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Concurrent Error Detection in Finite Field Arithmetic OperationsBayat Sarmadi, Siavash January 2007 (has links)
With significant advances in wired and wireless technologies and also increased shrinking in the size of VLSI circuits, many devices have become very large because they need to contain several large units. This large number of gates and in turn large number of transistors causes the devices to be more prone to faults. These faults specially in sensitive and critical applications may cause serious failures and hence should be avoided.
On the other hand, some critical applications such as cryptosystems may also be prone to deliberately injected faults by malicious attackers. Some of these faults can produce erroneous results that can reveal some important secret information of the cryptosystems. Furthermore, yield factor improvement is always an important issue in VLSI design and fabrication processes. Digital systems such as cryptosystems and digital signal processors usually contain finite field operations. Therefore, error detection and correction of such operations have become an important issue recently.
In most of the work reported so far, error detection and correction are applied using redundancies in space (hardware), time, and/or information (coding theory). In this work, schemes based on these redundancies are presented to detect errors in important finite field arithmetic operations resulting from hardware faults. Finite fields are used in a number of practical cryptosystems and channel encoders/decoders. The schemes presented here can detect errors in arithmetic operations of finite fields represented in different bases, including polynomial, dual and/or normal basis, and implemented in various architectures, including bit-serial, bit-parallel and/or systolic arrays.
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Concurrent Error Detection in Finite Field Arithmetic OperationsBayat Sarmadi, Siavash January 2007 (has links)
With significant advances in wired and wireless technologies and also increased shrinking in the size of VLSI circuits, many devices have become very large because they need to contain several large units. This large number of gates and in turn large number of transistors causes the devices to be more prone to faults. These faults specially in sensitive and critical applications may cause serious failures and hence should be avoided.
On the other hand, some critical applications such as cryptosystems may also be prone to deliberately injected faults by malicious attackers. Some of these faults can produce erroneous results that can reveal some important secret information of the cryptosystems. Furthermore, yield factor improvement is always an important issue in VLSI design and fabrication processes. Digital systems such as cryptosystems and digital signal processors usually contain finite field operations. Therefore, error detection and correction of such operations have become an important issue recently.
In most of the work reported so far, error detection and correction are applied using redundancies in space (hardware), time, and/or information (coding theory). In this work, schemes based on these redundancies are presented to detect errors in important finite field arithmetic operations resulting from hardware faults. Finite fields are used in a number of practical cryptosystems and channel encoders/decoders. The schemes presented here can detect errors in arithmetic operations of finite fields represented in different bases, including polynomial, dual and/or normal basis, and implemented in various architectures, including bit-serial, bit-parallel and/or systolic arrays.
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Les Etats-Unis face à l'unification de l'Europe 1945-1954 /Mélandri, Pierre. January 1979 (has links)
Th : Sciences humaines : Paris 1 : 1977. / Index. Bibliogr. par chap.
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Life Cycle Impacts of Road Infrastructure : Assessment of energy use and greenhouse gas emissionsMiliutenko, Sofiia January 2012 (has links)
Road infrastructure is essential in the development of human society, but has both negative and positive impacts. Large amounts of money and natural resources are spent each year on its construction, operation and maintenance. Obviously, there is potentially significantenvironmental impact associated with these activities. Thus the need for integration of life cycle environmental impacts of road infrastructure into transport planning is currently being widely recognised on international and national level. However certain issues, such as energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the construction, maintenance and operation of road infrastructure, are rarely considered during the current transport planning process in Sweden and most other countries.This thesis examined energy use and GHG emissions for the whole life cycle (construction, operation, maintenance and end-of-life) of road infrastructure, with the aim of improving transport planning on both strategic and project level. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to two selected case studies: LCA of a road tunnel and LCA of three methods for asphalt recycling and reuse: hot in-plant, hot in-place and reuse as unbound material. The impact categories selected for analysis were Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other methods used in the research included interviews and a literature review.The results of the first case study indicated that the operational phase of the tunnel contributed the highest share of CED and GWP throughout the tunnel’s life cycle. Construction of concrete tunnels had much higher CED and GWP per lane-metre than construction of rocktunnels. The results of the second case study showed that hot in-place recycling of asphalt gave slightly more net savings of GWP and CED than hot in-plant recycling. Asphalt reuse was less environmentally beneficial than either of these alternatives, resulting in no net savings of GWP and minor net savings of CED. Main sources of data uncertainty identified in the two case-studies included prediction of future electricity mix and inventory data for asphalt concrete.This thesis contributes to methodological development which will be useful to future infrastructure LCAs in terms of inventory data collection. It presents estimated amounts of energy use and GHG emissions associated with road infrastructure, on the example of roadtunnel and asphalt recycling. Operation of road infrastructure and production of construction materials are identified as the main priorities for decreasing GHG emissions and energy use during the life cycle of road infrastructure. It was concluded that the potential exists for significant decreases in GHG emissions and energy use associated with the road transport system if the entire life cycle of road infrastructure is taken into consideration from the very start of the policy-making process. / QC 20120229
