilizamos um modelo experimental in vivo de trombose arterial aguda para testar a hipótese de que a administração de apirase solúvel pode prevenir a formação de trombos. Vinte e cinco coelhos brancos Nova Zelândia foram submetidos à lesão arterial com cateter balão e, após 15 dias, a um protocolo indutor de trombose. Treze animais receberam duas administrações intravenosas de apirase solúvel (com 90 minutos de intervalo) e 12 animais foram utilizados como controle. Após 3 horas do protocolo indutor de trombose, os animais foram mortos e a taxa e área de trombose foram avaliadas. A taxa de trombose no grupo apirase foi significativamente menor que no grupo controle (69% vs. 16,7%, respectivamente, P=0,015) assim como a área de trombose (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectivamente, P=0,008). Nossos resultados confirmam a participação da apirase na homeostasia através de um potente efeito antitrombótico. / The role of adenine nucleotides on vascular and platelet functions has long been established. Apyrase (CD39) takes part of a family of ecto-enzymes that hydrolyze adenosine di and triphosphate and its participation on thromboregulatory system is under study. We used an in vivo experimental model of acute arterial thrombosis to test the hypothesis that administering soluble form of potato apyrase could prevent thrombus formation. Twenty five white New Zealand male rabbits suffer balloon aortic endothelium denudation and fifteen days after were submitted to a thrombosis triggering protocol with a procoagulant (Russel’s viper venom) and epinephrine. After the thrombosis triggering protocol 13 animals received two soluble apyrase administration (with 90 minutes interval) and 12 animals that received no treatment were used as controls. Three hours after the triggering protocol, the animals were killed and the rate and area of arterial thrombosis were analyzed. The rate of thrombosis in the apyrase group was significantly lower than the control group (69% vs. 16,7%, respectively, P= 0,015) as well as the area of thrombosis (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectively, P=0,008). Our results confirm that apyrase do participate in homeostasis through a potent antithrombotic effect.
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Administração intravenosa de apirase reduz trombose arterial aguda em um modelo experimental de lesão endotelial por cateter balão in vivo / Intravenous apyrase administration reduces arterial thrombosis in a rabbit model of endothelial denudation in vivoCosta, Andry Fiterman January 2002 (has links)
O papel dos nucleotídeos da adenina na função vascular e plaquetária já está bem estabelecido. Apirase (CD39) faz parte de uma família de ecto-enzimas capazes de hidrolisar nucleosídeos di- e trifosfatados da adenosina e sua participação no sistema tromborregulador tem sido estudada. Nós utilizamos um modelo experimental in vivo de trombose arterial aguda para testar a hipótese de que a administração de apirase solúvel pode prevenir a formação de trombos. Vinte e cinco coelhos brancos Nova Zelândia foram submetidos à lesão arterial com cateter balão e, após 15 dias, a um protocolo indutor de trombose. Treze animais receberam duas administrações intravenosas de apirase solúvel (com 90 minutos de intervalo) e 12 animais foram utilizados como controle. Após 3 horas do protocolo indutor de trombose, os animais foram mortos e a taxa e área de trombose foram avaliadas. A taxa de trombose no grupo apirase foi significativamente menor que no grupo controle (69% vs. 16,7%, respectivamente, P=0,015) assim como a área de trombose (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectivamente, P=0,008). Nossos resultados confirmam a participação da apirase na homeostasia através de um potente efeito antitrombótico. / The role of adenine nucleotides on vascular and platelet functions has long been established. Apyrase (CD39) takes part of a family of ecto-enzymes that hydrolyze adenosine di and triphosphate and its participation on thromboregulatory system is under study. We used an in vivo experimental model of acute arterial thrombosis to test the hypothesis that administering soluble form of potato apyrase could prevent thrombus formation. Twenty five white New Zealand male rabbits suffer balloon aortic endothelium denudation and fifteen days after were submitted to a thrombosis triggering protocol with a procoagulant (Russel’s viper venom) and epinephrine. After the thrombosis triggering protocol 13 animals received two soluble apyrase administration (with 90 minutes interval) and 12 animals that received no treatment were used as controls. Three hours after the triggering protocol, the animals were killed and the rate and area of arterial thrombosis were analyzed. The rate of thrombosis in the apyrase group was significantly lower than the control group (69% vs. 16,7%, respectively, P= 0,015) as well as the area of thrombosis (1,7 mm2 ± 4,3 vs. 21,7 mm2 ± 37,4, respectively, P=0,008). Our results confirm that apyrase do participate in homeostasis through a potent antithrombotic effect.
