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Conviv?ncia na escola: uma an?lise das intera??es nos terceiros anos do Ensino Fundamental / Coexistencein schools: an analysis of interactions in third year of elementary schoolLuz, Ana Fl?via Silva 11 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-11 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This study assumes as its theoretical and methodological foundations the assumptions from the Historical-Cultural Psychology, having Vigotski as its main representative, and whose foundations are based on the historical and dialectical materialism. It aims to analyze the interactions among students and teachers, to identify how interactions are configured, and to what extent they constitute as supporters the learning and the development of students. To this end, we conducted a research intervention with teachers and students from three classes of the third year of elementary school in a public school from a city in the state of S?o Paulo; classes of approximately thirty students, mostly nine years old. The researcher entered weekly to each classroom, from August to December of 2012. The storytelling and production of stories were used as a space for intervention, it was possible to coexist with the classes and observe the interactions established among students, teachers and the researcher. When the activity turned to the production of stories by students, it was possible to encounter texts that expressed the not domain of writing, and in some cases, the not appropriation from this form of expression. As results, it was found that school practices, in relation to the interactions, were based on the monitoring of students exercised by teachers, resulting on investment and attempts to control the behavior of students. This action by the teachers assumes prevalence of develop practices, thus not favoring the development of self-regulation by students and producing the emptying of meaning about teaching and learning. / Este estudo toma como fundamentos te?ricos e metodol?gicos os pressupostos da Psicologia Hist?rico-Cultural, que tem Vigotski como seu principal representante, e cujas bases se assentam no materialismo hist?rico-dial?tico. Assume como objetivo analisar as intera??es entre alunos e professores, visando identificar como elas se configuram, e em que medida se constituem como favorecedoras da aprendizagem e do desenvolvimento dos alunos. Para tal, realizamos uma pesquisa-interven??o junto a docentes e alunos de tr?s turmas do terceiros anos do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola p?blica municipal, numa cidade do interior do estado de S?o Paulo; turmas de aproximadamente trinta alunos, em sua maioria com nove anos de idade. A pesquisadora se inseriu em cada sala de aula semanalmente, de agosto a dezembro de 2012. Utilizou-se da conta??o e produ??o de hist?rias como espa?o de interven??o, em que foi poss?vel conviver com as turmas e observar as intera??es estabelecidas entre os alunos, com as professoras e com a pesquisadora. Quando a atividade se voltou ? produ??o de hist?rias pelos alunos, nos deparamos com textos que expressam o n?o dom?nio da escrita e, em alguns casos, a n?o apropria??o dessa forma de express?o. Como resultados constatamos que as pr?ticas escolares, no que concerne ?s intera??es, t?m como base a vigil?ncia dos alunos exercida pelas professoras, resultando em tentativas e investimento para controlar o comportamento dos alunos. Esta a??o das docentes assume preval?ncia nas pr?ticas que desenvolvem, n?o favorecendo, portanto, o desenvolvimento da autorregula??o pelos alunos e produzindo o esvaziamento de sentidos sobre o ensinar e o aprender.
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Indicadores de criatividade no desenho da figura humana / Indicators of creativity in human figure drawingOliveira, Karina da Silva 11 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-11 / Drawing is a rich source of possibilities, which can be used to understand children's cognitive development, emotional aspects and it can be seen as a form of creative expression skills. This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of the creativity indicators present in the human figure drawing. More specifically, the indicators that are typically perceived as being from emotional origin. Thus, three studies were conducted. The first one involved the construction of an analysis protocol of creative skills possibly present in human figure drawing. The analysis protocol was called Creative Screening Guide, and underwent to the second study, also called precision study. In which the instrument was considered appropriate by the accuracy level of 75% or more. Finally, the third study, which refers to the study of validity evidence was attended by 208 children (M = 93 F = 115) of private schools (n = 60) and public schools (n = 148) from the Campinas metropolitan area in the state of S?o Paulo-Brazil. The children were aged between 9 years to 11 years and 11 months old. The instruments used were the Test of Figural Creativity for Kids and Creative Screening Guide, built in study 1. The total of both instruments were compared using Pearson's correlation and factor analysis. The results suggested that the creative indicators present at the human figure drawing, such as Elaboration, Expression of Emotion and Motion are related to creative characteristics evaluated by means of Test of Figural Creativity for kids. Influences of variables like school type and sex were observed for the items movement, unusual perspective and use of context. Other studies should be conducted to better understand the relationship of the items Fantasy, Unusual Perspective, Internal Perspective and Use of Context with the concept of creativity, as well as with other psychological constructs. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the human figure drawing as an instrument of psychological evaluation is sensitive to the expression of creative potential. / O desenho ? uma rica fonte de possibilidades de express?o, que favorece a compreens?o do desenvolvimento cognitivo infantil, aspectos emocionais e express?o de habilidades criativas. