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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comunicação e cultura: os pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jürgen Habermas

Sandro Assencio 10 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto da presente pesquisa constitui-se na análise imanente dos pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" de Jürgen Habermas verificada no interior de sua magnum opus - a Teoria do agir comunicativo, publicada em 1981. O objetivo a que nos propusemos alcançar é a elucidação do modo peculiar como Habermas absorve as aquisições teóricas da pragmática linguística (em especial J. L. Austin e J. R. Searle) visando a construção de sua teoria da comunicação, cujo ponto central é a postulação do consenso entre sujeitos capazes de linguagem e ação como o \"fim último\" ou télos do agir comunicativo. A hipótese teórica - ou de trabalho -, que acreditamos ter sido confirmada ao longo de nossa pesquisa, é a de que Habermas, mesmo sendo um árduo defensor da razão e do \"projeto da modernidade\", compartilha ponto comum com os pensadores do período que se convencionou designar pós-modernidade: o chamado \"idealismo linguístico\", isto é, apreensão dos atos comunicativos como entidades autônomas, porque separados das relações materiais e sociais dos homens. / The object of this research is the immanent analysis of the Jürgen Habermas \"linguistic-pragmatic turn\" presuppositions, verified in his magnum opus - The Theory of Communicative Action, published in 1981. The goal we set ourselves to achieve is to elucidate the peculiar way as Habermas absorbs the theoretical acquisitions of linguistic pragmatics (especially J. L. Austin and J. R. Searle) for the construction of a theory of communication, whose focal point is the postulation of consensus between subjects capable of speech and action as the telos of communicative action. The theoretical hypothesis that we believe have been confirmed throughout our research is that Habermas, despite being a vehement defender of reason and the \"Project of modernity\", shares common ground with the thinkers of that period is conventionally designate postmodernity: the so-called \"linguistic idealism\", i. e. the seizure of communicative acts as autonomous entities, because separed of socials and materials relations of men

Diálogo social: a comunicação na construção dos relacionamentos das organizações com as comunidades vizinhas - o caso Ampla / Diálogo social: a comunicação na construção dos relacionamentos das organizações com as comunidades vizinhas - o caso Ampla

Eduardo Guerra Murad Ferreira 03 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre a comunicação como um sistema de relacionamento, mais especificamente entre organizações, movimentos sociais, comunidades, lideranças comunitárias e demais atores sociais estratégicos dos três setores Estado, sociedade civil organizada e iniciativa privada. Entendendo-se a comunicação como processo de relacionamento, o nosso objetivo são as políticas de comunicação com as comunidades em busca da sustentabilidade dos territórios, também chamado de diálogo social. A pesquisa analisa as consequências para a empresa e para a comunidade, do diálogo social como estratégia de comunicação/relacionamento. Trata de aspectos como espaço público, reputação, mediação, recepção e interação, em processos de comunicação entendidos como ações comunicativas. / The present work is a study about the communication asa relationship system, more specifically among organizations, social movements, communities, community leaderships and other strategic social actors from the three sectors State, civil society and business community. To understand the communication as a process, wetargeted the communication policies with the communities reaching the territorial sustainability, so called stakeholders engagement. The research analyses the consequences of stakeholders engagement for the corporation and the community, while communicative/relationship strategy. It deals with aspects like public sphere, reputation, mediation, reception and interaction, in the process of communication known as communicative action.

Indústria Cultural e Educação: caminhos de volta / Cultural Industry and Education: ways in return