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ABCA1 Increases Extracellular ATP to Mediate Cholesterol Efflux to ApoA-ILee, Jee Yeon January 2012 (has links)
ABCA1 is a key plasma membrane protein required for the efflux of cellular cholesterol to extracellular acceptors, particularly to apoA-I. This process is essential to maintain cholesterol homeostasis in the body. The detailed molecular mechanisms, however, are still insufficiently understood. Also, the molecular identity of ABCA1, i.e. channel, pump or flippase, remains unknown. In this study we analyzed the extracellular ATP levels in the medium of ABCA1-expressing BHK cells and RAW macrophages and compared them to the medium of relevant non-expressing cells. We found that the extracellular ATP concentrations are significantly elevated when cells express ABCA1. Importantly, a dysfunctional ABCA1 mutant (A937V), when expressed similarly as WT-ABCA1, is unable to raise extracellular ATP concentration. This suggests a causal relationship between functional ABCA1 and elevated extracellular ATP. To explore the physiological role of elevated extracellular ATP, we analyzed ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux under the conditions where extracellular ATP levels were modulated. We found that increasing extracellular ATP within the physiological range, i.e. < μM, promotes cholesterol efflux to apoA-I. On the other hand, removing extracellular ATP, either by adding apyrase to the medium or by expressing a plasma membrane bound ecto-nucleotidase CD39, abolishes cholesterol efflux to apoA-I. Based on these results we conclude that, through direct or indirect mechanisms, ABCA1 functions to raise ATP levels in the medium. This elevated extracellular ATP is required for ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux to apoA-I.
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Modulation de l’effet suppresseur des cellules T régulatrices chez l’Homme en physiologie et au cours de l’infection par le VIH. / Modulation of suppressive functions of regulatory T cells in healthy subjects and during HIV infectionYounas, Mehwish 31 January 2013 (has links)
Les cellules T régulatrices (Treg) jouent un rôle important dans différentes infections chroniques comme le VIH. Lors de l’infection chronique par le VIH, une augmentation du nombre de ces cellules limite la réponse des cellules T effectrices spécifiques du virus mais permet également le contrôle de la très forte activation du système immunitaire. La régulation de l’activité suppressive des Treg constitue une voie importante pour le développement d’un vaccin, l’efficacité de la surveillance tumorale et l’auto-immunité. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié différents mécanismes de régulation des Treg chez les patients infectés par le VIH et sujets sains. Le but de mon travail a été d’étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions suppressives des Treg et de leur régulation. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés au rôle de Notch sur la sensibilité des cellules T effectrices à la fonction suppressive des Treg, en montrant que l’activation de Notch rendait les cellules T effectrices plus sensibles à l’action suppressive des Treg, et ceci même en présence d’un très faible nombre de Treg. Nous avons démontré que certains ligands de Notch, tels que DL-4 et Jagged-1 mais non DL-1, régulent l’effet inhibiteur des Treg sur les cellules T effectrices par une surexpression de TGFβ-RII et à la phosphorylation de Smad3. Le rôle important de l’enzyme CD39 dans la fonction suppressive des Treg a été décrit, mais peu d’études ont démontré son rôle dans l’infection par le VIH. Nous avons montré que les Treg de patients infectés par le VIH experiment plus fortement le CD39, et que leur effet suppresseur était inhibé en utilisant un anticorps monoclonal anti-CD39 et maintenu en utilisant un agoniste de l’adénosine. Nous avons également montré que le polymorphisme du gène CD39, associé à une plus faible expression de CD39, était corrélé à une plus lente progression de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent non