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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assentamento ? mais que um projeto : a assist?ncia t?cnica nos assentamentos rurais. / Settlement is more than a project : the technical assistance in rural settlements

Pimentel, Vania Costa 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007-Vania Costa Pimentel.pdf: 853618 bytes, checksum: e839979fdd259cec9065627984386736 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present study analyzes the existing conflicts between the settled people and the public policy agents, specially the technicians, whose job is to supply technical assistance to the rural settlements. Looking back to the history of the policy of technical assistance and rural extension in Brazil, it was verified that it reflects disputes between different conceptions of agricultural reform, models of agricultural teaching, models of agricultural production, and also different models of the technical assistance policy itself, among other examples. These disputes make themselves more evident in specific historical contexts, especially when settlements are created and a determined model of what being settled means is projected. The Lumiar Project was particularly analyzed, which was created in an attempt to specifically assist settlements and also to implement the decentralization of the technical assistance policy, looking for a larger participation from the representative entities of workers in the processes of project management. Starting with the analysis of primary documents, reports developed by the technical team from Lumiar Project that was acting in two settlements in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and also with the study of secondary data, it was possible to perceive some dimensions of the conflict between the technicians and the settled people. On one side, the technician, who has a specific academic and political formation that will interfere in the understanding of the reality and on his/her intervention, needs to answer to the rules that were set by public policies. On the other side, the settled people, with their expectations and survival strategies (being an agriculturist or not), life stories and dreams. / Esta disserta??o analisa os conflitos existentes entre os assentados e os agentes das pol?ticas p?blicas, em especial os t?cnicos cuja fun??o ? fornecer assist?ncia t?cnica para os assentamentos rurais. Resgatando o hist?rico da pol?tica de assist?ncia t?cnica e extens?o rural no Brasil, verificamos que ela reflete disputas entre diferentes concep??es de reforma agr?ria, modelos de ensino agr?cola, de produ??o agr?cola, da pr?pria pol?tica de assist?ncia t?cnica etc. Estas disputas s?o evidenciadas em contextos hist?ricos particulares, em especial quando s?o institu?dos os assentados e projetado um determinado modelo do que ? ser assentado. Analisamos em particular o projeto Lumiar, criado na tentativa de atender especificamente assentamentos e implantar a descentraliza??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia t?cnica, buscando uma maior participa??o das entidades representativas dos trabalhadores nos processos de gest?o do projeto. A partir da an?lise dos documentos prim?rios, relat?rios desenvolvidos pela equipe t?cnica do projeto Lumiar atuante em dois assentamentos no estado do Rio de Janeiro e do estudo de dados secund?rios, foi poss?vel perceber algumas dimens?es do conflito entre t?cnicos e assentados. De um lado, o t?cnico, portador de uma determinada forma??o acad?mica e pol?tica que ir? interferir no entendimento da realidade e na sua interven??o, precisa responder ?s regras institu?das pela pol?tica p?blica. De outro, os assentados, com suas expectativas e estrat?gias de sobreviv?ncia (enquanto agricultor ou n?o), trajet?rias de vida, sonhos.

Marx visita a Monsanto: para pensar a quest?o agr?ria no s?culo XXI. / Marx visits Monsanto: to think the agrarian question on the XXI century.