Ludwig, Cristiane 13 April 2007 (has links)
This research was presented to the Pos Graduation Program in Education, specifically to the Master Degree level, in the Centro de Educação (Center of Education) at UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria), for the line of research on Education and Art. The approach of this work is about the relations between education and cultural industry and their implications in the actual context starting from the diagnosis of the dialectic to the convenient cultural formation while pseudo culture, by Theodor W. Adorno, and of the action communicative theory, by Jürgen Habermas, who emphasizes the public space transformation. The purpose is analyses the concept of cultural industry as a mechanism of aesthetization to the experienced world. In the sense to aid the reversion to the cultural processes of appropriation, it makes use of the hermeneutic reconstructive dialog proposing some outlook for education in order that human being can dialogue and interact with the challenges that results from this context. In this way, this research proposes the work to decode images as a tool to think in better strategies for the formation of civic judgment. The discussion hypothesis proposes the idea that pedagogical changes which can contribute to destabilize the unidimensionality given to the communication, by the distorted practice, must pass by reeducation to the meaning of comprehend. This approach allows other comprehension meanings opening, immersed in the expressed messages, once presupposes participation in a community governed by communicative action, that it contemplates a way of double hand and that itinerary of has not only gone, but also ways in return. Thus the educative practice, through the ontextualized interventions in the experienced world, opens other ways of comprehension to the meanings plurality that emerge form the cultural patrimony, mainly the recognize of the other alterity and the differences, considering the complexity of the daily emergent values from the new interactive media. / Esta pesquisa foi apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, nível de Mestrado, do Centro de Educação, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, para a linha de pesquisa: Educação e Arte. O trabalho versa sobre as relações entre educação e indústria cultural e suas implicações no contexto atual a partir do diagnóstico da dialética da formação cultural, apropriada enquanto pseudocultura, de Theodor W. Adorno, e da teoria da ação comunicativa, de Jürgen Habermas, que enfatiza os processos de transformação do espaço público. O objetivo é analisar o conceito de indústria cultural como mecanismo de estetização do mundo vivido. Para tal, utiliza o diálogo hermenêutico reconstrutivo no sentido de auxiliar a reversão dos processos de apropriação do cultural, propondo algumas perspectivas à educação, a fim de que os indivíduos possam dialogar e interagir com os desafios resultantes desse contexto. Assim, a pesquisa propõe o trabalho de decodificação de imagens como forma de repensar melhores estratégias para a formação da opinião pública. A hipótese de discussão propõe a idéia de que as mudanças pedagógicas que podem contribuir para desestabilizar a unidimensionalidade dada à comunicação, pela prática sistematicamente distorcida, deve passar por uma reeducação dos sentidos do compreender. Essa proposta permite a abertura de outros sentidos da compreensão imersos nas mensagens expressas, uma vez que pressupõe a participação numa comunidade regida pela ação comunicativa, que contempla uma via de mão dupla e que não tem apenas itinerários de ida, mas também caminhos de volta. Desse modo, a prática educativa, através de intervenções contextualizadas no mundo vivido, abre outras formas de compreensão da pluralidade de sentidos que emergem do acervo cultural, principalmente o reconhecimento da alteridade do outro e das diferenças, considerando a complexidade dos valores emergentes do cotidiano das novas mídias interativas.