seulement les mécanismes impliqués dans l’activité suppressive des Treg lors de l’infection par le VIH, mais constituent une approche intéressante pour en modifier les fonctions. Enfin, nous avons recherché l’effet de l’IL-7 sur le phénotype des Treg et l’expression de molécules impliquées dans leur fonction suppressive. Nos résultats montrent deux effets synergique de l’IL-7 sur les Treg mémoires: diminution de l’expression de CD39 à leur surface induisant une diminution de leur fonction suppressive, et surexpression du récepteur à l’ATP induisant un phénotype Th17. L’administration d’IL-7 in vivo chez des patients infectés par le VIH a confirmé la modification de phénotype des Treg en Th17 et notamment une surexpression du facteur de transcription spécifique des Th17, RORγt. En conclusion, notre travail apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions inhibitrices des Treg et comment moduler ces fonctions. Ceci pourrait avoir un impact clinique direct, soit dans le traitement de maladies associées à un dysfonctionnement des Treg (infections chroniques virales, sclérose multiple, diabète de type 1, arthrite rhumatoide et lupus érythémateux), soit dans les stratégies vaccinales. / T regulatory cells (Treg cells) play an important role during various chronic infections like HIV. Increase in Treg cell number during chronic phase limit the HIV specific T effector cell response but may control exaggerated activation of the immune system. Modulation of regulatory T cell (Treg cells) suppression has important implications for vaccine development, the effectiveness of tumor surveillance, and the emergence of autoimmunity. Here we studied various mechanisms of Treg cells modulation in HIV+ patients and healthy subjects. The aim of my work was to decipher some aspects of the mechanisms involved in Treg cell mediated suppressive effects and the modulation of Treg cell suppressive effects in healthy subjects and HIV- infected patients.We have extended knowledge on the role of Notch in Treg/Effectors T cells cross talk. Here we focused our interest on the role of Notch pathway on the sensitivity of effectors T cells to Treg cell-mediated suppression, showing that Notch activation may significantly increase the sensitivity of effector cells to Treg cells even at a low ratio. We demonstrated that Notch ligands DL-4 and Jagged-1, but not DL-1 modulate significantly the suppressive effect of Treg cells on effectors T cells through an up regulation of TGF-RII expression and the phosphorylated form of Smad3 protein.A critical role of CD39 has been described for Treg cells in general but only a few studies have analyzed its role in HIV infection. We showed an increase in CD39 expression on Treg cells in a cohort of HIV- infected patients. Treg cells inhibitory effects were relieved by CD39 down modulation using an antiCD39 monoclonal antibody and this suppressive effect was reproduced on effector CD8+ T cells by an adenosine agonist. We found that CD39 gene polymorphism associated with a lower CD39 expression correlated with slower progression to AIDS. Our results shows not only the mechanism by which Treg cell suppression occurs during HIV infection but also provide an attractive approach to modify Treg cell functions.Finally, we have investigated the role of IL-7 on the phenotype of Treg cells and expression of molecules involved in the suppressive functions of these cells. Our results show that IL-7 exerts two synergistic effects on memory Treg cells. It decreases their suppressive effect by decreasing CD39 expression and increases ATP receptor leading to a switch towards a Th17 phenotype. In vivo administration of IL-7 tipped the balance towards a higher expression of RORγT in PBMCs from HIV infected patients.In conclusion our study bring new findings in the mechanisms involved in Treg cell mediated suppression and the way to modulate these cells which could have direct clinical impact either in the treatment of diseases associated with Treg cell dysregulation (chronic viral infections, autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erthematosus) or during vaccination.