Moreno, Camila 08 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005- Camila Moreno.pdf: 773163 bytes, checksum: a0f615c8421820319c67af6265ee6496 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-08 / This work seeks to relate the ressurgence and protagonism of the peasant movements on the space of world articulation and alternatives building to neoliberalism, identified with the World Social Forum (WSF) process. On the peasants discourse to globalization in this context, the opposition to the genetically modified organisms (transgenics) in its introduction in agriculture has served as a catalytic element and mobilized other movements and segments of civil society, beyond the farms and rural areas. Such effect is due to the political characterization in framing the introduction of this technology; this has been obtained exceedingly by the peasant s discourse on defense of its territories and the Food Sovereignty of peoples and States, facing the control of the global agro-food systems by some few transnational corporations of the sector, as in the emblematic case of transgenic soy, the Monsanto company. Located within the macro debate on agriculture liberalization in the World Trade Organization (WTO); the juridical international framework to protect intellectual property; and the risks of genetic contamination of ecosystems, the opposition to transgenics in agriculture offers a red thread to comprehend the dynamics of how capitalism operates today. In the process through peasants became proletarians, the genetic control and privatization of the seeds serve as a corner stone. In this sense, transgenics update and give new meaning to the nucleus of themes and problems known for the marxist tradition as the Agrarian Question. Also, the peasant movements restate to theoretical framing the centrality of the labor process in apprehending the contradictions in reality, highlighting the ecological dimensions, and qualifying the productive activity that directly transforms nature; from there it is associated a critic to the ideology of technological progress as if dissociated of a political project. These imbrications are specially suitable to recover Marx today, freed from Marxism, seeking to update the critical perspective of political economy in relation to the contemporary concept of environmental rationality, thus incorporating the ecological dimension to politics as to economy. In this view, the peasant movements would be on the avant-garde of contesting the capitalist structures of production, as would they be pointing to on the interface of politics and ecology the ways to build a socialist project for the XXI century. / Este trabalho trata de relacionar a emerg?ncia e o protagonismo dos movimentos camponeses no espa?o de articula??o mundial de constru??o de alternativas ao neoliberalismo, identificado no processo do F?rum Social Mundial (FSM). No discurso ? globaliza??o dos camponeses nesse contexto, o tema da oposi??o aos organismos geneticamente modificados (transg?nicos) em sua introdu??o na agricultura tem servido de elemento catalisador e mobilizado outros movimentos e grupos da sociedade civil, para al?m do campo e do rural. Este efeito deve-se ? caracteriza??o pol?tica da introdu??o dessa tecnologia, lograda sobremaneira no discurso campon?s em defesa dos territ?rios e da soberania alimentar dos povos e dos Estados nacionais frente ao controle do sistema agroalimentar mundial por algumas empresas transnacionais do setor, como no caso emblem?tico da soja transg?nica, a Monsanto. Inserida no debate macro das negocia??es agr?colas no ?mbito da Organiza??o Mundial do Com?rcio (OMC), do marco jur?dico internacional de prote??o da propriedade intelectual e dos riscos ambientais da contamina??o gen?tica dos ecossistemas, a oposi??o aos transg?nicos na agricultura oferece um fio condutor para compreender a din?mica de funcionamento do capitalismo hoje, onde a proletariza??o dos camponeses, com o controle gen?tico e a privatiza??o das sementes, serve de pedra de toque. Dessa forma, os transg?nicos atualizam e ressignificam o n?cleo de temas e problemas que ficou conhecido na tradi??o marxista como a Quest?o Agr?ria. Ainda, os movimentos camponeses reafirmam para a problematiza??o te?rica a centralidade do trabalho na apreens?o das contradi??es da realidade, ressaltando a dimens?o ecol?gica, na qualifica??o do processo produtivo que diretamente transforma a natureza, incluindo desde a? a cr?tica ? ideologia do progresso tecnol?gico como dissociado de um projeto pol?tico. Esta imbrica??o ? especialmente oportuna para recuperar Marx hoje, depurado do marxismo, buscando atualizar a perspectiva cr?tica da economia pol?tica em rela??o ao conceito contempor?neo de racionalidade ambiental, incorporando a dimens?o da ecologia ? pol?tica tanto como ? economia. Nessa leitura, os movimentos camponeses estariam na vanguarda da contesta??o ?s estruturas de produ??o capitalistas hoje, bem como apontariam, na indissociabilidade entre ecologia e pol?tica, os rumos de constru??o de um projeto socialista para o s?culo XXI.

Elite do Agroneg?cio em Una?: Percep??es sobre Pobreza e Desigualdades Sociais / Elite of Agribusiness in Una?: Perception about Poverty and Social Inequality.