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo contribuir para a compreens?o dos indicadores de criatividade presentes no desenho da figura humana. Os quais s?o tradicionalmente percebidos como sendo de origem emocional. Assim sendo, foram conduzidos tr?s estudos. O primeiro envolveu a constru??o de um protocolo de an?lise das caracter?sticas criativas possivelmente presentes no desenho da figura humana. O protocolo de an?lise foi chamado de Guia de Triagem Criativa, e foi submetido ao segundo estudo, tamb?m chamado de estudo de precis?o. Neste estudo, o instrumento foi considerado apropriado por meio do ?ndice de precis?o de 75% ou mais. Finalmente, foi realizado o estudo 3, que referiu-se ao estudo de evid?ncias de validade do qual participaram 208 crian?as (F=115; M=93) de escolas particulares (n=60) e p?blicas (n=148) da regi?o metropolitana de Campinas - SP, com idades entre 9 anos e 11 anos e 11 meses. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Teste de Criatividade Figural Infantil e o Guia de Triagem Criativa, constru?do no estudo 1. Os totais de ambos os instrumentos foram comparados por meio de Correla??o de Pearson e An?lise Fatorial, assim como foram verificadas as influ?ncias das vari?veis idade, sexo e tipo de escola. Os resultados sugeriram que os indicadores criativos presentes no DFH, tais como Elabora??o, Express?o de Emo??o e Movimento est?o relacionados ? caracter?sticas criativas avaliadas pelo instrumento Teste de Criatividade Figural Infantil. Foram observadas influ?ncias das vari?veis tipo de escola e sexo para os itens movimento, perspectiva incomum e uso de contextos. Outros estudos devem ser realizados para compreender melhor a rela??o dos itens Fantasia, Perspectiva Incomum, Perspectiva Interna e Uso de Contexto com o conceito de criatividade, assim como com outros constructos psicol?gicos. Portanto, conclui-se que o desenho da figura humana ? sens?vel a express?o do potencial criativo.
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Narrativas de jovens casais sobre o projeto de ter filhos na contemporaneidade / Narratives of young couples about the project of having children in the contemporaneityBiffi, Mariana 09 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-09 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The conjugality and the parenthood have suffered major transformations in contemporaneity, characterizing themselves as transitioning processes that are interrelated to produce new marital expectations, a significant reduction in the birth rate as the postponement of the decision of having children, for the sake of professional development. It is, therefore, aim of this study to investigate the affective-emotional meanings assigned by young couples to the project of having children in contemporaneity. Interviews were conducted with seven couples, aged between 25 and 38 years, who had no children. As a methodological approach, we have used an Interactive Narrative, which is a fictional story developed by the researcher who later invited participants to design a denouement to the presented plot. The meetings were registered narratively in order to include both the participants associations and personal impressions of the researcher. The collected narratives were organized into four fields of affective-emotional meanings that emerged from the interpretive analysis, and discussed in light of Winnicott's theorization. The field Right Moment shows the ideal context to have children; If the baby comes, it will be welcome expresses the imagined outcome to a pregnancy that occurs beyond the idealized circumstances; Two is company, three is a crowd points to the difficulty of to give room for the child in the marital relationship and Old parents, new parents points to the inherent contradictions and difficulties found in the attempt to conciliate the traditional family model with contemporary ideals. The project of having children today seems to be a source of anguish and ambivalence, that is considered by the participants not only as a disturbing element to the marital relationship but also to the personal and professional development. / A conjugalidade e a parentalidade tem sofrido grandes transforma??es na contemporaneidade, caracterizando-se como processos em transi??o que se articulam de modo a produzir novas expectativas conjugais, uma expressiva redu??o dos ?ndices de natalidade, bem como o adiamento da decis?o de ter filhos, em prol do desenvolvimento profissional. Torna-se, portanto, objetivo deste trabalho investigar os sentidos afetivo-emocionais atribu?dos por jovens casais ao projeto de ter filhos na contemporaneidade. Foram realizadas entrevistas com sete casais, com idade entre 25 e 38 anos, que n?o tinham filhos. Como recurso metodol?gico, utilizamos uma Narrativa Interativa, hist?ria fict?cia elaborada pela pesquisadora que convidou os participantes a conceber um desfecho para a trama apresentada. Os encontros foram registrados narrativamente de modo a contemplar tanto as associa??es dos participantes quanto as impress?es pessoais da pesquisadora. O material narrativo reunido foi organizado em quatro campos de sentidos afetivo-emocionais que emergiram a partir da an?lise interpretativa, sendo discutidos ? luz da teoriza??o winnicottiana. O campo do Momento certo apresenta o contexto concebido como ideal para ter filhos; Se vier, ser? bem-vindo expressa o desfecho imaginado para uma gravidez que ocorre fora das circunst?ncias idealizadas; Um ? pouco, dois ? bom e tr?s ? demais indica a dificuldade de conceber um espa?o no relacionamento conjugal para a chegada de um filho e Velhos pais, novos pais que aponta para as contradi??es e dificuldades inerentes ? tentativa de concilia??o do modelo familiar tradicional com os ideais contempor?neos. O projeto de ter filhos parece se constituir na atualidade como fonte de ang?stia e ambival?ncia, sendo entrevisto pelos casais participantes como elemento perturbador da rela??o conjugal e do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.