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Caractérisation et régulation des lymphocytes T CD4+CD73+ en contextes physiologique et pathologique / Characterization and regulation of the CD4 CD73 T lymphocytes in physiological and pathological contextsBossennec, Marion 19 September 2018 (has links)
L'étude des populations de lymphocytes T CD4+ effecteurs (Teff) chez l'Homme présente un intérêt croissant dans les enjeux actuels que constitue l'élaboration de nouvelles immunothérapies. Ces travaux détaillent la caractérisation et la régulation d'une population de Teff exprimant l'ecto-nucléotidase CD73 ayant pour fonction de dégrader l'AMP extracellulaire en adénosine (Ado) immunosuppresseur. Cette population, enrichie en lymphocytes T helper de type Th1.17, est très polyfonctionelle et pro-inflammatoire. Les Teff CD73+ expriment peu de points de contrôles immunitaires inhibiteurs mais sont régulés par leur production autocrine d'Ado qui limite leurs fonctions effectrices et leurs capacités prolifératives. Les Teff CD73+ expriment par ailleurs fortement le transporteur ABC multidrug-resistance 1 (MDR1), responsable de l'exclusion de nombreuses drogues du cytoplasme des cellules. L'étude de cette population dans différents contextes pathologiques a permis de détailler le fonctionnement de cette population. J'ai pu mettre en évidence que l'expression de CD73 est en effet dynamique. Elle est notamment diminuée dans des pathologies arthritiques auto-immunitaires (la polyarthrite rhumatoïde et le rhumatisme psoriasique) dans lesquelles les Th17 et les Th1.17 sont fortement activés. La diminution d'expression de CD73 sur ces cellules constitue la levée d'un frein qui leur permet de contribuer pleinement à l'inflammation chronique caractérisant ces pathologies. Les Teff CD73+, présents dans les tumeurs solides humaines de sein et d'ovaire, pourraient en revanche présenter un avantage sélectif en contexte tumoral de par leur expression de MDR1 leur permettant de résister aux traitements de chimiothérapie. Ces traitements substrats de MDR1, combinés à des thérapies inhibant la fonction enzymatique de CD73, pourrait permettre la restauration d'une réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale efficace médiée par cette population pro-inflammatoire / Requirement for CD4+ effector T lymphocytes (Teff) comprehensive study in human is increasing since it can contribute to the emergence of new immunotherapy strategies. This work brings up important information concerning the characterization and regulation of a Teff population expressing the CD73 ecto-nucleotidase, which is able to degrade extracellular AMP into immunosuppressive adenosine (Ado). This population, highly polyfunctional and pro-inflammatory, is enriched in Th1.17 cells. CD73+ Teff express low levels of inhibitory immune checkpoints but are negatively regulated by the autocrine Ado production that limits their pro-inflammatory function and proliferative capacities. In addition, CD73+ Teff express high levels of the ABC transporter multi-drug resistance 1 (MDR1), responsible for the exclusion of cells’ cytoplasm of many drugs. The study of this population in different pathological contexts enabled to decipher its functions. I could evidence that CD73 expression is dynamic. CD73 is notably decreased in autoimmune arthritic pathologies (rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA)) in which Th1.17 and Th17 are highly activated. CD73 decreased expression by these cells is a mechanism that alleviates self-inhibition by autocrine Ado production and enables them to fully contribute to chronic inflammation characterizing these pathologies. In tumor context, CD73+ Teff present in breast and ovarian tumors could on the contrary bear a selective advantage due to their high MDR1 expression enabling them to resist MDR1 substrates-based chemotherapy treatments. These chemotherapy treatments combined to therapies blocking CD73 enzymatic function could allow the restauration of an efficient anti-tumor immune response
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A sinalização de TGF-β envolvida na expressão de CD39 em células T reguladoras está associada com a eficácia terapêutica do metotrexato na artrite reumatóide / TGF-? signaling involved in the CD39 expression on regulatory T cells is associated with therapeutic efficacy of the methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritisPeres, Raphael Sanches 28 September 2016 (has links)