Oliveira, Daniel Coelho de 25 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008- Daniel Coelho de Oliveira.pdf: 704528 bytes, checksum: 0a1ecd13ab78f5e04d686b1cc9e73066 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The discussion about poverty and social inequalities is significantly relevant in a country with extreme disparities as Brazil. For this reason, the purpose of this work is understand the perception that the agribusiness elite of Una? (MG) has about the social inequality and poverty processes in the city. At the first moment, social and economic indicators are used to justify the option for the research in this environment. After that, some questions related with the subjects poverty and inequality will be deepened from a qualitative research with actors of the agrobusiness. Among the considerations that the work presents, it is observed first that the agribusiness elite in Una? is awared about the impacts of the growth of the sector in the economic development of this city, but believes that social aspects possess secondary importance in the process. In second, part of the social problems in the city nowadays is related with structural transformations that occurred in the local agribusiness, being the State pointed as the major responsible to solve them. At the third moment, is noticed that the public politics: of social assistance as "Bolsa Fam?lia" and Agrarian Reform, are seeing as inefficient, but they play a role to mitigate the perverse effects of agricultural mechanization. Finally, it is observed that the agroindustrialization in Una? is pointed as a future way to the economic development of the city and as a solution for the social problems. / O debate sobre pobreza e desigualdades sociais ? significativamente relevante em um pa?s com extremas disparidades como o Brasil. Por este motivo, o presente trabalho objetiva compreender a percep??o que a elite do agroneg?cio em Una? (MG) tem dos processos de desigualdade social e pobreza no munic?pio. No primeiro momento, indicadores sociais e econ?micos s?o utilizados para justificar a op??o pela pesquisa neste espa?o. Em seguida, ser?o aprofundadas algumas quest?es relacionadas com os temas pobreza e desigualdade a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa com atores do agroneg?cio. Entre as considera??es que o trabalho apresenta, observa-se primeiramente que a elite do agroneg?cio em Una? ? ciente dos impactos do crescimento do setor no desenvolvimento econ?mico do munic?pio, mas acredita que aspectos sociais possuem import?ncia secund?ria no processo. Em segundo, parte dos problemas sociais do munic?pio atualmente se relaciona com transforma??es estruturais que ocorreram no agroneg?cio local, sendo o Estado apontado como o principal respons?vel em resolv?-los. No terceiro momento, nota-se que as pol?ticas p?blicas: de assist?ncia social como o Bolsa Fam?lia e de Reforma Agr?ria, s?o vistas como ineficientes, mas desempenham um papel de mitigar os efeitos perversos da mecaniza??o agr?cola. Por ?ltimo, observa-se que a agroindustrializa??o de Una? ? apontada como uma via futura para o desenvolvimento econ?mico do munic?pio e solu??o para os problemas sociais.