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Enfrentamento religioso-espiritual de m?es de beb?s em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal / Spiritual-religious coping of babies' mothers in the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitFoch, Gisele Fernandes de Lima 25 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / Coping is the way in which people regulate their behavior, emotion and orientation under stress. This process occurs when there is a threat or challenge to three basic psychological needs: Relationship, Autonomy and Competence, by the Motivational Theory of Coping [MTC]. The admission to the neonatal intensive care unit [NICU] is a stressor that affects family life, and may threaten or challenge these psychological needs. In this context, it is common to use the spiritual-religious coping. This research analyzes the coping process, tut in evidence the spiritual-religious coping of 20 mothers of babies in the NICU. Neonatal outcomes were analyzed by Baby Hospitalization Protocol. Mothers answered these instruments: a) Questionnaire of General Data; b) Economic Classification Criterion Brazil; c) Coping with Baby Hospitalization Interview, with 22 questions, and an adaptation of the Motivational Theory of Coping Scale-12 [MTC-12], evaluating 12 families of coping - six adaptive (Self-confidence, Support Search, Resolution Problems, Information Search, Accommodation, Negotiation), and six maladaptive (Delegation, Isolation, Helplessness,
Escape, Submission, Opposition); d) an adapted version of RCOPE Scale (Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale - SRCOPE Scale), with 87 items, classifying the coping strategies in SRCP (positive - 8 factors, 66 items), and SRCN (negative - 4 factors, 21 items). The correspondence between the items of SRCOPE and MTC-12 and functions of spiritual-religious coping was evaluated by four judges, with an average above 70% agreement was made. Descriptive analyzes and correlational were made between the data of the scales with each other and with the mother and baby variables. The mothers were between 17-35 years, most were Catholic, more lower socioeconomic classes, with incomplete high school, and 3 children. The admission to the NICU ranged from 1-181 days (mean = 10.5), with a predominance of term births (N = 9), by cesarean section, low-risk pregnancy. The social support and perceived by most mothers came mainly from family, for helping with household tasks. Access to psychological professional support proved to be limited. The main stressor was the concern for the health of the baby. In this context, the Submission and the Helplessness were frequent, but also occur Search Information, Accommodation, and Problem Resolution correlated with increased SRCP. There was an "average" level of use of religious-spiritual coping, also with a predominance of RSCN on SRCP. The transformational coping was identified in all mothers, and an increase of faith, especially the belief in God's support. There were several correlations, highlighting the positive expectations for the child and adaptive families of coping (Self-confidence); the higher socioeconomic level and SRCP, and between low education and SRCN. Methodologically, this study contributes to the understanding of coping with the admission of their child in the NICU, showing the relationship between MTC-12 and the role of religious and spiritual coping of SRCOPE for analysis of this concept. This analysis helped the
understanding of the conditions that promote adaptive coping with these mothers, which can promote positive health outcomes and development of babies. / O enfrentamento (coping) ? definido como a forma com que as pessoas regulam seu comportamento, emo??o e orienta??o sob estresse. Este processo ocorre quando h? amea?a ou desafio a tr?s necessidades psicol?gicas b?sicas: Relacionamento, Autonomia e Compet?ncia, pela Motivational Theory of Coping [MTC]. A interna??o em Unidade Terapia Intensiva Neonatal [UTIN] ? um estressor que afeta a vida da fam?lia, podendo amea?ar ou desafiar essas necessidades psicol?gicas. Nesse contexto, ? comum o uso do enfrentamento religioso-espiritual. Esta pesquisa analisou o processo de enfrentamento, destacando o enfrentamento religioso-espiritual, de 20 m?es de beb?s em UTIN. Foram analisadas vari?veis neonatais pela Ficha do Beb?. As m?es responderam estes instrumentos: a) Question?rio para registro de dados gerais; b) Crit?rio de Classifica??o Econ?mica Brasil; c) Protocolo de Entrevista de Enfrentamento da Hospitaliza??o do beb?, com 22 quest?es, com uma adapta??o da Motivational Theory of Coping Scale-12 [MTC-12], avaliando 12 fam?lias de enfrentamento, sendo seis adaptativas (Autoconfian?a, Busca de suporte, Resolu??o de problemas, Busca de informa??es, Acomoda??o, Negocia??o) e seis mal adaptativas (Delega??o, Isolamento, Desamparo, Fuga, Submiss?o, Oposi??o); e d) uma adapta??o da Escala RCOPE (Escala de