A Artrite Reumatóide (AR) é uma artropatia autoimune multifatorial com etiologia desconhecida que afeta aproximadamente 1% da população adulta. A estratégia padrão para o tratamento da AR consiste na administração de baixas doses de Metotrexato (MTX), cujo efeito anti-inflamatório está relacionado com a manutenção dos níveis elevados de adenosina (ADO) extracelular. No entanto, uma parte considerável dos pacientes com AR é refratária ao tratamento com MTX e o mecanismo pelo qual este fenômeno ocorre ainda não está totalmente esclarecido. Neste contexto, o presente estudo descreveu que a eficácia terapêutica ao MTX está associada com a expressão em células Tregs da ectoenzima CD39, cuja função biológica é a geração de ADO extracelular via metabolização do ATP. Especificamente, através da realização de um estudo longitudinal, observamos que pacientes respondedores ao MTX (R-MTX) apresentam uma expansão de células Tregs circulantes expressando CD39 após o tratamento com MTX. Por outro lado, identificamos que pacientes não respondedores ao MTX (UR-MTX) possuem uma redução da expressão de CD39 em células Tregs, o que culmina em um comprometimento das suas funções supressoras. Ainda, demonstramos que a expressão de CD39 em células Tregs é um biomarcador apto em predizer a resposta terapêutica ao MTX, visto que pacientes UR-MTX apresentam uma expressão reduzida de CD39 em Tregs mesmo antes do início do tratamento com MTX. Posteriormente, nós investigamos as bases moleculares que acarretam na expressão reduzida de CD39 observada em células Tregs de pacientes URMTX. Demonstramos que a estimulação com TGF-? tanto em células Tregs isoladas quanto diferenciadas in vitro aumenta a expressão de CD39 através da ativação sequencial da seguinte plataforma molecular: receptores de TGF-? (TGFBRII e TGFBRI), transdutor de sinal SMAD2, fator de transcrição CREB, de modo dependente da atividade de p38. Uma vez identificada a via envolvida com a indução da expressão de CD39, demonstramos que células Tregs diferenciadas de indivíduos que apresentam uma expressão reduzida de CD39 são incapazes de induzir a expressão desta ectoenzima através da estimulação com TGF-?. Por fim, transpondo nossos achados para pacientes com AR, observamos que pacientes UR-MTX apresentam uma redução nos níveis de RNAm para TGFBRII e CREB bem como também uma redução das proteínas fosforiladas SMAD2 e CREB em células CD4+ e Tregs, sugerindo que o comprometimento na cascata de sinalização de TGF-?, envolvida com a indução da expressão de CD39 em células Tregs, está associado com a resistência ao MTX. / Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune multifactorial arthropathy with unknown etiology that affects approximately 1% of the adult population. The standard strategy for RA treatment comprises the administration of low doses of methotrexate (MTX), whose antiinflammatory effects are associated with maintenance of high levels of extracellular adenosine (ADO). However, a considerable proportion of RA patients is resistant to MTX treatment and the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon occurs is poorly understood. Within this context, the present study showed that therapeutic efficacy of MTX is associated with expression on Treg cells of the ectoenzyme CD39, whose function is related to the generation of extracellular ADO by ATP metabolism. Specifically, we conducted a longitudinal study and observed that responsive patients to MTX (R-MTX) exhibit an increase in the frequency of circulating Treg cells expressing CD39 after MTX treatment. On the other hand, we found that non-responsive patients to MTX (UR-MTX) have a reduction of CD39 expression on Treg cells, which culminates in an impairment of Treg function. Furthermore, these findings indicate that CD39 expression on Treg cells is a biomarker for therapeutic response to MTX, since UR-MTX patients had a depressed CD39 expression on Treg cells even before MTX treatment. Subsequently, the present study investigated the molecular mechanisms that would cause the reduction of CD39 expression on Treg cells from UR-MTX patients. For this, we demonstrated that TGF-? stimulation increases CD39 expression in isolated and in vitro differentiated Treg cells through participation/activation of the following molecules: receptors of TGF-?, TGFBRII and TGFBRI, signal transducer SMAD2 and transcription factor CREB, through p38 activity dependent-manner. Once identified these molecules involved with CD39 induction, we demonstrated that differentiated Treg cells from healthy individuals with an intrinsic reduction of CD39 expression on circulating Treg cells are unable to increase CD39 expression by TGF-? stimulation. Transposing our findings to RA patients, we found that UR-MTX patients exhibit a reduction of mRNA for TGFBRII and CREB as well as reduction on levels of phospho-SMAD2 and phospho-CREB in CD4+ and Treg cells, suggesting that an impairment in TGF-? signaling pathway, related to induction of CD39 expression on Treg cells, is associated with MTX resistance.