A??o sindical e luta por terra no Rio de Janeiro

Barcellos, Fernando Henrique Guimaraes 25 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Fernando Henrique Guimaraes Barcellos.pdf: 1356283 bytes, checksum: 0417a1cf15c9ba0e6387430d6bcf8cc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The present dissertation aims to investigate the development of the actions of The Agricultural Workers Federation of Rio de Janeiro State FETAG ( Federa??o dos trabalhadores na Agricultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) on the land s conflicts in the state. The horizon of time to be studied is divided in three distinct periods. The first one is from 1945 to 1964. The second one is from 1964 to the begging of the 1970 s. And the last one goes from the middle of the 1970 s to the beginning of the 1980 s. In the first period, which is characterized by the beginning of the rural unionism in Brazil and ends with the coup d etat in 1964, it is identified the main forces on the scene, the way they were organized and how they used to fight, observing both who had the power of the organizations and the main changes that took place during the period. In the second period, the way the FETAG registered the conditions of the land s conflicts, its perception and definition of what was legitimate to be claimed in each historical moment and the arguments considered appropriate and legitimate of being used to direct such conflicts are taking into account. In addition, we used that background to understand who was the main actors to whom and for whom FETAG was interested to convey. In the third and last period, we shed light to the practices of fight of The FETAG, its changes and intensity during these years. During that time, it is possible to identify new forces in scene and the transformation of the strategies of fight along with the beginning of the dialog with the State and with other opponent or allied forces. To carry on this research we have used qualitative procedures, which articulates the analysis of narratives to the theoretical and documentary references. / O objetivo deste trabalho ? estudar as continuidades e rupturas da a??o da Federa??o dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FETAG) nos conflitos de terra no estado. O recorte temporal ? demarcado pelos primeiros passos do sindicalismo rural no Brasil, no per?odo compreendido entre 1945 e 1964, ano do golpe militar. Identificamos as principais for?as em cena, suas formas de organiza??o e luta, atentando para as mudan?as ao longo do tempo e tamb?m para quem detinha o controle das organiza??es. Reconstitu?mos a cultura pol?tica que a FETAG, quando surge, deixa para a FETAG ap?s o golpe militar, em 1964. O segundo momento vai de 1964 at? o in?cio dos anos 70. Caracterizamos como a FETAG historia as condi??es dos conflitos de terra, sua percep??o e defini??o do que pode ser qualificado como leg?timo de reivindicar em cada momento hist?rico, as justificativas que se consideram apropriadas de serem usadas para encaminhar esses conflitos e o processo de constitui??o das reivindica??es. Apresentamos suas principais demandas, como condi??o para entender quem eram os trabalhadores, para quem e de quem a FETAG falava e como se procurava traduzir este encontro. No terceiro momento, arrolamos sobre o enraizamento de pr?ticas de luta da FETAG, suas modifica??es e sua intensidade nos anos 1960 e 1970. Identificamos a entrada em cena de novas for?as e as transforma??es das estrat?gias de luta de meados dos anos 70 at? o in?cio dos anos 80, atentando ainda para o di?logo com o Estado e as outras for?as que se apresentavam como opositoras ou aliadas. Foram utilizados procedimentos qualitativos de pesquisa, articulando-se a an?lise de narrativas ao estudo de refer?ncias te?ricos e documentais.

A Caminho do Campo: As Rela??es entre Reforma Agr?ria e Migra??es rural-urbano-rural e urbano-rural. Um Estudo de Caso em Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ / On the way to the countryside: the relations between the agrarian reform and rural-urban-rural, urban-rural migrations. A study case in Campos dos Goytacazes RJ.

Aquino, Silvia Lima de 18 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Silvia Lima de Aquino.pdf: 2247706 bytes, checksum: 5cfe7cf962339a1676d1b1d93b1593eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This dissertation had as objective to examine the existing relation between the establishment of agrarian reform settlements and rural-urban-rural, urban-rural migrations, and the permanence of individuals on the countryside. It was selected a qualitative analysis, based on the settlers own point of view, about their migratory trajectories. Therefore, we firstly undertook a discussion which main themes were the pair urbanrural and migrations, and we assumed as conceptual-theoretic references the category identity, trajectory and habitus concepts, formulated by Pierre Bourdieu. The field work took place in Che Guevera and Ilha Grande settlements, both located in Campos dos Goytacazes, a city that belongs to the North region of Rio de Janeiro state. Depositions were collected utilizing semi-structured interview and participant observation, which permitted the reconstitution of their trajectories and, at the same time, evaluate perceptions, meanings and representation that evolves the described itineraries. Thus, we found that, according to the settlers, there is a close relation between the studied settlement conformation and migration to the countryside, starting in 1998. When they describe their trajectory, the settlers take work as a referential. In this way, conceptions of rural and urban were explicated and differences were established. The city is characterized as a space where time control and agitation prevails, while the countryside is described as a place of freedom, but relative, and tranquility, even though work is considered much more exhausting. This countryside conferred attribute is related, in certain a way, to the economic opportunity of supporting one s self with agricultural work, and, to the symbolic charge of being the proprietor of a piece of land. Therefore, even though there are theoretic branches claiming the end of the frontiers between city and countryside, to settlers, such frontiers are revealed, which shows the permanence of peculiar relations to each one of them, even when they are renewed. / Esta disserta??o teve por objetivo examinar a rela??o existente entre o estabelecimento de assentamentos de reforma agr?ria e as migra??es rural-urbano-rural, urbano-rural, bem como a perman?ncia de indiv?duos no campo. Para tanto, optou-se por uma an?lise qualitativa, fundamentada no ponto de vista dos pr?prios assentados a respeito de suas trajet?rias migrat?rias. Desta forma, empreendemos, inicialmente, uma discuss?o cujas tem?ticas principais foram o par rural-urbano e as migra??es e, assumimos como referenciais te?ricoconceituais a categoria identidade, bem como os conceitos de trajet?ria e habitus, formulados por Pierre Bourdieu. O trabalho de campo foi realizado nos Assentamentos Che Guevara e Ilha Grande, ambos situados em Campos dos Goytacazes, munic?pio pertencente ? regi?o Norte Fluminense. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e da observa??o participante, foram colhidos depoimentos dos assentados, o que permitiu a reconstitui??o de suas trajet?rias e, ao mesmo tempo, a avalia??o de percep??es, significados e representa??es que envolvem os itiner?rios descritos. Assim, constatamos que para os assentados existe uma estreita rela??o entre a conforma??o dos assentamentos estudados e a migra??o para o campo a partir de 1998. Ao descreverem suas trajet?rias, os assentados tomam o trabalho como um referencial. Deste modo, concep??es sobre o rural e o urbano s?o explicitadas e diferencia??es s?o estabelecidas. A cidade ? ent?o caracterizada como um espa?o em que prevalece o controle do tempo e a agita??o, ao passo que o campo ? adjetivado como um local de liberdade, ainda que relativa, e tranq?ilidade, apesar do trabalho ali ser considerado muito mais exaustivo. Este atributo conferido ao campo relaciona-se, em certa medida, com a oportunidade econ?mica de manter-se por meio do trabalho na agricultura e, com o peso simb?lico de ser propriet?rio de um peda?o de terra. Por isso, embora existam vertentes te?ricas que apregoam o fim das fronteiras entre campo e cidade, para os assentados, estas s?o manifestas, o que evidencia a perman?ncia de rela??es peculiares a cada um destes espa?os, ainda que sejam reatualizadas.