Coping Religioso-Espiritual - CRE), com 87 itens, classificando as estrat?gias de enfrentamento em CREP (positivo - 8 fatores, 66 itens) e CREN (negativo - 4 fatores, 21 itens). Foi feita uma correspond?ncia entre os itens da Escala CRE e a MTC-12 e as fun??es da Escala CRE, avaliada por 4 ju?zes, com concord?ncia m?dia acima de 70%. Foram feitas an?lises descritivas e correlacionais entre os dados das escalas entre si, e com as vari?veis maternas e do beb?. As m?es tinham entre 17-35 anos, a maioria era cat?lica, de uma classe socioecon?mica mais desfavorecida, com Ensino M?dio incompleto e 3 filhos. A interna??o na UTIN variou de 1-181 dias (M = 10,5), com predomin?ncia de nascimentos a termo (N = 9), por cesariana, de baixo risco gestacional. O apoio social recebido e percebido pela maioria das m?es vinha principalmente dos familiares, pelo aux?lio nas tarefas dom?sticas. O acesso ao apoio profissional psicol?gico mostrou-se limitado. O principal estressor era a preocupa??o com a sa?de do beb?. Neste contexto, a Submiss?o e o Desamparo foram frequentes, mas tamb?m ocorrem a Busca de Informa??o, a Acomoda??o e a Resolu??o de Problemas, esta correlacionada ao aumento do CREP. Houve um n?vel m?dio de uso do enfrentamento religioso-espiritual, tamb?m com predom?nio de CREN sobre CREP. O coping transformacional foi identificado em todas as m?es, e um aumento da f?, especialmente da cren?a sobre o apoio de Deus. Houve v?rias correla??es, destacando-se as expectativas positivas em rela??o ao filho e EE adaptativas (Autoconfian?a); o maior n?vel socioecon?mico e CREP, e entre baixa escolaridade e CREN. Metodologicamente, este
estudo contribuiu para a compreens?o do enfrentamento da interna??o do filho em UTIN, apresentando as rela??es entre as EE da MTC-12 e as fun??es do enfrentamento religiosoespiritual do CRE, para an?lise desse conceito. Essa an?lise auxiliou a compreens?o das condi??es que favorecem o enfrentamento adaptativo dessas m?es, o qual pode promover resultados positivos na sa?de e desenvolvimento dos beb?s.
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Vida de caminhoneiro: sofrimento e paix?o / Life of truck driver: suffering and passionSilva, Ramon Ara?jo 09 December 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / Daily truck drivers are subjected to long working hours, they spend several days away from the family, they are forced to go through sleepless nights and, to perform multiple rounds, they are forced to make use of stimulant drugs. Whereas the work occupies a central place in their lives and that has a direct impact on the living conditions and health, this research, qualitative, expressed the belief that the above conditions result in an extremely exhausting daily work. The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of everyday working of the long routes drivers truck, from their own perspectives, and check the possible relations of this routinewith the mental health of these workers. To do this, this research, located in the field of Social Work Psychology, used the ethnographic method, with the completion ofreflexive interviews and travel with truck drivers. Research has shown that many truckers say they love the road, but on the other hand, the work is extremely stressful and can reverberate directly on the physical and mental health. In the field work, the hardship and the precarious nature of this activity stood out. But beyond them, it was also possible to identify some aspects that characterize the profession, such as the affection of drivers with regard to work; the excessive control exercised by carriers through the tracker and the cell; the isolation; the functional use of drugs that ends, in many cases, to trigger dysfunctional; the difficulty of these workers to organize collectively and contradictions of the strikes carried out by truck drivers. It was considered that the main difficulties of the truck activity are due mainly to the strong influence that the capitalist logic has on the road loads sector, especially with regard to the exploitation of surplus value which obliges drivers to comply with a long working hours. / Cotidianamente os caminhoneiros est?o sujeitos a longas jornadas de trabalho, passam v?rios dias distantes da fam?lia, s?o obrigados a atravessar noites sem dormir e, para executar m?ltiplas jornadas s?o obrigados a fazer uso de drogas estimulantes. Considerando que o trabalho ocupa um lugar central na vida dos sujeitos e que repercute diretamente nas condi??es de vida e sa?de, esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, partiu do pressuposto que as condi??es citadas acima resultam em um cotidiano de trabalho extremamente desgastante. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as caracter?sticas do cotidiano de trabalho de caminhoneiros de rotas longas, a partir de suas pr?prias perspectivas, e verificar as poss?veis rela??es desse cotidiano com a sa?de mental desses trabalhadores. Para tal, esta pesquisa, situada no campo da Psicologia Social do Trabalho, utilizou-se do m?todo etnogr?fico, com a realiza??o de entrevistas reflexivas e viagens junto com caminhoneiros. A pesquisa permitiu verificar que muitos caminhoneiros se dizem apaixonados pela estrada, mas, por outro lado, o trabalho ? extremamente desgastante e pode repercutir diretamente sobre a sa?de f?sica e mental. No trabalho de campo, a penosidade e a precariedade dessa atividade se destacaram. Tamb?m foram identificados alguns aspectos que caracterizam essa profiss?o, tais como o afeto dos motoristas com rela??o ao trabalho; o controle excessivo exercido pelas transportadoras atrav?s do rastreador e do celular; o isolamento; o uso funcional de drogas que, em muitos casos, desencadeia o disfuncional; a dificuldade desses trabalhadores de se organizarem coletivamente e as contradi??es das paralisa??es realizadas pelos caminhoneiros. Considerou-se que as principais dificuldades da atividade dos caminhoneiros devem-se, principalmente, ? forte influ?ncia que a l?gica capitalista exerce sobre o setor rodovi?rio de cargas, especialmente no que diz respeito ? explora??o da mais-valia que obriga os motoristas a cumprir uma extensa jornada de trabalho.
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Resili?ncia e sensibilidade materna na intera??o m?e-crian?a com fissura labiopalatina / Resilience and maternal sensitivity in the interaction of mother-infant with cleft lip and palateNascimento, Ana Cristina Ara?jo do 01 February 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-01 / The work described the mother-infant interaction in the cases of cleft lip and palate under the perspective of the concepts of resilience and maternal sensitivity. The influence of four protection factors for the organization of resilient attributes involved in the facing process of the participants has been investigated: self-description, family integration and organization, social support and the relationship with the health team and with other parents with the same experience. The mother-infant interaction was evaluated according to the observation of indicative behaviors of maternal sensitivity. The research involved six mothers of infants with cleft lip and palate with ages from six months to one year and half. A semi-structured interview comprising twenty questions to evaluate resilient attributes besides a protocol of naturalistic observation of the mother-infant dyad named Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort has been applied. All data have been qualitatively analyzed using the procedures of the thematic analysis as well as a Grounded Theory. The results indicated that the protection factors influenced the presentation of favorable or non favorable attributes to infer the presence of the resilience. The facing process has been compound of the following phases: (prior phase) the ability from the participants to face the problems in general prior to the fissure; (1ST phase) the confront with the fissure; (2ND phase) the second contact with the baby; (3RD phase) the return to home; (4TH phase) the first surgery. For all the participants the mother-infant interaction has been characterized by indicative behaviors of maternal sensitivity. / O trabalho descreveu a intera??o m?e-beb? nos casos de fissura labiopalatina sob a perspectiva dos conceitos de resili?ncia e sensibilidade materna. Foi investigada a influ?ncia de quatro fatores de prote??o para organiza??o dos atributos resilientes no processo de enfrentamento das participantes: a autodescri??o, a integra??o e organiza??o familiar, o suporte social e o relacionamento com a equipe de sa?de e com outros pais com a mesma experi?ncia. A intera??o m?e-beb? foi avaliada segundo a observa??o de comportamentos indicadores da sensibilidade materna. A pesquisa envolveu seis m?es de crian?as com fissura labiopalatina, com idades entre seis meses a um ano e seis meses. Foi aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada, composta por vinte quest?es, para avalia??o dos atributos resilientes, al?m de um protocolo de observa??o natural?stica da d?ade m?e-beb?, denominado Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort. Os dados da entrevista foram analisados qualitativamente, utilizando procedimentos da an?lise tem?tica e da Grounded Theory. Os resultados indicaram que os fatores de prote??o influenciaram a manifesta??o de atributos favor?veis ou n?o favor?veis para inferir a presen?a da resili?ncia. O processo de enfrentamento das participantes foi composto pelas seguintes fases: (fase anterior) a habilidade das participantes para enfrentar os problemas em geral, anteriores a fissura; (1? fase) o confronto com a fissura labiopalatina; (2? fase) o segundo contato com o beb?; (3? fase) o retorno a casa; (4? fase) a realiza??o da primeira cirurgia. Para todas as participantes, a intera??o m?e-beb? caracterizou-se por comportamentos indicativos de sensibilidade materna.