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Hidrólise de nucleotídeos de adenina em plaquetas de pacientes com diferentes níveis de colesterol e sua relação com o processo inflamatório / Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides of patients with different cholesterol levels and inflammatory processesDuarte, Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura 10 October 2006 (has links)
The activity of NTPDase (EC, apyrase, CD39) was verified in platelets from patients with increasing cholesterol levels. A possible association between cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers, such as oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL), highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and oxLDL autoantibodies was also investigated. The following groups were studied: group I (< 150 mg/dl), group II (151 to 200 mg/dl); group III: (201 to 250 mg/dl); group IV (> 251 mg/dl) of cholesterol. The results demonstrated that both ATP and ADP hydrolysis were enhanced as a function of cholesterol levels. The LDL levels increased concomitantly with total cholesterol levels. The triglyceride levels were increased in the group with total cholesterol above 251 mg/dl. oxLDL levels were elevated in groups II, III and IV. hsCRP was elevated in the group with cholesterol higher than 251 mg/dl. oxLDL autoantibodies were elevated in groups III and IV. TBARS content was enhanced as a function of cholesterol levels. In summary, hypercholesterolemia is associated with an enhanced of inflammatory response and ATP and ADP hydrolysis. The increase in NTPDase activity is possibly related to a compensatory response to the
inflammatory and pro-oxidative state associated with hypercholesterolemia. / A atividade da NTPDase (EC, apyrase, CD39) foi verificada em plaquetas de pacientes com diferentes níveis de colesterol. Uma possível associação entre os níveis de colesterol e os marcadores inflamatórios como LDL
oxidado (oxLDL), proteína C reativa ultrasensível (hsCRP) e anticopos anti-LDL oxidado (Anti-oxLDL) foi investigado. Os seguintes grupos foram estudados: grupo I (< 150 mg/dl), grupo II (151 a 200 mg/dl); grupo III: (201 a 250 mg/dl); grupo IV (> 251 mg/dl) de colesterol. Os resultados demonstraram que a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos (ATP e ADP) aumentou em função dos níveis de colesterol. Os níveis
de LDL aumentaram concomitantemente com os níveis de colesterol total. Os níveis de triglicerídeos foram elevados no grupo com colesterol total acima de 251 mg/dl. Os níveis de oxLDL foram elevados nos grupos II, III and IV. A hsCRP foi elevada no grupo com cholesterol maior que 251 mg/dl. Os Anti-oxLDL foram elevados nos grupos III e IV. O conteúdo de TBARS foi aumentando em função dos níveis de colesterol. Em resumo, a hipercolesterolemia está associada com o aumento da resposta inflamatória e hidrólise de ATP e ADP. O aumento da atividade da NTPDase está possivelmente relacionado com uma resposta compensatória ao estado inflamatório e pró-oxidativo associado com a hipercolesterolemia.