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A comparative Life Cycle Analysis of new and old designs of crane truck frames : Case study at VemserviceKhan, Mahmudur Aryan January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this Bachelor’s thesis is to investigate and deliver the results of environmental impacts of two different designs of crane truck frames. The aim is to investigate if additional new design of crane truck frames, with less energy and transportation during manufacturing of the crane truck, can improve energy efficiency of crane trucks throughout their lifecycle. Case study object for this report is Vemservice in Vemdalen, Sweden. As basis for the report the The Life Cycle Analysis ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 are used in this report in order to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts related to the lifecycle of new and old designs of 92 tonmeter crane truck frames from cradle to grave. The data was mainly collected and calculated by using the SimaPro software 8.0.5 which is based on the Ecoinvent 3 database. This study mainly analyzes environmental impacts such as GWP (Global Warming Potential), CED (Cumulative Energy Demand) and ReCiPe environmental impacts. The results showed that although new design frame has less transportation and energy demand during the manufacturing phase of the crane truck, the overall life cycle of the new design crane truck frame has higher environmental impacts than the existing old design of the crane truck frame. This is due to that the new design frame is 213kg heavier than the old design frame, which the crane truck is carrying during its using period. This study also investigated whether the new design frame, with stronger steel (Ecoupgraded steel) and a reduction of 15% of the total weight of frame, has a lower environmental impact in the life cycle of the EcoUpgraded steel frame compared to the current new design and old design frames life cycle. / <p>2018-06-29</p>
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Les militaires français et la Communauté européenne de défense, 1950-1954Gagné, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Chimio-radiothérapie des tumeurs cérébrales : intérêt de l'injection intratumorale de drogues antinéoplasiques.Rousseau, Julia 29 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les gliomes de haut grade sont des tumeurs cérébrales particulièrement agressives et les traitements actuels demeurent uniquement palliatifs. L'efficacité des radiothérapies est sévèrement limitée par la tolérance des tissus sains, l'enjeu est donc d'accroître la dose et la toxicité en ciblant le tissu tumoral. Une des méthodes proposées repose sur l'association de drogues anticancéreuses localisées au sein de la tumeur et d'une irradiation X. Au niveau cérébral, l'accumulation d'un agent injecté usuellement par voie systémique, est rendue difficile par la présence de la barrière hémato-encéphalique, qui filtre le passage des molécules à travers l'endothélium vasculaire. Des techniques d'injection ont été développées récemment pour délivrer des drogues directement dans le lit tumoral. Parmi elles, la méthode de convection-enhanced delivery (CED) permet d'obtenir une distribution de drogue homogène et contrôlée. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de mettre en place et caractériser la CED puis de l'appliquer au traitement des gliomes par des études précliniques. Plusieurs agents ont été testés : cisplatine, carboplatine, oxaliplatine et iododésoxyuridine et deux modalités d'irradiation ont été évaluées : la radiothérapie stéréotaxique en rayonnement synchrotron (monochromatique <100 keV) et l'irradiation haute énergie (6 MV) sur un accélérateur médical usuel. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que l'efficacité du traitement combinant drogue platinée et rayons X est étroitement liée à celle de la chimiothérapie seule et ne dépend pas de l'énergie du rayonnement utilisé. Ces résultats sont très prometteurs et ouvrent des perspectives nouvelles pour la recherche clinique.
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Ce travail a pour but d'optimiser la chimiothérapie du glioblastome à l'aide de nanocapsules lipidiques (LNC) chargées en ferrociphénol (FcdiOH), un composé organo-métallique anticancéreux innovant. Différentes voies d'administration ont été envisagées : la voie locale par stéréotaxie (convection-enhanced delivery ou CED) (60 μL de LNC, 0.36 mg de FcdiOH/rat), l'injection intra-carotidienne et l'injection intraveineuse (400 μL de LNC, 2.4 mg de FcdiOH/rat). Sur le modèle 9L orthotopique, l'efficacité antitumorale du principe actif s'est avérée être proportionnelle à la dose injectée. Le traitement local par CED d'une suspension iso-osmolaire de LNC-FcdiOH a augmenté significativement la survie des rats traités par rapport à celle du groupe témoin (médiane de 28.5 jours au lieu de 25 jours). Le recouvrement par de longues chaines de poly(éthylène glycol) (DSPE-mPEG2000) a permis aux LNC ainsi pégylées d'améliorer leur temps de circulation sanguine avec l'obtention d'une demi-vie 4 fois plus longue et d'une aire sous la courbe 1.65 fois plus étendue que celles des LNC classiques. Cela a entraîné l'éradication de la tumeur 9L sous-cutanée après une seule injection intraveineuse de DSPE-mPEG2000-LNC-FcdiOH, montrant l'efficacité du ciblage passif obtenu avec ces nanovecteurs. En parallèle, l'injection intra-carotidienne représente une voie d'administration prometteuse pour la délivrance de principes actifs dans le cerveau. En effet, le traitement intra-carotidien à l'aide des LNC pégylées a permis d'augmenter de 20% la survie des rats porteurs d'un gliosarcome 9L intracérébral (médiane de 30 jours). Enfin, l'incorporation de peptides NFL-TBS à la surface des LNC semble être une approche intéressante dans le cadre d'un ciblage actif, des études préliminaires ayant mis en évidence un rat survivant jusqu'à 44 jours.