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Educa??o infantil e criatividade: perspectiva de professoras / Child education and creativity: the perspective of the teachersOliveira, Lucilena Marcondes Coelho de 16 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-16 / The purpose of the study was to assess the creativity conception and creative performance in teachers of Child Education, giving stress to self perception in creativity, the strategy used in classrooms and the interaction teacher-pupil. Were submitted 185 teachers of child education in county-schools in the states of: Maranh?o, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paran?, Mato Grosso, Roraima and S?o Paulo, including all brazilian regions divided into nine groups, being three from S?o Paulo, it was applyed to one of them, observation in classroom in nine teachers. The survey was composed of 80 questions related to beliefs, professional performance and self-perception as creative teacher. Open answers were submitted to analysis of content and qualified value. The data was analysis quantitative, used percentage and average. The results showed that in all groups, prevailed the less young teachers old, with age between 31 and 40 years old, performing almost half of the subject. In relation to education degree, from those, 81 were post-graduated. It was detected thirteen types of expertise and Psychopedagogy was the issue that contributed to the major number of teachers, followed by Child Education. The groups that obtained the highest grades were: Minas Gerais group, that reached the best grade in child education; Mato Grosso group, with the best grade in relationship with students, mood and imagination, and self-valuation and the group from Rio Grande do Sul, in didactic and frequency in the use of essential characteristics to the good teachers. The conclusion was that although teachers differ from region to region in Brazil, they proved to apply creativity and they all stated to have creative students. Aware of notion of creativity, and knowing how to incentive in the training course caused great impact in the areas: relationship with students, mood and imagination, and self-valuation. These notions were considered non satisfactory in the groups from Rio Grande do Sul, Paran? and the ones in the countryside region of S?o Paulo, therefore it is necessary to revise training courses and highlight the importance of this theme in the regions. / O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a concep??o de criatividade e atua??o criativa em professoras de educa??o infantil, dando ?nfase ? auto-percep??o sobre criatividade, ?s estrat?gias usadas em sala de aula e ? intera??o professor-aluno. Foram sujeitos 185 professoras de Educa??o Infantil municipal dos Estados: Maranh?o, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paran?, Mato Grosso, Roraima e S?o Paulo englobando todas as regi?es brasileiras, divididas em nove grupos sendo tr?s de S?o Paulo, tendo sido feita em um deles, observa??o em sala de aula de 9 professoras. O instrumento foi composto de 80 perguntas para identificar caracteriza??o da professora e quest?es relativas ?s cren?as, atua??o profissional e auto-percep??o como professora criativa. As respostas abertas foram submetidas ? an?lise de conte?do e avalia??o qualitativa. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente utilizando percentagens e m?dias. Os resultados demonstraram que em todos os grupos predominaram as educadoras menos jovens, com faixa et?ria entre 31 e 40 anos de idade, perfazendo quase metade dos sujeitos. Quanto ? escolaridade 148 professoras (80%), terminaram o 3? Grau, das quais 81 t?m curso de P?s-Gradua??o. Foram encontrados treze tipos de Especializa??o e Psicopedagogia foi o curso que apresentou maior n?mero de professoras, seguido pelo curso de Educa??o Infantil. Os grupos que obtiveram as maiores m?dias foram: grupo de Minas Gerais, que alcan?ou a maior m?dia nas ?reas da educa??o infantil; o grupo de Mato Grosso, que obteve a maior m?dia nas ?reas de relacionamento com alunos, humor e imagina??o e avalia??o de si mesma e o do Rio Grande do Sul, nas ?reas da did?tica e freq??ncia de uso das caracter?sticas indispens?veis ? professora. Concluiu-se que embora haja diferen?as entre as professoras das regi?es brasileiras, todas demonstraram fazer uso da criatividade e foram un?nimes em afirmar terem alunos criativos. Ter tido no??es de criatividade, e como incentiv?-la, no curso de forma??o apresentou impacto nas ?reas: relacionamento com alunos, humor e imagina??o e avalia??o de si mesma. Essas no??es foram consideradas insatisfat?rias nos grupos do Rio Grande do Sul, Paran? e nos do interior de S?o Paulo, havendo necessidade de rever os cursos de forma??o e enfocar a import?ncia deste tema, nessas regi?es.