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Avaliação da influência das moléculas PD-1, CD39 e CD73 na imunomodulação induzida pela infecção com a bactéria Brucella AbortusMelo, Juliana 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2017-12-21T18:17:20Z
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julianamelo.pdf: 1321154 bytes, checksum: 6613c9596412757aeb47ee110faa5b87 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Favor corrigir autor: Sobrenome, Nome on 2017-12-22T12:19:42Z (GMT) / Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2017-12-22T12:28:52Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / A brucelose é uma doença infectocontagiosa causada por bactérias do gênero Brucella que acometem o homem e uma grande variedade de animais domésticos, resultando em prejuízos econômicos significativos aos sistemas de produção. Em humanos essa infecção pode causar febre ondulante, endocardite, artrite, osteomielite e complicações neurológicas enquanto em animais leva ao aborto e infertilidade. Sabe-se que a resposta imunológica a bactérias intracelulares como a Brucella ocorre essencialmente através da imunidade mediada por células, sendo macrófagos especialmente importantes no combate à infecção. Entretanto, apesar da efetividade da resposta, a B. abortus conta com diversos mecanismos de evasão, o que garante a sua sobrevivência no organismo hospedeiro. Dentre estes mecanismos, a modulação de células apresentadoras de antígenos tem sido apontada como um dos mais relevantes. Recentemente, diversos trabalhos têm evidenciado a importância das NTPDases e da molécula PD-1 na modulação da resposta imune. As NTPDases estão envolidas com a produção de adenosina que apresenta relevante caráter imunomodulador. Já a molécula PD-1 está associada a indução de um perfil anti-inflamatório com diminuição de IL-12 e aumento de IL-10. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se a infecção com B. abortus é capaz de alterar a expressão destas moléculas e assim limitar a ação do sistema imune, favorecendo a sobrevivência do patógeno. Para isso, células RAW 264.7 foram infectadas com B.abortus e a modulação das moléculas CD80, CD86, CD40, MHCII, foi avaliada por citometria de fluxo. Em seguida, a expressão de CD39 também foi determinada por citometria de fluxo e por Western Blot. Por fim analisamos possíveis alterações na expressão da molécula PD-1 induzidas pela bactéria. Como resultados, foi confirmado que a infecção é capaz de inibir a expressão de CD80, CD86 e CD40, embora o mesmo não tenha sido observado com o MHCII. Além disso, a expressão de CD40 se mostrou diminuída mesmo após o estímulo com LPS. De forma surpreendente, foi observada uma diminuição na expressão das moléculas CD39 e PD-1, o que pode ser explicado pela menor ativação celular induzida pela infecção. Assim, os dados obtidos até o momento demonstram que as moléculas CD39 e PD-1 não são utilizadas pela Brucella para
modular as APCs, mas são influenciados pela menor ativação celular induzida pelo patógeno. / Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella that affect humans and a wide variety of domestic animals, resulting in significant economic losses to production systems. In humans the infection can cause undulant fever, endocarditis, arthritis, osteomyelitis and neurological complications while in animals leads to abortion and infertility. It is known that the immune response to intracellular bacteria such as Brucella occurs primarily by cell-mediated immunity, macrophage being especially important in fighting infection. However, despite the effectiveness of the response, B. abortus has several avoidance schemes, which ensures their survival in the host organism. Among these mechanisms, modulation of antigen-presenting cells has been identified as one of the most relevant. Recently, several studies have shown the importance NTPDase and PD-1 molecule to modulate the immune response. The NTPDase are envolidas with the production of adenosine which presents immunomodulatory relevant character. Since PD-1 molecule is associated with induction of an anti-inflammatory profile with decreased IL-12 and IL-10 increase. In this context, the aim of this study was to determine whether infection with B. abortus is able to alter the expression of these molecules and thus limit the action of the immune system, favoring the survival of the pathogen. To this end, RAW 264.7 cells were infected with B.abortus and modulation of CD80 molecules, CD86, CD40, MHCII, was evaluated by flow cytometry. Then the CD39 expression was also determined by flow cytometry and Western blot. Finally, we analyze possible changes in PD-1 molecule expression induced by bacteria. As a result, it was confirmed that the infection is capable of inhibiting expression of CD80, CD86 and CD40, although this has not been observed with MHCII. Additionally, CD40 expression showed decreased even after the stimulation with LPS. Surprisingly, it was observed a decrease in the expression of CD39 and PD-1
molecules, which can be explained by the lower cellular activation induced by the infection. Thus, the data obtained so far show that the PD-1 and CD39 molecules are not used by Brucella Modular APCs but are less influenced by cellular activation induced by the pathogen.
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