A rurbaniza??o como pol?tica social em Gilberto Freyre / Rurbanization as Social Politics in Gilberto Freyre

Duqueviz, Beatris Camila 15 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Beatris Camila Duqueviz.pdf: 823155 bytes, checksum: ab9d25e3d2a0aa02267d0eb20c9bb64a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / A leitura abrangente da obra de Gilberto Freyre remete-nos ao tema da unidade de seu pensamento. A preocupa??o de Freyre tamb?m se apresenta no problema da organiza??o do Estado, no dinamismo de certos tra?os culturais de car?ter nacional-popular, da rela??o entre intelectuais e povo, entre dirigentes e dirigidos. Na sua vis?o culturalista da hist?ria, Freyre parece pensar os problemas que afetam o projeto de constru??o de um sistema de hegemonia da classe burguesa industrial e urbana no Brasil. Partimos do pressuposto segundo o qual a proposta de reforma social do projeto pol?tico de Gilberto Freyre, o desenvolvimento integrado como rurbaniza??o, o Estado e os intelectuais s?o conclamados a assumir a condu??o das mudan?as apresentadas como necess?rias, evitando-se assim os perigos decorrentes da mobiliza??o pol?tica popular. A transforma??o social seria entendida, dessa forma, como um ato administrativo, resultado de uma pol?tica racional, que conciliaria de forma pl?stica interesses de todas as classes, mas reservando a exclusividade do poder ?s m?os da elite brasileira. Esse processo de transforma??o social poderia ser compreendido no conceito de revolu??o conservadora.

Homem, natureza e sensibilidades ambientais: as concep??es de ?reas naturais protegidas / Humankind, nature and environmental sensibilities: the notions of protected natural reserves