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Teste brasileiro de criatividade infantil: normatiza??o de instrumento no ensino fundamental / Brazilian test of infantile creativity: instrument standardization on elementary schoolNakano, Tatiana de C?ssia 28 June 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-06-28 / Creativity has been a much valorized characteristic and to find ways to measure it has been a challenge to many searchers. This study aimed to gather data to standardize the Brazilian Test of Figural Creativity. 1,426 students (672F/754M), from 1st to 8th grade of Elementary School, from public and private schools of southeast (n=476, 232F/244M), northeast (n=496, 219F/277M) and center-west regions (n=454, 220F/234M) are comprised on this study. The instrument is composed by three activities that must be answered with drawings from the proposed stimuli, and it was collectively applied in classrooms. It allows to evaluate 13 emotional and cognitive indicators of creativity: Fluency, Flexibility, Elaboration, Originality, Emotion Expression, Fantasy, Movement, Uncommon Perspective, Internal Perspective, Context Use, Combinations, Limits Stretching and Expressive Titles, besides Figural Creative Index I (sum of the four first characteristics considered as cognitive ones) and Figural Creative Index II (sum of all characteristics, cognitive and emotional ones). When comparing the results through a Variance Analysis we found significant effects of the series variables (F=6.93, p?0.000) in all creative characteristics except Combinations, region (F=7.09, p?0.000) in nine of fifteen characteristics and sex (F= 7.08, p?0.000) in five characteristics. Such data confirmed the need of presenting standards of specific interpretation, allowing the obtained results to be properly interpreted through representative standards by sex, grade and domicile region. / A criatividade tem sido uma caracter?stica muito valorizada e encontrar formas de medi-la tem sido desafio para muitos pesquisadores. Este estudo visou a coleta de dados para normatiza??o do Teste Brasileiro de Criatividade Figural. Participaram 1426 estudantes (672F/754M), de 1? a 8? s?rie do Ensino Fundamental, provenientes de escolas p?blicas e particulares das regi?es Sudeste (n=476, 232F/244M), Nordeste (n=496, 219F/277M) e Centro-Oeste (n=454, 220F/234M). O instrumento ? composto por tr?s atividades que devem ser respondidas sob a forma de desenhos a partir dos est?mulos propostos, tendo sido aplicado de forma coletiva em sala de aula. Permite avaliar 13 indicadores cognitivos e emocionais da criatividade: Flu?ncia, Flexibilidade, Elabora??o, Originalidade, Express?o de Emo??o, Fantasia, Movimento, Perspectiva Incomum, Perspectiva Interna, Uso de Contexto, Combina??es, Extens?o de Limites e T?tulos Expressivos, al?m dos ?ndices Criativos Figurais I (soma das quatro primeiras caracter?sticas consideradas cognitivas) e ?ndice Criativo Figural II (soma de todas as caracter?sticas, cognitivas e emocionais). Ao se comparar os resultados por meio da An?lise da Vari?ncia encontrou-se efeitos significativos das vari?veis s?rie (F=6,93, p?0,000) em todas as caracter?sticas criativas com exce??o de Combina??es, regi?o (F=7,09, p?0,000) em nove das quinze caracter?sticas e sexo (F= 7,08, p?0,000) em cinco caracter?sticas. Tais dados confirmaram a necessidade de serem apresentadas normas de interpreta??o espec?ficas, permitindo que os resultados obtidos sejam adequadamente interpretados atrav?s de normas representativas por sexo, s?rie e regi?o de moradia.