Subjektifilosofiasta pedagogisen toiminnan teoriaan

Kivelä, A. (Ari) 26 March 2004 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the paradigm shift from philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. Modern pedagogic thought is deeply rooted in the philosophy of subjectivity. Its point of departure is the concept of the autonomous subject capable to form and define him-/herself and the world of his/hers. This line of thought is the main conceptual framework of theory of formation (Bildung) tradition. Theory of education (Erziehung) has been built upon a presupposition, that educational influence makes human being able to use reason potential to every human being and thus to realize the process of formation. Pedagogical thought of Immanuel Kant is the most prominent example of modern pedagogical thought. Kant argues that human becomes human through education. Education should force human to the autonomous use of reason. However, the concept of educational influence is in contradiction to the kantian idea of human freedom and autonomy. Despite of educational heteronomy should educatee be recognized as an autonomous subject. This basic problem of the modern theory of education is called pedagogical paradox. Helmut Peukert and Jan Masschelein have tried to find option fort the philosophy of subjectivity and thus the way out from the pedagogical paradox. This can be done by the shift from the philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. According to Habermas, philosophy and human sciences must abadon the idea of autonomous subject and intersubjectivity must be taken as the basic concept of the theoretical reflection. Intersubjectivity must be seen as basis for the human existence. Thus pedagogical action is seen as communicative action. Peukert and Masschelein have not taken in account the critics against Habermas' and Tugendhat's project. Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank argue intersubjectivity cant take priority against subjectivity or vice versa. Subjectivity and intersubjectivity have the same origin in human existence. Human beining must be seen as subject and person. The author attempt to reconstruct this line of thought by the conceptual analysis of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's philosophy. This opens possibilities for the educational understanding of Henrich's philosophy and his programmatic theory of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. / Tiivistelmä Työssä tarkastellaan subjektifilosofian ja intersubjektiivisuusteorian välistä suhdetta. Moderni pedagoginen ajattelu nousee subjektifilosofisesta perinteestä. Sen sivistysteoreettisena lähtökohtana on ollut ajatus itseään ja omaa maailmaansa määrittävästä autonomisesta ja itsetoiminnallisesta subjektista, joka kykenee käyttämään omaa järkeään. Kasvatusteoreettisen refleksion kohteena on puolestaan ollut kysymys siitä, kuinka kasvatuksellisen vaikuttamisen avulla on mahdollista tuottaa tai saada aikaan autonomisen subjektin kehittyminen. Immanuel Kantin pedagoginen ajattelu on esimerkki modernista pedagogisesta ajattelutavasta ja sen ongelmista. Kantin mukaan ihminen tulee ihmiseksi kasvatuksen kautta. Kasvatuksen tehtävänä on mahdollistaa, että ihminen oppii käyttämään ihmiselle ominaista potentiaalista järkeä itsenäisesti. Tämä edellyttää kuitenkin ulkoista kasvatuksellista pakkoa, joka on ristiriidassa Kantin ja koko modernin filosofian kannalta keskeisen itseä määrittelevän vapaan subjektiviteetin periaatteen kanssa. Hän kiteytti modernin pedagogiikan dilemman kysymykseen "kuinka kultivoida vapautta pakolla". Kasvatuksellinen pakko on välttämätön järjen autonomisen järjenkäytön empiirisen kehittymisen kannalta. Pakosta huolimatta kasvava on kuitenkin tunnustettava alusta saakka vapaana olentona. Tätä argumentaatiomallia ja sen myöhempiä variantteja on nimitetty pedagogiseksi paradoksiksi. Erityisesti saksalaisella kielialueella on etsitty vaihtoehtoja subjektifilosofiselle paradigmalle. Helmut Peukert ja Jan Masschelein ovat pyrkineet osoittamaan, kuinka pedagoginen paradoksi on ratkaistavissa siirtymällä subjektifilosofisesta paradigmasta intersubjektivistiseen ajattelutapaan. He nojautuvat vahvasti Jürgen Habermasin ohjelmalliseen näkemykseen, jonka mukaan subjektifilosofian umpikujat ja ongelmat siirtyvät pois päiväjärjestyksestä, mikäli filosofiassa ja laajemmin myös ihmistieteissä luovutaan autonomisen itseriittoisen subjektin ensisijaisuuden periaatteesta ja korvataan se oletuksella kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin ensisijaisuudesta subjektiviteettiin nähden. Kasvatustieteessä tämä merkitsee pedagogisen toiminnan samaistamista kommunikatiiviseen toimintaan. Kasvatustieteellisessä keskustelussa ei ole kuitenkaan otettu huomioon intersubjektivistista käännettä kohtaan esitettyä kritiikkiä. Dieter Henrich ja Manfred Frank ovat filosofian alueella kritisoineet Habermasia ja tämän ajatteluun vaikuttanutta Ernst Tugendhatia siitä, ettei intersubjektivistinen käänne ole aivan yksinkertaisesti toteutettavissa. Näin siksi, ettei ainakaan käsiteanalyyttisen tarkastelun tasolla ole mahdollista osoittaa, kuinka subjektiviteetti olisi kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin johdannainen. Henrich onkin esittänyt, että subjektiviteetti ja intersubjektiviteetti ovat yhtä alkuperäisiä ilmiöitä. Tästä seuraa, että konkreettista yksilöä on tarkasteltava sekä subjektina että persoonana. Henrichin ohjelmallista näkemystä on mahdollista eksplikoida Johann Gottlieb Fichten interpersoonallisuusteorian ja subjektiteorian avulla. Fichten ajattelu avaa myös mahdollisuuden kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettiselle tarkastelulle, joka ei palauta pedagogista toimintaa palauteta joko subjektifilosofiseen tai intersubjektivistiseen paradigmaan. Fichten kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettisten implikaatioiden avulla on siten mahdollista avata tietä Henrichin subjektiteoreettisten näkemysten kasvatus- ja sivistysfilosofiselle reseptiolle.