Camargos, Regina Maria de Fatima 08 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Regina Maria de Fatima Camargos.pdf: 1463585 bytes, checksum: 99e2cf715ac9d58caaf3a33eee59378d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-08 / The thesis discusses the naturalization of the current notion of environmentally protected areas. In order to show the historical and thus plural dimensionality of the idea of protected natural areas, it examines the founding discourses that were at play at the time of the creation of Yellowstone and of the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. The analysis of this material demonstrates the passing away of the representations of nature and natural reserves that were dominant in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, according to which the natural environment constituted a propitious scenario for the ethical, aesthetic, religious, cognitive and civic formation of humankind. The further development of ideas on this topic resulted in the dominance of an environmental sensibility that in contrast to the previous approach emphasizes the importance of the isolation of these areas vis a vis human presence as the basis of the defence of the intrinsic value of biodiversity. / O trabalho discute a naturaliza??o do conceito atual de unidades de conserva??o. Para evidenciar a dimens?o hist?rica e, portanto, plural da id?ia de ?reas naturais protegidas, s?o retomados os discursos fundamentadores da cria??o do Yellowstone e do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. Por meio do exame desse material, ? detectada a supera??o das representa??es de natureza e de parques naturais que prevaleceram no s?culo XIX e nas primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX, segundo as quais o ambiente natural constitu?a cen?rio prop?cio para a forma??o ?tica, est?tica, religiosa, cognitiva e c?vica do homem. Dessa supera??o, resulta o predom?nio de uma sensibilidade ambiental que, ao contr?rio, preconiza o isolamento dessas ?reas vis a vis a presen?a humana, com base na defesa do valor intr?nseco da biodiversidade.

Desenvolvimento Local, Turismo e Lazer no Agreste Central de Pernambuco. / Local Development, Tourism and Leisure within the Central Wasteland of Pernambuco.

Rodrigues, Margarita de C?ssia Viana 29 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Margarita de Cassia Viana Rodrigues01.pdf: 1038472 bytes, checksum: 80965daccb60d19028ccfb6ac797aea4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Our objective was to analyze in what measure the phenomena related to tourism and to leisure (secondary residences), contribute to the local development. In other words, starting from the understanding of the process of social transformation, we tried to identify and to analyze how those phenomena contribute for the current development process in the municipal district of Gravat?, in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Our research is a Case Study and involved the participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Of the 75 interviews, we selected 43 among formal workers, autonomous, rural producers, entrepreneurs, secondary residents and representatives of the municipal and state public powers. As methodological resource, we used the study of the daily life, analyzing the spaces of work and those of leisure. The results indicate that the symbolic power of the hegemonic culture related to the activities of tourism, together with secondary residents is constituted now in an political force, that orders the space and of the social imaginary of Gravat?. The local population is aware of the possibilities that the activities of tourism and the leisure of secondary residences, when well explored, can multiply its effects in the whole economy of the municipal district that has been lately expanded and diversified with the installation of new industries. The new dynamics undertaken by the tourism, secondary residences and activities directly related to them such as the gastronomy, has shown itself an effective way for the defense of the popular cultures and the revival of traditions and local habits, it is making possible the jobs and income creation for the local population, in spite of the low professional qualification still existent. Besides, it made possible the reinforcement of the feeling of belonging of that population. Thus, we can affirm that the development process that is happening in Gravat? really assists, partly, the concept of local development. If in a way we can observe the improvement of the quality of life of the local population with respect to job, income, professional training, education and health, on the other hand, the sense of empowerment , to give power to make decisions to the population in the development process still doesn't come true, since they didn't participate in the negotiations for the implantation of new industries. / Nosso objetivo foi analisar em que medida os fen?menos relacionados ao turismo e ao lazer (as segundas-resid?ncias) contribuem para o desenvolvimento local. Ou seja, a partir da compreens?o do processo de transforma??o social, procuramos identificar e analisar como esses fen?menos contribuem para o atual processo de desenvolvimento no munic?pio de Gravat?, no Agreste Central de Pernambuco. Nossa pesquisa ? um Estudo de Caso e as t?cnicas de pesquisa foram a observa??o participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Das 75 entrevistas, selecionamos 43 entre trabalhadores formais, aut?nomos, produtores rurais, empres?rios, moradores de segundas-resid?ncias e representantes dos poderes p?blicos municipal e estadual. Como recurso metodol?gico utilizamos o estudo da vida cotidiana, analisando os espa?os do trabalho e do lazer. Os resultados indicam que o poder simb?lico da cultura hegem?nica relacionada ?s atividades de turismo, em conjunto com os moradores de segundas-resid?ncias se constituem atualmente numa for?a pol?tica, ordenadora do espa?o e do imagin?rio social de Gravat?. A popula??o local tem consci?ncia das possibilidades que as atividades de turismo e ao lazer de segundas-resid?ncias, quando bem exploradas, podem surtir efeitos multiplicadores em toda a economia do munic?pio, que nos ?ltimos tempos tem se expandido e diversificado, com a instala??o de novas ind?strias. A nova din?mica empreendida pelo turismo, segundas-resid?ncias e atividades diretamente relacionadas a elas como a gastronomia, tem se mostrado uma forma eficaz na defesa das culturas populares e o revigoramento das tradi??es e costumes locais, est? possibilitando a gera??o de emprego e renda para a popula??o local, apesar da baixa qualifica??o profissional ainda existente. Al?m disso, possibilitou o refor?o do sentimento de pertencimento dessa popula??o. E sendo assim podemos afirmar que o processo de desenvolvimento que vem acontecendo em Gravat? realmente atende, em parte, o conceito de desenvolvimento local. Se por um lado est? ocorrendo a melhoria da qualidade de vida da popula??o local no que tange a emprego, renda, capacita??o profissional, educa??o e sa?de, por outro, o sentido de empoderar , dar poder de decis?o ? popula??o no processo de desenvolvimento n?o se cumpre ainda, uma vez que n?o participaram das negocia??es para a implanta??o de novas ind?strias.