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Théorie du développement territorial dans une économie de satiétéPirrone, Claudio 09 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Partant du constat de la nature encore relativement ambiguë du concept de développement territorial, cette thèse en propose uneapproche à la fois plus rigoureuse et plus large que la simple identification de ce dernier avec le développement économique. Le chemind'analyse choisi s'articule en quatre phases, chacune traitée dans un chapitre différent.Tout d'abord, par le biais d'une brève analyse historique des relations entre la pensée politique, au sens de la gestion des affaires dela cité, et la pensée économique, ce travail met en lumière les raisons qui ont permis au fur et à mesure à la sphère économique de s'imposer,et de revêtir ainsi le rôle de finalité du développement quittant celui de simple instrument. Et, en effet, à certaines conditions, l'amalgamepeut être justifié, notamment en présence d'insuffisance des moyens de chacun pour assurer la couverture de ses propres besoins.Puisque le fait de faire reposer le développement des territoires sur l'aspect économique conduit implicitement à considérer commepérenne cette condition d'insuffisance, nous avons souhaité vérifier si les approches les plus courantes de la théorie économique étaient enmesure de prendre en compte les situations d'opulence. À cette fin, nous avons relâché l'hypothèse de non-satiété, qui est implicite tant dansla convexité des courbes d'indifférence en microéconomie que dans la " loi psychologique " de la Théorie Générale de Keynes.L'élargissement de la théorie économique à la condition de satiété, creusée sur le plan théorique et confrontée à la réalité au cours dela thèse, conduit à avoir un regard très éloigné des représentations habituelles des faits économiques. Et, une fois l'analyse élargie auxrelations entre territoires différents, on peut démontrer, à partir d'une perspective purement économique, la nature contradictoire des finalitéséconomiques du développement.Enfin, adoptant l'optique des territoires comme " construits sociaux ", la thèse avance une proposition alternative, fondée sur leslibertés d'être et de faire et leur élargissement progressif, selon une logique voisine de l'approche par les capabilités d'A.Sen, sans pourautant s'y réduire. Cette démarche permet de mettre en cohérence l'économique et le non économique, dans une perspective qui intègrepleinement le concept de durabilité selon la proposition du Rapport Brundtland de 1987 et qui se cristallise dans un nouvel indicateursynthétique de développement, la " création d'espace de développement ".
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Participation as a means to Integrated Community Economic Development (ICED) : a case study of WinterveldtTladi, Morodi Tryphinah 05 November 2012 (has links)
Community Economic Development (CED) in South Africa is shaped by the historicalprocesses of the former Apartheid regime that discriminated the social and economic rights of the majority of people, thus disempowering them to participate in development. The notion of Integrated Community Economic Development (ICED) enhances the concept of participation in community economic development in that it advocates for an empowerment dimension in development. In order to facilitate this participation, the government has introduced the participatory mechanisms of the IDP and ward committee system. Paradoxically, inequalities in development persist in previously disadvantaged homelands which were excluded from participation in developmental initiatives of the former regime. Consequently, these mechanisms for ICED have not been able to achieve participation of communities in ICED. Winterveldt is one such area with a legacy of social exclusion through racial and ethnic discrimination. The goal of the study was to explore the lack of participation of the Winterveldt community in ICED guided by the research question: “What are the reasons for the lack of participation of the Winterveldt community in ICED?” A qualitative research approach was followed and the research design was a case study. Data was gathered through focus group interviews and document studies. The focus groups were comprised of 13 community participants and 10 ward committee personnel from Winterveldt. Research findings revealed various reasons for the lack of participation in the ICED of Winterveldt including role confusion, the lack of information and training on the IDP and political power abuse. The study concluded that participation flows along lines that safeguard the interests of local government with little respect for the community’s capacity to make decisions concerning their development. Recommendations towards the achievement of participation in the ICED of Winterveldt include training on the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), the development of a guideline for implementing the IDP and changes in attitudes of all actors in the ICED of Winterveldt. Copyright / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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