Facilitating policy implementation using ICT in a development context : a South African ubuntu approach

Twinomurinzi, Hossana 07 July 2010 (has links)
The road of development through e-government is covered with deep potholes and dead ends. This is because Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are adopted and e-government policies are developed with a blind focus on the ICT tools and with little reflection on the contribution of ICT to development (Heeks and Bailur, 2007, p. 243, Avgerou, 2009, p. 14). To assist with this reflection Information Systems (IS) researchers are increasingly calling for the development of local contextual theory or a framework in ICT for Development (ICT4D) (Avgerou, 2009, p. 14, Madon et al., 2007, Walsham, 2003, Walsham, 1997). This thesis responds to that call by investigating the role of e-government towards development within the South African context. The means of inquiry was a three year ethnographic immersion in a longitudinal research project. The aim of the longitudinal research project was to investigate how a specialised type of ICT (Group Support Systems) can enable interaction between government and citizens in attaining specific human rights. The research project centred on creating an awareness among the public in South Africa of a newly enacted Act, the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act No 3 of 2000 (PAJA). The rich data collected was analysed using Grounded Theory, resulting in a substantive theory that suggests that within the South African context e-government could contribute to development if it is used to facilitate policy implementation within the spirit of Ubuntu. The thesis delineates the journey up to the emergence of the substantive theory. The substantive theory has important implications for IS theory and IS practice. For IS theory, the substantive theory demonstrates that research on ICT4D in Africa could usefully be undertaken by following an action research strategy within a critical-interpretive paradigm. The substantive theory also suggests the importance of taking into account the contextual collaborative nature of African culture in the spirit of Ubuntu when conducting such research. For practice, the substantive theory proposes a potential framework where ICT could provide the collaborative environment or shared space in the spirit of Ubuntu for policy implementation towards development. Checked against implementation requirements on the South African policy on entrepreneurship, the substantive theory framework proves to be equally valuable. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Informatics / unrestricted

Towards reconstructing meaning when text is communicated electronically

Alexander, Patricia Margaret 19 August 2002 (has links)
Modern society frequently fails to achieve the goal of improved rationality and this is largely because the conditions for ideal speech do not prevail. We do not always permit everyone an equal opportunity to explain their point of view and the force of the best argument does not always prevail. Communication becomes more difficult when people cannot meet face to face, but it is also hindered when people cannot contact one another easily. There is, therefore, a trade-off between using computer-mediated media for communication and speaking to each other in person. Although meaning can never be shared to the extent that two individuals have precisely the same interpretation of a concept, and society is not based on individuals uniformly embracing identical views or values, in every day life consensus needs to be reached and truth claims, normative validity claims and aesthetic validity claims must be made, debated and eventually accepted or refuted. Collaboration on substantial tasks that require the development of concepts and reconstruction of meaning depends on effective communication. In the distributed social structures which have developed as a result of globalisation it is important that dispersed teams are able to work together. This includes collaborative learning in distance education. In the action research undertaken first year Informatics students could choose between doing team work face-to-face, or as dispersed teams communicating via e-mail or WebCT. The discussions were recorded and were analysed to identify the different types of communicative action engaged in. This was done to understand how this group collaborate so that success factors could be identified and proposals be made regarding education in the use of e-mail. It was found that the virtual (dispersed) teams studied did not succeed in collaborating. Communication ability is defined in this thesis as the skill that compensates for the inherent leanness of the medium used. A number of depictions of factors contributing to successful asynchronous collaboration are provided. Different classes of information and time, trust and communication ability assist in constructing meaning when text is communicated electronically. This led to suggestions regarding improving the communications ability of individuals. / Dissertation (PhD (Information Technology))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Informatics / unrestricted

Habermas against Hyperrationalism / Habermas contra el hiperracionalismo: apuntes del debate Habermas-Luhmann a propósito del tópico marxista de la ideología

Sotomayor, Enrique 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper presents a revision of the way in which Jürgen Habermas returns to the critical tradition of Marxism regarding the topic of ideology. After the characterization of Habermasian thinking regarding the progress of instrumental rationality (at the expense of communicative reason) it confronts the debate between Habermas and Niklas Luhmann within German Social Theory. Finally, the third section focuses on showing the differences regarding the conception of the place of law in society, based on the theoretical frameworks of Habermas and Luhmann. / El presente trabajo plantea una revisión de la forma en que Jürgen Habermas retoma la tradición crítica del marxismo respecto del tópico de la ideología. Luego y a partir de la caracterización del pensamiento de Habermas respecto del avance de la racionalidad instrumental (en detrimento de la razón comunicativa) afrontaremos el debate que han sostenido Habermas y Niklas Luhmann en el seno de la Teoría social alemana. Finalmente, la tercera sección se centra en mostrar las diferencias en la concepción sobre el lugar del derecho en la sociedad, a partir de los marcos teóricos de Habermas y Luhmann.