Direito ? Comunica??o: uma formula??o contempor?nea de exig?ncias de mudan?as nas estruturas coletivas de comunica??o e informa??o. Contribui??es para uma an?lise sociogenesiol?gica e configuracional da articula??o CRIS Brasil. / Communication Rights: a contemporary statement of required changes in the collective structures of communication and information. Contributions to Sociogenesis and Configurational analysis of the CRIS Brazil articulation.

Spenillo, Giuseppa Maria Daniel 17 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Giuseppa Maria Daniel Spenillo.pdf: 1620863 bytes, checksum: 178ac481d27ca04b2af80abf88e78378 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-17 / This work considers the recent social mobilization to promote the notion of communication as a human right by entities and activists as confrontation to the intergovernmental proposal that approaches contemporary phenomena linked to the uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a global process called World Summit on Information Society (CMSI), approved by ONU in 2001 and carried through two stages, in 2003 and 2005. The necessity to raise the level of communication up to the international and central platforms of debate on which society we want , established on an expectation of change summarized in the expressions another world is possible and another communication is possible has been growing since 2001, in the establishment of World Social Forums. This movement leads entities and activists to articulation CRIS gatherings - Communication Rights on the Information Society, that is perceived as a great world campaign for the right to communication. In Brazil an articulation CRIS was formed in 2003. The social history of the mobilization processes with the purpose of communication changes in Brazil is investigated according to a configurational approach and a sociogenesis perspective (Norbert Elias). There is a dual focus: a) the social relations which are established searching the dynamics for change and the political struggle for the right to communication and b) the habitus that support collective and individual actions, strengthen positions, and freeze certain social dynamics (such as the ones crystallized in laws), while being renewed in the social dynamics (as the search for other forms of political fight), which form social configurations. By studying the fight for the right to communication, needs and expectations have been found, imminently human issues that, for Elias, generate the rhythm and directions of social change. The issues dealt with above underlie our perception that rights, although resulting from political struggles and social power redistribution, meet an ideal of equality as derived from an individualistic conception of society. Therefore, the understanding of Human Right, does not account for less visible social inequalities such as those related to communication and information due to the individualistic framework upholding it. / Tratamos neste trabalho da mobiliza??o social recente para formula??o da no??o de comunica??o como um direito humano, promovida por entidades e ativistas como enfrentamento da proposta inter-governamental de abordar fen?menos contempor?neos ligados aos usos de tecnologias de informa??o e comunica??o (TICs) num processo global denominado C?pula Mundial sobre a Sociedade da Informa??o (CMSI), aprovada na ONU em 2001 e realizada em duas etapas, em 2003 e 2005. A necessidade de elevar a comunica??o ao patamar do debate internacional e central sobre qual sociedade queremos , fundada numa expectativa de mudan?a sintetizada nas express?es um outro mundo ? poss?vel e uma outra comunica??o ? poss?vel vem tomando f?lego desde 2001, nos processos de constru??o dos F?runs Sociais Mundiais. Esse movimento leva ? reuni?o de entidades e ativistas na articula??o CRIS Communication Rights on the Information Society. No Brasil ? formada uma articula??o CRIS a partir de 2003. ? a hist?ria social desses processos de mobiliza??o em fun??o de mudan?as na comunica??o, no Brasil, que investigamos a partir de uma abordagem configuracional e na perspectiva da sociog?nese (Norbert Elias). Para tal, entrevistamos entre 2006 e 2007, participantes da articula??o CRIS Brasil e, ainda, da mobiliza??o por mudan?as na comunica??o no Brasil, e acompanhamos, no per?odo, eventos sobre comunica??o e informa??o. No estudo da luta pelo direito ? comunica??o descobrimos necessidades e expectativas, quest?es iminentemente humanas que, para Elias, produzem os ritmos e as dire??es da mudan?a social. Estas quest?es fundamentam nossa tese de que direitos, embora resultem de lutas sociais e sejam redistribui??es de poder nas estruturas sociais, atendem a um ideal de igualdade proveniente da concep??o individualista de sociedade. A compreens?o de Direito Humano, portanto, n?o d? conta de desigualdades sociais menos vis?veis como as de comunica??o e informa??o pelo pr?prio arcabou?o individualista que a sustenta.