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Experi?ncias com grupo de professores universit?rios: um estudo psicanal?tico / Experiencies with lecturers group: a psychoanalytic studyGomes, Regina Mara Jurgielewecz 17 November 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-17 / This research aim is to study the involvement with education through the technique reflection group with lecturers. The focus of it is to reflect upon education as well as to favour the resolution of tensions generated by the activities executed by the subjects of the research. It was studied the transference of the lecturers in relation to education as well as the links with their pupils, colleagues and institution using their speeches. The setting of this work was more restricted than the setting of the therapeutic group . For the development of this research it was used the reflection group (DELAROSSA, 1979) orientated towards a psychoanalytical approach. This group was set up by four lecturers, volunteers in a public institution, from both sexes and several ages. Using the lecturer s verbal and non verbal reports it was done a qualitative analysis according to the requirements of the psychoanalytic theory. The difficulties experienced by the members of this reflection group confirmed the existence of resistance to the identification with the feminine, as well as the idiosyncrasies of the transferential process experienced in the group. The obstacle to the execution of this proposed task is given to the processes that occurred unconsciously such as the basic propositions of dependence and of fight/escape; by persecutory and depressive anxieties and issues linked to the regressive process of primary narcissism. / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o envolvimento com a educa??o por meio da t?cnica grupo de reflex?o com professores universit?rios. Objetivou, portanto, refletir sobre a educa??o, bem como favorecer a elabora??o das tens?es geradas pelas atividades das fun??es executadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa. Estudou-se a transfer?ncia dos professores em rela??o ? Educa??o, bem como os v?nculos com seus alunos, colegas e institui??o, a partir de suas falas. O campo de trabalho formado foi mais restrito que o campo de um grupo terap?utico. Para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foi utilizada a t?cnica de grupo de reflex?o (DELAROSSA, 1979) orientada por uma abordagem psicanal?tica. O grupo foi constitu?do por quatro professores universit?rios, volunt?rios de uma institui??o p?blica, ambos os sexos e idades variadas. Dos relatos verbais e n?o verbais dos professores, foi realizada uma an?lise qualitativa conforme os pressupostos da teoria psicanal?tica. As dificuldades vividas pelos integrantes desse grupo de reflex?o confirmaram a exist?ncia da resist?ncia ? identifica??o com o feminino, bem como ?s peculiaridades do processo transferencial vivido em grupo. A execu??o da tarefa proposta ao grupo foi obstaculizada por determina??o de processos inconscientes tais como os pressupostos b?sicos de depend?ncia e de luta/fuga; por ang?stias persecut?ria e depressiva e quest?es ligadas ao processo regressivo do narcisismo prim?rio.
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V?nculo aluno-professor na atualidade: um estudo psicol?gico com universit?rios / The student-teacher link at the present time: a psychological study with university studentsMiranda, Angela Martines 11 February 2005 (has links)
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Angela MMiranda Doutorado.pdf: 650465 bytes, checksum: 43d5410d78f1959a1bf66961398b4066 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005-02-11 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the student-teacher bonds nowadays and it was held with a reflection group made up of university students. The interest for this survey came from the researcher s know-how as a professor and her noticing the interference of these bonds in the students lives, personal identification, individual choices, and professional goals. In other words, this work deals about the psychological phenomena that permeate the student-teacher relationship, as well as its influence in the students lives. The participants, whose ages vary from 20 to 40, are sophomore pedagogy graduation students at a university in the state of S?o Paulo. For the development of this study, the Reflection Group technique was used, as well as the theoretical reference point of the Psycho-dynamic Psychology and of the Group Psychotherapies with an Analytical support. A qualitative analysis was carried out, which disclosed the psychological phenomena that percolate the student- teacher interchange. The participants looked back into their past and their first relations with both their parents and their teachers, in order to understand the established bonds with their present professors. The group experience revealed not only the expression but also the form in which the bonds are established both through the eye and the students understanding. Despite all the changes that have occured in the communication and relationship fields, it showed that the teacher still ranks high in the students pychological world, wich determines the links in the present time. / Este trabalho objetivou investigar a qualidade dos v?nculos aluno-professor na atualidade, a partir de um Grupo de Reflex?o de estudantes universit?rios. O interesse por este estudo surgiu a partir da pr?tica do pesquisador como docente e em sua observ?ncia da interfer?ncia dos v?nculos como geradores de identifica??es, escolhas pessoais e profissionais dos alunos, ou seja, os fen?menos ps?quicos que permeiam esta rela??o e as interfer?ncias na vida do aluno. Os participantes s?o estudantes de uma faculdades no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, do segundo ano do curso de gradua??o em Pedagogia, cuja idade varia de 20 ? 40 anos. Para desenvolvimento do estudo foi utilizada a t?cnica dos Grupos de Reflex?o e o referencial te?rico da Psicologia Psicodin?mica e das Psicoterapias de Grupo com base Anal?tica. Foi realizada an?lise qualitativa que revelou os fen?menos ps?quicos que permeiam o v?nculo aluno-professor. Os participantes fizeram uma busca ao passado nas suas primeiras rela??es com os pais e primeiros professores, para compreenderem as rela??es estabelecidas com os professores na atualidade. A viv?ncia em grupo possibilitou a express?o e elabora??o da forma que se estabelecem os v?nculos pelo olhar e compreens?o dos alunos. Mostraram que com tantas mudan?as no campo da comunica??o e das rela??es, h? um lugar em que o professor ? colocado no mundo ps?quico dos alunos que determina os v?nculos no presente.
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