Democratic participation on digital conditions : communication challenges and opportunities for collective action organizations / Demokratiskt deltagande på digitala villkor : kommunikativa utmaningar och möjligheter för civila samhällsorganisationer

Rintala, Maja January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how communication technology is used for creating a democratic and committed participation within collective action organizations (CAOs). This is achieved by illuminating how organizations' structure and culture relate to their communication. It’s done by in-depth interviews with network-based movements and association-based organizations, and analyses of their digital newsletters. The analysis is based on affordance-driven theory, capturing the interaction between organizations and their digital platforms. The focus lies on how internal democracy and collective action are afforded or constrained to some degrees. Degrees of deliberation for creating common ground and active participation are made visible by using the concept of communicative action. Theories within social movement studies, such as collective action, broaden the understanding of how the perception of digital tools shapes and is shaped by their structure and culture. The results show that the usage and coordination of communication channels is essential for the practice of internal democracy in everyday work, beyond annual meetings and board meetings. Independent chat-based platforms enable an increased control of conversations, cooperation and coordination, while information overload and effective decision- making processes can hinder democratic participation. Commercial social media platforms such as Facebook enables new flows of engagement and connectivity but constrains coordination and control of the framing process within Facebook groups. Additionally, unpredictable algorithms and advertising policy on Facebook makes it difficult to reach out. Overall, the study suggests a broadened view of communication, where communication and usage of digital media should not be considered as instrumental entities. Rather, it is strongly related to how channels are being coordinated, how organizations are organized and the view of participation. Formal structures can both hinder and enable increased communicative action that contributes to democratic participation.

生活世界與合理性 / 由哈伯瑪斯何謂普遍語用學至溝通行動理論之探究

吳佩瑾, Wu,Peggie Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要任務為探討哈伯瑪斯(J?rgen Habermas, 1929-) 於《溝通行動理論》(Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, 1981) 中生活世界概念與其普遍語用學之關聯

Värden och villkor : pedagogers samtal om ett yrkesetiskt dokument

Linnér, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
During the last decade, issues concerning ethics and values have been given much attention in debates on education as well as in society in general. The problems surrounding such issues are tied to current societal trends towards growing differentiation, individualisation, and increasingly fragmented value systems. Consequently, the core values of pre-schools and schools are currently stressed also as a basic ethical and democratic responsibility of teachers and other pedagogical personnel. The aim of this dissertation is to analytically reconstruct pedagogic discourses on issues related to core values and ethics. The research perspective includes a social-philosophical point of departure with a focus on Habermas’s theories of communicative action and discourse ethics. The methodology builds on critical discourse analysis. The results shed light on the ways in which teaching teams in pre-schools and schools at different levels discuss and attempt to reach agreement concerning a local document focussed on professional ethics. There are striking differences as to how ethically relevant concepts such as "starting from the childrens' / pupils' own capabilities," "sense of security," "responsibility," "respect," and "active participation" are talked about. In the theoretical reconstruction that follows, it is argued that the discussions can be understood as communication about and within particular types of contextual discourses. The five types of discourses formulated in the study are the following: "efficiency-oriented discourse," "normative tradition-oriented discourse," "care-oriented discourse," "communication-oriented discourse," and individual-oriented discourse," all of which are mutually related to each other. When the conversations are analysed from the perspective of critical discourse theory, a deeper understanding emerges of how childrens' learning about ethics and morals takes place in relation to the types of pedagogic discourse they encounter. Efficiency-oriented, normative tradition-oriented and individual-oriented discourse may lead to learning that counteracts the aims of schools as meeting-places for democracy. However, care-oriented discourse and communicative-oriented discourse both embody qualities that may increase the opportunities to work towards overarching educational goals such as democracy and solidarity. The results of the study show that the lofty ideals presented in educational directives and policy documents risk giving rise to exhaustion and feelings of guilt among pedagogues trying to live up to them when adequate resources are not available. The ability to make sound moral judgements may deteriorate due to increasingly stressful work situations where demands are not in line with the actual resources of everyday pedagogic contexts.

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