A Tradi??o Reconfigurada: Mandonismo, Municipalismo e Poder Local no Munic?pio de Nil?polis e no Bairro da Rocinha na Regi?o Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro / Tradition Reconfigured: Mandonismo , Municipalism and Local Power in Nil?polis Municipality and Rocinha Neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region.

Ba?a, Paulo Rog?rio dos Santos 05 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Paulo Rogerio dos Santos Baia.pdf: 902826 bytes, checksum: 99da3b0e5f7f1bd71d80564f050f5065 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-05 / This thesis is a study of unequal power relations at the local level within the state of Rio de Janeiro. It analyzes the interaction between citizens' rights and the increasing demands for more active agency in dealings with the state and its representatives. What appears, at first glance, to be an antagonistic relationship between citizens and the state, especially in the matter of the exercise of power by state agencies, turns out to be more complex; hence the need for approaching the analysis of power in terms of the possibilities for both expansion and limitations. There are consequences of the above for the interactions between (a) social actors as citizens and (b) agencies and representatives of the state in a context which is characterized by conflict and violence. This study presents a comparative analysis of two sites, Rocinha and Nilopolis; this methodology further enhances the formulation of broader research questions which could be applicable to and testable in other situations. This thesis is a contribution to the study of power relations and transformations in the state of Rio de Janeiro and the cultural and ideological politics therein. / A presente tese ? um estudo de corte vertical, de forma localizada, sobre o poder local e o mandonismo face a formas emergentes de cidadania participativa e demandas por direitos e reconhecimento social. Sendo, em princ?pio, concep??es antag?nicas de exerc?cio do poder, foram analisados a extens?o, os limites e as poss?veis formas de conviv?ncia entre os atores sociais nesse espa?o privilegiado pelo conflito e pela viol?ncia. Optamos pela realiza??o de um estudo comparativo de objetos aparentemente extremos e antag?nicos, o Munic?pio de Nil?polis e o bairro da Rocinha, na Regi?o Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo nos ofereceu subs?dios para a confec??o de cen?rios mais abrangentes e ao mesmo tempo espec?ficos, que possibilitaram construir uma percep??o, uma compreens?o e uma interpreta??o tendo a observa??o emp?rica na Baixada Fluminense, nas favelas cariocas e, de maneira especial, no Munic?pio de Nil?polis e no bairro da Rocinha como foco das rupturas e continuidades das rela??es de mando-obedi?ncia que legitimam e caracterizam a ideologia cultural da pol?tica fluminense contempor?nea.

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